TableTop: Wil Wheaton Plays Misspent Youth w/ Amy Dallen, Kelly Sue DeConnick, & Matt Fraction pt. 1

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[Music] at some point in our species history someone stood up and said I'm the boss of you shortly after that someone else stood up and said oh you are not the boss of me and shortly after that we had our very first Power struggle and ever since then whoever has power has fought like hell to keep it and this happens at all levels of our society from the playground to the boardroom to the halls of government buildings all over the world world the rich and Powerful take what they want by any means necessary and if you try to put a stop to it the Goon Squad shows up anyone who has dealt with a homeowners association knows exactly what I'm talking about today on tabletop Amy D Matt fraction Kelly suic conic and I will use a role playing game to imagine a dystopian world where power has been totally concentrated into the hands or claws or circuits of one horrible centralized Authority and a small group of rebels has decided that they have finally had enough they are going to stand up to the authority and take back their dental plan or maybe they'll do something a little more extreme because these are no ordinary Rebels these Rebels are teenagers they have nothing to lose everything to gain and their story will be told in misspent years [Music] [Applause] [Music] youth misspent youth is an indie RPG about friendship rebellion and kicking ass designed by Robert bu I want this pair of episodes to give you an experience that is similar to our sister show Titan's grave that means that the focus will be on the characters and their narrative I don't want to overwhelm you with a lot of mechanics and crunchy system details that remind you that we're playing a game I want this to be about the story but there are a few things you need to know before we get started in misspent youth one of us will be the authority that player will represent the force that's making life miserable for the other players who will be the youthful offenders The Authority is our version of a game master in as much as the authority player will handle adversaries and challenge the other players unlike a traditional RPG where the game master needs to be a neutral Arbiter of rules and a narrative facilitator The Authority in misspent youth openly Works in opposition to the other players and both sides are going to fight like hell against each other to achieve their goals before we get into the story we will all work together to set up the world we're going to play in it's it's usually a dystopian science fiction world like The Hunger Games Logan's Run or the 2016 presidential election in America but it could just as easily be something more grounded in reality like the world of Pump Up the Volume or Repo Man or even Dazed and Confused each session of a game is divided into seven different narrative sections at the heart of each section is something called The Struggle the struggle is the primary conflict resolution mechanic of misspent Youth and it is the only time we will use dice in this game one side will win each struggle and both sides will deal with the consequences we'll explain the specifics of the struggle and how it works the first time it happens this is a game that lets us focus on the story and makes it possible for old guys like me to imagine that we're still young and fighting every day for something more important than a parking space and I am incredibly excited and so honored to be playing today with some phenomenally creative people dig out your Rage Against the Machine records and lace up your steel toed boots because we are about to visit our misspent [Music] youth I'm Amy D you have seen me around on geek and Sury I got to be on the first season of tabletop which was amazing I've been on Omnibus talking Comics weekly my own talking Comics vlogs I do a show called future girl on my YouTube channel my name is Kelly Sue dionic I'm a comic book and television writer I'm best known probably for my work on Captain Marvel I'm also the writer of planet and pretty deadly my name is Matt fraction I write comic books and TV uh books like sex criminals and odyssey kasanova recidivist Adventure man and uh I'm really good friends with ala fantastic welcome uh to missm you thanks for being here you guys for um so uh let's ahead and get started um we choose who's going to set the first scene as the authority I want to be able to set scene number five which is where things really go bad one two wait sorry 5 4 3 2 1 I set the first scene so the first scene is called what's up so uh here's uh here's where I would like to set this okay um this is actually we're in we're we're on Earth and uh but we're definitely in a dystopian future okay this is the world where where citizens united has just completely gone it's gone Global okay okay and and helping hand is an extraordinarily powerful uh industry right because helping hand takes advantage of helping hand has its hooks in religion and helping out runaways and uh and working with government and getting laws passed and all of that stuff and you are all in a helping hand facility right and this facility is kind of removed from uh from a city it's far enough away from a city that it would be difficult for you to hop out and disappear into the city but it's close enough to the city that people who live in it know it's there and uh at at a at a point in the not too not too distant past uh you killed a guy and you helped uh get the body put away in the Foot Locker in a closet in a in a place where the where the Pod mother goes um so our first scene uh is actually going to happen uh 2 days after that body was taken care of all right it is morning you are all at breakfast in the cafeteria and let's say you hear from a nearby table a a group of pod mothers discussing the missing helper one of the Pod mothers makes eye contact with with you okay she like scoots her chair back and is coming across the the room toward you what happens I would probably uh uh sort of straighten myself up and as she became and knowing immediately she was coming over uh uh was sort of but up and tie up and and sort of stand up to to you know shake hands or fist bump or whatever we do in the future and sort of like how I help you what's what's mhm well Mr Willoughby we're all very concerned that someone knows something they're not telling someone is not being very helpful Mr Willoughby and we know that you hear things have you heard anything about someone missing absolutely and you didn't hear it from me I hear it's been about two days and they have no idea where the guy went oh it was a guy well the word is it's a helper so the assumption is that they're men I guess your PDA Chimes and it is uh the coach on the screen and uh I think we're going to start a struggle [Music] the coach can tell that you're withholding information it's in all of your sensors and the coach wants the truth to the the complete truth to come out okay that is uh that is what the authority wants so the the the hope for our group is that you're that we will send the podm mother to the next table yeah sure all right well let me let me I'll I'll Stand Up great all right you stand up go ahead and roll so stand up I'm rolling one yeah just one two two right yep eight you rolled eight all right it's a good number for you so what uh which of your convictions are you going to use I'm going to go with fast I'm you what coach you are absolutely right and it drives me crazy that this kind of thing can happen here and it's been keeping I would if I could just be a part I feel like I have a lot I have a lot to offer and I feel like I'm not with these defects there's a lot of things I could be doing that I can't because I'm not supposed to be here and I feel and I'm frustrated yes I was withholding and I'm sorry I'm just it just gets me so mad that these things can happen when all of us who can be productive and can be helpful and can be a part of this system can be helping everyone help hands uh uh I'm not my hands are tied and help me help us help you find this guy where where should we look where can I go okay so you put that on eight all right and now the authority claims seven just automatically uh and what you feel happening is the coaches bio feedback sensors are really going like they're they're they've been confused at at at the moment you also notice that at that nearby table of pod mothers um one they've all looked over now and uh and one of them sort of seems to be like leaning in and I'm going to take three for her as well so now she stood up and she started to walk over and she's leans in to the other other pod mother and she says that well coach is certainly very excitable this morning and she uh and she looks at at the two of you would one of you like to stand up and you can stand up again or one of you can stand up uh I stand up okay um you rolled a seven now way to go Octavia now call me T you can you can sell out a conviction right now and this will not fail uh uh or you take the failure take the failure it's early we can take it it is early oh you guys are bad influenced um yeah let's let's take the failure okay all right so you I stood up and I was my my I'll tell you what my plan was which was to sort of be like you always do this you're such a sucker to make it seem to reinforce your plan of being like just seem like you want to be helpful but don't actually know anything um it looks like I was less successful at that than I thought and I actually just look like I got up and got really mad because you always do this you always want to Eng gratiate Yourself by telling them everything you know you see this is the kind of thing that I feel like if I had a bit of authority and a position of where I could be respected by my peers you know because like I'm not really one of them you know I say peers are not really peers but I feel like this kind of noise I could do a lot of good like a Civ like helping sort out things coach Chimes coach says honesty is the best policy and you feel your wrist strap begin to tighten and and the podm mother leans down and says is there something you'd like to share Mr Willoughby would you like to be helpful and when she says that hands come down on all of your shoulders from the six helpers that have just arrived and have clamped down on your shoulders that's the end of our first scene okay so we clear off the the struggle the struggle board all right and now we move on to scene two fighting back I want to set scene two we need to put in a beat I like the idea of Discovery but I'm not sure how us getting caught like how to set up something where we fight back um could we do could we run a scene where we try to convince them that surely there's no way that we Amy we sweet Octavia pew pew be a girl what are you talk about right right could have look at the Damage Done to this Frame like are we going to try to work it like yes you've discovered we know something but we know what happened the Pod mother killed that dude we're going to accuse the Pod mother I think that's enough I mean I think we and we'll Discover it in the storytelling so we have you have to pick an authority figure or a friendship question that's pertinent to this scene yeah that's that's fundamental the scene yeah but I mean this scene I guess is about the Pod mother that were great going this on does she have a name her name is Mama Mama every pod mother is called Mama but does she have like a like she's she's Mama Jean Mama Jean okay yeah they're all called Mama with a name uh so and she's she's the mother of my pod or she's uh well he asked you where you hid the body so we could just make it about that friendship question actually that makes a lot more sense this scene is about that friendship question where did you hide the body and the answer was in that person's closet okay all right all right uh so setting the scene they've now taken the three of us out of the lunchroom it's uh maybe been a couple hours that they just like let us sit um uh and cooler heels H as they search like probably starting at our quarters and going outwards and they you know fairly quickly they they must have gotten to a certain pod mother's room because we are sitting I like that we're sitting in that room and we hear a scream and uh uh I Bar the Door nice and we know that there aren't cameras in this one room because it is usually the interrogation room but our PD are probably recording probably I really hope the stories about Mama Jean losing it aren't true yeah willby I really I would be devastated if anyone were to find out I mean Mama Jean is my podm mother you know we have a a very special relationship and I I don't want her supervisors to know how stressed and volatile she really is I I'm worried about her just just just try not to say anything again well you were trying to help them react Octavia I think we all have to help each other Mama Jean to get the help she so clearly needs mama Jean has help the help is with Mama Jean are you following me Octavia the uh I'm going to start a struggle the door some the door tries to open and it can't and there is a and there's a banging on the on on the door children children let your mama in that's why I immediately leap up and like un unb the door and and and let you in and we're in a struggle now I guess there's no struggle well was the struggle to kick the door in or the struggle door the hand the handle was shaking you just let okay so let you in okay great and so uh so in comes and it's Mama G children I'm very disappointed in you do you know why I'm disappointed in you I think you do oh mamaan it breaks my heart to think that you could ever be disappointed in me well I am child and I think you need to tell me why it's important to always tell the truth that's how we help others Mom is starting a struggle she's going to get you to confess I think our hope is to stall Mama Jean doesn't know the body is in her room but we do all we have to do is hold out until helpers Come For Mama Jean okay so um Mama Jean comes over and she puts her puts her arms around you and she Strokes your Strokes your hair and she says Claire you're always you've always been such a good girl you're all you're so helpful you set such a good example for all the other children who need help I know you can help me child and uh and she reaches into her pocket and um and she leans back and she's got a a small uh syringe and she starts to unscrew the the cover on the syringe okay all right y you're stand all of them I picked all of the dice okay okay great so go ahead and roll okay all right so uh you rolled a 10 all right so you're going to claim 10 right and what are you using I which of your things are you using I so I'm going to I'm going to use trusted okay great you trusted uh how does trusted work I I'm going to uh make I'm going to I'm going to offer to inject myself oh Mama Jean you MH you know I would never I mean you're my podm mother I do child I I do I will you know do is this what you want me to do Mama Jean I absolutely will for you let me help you and she starts rolling up so she's not giving it up right but she starts rolling up your rolling uper sleeve um she claims seven cuz she didn't get a seven and then she's also going to claim three on on this side okay I'm I'm going to ruin our whole game but but I stand up you're standing up okay what do you do first find out yeah roll okay I did not do that again you rolled a seven oh you roll a seven when when you said I'm going to ruin you really meant I mean I you all right you can sell out please leave me for cognitive Powers Yeah I'm selling something out what are you going to sell out what does bad become it becomes perverse can I can I off can I offer a note if you sell out to perverse offer to do it you do the injection please you've always wanted to try it and this this would mean that we get our hope right but for the rest of this game i' yeah this means we win the scene yeah yeah so yep okay um I'm I'm selling out okay which one are you selling out head and sell out bad to perverse okay all right you tell me how you now you narrate how you uh use bad to stop this from happening go D snatch it out of her hand and stick it in her own arm oh that's great okay okay right so you you come in and be and before Mama Jean even knows what's happening right it's on her hand and she looks as it comes out and it goes right right into her her pupils dilate and she leans down and she goes I hate you you're a filthy little and you youing insubordinate worthless and her voice gets louder and louder and louder and now a couple of of other mothers come in and and Mama Jean what's wrong and she starts just spouting out all of the terrible things about all of the different Mamas and all the different things that they do and while she's in and everyone is kind of just Paralyzed by this right and uh and and while while this happens the uh uh one of the the helpers comes in right and and through the mask you you just hear we found the body the body is in Mama G that's it isn't it's the it was in MaMa Jean's closet all along and you guys I think we're going to win right and right and I usually play helpful characters this is so weird and they all and they all look and they all all the everyone gasps all that they all gasp and they all look at Mama jeene and the helpers descend on Mama jeene and sort of like drag her out uh out out of the room that's the end of the scene for the record I guess my bad is blacked out forever now and what I just learned from watching that is that I just destroyed that woman's life and it was all awesome yeah yes yeah that's great that's [Music] great so all right so the question do you take down the system from inside or do you get outside of this facility and work to take it down from another location [Music] so now we're in scene three scene three is when things are heating up tension mounts and the stakes get higher Matt you get to set this scene so you need a friendship question or an authority figure all right let's do what was your question to me why did you let me do it why did you let me kill that let's let's talk about that question let's do that question uh let's say it's a little bit later okay and let's say there's a new George th the Destroyer Bad to the Bone side to Octavia that sort of freaks us all out a little bit and there's a new mama who's real bad mama new mama's name is Mama they all have J names Mama June June great Mama June and your notion is there's this this is the start of the scene you say we should kill her great go I don't know what you guys think is a better idea literally anything is a better idea two dead bodies out of the same pod in the same month is going to look real bad I'm not comfortable with murder as a strategy we need an alternative I don't know if you've noticed what they're doing to us I don't know if you've notice what's happened to you you this was an accident that has now become your go-to solution while you are having this conversation mhm the uh TV that is in every room flickers up right on the screen it's the daily shame it comes up and it's like this happy looking like sort of little hand right and it's like helping hand helps you help people to or I don't know something better than that was really good just off the top of your head huh out W conspiracy at all like poochie but but uh you know more proactive so uh and and it's the it's the host well good evening good evening helpers and helped today we discovered something shocking one of our own needs additional help yes one of our pod mothers Mama Jean was not very helpful at all let's meet Mama June and in comes Mama Mama June walks on to the thing and this is the mama that you've seen before and uh she has with her sort of a brand new recruit and the and the brand new recruit is is a kid who clearly has just been taken off off of the street right and and he says he says Mama June you show show us just exactly what skills you brought how are you going to nurture these poor children back into life and she says by showing them examples and she grabs this kid right and you hear the sound of footsteps in the hallway out outside and uh now the shot switches to handheld and the handheld shot comes in and it follows Mama Jun and the kid down this hallway and the door to the room Bolton the room to the door to the room that you guys are in like just slides open and there's Mama June with this sort of like nameless urchin and she throws the kid into the room and she says you're so good and strong and helpful help help this child learn how he can be helpful too and I am starting a struggle she uh wants you guys to subjugate and and and humiliate and beat this kid cuz she wants you to know where you stand in this thing cuz you've forgotten what your place is what's your hope our hope is we get the kid out of the room without hurting him yeah what happens if we don't this do we get to know yours just got really dark I'm jumping in I'm jumping in okay go you stand up stand up 11 uh and I'm going to go with uh I I suspect sneaky okay uh Mama Jane and I'm trying to make this sort of so that the cameras can't hear but absolutely so the cameras can hear I know you're fairly new to the facility but we're both defectives and all three of us are defective rated and that means we're not allowed to uh Implement uh Court martial punishments it' be a violation of sections AB y yada and I would hate if uh your first uh Act of mothered Dom uh to this pod would be to have the result and a televised violation of rules and so I'm I'm trying to so so so she she looks at you now you've managed to like she was pushing you in to go and and and beat up on this kid right so she turns to to to you and she says you best respect your mama and then uh the kid on the floor looks up and says help me please and one of the helpers uh starts to reach for or something uh in in its pocket who will stand up go you're standing up okay so I have rolled a n nine okay all right which of your convictions will you use I will use I have no idea I am I am a teenager and um but like I I have to have a way to to play one of these things and I I can't think of a way to play cool with an adult you know what I mean like do uh I'm gonna help you I'm gonna help you okay it's not a it's not a helper okay it's another kid and that kid is like what is get is getting ready to go okay all right then uh all right then uh Claire is going to swoop in and like oh really oh you're going to you're going to do the the stun gun now that's great yeah that's I mean it's kind of early in a and but you're new right you're like I don't think I've seen you here before cuz usually we're we're like you don't really kind of jump like that like that's that's a little he looks he super blushes like majorly blushes and then just looks around you're just going to and then just and then just just looks around like doesn't he kind of doesn't know what to do you can sense that he's kind of stuck uh kind of in between things um and uh and you've managed to hold him off now these cameras come around and there's like so so there's one sort of being handheld and the other one's kind of like on on a drone now it's circling around and you can tell that it is really getting uh close uh like close shots on on all of you guys and you uh can hear like it's winding up something's winding up in this camera who's going to stand up I stand up okay go come on seven I stand up and what happened tby that is not a seven that's a nine that's good for you that's a nine we win the scene so who had a nine you roll a nine cool supposed to cool right yeah so uh to my own incredible shock I grab one of the cameras uh and just smoothly say we are proud to take on this mission on behalf of the the mothers uh and we are now taking this kid into our custody thank you very much for tuning in and I turn them off oh that is cool that's super cool yeah okay like I know I'm out of body like I don't even know what I just said turning into a sociopath so you guys you guys get him and what and as as there uh Mama June is is is looking at this and the kid who had the the kid um who's now the the security kid who's got the taser in his hand look looks at you guys and and just zaps Mama Jun with the with the taser and and he looks at you guys and he goes run r on kid uh and that's the end of Scene Three [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 533,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, tabletop, fvid, wil wheaton, kelly sue deconnick, comics, amy dallen, matt fraction, sex criminals, bitch planet, image comics, board game, gaming, tabletop games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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