First Day with the New Sprayer!

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explain to me why i have an odd-sized nut  runner in the tractor that's glad i got the screwdriver morning guys and welcome back to warner farms  well i'm down here where dad's been planting with   the sprayer and we're gonna see what we can make  happen this morning on this field all systems go working great burning down  cereal rye 120 feet at a time dad's doing his eyeway across the road gonna  get that field finished and i'll move on to that   one and he'll move just south of the railroad  and work on the last little field over there all right first field is officially done  with the new sprayer worked out really well and down screwed up i guess when i sent the sprayer file  originally and right now i just okay build file   should be sent nice thing is with john deere  operation center i can wirelessly wirelessly send   data so for some reason i did not have this field  across the road file received ready for import so   let's go here here load and import receive  file five two okay this is what i want   so this just saves me time from under back to  the office going on the computer and no flags and basically taking you know 15 20  minutes to basically taking a half hour to   run back get a usb plug into my computer files  could not be imported off of other view errors oh matches active track okay that  makes sense that's no big deal okay uh see if i got my right yep there we go got my field   so then i would have to make a setup file come  back plug in transfer then go whereas right now   it just took me two minutes to do this so  awesome absolutely love john deere operations center so so thanks all right all right should be good to go for this field so we're down to one more toe to quadrant and a  couple totes in furrow and uh eventually we'll   get that inferior run in there uh probably before  we move anywhere after today and uh we'll just   have to figure out anger-wise where we need to go  with the quadrant as far as which tanks how many   acres and this and that thank you amanda now to  bring this big guy back all right should be good so those two bags in that pallet need to  come off of their 720. i need that box   in the tender green truck hooked up to the  tender and i need what are those 28 a 97s   yep i need all of the uh one two i need  that skid down there that should cover me so   so taking the green truck and the seed tender down  there there's two varieties of beans on there   uh bag beans go on the last field that i'm  planting and what's in the tender right now   is what we finished up with on the 30 inch which  was 32a 87s which go in the first field we're   gonna take the tender down there and i'm gonna  pick dad up and uh take him back down to the   planter uh he got done but there is a hole in one  of the airbags on the air force downforce on road   number five and i don't know if he's gonna tear  into that right now or not amanda's got an awards   uh banquet type thing i think it's just senior  class awards this afternoon at three o'clock so   hopefully i have zero issues i can get  going and uh not grandma's out today   and like i said just keep  inching on forward on point 21. all right i'm pretty sure i  got the drill all ready to go   probably have to adjust the slide  gates for the population obviously   and to get that dialed in tenders  down there let's go drill some beans number one is plug number one row unit pretty sure  it's a chunk of seed treatment we are not going to   do downstream treating next year uh we are going  to get it all from the plant because we've had   customers have had issues and now we're  going to have issues so i'm not too thrilled explain to me why i have an odd-sized nut runner   in the tractor just glad i got the screwdriver the  weird thing is grandpa and i were watching when we   were putting the beans in and we only saw a couple  chunks but sometimes you can't always find them all this is why i got the wire hopefully we don't have any more  issues otherwise populations   at least it was along the edge of the woods  man i don't know this field's in the back   so if there's any screw-ups nobody's gonna  see them except the neighbor back here punching some pioneer 32 87's 160 000 in the  ground maybe next year i won't be drilling beans   and i'll be planting beans in 15 inch rows i don't  know that's the goal maybe that would be really   awesome to get a 15 intro bean pointer maybe  next year who knows it just all depends it just   all depends on yields markets where everything  falls just would be really awesome that is the   goal though to uh not have 30 inch real beans for  side dressing and not have drilled beans and just   all the 15s that way we've got the option to  side dress them and uh it's a happy medium   especially for sunlight capture and uh we'd sweet  pressure suppression with the canopy closure   all right let's double check the beans  make sure i don't need to rake any around that'll cover me and that okay all right just a couple  more rounds on this little point here   and then i can move on to the next  little 15 acre field over that way cereal rye and bolanza clover that bolanza clover  out there is just the same height as what that   cereal rye is which that cereal rye is pushing  over waist high right now out there that is   awesome that was cover crop that we planted after  wheat last uh late summer and that looks fantastic   that is where we took the woods out for those of  you that don't know we took uh over the course of   five six years took out 10 acres of woods that's  a six acre patch that we finished up this winter well thanks for watching guys don't  forget to like comment and subscribe   down below don't forget to follow me  on instagram facebook and snapchat   and i will catch you guys in the  next video thanks for watching guys   you
Channel: Werner Farm
Views: 8,969
Rating: 4.9412484 out of 5
Keywords: werner farm, agriculture, farming, farm, farmer, entertainment, farm equipment, farm life, john deere, farm vlog, tractor, field work, deere, gmo, harvesting, keith werner, education, planting, millenial farmer, big tractor power, pioneer seed, 8530, 8r, cover crops, discovery channel, farm land, r4045, Spray 21, 4650, plant 21, xyway fungicide, logan ag, micronutrients, werner ag service
Id: EoeaXBcpNQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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