SYSKEYING a scammer! He BEGGED me for the password! [SYSKEY'D]

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Just so you guys kind of understand how he does this.

They call and try to gain control of his computer and steal any information.

When they’re trying to connect on the remote access program he purposely gives them the wrong password, so the scammers let him connect to their computer thinking he’ll give them control.

And instead he deletes all their files, sys key them, and change their passwords.

When they use their normal computers he deletes everything then puts text files calling them names on their desktops.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spcone23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

someone give me a sauce for that sweet dog background he's got. I gotta have it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zeeeeeeeeek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love your videos, but those last 2 minutes where you retell what we just heard, while putting extras on it, and laughing about your own jokes, are super cringe

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is what you get for using a disk image with a generic account baked in.

If it was on a domain this would have been fixed in a couple of seconds.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mdnrnr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

you're amazing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/undertakinglife πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys what's up got another banger scammer ciske video here coming from the great camera revolt no I'm not that great but yeah before this video starts if you guys want to follow my Twitter or check out my discord or anything links are always in the description and any number I always see people asking for the numbers it's always in the description if you go down under scammer information or scammer and feel that I found I think it's one of those two in the description there'll be a link right under that and if there isn't anything I didn't find any information or I just didn't post a number so always make sure you check that before you comment asking me all that information okay guys yeah other than that I hope you guys will enjoy this video and I'll see you guys the next time or the next one I don't know yeah peace Microsoft Microsoft the door NASCAR six NASCAR umbrella what can you tell me the password yeah and the m6 and you like spell it out like em like monkey deal a dog and I just did okay leaving it empty and since e @p llegando b and b and n like 96 and you and bother you work it yeah okay oh how i came up here community register just connected to our safe our department let me let me first taking one side is mess second stop just leave the control oh yeah this is the controls okay okay [Music] so how long is all this gonna take to go through you don't think hardly 10 to 15 there's not more than that alright cuz I just got it a couple appointments set up today you know I know that I can I can understand I'm sort of abilities are also do you this computer it's just my home office computer my personal okay Phil okay your home office computer without ok feel good good very cool it's ok yeah I paid 399 then keep it sir maybe like a year ago ok power yes like allow it says welcome to TeamViewer choose if you want remote access to this computer install and then it has a next option located allow or accept are yet just click on that well ok on so I click Next no it's yes or no do you want to you can click on it click on yes sir ok how do you want to use TeamViewer it says needed company yes yes ok first now what are you getting user license agreement I just accept that right oh yeah okay I have to accept this one too okay do you want to stop TeamViewer yeah yes installed gonna get them negative Oh next okay now it says installment okay okay I'm dude everybody I think the little box went away and it's loading Oh TeamViewer came up okay now it says remote control presentation wait for second create session can if you do your ID in the pattern yeah the tighter you can see time in your partner ID yes under create session yet time to the partner ID oh you leave of a 2 1 0 1 2 one second are they tardy difficult on huh ok type it on the veining understand one zero eight two okay one zero eight two zero six two zero six five three five three three three yes okay click on connect okay big declarative no no no you have to put a bad word it still says connecting to partner that I'm not young anything laughter the password says connecting the minute I saw the password what is it actually for the password sorry what was I do you again I think I might have typed it in okay typing I'll tell you the ID once again I put one zero a yeah two to zero no no no one second one a bit daddy but that's not cut over there one thing and this is everything okay you want me to get rid of it yeah tell me the ID are you just little hairy but rather and I'm from the starting one zero eight one zero eight two six two zero six five eight three five three three now click on enter I'll connect the connector connect already okay now it says nobody asked for it okay a bad foot yes it's seven nine nine seven seven nine nine nine three nines and then seven again no red nine nine oh seven nine nine seven click on enter okay now you'll see a cutie on the very top you can see actions click on action it says oh I see a compute is this yeah yeah it is my computer you can see action on the very top of the screen you can see actually where it's that I'm the very bottom top there's no option we have literally one arrow under there I don't see anything like that okay ready wait for a second I'm just doing you this for one second one thing give me you can see on the very top there is a small arrow on the middle of the piece and the very tough let me see that hello where would that be okay look at the middle of the screen I see I'm at the middle okay can you see any options like action and all action where would that be okay wait sir I'm just calling you from my bedroom I couldn't light okay just received a call okay okay you're gonna call me from a different phone number and you want me to what you want me to hang up yes okay I got an idea it's your honor technology and yes I have my vine are you calling me oh I see do you want me to pick this up yes sir over here look at the very top on the mouth look mom my mouth is going top down you close this box well this box little bit faster Park Slope it okay yeah I know it's yours and I just put a password on your computer along with the SIS key okay do you understand so can you tell me why you're scamming people because I put a system key on your computer so so next time it turns on it's gonna it's gonna tell you okay to enter a password okay yeah hello yeah yes come on I'm fine hey how you doing yeah yeah I'm fine and you I'm doing quite okay today I just had a couple of questions you know it's just asking why you guys are scamming people oh you trying to change the password no what if I wouldn't my reboot the computer remotely there's so now when it turns on you're gonna have to deliver it and you can't change it unless you log in with the password okay what I set a password on your computer I said ass is key and I said a Windows password because you scam it people you like scamming people huh hello yeah you like the password why would I tell you why so you can use the computer to scam more people why would I do that you want me to tell you the password so you could scare poor people are you an idiot pants Camry are you just not gonna talk to me now no I don't want I don't want to tell you the password why do you need the password I don't want you to scan more people I want to a good fella oh she won't do it how do I know you won't scam more people you just tried to scam me so how do I know if I give you the password you just won't scam more people I don't you promise me why are you begging for the password what what was there something on that computer that was important is your boss gonna get rid at you oh so your boss is gonna get mad at you why why would he so he's please what about what people pay you money for something that's non-existent do you give them their money back yeah no you don't are you serious I called you guys a couple of days ago and you're trying to get me to log into my bank account so you could steal my bank details and you think I'm gonna give you the password why would I give you the password when you're scamming people you scare my people been charred ventured I won't give you the password he hung up God he was literally begging for the password he's like please give me the password he said that his [ __ ] you he was kind of quiet but he said that his host of his boss would be bad anybody said yeah oh my gosh these guys are hilarious they really think I'm gonna give them their password to their each yeah and it's a good thing I restarted that because if you guys saw he was trying to change the password because he was still logged in he could change the password because I just changed it and I think he can remove it without having to know it but now that it's restarted he has to know this is key and then he has to also know the windows oh I could just imagine his boss you been chilly you didn't scam him you let him scam you are you serious oh this guy uh jeez this is hilarious this camera literally faked for the [ __ ] the password well that's gonna be it for this video I hope you guys enjoy it I have so many videos stored for you guys I'm probably gonna have this one go up on Friday I have a few other ciske videos already ready to go for you guys and I've really been working hard to get one of these videos like this up so if you guys really enjoy it I really appreciate the support if you guys could follow my Twitter I'm really trying to get up to a thousand followers on Twitter because obviously some stuff happens with my account a while back and it's like the followers might screw up ever since but now it's fixed so if you guys could follow my Twitter I post you know some scammer stuff or if you're not interested in that maybe just join the discord so you can interact with other scam beaters you know just find some helpful resources and stuff like that the links are always in the description below other than that I hope you guys really enjoyed this video because I enjoyed making it and the fact that this guy just begged for his number back is the past go back that's hilarious and if you guys made it to this part of the video call me uh Kiwi and I'll like your comment okay yeah well everyone's gonna be confused like that so if you made it to the first video call the Kiwi other than that I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,297,978
Rating: 4.9490643 out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, Tech, support, scam, stupid, scammers, Pro, scambait, event, rage, msinfo32, scambaiting, Exposed, SYSKEY'D, SYSKEYING a scammer, He BEGGED me for the password, scammer pc access, accessing a scammers pc, scammer gets syskey, syskeying the scammer, scammers computer destroyed, scammer cries, destroying scammers, accessing scammers computer, scammer gets scammed, ScammerRevolts, Scammer Revolts, SR, SRArmy, I put a SYSKEY on a scammers pc, putting a password on a scammers pc
Id: 76EotjAMxwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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