SylvanSport GO Camping Trailer (Full Demo)

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hi i'm sale with sylvansport and today i want to show you how the go converts into the coolest camper ever but first i want to talk to you about a few of the design elements and features that really make this unique it's an ultra lightweight camping trailer that also doubles as both a utility trailer and a gear hauler it's 840 pounds as you see it right here and that has the entire camper packed into this top tent pod right here and it's got a carrying capacity of 810 pounds which means you can carry bikes kayaks you can bring along some dirt bikes or motors if that's what you're into atvs this one trailer gives you the option to be able to haul all of these different elements the rack system right here just on its own is has a carrying capacity of 160 pounds and is compatible with most of the major rack accessories like bike mounts kayak mounts cargo carriers so you can direct those mount those right onto this rack system or if you're carrying even more gear you can add on extended cross bars to give you even more gearing gear carrying capacity everything's made out of a lightweight aluminum this has a heavy duty powder coating for durability and looks really good it's got multiple configurations in terms of how you can travel this is our aerodynamic low profile kind of traveling down the road mode you still have plenty of room right down here it's four feet wide seven feet long and 17 inches tall so plenty of room to be able to carry your bins your coolers any other bits and pieces that you have the extended height mode gives you a full four feet of height so you can really pack it in and we'll show you that as well trailers like this require a nicer suspension system so we we put on a really nice suspension system that'll give you a smooth road ride going down the road that will be both easy on the trailer and whatever gear that you have carrying with you so with that let's go ahead and see how this thing sets up so the first step in setting the go up is to actually unhitch it from your vehicle we are going to take the dolly jack and move it into the upright position so we're going to take the hook pull it straight out and swing the wheel downward and let it snap back into place so it's in a locked position once this is down we can go ahead and turn the handle clockwise which will raise up this front end just until it makes contact with the ground from there we'll detach the wiring system and the go uses a flat four pin electrical connector to connect to your vehicle so we'll detach that and then we can unhook the safety cables from your vehicle and there is a handy wire clip right here on top of the coupler and you can just hook those to the wire clip for uh for storage while you're using it a unique feature on the go is that is the coupler the coupler is probably one of the most comfortable couplers that you can find on the market instead of using just a piece of stamped sheet metal or stamped metal that you have that you kind of have to pull up on this coupler offers a really ergonomic easy to use handle so you're going to squeeze the trigger and lift up on the handle you're going to hold that in place and then just turn this crank handle clockwise to continue raising this and what it's going to do is it's just going to pop right off that ball just like so once you've cleared the ball now the go is free from your vehicle and as i mentioned earlier we have an ultra light 840 pound camping trailer that combined with the front wheel dolly what we're gonna get is we have a trailer that we can easily move into place so the door will actually be on that end of the camping trailer and i want the door facing this way so i'm just going to take this and rotate it around just like so so this way i can spin it and get it into the exact position that i want onto the tent pad or the campsite wherever you are and then once it's into place you're all set to go the first thing that we want to do is go ahead and level it from front to back one easy way we can do that is with the dolly jack i like to use a level just to make it nice and easy for me there's an app i use on my phone so for me i need to lower the front just a little bit and now once my bubble is in between the little lines on the level i know that i'm nice and level on the go camping trailer all the way front to back once that is level and in place what we're going to want to do is go ahead and stabilize it just to make it nice and secure while we're in the go so the front storage box is really gives you a lot of space to be able to store not just the things you need to set up your go but a lot of extra accessories and gear pieces as well it is lockable and fully weather tight so what we're going to do is just turn the knob to open it and then the lid has a couple of the things that we're going to need to set up the go we're going to start with the stabilizer jack rod so we can remove that take that out four corners have a stabilizer jack and uh to access it we're gonna kind of bend down and on this corner you i can feel it right here what i'm gonna do is grab hold of it i'm gonna push straight away from me and then let it swing down and so you can see what that looks like i'm going to push straight away from me then let it swing down and let it lock right back into place there is a lever bar here and if i push down on it it's going to release the foot let it come to the ground and then i can use my stabilizer jack rod i'm going to insert it into the hole and the key is i want to make sure that this jack this the jack rod is coming all the way through to the back side and i can feel it on the other side by just about an inch you don't have to stick it all the way in i'm going to straighten my arm and just with body weight i'm going to push straight down if i need to i can go ahead and go up to the next highest hole on a boom i want that rod to come all the way through the other side here and then once that's all the way through i'm going to again stiff arm and just with body weight push straight down next step is to actually release the rack system from the base of the trailer and we do that by pulling out the quick grip pins and there's one on each corner and all it takes is just a nice simple pull straight out on all four corners and then where i like to store these because it's a nice visual kind of memory clue for me is right here on the hook i'm just going to place these right on the hook so then at the end when i'm ready to pack up these are going to be right here waiting for me once these are once the rack system has been freed from the base of the trailer we're going to go back into the storage box and up here we have our crank handle and that just removes from there we'll lower the lid there is a slot on the lower right of the storage box here where we're going to insert the crank handle and just push it in all the way and what we're going to do is just turn it clockwise as and raise the rack system so from here we're just going to start the turning process so there are three sections of the lift pole system and on the bottom of the corner right by the crank handle there's a little knurled section and once that appears as you're raising it this is just a visual indicator to let you know that you've reached the top and you can stop turning the crank handle so from here the next step is going to be we're going to take the inside platforms and we're going to actually flip them out to turn those into the bed platforms to do that we'll go back in the storage pod and we're gonna grab our bed support poles there's four we'll just slide these right up and here we'll set these right here and then we're going to remove the velcro straps that secure the bed platforms and again kind of like the pins i like to take these straps and wrap these right around the tongue again it's kind of that visual reminder so you don't forget them during the pack up process so the bed support pole has a little key on the end of each side and how this works is on the corner right underneath the deck there is a little mount that has a key hole so we're going to take the key just pop it right into the keyhole and give it a quarter turn just like that and we're going to do that on all four sides just like so and just like so so i'm going to start literally right in the middle i'm going to do two hands on there and i'm just going to do a little arm curl straight up just like that push straight up and over now here i can go ahead and there's an intermediate position instead before i come all the way over this position right here is if i were to lower this with both sides up this gives me that full four feet of height for you know really larger pieces of gear dirt bikes bikes whatever if you needed just more carrying capacity there is this option to be able to travel down the road but for now we're going to bypass this part and come all the way around there is a similar keyhole right here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to let this the key of that pole come all the way through and i'm going to give it another quarter turn the nice thing here is that if you're setting this up by yourself what if you notice i can leave this end and i can walk over easily here and this end isn't going to fall it's kind of self-supporting so again i'm going to find that keyhole let that pop all the way through give it a quarter turn i'm just going to give it a little shake just to make sure that everything is still in place i'm gonna come around to this side and we're gonna do the exact same thing so right here at the center weld mark i'm just gonna do a little curl up up and over just like so find my keyhole find the key let that slide right in give it a quarter turn i'm going to come over this way and do the exact same thing i'm going to come through here quarter turn give it just a little bit of a shake and make sure that uh everything is nice and secure once we have the bed platforms in place the tag holder flips down to become your step as well so we're just going to let that flip right on down and then step up and if you right up here we have a cable release and by pulling this cable release it's going to allow the bottom part of the tent pod to drop we're going to push that straight back and the tent is exposed it's going to come around to this corner we're going to pull this loop there's a half moon pole which is a tent pole that is sewn into the corner here we're going to go ahead and pull this all the way around that corner loop and then each corner has three hook attachments so what we're going to do is we're going to find the hook attachments one of them will come around hook onto the little half moon uh attachment point this one's going to go around the pole and then there's a little one right under here and the entire deck of the trailer has a lip about three inches in and that if you reach under you can feel the lip and then you're gonna hook that third attachment point right here we're gonna move to this corner very similarly we're going to grab the corner of the half moon pole take that loop wrap it right around that corner pin and again we're going to have three hooks one is going to hook right onto the little crescent shape here we have that same little one on the underside that's going to hook to the base of the trailer the lip on the underside and then this one's a little different we have a webbing piece of webbing with a buckle the buckle has a little flip lock on it so we're going to flip that lock up and that's going to let us loosen and tighten the strap as needed so we're going to go ahead and kind of make it on the looser end here we're going to wrap this flat around that running light clip to the other end of the buckle pull down tight and then just lock that into place and this will keep this corner nice and secure the front each of the corner has three hooks as i mentioned the front has two so these pieces are gonna go again underneath the same lip of the deck about three inches in and this is going to hold this front fabric down the tent and then we're going to do the same exact thing the really nice thing about the go is it's completely symmetrical as far as the setup process goes so from here everything that we did on this side the the loops here and the three attachment points on this corner the three attachment points on that corner this side is exactly the same i'm gonna take this strap move this right around this running light here nice and flat pull that snug push that button down we're going to bring this corner out hook it right around the bed pin this goes on the half moon and then this one goes right on the underside here on that lip of the trailer bed and we'll go to the fourth and final corner this one we're gonna pull this corner out around the bed pin this goes right around the half moon this one goes around the pole and hooks right back onto itself and then this one hooks onto there and while we're up here as we're getting the tent poles we're gonna notice that the back ten the back wall of the go is still in a loose position so while the crank handle is still installed we're going to turn it clock counterclockwise one revolution just like so that's going to lower the rack system just enough to lock this back wall into place and it's going to give you a really stable structure we can remove the crank handle because we'll be done with this until we're ready to pack up so this will just slide right back into the lid and while we're in here we're going to go ahead and grab our tent poles so the tent poles there are three poles two darker in color and one kind of lighter this particular set has a set of two gray and a set uh an orange one i'm gonna pop this open like so these are shock corded and these are really nice high quality aluminum tent poles and what that means is is that not only are they easy to use but because they're aluminum they're also going to be resistant to fracturing or cracking in extreme weather conditions so whether it's really hot or really cold depending on how you like to camp or even really like to you know you're going to end up storing you know certain materials that other temples are made of can get brittle or uh have a tendency to uh wear if the weather gets really cold so using a nice high quality aluminum will help that last a little bit longer so here we're going to start with one of our side tent poles and we're going to find an opening on this sleeve right here and we're just going to start feeding this straight through and because there is a nice uh arc that uh forms uh when we set the tent body up about two thirds of the way through we're gonna hit just kind of this little bit of resistance on the sleeve so we're just going to walk forward and we're going to push the tent the pull forward and then pull the sleeve so we're going to push the tent pole and then pull the sleeve back and what this does what we want to make sure we don't do is we don't want to just pull the pole because it is shock cord it will come apart here so the idea is you always want to push the pole all the way through there is a grommet right here on the end we're going to insert the pull tip into that grommet on one end we'll come to the other side find the other grommet and what we're going to do here is just let this pop straight up and let that form that one side we'll take the other tent pole and we'll do the same exact thing on the other side it's a really easy process uh you know just like any other piece of gear that you that you may buy once you use that piece of gear three or four times you really stop even thinking about how to set it up it just becomes you find your own little systems on how to do things and you know one person can probably set up the go without trying very hard in about 15 minutes you know if it's raining you could probably even do it faster than that but without really breaking a sweat or anything like that 15 minutes once you got to get your system down is is probably fairly normal this pole is gonna the orange one is going to go right across the front door and create what we call the vestibule it is kind of longer so you do want to make sure that as you're kind of feeding it through you know you're you're watching who's around you once your pole is slid through the sleeve about halfway right there on the bed platform we do have a hole on each side so we're going to take this pole and we're going to give it a slight bend upwards so it's vertical you just pop it straight into that tent pole there and then we can let it go we'll come to this side same exact thing we're going to push this up nice and vertical and let it just pop right into the hole in the bed platform so from an exterior standpoint we're really this pretty much completes the setup on the outside for the interior the first thing we want to do is go ahead and add a structured panel right on top of the two openings from the bed platform underneath so right behind me we have the bed panels we're going to take the stretchy cord remove this and this just accordions open like that and we're going to lay it flat right on top of this bed platform once it's here there is a sleeve on both ends so we're going to tuck the bed panel right into the sleeve here and tuck it in here the bed platform also has an inset so the bed panels are recessed so it sits nice and flush so when you're actually sitting you get a nice smooth layer and a rounded curve for your legs so there's no sharp ends and like i said since everything's symmetrical everything we do on this side we're going to go ahead and do to this side so we're going to remove this panel and again just pop this open like so lay it flat both ends go into the sleeves on either end and then we have a nice solid platform in which to sit just like so the windows while we're here are a nice three-way window so right now we have this really big opening that really encompasses a large part of this side panel here and it's got a no cm bug mesh so it keeps all those nasty mosquitoes and everything no seems on the outside and not in if it does start to rain we do have a storm cover and this zips so you still get some nice visibility of the outside but it'll protect you from the wind or any kind of rain that you might have and then if you wanted to we also have a privacy layer so you can zip that up and then you have a nice secure kind of privacy layer there one of the things that i think is nice is that we put a double zipper on these panels and what that means is is that not only do they zip from one end but it zips from the other end as well so if you do happen to be in some pretty uh rainy weather what you can do is you can still maintain some ventilation but also keeping your rain protection as well so just by adjusting how open or how closed from either end you can also adjust the angle of the vent as well so get some added versatility on that end and then if these are wide open you can just take the window panels give them a quick roll and there is a mesh pocket right below the window where you can store the window panels out of the way the door has a very similar feature so from here if we unroll the door it's got a nice heavy ditty zipper so when you zip this closed and then you get a very similar three-way window so i just lowered the privacy layer this is the storm layer and then you get the same no sem bug mesh and just like the side windows you can take these panels roll these up and there is a little mesh pocket to hold this securely and out of the way and then when you're ready you can just go ahead and zip these up if you'd like open your door back up and then from here you can take and roll the door up as well we have a little hook and ring here and then we also have another hook and ring right here one of the key features in for the go is having full waterproofness while maintaining ventilation so we have a 220 denier rip stop nylon fabric which is going to be pu coated on the inside um all the seams are taped so that way it'll keep all and on the outside it's got a nice durable water repellency so as the rain falls it's going to kind of be repelled on the outside beat up and roll off but then after a while the pu coating on the inside is truly what makes it waterproof so it's a heavy duty pu coating on that side since it's waterproof or fully waterproof what we want to do is make sure that we can maintain good air circulation in here so on the lower level we have these we have these vents down on the bottom these vents can be left open rain or shine because they're protected by the bed platforms so this gives you a nice intake of air at all times the side you have these two large window openings on the side with the no cms so you can get some airflow coming in this way the key to everything though is what's up top if you notice the ceiling panel is made out of mesh and the way we attach the tent body to the frame is if you notice they're in segmented velcro attachment points and these openings actually just go right to the outside so the mesh keeps the bugs out but kind of like the soffits in your house [Music] [Applause] as the warm air rises it actually has somewhere to go it can be pushed you know it goes through the measurement and actually kind of goes out again just like the softness of your hazard creates this nice circular airflow so it makes it nice and comfortable in here um in a wide range of temperatures so once we have the interior the bed panels are set up you'll go ahead and lay your either sleeping pads or your cloud layer mattresses um onto the bed platforms and as far as the interior goes for a very very basic level this is about all you need just to have a great night's sleep of course if you're camped out for a few days you'll probably want to go ahead and get this set up a little bit more with some more features in it so you can hang out comfortably eat and just you know enjoy yourselves a little bit so up here in the attic panel we also have our table panels and so what this does is this gives us a pretty large amount of versatility in how we set up so there are two panels up here and the way this works is there is a little keyhole latch button that is going our keyhole latch slot that's going to secure the panels up we're going to raise both panels up we're going to flip the bar over to create some clearance to lower these down there's another one right up here we're going to go ahead and detach that and we can pull both of these panels off you don't necessarily have to remove both at one time but i'm going to go ahead and show you one of the configuration options you can choose so bye if you just like a little more room to sleep or you have a couple of folks in here what you can do is these table panels fit perfectly going from side to side to give you a nice flush platform if you use just one panel this is perfect as a bench seat because it's a nice place to sit in the morning you can put on your shoes it also creates a nice nightstand so each person can have a place for their own lighting you can put your eyeglasses whatever have quick easy access to both bed platforms are rated to 500 pounds on each side these panels are rated to 250 pounds each and 500 pounds disperse so you get a nice 500 pound capacity all the way across if you wanted to take your second panel lay this one down and now you have a bed platform that is the size of a king and a half size bed so you have a really large sleeping space in here if you're set up for a few days actually a lot of people will even just leave this set up as a bedroom and then if the weather is nice you can just have your camp set up outside and then this just becomes your bedroom or you can see how easily it converts back from having a living area back to a bed platform it's just a matter of uh moving these bed panels um here we leave just a little bit of space in between the panel and the door so that way it's not your first step isn't all the way down there you can comfortably stand up inside the go use one of the two handles and step out with ease now that's one configuration as far as sleeping goes you have the two side bed platforms the bench or the full king and a half size bed you can also use one of these panels to create a table and i'm going to do that i'm going to go up front we're going to grab a ratchet strap and i'll show you how we can convert it into a table back to the storage pod here we're going to grab a ratchet strap and table panel goes here and for this i'm going to go ahead i'm just going to put one of these panels back up top so i'm going to unzip the ceiling panel take one one of these i want to make sure that i secure this end so the next time i lower it i know this end is going to be nice and uh it's going to stay in place for me i'm going to pass the bar let it lower down and then i'm going to secure this end as well and now we're going to close this end right here now we have our table panel and we're going to take our ratchet strap with the ratchet end up top there is the loop right here so i'm going to hook this end again with the ratchet up top the hook down here there's a plastic knob right here i'm going to unscrew this and then just set it to the side right behind me now i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to grab the table panel turn to the side rest it on that bar now i'm going to hook the table panel just like so now the knob will secure this in place on the back frame piece so i'm going to screw that in here just like so and now because i have a ratchet strap i can actually adjust the height of the table panel so i can bring it up high and maybe a little too high here so now i can actually go ahead and just lower it if i want so it's got a nice adjustability feature here one of the nice things i love about this table is the fact that it also can double as a dry erase board so if at any point if you're trying to wait out a rainstorm or if it's night and you're just trying to look looking for some fun things to do bring a pack of dry erase markers with you you can go ahead and just plan out a day's trip you can play games just draw pictures it's a really fun just surface it just gives you kind of endless options of what you can do with it the other thing that i think it makes this really really handy and functional is the fact the re by using a ratchet strap design and suspending it from the top instead of using table legs the underside of the table is still completely free of obstruction so that way i can get gear bins in here for storage and i can also slide them out really easily without any kind of legs interfering and then as i'm getting in and out from around the table i don't have any kind of legs to get in my way or anything that i'm going to accidentally knock or hit and so it just makes it really really convenient on that end so as far as the interior goes this is really it's the you know you get a really simple setup um you know to get your base level set up you're talking minutes you know to get to either your large bed platform or table setup you're adding on another couple of minutes there's not there's a lot of versatility and function um with very little setup that offer that you get uh with this there are some other uh nice features that you know it's kind of mentioned we do have um these uh sky gazer windows which are perfectly placed so if you're sleeping on either side right where your head is you're actually looking straight up so if you've got a nice starry night you've got the perfect view well even while you're laying in bed the other nice thing is is that if you don't want to see the stars because you it's you know maybe you want it a little bit darker we have this really convenient shade that goes right over it which really just you know mutes out those uh bright lights really well and outside of that uh the interior were pretty much kind of you know you're set to go and then you can configure you can hang lights you can you know do any kind of decor or other elements that you want on the interior and you're all set when it's time to go packing up is just as easy as setting up we're going to do everything that we did just in reverse order so really quickly we're going to go through the pack up and then we'll get ready to go so the first thing is going to be to remove the back table knob we'll unhook the ratchet strap from the table set that to the side and open up the attic and again we're going to go ahead and unhook the table panel flip the bar let this lower again i secured that so i know it's going to be good to go table panels are going to go face faces together again making sure we secure that we're gonna raise this up past the bar let making sure both holes go through the pin re-secure that and zip up the top mesh we're gonna take the table knob remove replace that and just finger tight it doesn't doesn't have to be too tight we're going to set our ratchet strap to the sides and we can bring that to the front storage pod the next step here is these bed panels we're going to just fold these up give it a little tap bungee cord we're going to let this just slide right in like so and then again right here on the other side we're going to do the exact same thing so this straight out drop this panel in over the corner raise it up and nice and in place we do have some questions on whether you need to roll up windows whether you need to zip them up or anything like that honestly it doesn't really matter i do like to leave a little bit of ventilation just so when we do pack up it allows air to escape a little bit easier so we're going to leave just part of the window open there other than that we're going to go ahead and unroll the door we're not going to zip up the door we're just going to let this hang open like so so from there the interior is done now for the exterior the very last thing we did was the vestibule pole so we're going to unhook this and then again we're pushing poles remember if we uh pull a pole we don't want to pull it apart while it's in the sleeve and these just collapse by pulling them apart and the shock cord holds them together set that right there again the side poles here i'm going to undo one end and then on this side i'm not pulling i'm pushing the pole through the sleeve and then at about when there's about a third or a quarter left there's not enough friction to hold it so we can just pull it right through the remainder of the way so we're gonna collapse these i'm gonna do the same exact thing on this side i'm gonna pop this end open and again we're pushing the pole through here and about here it'll just slide right up we can take our poles get these together get a ratchet strap and we can go ahead and throw these in the front storage pod like so now the pole drops so now the next step is going to be to go ahead and disconnect all of our hooks here so we had the corner over the bed pin and then remember we have three attachment points on every corner just like so the three there oh corner pin three attachment points on this corner two up front and since this is completely symmetrical the exact same thing on this side detach this one two and three and then the corner bed pin corner bed pin one two and three coming through here now i'm gonna take the half moon pole and all this fabric and i'm gonna place it inside the trailer bed area so all of this is gonna go to the inside just like so now if you remembered we lowered the rack system just slightly to lock this back wall in place so we're going to now raise it that same amount to release this wall so we're going to come back to our storage pod grab our crank handle back into the slot right up in the lower right hand corner and then again it should really just take one full turn and now that's loose so to pack up we're going to take there's these hydraulic struts inside inside the tent frame so what we're going to do is those are going to help us lift all that tent material so this it's like having a secret an extra helping set of hands with you because it's helping hold all the tent material we're going to reach under find that bottom half of the pot lid and what i like to do is once i get this pod lid i'm going to hold it with my thigh oh one thing i'm going to mention is so right now the rack system is at full height there is no reason you have to pack up with this at full height and i'm going to show you how this might work for you so since everything is disconnected from the frame everything is now just connected to the tent pod and the rack system we can lower the rack system and if you notice by lowering the rack system now accessing the interior and being able to pack in is now at a lower height if that is more comfortable for you absolutely just go ahead and lower you can lower this far you can lower it all the way down and pack it up from the ground if you want to but this gives you just a lot of different options for me personally i like working at it full height as you kind of try different ways you'll find what's easiest for you so i'm going to raise this back up and we'll go ahead and so if you're at this height or even a little bit lower you can still find the bottom of the tent pod you're going to lower it down you're going to hold this with your thigh and now what i'm looking for remember those half moon poles this is what i'm looking for so i'm going to find this one i'm going to move it to the middle and lay it flat i'm going to pull in some more fabric here's another one and i'm going to push that towards the middle and lay it flat now i'm going to do the same exact thing on this side i'm going to find this half moon pole i'm going to push it to the middle and lay it flat and the other one is already there so now if you notice i did not pack up the fabric in any specific way it's really just a tuck and stuff and the first thing i'm going to do is my first closure i'm not actually going to close it all the way what i'm going to do is just push air out just like so i have temp fabric coming out that's absolutely okay because right now i'm just pushing the air out i'm going to take my right hand hold it here walk forward and now i'm going to tuck and again this is something if you want to lower it you don't have to work over your head you can find what's easiest for you so and then with that hand i'm also kind of squeezing a little bit of air out i'm going to switch hands this way and i'm going to tuck all this fabric in and again i'm squeezing air out there is a latch right here and there's a latch right here i'm just going to do a little feel and make sure there's no fabric or cords caught up in that latch so now i can put two hands on this corner and just push up i can come over here put two hands on this corner and just push up and it's going to latch right into place if you do have a little bit of you want to make sure that there's nothing caught in there so now you can take this two hands up and push come over here two hands and push and then it'll just catch right up into place once that is set what we're gonna do is the step we're gonna turn back into our tag holder so this just flips right up like so and now it absolutely does not matter which side you do first left or right so i'm just going to start on this side i'm going to release the bed support pole from the platform do the same thing over here and again reaching right in the middle two arms just like this and let it lower down right onto this step i'm going to remove the bed support poles i'm just going to set them here for now now i'm going to come over to this side and do the same exact thing i'm going to release this one and release this one right here in the middle two hands up and over just like so two bed support poles we'll put these back in the storage box now if you remember we had before i start lowering i'm using my visual clues here and my little memory clues and i see these two velcro straps and then now i'm thinking oh i can't forget these so i'm going to take this one off take this one off there are two straps one short one long the short one goes up front right underneath here there is a tab that i'm feeling with my finger and that tab has a slot in it so i'm going to take the point of the velcro strap feed it right through that tab and that's going to come out right through the top here and then i'm going to make sure i get coming right into that triangle these do not have to be super tight you can just have these kind of fingers snug just like so we're going to take the longer one and this this one's going to be um we're going to want to make sure we not only get the bed platforms but the pole the um the uh the arch that actually holds the step we're gonna take this long one we're gonna go underneath that come through the triangle to get both the bed platforms and again it doesn't have to be super tight but just snug so we're just going to get that nice and snug making sure that we have the step and the two bed platforms with this one velcro strap so at this point we're going to go ahead and we're ready to lower so we can come back to our crank handle and to lower we can just turn clock counterclockwise so we're turning to the left uh left to lower and you're just lowering it on down and it's a pretty uh nice little process we're starting to think about where uh maybe where we're gonna stop for lunch on the way home as we uh lower this on down and now as soon as it rests back onto the frame of the trailer bed what we can do is go ahead and remove our crank handle we're going to replace this into the lid just like so let that little catch and now we have our four pins so the four pins simply just reinsert just into each one of these holes here like so and these are gonna secure the uh the rack system back onto the uh to the trailer frame here so [Music] just like so so now with the four fin pins in place everything is locked together and we're really set to go the last thing to think about is going to be to um uh lift up the stabilizer jacks here we're going to go back get our stabilizer jack rod from here we want to release the weight off of this stabilizer jack and the friction so we're going to take the rod and just give it a good tap just like so now we're going to push the lever down push the foot up let go pull straight down and push back and it'll snap right back into place so we're literally going to do the same exact thing on all four sides straight down pop it straight back same thing over here pop that straight back the rod can now go back into the lid we can lock the uh storage box and now we're gonna go ahead and remove the uh the wheel chock so we can get ready to position this back into place just like so and again now we want to prepare this hook back up to our vehicle so now we can just either buy storage pod the coupler handle literally we just pull this right into place so we can spin this right around just like so and the beauty is is that from here we can back up our vehicle so we're relatively close and then we can just do the exact fixing not by having to go back and forth back and forth with the car but this is so light we can literally bring this to the car you don't have to have a subaru but you probably do just with a couple couple turns of the dolly jack handle we'll raise the front coupler so we can clear the ball here just like so then you can just bring it straight up it's going to have to come up just a little bit more and now so this is the other great part about this coupler and what makes it so easy to use it does have a little visual indicator system so right now it's on the red x which means that it is in the open position and not attached to anything so all we have to do here is as we lower the trailer onto the ball you'll notice this will engage automatically by itself so as this clips right into place now it's engaged the needle has moved to the green plus sign which means it has a positive connection there and then we can just keep and we just have to raise the dolly jack wheel just enough to give it clearance to be able to pull the pin turn it to the side for tran for travel so now we'll go ahead and again we have our electrical wiring and we have our safety cables here we're going to go through the left side to the right right side to the left hook this up here and then we want to make sure we have do our safety light check make sure all of our brake light turn signal running lights are all working properly and then we're ready to hit the road thanks for joining me today hope this was helpful and you're learning a little bit more about the sylvan sport go camping trailer and why national geographic adventure called it the coolest camper ever and if you like this video be sure to hit the subscribe button and smash that like button okay beautiful
Channel: SylvanSport
Views: 114,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fgZt3x2IOPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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