Survivorman & Son | Episode 1 | Tofino | Les Stroud

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oh oh that's bad it's gonna be bad [Music] [Music] [Music] for years i've been surviving in the wilderness alone i've had to struggle and starve climb and hike i've had to deal with the heat the wet the bone numbing cold and all of it alone would it be easier to be with another person finding food finding water building shelters starting fires and what if this other was my own son [Music] every year hundreds of people venture out into the wilderness and they take off on a little day hike simple afternoon of fishing they find themselves turned around disoriented maybe a bad storm comes in next thing you know they're lost they're stranded they're away from their tents their sleeping bags their food their equipment and they have to survive hope that someone comes to the rescue or they can find their way out well that's the situation for logan and i now we're gonna have to survive out here as two we might be twice as strong and be able to exert twice the effort we also have two miles to feed out here the west coast to vancouver island an ideal beach cove like this is deceptively attractive it makes survival look like it could be easy but survival is never easy you can pretty much tell from the long shadows the sun is on its way down and it's going down fast i give it maybe another hour so what we really need to do now is pool our resources get together figure out what is we have what's in logan's kayak what's in my kayak do our zone of assessment check so number one zone number two what's close and then tomorrow zone number three but for now i'm just gonna make it through the first night we've got everything that's on the sea kayaks and we brought along a few little survival supplies fishing kit with just basic lures logan's set up for spin casting and i'm set up for fly fishing we've got a survival bag that got at survival store we've got this bivvy sack and i just want to try them out snare trap nope no no that's a saw so this is one of those little saws you get in different survival kits i've used these before and they i don't know they always break on me logan has done only minimal camping over the years he knows nothing of survival and what i've been going through to live through a survivor man ordeal i need to find out is it going to be an asset or a liability we're not going to have a fire tonight that much is clear logan's asked if he could go do some fishing and in a way i could come down hard and say are you crazy we've we're out here for the night we gotta get a fire going we gotta find a place to settle down but he doesn't have the experience of being out in the bush like this so letting fish basically go a little easy on them i know what those are these are very large wolf tracks so we've got uh potential company here in the form of quite a large wolf that make things interesting now wouldn't it [Music] that didn't take long at all there goes the sun and with it the warmth we'll see how we do sleeping on the sand [Music] logan and i decided that it's a heck of a lot warmer actually laying up on these logs it is on the sand using our life jackets as padding and paddle jackets as blankets actually not that bad you know the bonus actually is we're up high enough too that if the tide comes in we're above it [Music] there won't be any sleeping under the stars tonight the west coast is notoriously wet and foggy [Music] see this is the reason for people getting disoriented and lost fog it gets to be this thick you can't find your way out there there's no point in uh logan going out fishing this morning i don't want to let him go out into that he gets turned around and that won't see him again while the sun burns off the fog logan and i take to the bush to explore zone number three the outer perimeter [Music] the aboriginals in the area would harvest all this bark by cutting here and then pulling the strip up the tree and taking that and then using that for everything from baskets to to to housing to clothing these cheese will get bigger and bigger and they can harvest more so this is a whole area of it it's a whole bunch of red huckleberries up here this is awesome the only poisonous berry around here but here's a couple more there's a twin berry what does it look like well i'll show you if i find one okay that totally helps this is a blue huckleberry on this tree right here and uh that's great they're in season here here's two you like them they're not bad a little sour that's a difference of just sitting around and not doing anything and going for even a small hike can we find these berries look at this that looks like a trail to me it's left to the right we'll just follow it a little bit this way animal trail or something that's the thing about finding established trails they're extremely tempting when you're lost they're they they're like salvation oh miss which way to turn right or left right in this case i know left has got to take us to the beach where does right go how far does it go check this out logan okay so let's remember this one because this tree easy to get to and this is an awesome overhang shelter if it's just a rain on us we may even want to make our shelter here anyway i don't know would you rather be here on the beach i'd rather be on the beach personally i'd rather be on the beach all right but if it starts to pour rain on us this is this is three minutes up from the beach we can come up here and uh and get out of it obviously right yeah the beach is a familiar place for logan and so it only follows that he prefer to stay there one thing i'm starting to get a little worried about is water we have to find water we can drink logan yeah there's some dripping there there's a slow drip up there there's no real good source of fresh water at this beach so these little drips are all we have at this point it's a big problem with our water supply coming in drips it'll likely only be enough for one but we or two it's always been the irony of surviving beside an ocean of salt water where you can die of dehydration for now i'll let logan head off and do something he's familiar with oh there he goes we're both suffering from a little bit of a lack of energy i don't know if it was the hike that we did a bit early or or what but uh we're both dragging and we're not actually lifting each other up right now which is strange we need to have a fire but logan really wants to fish and of course this clear blue sky right so who knows maybe he'll get lucky i got work to do it would be a lot better if logan would work with me but i have to ease him into this thing that i call survival let's see something else i can grab even easier sharing jobs and responsibilities can be much more effective survival for two or more people ferns while building i look out and see logan swimming in the cold ocean water with his kayak floating nearby i'm questioning my decision to let him go fishing alone what are you doing you flipped it's been two days of survival off the coast of vancouver island and logan my son has made a seemingly simple and benign mistake by flipping his kayak into the water in a survival ordeal little accidents like that can kill and must always be taken seriously what are you doing you flipped so you totally flipped yeah just trying to maneuver this stuff around not even a fish luckily i was close not too far out yeah i mean you're a good kayaker i'm trying to figure out what happened i mean if that happened way out there that's dude had some serious trouble just with the fishing rod and everything and trying to get it in there's nowhere to put anything so you're leaning to different sides just trying to hold the rod out there yeah break anything on the kayak at all no it was just it didn't flip i flipped into the water well all right well ironically i'm working on a fire so get all this stuff out and we got perfect sun get it all out drying in the sun and uh throwing the other stuff let's just get you dry so logan flipped the kayak but he flipped it only about 30 feet from shore which is lucky if he flipped it way out in the center somewhere or gone out into the waves a bit would have been some pretty serious trouble beautiful day it only takes a second to change everything for the worse now i really need to get a fire going for him after i fell it was it was shocked for a couple seconds and all of a sudden i was like oh my god i'm in the water now luckily i didn't have my spray skirt on i thought i'd take it off just sheer luck that it didn't uh i didn't have it on because if i did i would have just flipped over and been stuck hanging upside down that would have been really bad it was really cold my uh my heart rate's starting to slow down a bit i'm starting to feel a little bit like i'm going into shock by that time i got back to the beach i was i was cold i was really cold i was shaking i was a little bit frantic i was worried about you know getting hypothermia or get going in the shock and you know being in real trouble because man it was cold i'm still a little bit chilled right now but working like this building a shelter will get me nice and warm so it's uh yeah i was pretty lucky huh felt kind of bad for logan wiping out in a kayak you said his heart started racing when he had to go back out for the paddle it shows him how quick something can turn around fortunately because it's a beautiful day there's forgiveness and he can dry his clothing out in the sun and calm himself down and help me now what i thought of doing was taking your lip balm in my little kit of flies there was some q-tips and band-aids so i'm just going to take the q-tips and i'm going to steal the cotton off the q-tips i've got six q-tips so i'll do three to start this logan i want you to watch how i do this in case you need to do it later right wax from the lip balm put it into the cotton ball fluff that up so it takes a spark one thing when you start striking your striker to get a fire if you if you're going to use the blade of your knife which people argue about say never use a blade i i don't mind using the blade because i get a really good strong spark that way but do it high up on the blade here yeah so you don't dull the main cutting edge down down here okay as i say before every fire wish me luck whoa there we go there we go all right that's got it what do you think not a bad idea just some q-tips lip balm and we are in business with with a simple spark nice finally logan gets busy and pitches in to work on our necessities for now we'll simply build some small fern mattresses to keep us off the cold sand but we're taking our chances that it won't rain overnight on the northwest pacific coast let's see how this water's doing oh best in time it's full to the brim oh that's good all right we've got a very small but a constant supply of water at this point better thanks it's always a strange thing with trying to convince people actually even adults trying to convince them to constantly drink can be tricky especially in the winter time actually but keeping people hydrated is vital in any survival situation that's for sure all right put this cup back [Music] few little tiny patches of spaghetti moss you can use it for toilet paper if you need to although big question i get asked all the time and you're going to find this out you won't be going to the bathroom until we get back in civilization you just won't need to go unless unless we catch a lot of fish and banana slugs unfortunately we can't eat them it's too bad though these guys are edible you don't like that idea yeah [Applause] [Music] i see water it's either uh ocean bay or fresh water i don't know there's a bunch of those berries oh hey you know what there's salmon berries here too yeah that's what i'm looking at [Music] see a lot of bears come through here this grass is all pushed down quite a bit as great as these berries are they're not gonna be enough hoping we catch some nice big fish [Music] the groundwater here is brackish fresh mixed with salt water all right show me some water up here let's try my old trick here squeezing some sphagnum mess all of these plants here there's about four or five different edible plants that we can we can gather and eat up it's been good finding the berries they represent familiar food for logan and familiarity goes a long way towards helping someone feel confident surviving what we want to do in this case this one sort of a rare situation we want to actually sort of save the plant and it's called rice root and i think you're going to like what you taste underneath pull everything back and away from it you see that that white so there's a bulb underneath if you pull them out those little rice things fall off it you just eat them raw then for the plant there's lots in the hole there's lots in the hole that's what's gonna happen right so cover over the hole and just transplant that you know another foot or two away okay and then it sort of spreads the plant and enables it to keep growing this way we're actually harvesting the plant rather than just rather than just destroying it and taking it in a survival situation like this you want to know what exists in every direction so coming down here finding this green patch and being able to see all these wild edibles none of that would have happened if we hadn't gone for the walk to see what was around us we have not sat down and said okay we checked out our bodies we checked out our gear that's in hand we need to see what's further afield that's zone of assessment one two and then three so far that's only one cup of water in each of us and a few mouthfuls of wild berries we have to seek out a stream or river to keep us in fresh water in too many ways logan doesn't really know what we're facing he's relying on me to show him the way which is fine but it's also very draining on me psychologically we tried to do some fishing for a bit and it didn't work out the line tangled up on us i couldn't get it going i got like one cast in and it was like went 10 feet and then that was it on the way back i noticed a nice big halibut and if i had a spear with me smash and i get the nice big halibut for dinner logan's sense of what's possible is positive and good but not necessarily realistic there we go i think i got it going oh it's hard on my arms logan's about to learn a valuable lesson in poor quality survival gear oh [ __ ] that hurt ow [Music] i saw broke tried to put it back together it doesn't really work but i'm gonna give it a try my personal struggle with logan as a father is convincing him to eat what he's not used to he's much like i was when i was his age hungry but picky and that won't do in a survival situation gathered some seaweed while we were out i'm just gonna get all the rice root into the cup here you can boil it up and make it a little softer and now some of the seaweed kind of like making a bit of a miso soup i suppose this is just little little bulk kelp this food i've gathered from the ocean side is appealing to me but i'm familiar with it i know what's important is just to get any kind of sustenance into our bodies logan is in a still too casual state of mind about it all as if he's just out camping but if he starts losing energy it's going to hurt both our chances of surviving oh the water tastes horrible let me try the rice that's way better it's nice and soft this is so dangerous what you're doing it's good though eh it's like it's almost like real rice it's not bad for nothing i know but seeing you two oh for seconds means you must like it or it means i'm hungry true want the last scoop of rice maybe he's stuffed it's crazy but sometimes the obvious escapes you in a survival ordeal and we'd forgotten to utilize the emergency sleeping socks the previous night [Music] i don't know yeah exactly don't touch my stuff okay fine stop it screwing it up man okay you want me to help you get in that no okay not four all right good night all right we fell asleep well and then the fire died on us and he got pretty cold didn't die out completely so i got it going again but um colder than the first night strangely i think i found this breakfast all right they're definitely alive this could be a serious meal for us logan actually got up i guess the fire warmed him up and uh went for a walk sporting down on the rocks he should be on his way back all right so looking around for some crabs some nice big crab for bait some tiny fish for bait anything like that that's gonna help me catch a nice big salmon or halibut or something big so i can you know actually have a good meal i just got to be careful that i don't end up slipping or tripping and falling in or break an ankle or an arm or something like that so yeah i mean my spirit can only do so much there's actually a really cool starfish in this one bizarre but it's cool got my plastic bag putting the uh crabs and stuff in it just found a nice big one never mind snail they're in here somewhere it's not like they can leave right now so let's go there's one snail crab crab nice big crab that one bit me scared the crap out of me snail crab just trying to get this last guy in here there's a big crab and a fairly decent minnow so let's see if i can get them little minnow hello [Applause] how's it going you got some bait i got lots of bait all right well logan is going after bait for fishing hermit crabs so that's good keeping him active keeping his mind going on things take his mind off of his stomach give it another little while and then we'll uh we'll go get some water okay that sounds good now what i want to do is i'm going to put it on the fire and it'll just naturally open up and i won't have to pry it open with a knife i know logan's stomach is getting to the better of him it's a problem i'm trained in this and you bring someone in take them out of their their comfort zone some of the simplest things can be pretty rough for just about anybody [Music] sometimes even the easiest food to gather doesn't come without some kind of danger biggest worry right now is not so much our hunger it's uh it's red tide you can die from red tide there's a couple different versions of it but i don't want to have any of the versions so what i'm going to do is do a bit of a poison test this actually also works this does look good i gotta say all right so i'll take a small piece of it of course the color of this happens to be red that doesn't make me feel any better it probably has no bearing on anything but still i'm gonna put it just in my lip here just in between my lip and my gum i'm gonna hold it there for about three minutes or so i'm going to try not to swallow so i'll leave that there and see if i get any kind of tingling or numbing sensation three days into surviving with my son off the northwest pacific coast and the ocean is proving bountiful but without a good supply of fresh water lots of food can become a moot point right i guess it's been long enough my mouth feels fine no tingling no numbing sensation little word of caution here this is not the be-all and end-all way to test for red tide not at all in fact what some people do i've heard is they'll they'll take one of the mussels and they'll they'll throw it out for the seagulls and they'll watch the seagulls and the seagulls don't eat it or they come down and you know spit it out sort of thing stays away wow that's really good that is the best muscle i've ever eaten in my life right there i'm gonna leave one for logan hopefully he'll like it logan is out searching for bait to fish with it's what he knows and keeping him busy is the key to keeping him positive but i've noticed something a good percentage of my energy is now spent on figuring out how to keep logan motivated these clams are a great score as far as i'm concerned yet once again logan turns up his nose to good survival food anything it's a little bit of a tangle on my tongue you feel a tingle on your tongue tiny kind of bit i'm right in my tooth well then let's not take any chances let's go get some fish set i have no way of knowing if logan is just being picky about the food or if he really feels a tingling sensation on his lip from the clams either way i'm not gonna push the issues plant right here this bladder rack the juice inside having been tested is spf 15. you can eat it and protect your skin with it at the same time i'm making another spear for my dad i've been working on this one for a while so i'm just gonna touch it up a little bit i'd never make a spear in a place like this as i believe it to be a waste of time but perhaps i can learn a thing or two from logan as well here we go hopefully this is going to be good enough heading out to catch fish is a good proactive thing to do to keep our minds on survival but it's still our lack of water that has me the most concern got a nice big bulk up here you see the way all the weeds are bent so the tide's coming back in what's with the water what do you mean look at it it's all like weird weird yeah it looks like there's like something in it yeah you know why why this is uh this is fresh water coming out here lots of it so it's the fresh water mixing with the salt this is awesome this is a river coming out of here this is this full-on solid river see how far up we can get little rapids up there we'll come up to a river this is awesome exploring provides answers and solutions a half a cup a day of water dripping off a rock will not sustain us for much longer and this is only a short paddle from our base camp we don't really need to go all the way up to the falls this water is rushing so much it's got to be fresh so i'm just going to test it [Music] well i just fill up here oh oh oh there's a flounder right in front of me get me a spear hurry up he's still there i'm gonna do two of them come over here you work this camera okay these two spears were logan's idea and i had figured they were nothing more than a way to keep him busy got him i got him perfect oh man your spears were a great idea that's awesome look at that what a great idea logan if it wasn't for your spears we wouldn't have this i know we would not have this guy i was kind of like writing off your spears going well whatever the chances of that happening are next to nothing and look at that this is one of those incredibly lucky moments that can be the turning point in a survival situation moving things towards the better and with it comes an ample supply of fresh water that we can bring back to our camp in the dry bags i can't believe we caught a fish tide's coming in we've got our first real meal in a few days when the tide is in the stream is obscured and easily missed when you paddle by but at low tide it becomes much more obvious proving that even the timing of exploration makes a big difference in how you survive you hadn't made those spears this wouldn't happen and especially making two of them like that we would have been standing there going there's a fish and then we would have been looking for something you know and likely you know probably lost them i want to save all the guts so we can use it as bait this is a little harder to do than your standard average bass a pike that's the heart and i'll eat that for sure same thing with the liver so i just want to get rid of the intestines now with both ample fresh water and this fish survival is about to take a turn for the better that is so long as i don't go and do something foolish oh [Music] oh that's bad it's gonna be bad what'd you do i moved the fire up under the rock got that all going went over to feed the fire in my bare feet and uh i stood too close to where the old fire was and i stood right in a hot bed of coals that's not good oh all my weight down on my foot at the time too oh that's not good it's it's in cold water and it's still burning whatever this is it's gonna be one of the worst burns i've ever had i think it's best thing i can do is just keep it in the water there's really no better remedy for a burn than immersion in cold water on a constant basis if i'm lucky it'll eventually stop the pain and any tissue damage done by the burn what a dumb move step right into what was the hot bed of coals and sand with my bare foot just start to get you know excited about having a big fish to cook and you get careless okay you good no open woods no [Music] let's get back to cooking that fish one thing you'll never be short of in ocean survival is spare rope oh i can feel my toes starting to burn again okay this is like every 10 minutes i gotta go get my toes in the ocean oh shoot i'm just going to uh do a little bit of in the field wilderness medicine here wow that's not looking so good i walked along and i grabbed it just as was washing up this stuff here ladder rack and this stuff will actually work to draw the heat away from the blisters i'm just gonna squeeze it this is like a goo here i didn't know better i'd say it feels like it's working already probably better than modern medicine that was a foolish mistake to make you know i'm not i'm not concentrating like i normally would i've got logan to think about i really want to push him you know i mean i have to push him when it comes to eating out here you get what you're lucky to get and you eat it up tomorrow is logan's 16th birthday what we're gonna do is we're gonna build a catamaran type style with the two kayaks so i gotta get a bunch of uh nice long logs not too big not too heavy just kind of thin and uh stable because i mean with me dumping my kayak just sitting in it if you get a big fish i'm going right in the water and it's pretty windy logan's working on binding the raft so we can cut out together and fish with our beer flipping the cats in the water i'll work on getting the fish cooked in between giving him a hand and cooling my burnt foot off in the ocean every beach everywhere in the world float some useful for survival we're not at home this is survival the more nutrients we get into ourselves the stronger we'll feel but it seems down today so spear fishing right now just along the sand just keeping them occupied i think me burning my toes shook them up a little flipping in the kayak shook him up a little yesterday so hopefully nothing goes wrong tomorrow because tomorrow we're going to head out try some serious fishing now that was sort of set up here and now there's no problem with me taking in the salt because we have the ample supply of fresh water and that's that's key last bit of fish innards i don't know what it is we'll just call it the mystery orchid whatever it is it tastes good the main meal is almost ready and i know it's going to make logan feel a lot better get a big chunk of halibut in them how is it good it's awesome not bad i would have left it in for another 10-15 minutes let it uh you know what let the sliminess go away i couldn't you know why it was gonna fall through it's think of it as sushi which we eat raw i mean we could eat in this whole fish raw so that's good got it all into you man because i ate up the organs you didn't want them you got to get food into you you're feeling stronger you're not gonna eat more no i can't get much of my stomach right now went up just having not eaten the last couple days kind of thing all right so we'll put all this nice fresh meat into the cup and then we'll boil it up and that'll cook it more cook it the rest of the way through okay so i'm sorry to push on this but the more nutrients i get in you the better no i know it's just it's hard to get it down but it's just like fish broth i know but it's fish broth slimy seriously dude you got to get out more the dynamics of being out here with my son are strange for me we must survive effectively i can't let my guard drop for if i do we both suffer and i can't deny the fact that having to think for two is taxing on me and yet the huge advantage is the camaraderie and this day is logan's 16th birthday so maybe i can consider this like a rite of passage for him [Music] hey come here look [Music] someone left a message thanks dad happy birthday i'm glad we're out here together on this yeah that's a lot better than you being alone ah it's a lot better than me missing your 16th birthday i'm glad you're out here thank you with the celebrations all done we still need to eat one fish between two people after four days is not good enough we need more and we do have fishing tackle a huge advantage for survival we want to take advantage of this calm waters there's nothing more than a breeze when that wind picks up and you get white caps out here like there was the other day yesterday we don't stand a chance coming out here for fish what do you i think we're good right it's pretty darn stable we're locked together here yeah okay drop her down let's see what you can do if good luck evades us here we'll be in trouble we've cleared the site of berries and the only plants left on the land are bitter greens so we'll be stuck with a diet of seaweed and bulk help [Music] you got one though yeah all right well keep bringing them in oh that's not that's like dinner right there okay [Music] can we do this what do you think you coming keep coming ah yeah that's dinner right there baby that's beautiful awesome that's one and that's all that's needed sometimes in survival just something anything to boost your spirits to bring about some psychological comfort and keep you going till the next day you got one yep okay he's in my boat sweet job logan that's two binding the kayaks together to make a catamaran is working out we're stable and yet mobile enough to paddle out into the bigger ocean you're trolling right oh i got a fish it was so small that i didn't really feel it all right there's my contribution not a bad outing four fish they're not huge but they're still going to feed us today [Music] finally having two people in a survival situation is showing itself to be advantageous digging a fish cooking pit has never been an option for me when i was alone you know that's not bad it helps that we're on a beach the effort of doing this alone has always been too much to make it worth my while that's about perfect what we need to do next is get a fire going in here and that's gonna be your job just gonna leave logan alone to get that fire going but for now i've got to get something to wrap the fish in and i know what i want he knows how vital it is to get that fire going without any matches nothing more than a spark some cotton lip balm hopefully he can get it going it was a difficult thing for me to consider if logan uses up all the good fire starting supplies we have then everything gets much tougher but i've got to begin to start relying on his help there we go that's what i'm looking for this is skunk cabbage and it's a perfect way to wrap the fish for underground cooking while i'm at it all this salal is what i need as well all right i'm hoping you got the fire going all of this work is a heck of a lot easier with two of us i mean the reality is that if it wasn't for logan i never would have had spears to catch that fish yesterday and if it wasn't for logan i only caught one tiny little fish he caught three so all of a sudden survival with two starts to pan out as being a little more advantageous i don't see fire i don't see smoke this is not good news on a few levels spark it up yet god no no did it get a flame no no flame at all no flame i had flame for like half a second and it died is it still in there do you still have it barely let me try so grass is my favorite you can in a pinch spark right into grass and get it to go sometimes so you need a good splay of spark unfortunately logan has left me with only one tiny barely visible little bit of cotton fluff here we go all right here's my flame now we got to get a big fire here nice and hot let it burn and get all these rocks heated up you okay yep are you bummed out because you didn't get the fire don't worry about it man it's not it's hard to get a fire with just a spark it's a lot different when you've got a lighter or matches you know believe me it took me a long time before i could get fired oh but this is going to be nice check it out looks good i feel like i'm on a cooking show gotta keep a way of keeping the fish clean and this is the way it's gone cabbage leaves to make pit cooking effective we'll have to work together in a timely manner yet we should be out of daylight in just an hour or two what do you think let me drop that in the pit to cook up what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull all this fire out and then when i say go salal in fish on top of the salah tube lands on the fish and then those leaves flat all right now cover over so we want to trap steam inside so we cover over completely the water poured in through the bulk kelp will hit the hot rocks and steam cook the fish oh yeah i can hear it steaming like crazy all right well let's open [Music] oh yeah i can feel the heat that's for sure super hot i think we're almost there small fish that's good not getting the fire going was a blow to logan's ego but eating some real fresh fish after four days with little food will be a big boost to his morale wow oh yeah it cooked beautifully it's tender buddy oh my god logan that's amazing it's a good dinner these are your fish mm-hmm one of yours too yeah just a little guy well happy 16th birthday bro thank you that's a great way to end the day there have been things that i was right about when it comes to surviving as too i was right that the camaraderie can keep us moving forward and help us to seemingly ignore the pain in our stomachs from a lack of food i was right that when we work together on certain tasks it all becomes much easier to accomplish but i underestimated how much effort i need to spend to keep my son motivated and i was wrong to write off at least in my mind if not to his face the idea of making spears as being anything other than unnecessary logan has a long way to go to do what i do but he's made the first step and the journey of survival is the same as any other journey in life it starts with one step but continues only if you keep moving takes out the camera you
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 1,259,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Survivorman TV Series, Les Stroud, Survivorman, Survivorman Les Stroud, Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman TV, Survivorman & Son, trapped, British Columbia, Lack of food, unsafe water, inclement weather, survival, survive, Distraction, Tofino, kayak, survivorman full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 15sec (2835 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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