TableTop: [BONUS CLIP] Wil Wheaton & Friends Create the World of Misspent Youth

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so first of all we are going to go around the table and we are going to brainstorm we're going to talk about all the things that that we don't like about bullies in the real world and we will use that information to inspire and form our authority anybody have a thing yeah I feel like you got to think of so many things yeah I know but you got to pick what celebrating lazy thinking drives me crazy like that like if there was a bully who celebrated lazy thinking how would that manifest itself I love that I love a certain instinct is right whatever you like never second-guess Galileo is is right Gallo is regular it was right Galileo was right no no no the Sun is not the center of the solar system put him in jail boil him in oil kick him out of the church he's done well actually some people say slow not enter the solar system got Sun explained maybe we would call it like that sounds like a form of absolutist or like oh yeah obdurate obdurate confidence hundred confidence like that a thing that that that that I see bullies do all the time that makes me absolutely nuts they were impervious to reason like don't do that it hurts so it's almost like stop hitting yourself I'm not even over your hitting no you're not yes you're almost down fighting escalating yeah yeah it's yeah I mean it really is gaslighting you have any thoughts yeah anonymity anonymity greater the courage the courage of cowardice going after friends and family oh okay guilty by association or like just completely controlling by threatening who you love so what do you what do you think I I'm not sure which is more helpful because I have a lot of like societal and systems things in anger about and then like my personal bully stuff is hard to work in the game like this because it was sort of like a junior high school bullies ability to make you that they are right that you are ugly and stupid and nobody wants to be friends with you from an authoritarian perspective right that's hot that it would be having a physical ideal right yeah go an authority that has a standard to which everyone is expected to conform and groupthink yes you guys I got it yes this is this is super so what we have here is this we have this icky horrible authority who rewards bad behavior is super unaccountable is really selfish encourages you to inform on your friends and your family encourages groupthink and has set a standard that's difficult to obtain hegemony well I mean or we built 1950s America okay [Music] so I have to compete can we skip to Vistage yeah go yes because I just corporate please okay sure no catharsis this is important yeah absolutely and I say this yeah so okay so that's actually that's actually really cool right this is a corporation and I'm trying to sell you something right or making buy things so that you can form to one particular thing slavery it's a corporation that's telling people to other people's children unwanted children is workforce Oh as their need that's their lay that listen but listen in that case the victim is definitely humanity I think it was absolutely humanity well I think that's not how it depends on what we plan if it victory that puts us in the role of we are young adults working in the system that sells people our same age into servitude because that is a story alive excited about telling look we're in wearing khakis and and pressed shirts as well and and but but in the break rooms on the DL we're like this of you guys because it is different thing than we're going out to free people from a kennel or whatever so I think they're vice is great and nice political yeah and I am me okay okay okay okay so number one it can't another one it can't not be political yeah because that is what every like youth movement every rebellion has always been somehow based in on it within politics and also the Sun is the center of our solar system alright so more greed because I need a pitch for it being great as soon as we got corporate but it does sound like they still might be more absolutely well you know what I also till I put down history and humanity is victim and I can also put down green absolutism as vice and then we can find out together okay first coffee first couple yeah seems like like what a bigger atom of this toilet I know yeah I know yeah like yeah that's an is cool that's cool it's fun to find that stuff out and it happens right this happens every time you play a role playing and you think you're going to be exploring one thing and then you find out that you're actually exploring something different okay so now we need to find out what the authorities need is I really like the idea that what this what the authority needs to do who is uh the authority needs more needs more kids yeah so I mean so how do you make more kids and there's a couple like all very creepy is that really that's how it works just do downstairs business so the struggle for the authority is not that we've run out of them too like we've just run out of them it might be to keep putting kids into its system yeah if the authority wins then for at least a generation the kids are going to keep coming in and like you guys and everyone you know and all of your siblings and all of that so as the authority I'm going to take that [Music] somehow this this Authority exerts control over the kids in its in its world and let's choose a science-fiction element for that so it can be something like in in in battle royale it's an exploding collar in Logan's Run it's a little crystal in your hand right I mean so this could be like super science fiction and like right I mean it could be like nanobots that live inside of you a state-issued familiar yeah well you're oh my gosh your your PDA is always always on and it's always really I re-entries you have to tell yes there or learn today and what you don't like about yourself and what you're working on and like yes oh god that's horrible yes yeah yeah were you a bad agent today yeah mandatory yet mandatory PDA with with with scheduled check-in right yeah in addition to the PDA there's you also there's a thing that you have to wear on your wrist uh-huh and and you can't take this off okay if you haven't done all of your check on check-ins look this thing gets progressively tighter and tighter and so it starts cutting off your sleep it starts cutting off your ability to use your hand yes okay what are you when you have a I don't know speaking of a five-star day that's really great if you have like a two-star day or lower your journal entries are broadcast on a positive reinforcement channel sort of like those newspapers you can buy at the gas station that had people that were busted for drugs is mug shot newspapers or whatever publication I love though I think you have a bad day there's a chance your neighbors khatoun and watch your diary entry learn all about you and how you failed that day so they can help lift you up the neck oh man I love that and that that that that works that works that works really well with the way that this Authority is about conformity great that are terrific I love it and whatever one more solutions oh yeah I'm tempted to say like I'm not sure if this is something we can smash or fight against or not but I'm tempted to say that like systems of control could somehow be like to reward lazy thinking like that there could be some kind of drug that they're giving people it would tie it into the sleeping thing yeah let's you sleep they give you a drug that actually lets you sleep yeah you have to behave to sleep otherwise you know because again you'll stay awake you how do you got here - that is brutal I like - okay but your sensors how that happens all right it's not overt they have over the course of generations they have just worked this baseline addiction into into the entire population so that you can't sleep without this thing that they give you basically they're on they're on drugs they're on sure hope Amy exam is ambidextrous yeah distance group should be called the left hand yeah that's great I love that you can't today yeah and then there there's a and then I'm just going to put down drugs as the systems of the systems of control okay because left-handed people would that happen and naturally yeah cuz we reduce hilarious that in this scenario the authority players the only left-handed person okay and then I give you guys and exploit your exploit is I don't know why this is turning out to be a thing but your exploit is that you guys can sleep to make it happen you guys have actually built a little it's like a little bug that you put in your ear and it does like frequency modulation or something sound like neuro feed and yeah yeah so that's that's your exploit is this little neurofeedback bug thing okay that you guys have that you guys have developed let's go to your click you guys are in a click what holds you guys together right-handed we love sleeping what if we were all supposed to be product but we are the three of us are part are some were defective in some way we can't be sold into service so we have to work for the corporation but you see they're still helping because they've given us jobs if ya know it's great it's great helping the community I love that I really really I think that's super super duper cool alright so now let's cast this and figure out what kind of players are going to what what kind of characters you're going to have in this in this story so this is where we decide sort of like who like what your character archetypes are the hardware hacker the social engineer uh maybe one of you worked I look at like associate ethics suck-up you know the guy yeah so that could be the guy who worked like maybe you worked for one of the corporate where all the super super wants to be or is like like a wingman for some for a corporate officer you know yeah like I'm the guy that gets the door for the guy and well you know we'll be closed if you want to be that guy then you could have been like sent to defective as a punishment right you're not defective you were set to defective as a punishing assistant he's not defective so insists he's not defective that's great right but then while you were there something changed that made you commit to the rebellion right is that it I don't belong here guy yeah sure said now that I'm not even supposed to be here you're Dante from clerks yeah yeah that's great the friend the fat friend terrific yeah should be sort of fascinated by reluctant rebels like the person who maybe kind of wanted it to work for them but like for some reason like now they're having to come to terms with this maybe you're not that you've got that thrilled about being defective alright and that will help you and as you choose your conviction yeah your characters are going to come into sharp focus does this society the corporation do they take teens like of all ages or is there like a okay and I need to name me the corporation and that corporations going to help you dude I got it the name of the of the authority is helping hand and the rebellion is the left hand right yeah [Music] so Matt choose a conviction uh that matches up with your with your husband I was thinking at first it would be tough he who has a cat ah Lawrence for pain yes but then and sort of thinking about the flip thinking about selling out yeah asked Russell's team so I could go with tough I can go with fast yeah what do you weigh your get call coming I think fast because you sound like someone who would sell out to efficient yeah what that sounds like I'm gonna say fine right yeah because another thing that you think about is that like you sort of like the thing that you sell out to is what you just don't want to be Casey what are you thinking I immediately eliminated smart because that's the like we want to we want to subvert the truck right I don't think that but you know the funny thought best friend who's really smarter than everybody that's time yeah yeah totally what I'm gonna go is cool yeah I was taking you to say that I like there before like because you don't see that you don't see her you don't get to see that that girl is really cool that's a super good okay cool so you're cool okay you're cool and then you're cool you sell out to trendy no I am thinking don't think too much I can't wait bad and I if I'm the reluctant rebel yeah I'm I the top and I have a temper or I just like I always go to nowhere you know I took of something about like bad and reluctant rebel it still works like you know oppositional defiant disorder like like it just it's in you that could be fun how you feel about being a character who was sent to helping hand by her parents and once I got there they rejected me yeah everything about this system sucks yeah yeah yeah I will I go with that I never played this end it sounds fun okay it's great my whole because like because you're Amy yeah is a very okay cold so your conviction is bad and your sellout is perverse now let's go to your motive so you can choose altruism optimism outraged outraged ride or thrills take outrage Matt claims outrage amount outrage sells out to wrathful and works so you stop being righteous and just start being pissed oh this is the gate which is like this is like the evil Michael Scott [Laughter] oh I love it I love it wait I saw pride sells out to arrogant pride yeah all right Kelly she takes pride and sells out to arrogant and that's your motive ah may I suggest thrills it does seem like you'd be a good fit like if you just can't help yourself yeah like yeah oh I only feel good when I'm in trouble yeah yeah all right so thrilled sells out to nihilistic oh all right do you want are you cool with that yeah yeah okay great and then the last thing we have is opportunity trusted sneaky that's awesome trusted sells out to believer oh no that's terrible Miki sells out to untrustworthy and how does she stand up to things well it's interesting because there is an orphan trait on here and if my parents gave me to the corporation because they didn't want me that just seemed like it yep then take that the orphan it sells out to helpless you lose a sense of agency which if I also end up nihilistic and perverse will be real interesting yeah all right so now you have your your mo all right so this is a set of skills or your jobs and we can take something of this out of you're out of the casting piece here right so you're the whatever girl or guy so I think you would started to say that you were almost like the yes-man the we yeah yeah like yeah like like like a helper what do you guys think the thing that's that comes to mind for me is like I am forever underestimated like no one in the authority oh that's that's totally your mo they keep under estimating you yeah they just know like oh she's that fat chick we can't even send her anywhere because she's hideous you know and but she's not just charming and she's cool yeah that's rad do that yeah yeah cuz that's totally cool love it okay what do you think I'm wondering like I don't know quite how this fits in but like the picture of the person that I'm creating like I don't know is my mo like the short fuse gold I think that's your disorder okay that's your heroic fatal flaw is that you have a short fuse okay might as the reason to rage okay just that's sort of like it's the obsequious is just there's just it's sociopath II where you at home sue I think it's uh she loves these kids so that that enables her to stay in the resistance and fight against them all but it's a flaw because she can be manipulated by by what happens with the kids yeah your empathy would be what would undo you like your empathy like it's crazy think of empathy as a disorder I love empathy is a disorder I completely buy that okay I think when my mo is probably going to be some kind of like I'm inclined towards the texting because I'm a thrill seeker and and like I'm just in this like to make trouble so I need a mechanism for that and it's I've been beating people up I guess or just getting into systems or you can leave it open and like in fate but just declare it what they want to use it okay now I know what my mo is okay the next thing we do we have two things left to do before we start telling the story each one of you is going to define an authority figure my authority figure that I'm going to contribute is the pod mother so yeah I have a group of kids that I have to get ready for their assignments but they they have a surrogate corporate mother a woman who is their assigned pod mother oh I can see her already oh you guys you guys get ready to you get ready to meet her okay nothing I'm ready what do you thinking about our systems of control a person who is doing the job of like choosing who's publicly shamed today there's got to be someone who is like well there's kind of information there are probably informants or her pals or help or they are the hosts on the show josh is alive and well and living in our dystopian future hey you know who had a real bad Tuesday Amy good can't get out of her own way work hard on that today Amy I'll be right back yeah yeah yeah so like let's let's let's first thought let's personify that ideal in someone who who can interact with you guys that's right like like it's like a clippie I love that it's like whippy but it's also like Jiminy Cricket and it can show up on a monitor next to you it can be on the TV it can be on the tablet it can be on the PDA it can be on the laptop screen how they hate it and itself maybe it's like it's like Hamburger Helper look everybody like it's your coach yeah the coach is showing up but yeah in doing things yeah yeah is a little answer for morphic hands a little mouth on that right there I had disappears just facelet that people who come and make people go away they wait to feel like their life further they're like a cleaning crew right right they're kind of constantly in like you know like like blue jumpsuits and like blue helmets that can completely obscure their faces just kind of always in the background like maybe they're doing landscaping maybe they're hosing someone off of the side of a wall what you know like like they're just kind of people moving in moving out to just sort of the the quiet physical presence of the company protecting itself interests yeah so I was just really just go up of the name for them I know what you're talking about there the corporation is a helping hand and they Oh duh they're the helpers great okay yeah look for the helpers let's head mr. Rogers look for the helpers yeah we terrible you son of a [ __ ] how dare you / okay all right now the last thing you do is each of you asks the player to your left who won't be me because I'm the authority we're just telling me I'll see you yeah you will ask yourselves a friendship question I guess my question I think sort of asks itself like when was the time that I lost my on someone and you were like yes that ties into the question I wanted to ask great but can I ask that I answer your question with the with a question yes where did you hide the body I love it that is a king great but well we have our relationship tonight connect an icicle please please why didn't you stop me I didn't use that me maybe I didn't disagree with you but I didn't want my hand to be dirty you helped get handled yeah so where did you hide the body it's a it's in a footlocker in the pod mother's closet so now we have a ticking clock because it's gonna start to smell why did you hide the body because because of the empathy I don't want them to get in trouble and because I hate that pod mother so I put a dead body in her closet and there's a chance maybe she'll get blamed for it okay okay all right it's really I'm getting a very clear picture what's going on and your friendship question what are you gonna give me for what I did for you whoa cool friend shake Boone like I don't have much other than a temper like I know you can employ it in whatever purpose you don't like it usually gadgety right yeah yeah yeah if you need something like I and we did we left my mo open to sort of see but like I have some skin a set of skills or something and like oh really turns out you're a murderer a certain set of skills certain set of skills okay we were talking Madden coming her navel area yeah he had it I guess we should probably figure out who as well me like I didn't help her yeah it's a helper it's definitely okay so have you given your characters names Claire visions Claire's visions okay quango Willowby I got the idea when I was driving in today yeah I kind of got that we really I'm just calling you Willoughby fine we'll we'll be gonna mess with my jane austen head yeah okay what's your name and my name it's sci-fi I'm 14 and my name is Octavia Octavia pew pew I could get very good yes I'm anything you pronounce it wrong as people wait hang out of the Baltimore because no no all right I think we have our world and our basic set up so let's go ahead and get started [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 114,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, fvid, tabletop, wil wheaton, star trek, tng, misspent youth, sex criminals, bitch planet, comics, amy dallen, matt fraction, kelly sue deconnick, writer, board game, gaming
Id: J7ff0JODjpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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