TableTop: Wil Wheaton Plays FATE CORE w/ Felicia Day, John Rogers, & Ryan Macklin

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since I was ten years old I've been sneaking out of the stupid real world and into narrative role-playing games today on tabletop Felicia Day John Rogers and I will be the players in a legendary and groundbreaking RPG that is the gold standard of getting the system out of the way so that the story can be the thing and we are unbelievably lucky because Ryan Macklin who is not just one of the greatest GM's alive today but is also one of the designers of the system is here and he will run the game for us are we about to get post-apocalyptic are we going to space are we going underground I don't know I just asked Ryan to do whatever he felt like because this system supports anything you can imagine Oh guys I am beyond excited to explore fake [Music] [Applause] [Music] fake core is designed by Leonard ball Sarah Bryan and guard Jeremy Keller Ryan Macklin and Mike Olson fake core is a setting neutral RPG that means that unlike Titans grave which is set in the hybrid sci-fi fantasy world of all Connor or dragon age RPG which is set in the dark fantasy world of fetus faith core can run a game in any setting you choose from a modern heist set in present-day Los Angeles to a science-fiction horror game set on a space station that you only think is uninhabited faint is a six-sided dice that may look a little weird to you if you've never seen them before because a set of numbers they have pluses and minuses on them these dice are called fate dice when you roll them to do something you will start with a skill number then use the pluses and minuses to add or subtract from that number to get a total in every case I can think of the higher your total the better you're doing fate will give us this neat thing called the ladder that helps us know how we're doing when we roll from terrible all the way to legendary I spend a lot of time in terrible fate also has a couple of things that are unique to the system they are called aspects compels and fate points aspects are phrases that describe your character and modify your roles aspects are controlled by the players except for the times when the GN uses them in a compel a GM compels an aspect to complicate things for the players in an interesting way that enriches the story this earns the affected player of faith point they are super useful and incredibly powerful because they can be spent to rear old dice add bonuses refuse a compel from a GM and some other cool things there is so much more to this system but I'm going to steal a wonderful phrase from the fantastic series watch it played and leave a lot of that for you to discover on your own but don't leave us just yet because now we are ready to play thank you [Music] I'm Ryan Matlin I'm an independent game creator and I'm also one of the co-creators of fake court produced by epod productions hey I'm Felicia Day and people know me from geek and sundry this company as well as acting on shows like supernatural I'm John Rogers I'm a writer producer I was one of the creators of leverage the librarians and the player on NBC and I've used this rule system we're playing today fate to help build the librarians I use them as part of it called aspects so the pitch I have that we talked about was something in like the supernatural investigative urban fantasies or probably unfamiliar with it I don't know in about we deal with crazy supernatural [ __ ] kind of like on a fairly regular basis yeah so it's like urban legends gone mad rabid unicorn you're part of the emerging threats unit oh yeah I love it a lot of them yes yeah yes what date is this adventure the sort of mission going to take place in like Portland east of the river we good we all know Portland so that gives it for a one shot a good way okay yeah happen just like the downtown side of Portland it's been mostly like everybody's basically evacuated to the south east side of the river neither so it's like a zone of exclusion now we're going to get to the part of coming up with your core character concepts [Music] I will where do you fit in here I kind of like the archetype of the experienced guy who's over it I will do this because someone has to do this my victim I just don't want to do this yeah I'm going to name my character Aaron oh absolutely oh nice Felicia want to be the the rookie do you want to be a grizzled veteran I mean I don't I think we got grizzled any character don't we owe a monster oh yeah no no you take monster I got my monster oh I love it I want to be a monster maybe a monster maybe some plant poison sweet very kazoo Lloyd creepy like they're kind of infected okay sweet have you sort of resigned yourself to it or you one of those like overcompensating like totally not a monster super chipper I want everyone to still love me yeah I want to call out myself Emma arc or Cadia okay because I had like a loss and then maybe a flower just like Boop you know okay so so I want to call the sort of the big event where the world learned about this in a way that you couldn't you know you couldn't put the genie back in the bottle at event zero okay did this happen before or after event zero oh yeah I was one of the first okay right I like that okay that's not very so you have been locked up by the government had you for a while what a study I would have had to learn how to hide it so so John absent like drunken strung out polymath eventually he was a physicist he's working for the government and event zero happened it's like so physics doesn't work anymore okay are we all cool with that I reckon with that and then it's it's like he just kind of keeps it together baby being drunken and wired up on whatever drives at all times did you come up with the name to Center dr. Thackery I was good Oh Zachary second syllable arrogance to it I was good that's good [Music] everyone gets to pick one and that's going to be your your great skills you can write on the character sheet we have sort of the soldier and we have the science person right and I feel like my strengths would obviously probably be lore can I put a little spin on that yeah the war comes from your infection yeah I like that so let's see the soldier this is a guy who was like it he was on the ground in Yemen he was on the ground in Saudi Arabia he was on the ground at putting down whatever the popular uprising in America was immediately after event zero was the popular uprising in America was that was that event called GFE the giant freak out event which was which is basically there was an event that wound up on CNN it got out on the news people tried to cover it up and it was both the reaction against the fact that weird stuffs happening in the world and all of the world government seems super ill-equipped for it and aren't even really dealing with it I was like an agents provocateur in the gfa okay and there's a there's like there's a family group and a son of a change yeah like somebody in the Sons of change has clear evidence of me setting off the bomb and I actually had to go put down a person who was going to use that against me all right so which of these you've got luck investigates okay yeah you know like a an analyst yeah so you chose lasses choose first among the skills left for when you're good skills empathy kind of goes with investigate I was leaving context but I'm actually thinking deceive but rapport is pretty good too I could take shoot because it works with fights I always like to play a rogue okay but there take us Lenox I definitely want craft I think he's got Lauren notice he has to because that's just part of investigative package yeah yeah I was going to take notice as well just from a new mystery place for yeah intellectual place I'm going to leave my fares and averages to discover during play I think we've got a lot right now to start I hope to start the the adventure off um but started off you're not going to play your characters ah okay all right it's Portland in the zone of mystical exclusion and you know there's a lot of people who just kind of like to break the rules and kind of go spelunking in there there are three really dumb kids who are about to become lunch so I sort of describe moving quick what kind of about to be lunch kid you are after a successful stint as a steampunk blogger Sebastien is now starting a podcast where he goes be looking into exclusion zones one on the northwest okay he actually still wears the top hat because that's a signature um I'm Greg and I'm your technician and I guess I'm on I'm along reluctantly because this is my job right ready for adventure today look what I'd like to try to do is get to Powell's this polish box who are still there hasn't been completely looted there's a lot of great books and stuff so you realize you're lost in this book store like it it got weird some crazy you guys all right we're not going to panic all right and as wears a bore what does the bite mark looked like on him the bite mark appears without the presence of any creature or teeth or anything like that and and it comes down through like right through the side of your face I think of walking backwards like trying to frame up like we don't want to panic we want to use this for the podcast you can know that goes haha right and your and your and your gender that guide hat that I hate so much Peters over to the side where your head where your face used to be and just falls to the ground through agree that it's right nothing like it monster or whatever it is is invisible it seems like or you can't see it do you like the idea morning big family in the integrand and also can take from my pockets i had a lot of glitter cuz i was going to take some party selfies here and hopefully some dead bodies man oh sweet I think I read you're going to succeed we're about the longest death I love them though this scene has aspects it a dark and freaky and glitter everywhere is it you you just made that upset so go ahead and alright do it for another go you know kick ass selfies like sanity ahead it doesn't matter questions we know of course she says gifts I hate this character so so let's say they also because they're people who you know are meant to die they also have an average athletics okay i'ma tell you that the monster doesn't okay just an average oh nice wow it got a 5 out so with these right here if you can explain how you can use one of these aspects to make your role better you can spend a fate point to invoke it I think glitter everywhere means that I could see where this monster isn't avoiding give me a safe point right there you can either roll those dice or ad plus two I think I it's kind of like yeah like math wise that's around we're like popular dating it's probably I am you failed yeah but you live okay cool right yeah yeah how do you like being infected placed by horrible stuff I love it oh it's amazing so you just tied with the monster uh-huh which body part of the happiness of time his ear yeah it reached out and makes sense because you're an audio engineer who portrayed your best friend elected to die so that sort of the opening scene cut to your characters this is an incident you've got basically free reign of going in and and handling the situation before it breaks containment we need to find out immediately if if this if this entity is contained is if it's still within the building what's the first thing you guys do review the tapes okay you see the podcaster literally like a memorial in Paolo's sort of a sentence at all there's totally memorial and everything yeah for for this guy in the steampunk community like there's a monument like down there monitors man if there's a monument on steel bridge yeah so there's a local like a local cop what's the name of the local cops sort of been like a sign to like help you guys out greedy greedy seems greedy he says that what the [ __ ] was that you know what it is my friend it's not your problem it's our problem yes we're here to help you don't need to worry about anything anymore no you should worry about the fact that reality is spinning out in these sort of monsters are constantly emerging your city but go ahead and make a noticeable those who don't have notice you can write down a certain statement now if that is affair so is what so if you don't have that you guys like I think I will have noticed as a plus-two yeah okay so you got a good result and you've got a looks microbrews oh yeah you notice a couple shady people one of them taking a lot of notes down what you notice is just a faint shimmer around an entire building I know where we're going patek a little less work I can do have the better I just talked to four seconds talk I don't want you to shoot anyone ah but there's a couple fellows in the crowd that are not here in honor of Popeye boy but I've been paying a lot of attention to you and I and Arcadia they're taking notes sort of shuffling about in pockets and such can you point them out to me yeah I'll do I'll do kind of a drunken nada son leather jacket in the guy sound with the took the giant thing in his here that you can put your finger through yeah he told ya got those like the gauges yes gauges are there I love that you can be a finger through it right I think this character totally has the aspect of overly large gauges what I can totally use what goes through my head here as a character is I have to see if I can identify the threat they pose and if they need to be disposed of in need li or if we can handle them later because I know the clock is ticking right in this building so zero so to zero you know the sons of change maybe they're associated with them gotta go so at that point he immediately starts running go ahead and roll to see if you're able to basically catch him before his backup arrived I was going to take athletics as my flat today totally do that dr. oz good way to have fun running down that possibly innocent civilians die this guy is not very good at running from authority apparent it looks like I've had an average you catch up with this guy and yeah he's one of these sons of change so what is it you know about the sons of change there is there's a splinter group that amongst them that is violent but for the most part they're a social movement and he might have been one of the violent ones which is why immediately you know like this guy might have to be put down hey friend do you know where the tacos are around here you can't you can't you can't suppress me I just this ask you about tacos I know I know who you are and who you are I'm going to use deceive right I want him to think that I will kill him as quickly as I can draw another breath it's like a pen today but you don't it's like it's like yeah it's an intimidating gonna but I'm not actually gonna follow through oh thanks you're a man oh so I got a super okay so with the superb music see was styled he's like you know petrified in the nervous we he says I know you are I just put one hand on him and I don't even close it I just one hand on and I say then you know what I can do yeah so he's just like he starts to cry like he is so about to be executed here sure sure sure should teach woosh shush though there's no crying in the occult and so first of all I think that there's no crying in the occult is probably one of your aspects yes I think I love that what's on the notes so the notes are that she's like you guys that is a beautiful rendition of my face and there's a couple other sketches of things that are totally unnatural Wow not just fetching sketch of her by the way I can't argue that's quite nice where are these other incidents from these other unnatural creatures that you seen by the way to have sketched without being eaten what's good for you boy we can't take pictures of them because they still don't work but I'm able to sketch them and and and I'm if you you can't cover this up because people keep dying when is the last person who died my friends uh Sebastian and pspace they died last night technically pspace transformed into something unspeakable unnatural do you know Greg yeah did we miss um yeah we'd like to go see him he's he's in the hospital great field trip uh what's what's this kid's name Oh Ryan Ryan alright named after my son yeah we have localized Intel and I believe we have found a guide I would like to look for a pattern in the kind of monsters has identified to see if there might be a universal source let's go a little bit in your backstory some mm-hmm so what was the name of your sister or cousin ha ha Oh Julian Julian yeah Julian yeah the toe tell us about the time you accidentally infected Julian so I woke up and I was covered in this moss and these these mushrooms and you know there's bugs crawling in me and I'm freaked out and the immediate thing I do is to go to Gillian's because that's the only place I can think of that would be safe and she was she was performing some sex acts with two other people which is fine and because she was like that she does that and so anyway I was so sort of surprised that I let were out like literally like like involuntary involuntary stage is for iation I believe it's for Jack you like any of this I will tell you what the aspect you get to write it okay it's Julian oh my gosh you guys I recognize one of these drawings there's some sort of psychic connections well I I know when I grow us good okay I saw her transform wait you actually know this person this is my cousin page four is my cousin oh all right so you get to the hospital uh-huh and of course you're like you're a public agency they're just like come on in you know I'm going to hang back a little bit like at the doorway and I'm going to keep Ryan out of Greg's view okay because this is how I handle assets right yeah I'm going to roll rapport okay I get off on a good note on with Greg um go ahead and roll a notice skill instead oh oh really bad would you like to notice things - yes absolutely would you want to do the same thing sure awesome I feel because I'm just staring in his open school thinking I want to rust when my tongue around it oh yeah it's like trying to battle there's real look at you no way what are your what are your aspects again I used to be a person okay with my high concept my troubling aspect I want everyone to left yeah so he'll I used to be a person like you don't know if they have to eat them but sort of act on the fact that you have this urgent hard to repress okay let me see how my notice okay you see oh you know let's go so you're not going to eat the notice because you're gonna I noticed did not go particularly well it says I think there's going to be some skull looking maybe don't what does it mean to install it okay yeah yeah I notice I'm really not you get to decide how I'm gonna get close and take you know I really uh my father was a doctor and I want to see your wound closer you know um but you know what because you got a great rapport he actually is a little east by that yeah yeah nobody is yeah yeah okay mediocre notice okay I got a an average notice okay so average notice a mediocre notice yes so whatever it is yeah he's fairly good at self which is what it's doing because it's invisible it's fight is not as great and it has a mystery thing also at one so it's it's got a four versus your zero versus your one so uh we're at the point where you're getting jumped good great okay and and the one who gets jumped is the one that's hanging out with a skull you can see where your jaw bone connects to yeah so you have two fights - I don't have fight skill but I can make an average probably I didn't want to make that much it did horribly oh well I got a one okay so it got a zero okay no the body slams into you but you're able to fight it off yeah and you actually now see the shimmering thing so I think the aspect it's got here is you know hard to see I have extrasensory abilities so good and write that down there's a section for stunts okay sort of write down like extrasensory perception is what we're going to call it and what it does is it lets you be able to use notice at all in strange circumstances and gives you a bonus that's why I get a plus four on my notice we don't have to weigh that situation yeah what it's my iord or supernatural or that's cool yeah Aaron is charging into the room - it basically can attack the darkness my fight is for so I'm a 5 I am C curve here's this curve this this thing can maybe match you [Music] and in fact it is so not great at this it has zero she's going to knock four points off for broken limbs it's an aspect on this character and it has a free invocation because you just did it all right it stops shimmering at that point and what you see is a woman what do you do I'm going to survive an open aspect I know the aspect theoretically if the gadget yeah because he's part of the R&D department he's got a bunch of stuff on him so I'm going to say and fair I have crafts cousins the one who built this stuff and an average I'll say shoot so basically she gets hit and he's just Bob funny how he snaps out the little Taser projection unit he's got up that sleeve go go get it son baby yeah so I'm gonna reveal what this question mark is that's you rolling sure it's crap yeah and and she has oh great so she's going to use the magic buy a craft to redirect hopefully redirect the arc um so so a - ah I've got some ways to dig out of this can we see yeah so you're a terrible shot versus her fair redirecting energies - oh I think all right I'm okay with that I think I'm gonna define a stunt okay I'm the finest stunt I hate that you don't make sense okay +2 to attack supernatural creatures once per scene yeah all right so that's plus 2 a 1500 and I'm going to use that free info so now now it's now it's a tie I will roll that garbage yeah you were all three there you go so sorry I can't do much worse than that no yeah but they're bad Oh all right in this case she's conceding and the way that she's conceding is to scream as you know don't eat my boyfriend I'm sorry I'm so incredibly stoned because I'll admit I was sampling these tails I could have sworn she just said don't eat my boyfriend no that is exactly what she said oh well then playing these are not as strong as I thought they were well nice to meet you you can definitely tell basically she was here when you guys sort of came up and she just threw it like a veil over herself what's her name Alicia nice good name yeah this is Alicia Alicia Ted what is going on right now in the city something I don't know something think it was big was it and I show her picture Gillian was it this creature no that's that's aunt Jillian aunt Jillian well it's not my pie illogical aunt would you know her by name oh yeah I'm sorry I'm very high did she know until you know she's just she's she the one that taught me how to do this you're not Jillian who you access the attacks again Julio's cousin Jillian's any of your car Julia there's his taught you how to manipulate quantum mechanics and a non-traditional way manifesting his magic and not calming it back no she she taught me so that we could defend ourselves men with with her large firearms just crossed into the exclusion zone they were wearing of being being sons of change emblems new plan objective number one contain the entity objective correct objective number to eliminate or capture these four provocateurs the shop you're completely overreacting all that we've discovered here is this some sort of portal manifestation which is attracting extra extra normal creatures that on a murderous spree and there's also some sort of native population which is mastered magic or quantum mechanics and some sort of unknowable still defending their homes against said creatures at the same time some sort of insurrectionist group with a lot of weapons and also seem to have some sort of magical quote-unquote magical those they've gone into that town actually that's awful actually when I say it out loud like that all at once it's a very bad situation is it common who has not called me you know and also she's got a lot of family things going on right now like a really bad situation it's the kind of situation where you just got to take whatever happens to be around right now yeah he's just feeling every bit of medicine around what did I take I like that does it have a free on it or does I know it's something that I'm going to probably use against you at some point so you have to know I don't have a third aspect okay are you always hungry um I could always be hungry a little irritable yes you probably have to eat a weird plant [ __ ] yeah okay I think there's something in that that would be a picnic arena yeah I'm always hungry you're so hungry I'm judged so hungry alright that's good uh you have a third aspect that might be something that kind of is going to bite you in the ass shortly uh I feel like I'm a little hasty plans or other people yeah I could I think I can use that yeah so I'm gonna to throw something at you to for I can tell to you adjust you just hurt this truly innocent person and now you are walking away so I want to sort of throw on that you've got this guilt this is going to overhang oh yeah okay I'm gonna take that yeah yeah are you dragging Ryan with you or yeah Ryan you're going to show us I'm going to describe this building to you and which I do and as I'm building has the building was destroyed I mean we could just see it right now Ryan look over there do you see the building no wait what do you ask the customer they don't see it either I know more I'll or one yeah Laura more around to see why in the world because he's not a monster so you got five five yeah okay I'm going to tell you so this is the aspect you get to mm-hmm get to define okay um so agents who deal with this sort of thing all the time are just a little tiny bit infected with the supernatural oh so they can see it because they like all the same reason you can't etu Epiphany yeah I believe that when you come into close contact with the monsters the other that we have developed well of course I can see it but you to have developed the site to be able to identify other from normal quote-unquote I say to Ryan I want you to point to a place you can see the wreckage of this building yeah yeah show me how close we still be the bill show me show me a place where there's no wall sovereign immunity to the wall as of where he should go through a wall what happens he bounces off but like a bunch of his skin is burned oh oh well Brian I guess we part here oh sorry sorry about that right yeah it's just like yeah screaming in pain yeah I'm not going well you know no give him drugs yes hold on hold on just I actually take out funding through the Taser has just sort of been doing consciousness accidentally yes that's good oh but no no but with the burning his overly large get gauges it burns off just that little skin around the gauge and I pick it up like pork crackling and I just ah oh my god this is the best thing I've ever experienced in so long this is a fantastic thank you thank you thank you so how we not going to show up again but listen he so I'm slightly cheating here but this traumatized is tell us that he has a lot of occasion telling her she's unconscious he doesn't know I eat it oh don't worry is there an aspect that I could take that I'm desperate to make my monster helpful uh maybe something like I wish I was a good monster or something I was a good monster yeah so there's this building that to you is the building yeah yeah oh it's going what's coming so it sort of got like a Art Deco vibe but it's got like a very like hotel lobby mm-hmm vibe to it there's a weird summoning circle here oh good is it salt as it painted as a chalk is it oh it's burned in like blowtorch Wow nice yeah there is around yeah yeah all right and yeah you see at least one person up here and one over here yeah we're at the doorway there's a creepy sigil circle in front of us there's sort of an intake desk if there was a hotel thing right because yes that with some dude with an automatic rifle behind it and then there's a balcony above him the stairs were right with another dude with an automatic rifle well only one of them has an automatic rifle this plate does okay so okay what about the robes and stuff oh I want to see who gets a drop on him so I get a two this is some weird stuff so oh do I get I get it it's every perception so I get for ya you're anyway okay so three four they have a four so you guys going to tie you're going to trump them you want to want to get an island well I would like to use some plans or for other people yeah yeah so you bump it up to four and I know because you're playing there you're going to tie them yeah I'm um I'm also going to suggest a stunt for you uh-huh the stunt is once procession when you enter a combat scene you get basically a free assess the situation creating an advantage with fight yeah so good we'll fight basically a 1-1 or higher will give you a single hit and so you've got this there you just have a picture in your head you've got this guy's Yeti there's something shimmery in the middle of this yeah this this guy you can totally tell the bearing is on on Arkadia I'm going to immediately Arcadia move okay I think I need assess out what's going on here and figure something to do with this suite okay go ahead and make a war rule nor wrong now you're going to do is it's going to be Chantale all right there so you're actually able to see what's going on this is this is trapping something in now okay so it's not summoning it's binding finding something and twisting it okay now this is where you're going to have to make a will role because you're going to see something that is going to possibly affect you take well well it's going to get a moment to lock eyes with you to do something Carol is trapped in the sin but it can still actively affect things outside of you specifically okay ah oh wow okay so what is your will my will is just one okay so Jillian it's for oh and the thing is she's not attacking you but the fact that like this is like this horrifying thing where she's being twisted into something else one of your eyes is like deeply affecting you I'm so sorry I what is going on here did these guys do this I'm going to eat somebody help me I'm going to I'm going to aggressively tried a lot of this guy down so that they can do their work okay um this is this is really hard so you could need a fantastic a six nah yeah and if you feel really bad you might bother something sir it's mediocre if you want to put three fate points on it you can or blow every role or blow one - really I do that alright so what works what aspects are you using I'm so just so hungry because I've Unleashed I've given myself for me to get this job I'm like going to take a snack on it I want what it looks like now that's your kind of letting the Beast out and my concentration on keeping the illusion up is fading my teeth are just like freezer filter and within this horrible sort of like in covered skull and neck like I had this little rub like a tuxedo shirt the most horrible probe well it is a - so like it's certainly the next thing you could like throw yourself up with your raw strength but right now you're hanging on with one hand right on all right all right this guy's needs to die the guy totally needs to that yeah so you get out of that you're going to have to of win an athletics contest okay to get there and be able to act in the same turn okay because it turns out it turns out I've forgotten this but I am actually fair at athletics good time on account of all that sports ball I played there you go when I was younger arms long yeah see I just need a fare to get up there in time well shoot I got an average okay you can use oh yeah you know place awareness yeah I'm doing that I'm going to use my situational awareness I'm going to do to stress going which one you guys have to think real quick really oh it turns out that I actually have the city now I have well nobody has burglary yet and I think it's super important to always be able to pick a lock so I'm also you've got weird magic so it could be picking magical box yeah so I'm going to take burglar like this thing because I wanted to burglary all the time so uh suggest another stunt for you you get a plus two to mystical burglary Oh plus to the mystical burglary I love that can I have that in real life yes you can alright so the soldier is going to have to drop his rifle and go for his knife which has weird digital's on it wrap but it's a little awkward because you're hanging off to like it's not entirely easy for me yeah so well you got a face full of razor teeth despite throwing on actually oldest I'm learning Gio totally chill he is totally soaked as not good yeah that's a problem um yeah the skill of shoot of +4 and other Hospital stuff at +3 okay so I'm going to try to night you know oh my god oh you're in trouble babe so it's got a 5 so I have a 1 so you're going to take 4 stress jeez of course 1 stress because his knife does one extra stress against magical beam that's like a psychic damage huh she could take you like it yeah yeah yeah 3 stress and then take a my smile makes her more aware of her monster presence so it's like the knife of self-loathing yeah yeah ok nice I'm self-loathing yeah yeah so there you just got you've got a piece of your goodness just got cut yeah okay a source for a guy he would like to basically make you burn uh-huh yeah do you want to be crispy I don't okay is that what the stunt for you my first thought was was that like only when it comes to like mystical damage you can make it be the other stress track paint it on the mind yeah paint on it so charging uh I only got a two on magic I'm going to try I'm going to go up the stairs to go help Arcadia okay I'm going to try - is there some way I can try to move two zones yeah if you get one zone for free you could if you push yourself with athletics alright when you get your 3 plus 3 is 5 so since you got uh you've got five that's like you've got the drop on them Vasko buddy looks yeah yeah yeah at the end of the round these vigils twist and turn and and change shape and you see this twisting monster that is sometimes the shape of a woman and sometimes like an extra arm so it comes out and comes back in this thing is twisting her into something vile oh ok I I hope that she's saved before I mark all of these oh my god ok I'm going to you're gonna eat this guy or I really cave try to save Jillian okay sweet so you're going to jump back down with a knife in you yeah cuz withdraw as I'm jumping or it's going to sear your hand you're gonna get branded how God nice oh no you have to drop nice and it's too hot so yeah it was just there so that was my action or was that for free that was the free you want to try to to connect with her on so you can do you can use empathy to try to get okay now this is this is a weird tone of a cactus only you can do oh the horrible magic is going to defend for her uh-huh and tactic good for ya so just a three can I say point it and bump it up and just blow it out so you can you can totally blow it out I'm going to do consequence on there but you can keep using violence always you using its Jill jelly yeah you want to blow it even more no it's gently and it doesn't want to be a good one I'm a good monster yeah I did you want to redeem yourself yeah nice the magic is going to take a moderate consequence mm-hmm really it's weakened by shame why you made me a real shame yeah yeah I think our shame we can bit what I want to do is I see this knife over here right so I want to drive this guy back toward it huh with the intention of getting down getting it and then like coming down on top of him with that knife so yeah so go ahead and make a make a fight roll okay um and then to uh any sort of these close quarters so he is still gonna try to to teleport out okay I like Oh fine he is not good at teleporting I've just got a four I need a good situational awareness and use that for fam too like pushing to work because actually noticed it as it came down you want to reach for the knife right now yeah sweet yeah well it's the knife yeah okay great I got it yeah as you grab his robes yeah and they're tussling with them as rogues react you can kind of see like a dragon dog au in the robe okay that's the thing I prefer to not and to not have notice yeah so go ahead and roll again think a will attack now that you've touched it is do I'm just sort of dominating you so yeah I understand anyway totally dominated the biggest when he put it on yeah okay is coming from oh boy zero make this got a five so what's going to happen here as its trying to like let's just say eat all the same thoughts in your brain I don't would prefer that doesn't have prefer them to not happen I'm not really operated in all right no my team needs me okay my team needs me is like an aspect that is an aspect yeah but also maybe for the consequence if you thinking a consequence one of my memories is gone yeah it's good it's mild so it's going to kind of come back and then it ought to be three stress after that okay yeah yeah that's a bad is that that hurt pretty bad that hurt a lot yeah but you know you can return the favor yeah Thumbelina me I will so guy with the knife who no longer has a knife mhm picked up his you knows rifle to shoot oh thanks should i I should roll you should probably will do you want to die yeah I'm going to dot Oh that was real I didn't do much better so I rolled a zero yeah I rolled a three that's better than me it's true the Saiga arrows teamwork oh yeah I can use an Aaron's teamwork there we go so that was second I think one Oh horrible horrible mage uh it's not going to attack you okay because the robe is commending him to strengthen that all right so uh so yeah so that's happened you get the drop on this guy or you can try to do something else I'm going to reach in my pocket and take out something that I hate that it works but it actually works really well it is a set of brass knuckles but it's made with the jawbone of a serial killer that's a great idea so so basically I'll just go and just try to hammer this dude from the side and then we'll see how many of these I invoke does this have to do with another stunt you might have you dirty you dirty filthy traitor community is basically whenever I see a cult member or something trying to use evil for same thing an extra stipulation on there you've got to use something weird to do it yeah I spent a lot of time drinking looking at it like you know it doesn't really work right just please just make it but yet it does and every now and then the jaw bone rolls up on its side and moves up and down like it's talking yeah no you're right buddy you're right I don't work it off oh yeah the scene is six right five verses you're sick so you hit you want to hit extra hard on you oh yeah oh that's right looks as a boost yes all right now so instead of one you've got three stress on yeah I'm gonna basically say better coping through chemistry because I took all those drugs I'm there's I'm plainly just speedballing okay yeah Aaron tell us that I'm sure that's plainly a theoretically hippy gadget that is plainly just one of those weird things expert with Albert I want to put this guy down with that what's that um you blow out wow this guy's ability to to absorb yeah I want to part oh yes he just turns around as I'm swinging I just hear the jaw go and yeah I can just see this guy's Godhead snap around I was amazing you know what else is amazing the other stuff you took at the same time if you as you took your little speedball con oh yeah absolutely right there so I'm going to compel you yeah to explain the horrible visions that you see that are totally distracting you now I'm compelled by the visions of the future because the reason he had to pull me out of that research facility it's not one of the guys who realize this is an unstable situation there's no actual way to save the world it's just going to get worse and worse and worse who are living in a nightmarish hellscape and I'm just kind of sitting there just rolling in all the images of a burning world of supernatural horror around okay so when he disappears from reality because he's actually in that hellscape alternate dimension oh all right temporarily of Stables right yeah yeah like I just hit him and going oh yeah yeah yeah total big demons and everything but well we need to roll for Jillian again yes yeah yeah so Julie has a three want to pump this up a lot don't you yeah we can buy shame you look a week in by Shane okay so now you're beating it by three yeah so I definitely want to throw in I'm a good monster okay yeah yeah definitely no I want everyone to love me how did you family relations rice I will be revealing I will get Julian to love it yeah that's a really good choice yeah I'm gonna say that this is entirely taken out and she's only mostly an insane monster now okay yeah yeah she's trying to not attack you okay she's she can remove herself our own safety yeah so she's going to run and of course this is bad because who knows you might meet someone once you leave right Brian's right hands oh poor guy so got got right up there get yourself out he has to get this far oh yeah all right so what do you do you know what I don't know that it's Jillian I'm Kenny can I use shoot to throw that magical dagger at it yeah your monitors I get this guy the mages bad news but this monster getting out I think I'm thinking I can tell you because you're letting the horrible mage guy right next to you get basically get a free shot at you yeah so and that I'm gonna just ominous yeah yeah I don't know oh and gonna be yeah ill don't know what that is yeah he saw me trying you want to defend yeah that's what manages to jump in and you're totally gonna take stress when you do all right fine Oh your dumb ass I don't know what else are you throwing to hit three four is what is what I get I did you got I got a - but can I use my etu epiphany okay so tell me how does because I am connected to him I can anticipate what he's doing as a team member so yeah take it off and now we've just discovered that that's a thing yeah oh that's gotta be the worst thing in the world yeah yeah no it's not good so take a to make sense to Matt mental stress well I'm getting my apke it's like right there embedded in you yeah oh and you see that you like yeah what are you shine nice job Aaron is my cousin you can you can hear the knife so yeah that's Jillian I can't can I use that can I do that I would yeah yes Jillian then stop her I'll be back from Hell soon so yeah so you're back cool oh I dip back in this world I am plainly a year older and I have no memory of what happened but what is the horrific artifact that is in your hand when you come back it is actually a bone dagger made from the skull of Aaron sharp all right yeah oh yeah you should write that down yeah yeah and I have no idea how I got that in that timeline or what is I just know it's you're like yeah like yeah also there's there's just a tiny demon writing on the shoulder oh okay just that yes that this is anyone yeah I see that I know because I hopped back to this timeline in theory even though years gone by it's this timeline so I was just a second has gone by I know you're down below think I could jump and me jumping down could give you an advantage given what has gone on yeah you would have been able to cleanly jump before yeah but now apparently you can't I know you're big you're bad do you want to swap a couple skills around think about ah think about that and you of you have seen some I think his empathy is absolutely gone oh wow wow and his physique is up there now okay wait no provoke provoke he's just you know and oh by the way you got to remember why he's a bull now no it's just that personalities jump yeah that little as a little note yeah the TV just sort of flies away I will jump over the ledge yeah land next to them brandish the bone dagger and go where is this magical get so yeah yeah just pop up holding what is plainly some sort of unspeakable artifact of murder from the future that should distract him some pretty great babies against you right and it's also going to possibly create an advantage against him too okay okay I'll take that oh so you got a three I'm going to spend one because you know what there's no crying in the occult there's no crying you call sick of this alright other to that so that is a six so six okay so that successful style cool uh both of them cool sorry man I'm really unsettled say it's a waggery yeah why don't you go ahead and decide what the name of your the aspect and put that on you is and this is megasis aspect uh is going to be I have seen my own death oh yeah this is super intense and I think that someone of my high concept is desperately needs to restore order and I think that this needs to be ordered order cannot be restored oh so I need to Jillian stay so you're gonna try to get through to her I'm going to try to get through her with rapport okay right well yeah go ahead and use use report because I have no more cape point so spaciously yeah this is a hell no sure ah okay for do you succeed with style yeah style okay so why don't you rip up for totally imprisoned card oh yeah there you go very satisfying hand I mean public she's still like a monster say she's still infected I mean she's going to take you know monstrous therapy to get through this right now but you don't know we are exactly so they recycle murdering this guy oh yeah you can well I don't have any weapons so I'm just uh what I'm going to use a good old mr. punchy dude talking these kind of actually like spent magically a bit but he can still you know bring his own mister punching so we'll see what he does how we got a shoe on this trip on yeah I have a five five would you like to invoke the hell out of these things to make him see his own death yes so that's yeah two for cm9 yeah versus two off the ladder yeah I'm going to do that so the insane Magus is going to concede by the Rope eating him in front of your eyes and disappearing leaving behind this skeleton with all sorts of little tiny teeth marks all over it leaving many ways not ready closer how long would you would you like to rip it up yeah I would try goodbye alright it's nothing okay oh yes just he's working some stuff outside I think you know you've defeated the robe yes don't celebrate your victory over the energy in fiber yeah um Jillian uh has a moment which this isn't thank you why didn't you call me I tried when you were locked up well we have I have you back now and I'm so glad that we got here in time when you're trying to find a monster that we that was in Powell's an invisible monster who was killed in Germany that was you they made me these these men compelled you to go and kill civilians there was done the same to you if we could have my conversation when we're not in the exclusions we should also see if Ryan goodie you let's go check out okay yeah so let's open the door and step out I put my arm around Julian so yeah so Ryan is still there that hasn't been very long victory for the team Jax you will find out later that the EMTs who try to get there were killed but we hadn't Sheldon you didn't kill that very good for us maybe they were bad ents maybe I knew they were secretly murderers yeah the triangle of death EMTs got their just desserts of the hands or cosmos slavering jaws of some eternal hour now hunting the streets of Portland filled with terror devoid of hipsters a city unrecognizable in its remade reality glad we're on the same team documenting Iceland God good guys are fantastic how's the telephone [Music] you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 1,165,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, fvid, tabletop, wil wheaton, star trek, john rogers, ryan macklin, evil hat, role playing game, rpg, fatecore, fate core, d&d, pathfinder, dungeons and dragons, fantasy, sci fi, wesley crusher, the librarians, screenwriter, leverage, transformers, catwoman, feywild
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 52sec (3292 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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