I was wrong... you might *actually* need a gimbal.

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times are tough and finding a delivery service that's reliable is even tougher so if you're in a hurry you'll need to call the toughest guy in town that's me i'm zach and scooting is my life part-time delivery boy full-time adrenaline junkie [Music] these wheels might seem small but i've got a big heart and an even bigger battery rest easy knowing that i won't give up until you've got the goods you'd better watch out bezos because there's a new bad boy in town [Music] all deliveries are local only no packages larger than a backpack please nothing butter sticky and absolutely no live animals thank you for shopping with zach speedy scooter services thank you thank you a few years ago i made this youtube video called like don't buy a gimbal and so many people watched it i still stand by so much of what i said in that video i don't think a gimbal is a great purchase if you've just gotten into video and you have no idea what you're doing you don't even understand your camera settings i it's not a magic tool however after years of trying to do as much as possible handheld i've made so many mistakes and i've discovered all sorts of shots that i've tried to do handheld that just did not work and i've screwed up commercial projects i've screwed up my own projects all because i thought i could do something with my hands when what i needed was something like this so in this video i want to tell you a few reasons why not only is this my new go-to gimbal but it's the first gimbal that i actually enjoy using and has opened up all sorts of creative possibilities that not just any gimbal opens up for you welcome to the youtube video why you you kind of might need to buy a gimbal transition oh [Music] transition [Music] this video isn't for everyone because this gimbal isn't for everyone but if you're anything like me maybe you're feeling like you've reached the limits of what you can pull off handheld or maybe you've started imagining different types of shots or sequences that are more complex and require more precise camera movement then i want to show you why the all-new zhiyun weeble 2 might just be the right tool for the job i also want to share with you some different use cases for a tool like this that i haven't seen anyone else talk about and also some examples of shots that i tried to do handheld that ended up needing to get re-shot by someone else on a gimbal and so whether or not you're interested in purchasing something like this i still hope that you learn something or you just have fun watching it i hope you have fun watching it i've been testing out the weevil 2 now for about six weeks because i really want to find out if this is just you know the next hype train product or if it's something that i could actually incorporate into my workflow and more importantly if it could improve my work by opening up new types of shots that have otherwise since been impossible for me and i'm happy to report that the answer is a resounding yes previous to the weeble 2 i had been using the crane 2s which is a fantastic gimbal and i could actually balance my c70 with a 70-200 2.8 on it which was awesome but if you saw a recent video of mine i'm actually getting rid of that camera because i'm trying to downsize my entire kit i'm switching to the fx3 and so i want my entire kit to get smaller and simpler so that i can create more and faster and hopefully better work and so compared to the creighton 2s the weeble 2 makes a fantastic travel companion so for example you can have it set up like i do here pretty bare bones with this is my old trusty m5 balanced here one-handed it weighs very little and handles it obviously no problem but you can also use it how i had it set up for the entire scooter shoot running wireless video focus motor and the rear grip and bottom tripod so it's very versatile the first thing that really sold me on the weeble 2 was the fact that it has physical control so you can control everything from here without connecting it to your phone or without having to memorize you know a morse code type button press situation here we've got a few options we've got this little switch which goes from the three main options the pan follow lock and full follow so here i'm in pan follow mode you can obviously i can pan it but i can also drop it down low it's not going to do the tilt you can also go into lock and then it's not going to do anything it's going to keep the camera completely stabilized or you go into the follow mode which means it's going to go wherever i point it and that's amazing because you can change that mid shot you can be tracking a subject suddenly switch it into lock because now you've got your composition but you just want to keep moving and it's not going to pay attention to your hand movement if you're kind of not so precise beyond that you also have this built-in display that pops out or you can now control all of the extra settings you can quickly hop it into the other modes like for example the uh pov mode which allows it to follow the horizon or you can switch it into go mode which means it's super hyper responsive to any movement or put it into a vertical mode all sorts of modes you can do it right from here no need to enter your phone you can also adjust how sensitive the motors are you can do a balance check you can calibrate for the weight that you have on it it's amazing knowing exactly what you're doing because you have an incredibly responsive easy to use touch screen that you can also just put away if you don't need it so when i made that original don't buy gimbal tips for shooting handheld video i was still very much in the period of time where i was in making videos every single day and so i needed to be as small as nimble as quick as possible so i was really kind of exploring just how much can you do hand held while at the same time improving my work which means inevitably i reached what at least what were my limits of shooting handheld and i made a lot of mistakes there was a lot of comments on that video also that mentioned like oh you don't need a gimbal because you have a one wheel and while a one wheel is a very helpful tool for my videos it's nowhere even close to perfect a good example is a few years ago i was shooting a series of videos with my good pal kristoff for tourism hamilton and i was out at the bay front and was trying to get this shot about 150 200 millimeters somewhere in there tracking along with the dragon boat racer like you know those speed racers and just a tiny little bump on the one wheel especially at longer focal lengths means you end up losing the entire frame and this is true whether you're on a one wheel or whether you're in a car and so all those shots i got they didn't end up working out and kristoff had to go back out with his gimbal with his camera and get better more usable shots and so i decided while shooting that scooter sequence that i wanted to go back to that same spot and kind of get the same type of shot i was going for in those tourism videos and what's incredible is that now i can skim through any part of that entire shot and know i have a usable image my last video the only get one shot we shot it entirely on the weeble 2 and what was amazing is that while skimming through these long takes i could choose wherever in the clip the best moment was i didn't have to find you know the few seconds where the shot happened to be stable or i didn't have to slow it down i didn't have to use post stabilization because it was all stable and it was all steady for as long as i needed it to be and that's honestly something i don't have a lot of experience with editing and it made my job so much easier okay i also want to talk about some of the added like accessories and features with the weeble 2 that make it really quite special in my opinion that turn it into something that's not just a stabilizer but it's a creative tool to get different shots for starters you have this all new wireless video transmitter which does more than just transmit video one obviously you can send that signal to your phone or a receiver which i'll get to in a minute but also it converts the hdmi signal of your camera to the usbc for the gimbal so now you can use the screen on the gimbal in order to be the articulating display of your camera that opens up a few different things not all cameras have articulating displays so that's already more helpful but more importantly the gimbal has this like ai tracking feature so you can hit the trigger and select your subject and now the gimbal is going to auto track that subject and this is so helpful for a lot of reasons for me it means i can get shots that are panning and tilting of myself even when there's no one else around to help me film it so if i'm home alone and there's a youtube video for example i'm working on i can have the camera track me as i move through space or i can have the camera follow me around the studio as i'm showing you how a piece of equipment works or as i'm i don't know doing stuff like that or i can use it while i'm riding my onewheel so i can actually focus on riding the onewheel and trust that whoever my subject is in this scenario it was zack on the scooter i can trust that the gimbal is going to be following zach and i'm not worried about crashing into someone or hitting a bump and completely destroying my gear that transmitter will also automatically connect to the all-new jain master eye visual receiver i think it's called and what's so cool about this is that well a it's a an external display which is awesome b you get all of the camera controls so you can adjust recording you can change your camera settings white balance exposure all that kind of stuff you can change all the modes that the gimbal is in it has a built-in battery but you can also mega extend that run time by just adding a sony npf battery here but it also does something really special guys this thing is so cool like obviously everything's mirrored right now because i'm in front of the camera i'll just toggle this off let's go over here if i want to in this mode you know i can just use the joystick to toggle this around and plus i have full control over all my settings right so i can just go iso crank that up if i want to i can record the clip if i want to and i can toggle this it'll do a little jiggle but once this is on how freaking cool i know i know this tech has existed for a while but this is way this makes this gimbal way more interesting to me anyways thought i'd send you a clip i miss you guys a lot i hope you hope you're less sad the most common use case for something like this is in a two operator setup the first operator is just controlling where is the gimbal in space it's following a subject it's moving through a room whatever it is well the second operator is paying attention to composition to exposure to the actual image not moving the camera but thinking back over my career this is a tool that i dreamed of literally i would research to try and see if anything like this existed because i was shooting a lot of weddings and often you end up in these churches where there's all these rules of places you can be places you can't be when you can move when you can't move so we'd often have to put a camera unmanned up on a balcony and we would basically just hit record on the balcony and hope for the best and if you've ever been in this situation you know it's quite an unnerving situation because sometimes the cloud coverage comes in and now your shot's underexposed or sometimes they move and now they're not even in the frame or you either have to choose to shoot wide and capture the whole scene or choose to shoot tight and miss out on some of the other things that happen but imagine this you shoot the processional the entrance on the gimbal you're getting all these shots and as soon as that moment is done you go upstairs you snap this onto the tripod and you connect it to the controller and so now at any point during the ceremony you have the ability to change the exposure make sure it's recording you can also pan and tilt and do one more thing that is really special which is zoom the lens because with this little zoom focus motor you just now have complete image control virtually just imagine the types of shots that you can get now even if the camera's not moving but to have remote control over pan tilt exposure white balance zoom you can put the camera into obscure places and still completely control how it's acting and i just think it's like it hurts my brain all the types of shots that i'm thinking of that i could get or all the times i wish i had this tool in the past when you get the entire setup with the motors the display and all this this is really i and i'm careful to say this word like a game-changing tool at this price point so cool highly recommend this oh yeah and then there's also this rear handle here which on a quick release you can just snap it in lock it down you can get a two-hand setup which this is so much nicer to use in my opinion than double holding at the bottom like i used to do easy drop into underslung mode and as someone who still dreams to one day get to shoot a really cool skate video i use this mode all the time alright in conclusion this thing rules it's small and portable but also powerful and easy to use so if you're shooting real estate get one if you're shooting weddings get one if you're someone like me and you're just sick of having to like really finesse footage in post to make it work because you decided you could probably do it handheld and then found out you couldn't get one oh also i guess i don't need my crane 2s anymore so i'm just going to give that away on twitter to basically whoever can come pick it up the soonest so follow me on twitter i guess thanks for watching i hope you're good get outside go shoot something [Music] you
Channel: JesseDriftwood
Views: 26,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uzQZdQl6hgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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