Swapping combines!

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hey guys what's going on well we got done with plant 2021 last friday today's monday and they was hollering heavy rain all weekend and saturday missed this and all day sunday missed us and i thought man this is going to be a bust we're going to skate right through this well lo and behold last night she finally cut loose um i had an inch and six tenths of my house and we basically had three inches here at the main farm and man it come fast and hard so i don't know it's too early to tell if it screwed anything up or not i mean for the most part i think everything except that last 300 acres that we planted that we finished up on friday everything else by all rights should be okay it's been in the ground long enough but uh that that we planted could be iffy so i don't know it's just too early to tell i mean you know it's still gonna take another week to ten days to to know if anything's damaged or not but um got some heat finally moving in toward the tail end of this week saying it's supposed to be up around 85 and high humidity you know heat index of like 95 or more so i'm not looking forward to it but that is going to be a nice change um crops are finally perking up uh the corn looks really good got a real good stand on everything it's finally down into the starter fertilizer got a good green color to it um the beans we planted clear back the ninth of april or whatever that was it's been snowed on and everything else they don't really look bad per se they just they just really haven't grown much we got a good stand but boy they've just sat there about an inch tall forever but they're finally coming around now a little bit i think and this shower should help that so um overall i'm not going to complain with with where we're at you know at this point in time so uh today i think i'm going to get the combine out uh last fall there we once we decided to trade combines that was clear up into december so i'd already put everything away for the winter so i just need to get ours out and take the 2a radio out and just a few minor details um last time i was out deer i think the new one is basically ready to pick up they had the four wheel drive on it and all they had left to do was swap the front tires because uh it had good years on it and we're not running good years we wanted new firestone so that's all they had to do and that's been over a week ago and i'm assuming they probably got it done but nonetheless i need to get this done get everything cleaned out so when they're ready for the old one we can take her out so let's get started here and get her backed out so this particular combine here is a 2015 john deere s660 and we've tuned it to an s670 we've gave it 50 more horse and that's the only difference between a 60 and a 70 is like 50 or 55 horse other than that is it is the exact same machine inside now and we've traded this for a 20 20 s 760 and we'll do the same to it we'll give it 50 55 horse and tune it to a 770. now for the most part to the average joe the only differences are going to be in here in the cab uh it's going to have a different style hydrostat handle on the new one going to be totally different there this screen here is going to be much bigger um if you remember from last fall i always keep my plant and monitor up here for all my yield mapping and endeavor stuff i won't have to do that anymore the monitor in the new one will do all that um i think most of these buttons over here are going to be fairly similar as far as outside the machine most of the stuff is going to be pretty much identical there's going to be a few changes but overall it's going to be very very similar on the outside um the one difference that the new one will have that this one don't is the new one has the power fold hopper so you can push one button and your hopper all folds down for the most part watertight i mean not totally but for the most part so that'll be a nice feature and other than that i don't think there's any real big differences so we'll get all the stuff peeled out of this and maybe see about picking the new one up here in a couple days so we got everything cleaned out of the cab and i'm gonna put all the shields on it now i always leave all the shields off of this combine after i wash it in the fall just because i feel like mice like it in where it's dark and like to get behind stuff so i leave every shield off of this and leave the side shields open to let as much light as i can in there and we don't seem to have much trouble now i know last fall there we had them one wire deals up there that got chewed a little bit or just the coating on them but uh that's one of the first and only problems i've ever had but i don't know if this helps or hurts but makes me feel better so that's how i do it you [Music] [Music] so [Music] god damn it [Music] so okay we got her all buttoned up i'm gonna pull it back over the shop you gotta have a screwdriver and a pair of pliers to lock a couple of these shields on so lock them on and she'll be done what's been the first day we've had it's really been kind of sticky and humid out i'll tell you it's still morning in the old sky there you can see he's had that red tint to it all morning so you know what they say about red sky in the morning well i got the new combine home it's new to us this is a 2020 s 760. it'll be tuned to an s 770 here in a couple weeks got brand new firestone shoes on her all the way around four wheel drive i do got to get in there and paint the centers they come from the factory green i want to keep them yellow but uh overall outside the machine not really much difference at all i mean maybe some ever so slight changes but nothing major from what we had now inside the cab is a lot different and you can see this one comes with the power fold grain tank on it so that's nice the cab is a lot different the hydrostat handle is way different than the one that they've had for gosh they must have had that thing out for 20 years now and then this is a i believe this is a 4600 display um it's all touch screen so that's a lot different i used to have to put my plant and monitor up here my 26 30. it can still go in here if you want it to but it's not mandatory now you can run it all through here if you want to your auto steer and your mapping and all that stuff so i'll get some advice from deer on what will be easier you know more user-friendly to run it all through this or just strictly use that as combine settings and still use the 2630 up there so i'll have to see what they say but uh yeah it's it's quite a bit different i was a little uneasy on that hydrostat handle because that other one on the combine that we just traded in they've had that same design same buttons all that stuff for gosh i'll bet it's been close to 20 years now maybe longer it's been forever and you know sort of deals when you get used to it it's like man i don't know if i like changing that or not but so far just driving it home i really like that it fits your hand real nice and uh the buttons are all pretty similar similarly located as to what the other buttons done it just looks different so overall i don't think it's going to be an issue at all in fact i think i may like this one a little bit better so i'm just kind of sitting here now reading the book going through this monitor kind of you know trying to learn how to use it i guess you could say overall it don't look like it'll be too bad that's one thing i always have said about john deere computer stuff it's very user friendly um you really gotta get things out of whack to to get the machine screwed up you know most stuff if you hit the wrong button you can immediately back back out of it and it won't change the setting um some of them other companies man their stuff it can be it's not very user friendly so i do like that on deer stuff now this one here since it's a totally different monitor that's what's taken me a little bit to just figure out what buttons to push and how to get you know kind of navigate around or whatever so but overall i think we're really going to like it so last night after i got the combine home we got another oh yeah i think it's close to a half inch of rain and i think it drizzled on and off all through the evening and through the night now it's raining pretty good again this morning so there at my house i had another half inch overnight which that puts me right at two inches total for this whole event where up here at the farm we'd already had over three by the time i left work yesterday so shoot it may be getting up to three and a half four inches now just have to see when we get there but nonetheless it can quit any time well yesterday turned out to be a pretty non-eventful day we didn't do much at all had a lot of running around to do had to run to effingham and different stuff so done all that yesterday now today i'm going back through seed um seeing what all we got to return um i'm probably going to keep a few bags of beans we ended up with uh three and a half inches of rain out of all this stuff so i'm sure there's probably going to be some replant to do somewhere which you know it might just be spotting in here there in ditches or or whatever i mean it's too early to tell if we have to do any whole fields but so i'm going to keep a few beans back but i gotta get the planter out because i got some beans some back beans stacked up on the platform they're gonna get them all put together and uh different stuff so we'll get this started see where we end up well gotta back this little hog out i guess i got my seed taken off the back of the planter i think now i'm gonna paint some wheels on the combine they got a pretty good scratch in them there from where they unloaded the duals and then back here the centers of the four-wheel drive must come green from the factory so i'm gonna touch all that up so i got a lot of flack on tick tock from people asking you know they're like why'd you have to put new tires on it at 250 hours or 70 whatever the hell's on it and the reason is we didn't have to put new tires on it but i explained this on tech talk so if you follow me on there i'm sorry but you're going to hear it again so the farmer who had that combine before us he trades every year has since all the way back to the 1980s trades every year that's just his thing i don't question it don't know why he does it don't know don't care it ain't none of my business so nonetheless he's got big floater tires that he runs on that so when he orders his new combine every year he just gets cheap good years on it because he's not going to use him anyway when his combine comes in they jerk the new tires off put the floaters on it he runs them goes to take it and trade it back in he takes his floaters off leaves him in his machine shed they put the good years back on it and then sell the combine or whatever they're gonna do with it so since we refused to run goodyear tires as what we did since that had good years on it is what we did was when he ordered his new combine from the factory they set it up with firestone tires all the way around it and four-wheel drive because he didn't run four-wheel drive either and we wanted four-wheel drive so when his new combine arrived at the store from the john deere factory they took the firestone tires off because they got to put his floaters on anyway so they took the firestone tires off put them on this one took the four-wheel drive off the new one put it on this one and then everybody got what they wanted so that's kind of how that rolls so thankfully we have a dealer that'll work with you like that now of course we had to pay the upcharge you know they didn't hose the farmer for the firestone tires and we got them for free we had to pay for it but nonetheless that's how we got them so that's the way we do it okay yeah it looks like it'll need a couple of coats which i figured as much got the wheels all painted that didn't take 10 minutes so gonna try to get the shed cleaned out they're gonna come pick up all of our empty seed boxes tomorrow so get that done maybe mow a few yards and that'll wrap her up for the week so that's it for today i guess i come got all my empty seed boxes this morning so we got that all cleaned out so we got some more room in the shed now so i think i'm going to start putting all this machinery away got to put that away both cultivators planter get it all stuffed in here i guess uh let's see today's thursday and saturday me and the wife and kids are leaving on vacation gonna be gone about i don't know 10 12 days whatever it's going to be heading out west going to go out to denver down through moab utah uh end up monument valley grand canyon bryce canyon zion national park hoover dam vegas all out through there i've been to pretty much all them places already but the wife and kids never have been so gonna take him out there by the time you see this we'll have already been there and back so so yeah i'm gonna get all this stuff i'm not worried about cleaning nothing up yet because you know we don't know if we have to replant anything which you know as every day passes it looks like we're gonna be okay but then i got some double crop beans to plant once we start cutting wheat so i'm not gonna clean the planter up at all but them cultivators could probably be cleaned up you know here another week or so once we see that the crop's gonna make it so anyway let's get started putting this stuff away [Music] [Music] [Applause] so ah [Music] i think the machinery is all shuffled around and put away and the seed boxes are gone and i think that's just about it i think i'm going to jump on a lawnmower here pretty quick and get that party started and get the yard mode and call it a week so yeah you guys kind of have to bear with me here for the next you know probably 10 to 14 days not sure if i'll be doing much filming for youtube or the podcast just because gonna be out of loop on family vacation so um i think i've got some stuff saved back that i might be able to download for you guys in the meantime but i'll just have to go back and see so anyway i'm going to jump on a lawnmower and call it a week and the next time i see you guys i should hopefully god will and be back from our trip out west so you guys take it easy keep it right here to the growing corn youtube channel and we'll see you next time
Channel: Growin Corn
Views: 6,945
Rating: 4.9682035 out of 5
Id: LqPD8Jywp8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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