From Bad To Worse: More Surveillance of Trezell West & No Sign of Orrin & Orson

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welcome to it's a crime i'm linda and  today we're going to be diving into   more surveillance in the oren and orson west  case another youtuber av watchman united we stand   has given permission to use this video that  he recorded from the neighbor's house so   thank you to av watchman i will put his link  in the description below now i'll be showing   clips from that video and we're gonna expand  on what's going on but before i get into it   if you'd like to be part of the it's a crime  community please be sure to hit that subscribe   button hit that notification bell to all  because there's a lot more videos coming   also please give it a like and please share  this out where you can now let's get into it so let's set the scene it's december 21st 2020  late afternoon it was around 56 degrees that day   in cal city around the five o'clock mark trazell  describes it as cold both jaclyn and triselle west   both claim that their two little boys oren and  orson have vanished from the backyard that day   as they were playing with chalk their four  other children were at grandma's house on   vacation according to trezel and also according to  trezel jaclyn was in the house wrapping christmas   presents while triselle was tossing wood and also  according to gizelle and jacqueline that's when   everything played out between 4 30 and 5 pm tell  us what happened the night the kids went missing oh good from our yard okay it was cold i was gonna make a fire it's a lot of  wood in this area right here next to our house now   here's where triselle is claiming there's a lot  of wood in this area right here next to our house   we've seen in various video footage how much wood  is in this area i'm questioning if he's ever made   a fire in his life because from what i see  and what i saw it's kindling and that's   it so how long is that going to keep you warm  from the cold i mean really now here's a look   inside of their house this was taken from  the house listing as you can see there is   a fireplace in the living room the fireplace  faces the front of the home on the west side   now let's show you what actually happened on the  surveillance footage at 4 12 p.m trezel walks out   of his house and into the backyard he walks over  to the gate and you can see him bending over he   also stands there for a few moments he goes back  and forth from one side of the gate to the other   but staying close i open up the back gate i'm  throwing wood bringing it inside the house   now at this point i'd like to point out that it's  impossible with where he's situated that orin and   orson left the yard through the gate i'm sure  you would agree with that since he's right there   right so far now you can see triselle from  4 12 p.m the time he came out of the house   until 4 18 doing the same motions going back and  forth on either side of the gate and then bending   over doing something now at 4 18 the video doesn't  show him going back into the house yet but it   shows him leaving the gate and it was a little bit  difficult because av watchman was moving his phone   so i don't have a clear clear point of reference  on this but i do wonder if this is where triselle   gives space so the kids have the opportunity to go  missing in their story in my opinion notable there   isn't one ounce of footage that shows any other  person entering the property entering through that   gate entering through that backyard also notable  no one is leaving the front yard now at 4 19 p.m   it shows in the video that he is in the yard and  in seven whole minutes if the children are playing   outside playing with chalk they would create  quite a little masterpiece though wouldn't they   right a three and four-year-old lots of scribbles  having fun anyone out there who has kids knows how   much can happen when given a crayon a marker or  chalk in a short amount of time so i'd love to   see what the artwork actually looked like oh  wait what artwork i really really can't wait   for the officers body cam on this one now  at 4 21 pm this is when i believe triselle   goes back in the house because it's starting to  get dark and the lights turn on in the backyard   my wife's inside she was actually wrapping  gifts so we thought it was a good idea that   they got our youngest to go outside and play  with chalk on the back patio do not let them go   on the dirt in the backyard and keep them close i  was playing with chalk and i came in the house i   saw them there one house i came back out i didn't  see him now i immediately went back in asked my   wife did you see the boys she said no they should  be outside playing with chalk i said well i didn't   see them so i came back outside and i started  searching my backyard i searched the whole thing at no time in the surveillance did triselle  search the whole thing or even part of the thing   at all and let's take a look at that yard again  this yard is quite big it does not show him going   around this other building the shed or garage  whatever it is doesn't show him going on the west   side of the house between the house and the fence  nothing and that would be the areas to look if you   were trying to look for you know a three and four  year old who's no longer in the yard perhaps they   went on the side of the house where are they and  if you're searching the whole thing then search   the whole thing but nope not trezel now i'd also  like to point this out he was only outside in the   backyard for seven minutes at this point his wife  is allegedly wrapping presents and he only had   seven minutes of wood to do at this point why  wouldn't he just finish it and then his wife   do the wrapping if it's just a quick gather  some kindle but no need to ask that question   because this story is a bunch of you know what  in my opinion now speaking of searching the   whole backyard the fbi made some digs in that  backyard here's a picture what's really odd   to me are the types of holes that were dug up  in the yard by the fbi in the surveillance he   stayed over near the gate notable is where the  holes were actually dug so now i'm very curious   as to what made them dig at that location  and curious as to the types of holes they dug   i realized that i left the gate open and  i panicked came inside the house searched   the house me and my wife so at this point triselle  was outside from 412 to 4 21 which is nine minutes   then he goes inside allegedly to search for  another eight minutes with his wife at 4 29 pm the   light goes on in the front of the house and then  it goes off here's where it gets weird at 4 30 pm   in the interview triselle says that this is  where things started and played out at what time   did you guys notice your kids went messing and at  what time were they reported missing to the police   it's about i believe i think it was about  4 30 going on fire it was getting dark like   i said five five ish that's about it  that's when everything played out and   coincidentally or not coincidentally is  the time the lights start flickering on   and off for 20 seconds the lights turn on  then off turn on then off and then turn on   and then turn off so for a total of three times no  kids left the house bro no kids left to that back the lights turn on in the  back now now it's off again on off on what the heck and what's the  story with him just standing there   off now they're just off then two minutes  later the light goes on in the front that's quite the search right now tresell then  says he panicked when the kids were gone but then   he goes into his van at 4 33 pm he doesn't search  the front of the house as i mentioned in previous   videos notable he goes in the passenger side  climbs into the driver's seat and then drives off   he searches for six whole minutes and then comes  back at 4 39 pm and calls the cops he hangs out in   the front yard for 13 minutes and i'll reiterate  triselle's words and that's how everything played   out and jacqueline as she says is going through it  that's about it that's when everything played out   we're going through it notable as well zero  searching by jaclyn how lazy can you be to carry   out this plan not even an effort or a fake attempt  to search it's ridiculous if these two are capable   of this then i ask what have they done to these  other children in their lifetime now i'd also   like to know if they had car seats in that van  or were they too lazy to carry that out as well   also i want to point out tresell spent more time  gathering kindling than he did looking for his   children and that's it that's about it so now i  have some more questions and i'm sure you guys do   too first where are the boys and was the  visit to grandma pre-planned or was it last   minute what were the flickering of the lights all  about from his house going on and off and why this   day why monday which in a lot of cases scary  things happen on monday in true crime for some   reason so why did they choose december 21st to  be the day that they report the kids missing   did they actually go missing earlier that day or  was it on saturday that the kids went missing the   day they took four children to go to bakersfield  to see grandma or is it that the children never   even lived at that house and i do wonder if it  even appeared that oren and orson lived in that   home did they have laundry sitting in the basket  was their clothing because a three and four year   old can go through a lot in a day what did their  bedrooms look like so many questions and the huge   question is besides where are the boys is what  are they lying about and why stay tuned for more   let me know your thoughts in the comments below  and we can have a chit chat please subscribe if   you haven't done so already please like and please  share this out thank you so much for watching   see you soon and then when did you guys  call the police to report that missing   after we searched yeah a little bit around  here we it was dark so we definitely   we got worried once that had been panned out  i got in the van i looked down the street both   directions it was getting dark getting cold and  i got in the van and i hit a bunch of corners   i went down this street i turned my light on i  searched i searched i called the names i talked to   a gentleman on the street on the other side over  there he didn't see anyone so then i came home   and i told my wife we need to call the cops it's  getting dark and i need help we gotta get going
Channel: It's A Crime
Views: 140,698
Rating: 4.9200101 out of 5
Keywords: trezell west, jacqueline west, trezell west interview, orrin west, orson west, orrin orson west, orson orrin west, california city, it's a crime, its a crime orrin and orson west, kern county, trezell, west, jacqueline, orson and orrin, orson and orrin west, bakersfield, its a crime, it's a crime channel, true crime, trezell west bakersfield ca, trezell west california city, orrin and orson west, orrin and orson west missing, jaqueline west, trezol west
Id: M38sxrm6VfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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