Letting the kids run the combine.

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[Music] well it's a new day today we got moved up to the main farm last night got the field opened up so we're gonna cut some beans here we got about a hundred acres up here around the house that we're gonna be able to work on today i got a beautiful forecast i was about 30 mile an hour winds today and bright sun so we're gonna be able to get this party started here pretty quick uh first we're gonna get the drill all set up we're gonna get some wheat so today uh kevin's gonna run down and do that while the rest of us are cutting beans so we're gonna get the drill out get it set get some seed in it get it all ready to go [Music] gonna have to go out here and make a loop this is a bastard with this mower on the back so [Applause] [Music] now it's time to save the environment put some def in the condition of your planet is going to improve immediately see why you don't want to get that def on anything important it's real salty and corrosive that's like crystals there i have to wash that off see that but boy we are really saving the planet with this whole system look at all that plastic there all this rubber the plastic jugs that are ended up in the landfill because most guys don't buy it in bulk like this they buy it in plastic jugs oh yeah so these beans we're cutting now we're sprayed with fungicide we got 18 acres on the north side of the lane here that was sprayed with fungicide 38 acres on the south side that was not sprayed just as a comparison and it's looking like the fungicide definitely paid for itself this year from what i'm seeing where the field ain't quite done yet but we're going to be approximately 10 bushel an acre better on the sprayed versus the non-sprayed maybe a little more by the time it's all said in the past we've always kind of dabbled with fungicide on beans for the last few years but it was never anything that just really jumped right out at you to say hey man we need to be spraying this on all of our acres you know there was just a lot of variables and just one field that seemed like you'd have a yield bump the next field you wouldn't and just kind of back and forth and so we just continue to kind of experiment with it and it's definitely looking like this year was a year that it probably would have paid to spray all your acres just from what i'm seeing thus far we don't spray corn with fungicide anymore we used to dabble in it a little bit and it just seems like it's way too fickle i mean it seems like for us personally more often than not the fungicide did not work so it just it just wasn't worth it now i'm not saying there's not instances where you could get a really bad year with disease and warrant it being sprayed with fungicide but to just go out and just blindly spray all your corn acres with fungicide i just i don't think that's the way to go but on beans it's starting to look more and more like it's one of the things that maybe a guy should be using the verdict's still out a little bit i'm not going to just jump in 100 and say yeah you absolutely need to do it but it's definitely looking like this year it would have paid for itself victim [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] well today is a new day we finished up this field last night on beans and the only other beans we got left is 30 acres of replant which they're oh gosh they're two weeks behind the rest of these so they're not anywhere close to being ready so i'm gonna go help a neighbor cut some beans today hopefully get all that done today and then tomorrow we're gonna switch back over to corn and start hammering down on corn so i'm gonna get the combine service this morning pull the filler air filters out of it get them cleaned up fuel it up grease it up and be ready to rock and roll this has been some of the dirtiest bean cutting i can remember in years so i want to keep these filters clean so [Music] so well now that the planet's saved let's run back to the shop and clean these filters well i tell you what i said it yesterday and i'll say it again today i've just never cut beans in dirt like this it's just terrible but you just can't see anything as far as you can see which there's other neighbors cutting here in the area but this old dirt is just hanging it don't matter which side of the field you start on we've jumped all around trying to get out of it but it's there's just not enough of a breeze it's just hanging so you can't really get out of it we got done with the neighbors beans yesterday so now we're going to switch back to corn which i'm ready for that i'm tired of cutting these dirty beans ready for a change of pace so me and old henry we're going to run over and get an auger got to take it down to my house because where we end up tomorrow we're going to want to fill the bin there at my house so it's just as easy to get down there now rather than after dark some evening once we get done for the day so we're going to hook onto an old auger jerky it down to my house then come back and get the combine all switched over and ready to start shucking a little corn [Music] well we got rolling back in corn got old henry helping me he's out of school today and then monday's columbus day so got all kinds of good help he does pretty good he's uh 11 years old he's been running the grain car since he's about eight so he pretty well knows what he's doing if it works out i may try and surprise him tomorrow and let him run the combine i'll just have to see how things work out how we get along here so yeah he does pretty good this morning started out kind of rough we was on a pretty rough farm i don't know it's one of them you don't pull your hair out when you're farming it anyway and i caught a wash out wrong and kink three of these snouts real bad on the corn head luckily i was able to get them popped back out with a c clamp i still hate doing that but could have been a lot worse i'm still new to this youtube gig i didn't think to grab the camera when it happened so i apologize for that maybe next time hopefully there ain't no next time well we got a long picking corn yesterday pretty good uh picked 55 acres or whatever it was uh that was on some pretty ornery ground starting out so we should have a pretty good day today going to get on a nice 70 acre field uh the only problem today is going to be it's about 10 miles from home so we might get back up on the hauling we'll just have to see but i don't know first and foremost went up the fuel up this morning and checked the fluid levels noticed the hydraulic oil was extremely low but uh-oh got a leak somewhere so started checking around on the machine and sure enough this right in here was just all covered in chaff and you know how it does when you got an oil leak and something sticks to it so i haven't located yet where it's coming from so i just got it washed off i'm gonna have to go maybe move the combine forward backward run the head do the unloading auger just do quite a bit of things here and see what shows up i'm just not sure yet but just gotta see i'm gonna pull up to the shop now and take the air hose and blow all that off because it's dripping with water right now and you can't tell what's water and what's hydraulic oil we're gonna see how bad this leak is today's saturday so you know deer is going to be closing at noon um and we just we haven't found the problem yet i got to find out what's going on if it's one of them deals if it's just a teeny tiny leak you know it's going to take all day to lose a gallon of oil we'll probably go ahead and run it and maybe call deer and schedule something for first thing monday morning but we just got to see here now if it's a bad leak and it's really puking it out then we're gonna have to go to plan b i guess so let's tear into this and check it out there's your minimum we're below that well that makes me feel a little better you know a gallon has brought it up over the minimum so it's not a huge leak but put a little more in it so yeah don't get me wrong any oil leak is not good but you know if i would have had to dump three gallon in that to get it up to the ad mark i'd have been pretty concerned but one gallon there put it well up over the ad mark and since it's not spewing out anywhere that we can see then that makes me feel a lot better that it's not just puking it out somewhere and i'm pretty confident we can at least go ahead and run it today and then see if we can find out pinpoint exactly where the leak is and then get it fixed monday uh the other guys they're running around right now moving trucks and grain carts and kind of getting everything set up and ready to roll i need another set of eyes here though so i can get up in the combine and try different functions and see if that shows up because i don't know what all that valve block does there you know it could be when you swing the unloading auger maybe that's when it leaks maybe it's when you kick the four-wheel drive in you i have no idea what all that stuff does so i need another set of eyes so i can work some functions and then see if it shows up so he's able to get our hydraulic leak fixed thank god it only turned out to be an o-ring on that big valve hydraulic valve block down there it's got a bunch of valves plugged into it and one of them valves just had a bad o-ring on it so was able to get that fixed and we're up and running now so about an hour delay by the time we figured it out and got the o-ring and got the mess all cleaned up so thankfully we are up and running best way to keep kids entertained in a combine cabin give them a dry erase marker and turn them loose on the window get your windows clean that keeps them entertained what are you drawing over there joe what are you drawing okay oh okay i get her wiped off jesse wipe it off then for the older kids you just get them a pen and notepad that for the really older kids you put them in a grain cart well i've had about enough for one day so we're gonna let korra run how old are you eight she been in here drawing on the windows check this out got my windows all decorated as soon as she got the driver's seat henry hollered on the radio and said hey i wanted to drive so he's eyeballing us so we get everything winding down here for the evening just start filling everything i may let him runner so yeah i think every kid should learn how to run stuff what do you think sis you like this um i'm really concentrated right now so okay she's been to the pumpkin patch today got a cat drawn on her cheek whoa here we'll get over just a little there you go keep her straight a little straighter a little straighter well with her at the combine henry in the grain cart i think i can take the rest of the season off you think you got it sis no i don't know looks to me like you guys are doing pretty good looks like you're concentrating awful hard you want me to get out up here no say i can get out if you want well cora is still going to town on this rig i'll have to stop here pretty quick or old henry's going to be pissed if she got the driving he did so i'm going to have to do the old switcheroo here for a wall i like you done driving no no doing pretty decent well we've done the old switcheroo we got henry at the helm now hope you're getting off the road get her straightened out when i was henry's age we had a john deere 55 combine with a three row head on it it was a real jewel and then we went to a 4400 gas it was quite the beach and then to a 6600 diesel and it was wore out i mean it wasn't a horrendous combine but it had its fair share of problems so yeah when i was a kid i always had to ride outside on the ladder in the dust of the dirt which didn't really matter because none of them had air conditioning so you had to run with the door open anyway so it didn't matter if you set the camera set outside you were still eating all the dirt the cab was almost worse because it was like a greenhouse sitting there with all that glass none of the windows open so you bake away in there so yeah i've ate my fair share of dirt on combines well we're going to turn old henry loose by himself now man what i wouldn't have gave to had a rig like that when i was 11 years old we'll see how he does he's running some he's never ran it by himself but it's high time he learns so let's see what happens i'm sure he's nervous as hell running it and of course when old dad's looking over your shoulder i'm sure he's real nervous but he'll with me sitting in there was probably even worse of course i was i wasn't really riding him but i mean every little mistake he was making i was letting him know so he'll do all right if i didn't think he would i wouldn't let him [Applause] run i will give old henry this i've turned him into one hell of a grain cart operator he uh back when he first started running it it was kind of play time you know he kind of farted around and i mean he took it serious but he wasn't in fast paced mode you grain car drivers know what i'm talking about and so finally one day i just hollered at him on the radio and i said here's the deal pal when this combine gets full if you ain't underneath my auger i'm turning the son of a on anyway and you'll just scoop her up from one end of the field to the other with a scoop shovel he's never missed a lick since then so yeah he's doing damn good now i mean loading trucks he does her all i mean this is his rig and i don't have to tell him nothing he does a damn good job boy the old grain cart this is one rig i don't run much at all i'm not gonna unload him on the go i don't think i don't think we've quite stepped up to that level yet but he'll be there pretty quick i'll bet now let's drive down here we'll drive alongside him see if we can't make him nervous [Applause] see that black rod down here on the auger right there that's how you control the flow of the grain here on its hydraulic so see i can open that farther and it'll spit it out faster or i can close it down to make it go slower these carts like this these bastards will spit grain out in a big hurry of course then i can speed the tractor up and slow it down too that helps too so you can kind of regulate it two different ways really i generally tend to run the tractor a little slower and do most of my loading or regulating i guess you'd call with the gate then that spout up there too it's hydraulic i can kick it in and out see how that grain moves so you've got some leeway there too if you don't hit the truck just right the tricky part gets when you get down to the end because you want to get your slide closed and you won't get your auger cleaned out but you don't want to run the truck over either but i'm probably fixing to show you how to run a truck over here in just a second so like now i basically got one pile left so you better get your slide shut down that'll give your auger time to clean out you can always open her back up just a hair if you need to so like right here i'm just barely gonna open it for about five seconds and shut her back down and that'll spit a nice little pile on her right there just like so works pretty slick and that truck is loaded today is monday columbus day got old henry helping him he's up there in the grain cart still rolling right along pretty good uh 70 acres in this field and it's all but done we got about two or three acres left then we're going to move up the road about a mile and got 50 acres up there sure looking like she could cut loose and rain about any minute there's a slight chance of rain today nothing major we'd be lucky to get a tent the way it sounds so it doesn't sound like it'll shut us down even if it does come a shower but i tell you we are awful dry around here we could sure use a rain but it'll be what it'll be corn still hanging right in there it's running 16 to 17 on moisture right at 200 bushels an acre on the averages so real happy with that well we got old henry at the helm again that's better than school any day of the week i'll guarantee you [Music] well guys we're gonna have to cut this video off right here i sure appreciate everybody tuning in this week and watching i've been a little slow on these videos we're right to think of harvest so i had time to edit videos and all that good stuff of an evening so i'm going to try to keep pumping them out as quick as i can we got probably roughly 300 acres of corn left i haven't tallied it up but it's somewhat close to that and 30 acres of beans we had some beans we had to replant last spring and they weren't ready when the rest of them were so yeah we'll be working on that next week so thanks for tuning in don't forget to hit that subscribe button we'll catch you next week
Channel: Growin Corn
Views: 22,277
Rating: 4.9737058 out of 5
Id: EV0cmW8XtuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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