Rigging - Bobber Types and Sizes

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this is Joe Rose Merrick and in this video we're gonna talk about different types of box there's generally two styles one your conventional round clip-on bomber take a piece of line push a little button a little hook clip comes out real your bobber is on the line yeah you can do that with both around bobber or with a pencil type bobber you can get this little spring sides in there and also helps to keep it on there there we go our bobbers on the lines or there's called slip bobber slip bobber gonna have a hole both ends and what you're gonna do is the line will actually go through this hole and come out the other end of the bobber this slip bobber works nice cuz that way you can have more lines how to pass your bobber when you are fishing so if you're fishing in 20 foot of water and you want to be a foot off the bottom you don't have to have 19 foot of line after your bobber and have it fixed you can have two foot of line pass your bobber and then just allow this to slide up to some sort of stop there's you know this round type bobber has its place it works good on a low attention fisherman but you're fishing with kids if you're fishing on things that are really aggressive and are definitely gonna grab a line pull this will sink it's very easy to tell you have the fish that's on here it only works if you can get it to pull down it's more difficult to see it moving laterally and water which is where your pencil type bobber you know it's it's long and slender tends to work better sitting in the water it can go down something pulls on it but if something pulls on it and just starts drifting off to the right well geez that's not where my bobber was and you can go and do a hook set so it works better for multi-directional travel with dish not necessarily just straight down in terms of picking bobber size I've got this whole tray of bobbers in here of different sizes and different shapes so if I'm paying fishing here's here's a little itty bitty guy if you compare this to so a bobber that I'd use you know for for walleye or smallmouth bass there's a little itty bitty round bobbers if I'm out you know fishing the small pan fish this would be about right for a a small smallmouth bass or a large pan fish or if you're looking at large bass so those are basic rules for working with a bobber use a smallest bobber possible or weight your hook to go in and account for your bobber size and whenever possible using pencil type bobber so you can detect lateral movement of your line in the water thanks for watching
Channel: Rozmiarek Fishing
Views: 25,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, rigging, bobber, slip bobber, clip bobber
Id: HQV9ofWbC-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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