WATCH THIS EVERY DAY - Motivational Speech By Sylvester Stallone [YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS]

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not all of us are ever going to be the champion but we can't go the distance we can put up a great fight nothing's braver than knowing you're going to lose you're going to take a beating you're done but if you stood up to this class bully you did something that no one else had to custody them you want to leave some Footprints you know on the canvas of life and they don't have to be big ones everyone doesn't have to be a world champion it's just the fact that you gave it your best could I that's a rocky philosophy you never expected to be a champion he just wanted to go the distance and have a little dignity and that's pretty much the ongoing theme they come into you to millions of years of instinctual development culturally spiritually in actual genetic development they know how to push the maternal but again how tough you are we all need it to be a great man you need to be nurtured in the proper way reinforced pushed the validated loved and also reprimanded when you're not doing what you should do God is a very very strong element a cohesive element but there's always a but you ever tried praying to yourself put yourself in advance not in the mirror but go okay this is what I want you can call it positive reinforcement and there's so many different terminologies for that but actually look at you request something if we are in fear of something I pray to you not to be afraid I pray for you to be successful I pray for you to have proper knowledge and Sympathy for the planet in general to you not something other which is great but narrowing it down to you praying to you I think it's an interesting concept keep punching I've I've known a lot of people that are in real life I'm not so nice but the perception is incredible they're very smart they didn't go Toe to Toe they went around they navigated they went left when you expect to go right they went low when they expect to go high and vice versa instead of throwing a roundhouse hook they walked away they go home well I thought he was going to unload on me no and right away you put people at ease and then you get your point across like Apollo Creed says be a thinker not a stinker use your brains to get ahead and not your muscles be thankful clever ingenious even the guys that were are billionaires they started out as underdogs no one gave it to them someone in the family perhaps had to earn it and pass it on but that first one the guy that went into the unknown unprepared but prepared mentally but perhaps I'm prepared for what was going to come at him from so many different directions and when I say that come at him I mean those obstacles that wanted to defeat him including his own fear and they were overcome so as Rocky would say it ain't over until it's over I had a very tumultuous upbringing very physical and rough father rough everything and I was thin I just was not genetically would you say a mesomorph I plus I was an ectober yeah and I went to see a film one day and it altered my life completely it was uh Steve Reeves and Hercules Unchained and when he struck that pose that's who I want to be that's that's a man that's oh my God and I ran out of the theater after that and with the junkyard and started lifting little brake drums or anything that I could lift it was like 30 pounds whatever and I never stopped and I did build on Armor it was like I felt I could really take care of myself I could inflict punishment rather than take punishment and I never stopped it but I always felt that a lot of guys it's a lot of action guys have no heart and you can see in their films all they did was kick ass they never get hurt ever not a bloody nose that's not real the audience can't relate to that everybody gets hurt every it either metaphorically symbolically or physically they get hurt and you root for that person who gets hurt get up because we all get knocked down and that's just a CREDO that followed my whole life that he's not a Pillar of Strength he's a pillar of dominoes it's just I mean seriously done but it depends how well you know yourself I knew my personality that if I sold it that was probably a million plus by today's dollars a millionaire and someone else did it and it was successful I would have never forgiven myself I would have been a broken embittered man for the rest of my life so I realized we have in our in our entire Futures about three or four serious Crossroads and that was my first one that's what a real serious Crossroad where this is life-altering and it's not about money I know I will be destroyed and I will destroy everyone around me I'll be such a miserable human being for selling out this is what the whole movie was about it's not selling out I just know how I work I know my engine will do and I would I would have been I don't want to get too overly dramatic but I would have been dead I wouldn't I wouldn't have survived I mean I would have just been so miserable that my life would just spiral I know it because I sold out and I said no because when you're broke I actually mastered the art of poverty for a while you know you figured out all right we have spaghetti one day a week and this and that I managed and I still had this blatant optimism but if I had sold out oh my God and I knew it and they tried I mean believe me they try this is it this is my only chance because I was always getting casts as I thought that was it I was only beating up Woody Allen being so when I wrote this I wrote it as a thug he's a thug but he can't even do that well he can't break the guy's thumbs he can't do anything he's really a gentle guy I don't like to argue I don't like stress I don't like conflict but sometimes you have to face the conflict and the stress and the source of that and get it out of the way don't keep it inside somehow you have to purge yourself of this thing that's eating you alive but sometimes you just have to offend someone who's offending you that's fair and it takes courage actually it takes courage to do a lot of things it takes a lot of guts to stay in school it's courage it takes courage to get up every morning in bravery and pushing yourself when you don't want to to go to work just to apply food for yourself and your family it takes courage to stick your head above the crowd and voice your own opinion even though it's not a popular one but it's one that you feel so deep in your soul that you have to get it out you can't go through life living on life quite often you just have to stand up and grab Life by the throat and not let go until you succeed courage you all have it it's just pushing the red button the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it you me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take and keep moving forward that's how winning is done now if you know what you're worth to go out and get what you're worth but you got to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you want to be because of him or her or anybody cowards do that and that ain't you you're better than that I I thought let me try a formula imagine if you this is what you do you woke up you're now a gangster you're in this world but you decide you're you're the same personality you're not gonna all of a sudden be the gangster guy with the dead eyes yeah you know everyone's posing and being tough and that kind of thing now you're charming you're outgoing you're exactly the same you are until somebody crosses that line and disrespect me and then you're back to yourself again so I thought why don't I just be me you know I mean try to be that so and which is the hardest thing to do in acting is to actually be yourself right it sounds easy but soon as you're in front of a camera you lock up I don't care who it is you're still to this day yeah there's always that butterfly thing and it takes years of learning how to as you know to calm down in front of the camera where you can sit there and scratch yourself that'll always feel like what do I do with my hands that kind of thing well that's what has happened in this show that I I'm basically playing me as the fella who's a gangster but he's he's also charming and nice he's not trying to be threatening yeah yeah but if he's threatened by other bad guys then you see him kicking the gear
Channel: Motivation Mentors
Views: 216,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation mentors, motivational video, eye opening speech, speech, success, motivational speech, motivation, motivational, inspirational, best motivational video, speechless, One of the Most Eye Opening Interviews, speech will leave you speechless, mentality, watch this every day, morning motivation, Andrew tate, tate andrew, Tristan tate, Andrew Tate motivation, Andrew Tate interview, Andrew Tate speech, Andrew Tate piers Morgan, Andrew Tate motivational speech
Id: o92FtUN4HVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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