The Bad Seed S1E1 | Crime Series Based On Chartlotte Grimshaw Novels (2019) | Real Drama

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thank you okay it's all right [Music] [Music] huh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but it's a winning stink how was hockey practice sport coach doing what she's told you're right okay so chicken's been cooked you just need to dress yourself you look nice hurry up there fundraising meeting at tissues how much it cost me this time issue come on Karen haven't we done our bed I don't know what's going to be the next prime minister don't you want to be a part of it forward keep the girls here [Music] Tish are you all right yeah I am Julian yeah what about it the pole man said she's been murdered what did she say oh food You're supposed to keep them inside they got away on me obviously tonight the meeting just go go you have to whisper people get mad at all the time not around here they don't foreign Julia Stevens 42 separated left here on her own multiple stab wounds one fatal the signs of a struggle but so far not of any sexual assault metal weapon forensics are onto it it could be one of our own knives but they look pretty clean looks like she just got home time on that uh Supermarket receipts is 8 30 Sunday looks like she was killed shortly after arriving home around 9 30 so I did approximately 20 hours where is it oh Christmas Stevens yes I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you a few questions about Mrs Stevens you two are married um about to be divorced and when was the last time you spoke don't hasn't been much speaking I had an email from yesterday and if you don't mind me asking what did she say I thought it was scum she had to die I've met somebody else and she wasn't happy about him she wasn't happy about anything thank you [Music] thank you police have reported that a woman's body has been found in the Auckland suburb of remuera tonight while the death is being treated as suspicious no further details have been released in public s are appealing to anyone in the area to come forward if they have any information Ed or you're watching this please under pressure creeping crime rate this we can use take the spotlight of Mrs all right for a change view to New Zealand Party candidate David hallwright launched his prime ministerial campaign today the critics say the select campaign launch was overshadowed by his wife's latest gag it was an eye roll I don't need media training I just need to stop rolling my eyes look yeah see I'm trying don't take it personally it's just the campaign's thinking I mean it's easy thinking it's a matter of public perception we can't ignore it we need the public yeah well my perception is the instead of your first wife's gravery incarnated it's going to keep hating me along with everyone else the most amazing woman I've ever met I was hoping all our hard work would have paid off by now oh hard work what's that yeah what Wonders that would do for those perceptions it's just it's ridiculous pretending to be someone I'm not we're all pretending to be someone we're not [Music] did you check the girls Windows yeah foreign Auckland police have formally released the identity of the murder victim Julius the bloody killer on the loose I suspect the murder occurred on Sunday night the former model was found dead at her home and police are appealing to anyone in the area to come forward if they have any information or isn't it that turn up with the house the other day the Crime Stoppers 111 [Music] food first patients absolutely thanks man the extra dollar boy checked out Todd is wasn't him hello dears to Silva detective Bennett sorry to bother you Mrs Lambton yes it's about Julia Stevens it's Serena's come in come on through did you know Julia Mrs Lambton oh I have to look at it we met at a David hallwright fundraising thing once but it was about it but I was at the house right next door the night was killed that's why we're here the book club meeting is that right yes yeah yeah we're all there just I didn't say a thing I mean not that I was looking but you know well no one can quite believe it sorry can I can I get your tea coffee just want to be great and it's been a state of burglaries in the area recently connected are we looking at all the possibilities so who else lives here are my two teenage girls clear Simon my husband and for my sons is brother Ford the brother a problem for you Mrs Lambton no oh no no God no no he's just in between girlfriends houses you know seems quite like it here you know Simon and Ford were on Sunday night yes they were here both of them can you be sure if you're out absolutely they let the girls watch The Shining I was Furious I'll get some uniforms to work on some regos yeah and it could be something in those burglaries [Music] just got the cakes and the decorations for Robin's going away can I just leave them here I'm gonna have Pat Miles Away you watch it okay [Music] girls dinner [Music] you were out there oh look I know you're worried but lightning doesn't strike twice actually you know from a tree surgeon's perspective that's not entirely true can we not liken Julia Stevens to a tree oh here's the birthday girl my baby 13. you're getting all grown up on me she doesn't even wear a bra yet shut up Leah it's her birthday too which has been nice you gonna shoot that um I'll leave the message of a surgeon look at that birthday Magic Hey so you're a golden girl got a posting in the media today Rosa hall right dick move parking in a disabled space yeah I don't know why everyone doesn't leave her alone I like her anyway he's the one we'll be voting for no our old man would have a foot if he saw your truck your money at that he should be giving it to the greens did you know an island of plastic as big as Mexico on the Pacific Ocean oil might be original I told you is it a baby breach look on those cover I don't know why they're hassling me because you're the best that's why yeah I should go dad because what the planet needs is a lot more popular no 13. cake I'll save you some idea you to eat it all yourself love you all even you you're Collective see you later thank you [Music] foreign I was with my family no you're with me foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] first appointment Mr sword Rosa please sorry for badging in on you like this but it couldn't wait if you're after treatment I do need to referral from your doctor no no no it's not about that I'm sorry and then how can I help uh well it's it's personal I suppose God sorry I am making this sound very cloak and daggerana um no it's just you've been so generous with your donations and your wife with her campaign work and it hasn't gone unnoticed thank you I think David you and David are doing a great job well you can tell them in person we're having drinks at home on Friday night and we'd love for you to come I don't know what to say so you'll be there you have two girls right and bring them she just turned up out of the builders Clinic I know did he fall on a helpless Swoon like most of the men seems to captivated I don't know Simon Rose attend your week at the knees too surprised to notice to be honest well you really aren't the perfect husband hey I'm Ford there's brother true guy upstairs in general Tish Karen you never told me there was a sick and Charming prince in the family well she has told us a lot about you as it happens there's a tree a little bit closer to home that needs some attention I thought the jury is out on that I love that tree no no it's rotten has to go okay then nice to meet you Tish [Music] watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription required download daily now what do you think yeah he definitely got some rotten here rest of it looks fine yeah well that's thing about rot is it eats away from the inside and then one day everything just falls apart literally we just wait for the day yeah we're gonna do some thinning and put some kerosene in there but the Rod's still there bro I can live with that second Karen good luck with that [Music] Simon Lambton husband of Mrs Lambton from the book club quite the email exchange I'm gonna ruin you you Arrogant Bastard Jesus that's not all Simon Lambton has a record you mind if I aggravated yourself [Music] Dr Lenten yes dies to Silva detective Bennett we were here yesterday hi Mrs lambdon hi what can we do for you just a routine follow-up come in here the girls up in the rooms can I have a word in the kitchen in here if you don't mind I'm sorry this is ludicrous and what way I'm not going to murder someone for sending me threatening emails well you get a lot of them no but in this situation I don't blame her that's very understanding of you look IVF hadn't worked her marriage was falling apart she was a woman in her 40s and she went off the deep end well your really your husband had been corresponding with Julia Stevens corresponding how have other patients ever threatened to get you struck off to ruin your life to make sure that you never practice medicine again was unhinged I felt sorry for her if she was a patient of course I wouldn't know about it so you weren't here the day she came to the house this house did you tell your wife about Julia Stevens visit no need Warrior and it didn't worry you told you she wasn't in her right mind like I never took it seriously it's an insult you're even here talking to him he's a highly respected obstetrician did you know your husband has a conviction for aggravated assault allowed to bring that up I was 13. is he telling Karen where exactly were you on Sunday night I told you he was here all night I was at the clinic I think delivering twins any idea what time you got home 10 maybe 11. look I honestly don't know so you saw him when you go back Simon didn't kill Julius Stevens and you went straight to bed with your wife actually I sleep in the spare room when I'm late or on call you didn't talk to your kids or your brother I had two very complicated deliveries followed by twins the whole days are blue [Music] foreign with the kids does she know about the assault without a clue [Music] because it is no one's business but my own that's why it's fine I'm your wife you told them I was working Sunday night no you were here remember The Shining that was Saturday night Karen never think I was lying you've been shoplifting again Simon it's awful what did they want to talk about Julia Stevens I mean do they know he wouldn't even murder a boomer book for aggravated [ __ ] did he really hurt someone he was just a kid honestly it was a lifetime ago I want to know what happened you should ask him though you know what he's like I'm asking you it was just dumb teenage party sure nothing out of the ordinary cool I took Simon to a boy's home oh my God why wouldn't he tell me that that's bad luck here it was 13. it was just an accident he's a completely different person now it's going viral 100 000 views what exactly do you expect me to do about this not give the wonderful world of social media quite so much to play with you overestimate my power Aid they love you just not in the way that's helping us I didn't want the cakes to get wet so bring out the haters it's not just that the billboard closed the whole the clothes so what are my stylists now obviously we all love your style Rosa but Women's Day calculated your outfit is costing more than three thousand dollars the other day the blue collar voters have trouble with that and that's who we're losing the thing is we can fix this image problem very so you're gonna fix me now they're just trying to help well I'm just trying not to drink a liter of vodka and shoot myself in the head so why don't you put that on your [ __ ] Billboards and see how far it gets you don't worry I'll get her over the line man Fiesta silver I'll uh I'll catch you so how are you handing the gigsaw see suspects I'm stoked here it's a great climate for moving on up Miss just knock this one off as soon as you can okay and don't worry I'm all over it I love the dedication and so I will dear gregan anyone looking good for it so far could be I remember that look from police College you got someone in your sights definitely good [Music] around what the [ __ ] it's just now if he's harmless [Applause] what's up with you anyway you're distracted you've seen Miles Away police came to see me yesterday I haven't felt like that since I was a kid Yoshi I'm not was not what you used to it you grew up in white dude your mama cracked cooked like mine my mum was a drug addict who left us with our piece of [ __ ] father and then died for real for real hey it's okay [Music] Ileana you're a good mother oh [Music] let's go on to the locally a couple of drinks better karaoke we never go out but [ __ ] sakes it's not like you're gonna see anyone you know okay one drink no singing [Music] hey second thoughts I should be getting back to work you need to stop being so bloody uptight [Music] come on it'll be fun [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is what Diane thinks I should wear to the party my first primary school teacher had the same outfit exactly though I did have a thing for her as it happens I'll look like I should be baking cakes for the country woman's Institute cakes seriously though David I get it about the media stuff but I don't want your people dressing me they just this is what you like I'm sorry I have to take this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me up and put me down whenever you [ __ ] feel like it who's this and no one is it just a patient yeah I'm no one that's right you [ __ ] bastard I know hey hey easy easy look she lost her baby [Music] yeah Mom's looking for you hey okay uh a friend of mine's just a little bit too much to drink but it's all good okay she's freaking out you're late for the horrides okay sweetheart you go I'll call her a taxi it's okay cause I'm [ __ ] are you that should get her home I don't want your [ __ ] money we will talk about it later come on [Music] do I look okay you look great let's get this over with we're about to make the next prime minister of New Zealand you should be thrilled long day I like it you don't want to talk about your pasta go there Karen just couldn't you just make an effort tonight please of course I can thank you [Music] David it's all four access journalism so if there's any way we can help each other and get rid of them um well that is one journalist who will never have access all right excuse me the inner sanctum finally so wonderful to see you both here speaking after everything you've been through I saw the police page on another visit and you're my dashing chick book you must have been Furious party chairman is spinning all over some poor woman do you mind believer lovely to see you again Simon and you must be Karen thanks so much for having us you didn't bring the girls oh oh No Just David's two would have loved some people under the age of 104. I'm so sorry don't Claire's actually started young and now because there's not much of a social butterfly Elka lovely name lovely girl too but she has just turned 13 so I don't know how long that'll last hopefully a long time to do with her sister here twice on Saturday no weekend and then and practically all day on Sunday when did he leave on Sunday uh he delivered uh twins actually at 7 49 pm and 7 57 p.m and then and then I guess he went home how long after delivering the babies they were almost full term with no complications so there's no reason to stick around he has a lot of life you know thank you Paula you're welcome who are they campaign contributors Simon and Karen Lampton is an obstetrician she's a Tish Dawson echolite no where is it obstetrician my wife does Lucky secrets [Music] Lambton for pleasure so nice to meet you I hear you're a fundraise of Olympian proportions oh I don't know about that but you are actually the first politician to speak to me she's one step away from putting your poster on the bedroom wall oh good then it did happen you'll have nightmares well you will oh excuse me I should uh take this nice to meet you lovely to meet you Simon Lambton Dr Lambton detective Sergeant Marita Silva how's your evening well I'm busy I'm afraid how can I help we need to get a formal statement is now convenient time well I just said I was busy so perhaps you can get back to me tomorrow [Music] [Music] did you get that [Music] Elka come on out to me yes [Music] to take the sergeant married a silver this is detective Bennett are your parents home no do you mind if we come in for a quick chat okay [Music] okay is everything all right at the house yeah clear just let them talking to the kids so what's happening just tell me what's happening maybe I can help you I've really [ __ ] up for it how Julia Stevens alibi really [ __ ] up what am I gonna do relax waiting shoulders [Music] girl scouty room daddy two rooms lovely girls very helpful you can't do that this is my [ __ ] family you should listen to your wife Dr Lambton look it's my fault he's upset he was working on Sunday night I got it wrong we'll go to the [ __ ] shop or make a formal statement no big deal [Music] it's good so you got home from work around nine o'clock that's right the girls were in their rooms on their iPads I mean they never off the bloody things so I had a hard day before it came in suggested we go for a run he gets wound up if he doesn't exercise I mean like you know he really needs it we've done it ever since we were kids we're insomniacs like our old man so we set off down since Stephen's Road along Brighton Way around the Basin along Hobson walkway around the point and then Upson Stevens again makes me tired just hearing about it the brother claims a couple of unpaid parking tickets but otherwise there's a whistle we went down Pioneer Road into the domain across the Ducks and the Rotunda home just before 11. uh yeah I'm just before 11. [Music] what do you think if he's lying he's good at it he's lying [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Real Drama
Views: 590,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scripted drama, movie - topic, Real Drama, real drama full length movies, TV Shows - Topic, movie, nostalgic movie, nostalgic episode, the bad seed series, the bad seed, british crime drama, british crime series, charlotte grimshaw, series based on books, watch series online free, matt minto
Id: ENyNgK70muI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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