It Won't Stop Raining.... Baling Rig Walk Around

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] top of the morning folks or good day or good evening or whatever time it is you're watching this welcome back to gold shade bars if you're new to the channel my name is dane and we do a little bit of everything we farm a few acres here in uh south central texas all for hay i do a lot of custom work so yeah come on down well i have to explain this later but we are a sloppy mess right now we have gotten 12 and a half inches of rain since the first of ah may we go so yeah we've gotten 12 and a half inches of rain since the first of may and it is a sloppy mess out here i'll go around and show you later but we had some major drainage issues which i think we have under control now but uh needless to say it's been a fun and eventful last few days um so today dad already put some time in getting the hay equipment ready um we're right behind schedule as far as cutting hey goes um it's already today is june 4th or 5th and we don't see us getting in the field anytime soon but what we're going to do today is hook the tractor up get everything nice and dialed in uh run it we got to go through the baler a little bit uh get everything greased and oiled make sure everything's in working condition we haven't moved it since we parked it here into last year and so it's time to time to uh get after it once the good lord actually lets the ground dry out we'll be hitting hay hard and it's going to be a mad dash to get everything in quickly everything's so big right now we're going to have a lot of high yielding fields so we have our work cut out for us as soon as it dries out already all hooked up hoses remotes for the rake failure harness pto chef pin ready to rock and roll how much is he putting forward here the tricky part about all of this uh this really is super handy and feel but when it comes to maneuvering it around and back in places it gets a little tricky that rakes pretty long and that baylor is real short it's real short coupled so i don't exactly have a lot of room for error when it comes to backing it up so we'll get it though i'm gonna try to back it in the shop i don't make too much of a mess much took much longer than i care to admit but we got it in there first piece of equipment in the shop come on well vermeer 604 in baylor what do you know what do you know all right so on today's list hey wife um we're just gonna go through it get it cleaned up we got to replace these pins lace pins each each one of these belts like you can see a lace up there there's a pin that connects the two ends together here's one right here too so this little pin right is what we'll be replacing today um it's good to do them like every thousand dollars we're way overdue so it might be fun trying to get them out but it's good to replace them pretty often so you don't have any headaches when it does come time to change them so we'll see how today goes i'm not 100 sure on that everything else here looks good we're gonna go through and see some see what the pickup teeth look like things of the nature it looks good though nothing crazy going on here so again if you're new to the channel we live in a 50 by 30 barn dominion we had built and then me and my dad actually finished out the excuse the mess i'm just showing you but we finished out this so i don't know what that is 30 by 600 square foot barnum style we finish out the inside so that's where me and the wife and the two kids live uh in the meantime while we build our we call it forever home but you know anything's possible there's our forever home it's coming right along roofs on had a little bit of a window issue lead times and such are crazy right now so they're finally starting to finish up framing and then we'll get the last coat of paint on there and then i believe they sheetrock next week so maybe at the end of the video i'll kind of give you an update of the house and kind of show you through it let us get started here so the first things first we're going to slack up these belts so what you do is just like up the belts you open the door all the way and then there's this doohickey right here that you spin in there so we're going to go quite a ways up but you'll lift the door all the way up it's not all the way up right now um i'll probably back it up a little bit more actually that's what we'll do but uh you lift the door all the way up and you come over here and adjust your pressure excuse the mess of this baler i'm kind of embarrassed to be showing this to you but uh you back the pressure off and uh what that does is allows the belts to stretch out a little more or allow the door to open up really more then you can slide that thing under and then as long as that thing is there you can lower the door and it pulls the slacks these belts down so that's what we'll be doing got a lot of cleaning up to do on this thing though all right so the pressure's not backed off enough come here backing off some more hear it creaking chains moving there we go should we do anything yup just enough so we slide that in there and then um we'll spin it to see if we can get a few laces lined up did you get a haircut did he let you too bright you look cute buddy he was so good he was boy you look like a little boy now he's a water bottle spraying everybody including himself oh yeah say thanks nema mimi so dad was able to get two laces lined up so we are going to you're gonna lower the door until we get enough slack you got to pull back on it's backwards all right and there it is so now we'll lock out the door and i will start banging away at some laces this is usually fun typically they say you can get if you can get a little bit of a nub like this one's all buggered up but it's tearing the laces here and this pins broke too shoot this one's going to be a booger actually see if you can't pull that out can you get a needle nose in there it's in your garage huh [Music] you have a trailer too yeah looks like [Music] um let me see that um you gonna go help dad yeah um you need help you know hold my hand oh he looks like he looks younger people don't do it more or they do more more often without them as i've seen he said these are the hoses oh yeah you're gonna give me a tour of the rake yeah okay that is a tire how many tires are there one two oh good what about on this side how many tires are over here being camera shy [Laughter] where are the hoses oh good job buddy good job what about the rakes oh yeah where's the tractor bucket oh yeah look what's inside of it i want mommy though it's all muddy it's hellas it needs a car wash it does yeah a lot of mud oh your puppy was actually pretty good little sister hi ginger girl well here is the carnage of pins that we pulled out a few broken but overall it wasn't terrible there's six belts on this boiler and what we went ahead and did see how we spray painted it so we know that we hit it and then i've found this on one of the facebook group pages people do it to uh kind of give an indication of you know as soon as that paint wears off it's a pretty good indication that it's time to change pins anyway which is probably more frequent than a thousand bales but i think the manual says every thousand you should change him and that's kind of like this standard industry standard so we try to stick to it but we went a whole season without changing them um but it only took us 25 minutes probably so not terrible right now dad is uh working on i was working from the back and he's working from the front to get uh some net wrap out that kind of gets jammed up in the rollers pain in the butt but it is what it is i think we can roll it now yeah it'll kind of flop out and i can pick it up once we got this kind of stuff done we'll pull it back outside on the slab here and start pressure washing it kind of just get it all nice and clean knock the dust off and then um try to do our due diligence and getting it all nice and old up i greased up and ready to hit the field so uh alrighty oh just in time for allergies get flared up but i did my best to blow it out but i could a lot of stuff came out it's pretty good so i'm gonna go ahead and hit it with the pressure washer real quick and uh just to really make a mess of things let's get this out of here real quick ugh chaff and it's just gross not ideal but whatever [Music] [Music] so [Music] well just about done cleaning it got a little rain shower coming over but uh just hitting it with the hose now trying to knock off all the little splatter um it was pretty filthy as you can see not exactly a professional pressure washer so uh yeah nice and covered but it's got to get done happy it's done but man we cannot catch a break from this rain it's supposed to rain another inch or so today and this might be the start of it and it might not end so so let me help my wife you're so strong uh once the rain shower is over um we'll meet back up with you i want to go over the rake and show you how it works i know a lot of people have been asking so we'll kind of go over the ins and outs of it what all it entails um i did do a few videos on it years ago but we'll go back over it again um and yeah just kind of go everything make sure we're good to go get everything old back up and then we'll go over our nightmare of a drainage issue that we had right babe terrible you have another few inches of rain coming probably all righty so here's the gist of it we're running a vermeer 604 in select baler it's a 2019 model and uh hook to it is a flex rake and i'm sure some of y'all know or most of y'all who watch this channel know that this uh this is a rake where you pull it's got a pto shaft from front to back and it runs the baler as you rake so it's a one-man one-pass job we pull it behind a john deere 4440 that's a 79 mile it's got about 7 000 hours with about 800 on an end frame overhaul a good running tractor we love it so we'll start at the front of the rake i kind of want to show you how this is done so this rake allows you to only run two hydraulic hookups which is the only we only have two uh suvs on this uh tractor um to run this entire rig you technically need four but uh this rake has a built-in hydraulic splitter and we'll get to that when you get to the back so it runs with the two hydraulic outlets uh here's our bailing harness and then here is actually our hydraulic splitter harness uh goes to the remote up there um and then obviously the pto shaft heavy duty son of a gun it's ridiculous here's where the shaft comes in harness goes in everything runs through they call it a utility trough all the way so this top tube is your utility trough and the shaft runs through the bottom a pto shaft runs through the bottom trough for square tubing um it's a hydraulic fold there's one long cylinder that folds the entire rake the entire rig out it has a working width of about 28 feet 26 27 feet something like that this is a 12 wheel model to have a 10 and an 8 but honestly i don't know why you would get that because you can fold it in and out and you know cover as much or as little ground as you want to um like i said it is just a wheel rake not power rake pretty straightforward hey rake um we'll get to the back of the rake over here this is where the hydraulic splitter is there's a bank of three solenoids in there all electrically controlled from the the remote in the cab um basically hold the button for the uh function you're trying to achieve and then work the level let the lever the hydraulic lever so it turns one remote into three so running through this splitter you have the wheels that are the uh opening of the rake opening and close of the rake the up and down of the rake wheels themselves and then the pickup on the hype the hydraulic pickup on the baler um so that those all flow through to our flow through the uh hydraulic splitter and then the one remote the leftover remote uh flows all the way through so it's just one long hose run and it comes back to the door to open and close the uh baylor door so yeah that's the gist of it man uh this thing uh you know there's some pros and cons the cons or the pros definitely outweigh the cons i really can't think of any major cons it's a it's a great unit um it's it really came in handy when it's just me and my dad out in the field it's easy enough for somebody i can put anybody in this tractor as long as they're competent enough to run the baler and the rake and basically all you do is act like you're raking hay and we have it set up to where it feeds perfectly into the baler as long as you read and listen to the cues on the monitor when to dump and when not the dump and so on and so forth you're ready to rock and roll the balers pretty much i mean if any of you run any of these newer balers um you know it ties automatically all you got to do is dump close and then go again and so uh if if you're half but confident or competent and know how to run a tractor in ray k you could probably run a setup like this so that is nice uh i can kind of you know it limits the uh the requirements machinery the the machinery experience requirements does that make sense uh when it comes to me having to put somebody in the seat uh most of the guys that i have running this stuff really only one or two they're very good equipment operators so i don't have to worry about it but you know if ever the day did come where we get big enough to where i have to start hiring people you know i'm not a 100 percent i'm not all that worried um that will have an issue the back look at the rake real quick uh heavy duty tongue it's all set up here's your adjustments for each wing so this wing sits on this trough or this pipe and it uses this screw system to slide the uh basically it sets your windrow uh width as it feeds into the boiler you adjust it here you can do it by hand or there's a socket on the end you can use a cheater pipe or whatever everything comes to back here here's our harness for the baler so it feeds through this is just an isobus setup or rig there's nothing fancy about it uh the door hydraulic outlets and then these are the outlets that come with that spider that come from the splitter i've gone over the 604n before pretty straightforward 2019 model nothing fancy it's a good baler it makes beautiful bales a few few issues we've had with it not not not make or break or anything but i will say we've run other models in brands you know that that start a bale quicker faster and better this one you kind of have to feather in uh the clutch to just when you're starting to roll as soon as you have that core created though then you can haul high kneel keep up with the best of them even might even pass them i mean it'll swallow some hay but it all starts with the start of that bale you just have to really creep into a nice slow bill that's really the only con i have um and if we if we don't if we don't feather the clutch in and start a bale slowly it'll jam up and pack off and we got to go unplug it so that's not ideal this one has a automatic clutch cut off whether it's good or bad i don't know the idea i guess is not to ruin any net rep as it's going on the baler it's electronic clutch so as soon as the net wrap uh starts wrapping that clutch kills the pickup and there's no pickup so the belts will spin but the pickup won't um it's net wrapping twine um yeah pretty much it these vermeer balers in my opinion are built supremely heavy um this is a 8 500 or 8 000 pound baler it's 8 000 8 500 pounds where a comparable john deere's like six thousand not knocking a john deere baylor we really didn't have any issues with the last one we had we ran a 568 that was a five foot baler uh it was pretty good for the most part a little ragged out that's what we started with though i like doing this commercial work but it was a simple baler we just weren't real too keen on the service in our area for john deere and things have changed i'm sure eventually we'll give them another shot but right now we just really like the vermeer baylor and the dealership that we work with that's pretty much the uh tour of our hay bail and rig um again pretty straightforward i'm sure a lot of you have seen it but some people just kind of asked how it worked what how you know the gist of it what's going on you know so here it is um good old trusty 4440. good tractor solid tractor so as you can see our tank is plumb full and you know here's the inlet and that's the overflow and so that overflow was probably six inches taller than what it is now and now we have it flowing out of there just fine see all the dirt i had to move to achieve this at a minimum and so i have my homework cut out for me when it comes time to um clean all that up i don't know i probably just fill up on the back side of this hill and i don't know what this is going on with this terrace here but um anyway this place just catches happens to catch a lot of water and i was not expecting it this is the first time we've ever seen this amount of rain and it's good that we're able to see it no doubt about it so we can make adjustments now and and so i've got all my work cut out for me here as soon as we dry up which i think today was our last real day of rain for a little while at least who knows what's gonna happen but uh yeah it's kind of what we're dealing with right now so i just figured i'd show you that just uh i figured i'd give you a little update of the house here it's coming coming right along if any of y'all are paying any attention to what the market's doing these days housing market construction market materials building materials market it's all bonkers but you know things are starting to work out so we had a little issue with the windows um basically lead times and so that's why that that exact wall isn't painted in order finished framing or the windows installed it should be here pretty quick um they're uh you know but once that's done the windows in they'll start to start sheet rocking so hopefully it's in beginning next week monday and they'll be able to start putting sheetrock inside but yeah this is this is it here's our front porch pretty cool stuff we're really excited it's turning out great r d is doing a good great phenomenal job i don't know if i'll be able to get in here oh they got us tied in well heck let's just go around all right here we are hi there back porch we went around snap out of the fingers oh yeah so this is our back porch we're gonna have a kitchen there outdoor kitchen um pretty big grand back porch because we are outdoorsy entertainers and people and we like to be outdoors so all right so walk in the front door and boom it's kind of like our dining room area if you will large tall ceilings it's only a one story which is really tall so those dormer windows up front are [Music] non-functioning they go into the attic this side is our kitchen see the sheetrock's installed they're ready rock and roll that's our pantry kitchen island's gonna be here my wife wanted a big window while she does dishes i guess me too looking out um it's kind of our view i get to look at tractors while i do the dishes that's pretty cool um walk in over here real quick that's my wife's office this is the laundry room this is the master pretty cool decent size we don't want it too big because we don't like overly huge uh masters master bath his and hers i don't even know which side is mine to be honest um bathtub shower master closet hiding room um yeah so master closet and this comes out in the mud room it's pretty cool so we have access to the laundry area from our master that was my wife's want single single and a half car garage we're gonna put our four-wheeler and stuff in there maybe a workout space that's this side of the house walking over yonder kitchen dining living room that's my office slash family study um you know tv and stuff's gonna go here and this is the kids side and the guests hide guest bath or guest bedroom and then guest bath and you know closet over there and then the kids bedrooms baby gentry's bedroom baby grayson's bedroom and they share a jack and jill bathroom so they share the shower in the toilet but you know they have their own vanity so here's gentry's room closet so yeah that's kind of the gist of it i know i know that was a quick run through but i just kind of want to show you the layout all right guys well that's pretty much all i have for this video just to do a really quick recap um it is june 5th and we have yet to cut a single blade of grass as far as the hay business is concerned um we've gotten 13 almost 13 inches of rain uh in the last month in a few days so that has put us way behind although we're very thankful for the rain you know it's just gonna be a hellacious drop of the hat get after it cut everybody's hay as soon as almost fell we're just gonna have to cut everybody's hay soon and as fast as possible once we get that golden window to go do so gave your run through of the rake in baylor our setup our entire bailing rig if you have any questions drop them in the comments below send me an email my email is always in the description fedex is backing down the driveway i don't blame them to and then of course you got a little bonus footage of the house walk through so i hope you enjoyed that um again if you have any questions just let us know we'll be more than happy to answer them as always the gulch hay farms family loves you we appreciate you watching these videos we especially appreciate you smashing that like button uh subscribe if you're new here and you think you're gonna like what you see i promise you will you know i'm pretty easygoing people we like to entertain hopefully enjoy it um and again stay dry y'all or if those who need rain we're praying for rain for you hopefully you can have some of this so y'all take care we love you bye [Music] you
Channel: Golsch Hay Farms
Views: 4,478
Rating: 4.9606557 out of 5
Keywords: john deere, vermeer, country boy, farm, ranch, hay baling, spring
Id: nozeVUv6OiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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