Synology DSM 7.1 – Early Features & Services Revealed

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[Music] that is right dsm 7.1 we were just getting used to dsm 7 and 7.1 is now sort of being spoken about now senior figure mike chen over at synology there during their keynote speech talked about an outline a lot of the things they're either working on or will be implemented at the beginning of when dsm 7.1 is rolled out now this isn't going to be a massive upgrade in the way the dsm 6.2 went to dsm 7. this is going to be a kind of sub upgrade before i go any further with all of the details that were touched on throughout it's worth highlighting that i would say 98 maybe even 99 of the things that were talked about as improvements within the dsm 7.1 update whenever that is our pretty much high-end enterprise if you're lucky we're talking smb or super duper pro consumer user so if you were hoping and coming to this video as someone that owns like a j series box and wondering what are the upgrades going to be there i wouldn't i want you to watch this video i really do but honestly there's not going to be a lot for you here i just wanted to front end this video with that so first and foremost let's talk about a lot of the updates i'll be honest i'm going to mention the letters c2 quite a lot now the first thing that was um talked about during that keynote speech was improvements to active insight now for those who aren't aware active insight is a kind of um outside the nas system monitoring system and it allows you to get incredibly analytical and deep system information on active devices from a single portal access point that can be accessed via anywhere in the world it allows you as a system administrator to overview one two or hundreds of synology and assets from this single vantage point and find out everything from individual app versions all the way down to system temperature and drive activity as well it's all rolled in into this service now active insight is going to have tweaks and improvements laid into it on individual app levels and and the graphical user interface in line with dsm 7.1 update so again it's going to be a much it's going to be an improved single display i know at the moment the single display of active insight we've covered it in its own kind of overview video um i believe earlier this year maybe late right the end of 2020 um active insight allows you to have a lot of information presented there on screen with a lot of kind of customized alerts and recommendations from active insight itself telling you how to perform and how to improve things or recommended actions moving forward now a lot of that information for you the end user is in that single display in an active insight with dsm 7.1 they're talking about an improved single usage display that not only provides the relevant information but the information within those boxes now i talk about those alerts and all that information that's being presented to the system administrator to work with a lot of that is going to come from how active insight is going to be improved uh with regards to suspicious activity monitoring so obviously a lot of the time if you log in to announce with wrong password a little alert will come up there on your standard dsm interface there that goes on um incorrect logging attempt was made today doesn't really do much more than that and you can set up certain things to happen within dsm that trigger when that happens but active insight takes that considerably further because it has to because it's on a much larger uh kind of space being monitored there so in terms of improvements within suspicious activities and you know i'm going to keep glancing on my notes there a lot of that has to do with um kind of um activity tracking and how it's a little bit more proactive about what it looks for such as a usage patterns uh login attempts and that's times that's that's login times as well over historical data not just that it's incorrect but how and where these logins are taking place throughout the system and then on top of that it not only tracks these usage patterns against historical data then it has a far more uh forward forward presented actions given to the admins which they can then work on with improved suggested actions as well so again a lot of this suspicious activity that isn't just black and white it's a lot more gray introduced in there which is going to be incredibly important when you're monitoring a widespread system now other improvements that have been made into active insight with 7.1 planned um is integration of things like hyper backup for a number of you that utilize multiple nazis and hyper backup remember that doesn't have to be nasty nas that could be nasty third party server that could be client devices to them ads and a number of different kind of um connections there between all of your client hardware there's going to be specific hyper backup monitoring within active insight again super enterprise again i appreciate the majority of people watching this right now aren't going to be hugely thrilled about that but it's what this opens the door towards so active insight up to this point is generally monitoring the system configuration and storage configuration in kind of a by the numbers fashion by having integrated applications both within active insight and elements of c2 something we'll talk about later on that's going to improve remote level access and response to a lot of things that happen within the system in the case of hyper backup you want to know not only if an error happens but how it happened and resolutions in order to repair you want the system to tell you what to do not just go it's not working which is quite good to see that's kind of the whole usp of active insight overall and also how this further gets inter integrated into other applications which other apps are going to be rolled into active insight as dsm 7.1 is worked on and eventually released now carrying on with a lot of those applications that were introduced in dsm-7 and of course slightly more enterprising definitely c2 focused ones there were talked about improvement with hybrid share with regards to dsm 7.1 so for those who aren't aware hybrid share is uh the ability to utilize in areas of storage on the c2 platform and then give it the appearance of localization on your synology nas but it's so much more than that it allows users to be able to access areas of storage that are pulled between the nas and the cloud space remotely and allow access via the network to the now storage as well it just opens the door to levels of access in it features encryption entrant encryption as well and it's just a much more convenient way for a lot of remote users to interact with synology storage and the synology storage itself interacting with that cloud space there in the background now and some of the improvements of hybrid share there there's three main ones uh that were introduced during the keynote speech the first one is a support of gfs global file system and this is kind of been a long running uh problem that it's resolving for a long time for nas users that have got multiple users all accessing the same database there now we've uh what this solves is what if you have five or six people all accessing the same file all editing it for those of you that have done this before you'll know that in most cases the best case scenario is that everyone suddenly creates their own version of that file and then you've suddenly got multiple versions of the same file with very small differences or worse people start overwriting each other's work in the very worst case scenarios which means a lot of time an effort is wasted and a lot of data can be lost now a global file system uh gfs allows once a user goes into a file it effectively locks the file other people can see the file but they if they can't interact with it they can't edit it it's told them this file is locked and they'll when something they go back into it they'll know that it's not being edited and accessed there is an open file and therefore it eliminates that doubt and that overlaying or that duplication of slightly edited files there again this has been a long-running thing something that has been moderately resolved but never to completion so you know if they can interact this with a lot of that hybrid share file access and make sure that this isn't something that just becomes a through line of problems down the line in the system as state restored locally on the bare metal that's going to be a good thing now alongside this they've also improved encrypted protocol with http 3 support as well so again that's going to improve secure remote access to where you are they've always had encrypted uh transmission where available but again if you are accessing the contents of that c2 drive and the data that lives in that hybrid share um folder or area of storage you don't know sometimes how secure your environment's gonna be and you wanna know with a little bit of peace of mind that if there is that one percent doubt in your local area about the secure connection you're utilizing it's good to have that extra layer built into it just know this is something that you're going to have to enable there at both ends of the tunnel now the other thing is warm-up cash or cash warm-up now for those aren't aware when you are accessing files um on the hybrid chip particularly rather than as a cached version is then kept generally cache up to this point will only really interact with the files once they've been accessed the first time and that cash being kept for a predefined area uh length of time warm-up cash will then see which files have been more commonly accessed and cache them in advance have them ready much like traditional cache that we utilize on our nas systems that's nice to see something that's going to be available here rolled out within hybrid chair and dsm 7.1 another thing that was touched on within dsm 7.1 coverage there at the keynote speech and something i covered in my review of this the ds3622xs is further utilization and deployment on for future business now systems of oob or oobm or out off bound management now it's never really been difficult to log into an as if it's on the network or connected at least with remote level access into that network and interact with the nas reboot have a look and log into it and stuff but sometimes the level of access gets destroyed at the network level or the system has been incredibly unresponsive now in the past much like with roots and switches that is where oob has shined it gives via utilization of a ssh client to log into the device and see logs issue power recycling so rebooting the system and just doing troubleshooting remotely you don't have to be physically there on site and it creates a completely independent connection via rather than relying on the existing network there now do bear in mind that it does require an additional admin access to utilize that you're gonna have to create that and it's something you do within the admin panel of uh outbound uh management within dsms you'll have to set that up for the first time but what's particularly interesting there is if you do reset the nav system it doesn't reset that login there so again that's going to be really good for people that log into the system to kind of eliminate all outside access and kind of infiltrate the system itself as long as you've got that set up there that doesn't eliminate that now of course it's not perfect but it's better to have it than not and again the first nas i've seen to arrive with not only the physical port but real highlighting out of band management at this one dedicated port was this this 362 xs plus i've still yet to fully explore it and really i'm hope i'm hoping to work on a video to show you some of the distinct differences between that and traditional network access there via a standard lan port the network and an ssh client or telnet or something but still nonetheless then rolling this out is another one of those things that's just edging them more towards the enterprise bracket there it's a good thing that a lot of the home users are going well that's that's swell but what about us another subject that was touched on several times during that keynote where dsm 7.1 was highlighted was the utility of dfs not the sofa company but distributed file systems now this is the ability that when you've got several server be it shared areas of storage or just whole system storage servers all being accessible and visible and interactable via a single interface there again that distributed file system now that was touched on in a couple of ways and whether that was a single portal access they're working on there something we'll talk about the end of the video as well when they were talking about the future but there was also a lot of discussion about this idea of read only domain controllers so this means if you are running a multi-site deployment the idea that all of your individual sites your little sub offices not the main head office they can they the ability to have those as read only to access the central database there but not interact with it in a whole system-wide manner it's incredibly enterprising again very very much at the top there but it's nice to see them still developing towards this enormous ecosystem structure would have been great to see some home level stuff there but still even if you're only going to utilize three to five servers you are going to find this very very useful if you're running like three to four shops this is going to be something of use to you when you want to allow access to all of that data and you still want to give them access but don't let them edit it but you at the admin end at the central point of data storage want to be able to monitor all of this in this most convenient fashion as possible next up with something that i legitimately think a lot of people at the medium or even just slightly mid-range prosumer end might take advantage of and that was full dsm system nas bare metal backups so we're already used to the idea of individual app backups there file folder backups there even larger storage volume backups to a larger degree and then you've got active backup suite working in the other directions and more but what if you want to clone the entire nas not just file folder but everything configuration just have a backup of the entire dsm architecture to move on to another nas including the data and everything that is something that they're saying is going to be explored in dsm 7.1 now they are also stating that much like active backup and hyper backup and indeed elements of uh snapshot replication there as well some of those are going to be bled into this so we are talking about scheduling those backups we're talking about uh modifiable modifiable and customizable uh retention policies on that data with regards to images moving on then there's the duplication of those settings so you can create the backup and then create several versions of it although i'm not too sure how that's going to work in the real world and then there's talk of how that will be factored into deduplication in the other direction when you're going to have like a central maybe a presumably c2 based record there of all of these backups getting sent and factoring into duplication but again i'm slightly unsure how that would work in a real world scenario with multiple nas is there anti-duplication yes there'll be common access synology core files but i'm still not sure how that will be implemented in c2 with the exception of maybe space saving it would be beneficial but i'm not sure and then of course you've got incremental differences where of course the initial backup of dsm and the hot system as a bare metal hole um is obviously going to be bigger but then only changes get backed up moving forward and that in line with the retention poly policies and the scheduling of multiple time managed images could be incredibly beneficial to roll back your system to an earlier date or if you want to clone your nas onto another nas there but again this is something i'm really looking to see how they present this rather than just calling it dsm backup about really showing off its utility in real world environments and that's about it details were quite scant on dsm 7.1 as one might expect with synology playing their cards very close to their chest about what they are planning for the future they did of course also talk about one thing at the end to give you some idea about the direction with which they are heading with regards to enormous hyperscale storage there now um referred they say to scale out storage of course scale up storage is something we're kind of used to whether it's your 920 there that three six two two that we talked about or even rat mount storage expandability of nazis and adding and bolting on expansions is something you know we're kind of quite used to in the world of nas right now even taking on some of that cloud storage as well but a lot of that is designed to be running parallel not expanding onto but scale out storage as they put it is to utilize similar methods and concepts that we find in raid where we have multiple storage areas that are all working together with that same data being spread across them they applying you know they showed a demonstration there or a little graphic there just showing off this idea of taking advantage of distributed file servers again but this time on whole system storage levels ultimately allowing borderline infinite storage capabilities across that scaled storage area but again how that gets implemented in real time with lowering the latency as much as possible and whether this is going to be wholly reliant on incredible network controllers that still remain to be seen and of course during the keynote and further videos over on their youtube channel they did talk a lot about uh far more uh i would say uh gradual closer updates that are coming to synology router manager srm version one uh 1.3 and updates to surveillance station we're going to do a whole dedicated video on both of those probably the surveillance station version 9 1 first because that for me was something that got the most um coverage in terms of upgrades and really cool stuff to come but that was really it for what was mentioned about dsm 7.1 not a lot to go on and definitely highly business as i mentioned there at the intro but let's see what happens i don't think they're going to change much about the design it's still a great design i like it although maybe they could do something about psychology photos and maybe add some of those old moments features who knows but we'll say but this has been the coverage of dsm 7.1 at the synology 2022 and beyond event do subscribe if you want to stay tuned for a lot of the updates and summaries of everything we learned at this event because there's still more to come in terms of hardware and software and of course if you've enjoyed this video click like it helps me understand what i'm doing right and it makes each video better than the last thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
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Id: qeUMhUQ2lg4
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Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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