Swamp Loggers with Bobby Goodson, lets go into the swamp

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there's my ride right I think get up in a little bit closer and see which one it is they out here very far there's one thing about it the tiger can has got an air conditioner in it man they know they they don't play no fine I'm just saying they think they got the air conditioning system figured out in these things you'd have a check of the time trying to to to walking out it from back here and trying to stay on something higher map your yeah you have that stuff I'll wave to you neck I would if I had to I'd go tour the woodland that's where I that's where I would try my best bed that would be at the woodland over there is it the water over there standing so he's pulling them he's pulling the road up now Eddie flipping it around where y'all can grab it well I'll bet this oh I bet that's a pain to do that and pull all that stuff of them get a turn yeah it follows that engraving being the clown's coming this time he's got him a load this time on that dude so what he'll do is he'll pull up Aaron jackknife into Bobby and then he'll open them clamps right there and then Bobby will pick that wood up set it off he also has to be loaded with a shovel loader out there in the woods so he'll pull up and shovel loader will stack all that stuff up on him right there and get him loaded he's gonna pick it up and get all and they will go out there and get another another wall I'd like it it don't look like it's that much when you're you know when he's coming by and everything but it's it's more than what you think it is on that thing it is carrying there last one think I would remember where the power owned off that dancer I got one of Bobby's guys with me here right now what's your name Daniel and you said you're from Jacksonville right here so how long you been with Bobby there before okay thank you wait which one you are baby like Barbie and my lamb ear sailing appreciated me we're riding and we wanna tell me miles you got on this thing way 5,000 down how you like it so far yeah I'll tell you what if you ever have have a guy who's used to an automatic and then he has to get like we wanted I saw you in four years you've got there you get a in one of our trucks you know like what's your customer driving my chokers lost what's he talking about he didn't like that County yeah that's what that's what all of ours King how's it doing those sand pits when you're going out with automatic got to keep it in manual or whatever make it pull if people get to keeping in manual we got it low-key but you can come okay I'll get you that go down go down then you're just gonna drop down some stuff yeah that's it yeah and your stuff please go you figured out keep the bullseye still working because I had to come out there and get you unstuck yet you're a good driver wait I've been I've been that dude here's a cakewalk yeah the peasants approaching me and here yeah yeah piece of cake nothing here but I kind of gave you it's quite inside is true hope I came here so it's quiet inside here like that you midnight stroll he's gonna be used to lucky you mean you've been with almost Bobby for a while doing six o silk whether we are one Pro I got that turkey July 30 put smiles on that night whatever really should be more net what is in shock right we can me and we get with you how many times have you been going down the radio and coming up on the stop sign said you've been in this truck here and go to jab the punchy bass is Dobson Basin coming out who let me get rid of all gone for food yeah that's right there if you wait too late you can also down shipping i began your neck together uh-huh I'll be way too late you won't do that again stop so what I'll do here exactly one B above you can do but back to heels above your tags that when they tough to get used to going from forward/reverse right there every and I'm putting it right there they said great man in there and it's ready to get when I'll take off more video uh-huh you know I'll see you there okay so what the transmission is transient I've never driven when it's got an automatic in it does it because it just go standing river can you actually feel it kind of did little shift like it automatically you know the drill you wouldn't even there with you angelee yeah they say they have to be okay and the 13 speeds the arena reporter kingi he got sick as far as was my next questions how many how many years was a Thursday does that pretty good blow but we were in a real hard-luck or whatever like we're and always between some like like we're basically this gathered right so you just you just give it fuel to it slips and goes on like it's supposed to go past you can call it being on the probe and it'll just get okay that's pretty cool but I can't that's right grab you know you you thank you and going away hope you look down as being alone when you're recording thirteenth year about home I said you're old enough you can wait do we get it she'll kill babies so as the man pulls over yet in this one birthday a group it was ooh ooh hey was probably just want to look at the cab but he woke up in the truck yeah we can't really do the inspection either keep working over so new yeah Horace Doug what are you doing something here yeah I can be totally Broadway yeah hey just wanting to check out a new truck but he went around you doing something mm yes yes do they stop everything oh yeah so he was and three well with got me out huh Bobby's man overhearing this party could you say mommy's name you just can do anything Casey hi birthday and I appreciate you sharing a little bit over here I was trying to get about everybody i kidded on Dovahkiin yeah you are the old Facebook everything ain't what you want your face moon face I gotta look at if you got a pretty good following anoche you people you when we show me all your girlfriend's now that it's not a good signal right yeah but oh come on put on onion wings 20 hours I'm pretty likes that I appreciate you let me sit here no talk to you for a little bit people can move jumping all right well she offers me you you've got it you've got a bed back here in the back thank you thinking we need yeah I don't wanna Howard me what I'm saying true get turnaround on a vehicle down that's right you better grab to our vote multiple we'll have you in vote No we got a fatality owner here low drop rendered small tiny here's a caught internet pack your smash to ride on Hamburg not doing I thought hey careful if they still fight hello stuff like it so you loading that shovel y'all can see it I'm not sure sun's so bright Oh Forks are bad of 6:35 a walk war you can see Justin loading that show see some mitrios right over there to the right adjusting over there right now he's got one home let's slide it back being closed on them there so you dropping them not here sweet rose right there loggin it's what we do it's what we love you have to get the load to do it it's not it's not about the money you know people like I said in lassen in today's video which is money people and the lure of the woods whether it's flag green swamp green on the hill green mountains frozen loggin up north the dawn of time every different style of loggin there's no book on logging there's nothing that says you got to do it this way or you got to do it that way logging is a game of being inventive being creative coming up with different ways different techniques if you ever get locked in where you're basically got blinders on long and you're not going to make it very long you you have to constantly be thinking outside the box there are so many different hurdles that you have to cross daily hourly and sometimes every second the one thing though is so did I learn about logging and I've been very fortunate in my career loggin to be able to have done the things that I've done to be able to experience the things that I've experienced throughout my entire career I don't think a lot of people they see me they don't realize that I'm fixing to be 47 years old this next week saw other done I've worked in the woods since I was 11 or 12 years old just like Phillip came up on cable skitters pulling cables timber jack 550 and a John Deere 640 in 1988 1990 when I graduated the day that I graduated Danny ball a new John Deere 648 DB skidder grapple skidder ran bell tree cutters got our first ventricular in 1988 doctor my daddy got his leg broke Logan is probably worse then crystal meth ever thought about being nor aerelon mean go to each guy foundational guy Bobby get some guy boom lots other guys like that who are in the business they all come the same they have that deep love in drive and desire it doesn't matter how bad it is law against what they want to do long is what I want to do I want to make a difference I want to bring what I love to in front of everybody and show everybody why we do what we do in the links that we go to to protect and preserve the environment for a tree today that we're cutting two a day today in a tree that somebody else can cut tomorrow or ten years generator 20 years denry I've been on so many different login sites in my life tons and tons of them all across from the east coast or Bobby and Emeril working all the way the west coast even up in Canada and of course hearing a few more days I'll be in Maine with those guys at the log is Sean show at Bangor login Expo 2019 and gonna even travel up into Quebec it's going to be a lot of different things going on the road aback that they're hosting how things work like they work I have no idea but logging has been a been an excellent ride for me it's been a good ride for Bobby you know and Justin you know crew I like bringing y'all stuff and to say I'm happy with these three videos it would be a complete understatement the one wants to meet you today they published on Mandy I would say that's probably in my top three out of the 15 two hundred videos that I have posted just talking and sharing with him he didn't even know me he never met me never Tina Burton you know when he came out was there helped him fuel his machine got the fuel owes broader and under cranked up the engine to pump the fuel gotta go and just started talking to you you know Wayne and Tarell you know those guys want to bring neon to in front of y'all but the series going over there a child over there I've had several people mentioning that that trip was worthwhile it was it takes time you think about traveling 700 miles and a teen you are to do anything it's not cheap it's not cheap to travel to go from point A to point B toe tables eats time time you know and I want to do more of that stuff like that I would like to a few times a year hookah was some pioneers foundational tight crumble loggers that may not get the recognition or nobody you know they may not have been in the magazine or you know we're on TV or on YouTube you were anything like that and I would like to get with some of those guys like that spend a day on their job talking with them it need to be somebody they would talk to me don't mind getting on camera I could bring to you in front of y'all know I'd like that I would like to do that so you know if you know somebody like that this in the southeast or somewhere that I can travel to in a day you know or something let me know put it in the seamen email and some contact information that's you know and stuff like that where I can get on the phone with him and talk to him but I had been willing to go see Bobby for a while and some of this stuff is not easy to make happen but the end result of it is so great I soon I watch these videos literally hundreds of comments hundreds of comments if King eternal in these videos in these this is a third one of this one and this will be the last video of this series just put smile on my face you know what I mean it helps me to realize that what I'm doing the path that I'm on is what I was supposed to be doing and so very cool I appreciate everybody who has viewed these videos with the Goodson's and you know everybody who's commenting on them good stuff I'm very happy I'm very happy with the with the end result so this video long enough check out everything down below I mention the long and showing Bangor Maine coming up in this week the 17th and 18th there there's a link down below to find all the information on that you know if you're in New Hampshire Maine all those areas right there it's not a very bad job to get to Bangor there even up in across the border in the Canada it's gonna be a good time I wrote a back is hosting me they're there they're taking care of everything y'all get a little bit more behind the scenes on that it kind of what's what's uh you know what's going on that right there so uh but I feel good again appreciate all y'all y'all be you will catch all their letter titers
Channel: cotontop3
Views: 123,154
Rating: 4.9078946 out of 5
Keywords: 18 wheeler, big truck, caterpillar, caterpillar engine, chain saw, cotontop3, farming, forestry, forestry simulator 2017, heavy equipment, heavy haul, heavy hauling, how farms work, husqvarna, john deere, log truck, logger, logging, logging equipment, logging videos, onelonleyfarmer, peterbilt, rotobec, rotobec grapple saw, southern logging times, stihl, tdk logging, tigercat, timber, tree farm, truck driver, vlog, waratah, woods, bobby goodson, swamp loggers, north carolina, swamp
Id: ZxIs-i5GUZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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