Warp Speed Ahead! New Swather

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i've been waiting for this day for months ain't nothing gonna take it away from me [Music] see what my mom thinks about this hey mom i'm going to cut hey yeah i'm going to cut hay love you all right today is may 31st and i had surgery may 19th so that's about 12 days feeling pretty good we're one crutching it we're taking it slow and we got a field of alfalfa that's getting white on top because it's got bugs it's got it's a little infested so first i'm gonna run over to jeff's and we're gonna do that 20 acres of his kind of get things figured out because it's the first time we've run the self-propelled moco and then tomorrow we're going to slip into that big field that a little infested with bugs get that cut raked bailed next few days gonna be 90 degrees so it'll dry down good we'll get her raked we'll get her bailed and that's the plan it's a long ways away once we get going i'll talk about my surgery how it went how things are going i'm looking for those gloves it is hot in here so we do have a globe on this machine now but we don't have the mount for the display assume it goes on the corner so we're waiting on that we got the glow we got a display traffic the first day we've used this so we're gonna have to get it set in the field jeff's gonna meet me over there help me out hopefully we don't wreck nothing and if you remember may 31st memorial day flowers everywhere a day of remembering all the soldiers and everybody that risked and lost their lives for our nation thank you all you brave men and women all right so here we are look at her head speeding up here now if i told you i knew what i was doing that might be lying jeff should be on his way help me make sure it's set right but it looks like we're cutting so that's fun i guess i can explain a little bit about my surgery while i'm waiting on jeff before i hop out and start walking around a bunch when they got in there they noticed a pretty sizable tear in my medial meniscus so kind of over here and then there was a tear on the other side as well and i also noticed my acl was loose which i think was the reason why we got hurt because it was loose they put a new acl in cleaned up the meniscus calling jeff fear so we got about four or four and a half months of recovery that we got to do but as you can see i'm down to one crutch already uh do you want to come over here and see if it's cutting alright or doing all right or do you want me to cut all the way to you no i'm fine i didn't know you were there i'll come over okay i'll just sit here for a bit all right bye so we got a new acl and i'm really happy that they did that because as you know i've been having trouble with my knee for a couple years after my previous my two first surgeries the two first surgeries i had hoping by the end of this we're gonna be better than we were to start with it's just gonna take a while about four months down to one crutch pretty i i assume by the end of this week i'll be just walking around without crutches i gotta have it locked straight when i'm walking and i gotta kind of keep it straight most of the time i'm probably going to be a little sore by the end of the day haven't it bent this long it looks like i'm seeing a few flowers it's probably five percent flour which you know it's going to be really good quality stuff it's got not going to be maximum tonnage and yield per acre but that's okay better quality stuff and we're trying to get ahead of those bugs to be honest it doesn't look too bad it might be perfect right now here comes the legend jeff reno okay yeah i can tilt the header forward more and maybe just a little bit more okay so i'll tilt the head more and go a little bit further and see what you think okay so we're going to tilt that header forward a little bit and get a little deeper now the boss man's here checking it out if you're new to cutting hay what we do is we go around the field six times that way the rake can put two together all the way around and we have enough room to turn around at the ends not sure how to turn on the ends like that probably knocking some stuff over that is beautiful turns out they want to widen it out no it is that lever but it flips the yup so there's something in there if we flip it down it'll make it so it doesn't hit the two veins that come in and so it'll widen it out more i think and we want it wider so it dries better more uniform quickly okay how many people does it take to set them up that looks wider just gonna call me it's kind of cutting out yeah i guess as long as it doesn't dry out too fast i don't know yeah i guess so we don't get in trouble you can pick dad up and see what he thinks okay all right bite that winder out you can see right here that's where we spread it out and that's before we spread it out quite a big difference i mean the biggest thing is that it dries out evenly and with alfalfa if you get it too dry you'll start losing leaves but that does look pretty nice i do like that probably end up leaving it how it is mulligan missed a spot i am glad we spread that out that looks so beautiful that's sweet i'm having a lot of fun guys i've been sitting in the house for a week and a half and i'm getting sick of it we're done with the outside room so now we're just gonna head back and forth i was getting up there in speed i was going like 11.6 at one point so we're flying we're gonna get this cut real quick [Music] [Music] yeah my passes aren't the straightest fun little auto steer in the future can't fix not to wuss out or anything but i think i'm not going to finish this field hitting these big bumps every once in a while freaks me out and a little stiff so i'll probably go a couple more rounds and call jeff switch off with them i can go back to icing my knee i guess there's no need for me to sit out here and get too stiff we're scooting i lost my phone though [Music] oh there it is i was looking for that you got it jefferino you just taken her first spin getting used to it get some ice on this knee and then this pickup is on e so hopefully we can make it home i ain't walking that's for sure we got a like 300 gallon sprayer that goes on the back of a tractor on the three point that's what dad's using it takes a few loads so he's doing i think two lows today and one load tomorrow and get it done and pretty soon we'll have to hook the rake up the baler up because this hay should be ready in about three days because we got 90 degree weather coming beans are coming corns about this tall maybe a little bit taller about like that all the cows are out to pasture but we do got to start top dressing here in about a week or two hello [Music] it's been a couple weeks since i shoved the camera in your face earlier yesterday or later yesterday one of our neighbors came he has sorghum plates for his planter and we don't so he planted sorghum for us in that field one extra bag and dad ran out of chemical so today is a new day warm sunny had therapy this morning and when i was coming back jeff was taking off to our 70 80 acres it's about 70 to 80. i don't remember acres of alfalfa we're gonna go over there and get some sweet drone video of that because we've never gotten drone video of a self-propelled swather yet today dad's going to finish up the spraying that he's been doing this is our 300 gallon three-point sprayer it doesn't have booms it's got a couple spouts on the back hooked on the 7330 which has been on the feed wagon over at jeff's place for the last year that used to be what cut hay we sold our pull type moco looks like some nice stuff it is kind of short and through here of course some spots it's pretty thick a lot of stuff in there [Music] nice [Music] that's pretty neat it looks sweet from the ground it definitely looks sweet from there so probably a good three days we'll be raking and bailing i don't know if that i probably won't be doing much to be honest every couple hours i do some physical therapy but from from about 10 am to about 10 pm i watch the office also the sunny farm slappies every time they come in stock they get sold out right away it's crazy the first group sold out in the first hour and the second group that we sent in sold out in the first day so we're gonna start catching up here but we're sending more and more to uh farm focus they'll be back in real soon getting some mineral out to the pasture this year we got extra garlic you probably more so say dad's taking the garlic out i'm just sitting there does it smell extra garlicky oh man yeah that'll keep the vampires away i hope so i'm pretty scared of those don't like garlic them blood sucking mothers loving flies so this is how this works open sesame open oh we sesame a flat tire on the rig yeah at least one and that one looks low those other two look low nice shaft [Music] oh turn the wheel to the right go ahead remember we bent that last year get away from the corner post a little bit more and spread that rake out corner post over there there we go once we get comfortable with what we're doing we go a little faster i'm pretty close to the fence over there so i'm trying not to break something right away in the morning that's always fun so we're gonna it's we got a lot of heat coming i want to try to keep our quality of our hay you can see how green the color is yet um the sun hasn't bleached it out hasn't been rained on got a pretty decent windrow back there i think if i get this going i'll probably have jeff take over i'll go home and do chores and come back with the baler before it gets too dry it's about 6 30 in the morning on thursday morning about june 3rd i guess we'll get this rolling here it's going you ever been on a steering wheel knob before we are now this hay last night at nine o'clock was just crisp uh the leaves would shake off it's just dry as could be there's a little overnight dew this morning not much it just makes the leaves uh instead of crispy they're a little bit wilty i'll open the door here they like hay fields because they aren't tilled so they they don't get disturbed much there ain't a whole lot you can do about them other than when you decide to take the field out of alfalfa you know if you chisel it deep you can kind of break up that dirt and get it filled back in i hear that red brand wire is almost impossible to find steel posts are becoming a shortage we need to get america back to work you know after this covet thing a lot of people they maybe got laid off during the pandemic and these companies their inventory is depleted and they're having a hard time getting people back to working again and we just our infrastructure is so fragile i said that word bad infrastructure we gotta help each other out get back to work and start making um things flow again the way they should i think about that type of thing a lot when i'm out in the tractor you know i love my country i'm proud to be here i've been blessed with what we get to do for a living i just want to see us prosper and everybody have a good life so there's my rambling for the morning you can uh listen to that while you have some coffee and maybe a stroopwafel sitting on top of your coffee cup these are all done when i turn on the end i like to break two together and then skip two so i don't have to turn so sharp on the end uh you see a lot of rakes where the paints wore off the drawbar because people are turning so sharp jeff arino is going to come finish so i can go home and do chores and bring the baler back howdy hi oh man i gotta go get chores done and get back here that's gonna be awesome peace out so this year uh since we have that self-propelled moco i hooked the 7330 that jeff pulled that pull type moco with last year onto the baler and so i'm going to give that a go this year should work fine here it is folks first bale of the year what you want to look for when you're bailing alfalfa is did you keep the leaves and i got to get going because i am keeping the leaves it's beautiful hay you don't want to pile in front of your bale when you let it out because while it's net wrapping it's grinding the leaves off and leaving a pile every bale is not going to be like this because it's going to continue to get drier so i got to roll but i got to roll roll bales anyway real happy with it and gotta get going that's all i got to say about that except this i monitor coded on me told me i got issues which is just that my net wrap is gone now that i'm becoming internet filmer sensation since i'm old and it's getting heavier and heavier every year instead of lifting the whole thing i just use that one side down and then the other these little handles come off these end caps plastic end caps come out i'm gonna put everything in this tube so i don't have stuff laying around i stuff everything in the center of the tube and then put it back up in this carrying area here we get to the tricky part we pull it out like this and we make a pigtail we pull it up over the top just like this so about an inch of that net wrap between these two rollers so you don't do want to do like my buddy lynn did back in the day and after he retwined his bail he took off again and broke his baler because the bale got so big that he broke a crossbar up above and you don't want to dump that bail out that doesn't have net wrap on it yet so when you get back in there remember to wrap it we did her i just got back from therapy i raced down here with my drone and then dad just finished so no drone video of bailing today but we got plenty of opportunities little leaf loss probably the first and last time we've ever bailed with the 7330 now we're gonna put a different tractor on it and we're actually gonna bring this over to john deere and they're gonna rig something up on the baler and i think that's gonna be a sunny farms video it's nice getting some video for the first time for me in a couple weeks it's probably a little choppy wasn't the best quality that you're used to but i do appreciate you guys watching the video and we'll see you next time i assume we'll be making more hay i'm walking around without the crutches now actually started doing some like squat type things but anyway thanks for watching we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] i want to congratulate my cousin ethan and his new wife courtney as they're just getting married this weekend my mom took off a little bit ago i'm not gonna make it that six hour drive would my knee would you wouldn't you wouldn't want to be in a vehicle with me for that long but it got me thinking i'm pretty sure every time i have a knee surgery someone in my family gets married so this is the third wedding that i've missed because of knee problems but congratulations to you guys i will be here alone
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 195,341
Rating: 4.9796419 out of 5
Keywords: hay season, cutting, hay, john deere, moco, swather, self propelled, w260, w235, haybine, fast, bales, baler, tractor, farm, farm work, sonne farms, south dakota, alfalfa, lucerne
Id: r_nS5IBzhz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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