Survivorman | Norway Part 1 | Les Stroud

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this isn't surviving this is just being trapped i need to find a way to make a move get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] norway beautiful yet frigid lush yet rugged the land of extremes in both climate and topography you can go from deep snow down to green fjords within a day's trek this is the harsh and intense land where the vikings struggle to survive and like everywhere else in the world modern adventurers and travelers drive over thousands of miles of snow-covered mountain roads and then get lost and stuck in extreme survival situations how anyone survives is entirely up to their own will to live and sense of ingenuity so now it's my turn to show you how a simple mountain drive on a snowy day can turn into a 10-day long struggle to survive washington colorado nevada for sure canada norway wherever there are roads through mountains there are people willing to take the chance to try to push on through to their destination ill prepared in bad weather and bad road conditions way too often the result stranded vehicles lost people and sometimes lost lives why don't people just walk back exactly the way they came immediately or wait till the next morning even if it was 70 miles back at least you know where that road leads for some reason people would rather take the chance and hike over some hill that they don't know because they think it's a shortcut to safety in reality it's a one-way ticket to hell so now it's my turn stranded for 10 days somewhere in norway i'll do what i know is wrong so i can figure out a way to make it right and ultimately survive that's going to be a long 10 days the crew heads back down the roads and in truth i could just walk out myself in the freezing rain and wet snow but instead i'm left alone to attempt survival in a small car as advantageous as that sounds there are only six hours of daylight at this latitude so i've got to get things done quickly before a long night of survival falls on the cold cocoon of the car time to warm up a bit here's the deal i'm stuck in a few feet of snow i'm not going forward or backwards and by the looks of things i'm getting really low on gas as well let me show you i think there's two reasons why people tend to stay with their vehicles number one is it seems like an old cliche we're always told stay with your vehicle no matter what stay with the vehicle and that's not necessarily always the right thing to do and number two you're sure that come morning time sun shining snow stopped plow's going to come along see you and you're rescued but that can be fatal reasoning you have no idea of knowing how often they plow the road that you're stuck on and the longer you wait the more your energy reserves get drained and drained out of you my survival instinct and training tells me i should leave first thing in the morning but like a dozen true life survival situations i'll wait with the car to see if a plow or vehicle comes along i'm not completely without resources it was a road trip after all mandarin orange this is a bit of deer jerky and jar of peanut butter i wish i could say it was full it's got about two tablespoons in there only still better than nothing and also i guess uh leftover uh coffee cup make sure there's two in there that might come into some kind of use and i wasn't so stupid that i didn't at least make sure i brought along a winter coat with me and even some snow pants so that's going to make a big difference i'm going to have to put on the snow pants really soon actually because if i don't keep this car running and the heat going in here it gets cold fast but the stupid thing that i did do was i have no winter boots here all i have are my hikers and there's got to be about a foot or two or maybe two and a half feet of snow out there so so far this is survival in a car that's a whole different way of thinking and it's um it's tricky plays on your mind because a lot of me wants to just stay inside the car when that wind starts blowing and that snow starts falling down you just you jump into the car like it's your own little cocoon it doesn't make me want to be proactive it doesn't make me want to get out and affect any survival and i'm eating through my food pretty fast no matter what the situation rationing food right from the start is a good idea i can't be sure when the next meal is coming or how a situation might worsen or get better it takes discipline to ration food but it means that after a few days of survival i'll still have some little morsel of food to look forward to and that's vital for motivating the will to live [Music] full moon so it's really nice and bright out there you can see really far unfortunately it's um a waning moon not a waxing moon so it's only going to keep getting darker often in the winter time the most beautiful nights are the most deadly it's when the nights are clearest and without cloud cover that the temperatures can drop their lowest i find i have to turn the engine over about once every hour and a half two hours just to uh take the chill out of the inside of the car and get another hour and a half sleep i'm sitting in here in the car and it's blowing like crazy outside the wind is whipping by it's turned all gray and cloudy and the snow is blowing off the trees i'm much better off inside the car my problem now is not that it's too cold but rather that it's not cold enough making the snow outside wet and as a result making hypothermia much more likely the night was pretty much turning the engine over maybe once every hour hour and a half put a little bit of heat into the car and try to sleep a little bit longer i think i get it now if i were 60 miles 70 miles or a few hours drive into a road like this with the wind blowing the way it is and the snow and only a pair of hikers my mind is thinking someone's going to come along and plow this road i wouldn't want to leave the vehicle either i can't survive in here forever it takes a lot of moxie to walk away from the secure shelter of a car [Music] i just want to check out where i am i'm going nowhere yeah this windchill is a bit much wow so i'm up above the fjord see it way down there this whole area from up above ends in cliffs so i can't get down to the fjord from here wouldn't matter if i could anyway this time of year there's really nobody out there it's very important that i at least get the lay of the land and uh figure out what's around me check this out a little bonus here there's some old trailer left off the side but make sure you check it out there you go cause that to me looks like firestarter that's the beauty of being stranded by a road sometimes there are buildings and workers equipment things like that you can take advantage of okay the key to surviving a situation like this is the same as every situation you got to assess what i like sort of i call it like the three zones i guess zone number one is what you have immediately on your body i know that i've got a bit of food and i know what clothing i have zone number two is what you have in your immediate surroundings so in this case it's gonna be the card i still have to check that out and then zone number three would be in your extended surroundings and what goes beyond that when i have those three assessments done then and i think only then can i make a proper and informed decision on how to survive a situation like this all right i have left it till this morning to take a look at the survival gear it's my belief that every single car should have a well-stocked survival kit maybe some extra clothing boots would be nice which i don't have um it doesn't matter where you live you find yourself stuck it could make a big difference to have a basic survival kit you don't even have to carry it you can just pack it away put it in the car or truck or van or whatever you have and forget it's there until you absolutely need it so let's see what i got standard stuff of course jumper cables snow scraper six pack of beer sleeping bag car survival kit let's see what's in here though first aid tape duct tape a knife a beautiful knife balaclava type hat emergency reflective vest bracelet that you can wear becomes rope excellent little pot for boiling in emergency blanket orange garbage bag just a clear plastic tube you never know when that's going to come in handy a couple of flares some rope a couple of matches also got this little mini stove here one of my favorites is a folding saw one candle a wind-up flashlight and last but not least we'll hatch it that's terrific so it's a pretty decently stocked car survival kit i wouldn't suggest that everything is here that i would need but uh there should be some advantages to this oh wow it's blowing in strong okay i gotta get inside it's uh so much for a little break in the weather here comes the snow you know those times when you get in your car well it's a winter storm on the outside you just go oh finally and you're inside well that's times 100 when you're in a situation like this it's blizzarding out there at this point it's a white out can't see across the fjord winds blowing snow is blowing and it's a bit of a wet snow i'm not going to keep starting the engine i haven't started for quite a while because i've been moving around so i'm warmed up there's no point in trying to be all cozy and comfortable i'll just start up when i really really desperately need to take the chill out of the inside at least now i know what i have in terms of survival gear the sleeping bag is huge it's an old one and it's slightly wet on one end but at least it's there and i can make use of it although the six pack of beer now that's a nice advantage cheers oh oh that's breakfast lunch and dinner right there recently there's a story of a man who survived uh and all he had with them was i think a six-pack of beer frozen so some nutrients are better than none not even two days into surviving and the wet and cold weather of norway has already started to make the car feel cramped and small inside i'm not sure when i'll get up the nerve to leave this metal cocoon [Music] it's starting to feel claustrophobic stuck in here okay i think i just made what might be a bit of a mistake finding that uh sleeping bag which by the way turns out to be a only a summer white sleeping bag uh and that beer and with the storm raging outside i closed my eyes and i actually started to fall asleep didn't sleep much last night but i've just woken up it's three o'clock sun's going down already and i've just lost some valuable time time i could have used to be proactive and to get some firewood maybe together or a little bit clear understanding of where i am big mistake hopefully not too big waiting to see how things might turn out is one thing but procrastination in a survival situation is always a bad thing and i'm no more immune to it than anyone else all of the books say that you can take the edge off of the cold inside of a vehicle in the wintertime by having a candle lit well i have tried this before now to be honest it was about minus 25 maybe even minus 30 degrees celsius it was really really cold it didn't work at all it was just still cold i mean the the candle flame made no difference whatsoever it's not that cold here now so i'd say it's maybe about -5 or -10 tonight if i keep starting up the car to turn on the heat which i've been doing sooner or later there's going to be zero gas left on the other hand if i keep using up these matches i could be deadly too i want to be able to get a fire going if i need to [Music] there we go one candle heat let's hope it's enough to take the edge off of the cold inside this car i'm always trying to save something for later in a survival situation in this case the candle will help me save the car gas surrounded by the protective shell of my car with wet and cold wind blowing outside the psychological challenge of whether or not to leave is profound as my stomach growls okay here's the deal on the candle i think it maybe takes a slight chill out of the air but i think the best part is just simply that i have light uh when it's dark here for a very long time it's hard to tell if uh i mean it's cold in here so it's hard to tell if the candle's doing anything at all i can't imagine it doing much good when it's minus 30 celsius or something like that or brutally cold it might be helping tonight though but it's still cold and uh this summer sleeping bag is helping a lot actually a lot more than i was expecting that it would so that's good but it's still still easy to be chilled through the night and i don't want to turn the car back on and risk burning up any more gas i'm temporarily safe in the car but i don't know how much longer i can just be stuck here after two days no one has come by i don't know when the car will run out of gas completely but i do know what to expect once i leave the safety of the car and that's the problem for now the car still feels like a refuge it still feels protective in survival situation you're either dealing with weather or preparing for weather one or the other there's no in between this weather is the worst kind cold and wet it's the type of chill that gets right through to my bones and nothing will make my core body temperature chill to the point of hypothermia faster than wet and windy weather and hypothermia can kill keep thinking i can get outside hear it stop all good it just picks up again it's a waiting game and it's a waiting game with potentially deadly consequences if the wrong decision is made due to impatience wet snow is tougher survival than colder dry snow so why leave the safety of this car to venture out into the freezing rain it's a dangerous thing to do i've been getting to understand why people stick with their vehicles even when they know the way out keeps coming to me just how reasonable it seems now for people to just stay with their vehicle who wants to go outside in wicked weather when you're tired you're hungry you're cold maybe you don't have proper shoes or proper coat that would be a tough decision to make to leave the vehicle under circumstances like this yet waiting too many days to make a move while my energy reserves in my body slowly burn up can be a dangerous thing to do too even though the car represents a significant cocoon and protection from the elements i'm nearly out of food and it doesn't take long to begin to feel frustrated by its small living space this isn't surviving this is just being trapped i need to find a way to make a move get out of here or they'll be uh coming to haul this car away with a skeleton inside of it this spring yet no matter how much i want to leave the car is still much better than having to sleep at the base of a tree in the wet snow for the moment the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of abandoning my ready-made shelter but i can't stay here forever i think one of the most underestimated problems of survival is actually boredom the biggest thing for me to stave off that boredom so far has been sleeping i think people forget to sleep they do the all-night push they go hard they want to survive they want and they get themselves in more trouble and now they haven't slept at all now their mind's not thinking clearly there's an old saying in survival you don't have to stand up sit down if you don't have to sit down lie down if you don't have to be awake sleep a lot of bad decisions are made by people who have not had enough sleep sometimes those decisions can be fatal now the best way for me to kill boredom well that option's off the table because i'm alone but at least i do have my harmonica one of my favorite ways to kill boredom along with humor any distraction can bring levity and get my mind thinking on solutions to the problem of survival and self-rescue definitely starting to feel like a bit of a prisoner in this car i think i'm going to rip into it see if i can make myself some kind of portable shelter i'm going to use up some of the precious car gas so i can have the lights on so i can work otherwise it's time to get busy being squeamish about whether or not to break apart and destroy my car wouldn't go hand in hand with effective survival that's just a big rubber strap good to use as a pull along rather than use up any uh valuable rope i might have it's been three days and no one's come along so i can't be shy or passive when it comes to making my life better in this survival situation i see some potential to make a shelter out of some of this stuff and the rest of it's going to be too heavy or too odd shaped it's about three in the morning and the rain's still coming down rain and snow actually so it's good that i'm starting to get proactive i want to make sure that i get a toboggan made make sure i protect my feet and find some way of making some sort of shelter not sure i'm going to do that yet i just know i want to get out of this car feels like being trapped okay i've been thinking it through i think i'll have enough material kicking around to protect my hikers using floor mats ingenious so out of my survival bracelet comes this much rope that i can use and i do have i don't want to be holding out on you but of course i never go anywhere without a multi-tool a little wire from the back of the seat that might work just been a shoemaker in my past life [Music] well there we go held together by wires for now [Music] that just might work now i don't think that front part's going to hold for very long so i have to strengthen that these might look silly but if they keep my toes from becoming frostbitten i won't be so silly after all i think i should patent those it's been four days now trapped in this car by mountain weather still coming down one time i remember surviving in a life raft for a better part of a week and that was brutal and this is starting to border on that sort of inactivity and the inability to move on or get out of this situation it's pretty frustrating gotta remember all i'm really doing here is assimilating what a lot of people do in a situation like this we stay put with the vehicle until they get to the point where i'm at now where i'm just about completely out of food so i gotta keep finding ways to make myself mobile so i can travel long distances through the mountain breakfast that's the last of the mandarin orange finally free from bad weather my chance to get out of my car prison comes i've hardly moved about physically in four days i'm almost out of gas from turning the engine over to stay warm so if i can get a big fire going now i can warm up and move around enough outside while i keep working on a plan to get out of here i'm just gonna see what i can get done before any bad weather comes in when i checked out my surroundings earlier on i did see some falling down trees that i could bring back a little bit more substantial and that's the benefit of going out and assessing the area all around you including your sort of your expanded area as you see what resources are around and i'm gonna make useful with a short break in the bad weather it feels good to get the muscles moving and the blood flowing again but it comes at a price this is where a couple days without food that's when you start to feel it simple movement can make me light-headed and dizzy now that my reserves of energy and my body are being utilized for survival i see even in the wintertime there's always tinder somewhere you've got to keep your eye out for any advantage to surviving and fire preparation is vital all right i guess i'll put this about here i want to be sort of be able to sit in the car if i got a fire going get a bit of heat the greatest obstacle to face when getting a good fire going while surrounded by wet snow is simply diligent preparation making sure i have everything just right and enough of all of my supplies before i take what might be my only chance at getting a fire going just try to create some sort of base to put the fire on protect it from the snow below you could always stand up my axe my saw blade if i don't snow like this or even brown leaves and stuff you lose them real quickly losing an accident saw in a situation like this with just a bite it's really vital in a survival situation that you slow down and you don't rush around you can injure yourself and make things a lot tougher for yourself now if you're actually the one trying to affect survival maybe get a fire going build a shelter find food and you're looking after some people then i've got to make sure that i'm safe first if i start jumping into a situation because i'm all panicky and i want to get a fire going badly i can end up injuring myself and then i'm no good to them that's why firemen have the saying gas glass or wire you're checking for gas spilled you're checking for broken glass you're checking for electrocution all of these things you check for first before you go in to save someone else or you just make a bad situation worse okay i'm just gonna keep building this up i've got a nice big pile and then i'm gonna go siphon some gas so here's my plan siphon a bit of gas out of the vehicle take a spark from the battery to ignite it just have to hope that it'll reach down all right so the trick to siphoning is not to breathe in because obviously that's going to make you violently sick so the trick is just to only use your mouth it's like using it like a straw but you don't suck like you've got a straw this is not chocolate milkshake down there i know this is nothing for old timers and it's just a normal part of rural living but it's still pretty unpleasant no matter who you are recommend highly that you never do this unless you really know what you're doing and it's a real dire survival situation because that's a horrible thing to do [Music] just going to make use of the car instruction manual [Music] there's not that much gas in the can so it shouldn't be too bad but i don't really know so i'm gonna watch my eyes i'm gonna watch everything and give it a shot here fire starting using sparks and gasoline is dubious at the best of times but when survival depends upon it it takes on a whole new intensity let's try this way then there we go finally after four days stuck in the car this fire will be a huge boost psychologically didn't quite go as planned in this damp snow i've got to work extra hard to keep this going diligence is always required if i want to stay warm and the added advantage is that the fire serves as a signal for potential rescuers they're more likely to go to investigate a car with a fire burning behind it than simply a dark car sitting in the snow seeing all the panic i didn't even remember to use the tinder i'd gathered i'm gonna use it now well this instruction manual came in handy keeping a large amount of ready-to-go tinder and kindling for the fire is vital to success but battling the elements is always a challenge to staying warm stop raining clouds look thick that are coming my way as well it worked it took a while to get that spark to take i had to pour the gas over onto the paper track spread it out i don't know i thought it would have gone better inside the beer can with the fumes and everything but it didn't seem to make any difference got it to take ran over here but then i noticed after a while when the fire was burning that it wasn't burning down into my woods because the pot lid was still underneath it stopping the fire from going down so i had to pull the pot lid out which caused more trouble with the fire so i grabbed a piece of the inside of the car it was just like i a compressed board sort of stuff and threw it underneath and it's burning and that's keeping the fire going now i can heat water up over top of the fire that's one way to save a match the car heater was nice but a full fire begins to put motivation into me like nothing else can i remember correctly i think i saw an old pallet some workers must have left behind on the road here and if it's not too rotten uh i'm gonna bring it in because that'll burn up well for me a little bit of a hike back though once again keeping an eye out for survival advantages pays off it shows you whenever you're anywhere near civilization there's always some junk lying around you can make use of if the weather could stay like this i could get out of here so long as the plastic doesn't rip on me this should work well that's a sharp knife i got a way of pulling this thing it's nice to think about moving on smoking the eyes that toboggan should work well i think now i want to think about forms of shelter so i can travel and i can have something to cover myself up with i have no idea of knowing how long i'm gonna be on that bush so if i take some shelter with me it's not gonna be such a worry this is a better day better afternoon anyway [Music] maybe i can get out of here tomorrow after all i'm still concerned about my feet and i'm getting soaking wet and getting frostbite it'd be good to have a pair of monklocks i'm gonna have to make them out of the car okay that's got some promise you know i can never work these seat things in the back i could never get them to go up or down it's like okay is there supposed to be a latch somewhere i know they have room to move this is a well-built car i think i'll just cut see what happens without a knife in the survival kit this would have been nearly impossible okay i'm into something here okay well that's insulation the whole point of this is that my feet are more important than the car my toes are more important than the car and my life is more important than the upholstery fortunately i actually used to make my own mukluks running dog teams so i've got some idea of how it should work but uh i'm not gonna be cutting out any patterns here like skinning an animal [Music] except too bad this wasn't a slab of meat won't be pretty but if it saves my toes i don't care i wouldn't mind using some of this foam for insulation inside them almost looks like this is ready made bottom side toe a little bit of ingenuity in a survival situation goes a long way found the uh stuff sack for the sleeping bag well might look silly but so with my feet with a few less toes oh yeah okay okay that's feeling better this is feeling like it's not going to come off i like it it's a little unorthodox but uh that's gonna work the other good thing about walking in mukluks as opposed to hard sold boots is that your feet move around a lot more inside so they actually tend to i find mine always tend to stay warmer that way [Music] we'll see if the weather lets me travel tomorrow if not i'm stuck in here again and i'm out of food now what i need is cold hard snow to make the walking easier well i may have a summer weight sleeping bag and the candle lit but every time i hear the wind just howl outside the cold starts to come right into the car and uh what i've got to do this is this is really helpful actually is stretch i do a lot of stretching once i stretch like this i can get blood flowing back into my my veins i don't care what kind of stretches as long as there's something going on oh and and once i do that and i add to that something like this i can't do push-ups in here but i can do like one two three four and it does a lot to uh to warm me up and just sort of knock the chill out of my bones so that i can get another 20 minutes sleep it's time to see what happens when i leave the safety of the car and search for ways to find or catch food for now i only feel trapped okay that's another morning sky is very gray and there's been freezing rain falling on the car the last little while last half hour or so but it stopped now for about 15 minutes i'm gonna wait and see if i can get a move on and get out of this car and start trying to beeline somewhere anywhere dodging in and out of the bad weather seems to be my greatest challenge it's actually gotten much colder which is a good thing because all that wet weather is a killer at least with this cold weather now things frozen up a bit i can make some tracks and start traveling get out of this prison but before i do i think what i'd like to do is bring some gas with me i've got that leftover peanut butter jar there's no reason not to make use of it oh i hate that oh it's pouring out good now there we go oh it's peanut butter gas i wonder what happens when you put peanut butter and gas together i don't really have a clue how yet but somehow this might all make up my shelter i'm sort of improvising as i go here there's lots of different side roads going off of the main road now that the ground is mostly frozen it's much better for walking i just got to hope that that sled holds out i'll pull along the way i've got my backpack for my camera gear i think i've got a clear sky for at least a moment anyway i'm trying to find a way where i can survive and make it back to safety and not hopefully end up with a miserable night out in wet snow and rain in the bush because if i do then that car is going to start looking pretty nice my initial huge advantage is that i have roads to walk on but this will be a good exercise surviving in areas where i should be able to find people but can't whatever i face now nearly five days trapped in a car as long enough it's time for self-rescue in the hopes that what's out there is better than what i'm leaving behind the backpack has all of my camera gear and that sleeping bag in it so fortunate i had this that's awesome because there's a lot of camera batteries to carry but it also keeps the sleeping bag protected if it does come back onto rain or snow it's mind-boggling how many survival stories exist where people had to endure an ordeal in areas where they should have been able to find help you didn't and sometimes human tracks can be very misleading and take you off into places more dangerous for survival than where you came from it's the inherent danger of moving forward into the unknown of a survival situation as you can see there's tire impressions on this road fairly fresh too so there's definitely some people out here somewhere and i can tell by the way the snow's falling unfortunately they lead uphill so that's the direction i'm heading for now i have no way of knowing how far these tire tracks go they could go another 50 miles for all i know it's real easy to get hot and sweaty doing this that's a problem because if you sweat you die fortunately the temperatures are only about 10 degrees or so below freezing which means i still have access to some fresh running streams though i've never had an issue eating snow so long as my body is warm during the day it's a lot better to be able to drink freely from already melted water and ironically i need to keep myself from overheating and sweating while i hike up these mountain roads staying hydrated just vital in the winter bush it's hard to do don't think about drinking water because you're around all this snow but dehydrated out here can lead to hypothermia i'm following human tracks but they just keep on going nothing in sight yet so i'm gonna take a break the night's coming soon and uh my toes are frozen i'm gonna switch to uh my homemade muklock's snow off the side of the trail super deep i'm gonna settle in here i gotta take a break it's a frustrating paradox you wanna move as fast as you can to get to where you wanna be to get to safety the quicker you move the hotter you get the more sweatier you get the more dangerous it all becomes it's one thing to get sweaty out in the winter wilderness you know you're going home to a warm bed and a hot shower it's quite something else when you don't know where you're gonna end up these poor old hikers are great boots but they're not keeping me warm in this temperature now is when the decision to sacrifice the insides of the car upholstery pays off and protects my feet already feels warmer okay not necessarily a fashion statement but i'd rather keep my toes huh all right well these boots are kind of acting like snowshoes bonus it's a little bit of a hole down there if there's one pet peeve i have in survival instruction it's that picture in every classic textbook of the the perfect tree with the the perfect hole underneath created by the bows and the branches and you can get in and have three feet or four feet of snow all around you for insulation i've seen one in many many many many years of being out in the winter bush they're just few and far between you can't count on them but this is a good start here i think this is where i'll where i'll work my shelter with rations long gone and two full days without any food at all every effortful activity takes its toll on my energy reserves this doesn't look all that arduous bear in mind i think it's been what is it two days now without food two or one i can't even remember anymore i'm gonna go get some of that ready-made shelter material courtesy of the car insulation from the ground is everything the conduction through touching the ground and getting cold that way is pretty powerful not seeming like so much of a stupid idea now if i had to make this shelter out of branches it would exhaust me in no time flat i've had better shelters but this one's pretty solid i'm up off the snow that's the main thing the big problem is that i don't have a roof so it's more of a protection from wind and a place for me to try to curl up into a ball i guess beats curling up in the snow my six hours of daylight in the norwegian wilderness are over as the night moves in fast all right this is it this is my spot for the night full moon's finished now so it gets very dark early i'm wearing pretty much everything that i have every scrap i could find i'm wearing or wrapped around me a sleeping bag wrapped up around me and underneath me i'm on a solid wood platform between me and the snow it makes such a huge difference i can't think anymore i need some food being able to think clearly in any survival situation is vital and the biggest challenge to that is lack of sleep i have a feeling this is going to be a long night and i have a second feeling that i'm not going to be sleeping much right now that car is looking pretty good i'm only halfway to surviving a full 10 days survival victims have walked roads for days and even weeks only to perish in the end there are thousands of miles of snow-covered roads on this planet and not all of them lead to safety yet they compel you to keep moving they always offer the illusion of the way home far down below is where my final destination lay the edge of the ocean where rescuers will look for me after a full ten days but not yet not for another five days without food without safety there are abandoned cabins there are also areas of cliffs that are seemingly impossible to hike around should i decide to leave the road and make a beeline for the fjord down below it would be a steep and slippery climb down and landing at the top of a cliff would be disastrous you
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 371,099
Rating: 4.8968177 out of 5
Keywords: Survivorman TV Series, Les Stroud, Survivorman, Survivorman Les Stroud, Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman TV, Norwegian mountains, Norway, survival expedition, Scavenging, will to survive, ten-day survival, survival, survive, barren landscape
Id: geGv5nGudnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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