SWAMP LOGGERS NC "The Struggle is Real"

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on this episode of goodson all-terrain Bobby is still dealing with the beaver situation equipment failures and I can't hear this morning wonder learners got a busted hose on it strip the threads off of it anyway it's just something that slows down and a wet mess on the deck last time we had a freaking rain and decks mess all the trucks in this area that we're in it's a lot of and actions are saying underneath the clay all this play comes from you [Music] hot Sun gotta clear my out - there ain't none work the tagger get a few jobs done and we do it all staying beds in them but it waters bushes okay and we're just a little bit harder got my 990 pulling today making - dollars it's good she's all terrain good turns out good rattling throughout the swamps of the North Carolina Cape Fear River presents its own set of challenges but for Goodson's all-terrain it's just another ordinary day on the job production has been good for the past several weeks and the addition of the new trucks couldn't have come at a better time today Bobby and his crew are moving deeper into the swamp to bring the deck closer to where the clam box are pulling wood but this morning the crew received some devastating news regarding one of their most critical meals this is Daniel in a while since we are making a video but things have changed a little bit this had one of our main meals we've hauled to dine at Wilmington corporate Playa shut down been a business like 104 years which really sucks for us cause now we've having to travel further to haul the same product we've had to go into Laurinburg and Lumberton we have hauled down a monic here with some of the same wood which we had to burn more fuel to haul the same product and but you know we're still trucking along still doing what we do and all I can share and subscribe if you haven't already have a good day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning that vein this is Wayne sound one in the woodshed get ready to get loaded right after lunch a little bit of update there what's going on we had one of our hard-won it'll be shut down last month and coolers gonna dampen our load count but uh loving all what it makes is good you got a whole little bit problem so the burning will field is that Ethan to the prop a little bit but uh you got one more me over the halter and it's on now you don't know how much will be going take the hopper going so right has talked up on the hardwood gonna keep on chugging see what happens what would situation going to go uptown we got out on the pool this time of year notice that what we do here we have we'll be too kind of have somewhat worth more than an atheist we don't worry about on border next month when out today during the season hope everything works alright worry about when you get a hold on this is time you we've been through it you he's gonna work out you gonna make the next time they buy the statement [Music] Bobby arrives just before 9:00 a.m. on the new deck with corporate shutting its doors with the town being and meal restrictions the last thing Bobby needs now is equipment failures he inspects Raul's loader it appears to be a bad coupling which is a part of the hydraulic system that controls the grapple Raul doesn't speak much English and Bobby doesn't speak any Spanish so he has to pull Antonia off the only other working loader on the date to translate a hydraulic system works on the principle that force applied at one point can be transmitted to another point through an incompressible fluid usually an old force Bob pump hydraulic system manufacturers typically multiply force by manipulating the size and surface area of the system's internal parts for instance your car trucks transmission works off of a hydraulic system Antonio assist Bobby with reinstallation of the coupler this particular coupler has an inline strainer to keep the hydraulic fluids contaminants at a bare minimum as it recycles through the pump and in other words it keeps it clean y'all for every minute these loaders are down it costs the company more money in this strange economical climate that is what we call working in the red after the repair is completed Bobby instructs Raul to fire the 250c back up and rotate the grip [Music] both loaders are back in business you know it seems like we get it with just actually it's kind of odd to be this far into winter so November practically and it's 80 degrees today November but anyway used to be getting this type of the month we could pretty much run wide open because it should be wetter than it is now but we're having a fairly dry season a lot of the mills to pull the wood George tells not buy wood and I get here this morning wonder learners got a busted hose on it and people think well you ain't got no quota so you could slow down no is this the opposite of that whenever you're on can't haul to a certain place you got to work twice as hard to try to get the stuff you can't haul instead of pulling everything out to the loaders well you got to pick through the wood and get the logs all the Castillo's logs now so it's imperative that they get through the put would you got a blues poet either way get you the log-rank logs out here and when you cutting just one thing it's slower well I get here this morning one loader we've got a busted hose he's down got one little load got two trucks waiting and just so happened that the hose that busted is a subtype of special speed Fitness kind of a mesh strainer and it keeps the contaminants from the turn butter getting back to the system of the loader and course something hit it stripped the threads off of it and anyway it's just something that's slowed us down and I was already gonna be on not a good week anyway cuz I can't tell but what and why logs are getting worse getting held up my stop breaking down we'll keep trying in a workout next day on the corporate track bobby is still faced with the beaver issue Corbin has been searching for the beaver dams for weeks and they finally think they have found the mother lode of all beaver dams well guys I think we finally found the beaver dam and it was all free of course we looked back up to seven mile road I've been a whole day walking today with tobacco and didn't find no signs of beavers it at all back there John got in there and he said it was eleven different dams or buckle three the only bad thing about it it's right in the middle of the free but Savitri got over there and he was able to get a lot of the fiend out regard to see the water droplet without work I remember back when we was on this this deck right here to my right we set up right there the water was a big issue and deeper the water got the heart of this works get it out so we actually had to start going back away from those two photos right the shadow of the water got so we didn't work out that for the last couple of weeks now we've got to go back over here and get the other part of the timber that was run over people hopefully begin to get that out because the beavers has killed hundreds of acres of timber I hear I mean and it's not just more Mandarin I mean Tim's got a 2500 right here that probably a third of us down cause of the Beavers Corbett's got several tracks out here different tribes never snitch humans got you know just several different landowners over here and everybody's got the same issue the beavers is killing all the wood [Music] No we've got different markets now we're trying to sell our gut logs to a new bill just opened up right outside along Burton which is it's a good thing because the pen is my way which on the old the old way of doing it my patrons the door rule which it was an emerging end of the log and a there's a rule that go by that says how many board feets in it well this tent I'm gonna pay by way well we just started selling gum logs by the way and I hung our soul books I swear I wouldn't want to be a logger man for nothing in the world these guys there's god no you got when I say twelve foot is twelve foot to twelve foot six but it got twelve fourteen I got 10 12 14 16 17 18 and 19 different measurements for different kind of logs going to different places and there's not even enough room that in an assault like to put all the little walkers down there hardly you know what ain't so confusing and we get logs that are cut Buzzbee 18 feet 18 4 and what you don't have a mark therefore because we just started cut so he's kind of guessing then he's getting a 85-86 and the middle is complaining because they're having to pay us for that 2 inches of wood you know on some weight that they're not been able to use so they're called their pride so we're trying to get get that big butt it's always something got to deal with you know we've done something the same way for so many years and all of a sudden in the last month or so we're getting throwed in all these different measurements and it's crazy I mean we'll have pine logs with film couplers pompe what happened for one place in a b-17 sig you got no quarrel don't places 18-foot no place 90-foot different but there's this all vest on we'll work through it just takes a little while maybe it won't happen [Music] [Music] [Music] during the night a hard rain fell turning the hard Pender County clay to a salt Maori mess being stuck on a deck is nothing new for these drivers especially for trucks with manual transmissions but these new trucks are equipped with automatic transmissions that in itself presents a whole different batch of problems these trucks are equipped with traction control systems so when they spin they stop and actually they're saying underneath the clay all this play come from Decatur river when it floods every year well that clay is really really slick and we got these new trucks and they're automatic they've got trash control systems on and Monica's got if you stuck quicker than anything we'll start breaking free it debased a motor and it won't let it spin good morning thing this is Wayne Bobbitt alone during longest as I was coming to work this my nose through the rolls itself a real win and I got coaching today st. Daniel was still get your gear he was tough Justin got him on out and I'm on the deck downloading foot woods right now we're on a quota thing with Georgetown so it's able to hold the gate the Turnbull alone so I got a call this morning I've been just raised with my house about a whole year they told me this morning as Parker I get my keys today so I'm very excited about that some of the old a minute over the foot would gotta get out of these guys waited in Hollywood today hoping to get something done I know it's kind of wet just away at month look at the sky it's gonna rain again for the Sun look that but uh we've been through this we got through it in the years past we get through it just gonna be a little tough town but uh for everybody I can keep calm and we'll get it done - let's hang this out [Music] well it's Friday morning pretty much every Mills Georgetown Co saw you actually afternoon they will Michael Monday taking the gum logs are not mine so Monday just trying to get all the trailer closure alcohol last time we had a freaking train and waiting to hear back right now Dave Robson sequin stuff's half clay half sand mostly [Music] the next day on the deck is not much better although the rain is gone the mud remains [Music] in an effort for the trucks to gain traction Sameach hijo begins layin mats down in the day I don't know about y'all but I think this old boys seen better days y'all know that uh the Corbett types of Hoover timber companies the people I've been working with now the last is a family-owned and they got a lot of I'm not sure exactly how much then somewhere around back in the day the heyday I guess back in there they used to have these basket plans that made these bushel baskets and that was their mainstay for you in the last few years Morgan's kind of fell off and I started making veneer script which I didn't even know they used it like that near strip that put in between bricks well that's been their big market here for the last year's year or two I know his meal that we've been home to in Wilmington has been open for 104 years that's kind of hurt us because that's always been our sport Hall because everything else has been a long ways away if we get wood piled up we can send a chucker short horn and get even the gum laws were holding that as far as 125 we got some other bills that's closer one bill just opens up South Lumberton that's been a saving grace for right now that cut cost times but it's just I guess the sign of the time for plan to be open for that many years and iam looking around for a while check with all the customer the promises so they decide to shut it down right now hopefully I don't think you shut down okay they're dismal they pick back up that's been a good meal for the man [Music] it's not normal practice to have people on the street that come out here but if you find me and you come out here I'm not gonna run you you know if your lager and you know a little bit about our industry and but people come out here all the time and now you educate the public a job that somebody wants to do and it's replanted or goes got to educate the public on what would pounding colonies and that's their job [Music] I would love to tell future some hats but I gotta convince my wife we did that back from the show was being and it almost worked her today but I've got grandkids coming up now so stay tuned and we will try to get something back on the market stay tuned and we'll let you know when we get some [Music] we've got older w900 and they offer sale just has one and I've got Harry's trucks for sale they are Oh 607 can wash through the seat t-shirt cannon 45,000 the trucks with good trucks there's nothing wrong with them it's just me and Justin we're having the whole football anybody out there [Music] has pitched it before and I think I mentioned I hit on a little bit this video here a lot of our woes terr the US a chai yes it's hurt too bad and my wife said I didn't explain it what Trump is doing it's gonna hurt they'll get worse - against that but what he's doing it should have been done 20 years everybody outsourcing our jobs and it makes that's why this country we don't make anything this country was great in World War two when we made everything we were a a builder we sold our stuff now so it's gonna hurt to get it back even kill again will the Chrysler physical so I want to say that yes the tariffs were killing us right now but luck Donald Trump is doing the right thing and I hope he don't back off I hope he sticks with it now stick with it and let's get this thing thick so that our kids won't have to deal with [Music] the guys this is it this the end of our episode again we need your comments please hit that like and share button and come back and join us we don't move vacuum Corbin's try stay tuned six months of hard for contract I forget try to get to sir you
Views: 438,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GOODSON'S ALL TERRAIN, bobby goodson, lori goodson, justin goodson, tiger cat, swamp loggers, ax men, extreme loggers, CLA, north carolina logging, kenworth W990, UK logging, discovery channel, destination america, shovel logging, forestry mutual, jacksonville nc, wilmington nc, currie nc, beaver dams, boe edens
Id: 1-tDNPDtq1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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