What's Inside this 80's MYSTERY BOX?!

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[Music] hey everybody it's funny and we're back in the Zen room so be ready for the peaceful sound of windchimes today we are doing something only slightly different from the normal unboxings I do on this channel you guys know that I am the most obsessed person with the 90s that there's ever been normally I just you know if I'm doing kind of like a retro vintage unboxing I always go 90s 90s 90s 90s 90s but you guys have been suggesting for quite a while that instead of only talking about the 90s we could regress to even another decade today that is what we're going to be unboxing you guys actually voted on my YouTube stories which if you guys don't watch youtube stories yet you're missing out that's some quality content right there I had actually ordered to surprise mystery boxes from Etsy one was 90s one was 80s and I asked you guys to vote which one and most of the comments were for 80s so that's what we're gonna be doing at first today I think at least the boxes roughly came in at the exact same time and I don't remember which vendor was 80s and which vendor was 90s so at least I'm hoping today that we are unboxing an 80s box what happened here hopefully nothing too breakable inside I think that this box was between 40 to 60 dollars I actually ordered this in January and it's just been sitting around my house for quite some time I am actually an 80s baby you think I would be born in the 90s the way that I'm obsessed with the 90s but the 90s was predominantly my childhood I feel like there's a lot of stuff that I remember about the 80s Popples Care Bears honestly it's a weird obsession but I'm not left with Max Headroom do you guys remember is he's kind of creepy of the receipt is on the top and it does confirm that this is indeed the 80s mystery box this is what it looks like on the inside it looks like we've got some white hey I've got a candle in here so I don't want to the whole house bursts into flames tip oh we almost lost you guys you're balanced very precariously I'll show you how you're balanced today you guys are sitting on some foam for vocal insulation haven't installed it yet a spirit Halloween shopping cart a halloween Express shopping cart and this old cardboard box very professional setup I know we've got a bag I feel like that's very cutely Picasso Oh what is this I'm having a moment what is this it almost looks like a swizzle stick you know what I thought this was gonna be do you guys remember those placards and you go and just like annoy everyone I'm just gonna stick this in there maybe it'll go with whatever this is we have something wrapped in Betfair I'm so distracted I don't know why I ever think it's a good idea for me to stay in front of an open window cuz I'm like oh it's a dog I'm just observing everything oh shut up oh my god I am so excited I cannot believe the very first thing that I pulled out is a Max Headroom Cup so if you guys don't remember now you know he was like this guy that was stuck in the television and he would advertise for Coke and he would just stutter know that kick I catch the wave hi this is max headroom live Delmond normally I'd say sunglasses are all spoon pushers old plastic stadium cup or something you know what I mean like you go to a baseball game you get a beverage they give you a cup inside the cuff oh my gosh I love these little things I buy them individually on Etsy from time to time but they're these little plushies but you can squeeze this clip on the back on their back and then their hands open oh yeah somebody just sent me a tinky-winky Teletubby one that I recently showed you guys oh my gosh I feel like the simplest things bring me joy why is that I also always loved these things where it looks like a telephone cord so this is a whole key chain you got a ring and a bungee cord and then a little clip on the end we've got is this a freakin a walk 1983 dog man is gonna love this look he looks so pleased with himself dog man was always telling me that there was this II walk cartoon that he loved to watch when he was really little so I wonder if they looked like that because that definitely looks like a cartoon Ewok then we have these things which I did not know did this type of glasses originated in the 80s didn't Kanye West bring these back in style in the early 2000s we have some Easter grass in here very exotic worms laughs oh we have a mug and it survived that little spotty bug I must admit it does look very 80s but I think it's just generic it says this word on the bottom which I'm not going to attempt to pronunciate but it comes from Spain oh this is so cute too okay so the next little bundle we have in here comes in this very adorable conversation heart lunch sack oh my gosh and then everything is all wrapped in here all of this paper the lunch sack looks a little bit new all of this paper definitely looks like it could be from the 80s oh my gosh I feel like this is a bag of Flair but we have a couple of skate city tickets right on the top you know I don't know if I've ever been to skate city we have a little local skate rink here and I feel like that's kind of where everybody like all my friends through roller skating parties no we have a skate city right around here we've got some of these bracelets all so I definitely remember these glitter infused heart-shaped Bengals on some of this I feel like is authentically 80s and then some of it like maybe these are reproduction 80s while I am trying to fit my rotund hand this certainly doesn't go on like it did when I was five okay that's not gonna work it looks beautiful we also have this awesome okay do I not know what this is it actually has a low bow on it says crazy calypso not sure if that was like a restaurant or something from the 80s that maybe we didn't have here in Texas but I do love this gigantic neon palm tree we have this cute glittery temporary butterfly tattoo which I also feel like could be very 90s boodle pin Smurf keychain it says who want to Smurf around okay and then the first thing that toppled out that I was very excited for is this crazy little plastic ET we have this little flat in polka dot envelope that's a mouthful shut up oh my god this is so exciting Oh pee-wee Herman it's Jambi who was the genie and you guys remember his little chant which is mekka lekka hi mekka hiney ho then i have never seen these before in my life they are sheets of pee-wee's Playhouse temporary tattoos that just looks so cool so there's three sheets of that what that's so crazy he looks so weird and then these almost look like they could be it's his Playhouse Foley's so I don't know if maybe this was like some kind of collectible card or if it was like Valentine's that you could give out that is so cool we have another kind of flat envelope that also looks like it's stuffed with paper SMA oh yeah ephemera ephemera this is full of all kinds of awesome stickers so this cute little teddy bear they are copyright 1989 but we're to look at his little fluffy but I just did a sticker unboxing sounds weird I know but I did a sticker unboxing of all 90 stickers on banana peppers and now here we've got them again we have some sandy lion music notes these could be in the 90s because that's what we were opening was all vintage sandy lion stickers these cows are hilarious oh my gosh love ya Snoopy and Woodstock what this is hilarious what is this little guy this character looks so familiar and I can't think of what his name is we've got an elf on a snail some cute little puppies oh my god I love this one 1983 kangaroo keep smiling we've got some little teddy bears look it is the classic hang in there cat two flowers a heart thinking oh my god does this one just say what's up okay that's definitely my favorite one you have bunnies and a cute little cat and the last one is oh my gosh this one's adorable too wool rainbow okay and then this which feels like a book it's wrapped in isn't this precious moments paper there is something I have not thought of in a hot minute I feel like Precious Moments was such a big deal in the 80s I don't even know how to describe precious moments there was so many stores when I was a little kid that just sold like collectibles and knickknacks and stuff I feel like that was like a very eighties thing and now like nobody I can't don't feel like anybody just buys like little like knickknacks to furnish their house with anymore what this is so crazy look at this book it says TV super stars 81 I almost said it TV's super stats isn't that the guy from Dallas Dallas was like such a big deal oh my god look it's jr. it almost didn't recognize him look at baby Danny DeVito that's a person I just can't imagine was ever a kid right don't you just feel like Danny DeVito was just born a full-grown man we have this which feels like a cassette tape oh my god I feel like I've not watched this movie in forever and I was so obsessed when I was a little kid with Roger Rabbit anybody that knows and loves Roger Rabbit so aren't you guys surprised and like Disney never did anything more would that like why was there only one movie I mean maybe it's because they basically had all cartoon characters so maybe it was like kind of hard to negotiate between like Warner Brothers and Disney and everything always just shocked cuz especially like I feel like Jessica Rabbit is like a very popular character there's a makeup brand that's coming out with a whole Jessica Rabbit collection very soon I think it's ciate Tsai 8 how do you say that somebody help me you got another Pope cut up back up I do like 80s ASMR not calming at all this feels like a cassette tape is it oh it is what is Roxy Music what that one's like less familiar to me beyond even my time they are familiar I feel like they definitely have a Oh more than this okay what is this we've got more pink polka dot paper anybody out there have a guess on to what this could possibly be I feel like some of the other stuff I'm like I had a good educated guess but I never would have guessed a Garfield ruler how old is this oh just the date right here is scratched out but look at that I feel like that's like a very youthful looking Opie Garfield look like a baby here didn't they make a live-action Garfield mute mute movie or is that just like a weird fevered dream that I had this paper is so adorable it's this cute little beagle and it looks like it's his birthday happy birthday mr. beetle um I don't see a date on this week you know what I'm gonna try and rip this really carefully cuz I would like to keep a little scrap of this paper for my junk Journal oh it looks like a book like a very thin book this is oh my gosh wait I thought that these were a nineties thing but I guess they were a tease it is the choose-your-own-adventure speaking of fever dreams so just in time for fever dream Aladdin coming out very soon 1983 that is so crazy like we're getting a little into the 90s here love these stickers you know what there are a lot of stylistic things though about the 80s and the 90s that I feel like are very similar I love this can I start wearing this as a bracelet it's like one of those telephone cable things with a whistle oh man this looks like a record or it could be a laserdisc which is it a record correct it's freaking David Bowie this has let's dance modern love it even has the original record sleeve is so cool 1983 I cannot believe some of these songs are that old you still have all this to go through it looks like a lot of black things wrapped in paper this first one it looks like Precious Moments wrapping paper again they were just all little characters like this they kinda look like Kewpie dolls you've got a Richie Rich comic book you guys remember stuff like this make money get prizes and you would like try and sell oh my gosh this is where they tried to get you to sell seeds cuz that's a practical thing to go door to door and be like can I sell you these seeds this is so cute so we actually have some flat like brand-new pieces of wrapping paper and this is so what cute have fun in July a surprise we also in there had at some really cute ter-bear wrapping paper and oh my gosh wait what was the Lions name I always love the lion Care Bear and now I can't even remember his frickin name wasn't it Mike Tenderheart lion Precious Moments nice you're talking oh look we've got more Garfield it looks like a Garfield kids book picnic adventure I feel like the only picnic adventure Garfield would go on would be to eat something else flats oh my gosh you guys remember Dick Tracy first I thought it was something that was Halloween because it has these things called spooky stencils on the back so I guess you could punch them out and then have a bunch of stencil I'm like literally trying to tell you guys how stencils work hot dog Magazine is something kind of like Disney adventures right where they would give you like recipes why do I remember stuff like this oh my god then you have like a whole page of jokes where there's great things like how do skeletons deliver the mail it says by Boni Express what did the dinosaurs do when the Ice Age came they went ice skating why not that's like not even a joke that's just like am I not getting the joke I don't remember what this character's name is called or if this was actually a character it almost looks like strawberry shortcake but like a different red mission attorney fascinating I'm looking at this and I still don't understand what I'm looking at I've never heard of grit grit the Viking Eric that's not great looks like great at first but then I'm like wait what kind of name is grit Eric the Viking why have I never heard of this 1989 I don't I should have been alive at that point where was I when everyone else was watching Greek the Viking and our last little thing here right on top we have a couple pieces of strawberry stationery with an envelope that is so cute let's see what's in this last little square here feels kind of hard buddy oh so cute okay there is a 20-19 Care Bear calendar that is it for me today thank you guys so so much for hanging out today and for watching other day I'm gonna be honest I did go ahead and film 90s swamp family male cuz like at that point I didn't really know if you guys would vote for 80s or 90s so that video will probably go out next week thank you guys so so much for hanging out and for watching and for being here also I did just want to let you guys know that I now have the join button on my channel a lot of you guys have been asking for quite a while for merch and just other ways that you can like support the channel so now we have memberships on this channel so starting at just 99 cents you guys can get a bunch of cute little digital emojis and then every time you comment on my channel you'll have a special little Gator badge next to your name I'm kind of learning how to use this function myself but there will be other exclusive things for swamp family members as so confusing to say swamp family member members but going along there will be other additional things as well like I'm gonna do some live streams that are just gonna be exclusive for swamp family I like memberships it's very confusing to say cuz you guys are already swamped family members but these things on YouTube are called memberships there will be extra little fun things that I'll do along the way exclusive posts exclusive live streams and just some extra stuff like don't feel obligated at all to join but it's there if you feel so compelled thank you guys so so much for being here today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit that button down below subscribe because I'm drunk a swamp and I'm given a Liana but now there's swings I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all very very soon bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 297,577
Rating: 4.9150839 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, style, fashion, new, clothes, clothing, follow me around, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, haul, store, look, eye, eyes, vlog, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, reborn baby, reborn unboxing, starbucks, amazon mystery box, amazon customer returns, amazon return palette, amazon, palette, halloween, paranormal, ghosts, jeffree star, jeffree star cosmetics, mystery box, makeup mystery box, 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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