POLICE WOMAN: Tender Soldier (Full Episode)

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[Music] w [Music] w [Music] about why I need a control we'll be coming back in about 20 minutes and have one coffee hot 12 y9 Roger on your call wel [Music] comply [Music] the [Music] Heat [Music] morning obviously not a good one for us what's the matter uh your front headlights out just blew 5 minutes ago right maybe 10 I'll take care of it this afternoon officer [Music] yeah she's pretty cold for a light that just blew can I see your license how about a registration I left that at home left that at home that's what he said the [Music] officer this is 12 y90 to control 12 y90 go requesting DMV check on [Music] 51 [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] fight what's going on I don't know this thing went up uh lady there say she saw four or five people running down the street and uh there's a dead officer up the street okay Sherman I want you to keep on it Sergeant kley CCU investigator Styles John Tyrell I'm from the bureau what happened here he got hit by the PCU militant group calls themselves The People's combat unit yeah we've heard of them yeah 223 they're calling CS have any idea who was in the van back there no we've had one of their safe houses in the neighborhood under Sur surveillance for a week but I guess this puts an end to that yeah was our department briefed on this operation no were any locals notified the whole setup was too fragile we couldn't risk a security Le wait a minute what you're saying to me is that we got a rookie shot down in the streets just because he didn't know he was working in a mine field is that it I'm sorry but there's no way to Tyrell go ahead we have somebody H up in the house but I think we've been spotted attention all occupants of the white frame house this is the FBI throw out your weapons come out with your hands on top of your heads you will not be harmed you're ordered to surrender immediately put a canister in the front window see what we get [Music] her name is Monica Dunlap 19 years of age no prior arrests she's the daughter of Jr Dunlap as in Dunlap advertising that's right every other billboard from here to Sacramento blame him she claimed she went to the house to meet her friends or comrades that's all she'd tell us other than she kept quoting the Geneva conventions on PS figures well Le van was totally gutted absolutely fried there just no way that lab's going to pull prints out of this one what about ballistics they're checking on it now you guys ready for this Hey where's pet she's with a girl's father my other daughter Tina is meeting me here I'd like to leave a message for her the desk was send her down Mr dun right what did Monica say when she heard I was here I don't think she knows you've come if you'll just sign this and have a seat I won't be long all right Mr Tyrell now could you you back up and fill these men in how far back sir to the beginning Mr Terell I was telling Captain parks that the PCU probably no more than a dozen people first came to our attention up in Oregon last fall when they assassinated a supposed snitch as it turned out the man wasn't but that didn't seem to phase the group since then they've been moving down the coast carrying out a series of bombings and bank robberies three that we know of for sure tell me something all those papers you got there does it say anything about a cop cop named stansky Jim stansky what happened to him last night look admittedly a mistake was made damn right it was a mistake but let's get something straight that mistake led to a cold blooded murder of a cop Crowley I don't have to stand here and take kind of hold it listen to me and listen good like it or not you better get used to each other because the way way the bureau and the department see it either both of you are in this operation or both of you are out don't let your badges get too heavy understood huh all right now Mr Tyrell would you care to try it again I'm Sergeant Anderson I'd like to clear up a couple of things I'm not saying anything more until they appoint me a lawyer that's up to you Monica but you might want to think of something to say to your father he's waiting outside uh I can't talk to him now can't you just tell him I'm okay and I suggest you tell baby oh I've been crazy for nearly a year you know that I'm sorry Daddy you didn't call you didn't write I couldn't why not honey why not it's okay it's all right everything's going to be okay cuz I'm going to take care of you you understand that you got to help me now you got to tell me the truth about all this are you really mixed up with this gang I can't say anything you shouldn't have come I shouldn't have come I love you honey Tina's on her way here I don't want her here either there's no reason tell her her baby sister said not to bother I got to go now honey no don't you cut me off like this don't you walk out of here without even talking to me all right I'll talk I exist I am I'm me I always have been I always will be me I know that Dar Daddy please let me go stansky was hit twice forensic pulled 12 more slugs out of his car all 223s the inside of his van was embedded with grenade fragments so it looks like they blew it themselves all right guys hey how' It Go P it didn't she's scared and she's not talking how hard did you push her Terrell spent all night pushing her and got nowhere I just stood in the wings did you get a reading well she's a kid who's gotten herself involved I don't want to hear about what a kid she is now she's only a couple of years younger than stansky whose brass plaque is going up down the hall pepper 22 years old well it's a drag for all of us bill that's for sure but what are we going to do about it yeah okay sometime within the next couple of days the feds are going to have the girl released on her own recognizance that's after Terell and his people have leaked word that she's snitched off her former comrades oh well that's like hanging a bull's eye on her yeah nobody knows that better than she does and faced with that the feds figured that uh maybe she'll do a 180 and turn States evidence or at least uh draw the group out where we can get to them before or after they get to her it's our job to see that that doesn't happen Sergeant Anderson Joe yeah I want you to work with the feds get everything you can on the PCU underground the whole shot got it Pete Pete you're going to get very funky me Mony 52 yeah this 52 Joe what's happening your L the girl just came to work at the store a redhead in Farmer John thanks well you ready to catch a crook yes sir investigator investigator that's nice respect never heard any [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where [Applause] [Music] what did he want just trying to hassle me you know the mentality might have a look over imer eyes feel free there a Loosely used word these days isn't it free I just can't leave the country that's all the judge told now please let us through honey your car's outside you follow me home I can't come home now onica got enough dad you'll be harassed and Miss dlap there's an article in the Wildfire Express that states that You' started briefing the FBI that's garbage I have I have to take care of what things damn it oh I'm sorry I'm late I got here as fast as I could I told you not to come here Monica I want to help you you can't I told you Tina this does left left left the article on the express chocolate was your mine you can have the coconut okay I was short with you the other day maybe you're right about the duml girl I don't know yes I do know she's in tight with a PCU and she's guilty as hell and you tell me I'm wrong go ahead I'll tell you you're wrong yeah what else do you want to tell me okay with all her radical talk she's in deep conflict oh a mixed up rich kid you're right she is Lab at all I hate labels now stop labeling listen I spent the time with her she's strong very strong you get the feeling that she could be very effective at what she does and yet that strength is covering something that's I don't know a wound a deep raw vulnerable wound now I can't wrap it up but I did see all of that I know what Terrell says he just says she's crazy you know Parks is right you two better get yourself together on this thing we're a great team AR we John Chell a mechanical man and Wild Bill Crowley the street fighter both of you pretty goodlooking if I had a choice yeah yeah well I never did dig robots too much your flattery is overwhelming I checked this one out he's got four kids here we [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what was that safe that was [Music] out [Music] they read to close ranks don't they that's the only way they could [Music] [Applause] [Music] survive I had nowhere else to go I know you don't agree but I can't help feeling sorry for her finally she scored you know who that was that was her sister I've seen pictures of her in the fashion magazines you kid I know it was if that's your sister she's going to be here for a while there's some foring tomorrow morning I want you to hit judge paraly for wiretap authorization judge paraly why me come on you know why you the way he looks at you with those beady little eyes every time you walk in the already okay morning ladies what's happening it's on the poster 2 bucks that's pretty heavy where you guys flying Algeria that's joke well I got myself set up at this rooming house on e8th and dig this the creep who runs it calls it the Waldorf West and I'm looking for a home maybe you're looking too hard just who are you name's Jeffers and uh and check the FBI for my file two bucks yeah I remember sure I can't talk you down any all right thank you is that the guy yep he's been hanging around for the last couple of days trying to get connected he says he's from Back East he says a lot of things you be careful here but we're checking money got this afternoon make the call give her plenty of space if she's clean make contact she brings the heat with her well we do what we have to man this is getting paranoid I mean we don't know if she even did any of that stuff we got to listen to her first you two out of thing for each other didn't you what's that got to do with it if she brings a heat with her we do what we have to okay Jack Jin got to be cheap that's adds up to $3,460 deductor from what you owe me spoil sport yes hi hi Monica this is Dan long time see yeah contact if she makes a move we got her okay we'll run parallel keep us advised of any changes of Direction she's moving this is [Music] it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] All Right freeze hold it right there hold it right there you do exactly as I tell you very slowly I want you to take your left hand and unsling that rifle with your left hand very slowly let's go easy [Music] the victim a suspected member of the PCU has not yet been identified though investigators are crosschecking his fingerprints and dental charts in an attempt to discover his identification meanwhile members of the FBI and local police will say nothing about the dead man except that all right Jack went down hard today just like any one of us if that's what it takes so now we move on them until we make them know what we're all about we've come too far we've accomplished too much if we just sit here mourning his death we're wasting his life Lloyd I Want A Team to check out this power substation at Wildwood Canyon how much plastic would it take to blow it Russ watch the Brandon Street Station gauge the Manpower of each shift Jan get close to this dude who calls himself Jeffers I think he's undercover and if he is I want to know exactly what he's after and who he's working for and then I want to hit him Flo station [Music] Dr evening Mr Dunlap I I want to thank you for what you did today how is she well the doctor says she going to be fine thank God I don't understand it something uh goes wrong something happens and uh it just um just lose them excuse me Frank Frank how are you feeling can we talk we really don't have anything to talk about I'm sorry I was such a mess back there well that's something Monica PCU probably thinks you tried to set them up which is exactly what you wanted right right should they send you in here so we could have a nice girlto girl talk You' got it all figured out and filed away haven't you okay let's break it down to the basics your old friends tried to kill you once and they'll try it again unless we stop them now who called you tonight I don't know did you get a look at the man with the rifle who might have drawn that assignment I guess they uh Drew straws well we just got the word the boy who drew the straw was Jack Benjamin middle class background high school track team tour in Vietnam you know the story you knew him too didn't you oh look at it Monica look at it it's just as much a part of it as the phrases and the slogans sometimes the people's Revolution and armed struggle really comes down to a boy on a slab and a late night call to his folks in Ohio now if we don't get some help the same thing is going to happen to you I uh I can't tell you anything can't just tell me this is it loyalty or is it fear I don't know now just leave me alone no I'll leave you with that yeah I am at the hospital I just got here pep yes she I'll talk to you there sorry I'm late I just got here it's all right got to go with the girl sometimes I think I'm getting through and others I just don't know Pete just fled in and said that he heard something's coming down only he doesn't know what when where or who's involv I'm tired you look tired your let old Bill buy a cup of coffee we talk about the girl okay you know this group we got to do more than put on funny hats and infiltrate you really got to be one of them that's it bill you have to be one of them sarahanne Hoffman radical leader of the 60s Annie War Annie establishment and finally any anyone who wasn't fighting for the revolution then the police headquarters in Connecticut goes up and smoke Hoffman and the others go underground it's the only published photo ever taken of her she was caught and talked to the feds about her underground contacts in exchange for a new identity so word went out that she jumped bail and fled to Cuba so she's known and she's respected but she hasn't been seen since the bombing and she is east coast I don't like it and I'll tell you why I don't like it you'd have to go in totally clean no wire no mic nothing you don't even look like this hofman bro not enough look at the picture look how grainy it is she's got glasses on it could be Garbo I'm looking at the picture what if one of our little friends knows Miss Hoffman have you thought about that bill that's a very slim chance when Hoffman was in the underground Jan Alonzi and the others were still in high school no I don't like it that's it what you may have to like it Pete spinning his wheels and we're standing still and with Monica out of the picture I say we can swing it I guess you didn't hear the boss say he didn't think it was a good idea right I heard the boss I just didn't hear the boss come up with a better [Music] idea hey hi hey how you doing all right well I finally got myself a real pad no mhm and I was wondering but you were were you no that's not what you think now what well you have wheels and I don't and uh I got some stuff I want to move out of my place and I thought maybe later on if you're not too busy um I'll be right with you all right where are the guys they're on their way back from Bri when they get here tell them I'm with Jeffers there his Pad 8th Street and it's called The Waldorf West got to be kidding I'll stall him be ever so humble there's no place like a dump you could have survived sure my cockroaches we doing fine I'll go get my stuff don't rush it I don't mind being away from the store for a while well I'm a vegetarian Sarah you know who this dude was I'm not with him I swear who are you Sarah Hoffman [Music] 12 x50 this is 12 x50 I guess she bought it [Music] y who the hell is this she say she's Sarah H she's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] been look I'm only a sergeant what are you asking me for you can't get anything from your pres the PC you have anything to do with today's shooting is it true that Monica named every member of the gang I what about security is this we hear rumors that Sarah Hoffman's involved in all of this is she Woodward guys I'm sorry I just can't comment on that no comment or to help Peppa keep a cover the PCU waits for the morning papers all right about this Jeffers again again he's the snitch who turn me over to the feds I left Cuba a couple of years ago I've been tracking him down finally spotted him conveniently out here in California told you Stark I've been looking for you people too I was tired of hiding being nothing doing nothing I heard about your group the work you've been doing taking up the cause again I came here was told to contact Jan here in the bookstore but you didn't I saw her with Jeffers what was I supposed to do about that he was a snitch Nat I know what was happening I was there she shot him it happened it still doesn't mean she's Sarah Hoffman we don't know anything else about her except she says she's Hoffman I'll call him morg if she really nailed this creep there'll be a drawer down there with his name on it strip her down and search her you don't mind Hey Joe you went home what are you doing well I told Harry I'd make a night of it he anything from p no not a word what are you reading oh I I was uh was uh one of those underground books by Alonzi and Stark that's funny I don't see any blood dripping from the pages you know every once in a while I come across a line or paragraph it actually makes sense by myself saying yeah right on I mean they want the same thing we do no poverty no pollution jobs for everybody don't tell me they made a convert no they just made me matter cuz you're right each page is dripping in blood every page covered with lust lust for violence why is that Joe huh in my opinion my great wisdom L it on yeah now deep down inside Bill people are scared they afraid that no one will touch them no one will notice them no one will hear them and they take those fears and turn it into Terror for others I mean I saw it when I was a kid coming up in my neighborhood I mean there a lot of there a lot of wrongs in that place and we tried to write them fast and some of us did what scared people all over the world are doing right now killing killing and killing some more Joe when did you become a c well and then there were others like myself who was was pounded over and over again in their heads Thou shalt not kill you religious J hey come on what are we Precinct philosophers can I get your coffee yeah that sounds like a winner new buying yeah Queen right yeah now I tell you what why don't you make it black I gu that's beautiful hey look Bill everything's going to be all right okay oh yeah I'm sure it's all cool the only problem would be the dlap girl she was in the hospital Under Wraps Dr Manfield report to xray good morning [Music] the girl's [Music] gone yeah what you got got to be kidding the girl's missing Joe where could she have gone everybody shut her [Music] up hi you're sure you weren't follow you know I don't think so I rented a car I talked to everyone you told me to and if they wouldn't talk I just gave them the numbers but you don't think those people are going to call I don't know but I've got to try and clear myself with them before they try and kill you again oh Monica this is insane why don't you go back and ask for protective custody you mean a holding cell in a railroad trial they think I'm a snitch how long do you think a snitch lasts in out prison hey I'm sorry let's just wait it out a little longer if nothing happens then I'll go back and take my chances Mr Dunlap we got an APB out on both girls in their cars no we're going to find them nothing's going to happen to them I'll get back to you as soon as I can Mr Dunlap please don't worry we don't worry Peppa's on the inside Monica's probably got her sister out trying to make contact with the group they got 24 hours on us we got nothing I say don't worry I can't stand is not KN I'll be Terell if you guys need me okay not look for me anyway yeah now this is Royster oh really uh-huh thank you very much that was Barnes from the mor just got a call from uh the bulletin about my recent death something is nobody from the bulletin made the call and after the war Council and Flint Jane brener Trish Wright and I formed a collective in New York what happened to them they were infiltrated by a pig he went to the grand jury they were sent away and your father's a stock broker tax lawyer asking it again's not going to sh Monica Dunlap my opinion they set her up stay with it okay let's take it again everything checks out her background the dead cop you got any doubts contact onl all right Sarah we welcome you to fight with us yes Monica uhhuh Monica this is Russ we have a lady here who calls herself Sarah Hoffman hofman yeah she dropped in out of nowhere oh wow she wants to meet you can you meet with us right we're at the top of Pine Canyon Road okay I'll meet you at the bottom of the road all right the PCU I've got to meet them now Monica this could be another trap I'm already trapped the cops almost got me killed by using me and they're not above trying it again oh Monica it wasn't the police who tried to kill you it's those people you're dealing with those gun toing Maniacs can you even think of going back because if I don't if I back out now I might as well have snitched I might as well be dead don't you understand that no I don't that's right I don't understand anything about you anymore Tina I'm in trouble and I want out and I'm going to get out but it has to be my way now and I mean right now Terell you got to have your man grab Monica before she blows Pepper's cover I can't do it prowley he's traveling clean he's not going to contact us again until he pinpoints a pass yeah I get every house in the obvious area which has been rented within the last two months Crowley Royster yeah Pete what do you got Tina Dunlap called and she gave me two things Monica mentioned Hoffman and also Pine Canyon Road I'll meet you at the bottom of Pine Canyon okay we'll meet you there this may be it Terrell let's get it together okay you're onong what do you got on Pine Canyon [Music] Road [Music] shman here put me through the Terrell you're really wiped out aren't you I need some sleep well Monica gets here before you crash will you I want you to meet her she's on our way okay we got four recent rnold on Pine CR how re there's no way to tell just pick a p Proby Tyrell I think we found it it's in the CAC of Pine Canyon the Dunlap girl is walking up the street right now come on dunlap's here hey she wants to meet you again meet Sarah Hoffman hello Monica she's not Sarah Hoffman she's a cop what is she crazy telling you the night I was in the hospital she either she's crazy or they got to her n maybe she is crazy she was crazy enough to kill that cop I had to do that he had us with the load we were carrying and he was radioing and our license I had to do it listen to me she's a cop occupants of the house on the hill this is the FBI you have no means of Escape throw down your weapons and you will not be harmed we've got him let's wait them out look Terrell you got to do something look our Peppers up there if we wait for them to make a move we're taking too much of a chance we got to make a move Now give me in the guys a chance to get up around the house I don't want a war no listen to me I don't think you want another house full of dead Martyrs now let me do it my way will you all right go ahead let's go he hold your fire hold your fire repeat Hold Your [Music] [Music] Fire while you were questioning me they came up on us well let's not wait everybody [Music] get looks like Anderson could stand some support yeah thanks [Music] Jim don't even try to figure it
Channel: Rapid Response
Views: 9,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jLZcc7LwqKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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