Swapping Over The 5.3 LS | 1952 GMC 3100 Restoration Part 2 | Turnin Rust

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previously on turn and Russ Lance and Wyatt knock off the dust on this forgotten 1952 GMC so you got the old GMC in here yeah feel like we probably neglected her long enough bother she was neglected and I feel like we've just done the same thing with her so picking up where the last owner left off they seek out a direction to revive this thing with a turning rust swing it's already done a lot of cool stuff I probably would have done myself so on the s10 frame got the power steering disc brakes v8 in it firing the whole way you drive around determined to change things up a little bit they visit close family in hopes to swap out this barely alive 305 with a fuel injected tire roast in LS hey uncle Frankie hey how we come out here dad said you had an O five three you might be interested in selling I'm assuming it's in the South Suburban bit say uncle Frankie hey yeah they're all pony racing back to the shop the guys jump in headfirst to tear down the GMC while building up the reality of seeing this old girl on the road again follow along as a lost dream transforms back into a lasting legacy giving the past a future while serving God and building rods here at turning Russ rotten in part by maxed trailers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this big old girl don't fit in here as well so GNC does she know she's big I'm just really happy that she ended up running really well so I think it's gonna be perfect for what we're looking for and I think we did our best we could and make her look cool on video but she's just not such an ugly truck but cool thing is I've already had a bunch of people reach out to me looking for parts for it so I don't think these old body panels will be able to say like hey someone was interested in the hood scary so but I think this motor will be everything we need in that truck be a little bit more time-consuming getting it out than it was that 305 and that GMC but yeah a lot more hidden stuff yeah figure the same route though we'll go ahead and pull the front clip off once again why not I mean we're gonna get rid of all this stuff anyways so and we need to be real careful a lot more wiring so I'll probably get a lot of pictures of how everything goes on that but I've been studying up a little bit Holly makes a wiring harness for these motors to swap them into something else so I mean I feel like with him having wiring issues already we should and you know get away from the head as quick as possible but well yeah I mean looks like it's a repeat deja vu of last time pull off this front clip I mean I figure why not if we're going to part it out just get everything out of the way and I'll put it right back up like the Edward was it make it a lot easier so mad I guess we'll get started and I'll race you to the finish line [Music] [Music] why do you use your head there yeah just hope I don't did it as we're beginning to tear this el suburban apart there's absolutely no remorse am I in for it the markets really flooded with these old trucks right now you see them everywhere they're not that desirable anyways and the cool fact about it is with there being so many and not a whole lot of people looking for them you can normally pick them up pretty too pulling these parts off is going to make it so much easier to get it this motor and and be able to access any point that we need to own it net so having to take this stuff off it's just a necessity [Music] I think I'll be able to list a lot of this old stuff on the internet there's always someone that's going to be looking for a panel here or a panel there some of its not salvageable but some of it would definitely help someone get out of a bond so that's a plan I'll list this stuff hopefully we'll make a little money back [Music] when we first started the shop around 2008 I'd ask that if he was interested in partnering up with me him not being real familiar with a whole paint body field I didn't really know where to start him at he took up some wrenches he was great at demoing stuff pulling stuff apart so now he's probably way better than me way faster than me and he's definitely got the hang of it [Music] tearing things apart kind of came natural to me growing up as a kid you know you either had to fix it or you did without but you know it also goes back to that if it ain't broke don't fix it kind of like that 305 we took out of that 52 that we're fixing to put this LS in [Music] with the five three LS motor being in a lot of Chevrolet products right now I mean you can find them in the Camaro the Tahoe the suburban the trucks all of them had this motor with that being said you can get your hands on them pretty easy I mean probably a lot easier to find a fuel-injected motor nowadays than it is a carbureted engine [Music] finding all the nuts and bolts on these things sometimes it takes a while but I've always thought you know if it pulls out right the first time you probably took out too many nuts and boats [Music] [Music] they're like you're baiting me I see the finish line I might have to step my game up again so Lance just basically challenged me to a race I'm not as dumb as I look I'm gonna take this the smart way because I know slow and steady wins the race [Music] even though we're pretty unfamiliar with a ho LS swap deal pulling the no motor out of a truck is definitely not our first rodeo around here we bought the suburban a lot of times I like to find a vehicle where the motor and transmission is still in the truck where you can crank it up possibly driving around and see what you're really getting before you buy definitely got our signature shop explosion look going on here looks like the shop before we cleaned it yeah I mean I don't know I figure there's probably at least a couple hundred dollars worth of parts there or a dollar fifty in scrap iron yeah but I mean we're getting really close now I'm getting down to the nitty-gritty so yeah you know some wiring to pull and look a little longer than I thought it would yeah yeah not too bad though so probably just you know cut the exhaust off get the wiring pooled motor mount bolts I mean on this wiring harness in all honesty I don't I don't plan on using any of it so we could probably just cut it off leave it ran on the motor and that way we kind of know how it goes but take some hoses loose yeah yeah you know why I mean I picker probably use the forklift you yank it out of there some I didn't think about that I was liking using the cherry picker yeah that'd be a lot easier grab the forklift I mean hey we'll use it don't even have to worry about pulling the motor mount bolts or wiring loose just yank it out there yeah we'll be done before we know it but now I figure maybe get this junk pulled out of the way and get the forklift right up here to it won't be long we'll have this bad boy out and on to the next move that'll work [Applause] [Music] being able to use the forklift inside it's going to make this a lot more convenient it's got a lot more power there's gonna be a lot less back and forth once we find a good solid place to mount to it'll pull just about anything out back in the day the old carburetor engine was pretty simple he had fuel and you had fire and more than likely was going to run except on a cold morning you might have to go out there set there for hours with your foot on the gas pedal or put a brick on it but with the new fuel-injected engines they're a little bit more complicated but a lot more dependable [Music] knowing the fact that we're going with an aftermarket wiring harness on this motor I see no reason for us to go ahead and spend a lot of time on dragging all this old wiring loose we can snip the wires we'll know exactly where they were ran on the motor anyways it's definitely going to be a problem for the next person on the suburban but once we sell all the parts off of it that we can it's probably just going to go for scrap anyways I think we're gonna need some new solid blades I got a question for you is it gonna be easier to pull the two other side of this motor mount or these three right here on top huh man it looks like those top three may they just to get at and kind of looks like it's got a little ledge coming off the frame rail there pull those top three I think you'll come right out okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a lot of people tend to think that the quality of who you have is kind of quality mechanic that'll be behind it you know that's not true in any way you know you can have the greatest tools and still not be a mechanic we don't have the best tools here we put out the best quality we can we put it out with pride so you know do what you got [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] she knew his clean up underneath years it was you know it's pretty black over there I got grease all over me I think I got pretty much everything pulled loose up underneath there though I got the driveshaft drop down transmission linkage is loose so got our wires snapped up here so I think we're you know ready to pull it out of it find a spot on this block to hook a chain to should be able to yank it right under there soon everybody I'll go see if I can find a chain sounds good to me [Music] it's getting close to getting this motor pulled out we kind of just do it once over make a final check list make sure everything is removed everything's been cut everything's just been out of the way to make this a smooth transition let says we're going to go ahead and use this transmission it proved itself out of Frankie's that means that we don't have to pull this motor and transmission apart which means less nuts less bolts we have to remove sounds great to me [Music] I got the transmission jacked up out of the right side they got the chain Oh got a chain on it I think we're ready to go so crank up the forklift something hangs I'm gonna just keep pulling it'll come out of there yep ready okay up backwards a little more and put it close to that law I think we're okay good we're out cool there's a lot harder than that 305 yeah got a lot of grime on the old motor though I kind of hate seeing that here it might be worth going ahead and pop in that old pan off and checking the internals in it and stuff seemed to run really good but it's obviously got some old leaks hearing there looks like we lost all the kids there's a transmission - so it's like a murderer yeah yeah but I don't think it's going to be hard to stab this bad boy up in that GMC so start or in some parts I thought you know I'm pretty sure we need these motor mounts think that old pans got to come off anyways to work on that frame but other than that I mean job well done I figure we'll go ahead and call it a night and you know get this suburban moved out of the way tomorrow and start placing it in there and see how she fits it works for Lee Marshall me too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's really rewarding knowing that we got that 5-3 out of the suburban now there's a lot of know a lot of grime you can tell the valve covers have been leaking a little bit on this motor it seemed to run really well but we'll definitely probably dig into it just a little bit deeper to see what we've got but all in all I'm happy we still got a long run ahead of us but really happy we got it out with this engine coming out of an 18 year old truck it's possible it could have an oil leak here there but it ran really well so if a few oil leaks is only problem we've got we don't have a problem well I guess we'll go ahead and get started on this whole thing already I know first thing first we need to get them old motor mounts pulled off the frame so notice these welders a little tab there on the crossmember so need to get a cut off wheel or something and get that cut off but honestly there's not gonna be a whole lot of prep on the frame to get this in there I don't feel like so possibly this turn yeah yeah yeah we could pull the steering steering shaft loose going with headers on the motor so we may have a little bit of clearance issues there that would definitely make it a little easier for our first initial stab but other than that it should be pretty plug-and-play oh I got some motor mounts that will mount right to that frame right to this motor so everything should just be bolt together on that you're gonna have to pull the old pan off going with a little bit shallower pan so with us bagging it that way we don't have to worry about setting down with something and having issues that we don't want to have issues with but yeah it shouldn't be too bad to start getting a little bit of stuff out of the way this will kind of just be our test fit just to see how everything goes but hopefully it'll clear that fire or that firewall okay but if not we may have to just trim a little bit there but goal is keep it low and tight and back and in the engine compartment so it's not like it's a crazy size or anything I'll go in there and people do it all the time so hopefully we won't have to stab it too many times ya know it shouldn't be too bad we'll pull them out you know prep everything clean everything paint everything so it looks nice the way we want it to for that final fit but should be everything we're looking for and more hopefully [Music] the reason why I chosen LS on this build is maybe I'm just not as old-school as a lot of other hot rodders it's more modern it's more dependable it's gonna have plenty of power to push this old truck down the road I think it's exactly what I'm gonna be looking for on this build and I can't wait to hear running this truck again [Music] one thing that sets us apart from other shops is real like to incorporate the history of the truck with the truck you know this one hasn't going to give us any indication or anything but what I do know is Lance wants to keep this one fancy [Music] [Applause] [Music] this whole GMC would have basically come with just with a small inline six motor would have got you down the road just fine you might be able to spin a tire over if the roads wet but with this LS motor it's definitely gonna be packin a whole lot more power and that's what we like around - there's a lot of old oil and grime on the bottom of this motor from studying it out it looks like maybe it's leaking down from the valve covers but once we pull this old pan off we definitely want to dig inside of it check the internals check the rod bearings and main bearings just make sure that everything is good and tight and we've got a good bones to work with [Music] [Music] we're going to change out this old pan here with something that's just a little bit more shallower when we arrived this truck we want the old pan off the ground as high as possible with us going with a little bit shallower pan we're going to also have to change out the pickup tube here so we'll unbolt it now I'm just going to kind of test fit this new old pan we're not going to bolt it on the way it needs to be yet just going to put it on there to make sure everything clears and know that we're in the good [Music] pretty sure this should be the piece of the puzzle we're looking for right now this one's supposed to work right with an s10 frame plus be a little bit shallower so we're not having any clearance issues I don't think I'm gonna put the whole pan gasket or nothing like that we just want to set it up on there this is like I said just our initial test fit so we'll just belt it up on there and move on to the next part of it that looks like that should clear a lot better got us higher than the transmission pan so yep shouldn't have any issues with Heights both are on there got yours already got it what's next man phones oh yeah yeah we have to get to the motor mounts it'll be a little easier to get those manifolds off first so say that and the old manifold bolts get hot and want to break off all the time so hopefully none of those we've got a couple that have already been broke off so it's kind of got evidence it is possible where I stabbed trouble with that but figure maybe grab the impact something hit them hard and quick it either take them out real quick or break them off real quick one of the other it was a little sudden impact yeah that'll work [Music] something I always hate to see as well as every other mechanic out there is a Brokaw float not to mention a broke off bolt in the head so once we are able to get these manifolds out we'll have to get those old boats out of it obviously there was an issue I don't know maybe someone was turned in the head the wrong way my busy just got hot and tempered and just broke overtime either way it's an issue and we'll have to address it [Music] we're going to go ahead and go with a set of aftermarket headers on this motor it's going to allow clearance for the frame it's going to allow clearance for our steering hopefully as well it's made to go on this motor made to fit this frame so everything should be good to go [Music] well if you want to pull off the motor mounts I'll go grab them and it should be the last piece we need right now I think I'm gonna wait on putting the headers on there it might be a little lazier to see make sure we have the room and then bolt them on inside the truck so other than that I think we're getting pretty close to stabbing her all right [Applause] [Music] funny thing is I think we've done spent more money on all this little stuff than we did the motor and the transmission but oh well yeah I don't think I even want to talk numbers right now with the way my gears been turned it in my head but it'll definitely be worth it for sure [Music] [Music] that's got all my motor mount boats on what next yeah I figure we'll go ahead and grab a grinder and get these old motor mounts off of this so the new ones should just bolt right on to the crossmember shouldn't have to drill weld anything like that but we've got these little tabs welded on there so we'll just have to cut them off with a cut-off wheel or something don't look like the well two too crazy may have to grind them a little bit but these ones here should just bolt right into the crossmember no drilling no welding no nothing like that so fingers crossed that'll go smoothly and set it on there they're adjustable so we may have to move them just a little bit to get that motor set in there the way we need it to but it's getting real close sounds easy anyways yeah [Music] everything that we've ran into on this old truck from the previous owner has actually been good quality work same with these motor mounts are good they're solid they're just not going to work with the application on this LS motor we're looking for so we'll get them knocked off we've got our new motor mounts and everything should be good to go those ones are just spinning I think I got a nut on the inside of the cross demersal I don't know how in the world that what I ever even got to maybe when the springs sprawl for if you had the springs off yeah if you had the spring off you could get right at it I don't figure I want to do take that route though no look yeah gotta go ahead and crank up the whole cutoff wheel I'll go ahead and cut those suckers off as well one of my favorite parts about any build is just getting behind a weld or a grinder just working with metal we're at that point now where we'll go ahead and crank this sucker up and let the sparks fly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we get really excited seeing this plan start to come together we've got a long rough road ahead of us but just being able to take around the shop with that it's definitely gonna be worth it [Music] this body style GMC has become my favorite body style on trucks as a kid I can remember seeing them and never thinking much about it but now as I see them going up and down the road I love their shape their body you know and I'm just glad that this is the one that we're working on now well it looks like we're finally at that point of many more points to come it's pretty excited knowing that we got the 5/3 pulled out of the suburban now we're about to match it up with the 52 everything should go pretty well it's went well so far we got our oil pan changed out we got our motor mounts pulled the manifolds off we know we're gonna have to install some custom headers on it so right now we're hoping we don't have to trim the firewall too much or if any at all but that's what we're doing right now just to test fit everything and make sure it works good good yeah we're yeah right there come up come up I think I like that forklift a little bit better so yes we just put a carburetor on that 305 would be done yeah yeah good yeah that's good all right looking good so far probably need to pick up those wires out of the way there should work backwards backwards go down yeah down just a little I'm gonna try to let it down as slow as I can okay ready ready back it down just a little could probably go down about another inch and a half but that old pan that's getting pretty close there so it's getting close to that crossmember okay okay just back just a little bit all right okay then down good yeah it's good back that okay yeah no okay well right there I mean check everything over here okay we're almost lined up with the oh yeah whales tank maybe if I go ahead grab that jack get the transmission jacked up a little bit it looks like we're probably gonna have to trim that firewall though yeah I don't see how we can get around it but maybe not okay look any better yeah that looks a lot better I think if we undo these motor mounts and slide them to the front it'll help us clear this a little better oh yeah yeah they're adjustable so I'd let that block go back quite a bit and definitely clear that old pan on the crossmember for sure yeah yeah I think if we loosen off them bolts and slide that mount forward and should line up where we need it to be anyways well I'll grab a wrench and that should did everything kind of where we need it to be okay [Music] I'm getting pretty excited to see this thing finally taking its form I've joked with Lance several times about the 305 in there that was my my style back in my day but seeing this new LS engine going in there and that I think it's really going to be great that's been lingering behind the scenes with joking around about wanting to keep that 305 motor in the GMC I on the other hand was quite determined to put this LS motor in there and if it means pulling off whatever we got to do to make it fit that's what we're gonna do give her another go yeah I think so start back straight that okay that's good down okay that's good I think we go up with the jack wait just that the AC compressor is gonna hit over here on this this frame rail oh man yeah we're so close yep sure it won't come this way any no not enough no yeah now mine's lined up right now so it's it's definitely gonna have to come on [Music] I told Dad that we were going to be able to get this LS motor to put in his truck that meant removing a AC compressor that I was going to move anyways that's absolutely not a problem to me Lance has always been fascinated by anything lowered as a child he came to me and asked me to help him build a lowrider bicycle I didn't know what that was now all I hear him talking about it air ride I guess I should have known then it was in his veins yes I had to distract that transmission up a little bit now okay tell me when you look good okay yeah should be able to just go straight now now right yep you ready I'm ready yeah yeah okay more just a little yeah that's good out there check my side out and say huh yeah mines lining up pretty good this needs a drop about an inch more how's yours I mines right on it I think you think you can fit about nurse I think so yeah trying to get a bolt in there you go yep sweet I think mine's pretty close I just need to lower this side down just a little bit hey I something to go down about an inch over here you wanna watch this side and tell me when we get close yeah we're so close ready yeah going now okay right there good yep you get it I got it I don't like the cherry picker down already she's free yeah actually glad I talked you into putting that elias in there instead of leaving there I've been listening you wish and we left that 3:05 in here for days but pretty rewarding scene that LS in there ain't it yes it is I think we made a good headway I mean still we're at the ground floor of this whole thing I'm still going to attack the crossmember there on the transmission but I think we can use the one that was on here should should line up pretty good on it but yeah definitely ain't headed in the right direction I think we've done pretty good in 24 hours we completely destroyed the suburban and I got this 5-3 and it's no home so no I mean I love the fact of it being a fuel-injected motor and all that but it's just so ugly I kept you up wanting to go with a classy look and it just hasn't mad yet so it'd be kind of cool to just figure out some way to make it more old-school you know that we can dig into that when the time comes but figure once we get her bolted into place and where she won't move around we'll start trying to do some wiring and all that mass but they're happy parts Doug yeah well I don't know about that but now the hard part yeah a parts done for sure so well I don't work no I figure it's about time to go ahead and call it a night I'm done for yeah mom texts about three hours ago and said supper was ready so I might be right behind you I'm pretty hungry myself well guys that's gonna wrap up part two of this build we made a little bit more headway we got the LS motor pulled out of the suburban and got her place in our new home with a 52 got a lot of cool plans for this truck they've kind of grown and grown over time this is not going to be our typical build we're spending a lot more time and a lot more money on it so it's going to be a lot of hours involved if you haven't caught part one of that episode it'll be linked in the description below be sure to catch it don't forget to subscribe ring the bell so you don't miss a new video and we'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Turnin Rust Network
Views: 307,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1952 GMC 3100 Restoration, 1952 gmc 3100 restoration part 2, gmc 3100, 1952 gmc, 1952 gmc 3100, turnin rust gmc part 2, turnin rust gmc part 1, chevy 3100, chevy, gmc, 1952 chevy 3100, 3100, chevy advanced design, gmc 3100 restoration, gmc 3100 restoration part 2, ls swap, 5.3 ls swap, turnin rust, ls swapped, restoration, 52 gmc full restoration, 1952 gmc full restoration, gmc full restoration, chevy 3100 restoration, chevy 3100 ls swap, gmc 3100 ls swap
Id: oK7eZpdI4SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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