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yo guys what is up scammer vaults here today i'm bringing you guys another siskiy video which i know you guys love don't worry the last two videos i've seen like all the comments you know siskey siskiy you guys are addicted to the siskiy so here we go we got another great one this guy is just oh my gosh i don't know how he how he even manages to navigate through his own life with you just got to watch the video this guy is dumb this guy is dumb so yeah this one's uh this one's pretty good so i hope you guys enjoy this video i really liked uh doing this one it was actually a really fun call so i hope you guys enjoy this video if you guys do give it a like and also if you're not on text cameras united it will be the top link in the description below it is my scan bait form uh where you can post numbers find numbers and there's also like guides to setting up virtual machines and getting started with scan baiting and everything so if you guys want to check that out it will be the top link in the description below but other than that i will see you guys in the next one hope you all have a beautiful day yeah like i said i'll see you all later peace and this virus or whatever the thing that's on my computer here is that going to affect any of my other stuff on here is that just going to be my amazon that's going to have problems going on here uh i'll check it for you sir you don't need to worry okay wait okay okay okay okay so that's the problem am i going to have to do yes i want to get something like i don't want to get charged on another service and i'm just like okay wait i thought we just got this stuff fixed you know i do understand so right you understand and uh it's my problem is that you know i will finish up all the work for you today and i'll make sure you know you'll not face this problem again in your future all right and yeah and i told you i i like that i appreciate that right right and i told you from the very beginning that you know this is not a sales call right you are one of the registered customers of amazon you are using amazon for quite a long period of time so you deserve all the all the food services right so that's the reason you deserve all the food services you deserve all the food support from our side okay this is your amazon device right so first of all let me show you let me show you uh your cls id number the number that i just visited earlier you'll see this now have a look okay wait wait wait let me show you now i see stuff moving right right so i'll do it for you okay you know so that you know i save your time so i'll do it for you don't need to worry uh how you log into your amazon i go like this and i do it on the website okay that's fine so i need to assign signing first okay i keep my stuff on a little post-it note here let me grab that real quick and sign in okay okay that's fine and you still have that pen in the paper correct yes password okay so you want me to sign in oh yes to your amazon yes okay and i just got notified uh i just got notified from the security tool you know from my security team that you know uh the iphone the iphone it got charged from your account got charged for my account right okay need to worry okay you don't need to worry so i'll do all this stuff and you know okay let me just put a password here okay okay is this guy dub i'm on his computer all right i'm logged in there i'm sorry yeah i'm logged into my amazon account here no you are trying to log into your facebook oh sorry let me try my bookmarks he thinks his computer's mine oh no this guy oh i just sent a sis key in a password that he thinks it's his he thinks it's my computer oh my gosh sorry let me close this i keep accidentally going to the wrong page that guy was so dumb oh my gosh how does he how do you not recognize having that theme okay wait wait wait how do you not recognize having that freaking what was that the high contrast theme to this the computer that you use every day how do you not recognize the freaking high contrast theme to this and it's a whole different freaking version of windows this is windows 10 that's windows 7 windows 7 windows 10 windows 7 like oh my gosh what like i've i've had some videos of talking to the dumbest scammer in the world but this guy is on a whole new level when you don't even know your own computer that you use every day there it goes it goes off so i said it's this assist and then i literally he literally watched me set up a password on windows 2 with the password hint being scammer the password hit was scamming and he didn't go like oh what are you doing or blah blah blah he he and because when i went to facebook after that he told me i was going to facebook he still thought it was my computer he didn't realize till i was on his calling software because what i was about to try and do is i was gonna go to his own his old numbers and i was gonna start texting them pasting scammer over and over again saying this guy's a scammer or something oh my gosh holy crap what what this guy's so dumb okay we got a call back hey you know i gotta get the chicken i gotta get the chicken this guy oh my gosh all right it's ringing what yeah hi i was just speaking to somebody else and my call got disconnected okay can i be transferred back my name's okay this guy's super quiet the other guy was super loud now this guy's super quiet speaking sir uh i don't really remember his name but my my name's tommy okay i was trying to log into my amazon account our call got disconnected they all got to be in the same room the number is here speaking that is nine seven nine four five nine seven seven five four correct yeah right sir okay i'm gonna touch your father as i told you they are in your account you know i can see that you're kind of quiet can you speak up i can see that recently you made a purchase yeah i still can't hear you're really quiet sir these guys don't understand speak up and speak up bro recently you made a purchase for amazon gift cards and perhaps yeah the other guy told me that i didn't make that purchase he had me pull up this any disc page here and stuff and he was connected on my computer but then our call got disconnected let's try it let's try two okay round two let's try it let's try it let's see how greedy this guy is okay let's try it you think two two i still got the chicken right here i'll tell you oh man i can't believe that the guy did not know that it was he didn't know his computer for my computer okay so what i'm going to do i'm going to connect you first to the uh amazon mail name server okay okay all right yeah i've got i got my id right here you have the id number yes okay but i i'm gonna connect you through the help of the team viewer okay oh that one came up with an error when we tried it so we used any disk so i'm gonna connect you through the viewer yeah we can't it comes up with an error error whatever it came up with an error on the side so he told me to use any disk and he said teamviewer is having issues okay then what i'll do i'll just you know i'll just uh i'll just have a vote with him every card in your you know issues and he's gonna give you call back let's roll well can i talk to him he will call he will give you a call back okay here how about this you siskiyou you stupid scare oh about to put a chicken ward you know oh only on my channel instead of a headphone warning you'll see something saying freaking chicken warning that's what you're gonna see you're going to see chicken warning you know on other channels you know when something happens oh it's a headphone no you got chicken warning down here i want to talk to this guy i want to be like how dumb are you how do you not know hello thank you for your amazon my name is david i'll help you yeah i was speaking to somebody else and my call got disconnected hello okay sir can you confirm your name yes sir can you come from here yeah my name is tommy okay and we are from youtube all right i'm from where are are you the guy yeah you said i'm from youtube are you the guy that i just skied his computer no no no nothing where's that guy i know i want to talk to that guy man that guy's so dumb i want to talk to him yeah oh you want this okay you want to talk with that guy yeah let me talk to him put the phone to him wait why because he's dumb i wanna i wanna make fun of him what do you mean let me talk to him he's an idiot what do you mean why he couldn't even tell his own computer apart from mine let me talk to him come on don't go blocking my number or something you know i'm just going to get a [ __ ] ton of people to call you you know that yeah blocking my numbers not going to do anything so just let me talk yeah don't make it worse on yourself you know if you piss me off you are a youtuber sir what about pewdiepie no you okay bye sir bye wait what'd you say no let me talk to you freaky [Applause] you hear this this is your mother okay this is your mother scammer all right giving you all that you're probably the guy i was talking to but you just won't admit it because you're two embarrassed please go oh you're a youtuber i'm like okay what's youtuber oh you're just a youtuber i should just change my name from scammer to scammer revolts to youtuber so every time they go oh you're a youtuber i'll be like yeah i'm youtuber that's who i am i'm a youtuber i have a youtuber i tell you too hello yes sir thank you for calling i'm all right you're gonna hook me up here you're gonna let me talk to the guy that got his computer locked [Laughter] [Music] wait is this you yeah tell you the password well didn't you see the hint the hint says scammer come on think about it man it could be dumb scammers stupid scammer bench he hung up he's like please tell me the best that wasn't him though oh they're probably making fun of that scammer man i swear that was a different guy because the other guy's super loud all right transfer me to your [Music] put it on speaker again [Music] oh i don't know if you guys could hear that but when i when i did like the little bit of a chicken i could hear it come out and echo like it was on speaker oh these guys are going to be they they think it's funny now i'm sure this cam the scammer that i locked his computer out he's probably like oh man he's looking like an idiot you know to the whole entire call center because he just got he just got his computer locked by the guy spamming the chicken into the damn freaking phones you know and then now when i put that over on tsu they're gonna be getting called by all the all these other people that are gonna be trolling them and crap so oh man that's gonna be freaking hilarious all right i'm going to call him again let's call him again what do you what do you want windows let's call them again they pick up fast thank you for calling domino's how can i help you you said this is dominoes yeah do you want to play can you speak up yeah i want to place an order what do you want to place i want to get a banchod special large pizza large banjo special pizza okay all right any any more yeah i want to get some uh some wings on the side okay all right and a coke i want a coke okay okay well that's it how much is it man it's 200 200 man i'll give you the password to here here here's the password okay the password is uh the your mother that's the password look i got your mother right here banjo you're going to start getting mad i'm going to just have to tell here oh now he's getting mad i keep calling back again out now they're getting a little okay we got call over time because now they're getting a little angry now they're getting a little angry you sound like a little mouse you can't even speak up you're like a little girl you can't talk you're like a child a little child a little boy little boy can't talk [ __ ] oh oh bancho terry maki choo choo tia you suck my toe i must come i'm gonna come down there and i'm gonna slap you in the face with the taco you little banjo this is how you're gonna sound after i get done with you oh bad shot i'm gonna slap you in the damn face with the tacos he said walking okay one more time i keep saying this i keep saying this one more these guys are funny man one more time one more time that's right hello oh now they're just hanging up oh come on now they're just gonna hang up on me how are you gonna do me like that it's ringing hello holding amazon amazon this ain't amazon you're the farthest away from amazon i've ever heard amazon you ain't amazon you're the dollar tree version of amazon amazon amazon this is your scam is on why are you calling this number for audrey because i want i want to get scammed today so i figured i'd call up amazon and see what y'all could do for me okay you want to get you want you want yourself to get scammed yeah my friend here his name is billy billy the chicken and basically he's just been in a mood all day i don't know what came over him but he's like damn i want to get you hear what he just said so can you help him out can you just scam him out of maybe just five google play cards and make him feel real good what what happened to him he wants to get scammed by amazon you know he's heard how famous and popular you guys are so he's trying to get himself scammed are you a youtuber are you a youtuber yeah my channel sky does minecraft oh you're a youtuber right like you put in that yo it's just that you're going to put it in a youtube channel on youtube i'm gonna put it on i'm a facebooker i put it on facebook oh you're a facebooker yeah okay what's your name on facebook yeah yeah on facebook it's sky does minecraft okay i'll send you a request okay or under my other alias billy the chicken clucks 22. okay so don't call this number again all right well no i got you got to scam my friend here he's trying to get scammed no no we cannot we cannot scam you well you don't understand man even when i hang up the phone a bunch of other people are just going to call you because i'm going to share you just told me that my computer was getting hacked and that some guy was on my amazon account watching everything that i'm doing are you dumb you're really going to try and say you're not a scammer now it's too late to say that man you know the scammer you bench you bench out you call me benjamin manchod he really just said okay one more call he just said we're not scammers after all of that it's too late to even think about saying that what what a joke trying to get my bullet billy here to get scanned damn hello hello yeah this is corncob tech support i was calling because we got a tech support to do here yeah so stop calling us sir sir this is corncob tech support my name is frank okay so what is the issue going on with the computer here i had a call saying that some files got deleted and the password was set up so the fee is only going to be 15 5 000 google play cards and we can get underway here okay yeah sorry that was my that was my business partner billy my way sir sir do you not want the support i mean i'm calling you we're a reputable company just look us up anywhere corn cob tech support llc wxyz just look us up we're a very good company and billy does not like the language that you are taking towards our company by refusing our service that is disrespectful yeah okay so by the way oh my goodness i'm giving you a negative two yelp review you hear me judea i'm gonna come down there and i'm gonna do the support with the taco it's gonna go right in your face okay so okay make some new videos okay myspace my my space page wait my myspace page wait for it banchod one two three [Music] gonna post the number let some other people have some fun with these guys uh uh i can't believe he picked up he's like yes this is dominoes and they wouldn't they wouldn't scare billy the chicken what the hell what what's the problem who could ever not not want to you know make billy the chicken happy he wants to get scammed damn it you scam him what the hell am i saying oh my gosh well that's gonna be it for this video here i hope you guys enjoyed i always see the comments you know i know you guys are like addicted to the siskiy videos i think it's a real problem we're gonna have to get like uh we're gonna have to have like a group thing on tlc you know i'm i'm addicted to siskiyou's cameras and you guys are addicted to watching me do it we're gonna have to have like a group thing on tlc about our problems with uh cis key addiction um all right i'm gonna end this video here if you guys liked it please give it a like and as always if you're not on tsu already check it out text cameras from last video we got a ton of people joining um new people posting and stuff so it is pretty awesome but other than that i will see you guys in the next video i hope you all have an amazing day night wherever you guys are in the world and i'll see you all next time peace
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 155,628
Rating: 4.9594531 out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, TechSupport, Tech, support, scam, scammers, Pro, scambait, event, rage, msinfo32, scambaiting, Exposed, DUMB SCAMMER LETS ME LOCK HIM OUT OF HIS OWN PC! [SYSKEY'D], SYSKEY'D, Scammerrevolts syskey, scammerrevolts, sr, srarmy, Destroying a scammer's PC, SCAMMER'S COMPUTER ANNIHILATED, scammer trolling, scammer pc password, password on scammers pc, refund scammer, I LOCKED a SCAMMER out of his OWN PC, locking scammer computer, mad scammer, scammer prank call, funny scammer call
Id: xJ7YLobroDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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