1954 International Metro Build COMPLETE!! | Operation Metro Build | Turnin Rust

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small town business owners wyatt and lance bush teamed together to form craven customs a father and son duo scavenging the web along with the northeast texas woods in search of rusty relics while buying and building on a budget they recreate and preserve hidden patina giving each one a story of its own chasing their passion they're giving the past a future saving lost dreams one vehicle at a time with help from god these guys are turning right brought to you in part by maxed trailers [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well we made a little bit more headway on this old metro since the last time you guys saw it we went ahead and we got our tanks mounted we've got our compressors mounted we've got our valves mounted or shifter or just a lot of little stuff that's taking place still got to run the air lines but we're really at an important part right now of needing our exhaust work done once we get the exhaust work in there we'll be able to know where we need to run some lines some wiring as well so that's what we're doing here right now we're going to go with a really cool setup just need to get it unloaded and see what we can get done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right good well man we made a little headways from the last time you seen it i'd say so we've been working pretty hard finally got to that point of needing some exhaust so i can you know be sure that all my airlines are away from the heat so i don't know i was just kind of thinking i wanted i know i want to do three inch exhaust on it but thought it'd be pretty cool to maybe do some electric cut outs on it or something that'd be different i mean i love the sound of float masters but if we do the cutouts i was thinking maybe going with something that's a little bit quieter when it's running regular you know and then have the cutouts open up when you really need to grab some attention or something yeah the problem is we just don't have a whole lot of room here i mean it's it's obviously the frames on the ground so just fixing to say clearance is gonna be our biggest issue so you to get it up in the air and look at it yeah yeah i'd love to see if we can run an x-pipe flowmaster's cutouts but i also know we've got this much room to work with so we can do it whatever we need to do to get it started uh we've also got a three week deadline i've got to make so we need this done about five minutes all right [Music] so i only have so much room here i've got a battery tray that's going to go in this spot there's not a big big area there on these cutouts what are you thinking as far as replacing them all right come out of the headers back here ain't got a whole lot of room when our battery there land yeah i don't know if you i don't know if you could come off that way and then dump these cutouts here or maybe we can move them out here they'd be the same level man kind of dump it here and then have them come in close up here and hit our muffler here yeah probably so so for right now i kind of want to run the exhaust out the side of the metro but obviously we'll need the body to do all that i'm thinking maybe just dump it for now once again we're kind of on the time crunch so if we get to where we can look like we can run it out the side i'll bring it back up here but if we can just dump this muffler for now we can cut that back off and tie into the go out the side later maybe so that'll work it'll look good you think something like that will work i mean it don't look like it'll take a whole lot of pipe but no i'm thinking one stick of pop a couple wells we'll be good to go yeah i need more than a couple welds all right we'll weld it up sounds good lance that'll work man i'll catch you let you play around let's get started all right sounds good with every move you're moving me to all of my pieces coming unclear one little bend again i break and i feel it yeah i feel it wait before you go i just gotta let you know [Music] every time you're close you're pushing me yeah you're pushing me [Music] [Applause] [Music] your [Music] i just gotta let you know every time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so how fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're pushing me oh well you about got it wrapped up i believe so man it looks good the sad thing is though we can't crank it up to hear what it sounds like right now i really want to hear it run yeah man it really filled all that empty space up really well so it looks good man too bad it's all going to be covered back up well it's unique yeah like y'all yep now i thought it'd be kind of cool to have something that tones it down a little bit through the mufflers but if you want to play around grab some attention you can open it up and have at it so man i appreciate y'all knocking it out we said we're kind of on a crunch here so uh every minute counts and y'all being able to get it in and knock it out and this good work it sure helps us so sure appreciate it i guess we're going to get you all paid up and load this thing up head back and move to the next step so sounds great all right man i sure appreciate it man thank you sir see ya [Music] [Music] oh i've been running from the law try to catch me hollering at them [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] will you find me hope you find me [Music] when the sunrise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this has probably been one of the most intense deadlines we've had to meet around the shop we put a ton of detail into this old metro and i'm really happy with how it's turned out so far we had kevin do the exhaust everything worked out really well on it behind the scenes we've been working really hard we've got all our wiring ran in loom we've got our valve our air lines ran to our valve body here we got our shocks installed steering linkage brake lines fuel lines everything seems to be done on the frame as far as we need it to go we try to make everything kind of plug and play just so it's a lot easier on the next guy the wiring harness is a little bit mangled mess right now but once we run all that up into the dash it'll fix all that scenario but the problem is we have only 10 days left and the metro is still in two pieces so we're about to mate up the frame with the body now this will be the last time that this will be in two pieces the last time we lay eyes on the frame so we're about to do that right now get it both together get the steering hooked up pedals hooked up hopefully get this thing on the road [Music] should work there we've already got our fuel tank installed we had a friend of ours go ahead and fab up a custom tank just because we only had a certain amount of area to work with got all the sheet metal work done on the bottom side here welded everything in got seam sealer undercoating on it so underneath here everything should be pretty much good to go we'll just start dropping the body down hooking up some wiring putting in our body bolts and one step closer another thing we had to do was on the brake booster it couldn't come out the front it had to go out the side in towards the engine compartment so we had to make a contraption in here so that whenever you push the brake pedal it would force this way yep go that way so that was something else we had to fan [Music] well that's got it on all of its body mounts now uh we'll go in there i'll probably lift it back up put a little piece of rubber in there just to give it a little bit of cushion we know we've got everything lined up run some bolts through there start wiring this puppy in get the steering hooked up pedals hooked up getting really close to getting this on the road so now that we got the body and the frame mated together we've got everything bolted down solid everything lined up like it should we've been working on the wiring there's a lot of wiring going on in this metro we went ahead and replaced the whole wiring harness so we're starting with everything from scratch there's a whole lot of colors going everywhere it's really messy right now we went with some digital air gauges we've got new dash gauges as well that'll be our our oil our temperature our fuel gauge all that stuff will be new so we're trying to wire that in this it'll also be equipped where he can air it up with his cell phone if he wants to so just a lot of cool gadgets we even went with a key fob push button start would be kind of cool on it so right now what i'm about to do is just go ahead and install the new dash gauges should pull out pretty easy plug those new ones in and make that dash look a lot better this is my turn [Applause] these old gauges have a really cool old-school look to them i mean they match the van perfectly uh the problem is with them they weren't functioning anymore i mean this old wiring on the back of here it's you just don't see stuff like that around anymore so we're going to go ahead and put some more modern gauges in here some stuff that actually functions so you can make sure we're not running hot batteries charging and make sure you got plenty enough gas to go wherever you're going next uh but heck these are really cool i'm going to hang on to them probably make something around the shop with these gauges that i ordered uh they're pretty much the basic setup like we had in there uh these are called a quad gauge and because it has it operates in four things we've got our fuel gauge we've got our oil gauge our bolt meter and our water temperature the cool thing about these gauges that they they all come with new sending units so we were able to install a fuel sending unit on that fuel tank that match up with these gauges same with the oil and the fuel and the the temperature all that stuff so now these should just fit right in place uh this is the the gauge one uh this is a speedometer one basically just runs off a cable like a like it normally would so i'll just get them bolted up in there wire them in so they light up with the headlights get all the sending units wired in and she'll be able to read this thing out when i went to measure on gauges for this metro i was really getting a strange measurement i couldn't find the right gauges for i ended up going with just a five inch gauge which looked like it was going to be a little bit too big uh the next size was like three and three eighths which was going to be really too small uh now that i've got these old gauges pulled out tried them out it's like they were made for the thing so now we'll just start bracketing them up bolt the wires in and this will be a really plug and play easy thing [Music] as you seen earlier in the video we had to locate the battery back here at the back of the van which is in the area of where the gas tank normally would have been we had to relocate the gas tank anyways it's at the back more convenient more capacity for the gas tank back there so this area here we decided that we would just take it turn it into a spot that we could jump across from the battery here over to the battery and that way if he needs to jump somebody off or if he needs a boost or whatever he'll have this compartment that's easily accessible without having to try to crawl up underneath the vehicle to do it in that so i'm fixing to jump it on across and see what we can get going [Music] so even though the metro looks pretty much the same on the exterior uh we really wanted to jazz it up a lot with all the bells and whistles and all the gadgets uh so something we thought that would be really cool is on this is instead of going with just an old original ignition with a key we thought it'd be pretty cool to go with where a key fob style so with this this is the key to the metro so if you don't have this key in your pocket you're not going to crank this metro up it's just a push button start pretty much like you see on all the new cars nowadays so we're wiring it up the the instructions on it are a little bit all over the place i think we got it pretty close just to test it out another cool thing is it has remote start on here later on if you wanted to add a keyless entry with the locks he can do that as well so we're just going to go ahead and try it out i want to make sure we're on the right path with this just see if it will turn over the motor and we'll go on from there i think i pretty much got everything wired up on that ignition where we can try it out now there's all kinds of wires that come off that module so i wired in the basic stuff i think we can just this wire right here i'm just going to have you hook it into the hot for now temporarily wired in there and see if it'll turn over or something i just want to make sure we're in the right direction where this cart before a horse yeah it's kind of complicated [Applause] can you reach the battery there yeah [Music] just kind of tap it to make sure all right it's lighting up in here so i think we're you think i should go ahead and try it yeah i'd give it a try you clear i'm clear i'm sure i'm in pork here we go [Music] works yep so i don't have any of the cool or the fuel pump or anything right around right now so but we at least know the starters working so headed in the right direction that's for sure there's a ton more wires to go i like it well we're four days away from our deadline and we've yet to crank this metro up and hear it run we've got the body and the frame mounted back together which was a huge accomplishment but there's just been a whole lot of wiring we went with a brand new wiring harness so we've been running all that uh running all the engine uh harness uh wires all the air ride harness wires there's just a lot of wiring going on on this truck so we just about got all that wrapped up still like just a little bit on the steering column a little bit on the on the gas pedal check the fluids make sure everything's good on that and getting really close to firing this thing up for the first time [Music] we're finishing up one of the last pieces on this truck of bleeding the brakes so we had to make the brake contraption up front here for the brake booster to clear right so hopefully we'll get these bled out hopefully that contraption works for us and hopefully it'll do a whole lot of stopping ready starting to get a little bit of a pedal that's good feels pretty good now i think everything works [Music] feel pretty good now that's good well i think the last thing to do is just check the fluids get some fuel in it and see if it'll turn over spit or sputter or do something so it's getting really really close all right we got any gas yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] i've already got that oh yeah i got it yep coke it's full chevelle just checked the oil again and the transmission fluid i think that's pretty much got it got a good hot batter you got all that connected up and everything everything's connected ready to go ah we should be pretty close to doing the first trial test of her i got all the gauges wired in everything should be good fans are hooked up air rides should be working all we got to do is push the button and try it try it the only way to find out if it works [Music] sounds good really good [Music] we'll try the cutouts do i try the cutouts oh yeah just right [Music] no leaks [Music] i'm pretty happy i did not expect it to run that quick that easy it sounds good too sounds really good we went with those 50 series flowmaster so i didn't want it to be too loud where you could notice a difference with the cutout so cutouts sound nice and beefy and i love it just need to try to put it in gear now yeah i made an arrangement to go ahead and get alignment done on it today so i need to go ahead and button up a few last last minute things and get it on the trailer and get it up there and get alignment and this bad boy will be on the road we'll be cruising yep that'll work on the upholstery work inside this old metro it didn't really amount to a whole lot and literally the seat was not much left there at all we teamed up with sammy ham with deport classic auto interior on this and he just blew this seat out of the water we wanted a look that would match the grill of the metro and uh he pulled it off he nailed it on that so we were able to incorporate our turn and rust badges on there just something to give it a really cool kind of rustic look i'm extremely happy with the way they turned out the owner wanted to go ahead and have a two-seat set up so we've got another seat that matches this as well that'll go on the passenger side [Music] [Music] so we got the new halo lights in and out we're fixing to install them uh pretty easy just plug and play so we'll get these halos plugged in and get it fastened in and we'll be done [Music] the boxers [Music] well yesterday we had a few kinks arrives and we didn't make our appointment to the alignment shop we still got a few kinks we're working out we're at three days away from our deadline we're going to go ahead and load up the metro now get it taken up there to them have them look at it hopefully everything works out all right [Music] dream of a new destination lust for something [Music] unknown to [Music] you gotta me out the door [Applause] [Music] no is i can do [Music] [Music] yeah drive on the wrong side just live while i can stay here in the moment cause i'm howdy hey how are you pretty good i'm lance bart hadley nice to meet you we had an appointment to bring this whole girl up here to get alignment done on it today i saw it on the schedule this morning we're ready you probably don't get stuff looking like that too often not too often yes actually i can say this is the first yes sir yeah well it's all on air ride so i can air it up and everything and i just need to get the alignment i know what pressure i want to run it at so well we've looked at our equipment and it is compatible so we've got to be good to go we can load it we'll put it on the machine and find out that'll work any certain place you want it or just around here on the north side of the building okay our alignment bait that'll work we'll unload it and pull right up on the lift okay i'll get it unloaded then all right thanks [Music] oh [Music] what i can do far away [Music] i'm [Music] well we made our first test run in it and she seems to be running okay steering okay i can tell the alignment's definitely off on this the wheels are fighting each other so that's what they're going to do now hook it up to the machine get everything in a line should go down the road a whole lot smoother [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] they get you all fixed up lance yes sir they sure did i can already feel the difference in the steering wheel appreciate you guys choosing us yes sir i appreciate y'all jumping on it and knocking it out so good deal these deadlines ain't no fun but at least when it's done it's done so we'll get it back i got a few more things i need to mark off the list but it's that's definitely got me one step closer so glad to help i sure appreciate him we'll get out of your hair hate to see it leave if you guys need anything just holler yes sir thank you [Music] now that we got the truck back from the alignment shop she's steering a whole lot better we had to address the front fenders just a little bit to allow the wheels to tuck in there the way they need to be but we just been pressing on pressing on this has been a super busy hectic week for us one last piece of the puzzle is that 56 cadillac bumper we wanted to put on here uh y'all you guys might remember while i'm back we bought the 56 cadillac thought it would be really cool to try to fab something up to put on the front of this metro didn't know what we were going to really be getting into how hard it would be what we were going to use we just thought it'd be a cool idea and we went in it head first so now we've been fabbing on it i think we've got something we like we're about to bolt it up and see how well it dresses this thing up [Music] [Music] so hey [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] thank you ma'am see you next week [Music] [Applause] that is [Music] i don't care what they say about me stop it [Applause] [Music] i'm bad i'm bad as bad could be [Music] [Applause] that is [Applause] well this whole girl's been a long time coming and i couldn't be happier with the way she turned out we put a ton of hours into it and we were actually able to meet our deadline to send this girl off to ireland when we sold the metro van he loved the exterior on it he loved the patina the old school logos so we just were able to keep that like it was now underneath everything is basically brand new we went with full air ride on it four link on the back an 82 c10 front cross member on the front everything lays out like we wanted it to it rides good it feels good on the motor we decided to go with just a 350 carbureted motor sounds really good has a lot of power gets the work done a 700 r4 transmission shifts this old girl down the road just the way it needs to when we sold him this metro he really wanted something unique not that the metro wasn't that already so we decided to spruce things up a little bit with a 56 cadillac bumper we were able to fab some stuff together just with what we had around the shop come up with a really cool look that's really going to one off this metro from the rest of them on the interior of the metro we pretty much lost everything when we went with the air ride so we had to fab up new wheel wells a new raised floor we thought it'd be pretty cool to make the interior match the exterior something that looked like it had never been messed with so we were able to put down the sheet metal we went with a wood slat floor something that really give it an old school look we were able to recreate the patina on it everything matched up perfect and looks like nothing was ever touched we had our seat recovered by deport auto upholstery and he nailed it with the look that we were looking for to match this front grille on the wheels we went with a custom u.s mag wheel with a 22 by 11 on the rear and a 20 by eight and a half on the front overall even though this metro brought on a lot of late nights a little bit of stress and a lot of busting knuckles i couldn't be happier with the way she turned out and really going to be sad to say goodbye to her [Music] you
Channel: Turnin Rust
Views: 1,244,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1954 international metro, international metro, 1954 international, 1954 metro, operation metro build, turnin rust metro, turnin rust 1954 international metro, turnin rust international metro, international metro on airride, metro on airride, bagged international metro, international metro bagged, metro mite, international metro mite, turnin rust build, rust, bagged metro, metro bagged, patina ratrod, patina, ratrod, roadkill, old milk truck, milk truck, old delivery truck
Id: xBQ6YrwYVuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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