Survivorman | Season 3 | Episode 5 | Australian Outback | Les Stroud

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well I gotta get upwind of it stinked I see what it is it smells so nasty now that's life and death in the desert stuff just dies and rots that's pretty gross this water is disgusting this water is not gonna do me any good at all not if I want to actually drink it and live [Music] [Music] [Music] Australia it's the only nation to occupy an entire continent it's the most flat and the second driest place on the planet and even though it has rain forests snow fields and lush garden ecosystems it's also called very little water gear no camera crew the Australian outback has been high on my list as a place of challenge and mystique and flying my own ultralight is the most exciting way to get out into the middle of it all most anything can suffice as an emergency airstrip when it's needed highways roads even sod farms or any flat strip of land that looks free of debris there are a number of out-of-service strips attached to the parks out here they can be rough but not so rough that I can't land on it first things first gotta get this thing tied down and secured for the night wind starts coming in you can ruin a plane that way if you don't tie it down you know it's a simple little acts like this to get you in the most trouble all I'm doing right now is coming in here to tie off the plane fact is that's when you reach down into a hole somewhere there's a king brown snake laying there ready to bite you all right well the planes nice and secure now actually landed it on an old airstrip it's windy and it's cool it's been dropping down to actually got down to two degrees Celsius just the other week here so it can get quite cold in the desert while at the same time it can get up to 45 degrees in the middle of the day I've got a hatchet I know food very little water about a day and a half worth of water and one paper match and a small pot to boil water in oh I've got the Kangaroos the Wallabies the emus and the rest of the Australian outback fortunately there's also one small piece of beef jerky still left in my pocket there's no time like the present to go into a survival mode and this good little storm wire here my multi-tool cuts I'm gonna stop I'm sure I'll find it useful wire this is how to have a good survival mentality I try to never miss a chance to better my situation by taking advantage of whatever I can scrounge to collect I'm just gonna huddle in here inside the plane and try and get some sleep through the night good morning head out of here got to make my way to someplace that's got more water well has water period like my times in the Kalahari and the deserts of Arizona it's the dry wind that sucks the moisture out of me more than anything else and it's partnered with the surprising temperature fluctuations everyone always said how hot it could get down in the Australian outback no one ever mentioned how cold it could be you can get up to 47 degrees Celsius here which is extremely hot but you can get down to freezing at night so I'm gonna get out of this plane and see if I can find a better spot to survive gotta be a yoga instructor just to get in and out of these things I'm going to take this rope with me because I know I can probably make use of it out there plane should be okay it's tied down on three sides here it's windy and it's cool and that means and it's good time to be hiking across this land because when it changes and it goes back to being the the outback that we all hear about extremely hot and dry that's not gonna be any time to be traveling there's no water and no shade where the plane is now so my only option is to head out to what I hope are greener pastures in the desert most dead bodies don't decay very fast in fact they last a long time almost preserved a constant reminder that there is little to support life out here I'll need to find water if I expect to make it finding a lot of bones as I walk along mostly kangaroo Nihad me Mia [Music] huh this is a lot of outback and it's probably only a pinhead compared to what actually exists out here it's a big area a lot of flies here fortunately they don't buy when you come from Canada if you come to some other place and the Flies don't bite Wow hey that's bonus one of those places that's ultimately quite beautiful at the same time quite desolate beauty and all nature that's for sure matter not how barren it might seem dying one thing about all these logs and everything down here they're perfect place for King brown snakes king brown snake bite you you've got a couple hours to live [Music] there's a section here with some shade and I think that I'm gonna stop hiking and call this place my Basecamp for now I don't know if there's any water if I can dig for water or find water I've got a bit left of my canteen so let's see what I can do here is Eagle's Nest top of one of these trees and that's a good sign I think it's a good sign for me anyway Australia is home to the densest population of poisonous creatures on the entire planet but don't let that scare you because in reality they're spread out far and wide on a very big continent on the other hand you can sometimes find a shocking amount of poisonous spiders and snakes all clustered into one small territory these flies aren't going to be a pain they don't bite but they love to go into the corners of your eyes here you can see that up your nose in your ears well these guys are annoying [Music] three is very thorny acacia Victoria tree little find here is fantastic us we CH the traditional cultures would actually break these branches and come back maybe even a year later and this gob of acacia SAP would be there from the break would be scarring over and it is pure sugar maybe not pure sugar but got a lot of sugar no flies hmm so it's gonna stick to my teeth but this is a nice little get out of my I boost of sugar courtesy the acacia tree mmm-hmm I keep me ball for a while it's good way to get someone to shut up too because when you chew down on it rocks your jaw and teeth one up and it open up a gum it's all I'm gonna stop talking for a while hmm [Music] it's very small fare indeed but oh yeah this is lemongrass it's not much but there's little clumps of it all around here mmm really nice flavor and just help to keep putting energy back into me but the Sun and the wind are pulling out out of the very dry and very desolate looking out back there seems to be a number of surprises that can nourish the body this is called Tarr vine good salad green edible roots and all this is a lucky star a lot of the ticks around here can make a human pretty sick so I'm gonna stay more out on the flat here it's very unlikely that there'll be any chicks here this is not gonna be a very comfortable night for me I can see that coming but I do what I can because you got to get sleep you don't get any sleep I start getting a little psychotic actually nobody wants to have a psychotic episode out here now every move out here that I make to improve my situation and get set up for survival has to be well thought out calculated and methodical risking injury based on foolish and frantic moves is a huge mistake that in some cases can have fatal consequences [Music] Wow that's fire time and I've only got one paper match yeah yeah if I'm very very careful they can split it right down the center turn it into two matches [Music] get it down to the end here it's a tricky part at the end because you want the match head to actually split off okay there we go why not has now become - yes indeed it worked maybe that and that's all it took just split the one match in two and instead of being left with one match to survive I have two and I have fire a lot of this around is cattle dung and sheeps done goat dung and all of it can go on the fire it will finally help to get rid of these flies just like it does all around the world dry cattle dung works real well to get rid of flies and I have no idea why it just does [Applause] the aboriginals at least some of them actually believe that if they put a rope around where they're going to sleep at night that snakes will not go over top of the rope you know they call for sticks they go over stones so I don't know and I haven't got a clue whether or not it's actually true but reality is I'll take any bit of help I can get save the foam cushion from the airplane brought it along with me we've got a little bit of a pad otherwise I'm just laying right in the dirt here Suns already up I did get chilled a bit but as long as I kept the fire going I was fine through the night so I'm gonna get moving now before for that Sun and the heat starts to kick in and see if I can find myself a spot with water because that is what is important now there are so many variables that will play into a decision on whether to stay put or go certainly no available water makes the decision easy for me this time but sometimes trying to figure out whether or not I should move on can be perplexing to the point of great frustration and it's heartbreaking to make the effort to move only to find myself in an even worse location almost empty in my case I always have the added challenge of filming my travels as I walk along alone well come to yet another creek bed with any luck at all this one won't be as dry as the last one nothing dry dry dry I hear you let's try dry dry here you can just see faint glimmer of water down there so this creek bed goes for a long ways dry as a bone but eventually you go downhill enough come to some water yeah whether or not it's drinkable that's another story even though the water here appears clean I'm going to boil it first and then let it cool so I can least feel safe drinking water with no live pathogens I think I even see something down there I can eat see him down there remember all rope really is is bunch of fibers twisted together separate them go get down to one fiber a little tiny bit of beef sausage there beef jerky is that they're so hungry most of the time they'll clamp on to the food and you can literally just pull them right out of the water and they won't let go all right he knows it's meat he's hold nine dead okay yeah I don't know if I can do this I gotta try and pull him up gently flip him off there okay hold on to the meat come on got him I got him I got him I got him I got him yes yeah that's awesome lay that I'm beautiful I cannot wait to eat this guy buddy nickname and you dinner it's pretty amazing how even the slightest of meals meant for an empty stomach can lift the spirit when you're trying to survive [Music] one match two fires and that's the end of my matches but I've got a good fire going now so that's what's important [Music] this patch of green here it's called watercress finding that there's a snake then that's the stuff I've got a peppery taste to it mmm oh but better but really good for me and fantastic find right here on the creek okay buddy this is your last moments of life but I am going to enjoy the energy you're gonna transfer into me there you go that's gonna be sweet little freshwater Lobster legs off snap the tail off that's fantastic well in Canada call them crayfish the comprar daddy's in the United States and here they call them yah bees do the way tonight calling it dinner hmm oh my gosh that's good oh oh yeah I'm catching more of those guys you can count on it there's lots of sign of feral sheep that's old sheep death here no surprise to find dick carcasses here and there oh no Stan and those kind of look like a mask I should be okay here I'm underneath very green very live tree there's a couple of dead ones further up but with any luck at all I'll be okay a little bit chancy but I just do not feel like being out in the Sun so clear an area here but this time I'm gonna do something a little different I'm going to heat up this ground so by the time I sleep on it it'll be nice and warm doing it the other place trying to put all the burnable stuff on my bed it may not seem like it's needed in the desert but nights can get much cooler than you expect and this method will keep the chill out of my bones [Music] those guys would go nice roasted over the fire spider - doesn't eat move up there I'll go up there but little chance I'll get close to them well that's the way it is with large game like an emu it'd be wonderful to catch one of those of course if I had a high-powered rifle would be easy but just on foot it's impossible for a human to run down an emu the best thing would be for me to hope to come upon an emu nest and even then they're guarded by the males now their front talons can just rip a nasty gash into you they can they can kill people if they get you in the right spot so you got to be real careful with you the key to catching big game is generally found in having some serious hunting weapons a rifle or at least a good bow and arrow combination catching big game by hand or even traps is a pipedream at best and that can be really disappointing if your expectations for a successful hunting are too high all right the last thing I have to do now is just simply go over and now that the grounds cooled down I'll just put the greenery on top of it and that bit of foam that I got out of the airplane roll on top and I will be toasty warm all night long it's it works really well when you do it right just got to do it safely cuz otherwise you burn yourself and I did melt the bottom of my shoes the morning Sun revealed to me a surprise of roosting doves just waiting to become breakfast that is as long as my aim is good [Music] [Music] I went for a little walk and I may have found myself treat her to know this that's that's uh wire that I found on the ground on the first night see I've got it bent over there I know it doesn't look like much but with any luck at all it'll be a treat inside this little hole here you got to move quick because treat that's in there and start to move oh yeah this is called a witchetty grub just a little one hmm mmm nice peanutty taste sweet deal example of well you can find a witchetty grub you can see the swelling in the tree it should indicate that there's a witchetty grub in there hoo hoo I see him cutting into the cavity that the grub has created won't harm the tree at all eventually it scars over and continues to live without issue oh my gosh oh yes sweet look at that yeah size of that guy I'm gonna cook him up for breakfast all right so he's just gonna straighten out as he heats up it's all toasted for me this is gonna be good sizzling I think that's about all he needs so it's actually hot so first thing I want to do is pop the head off same thing at the back end I want to pull the bum because with it comes all the poop and stuff wait for it Oh hmm oh this is gonna give me a lot of energy believe it or not this is not the kind of creepy-crawly that conjures up plate fright where you got to get it in your mouth and down quick so you can get the nutrients this is tasty mmm oh man that's good well I would definitely try to find more jam areas further downstream and see if I can get myself some more of those witchetty grubs if I could have three or four five of those a day I'd be actually surviving quite well full of nutrients that was good yeah that's better than eating raw [Music] sweet oh yeah the witchetty grub which is the larvae of the ghost moth used to attract hordes of Aboriginal peoples from all different tribes to come and dine on them as a delicacy this is a new one I'm cooking witchetty grubs over cow manure [Music] they can take up to two years to grow inside the tree that's good while my luck is with me I figure I should go after some more Gattis to see you you big fella yeah you see that hunk of meat come on buddy he's all yours would you see jerky well it's a little guy but I'll take him if he comes up ooh two of them fighting for it yeah got him that's one only this time they're not scorpions yes yes need how to do it ex this is what I'm about to enjoy oh man is that good so this is a good feast I've had witchetty grub and I can still find more of them I hope I'm gonna head further downstream to find a wetter area so I can really load up on on a whole mass of witchetty grub if possible because they will keep me going a long time the yah bees are fantastic so I've got a good feast tonight on ya bees and what I might do is actually build a trap and see if I can have some more yabbies caught that I can actually take with me tomorrow they're my my shirt tie off one end here some of that wire that I found [Music] okay there we go and my bait is going to be leftovers from the abbeys with the trap left in the water I can let it work for me and with luck it'll be productive enough to get me a meal that was some feast let me tell you Dave full of grubs witchetty grubs and yabbies feels good [Music] sacrifice my entire sleeve off my shirt flytrap and got nothing no one thing's for sure I'm gonna travel today I don't any more matches so I'm gonna have to get a fire going somehow the other end and I know how I can do this now instead of doing sort of a traditional fire bundle I might as well make use the tin can cow dung essentially any of the dung that comes from grass-eating animals ungulates hoofed animals essentially just packed down grass and so then it's left to dry and Harden and you you have the perfect fire bundle so I'm gonna get this big paddy just blurry and then I'll be able to carry it with me to my next location now the problem is right now it's super super windy and that can blow Sparks and blow things you can start a brush fire that way so I've got to be really careful there we go that's all I need get this cow done smoking like this and I've got myself a modern twist on a fire bundle smoking well amazingly I've found only four grubs in an area a few hundred yards long there are plenty of yabbies here but I figure they'll be in every stream in the area so I've decided to move on to better grub hunting ground this time my decision to move may not serve me well at all wind is really blowing strong now pots still smoking fine though that's good I've walked for many miles now way too far to turn back I'll have to survive with whatever I find here this is a dry place I can't walk any farther it's like I've come to spot some water down there really look like it's flowing as much as the last place but that's water yeah I come back to this camera this area looks like it could be an excellent area for a lot of King brown snakes to live so I want to get up and out of their way and I think on these rocks up here with this one nice little sleeping platform is perfect I can have a fire here heat reflected off from the rocks and hopefully be free and clear from the snakes of course there's skeletons up here so things have died up here that's for sure smoking cow dung has worked like a charm to carry my fire to this new location a couple hours of daylight left see what happens tomorrow oh that was quick like so many places on the planet the aboriginals have told their stories of survival by painting on rock [Music] day five getting tired flies will get to you heat gets to you the sand and the dirt gets to you know so anything you can do to keep your mind occupied is really important even if that means drawing pictures on a rock and the Outback has a lot of moods to it a lot of colors a lot of different scenes all of them worth seeing you just don't want to have to survive out here that's all so bring water [Music] that's good water I brought it from the other location the water here is terrible it looks like just a cesspool I'm gonna have to dig for water for sure and I'm gonna have to try and find some food there's a lot of heat actually down in this valley which surprises me I would have thought to be more up top but I think it's coming off of the rocks the heat of the day and keeping it warm down here I don't even need a jacket on it at the moment so I'm just gonna curl up by the fire here and tomorrow see what I can do about finding some food but especially finding some good clean water I'm gonna have to dig for it I'm sure my boards are noisy tonight my hope for snakes tonight that's for sure Suns come up coming up early which means it's going to be hot soon so I'm gonna get moving now and spend a couple hours this morning seeing what I could find I'll worry about digging for water a little later on but I'm going to go up and down the valley here see if I can find something I can eat have a look around see what I've got to work with wasn't too bad last night it was actually really warm all night long the good news is it got really windy hopefully it'll stay that way that helped to keep the flies down and help to keep it from being scorching hot but if it dies there's gonna be a hot day so I better get moving now I smell something nasty though Vitaliy first bird's-eye view let me see what it is it smells so nasty now that's life and death in the desert sheep around here some are ranched and some are are just feral same with the goats and their carcasses are skeletons along with kangaroo skeletons end up everywhere stuff just dies and rots and foxes move in that stinks that's pretty gross dead animals in the water animal feces and no doubt tons of animal urine all around it and in it so this waters not gonna do me any good at all not if I want to actually drink it and live this would be one of those times where I'd look at the water and say you know what I'm often for dehydration at the moment because I don't want to drink out of here nasty and gnarly well I've still got another day to go here I've got to find some better water because I'm pretty parched at the moment when there's this much water around and I can see that there is underground Springs feeding it then there's no reason not to dig for water the reality is if I drink this water I could make myself horribly sick I'm gonna dig [Music] hey I'm getting down to the gravel how much better that's the only method that I can go with if I'm in a situation like this where there's lots of water around but it's it's skunky it's filthy a lot of animal feces and urine everywhere clear that away from the top dig down a hole at the water seep in let it settle and clear and at least it is the best of whatever water I can get in this area and then take that and boil it that should be okay you know what people don't realize about things like Cryptosporidium or Giardia other pathogens and diseases you can get from bad water is that you don't have to drink it to get it you can just splash it in your eyes get a little bit on your lips or in your ears from washing and you can become infected so you've got to be real careful well this whole location here this is a good find there's a lot of water around it it's a terrible place as far as King brown snakes go because there's a lot of hiding spots for them with all that wash up you can see - how high up the the flash floods come there's some at some spots they're 10 feet high way above my head here but with all the water and all this fresh young gum trees there it's a good spot to go on a witchetty grub hunt he had another dead animal looks like a little I guess it's hard to tell you K but I think it's a baby kangaroo there's another one oh my goodness must have been quite a massive flood that came through catch them all off guard like that yeah I'm gonna leave the big camera here and head in work around those trees see if I can find some grubs no this is such an active area with so much wildlife here I'd be surprised if there wasn't a few King brown snakes around the other problem is it's October and October is when they come out of hibernation and they are their most aggressive so be careful but I need some food [Music] that's what I wanted to do when I grew up I'm not sure my answer would have been oh I don't know it's drama I'll show you a note back seeing if I can find grubs inside trees that I can eat percent again that maybe that's exactly what I would have said oh boy this place when it heals it a whole bunch of grubs CNN here's a clear example of their rub that's been and gone easily see the sawdust look up here's the hole he's already gone and there's probably a red back spider in that hole well that's really disappointing I mean there's no food today well since I'm not having any luck at all finding grubs in that patch of gum trees and I really thought I would find a whole bunch of them cuz it's all young grub trees and that's where they like to be there is something up here that'll help a little bit anyway this is actually the only name that I know up by is its nickname which is the vicks vapor rub tree not very romantic but really nice healthful tea that'll help bring me some energy on this day that I struck out trying to get a lot of grubs I've made a classic mistake I thought the grass would be greener on the other side and now I'm in a place that just reeks of death the grub hunting is lousy the waters bad there's no shade the Flies are worse and there aren't any yabbies at all here to eat all the indications should have screamed out at me to stay put at the last location this is a common problem for lost victims getting antsy and moving on when staying put would have been a better plan all right well least I'm having some hot tea tonight that's bonus mostly today though it was just spent walking up and down this valley trying to avoid the Sun looking for more wild edibles oh my gosh you even see it there's a sheep sleeping right out in front of me I'm not kidding I'm up here I'm making noise and I didn't even know he was there well talk about your edibles now if I had a bow and arrow or a spear or a gun he'd be mine but I bet you I could walk right up to him in Club them but I'm not gonna do that now am i bad all right I would almost guarantee that cheap is probably the mate with a dead one I found up there probably could've snuck up behind him and clubbed them back better let him go would've been a good meal though lamb chops the feral sheeps and goats that run wild out here would make great survival food it'd also be much easier to catch than kangaroos and immunes but either way what's needed is a good rifle to make even an attempt at hunting them worthwhile [Music] [Applause] the Sun is just peeking over the horizon and it actually got pretty cold last night kept the fire going well but it definitely got cold and I was kind of curl up around it for most of the night well with some good fortune and some good technology hopefully uh my safety team will be here soon with the Sun on their eyes to pick me up all they have to do is check that GPS coordinate should land them right here and I can go home seven days in the Australian outback I've used an emergency GPS satellite device to link my location via tracking signal every 10 minutes onto a web-based map system that my rescue team can log on to back in civilization it's ingenious and it enables my rescue team to pinpoint with great accuracy my location and come and get me they'll check my position online and they can find me wherever I stand [Music] [Music]
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 649,132
Rating: 4.8675761 out of 5
Keywords: Les Stroud, Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman TV, Survivorman TV Series, Survivorman, Survivorman Les Stroud, 'Les, Outdoor Survival, Stroud', Survivorman - Season 3 - Episode 5 - Australian Outback, Todd Standing, Logan Stroud, Sam Omik, Uzimann, Joseph McConnell, Bob Wilson
Id: T4DTclwJBOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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