SYSKEYING a scammer! He called me back! [SYSKEY'D]

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yo guys what's up scammer vaults here before this video starts I'd like to say it's kind of old I kind of forgot I had this video because I was like moving and stuff so here it is it's a ciske video and I think it's pretty funny yeah so I hope you guys enjoy it well other than that if you guys want to follow my Twitter Instagram I'm actually very close to 2,000 followers on Twitter which is insane so if you guys want to check it out you can the link is below other than that hope you all have a beautiful day or night wherever you are and I'll see you guys in the next video peace CERN Union Christian Union so let's try go so so let's go with everlasting Union first okay but people go further with the Western Union I would like to go ahead and connect you with our Oh like refund Department team all right and then you will you get a refund for my first in Union give me a little bit cancer yeah okay yeah okay that's fine thank you and how old are you computer this one's actually pretty new I think it's about five months six months okay and in between sir did you ever face any sort of technical problems with your computer sir I don't know it's worked pretty good after I got the support and stuff okay all right just give me a moment sure answer the security services which we have on the computer sir they will still be min and they will still work as they do all right okay all right thank you and new computers working needed which is all right yeah it's a little bit slow yeah it's a little bit slow right [Music] so how long do you think this is gonna take you like I said like five minutes yeah young don't only like gain me a document like that do you have to go somewhere well yeah I have some somebody's that I made out for an early lunch okay okay so I'm done I'm going to try to boot as soon as we can inside okay okay because the computer is working little bit slow that is what we are thinking a little bit : so that's right taking some time otherwise we will try to do it as fast as we can okay okay okay what exactly you can see on the computer right now can you let me know welcome to TeamViewer another CDC yeah what what is asking you sir it's asking me to choose to install or run click on install' days update the black black thought is showing you wanna install right yeah there is okay no just do one thing click on next you can see next option over there yeah or do you wanna go this app to make changes to your device econ years okay you have taken years what comes up on the screen environment how do you want to use TeamViewer and it has a criminal company or both of the above blue top evil select both of be able okay and then I just look next right no keep them next in License Agreement please review the license terms before installing team here six okay can you see any option thing next or install yes I can't we go there okay installing a delay while TeamViewer is being installed so so wait for a while [ __ ] they did done with it okay because it's installing on the computer right now okay all right and you're the only user okay what you can see I'm already to the side you can see on the computer I'm asking you job the only user of this computer our bot from you when you use this computer sir I am the only user okay no what you can see there a screen came up it says TeamViewer and it looks like it's loading man like what what did you say what what you can see over there team here it says about control presentation yeah you can see over there it's asking for a partner ID sir in a say Church yeah I can see that so what I'm going to do I'm going to give you a partner editor just put in there okay okay okay the partner ID is one zero one five one zero one five sorry no no one zero four five one zero four five one zero four times yes then four seven four four seven four yeah then three nine three three nine three okay now click on connect connect with the Internet you connect connected partner okay team fear oh sorry yeah it's asking for a password yes that is to keep a 13-3 thick nine two three six nine two people log on yep then log on page came on which guilty initializing display parameters okay okay now look on the top sir no loop on the top can you see action often over there taken action yeah I said you will able to see often pick on tip on action sir okay then you will able to see option saying suicide with partner mmm Oh what's your doing sir [Music] hey scammer what are you doing here I just put a I put a passer on your computer you said [ __ ] me [ __ ] you [ __ ] you for scamming people huh oh look it he pulled the battery I still ciske - oh yeah the phone line went dead you see right down there here's the software Oh boom what now scammer Tommy Williams done [ __ ] you up oh shoot he just got this joke he said [ __ ] you [ __ ] you sir oh right right when I saw that he had a laptop down here cuz you can see the battery icon I knew I had this this key I knew it because because for the laptop you know he has to pull the battery yes yes the unlock the battery and then pull it out or hold the power but yes I locked uh because you're dumb you're dumb no you big dumb your big job your big dumb that's why you call me because I locked it cuz you're stupid you suck my tool you're going to do it do it do it do it do it not my computer do it is there ciske you want the password you want the password too bad you are my child and I am taking away your computer privileges why are you following me why are you calling me I guess what guess what
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 688,357
Rating: 4.9383292 out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, TechSupport, Tech, support, scam, scammers, scambait, event, scambaiting, Exposed, SYSKEY'D, SYSKEYING a scammer! He called me back, SYSKEYING, ScammerRevolts, SRArmy, SR, raging scammer, SYSKEYING a scammer, I put a SYSKEY on a scammers pc, putting a password on a scammers pc, scammer gets syskey, Scammers getting syskeyed, accessing a scammers pc, HE GETS ANGRY, Scammer gets OWNED, Syskeying the scammer, refund scammer, refund scammer pc, refund scammer syskey, scam exposed
Id: lcH_08bGkWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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