Survivorman | Cook Islands South Pacific | Season 2 | Episode 6 | Les Stroud

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the fringes of the Arctic the middle of the desert on a mountain in a blizzard given a choice most people would easily choose a tropical island if they were forced with the decision of where they had to attempt survival and I'm no different it may be easier but that doesn't mean it's easy without fresh water you're dead in a week with it you still need to brave sharks eels and poisonous fish if you intend to harvest from the ocean the intensity of the Sun here can fry you in minutes and brutal cyclones can wipe you off the face of the island to create the right scenario my crew is leaving me a boat record they'll run it out ahead of me to wait on the island [Music] recreational diving is becoming hugely popular worldwide just like skiers looking for the next mountain divers are always on the search for new more remote locations for underwater discoveries diving is an addictive activity though the lead-up is often early mornings and rushed boat trips it all stops when you fall beneath the waves you only hear your breathing and everything around you moves in a slow serene manner but the skill itself requires solid instruction and takes years to master and as with many things along with its inherent beauty is the potential for danger but the risk is worth it the Cook Islands are in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean in my island called multitude is on the outside edge of a massive shallow Lagoon I could literally walk or swim my way across to the main island where people live in vacation that wouldn't be surviving what happens more often you might think your dive boat leaves you behind either fearing that you're lost we're simply forgetting to do a head count and you're left dumbfounded horrified and alone in the ocean [Applause] [Music] so with my safety crew a few miles away across the lagoon it's my lot to survive the next seven days alone without food or water on my own little paradise might just sound ideal and I supposed to be compared to the middle of the desert or the Arctic it is let survival you're still survival no matter where you find yourself and for the next seven days I'll have to survive here alone without a camera crew no food and no one to fill me but myself simulate a shipwreck they left me a wreck all my dive gear including my dive bag and one shirt and as always I have my multi-tool and my harmonica along for the ride tropical island survival or not it's gonna be a long week already a storm coming in and I haven't even unpacked yet first thing I'm gonna do is just get this boat straightened up get ready for this storm to hit take a look at what year I've got with all my dive stuff then I can make you stuff get out of this wetsuit [Music] it was on my dive gear underwater camera equipment I'm assured well unfortunately if it does come on to rain that's my only shelter for tonight [Music] that's it hasn't rained yet the stars are out I can see the rain off in the distance so my number one of surviving on a tropical island it's gonna be right here in this boat and with any luck at all the rain will hold off if it doesn't I'm gonna have to crawl inside underneath the bow and I won't sleep it off it's not very comfortable in there but I'll get through the night tonight and tomorrow be a new day see how it goes it's morning of day two surviving in a tropical paradise well they got through the night all right it did spit though just a little bit just giving me the heads up on the warning that there probably is rain coming of course right now I don't have rain I've got the opposite problem which is the direct Sun and burn me in this tropical heat not very short time so I'm gonna pull everything out of the boat I had to put everything back into the boat last night because this island is crawling with ship rats so I've brought everything up into the boat so it wouldn't get it all chewed up and I'll take it out now and just see what I've got to work with here so for the most part I don't have anything with me that any other normal diver wouldn't likely have with them got my wetsuit booties fins snorkel mask regulator my BCD and my dive bag with things such as casing for my mask and a few other items like that everything that any normal diver would have with them on a diving excursion so I'll see what I can do with this stuff and I'm gonna take a look at that boat [Music] to help keep some of that Sun off my head fried to a crisp out here I don't have to do this boat has a lot of junk that I can probably use buckets full of rust and old oil not much I can use these for way too dirty poison myself I collected rain with them just a little tiny bit of gas left in there probably also water in it as well even some old fishing line old rusty hooks you know in a survival situation anything is usable nothing is too small or insignificant I think the first thing I'm going to use is this crowbar [Music] it's time to do a little remodeling on the boat wreck when it comes to building shelters in a survival situation the best thing for me to do is to take any advantages I can find and save myself a lot of energy loss why go to the trouble of building an elaborate Bush shelter when there's some kind of natural shelter close by or in this case a man-made structure that for now is high and dry the island is thick with Nath's rats and mosquitoes that can carry dengue fever in the boat record I'm out in the breeze and up off the ground the best place to do [Music] I might regret saying this but I think when that rain comes it'd be quite a relief this tropical Sun is a killer just moving around in it at all wiping me right out and I have to stop pretty often just to rest in the shade just be burned out I'm able to moderate my body temperature with frequent dips in the ocean but that in itself has a lot of inherent dangers around here now it's time to make use of some of my dive gear I was going to cut this apart and use it as a blanket but it's going to make a perfect ring catch if I ever get any rain that's what I'm going to use it for let it rain well at the very least I can use this big heavy tank like a signal device I have a dive knife that was strapped to my BCD and I was going to dangle it here because what can happen is the Sun can hit it and it will flash and acts as a marker for anybody out there who might be looking for someone who's lost they pick up the flash and hopefully come in and rescue you but I just discovered that this dive knife that I have I forgot it's titanium there's no shine to it so I can't use it for that that's a good thing to know when you're buying a knife so instead I'm going to use some of these marker boards underwater writing boards no tank itself is bright yellow so that helps these cards are very white so with any luck at all they'll be easy for the eye to pick up from a distance well not so certain that that'll work but it puts the shiny white card in the Sun in the wind flashing somebody in the distance might spot it and come in to see what's going on other than that that big yellow air tank if I could get the top off I could maybe boil water inside it but beyond that it's just a big heavy air tank I can crack milk so so maybe I can crack coconuts on udders now I'm about a hundred yards walk from my boat shelter and I think I've found a nice little supply we go alright I need this bad this little baby will be the source of a lot of benefits for me I got four uses I can get out of it and the first one is to get a drink little dangerous walking around in bare feet but I need you to get them out of those neoprene booties let them breathe get some air I would have ended up with fungus problems well I do have a dive knife but in survival if you have a knife it's best to not use it if you don't have to any other means you can find to open things to break things or cut things instead of using up your knife are better because it saves the knife keeps it sharp perhaps for when you really really need it survival for sure the best thing you can do is base everything on spending the least amount Oh at least amount of energy it's possible so what i'm doing here is stop it's already in position it's got some sharp very sharp points on it so maybe I can use this leverage to get into this coconut a safe way so you just put it in once like that you don't keep jamming in wiggle it in and then start but you just push down on the other side of the coconut here in wiggle and push come around to this side here we go that's what I'm talking about and all of this inside of this coconut it's good fire starter all right I've got a husk coconut now see the little face in the front there all I have to do is pop in there there we go oh I need this perfect so the trick to this is simply to hit the coconut right dead center just a bit all the way around weaken it there we go and that way when you open it up two perfect halves and a lot of delicious coconut meat [Music] mmm the other benefit I have now coconut house I can dig it I can scrape some and it's coconut mush and use it as a protective oil from the Sun if I can eat one coconut a day I can survive they're full of a ton of essential nutrients vitamins minerals augment that with fish whatever else I can find a catch out here and it'll be it's a pretty good survival I found my small raincoat in my dive bag a good thing given that the weather here changes very quickly well here comes the rain might not necessarily be the most comfortable shelter I'll ever have but hopefully it'll be dry well worried about the peak the angles wrong and it could come dripping down on me I have to sacrifice an air bag to keep the yeah rain out well that stops the drip at the peak probably best I don't allow myself to get soaking wet it is the tropics pretty unlikely I'll get hypothermic but I suppose the possibility as as always there if it stayed raining like this for a long time and went into the night I could get pretty chilled no need to let that happen so I'll stay in out of the rain for now even a paradise without fresh water would quickly become a death sentence this rain catch is working fantastic for me it's the regulator I'm gonna sacrifice it I can't use it anymore here anyway okay excellent tastes like rubber but hey it's water well if it rains at all tonight I'm pretty well protected with this wooden cabin it's nice to get that bit of water right before bed like that just to get some liquid back into my system oh it also feels good to be up this high off the ground and away from all those rats I don't know if they'll make their way into the boat I would imagine they can sooner or later the island is covered in rats that have little fear of me these are actually ship rats and they are likely direct descendants of rats off captain cook's ship itself that's morning of day 3 I didn't get quite as much rain as I had hoped for last night but I still did get a few cups which is pretty helpful shelters holding out fine didn't rain all that much last night so now I'm gonna go into the center of the island and see what I can find there my priority now that my shelter is secured and I found a source or two of fresh water is to assess my surroundings see what I can take advantage of in the tropical forest itself anything I could use as an axe is likely going to help it's a beautiful island both in the interior and on the beach and my time here is made safer by the fact that there are no poisonous snakes or insects to worry about so exploring comes easy okay good here's something I can use take these feathers out now these feathers are not just for show they're acting kind of like a baseball cap they're shielding my eyes from the direct harsh sunlight in fact when you see Native Americans in old paintings and pictures and they've got just the one feather stuck out of the side what they're doing is they're blocking the sunlight the direct Sun from the horizon when they go off hunting all right this I can make yourself yes indeed cuts on my hands and the Flies are trying to get at them might want to cover them up soon or something lays its eggs in my skin so this fella here I can eat the tropical forests just like the jungles and the boreal forests across the world are filled with millions as of yet undiscovered nutritional and medicinal benefits from the plants within their delicate ecosystems alright this is gonna be good ah now those roots that are like that there are hundreds of them on this island if I can get maybe three or four of those a day and drink this healthful liquid it's really good for getting liquid into my system and that's excellent for the heart mmm it even tastes good that's great get some more of those there are a number of stages in the growth of coconuts and all of them have their benefits to the last victim ready for this this is my favorite part of the coconut juicy tasty oh so sweet hmm man dive gear bags and mesh bags always go hand in hand every divers got some mesh bags kicking around well I still have the rubber tubing from this regulator using one as a drinking straw for that rain water which is such a godsend I have a couple of gallons of rainwater in that bag now just fantastic I think I'll sacrifice another to make this fish nuts and of that Wow it's tubing is way thicker than I was expecting and I can't actually get my knife to go through that very well it's gotta be really careful in a situation like this if I slip I'm just gonna slice right into my hand mmm looks like a fishnet to me before I was left out here the local Islanders had shared with me the survival benefit of this particular time of year the availability of some wild game got a great opportunity for meal here still there it's the young booby that's a bird that has fallen down out of its nest I don't think you can fly [Music] could be a real substantial meal for me I might have a meal tonight now that is a survival meal and a half you see these boobies and different birds are nesting on the island right now and all of the young are in the nest and they can't they can't fly yet they'll fall out of the nest sometimes and either they'll either starve on the ground a little they'll get eaten by something else or sometimes they make it but in this case I think rather than climbing a coconut tree today I'm gonna concentrate on getting a fire going and have myself one heck of a meal whenever you catch a wild bird the best thing is to pluck the feathers right away body still warm feathers come off much easier all I really want to do is just open this bird up enough to take the insides out so that I can skewer it fingers right up inside break the membrane away from the ribcage and pull okay if you don't put that on a skewer first I'll go wash it off in the salt water and have me a meal I'm gonna try something new for getting a fire going they've got all the stuffing from the coconut tree I had a bit of gasoline there we go this is a rescue tube divers rescue tube and usually things kept in our items like matches lighters and often in my case anyway I have flares these things tend to shoot really far wish me luck folks here we go yeah look at that excellent whoo-hoo we're having roast boobie tonight what happened there was there's my flare let's see you just pull down on this lever and boom you shoot the flare and normally it goes flying up into the sky so I just had everything closed in there with the rock on top shoot that right into it and I'll bet you that would work whether there was gasoline or not so it's a good thing to know flare big bundle of dry tinder protected with a rock and you've got yourself a good fire and I have myself some roast booby to eat pretty much any bird is edible in a survival situation and there are plenty of rescued survivors to verify that yeah roast Brown booby hmm Cheers roast booby coconut milk oh boy oh man is that good hmm the irony being that I'm eating boobie breasts yet again a tropical weather system takes control I do believe I'm trapped in here for a little while [Music] glad I got that good meal in but I have a chance this should mean my rain catch filling up with water [Music] in the hospital of the night and it's been raining non-stop been really hard to get out of the boat and the tapes had finished in my camera so I wasn't even able to get out to my camera gear to replace the tapes until just now the good news is that my rain catch is filling up with great fresh clean rainwater huge difference for me but I see more black clouds coming to tuck back in at the boat try to get some more sleep Hey Wow bit of a tropical storm it's day four and the tropical weather patterns are not giving me any breaks [Music] it's been raining all night and as morning comes in it's still coming down this is pretty much it then stuff like this for I don't know probably nearly 20 hours now just on and off pouring rain some of my cameras are actually shutting down and from the moisture and I have been able to even get outside to change tapes to shoot much oh man it's still coming down [Music] oh man two of my camera's shut down and my audio pack shut down all from about 20 hours of non-stop rain they're just showing the condensation meters they're blinking won't allow me to turn the cameras on so two down and two cameras left this is enough rain water I'm sure as long as it doesn't become contaminated to get me through the next few days the thing I have to worry about here is there are so many rats here on the island I'm still worried that what if they're coming in here to drink the fresh water and then probably also defecating and peeing better cover you up I want to lose this camera - hmm it's time to make the ultimate sacrifice oh say goodbye to a good harmonica [Music] see where I'm getting out here okay so this is gonna be my spear point [Music] once was a blues harmonica now it is a spear point since this has been pretty much a whole write off this day I've only got a couple of hours left so I think what I'm going to do is just work on my fishing implements and get everything made and ready for tomorrow and then if I have to if it's still raining tomorrow I'll put on the wetsuit but still get in the water catch some fish too tempting not to oh this is an old wreck of a boat and as luck would have it it has its share of tangled up old fishing line and some old hooks this will work perfect I can blow this up a nice bright float get an anchor for it and I'm going to dangle a bunch of hooks from it zipper buckles I can tie two here closest I can come to somehow simulating survival at its best or worst as it were is to not have a camera crew and be out here alone but that means that loneliness and fatigue and I don't know maybe not boredom but although boredom can be deadly out here but it all hits me in a day like today where it's just been raining all day it's pretty hard on the system pretty hard on that on the emotions these are very rusty old hooks it wouldn't take much for me to slip fall turn pull do something too fast I'm not watching and shove one of these barbed rusty hooks into my skin and then I've got myself a whole new set of problems to deal with there we go so I've got a float I've got all these hooks dangling from it put this out there with some bait on it and an anchor and a rope to the shore well that's one thing I have to make sure that I do let's put on my wetsuit booties because right now is about the most dangerous thing I could do heading out into the water reason being is stone fish stone fish are one of the most poisonous fish in the ocean and there are a lot of them in this area all I have to do is step on one of them which is a common occurrence if you're in their area it's they're easy to step on they're camouflaged you can't see them and they'll tend to hide so you can step on them and just one stab of that would be excruciating ly painful the pain shoots from the bottom of your foot right up to the top of your head and can and has been fatal as is the case so often when an ecosystem contains some kind of poisonous element it also provides a cure and this little green leaf chewed up and put in the wound would stop the stone fish's venom in as little as a half an hour now it's time to get the bait [Music] pull the crab out part I want that's juicy little specimen right here that's what I can use for my fish bait breakup because I'm going to use it like Chum Chum the water for fish just basically trying to get all the scent if I leave the bait too big then the fish eat it they get fed and they don't bother going after the bait that's on the hooks alright so I've got the float that I made with all the hooks dangling from it and I figure I can use my own divers weight belt as the anchor and get this out there got my crab bait now see if I can catch something oh I did mention that I have to watch out for stone fish I also have to look out for moray eels they are poisonous but they pack quite a fight I also mention that most shark attacks occur in two to three feet of water the lagoon is like a massive swimming pool making most activities pretty easy the other side of the island is the open ocean and can be quite rough so I'll try fishing on this side for now for three days they were flounder all around me when I walked in the water now that I have a spear they're nowhere to be found what's happened is that they become aware of me they've sensed me as a threat and have moved on to elsewhere in the lagoon until I stop entering the water this is just another part of becoming aware of the natural cycles and rhythms of an area when you're attempting to survive well comes the rain again you can get a lot accomplished today but probably 36 hours of non-stop rain played a big part in that so here I am stuck in the boat wreck shelter again it's just the way it goes sometimes in survival but I did get a spear made and that made and a fish float made so tomorrow I will do as best as I can to try to catch some fish [Music] it's day five my fish float with bait on it is in the water and hopefully doing its job but this wet weather is frustrating me it's time to get busy I'm just about hot enough dead if it stays like this let me just go back out and fish in the rain what I want to do is I want to dive for clams the tropical ocean is bountiful if you know what to look for and what to watch out [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a type of sea cucumber and the white slime that comes out of it works very much like an antiseptic covering for cuts and scrapes it's even being researched by scientists to see how it can be utilized for medical benefits definitely worth going in the water and what was there there's not a lot on this side it's gonna be more on the other side of the island I'm sure but save that till tomorrow I'm just gonna cut into this clamp get myself a meal [Music] rude fresh clam and sweet hmm well wow that's good well there's one there's going to be more another young one it'd be a pretty easy target for me to get I was able to walk right up to him on the beach just before I got this shot before he took off up under the tree he's just learning to fly I've already taken one from the island I don't need to take any more leave him be since the flounder seemed to have outsmarted me by leaving this area I want to see if I can outsmart them by attempting some night fishing bit dangerous but worth the try well here goes nothing grab the torch set it on fire make my way to the water although how I'm going to carry the camera at the same time is beyond me when here than I was hoping it was gonna be I just got to make my way down to where the coral beds are that's where the best fishing is going to be this is not easy we built the fire way down there night fishing is a spooky activity the light only gives you vision for a few feet sharks usually enter into the lagoon at night to feed the chance of stepping on an extremely poisonous stonefish or painful sea urchin becomes much higher it's one of those things that can work once you master it you just have to take a deep breath and go for it given time in practice I know I could make it successful but it's going to take a lot of patience well I tried obviously fishing with the torch made out of palm fronds at night here in the tropics is something I'm gonna need to try again problem here was fire was too far from the coral spot so running down there I lost a lot of the torch so now I know make sure that I've got very short distance between lighting it and getting into where the coral is to try to find the fish so I'm giving it another shot while I still have the energy I would love to get myself a meal a fresh fish [Applause] [Applause] it's day six and I'm bound and determined to finish this survival Odyssey on a good note maybe even with my own tropical feast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm made it kind of a mess of it back mm-hmm the insides of these palm trees we're quite good quite edible come on baby burn there we go that's what I like to see how to cook up some of that bounty [Music] oh boy welcome to dinner we've got of course my favorite coconut centers palm heart roasted coconut center mmm coconut roasted clam my root juice in a beautiful coconut cup and of course my coconut juice I think maybe what I'll do is I'll add a little mix the two together there we go nice what a smorgasbord well I can tell you this is going to be fantastic and all of this was gathered really and not very much time at all but for now I've got a fantastic meal ahead of me hmm mmm let's try these roasted clams oh boy that's good the finest bubbly ah this is good you know I've survived in a lot of places a lot of remote areas and I've had times where there's been very little food all week long but in a place like the tropics there's no need to starve there's plenty of food around this is the easy stuff to get I haven't yet been able to get a flounder when I was here in the beginning of the week there were all kinds of them the last two days I haven't seen one it might be a lot easier for me to survive here in the tropics than it is say in the Arctic or in a desert but without the will to live their survival nowhere and the rats are joining me for a meal look at you guys one two three four five it's like Willard here there's rats coming in from everywhere get out of here well tomorrow my rescue comes the boat will come in for me and you know I think this is the one time I wouldn't mind if they waited a couple of days left me alone out here for a little bit longer well that's night number six surviving on a tropical island it's a good day today and I had a full-on island feast it wasn't difficult to obtain tonight I've got full moon shining down on me since I sacrificed my harmonica earlier on in the week to make a tip for my spear I grabbed a couple of coconuts made myself a new instrument just whip this up this afternoon [Music] no one wants to find themselves in a survival situation you just want to go home but sometimes the ordeal becomes long-term survival longer than seven days and whether in a life raft on a mountain in a desert or on a tropical island long-term survival has always been about maintaining the will to live and then becoming familiar with the surroundings especially the natural cycles of the plants and animals even the weather and then learning how to use these cycles to affect better survival when the fish are coming in when the plants are ripe when the weather is most threatening all information the loss victim needs to assess what to do next what to do to survive [Music]
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 1,936,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Survivorman Les Stroud, Stroud', Survivorman TV Series, Survivorman TV, 'Les, Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman, Outdoor Survival, Les Stroud, Survivorman - Season 2 - Episode 6 - South Pacific, Todd Standing, Logan Stroud, Sam Omik, Uzimann, Joseph McConnell, Bob Wilson
Id: yNxro4Nn_Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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