Survivorman | Hunting in Temagami | Season 3 | Episode 4 | Les Stroud

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this time on Survivor man I've decided to bring my longtime friend Bob Wilson Bob's not experienced in survival but he's been hunting and fishing for years and the reality is that it's much safer to head out for hunting with a partner than it is alone there will no doubt be as many pros as there are cons when it comes to surviving as two [Music] [Music] [Music] when summer fades and the cooler temperatures take over one activity over all the others heats up in a fever of intensity hunting bear and moose deer duck even caribou hunting puts millions of people smack-dab in the middle of remote wilderness every year and every year hunters occupy the highest statistic of lost victims my hunting partner Bob and I are heading into a hunting area in a remote region in the Great Lakes boreal forest known as tamargo new ok Bob and this is where we'll stay without food no camera crew and very few supplies just the two of us surviving for a week in Northern Ontario Northern Ontario attracts thousands of hunters every year and Temagami his classic boreal and Great Lakes forest with unmatched beauty but its vast and would be a tough place to be lost in it I'm giving Bob a few quick tips on how he can film himself while in the wild all right okay the camera crews actually already left and now Bob is also leaving he's heading in deep see if he can find himself a good spot to set up a tree stand that's for me I'm gonna hop on the bike and go in a lot farther down on an established trail and then hike in from there so I can find a spot where I can set up my own blind [Music] oh look at that that's gonna be my Driessen a frequent method for hunting is to split up you stand a better chance of spotting game or maneuvering game into the sights of your partner's rifle yet this is also how hunters often get lost split up leave survival gear and food with only one person realized after I got going that I forgot to keep my Hunter's orange on so I've put the vest on the backs of it playing this safely really I'm just hiking through the bush looking for possible animal runs trails giveaways that they frequent the area look good actually I'm gonna put the camera down and just keep hiking got cameras to carry anyway make my way in so I can find a nice spot where I can set down find a runway we split our hunting methods between a tree stand and my hunting blind both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages but either way the idea is to be as concealed as possible so you don't scare off potential game of course concealment when it comes to being lost and trying to survive and be seen works against what you're trying to do it's gonna be great this is classic hunting Bob on its tree stand me and my blind much farther away after a long ATV drive and a hike at first we hunt separately with the intention of having me leave my blind the next day and come back on the ATV to Bob to drive game to him now we wait [Music] the only better work here sunrise has fallen and I still don't really have a place to sleep I feel sorry for Bob oh I don't even know what he has for a reindeer this guy never even asked him my my little blind here it's it's got me out of the rain easily I mean it it leaks all over cuz it's not meant to be a tent but at least I'm protected what for most of the rain I don't know man he's just gonna have to sit underneath something we make it through the night yeah well if he gets hit really hard with the rain and he hasn't got himself protected he could end up hypothermic gonna be that time I'm supposed to go and meet Bob I think I'll head off get on a bike and make my way back to him so the idea here was that I supposed to make my way back to the bike problem I set waypoints with my GPS where the bike is batteries are dead this was a fantastic GPS and I love using it the technology will fail you you don't look after it and I'll let this thing stay on all night so I've got no batteries left so without a blaze trail into here finding my way to Bob could end up being brutal and it could be dicing whether or not I even make it to him today or not so I think he's in a general easterly direction I think that's pretty much where I can find him and that's where I'm gonna head but foolish mistake trust on technology too much it'll let you down better to get your own knowledge on how to navigate through thick bush it comes the rain people rely far too much on technology I'll adopt the role of a classic hunter who doesn't feel the need to look around a blaze a proper trail putting all my trust into technology when all along it can easily fail I've walked many miles from where I left the quad bike without blazing a single tree so my assumption is that it'll be easier for me to find Bob through this thick northern bush than to find the bike I know better of course but allowing my GPS batteries to die and finding Bob will force the issue of surviving out here something's amiss these weren't on here and I've still got no lunch I don't hear that quad run something's not right you shouldn't have in this long faster rendezvous time Bob and I already had a system in line three shots that's actually a pretty well recognized symbol of you need help is three shots so I'm gonna fire three shots and with any luck at all I'm close enough I'll hear his answer we're gonna respond I'm gonna respond either all right hopefully you heard that awesome I'm just over a hill here so he's got to be he's got to be just that way all right that's surviving that has good communication that's good you hear that what's all over here all right coming coming clearing here that's when the plan works out just like that I can't see ya keep calling keep talking to me so I can follow you one two three four that's the best thing to do get them to call out follow their voice hey I see you bro how are you doing well that sure work like a charm as far as locating you goes all right so bottom line now is bob is gonna come down from the tree stand and anissa's it will either make our stand and survive here or we move on to what we might think is four more fertile grounds but instead of going home we're here to survive after all this is survivor man well I guess now in this case survivor man the rain has obliterated any signs of a trail we made on our long hikes into the hunting areas our job now is to push our way through the bush and try to survive in it I'm sure there will be advantages to having two people in a survival situation but there will be disadvantages to the best part however will likely be that our energy will be higher due to the camaraderie and the psychological support we can offer each other the danger will be pushing ourselves too hard due to pride or simple lack of respect for our situation all right Bob's Bob here drinking water here we've got little pockets of water in the sphagnum Moss and there's two ways of doing this here you can take the moss itself squeeze and drink and get beautiful fresh water I like Bob just bend right down you got now you'd think that this water might be stagnant or even bad but it's not fall fresh rainwater just been collecting here in this bag of moss nice and clean that's just good oh it's fresh beautiful that's good stuff so we got plenty of water for tonight that when it's raining like this all of the moss and all the punky woods soak up all that fresh rainwater a charm fresh water poncho perfect good plans somebody's prepared me I got nothing nothing like cuts this raincoat good thing Bob got this tarp alarm as this is all we really got for the night if a moose did go through I don't know if it even hear it because there's been trees falling down all night and the rain hasn't hasn't stopped too much it off so have you slept it off not a wink I fell down maybe 20 yards away you could just hear it tumble and down just ridiculous so it's gonna finish this out get through this night and make our way in the morning if you listen carefully you'll hear the geese flying okay that last line wasn't called for I will finish the scene what I finished the scene the scene is over I like that much you can't hear the geese feel what I finished the scene the scene is over with the day starting off just as the night ended in a torrential downpour Bob and I have just kept hiking pushing ourselves harder to get somewhere ideal this is a problem one that can be serious if we push ourselves too hard we'll both be drained and unable to properly hunt or make the shelter we need to keep ourselves from becoming hypothermic the downside of surviving s-two is that you can inadvertently keep each other going too far too fast due to the adrenaline boosting camaraderie bless you all right yeah it's got whipped in the face it's that thing where you walk through the bush nine times out of ten you're holding the branch for the person tenth time you don't do it you forget they aren't watching walk right in the eyes not a big deal well it's always a big deal a little different when you're out your cottage but we're not trying to survive it's everything come on through alright well Bob and I have pretty much been going all day we put the cameras away and Jess hike hike hike down you can tell from the sunlight above me here that finally the rain stopped but it poured all night the wind blew like crazy the wind was blowing actually pretty wild for most of the day and okay such a stuff down here and we'll get ourselves organized we're out here without a way of making fire at least we have no matches no water no food well we've got water now you can see behind me we've actually finally made it to a lake I think if we go up here we can build up a shelter maybe I get you on fire yeah I'm doing that I'll head in there so the bottom line is we're not here to hunt we're here to survive use it for making a shelter we've got with us our hunting knives and a small hatchet meant for cutting bones while dressing game in the field any tools at all in a survival situation can offer up an advantage surviving with your bare hands is a painful and tedious ordeal Bob's pretty good in the bush but surviving is a lot different than recreational hunting you're gonna get on that fireman I've managed you to bust up bounce more net bottom line is Bob and I both blew it see ya out in a situation like this with someone else the confidence levels a little higher you're not watching us carefully and so we just waited way too long to start doing what we're doing right now we're totally caught yeah so what do I end up doing same thing is Bob we end up rushing around with too much opening ourselves up to injury and also wasting a lot of energy working too fast the heck are you doing I'm building a fire yeah it's slow and tedious get the fire going you're gonna thank me finish no I'm gonna thank you when the fires burning not when you make a pretty little log home and she'll there shotgun shell basic striker here beautiful strong sparks I got gunpowder from the show let's get a shot here we go there we go there go hey bingo I've never seen him do this before so I didn't know if it good or not no it feels good when you feel flying ah that's great yeah something you're a warmth of a flame huh but tomorrow I mean we can drink water all we want here well we need some food so tomorrow is our chance to really go about it I'm trying to find some food right that was a heck of a lot easier getting through the night with two people in a survival situation than it is with one normally I'd feed the fire and then I fall asleep Bob was able to keep the fire going nice and warm so I was just out and snoring and then he'd wake me up a couple hours later and I'd keep the fire going and he would he'd fall asleep and be snoring so what a phenomenal advantage it is to not be alone in a survival situation we're not gonna move today I'm gonna stay put work on seeing if we can catch anything get some food in our systems before we move on keep turning over and what might come up with some bait some beer try some fishing there's not a beautiful little bit of bait right there hey salamander that lucky for that I'm gonna see if I can find anything else yeah let's go fishing show you where I keep my hook and you wouldn't believe how many times I've pulled a hook out of my hat hi this is a good deal here I've been walking along through the bush just looking for places I can set some snares and I found a plant that I was not expecting to find at all Wow cucumber sweet there's a small patch of it here actually I didn't even think it grew this far north but now that I know that it's here I'll keep my eyes wide open for it uh-huh that's the real teal oh man is that good well I got a choice now I now have to decide whether or not only eat it all myself or take some back to Bob now of course I'm gonna take some back to Bob but that means that for me there's only half as much as what I actually see here because I've got a share and uh makes you think about things I've got a couple more plants I can gather here that'll help not here not wintergreen but you want it freshens up the breath and it's actually has components in it that'll help to get rid of headaches so I'm gonna gather some of this and we can take it back and make some tea to gather some of this sour Seppala the roots I can peel this woody part off and eat it like pasta when Bob and I were talking about you know what to do here who should do what and he said you want to go out and do the hunt and that I would do the snares and so once you once you do the snares he's never done a snare before the fact is he's been hunting for years and years but most classic hunters even if they carry snare wire have never actually set a snare and why and he gave me that you know the classic answer well I've always had a rifle with a bullet in it and so it's very true you you rely on your rifle or your shotgun and you don't end up learning the survival techniques that what if you run out of bullets what if you lose that gun or what if it malfunctions and so that's why I'm here setting the snares and Bob is out fishing hunting that's good what have we here either bait for fishing a bit of a meal take your pick have to put him in a pocket I guess animals are no different than humans they don't like to get wet either logs over streams can make great places to set your snares has more than one species of game animal will cross the law plus to stay dry one big snare one small snare [Music] what about sneering is that it works when you're not to turn this on look after I quickly job because little stay that's not much it's not a big one but still it's a meal best way to kill him just black the head okay pretty much done oh yeah now one way to do this works especially well with bigger snakes I'm all curled up there tying himself up in a nut to actually kind of pull skin back utilizing the head there we go so now just a minute of take the skin and just peel it right off like this it's easy enough to clear out the guts and the guts we can use his excellent fish bait I'll get the gut set and give those to Bob right away fresh snake meat the energy within the muscles of the snake keep it moving long after it's dead hey you Bob yeah it's actually good practice to uh to call to somebody before you approach them when you put somebody in a wilderness survival situation you don't know if they're freaked out you don't know if they're panicking and a lot of people have been known to actually shoot at their rescuers because they're just too scared well here have a seat and we'll heat up some lunch time for some snake I think fabulous get the camera on yeah make sure the camera can see it that's a good angle actually all right perspective food in four days Cheers well it's better nutrients anyway this my friend is very rare hard to find while cucumber pop one in your mouth oh my goodness that's right yeah [Music] some wintergreen and blueberry leaves and that's a cup right now moms will get some tea brewing Bob hunts and I try to bolster up the shelter a bit I fished my whole life I have given them every opportunity salamanders slug frog snake guts and I can't catch one fish what's up all day bob has tried to catch a fish with no luck at all finally someone else shares in my frustration of trying to catch fish without pole fishing tackle what was once Pete it's now dinner is now dinner whoo that Sarsat Parilla that I picked earlier cook it up just like spaghetti give you some starches and nutrients actually got a good flavor too yeah that's good well maybe just wild frog but it's cooked not good that's the max we'll meet even a little frog just makes a big difference okay so both Bob and I are kind of if you can feel it kind of going low-energy here and there's no question about it's just lack of food a lot of hiking to get here and set the snares fishing hunting and where's it where's your write down I think the biggest danger at this point though it's gonna be the possibility of hypothermia it's cooling down if we get a night of cold rain that's gonna be that's gonna be tough tomorrow the local search and rescue will be notified of our situation and will be mobilized into action to see if they can find us in these miles and miles thick northern bush so they'll have their jobs cut out for them passes the other advantage of being two people one of the things we can do is I can take a pup you flank right yeah see this way Bob flanks on one side actually go on another well essential at this point we are just hunting but the fact is even when you're lost when you have to survive we've got a brand we've got to get something and we can increase our chances if we maybe spread out three ideas I think we always got to be able to see each other all right always keep them in sight yeah something like I don't see each other it's a little bit dangerous when you start splitting up I grew up in a survival situation but on the other hand can be advantageous if we scare something month then one of us is closer to it than the other you gotta remember what's at stake here fact is you've got lots of ammunition I've got three forms of hunting weapons and yet oh we've eaten as a snake and I brought in some greens and it's fitting that it's been five days our snares yielded nothing for us overnight it's not too often we get lucky with the snare in the lazer traffic it's kind of crazy thinking about just trying this we're all the way abandoned to eat we haven't had much of anything to eat in five days we got dinner finally we got some food once again our camaraderie has served to distract our survival focus and we're being chased by a dropping Sun same as always it's one of those cases where sweating from walking around on the bush I'm sweating now yeah and that's not gonna serve us well in the middle of the night we're gonna get cool sweat you die little break rains holding off a bit now good fire gone sweet burn a little bit spruce needles and I'll throw in some wintergreen as well so we get another good nutritional warming tea here before this rain really comes down on us like a Bushman stew and squirrel Alucard well the squirrel should be just about done my friend there we go squirrel lag Robert yeah he's here his buddy this is a lot better than a snake let me tell you a little bigger than the Frog oh that's op them mmm it's not much but it's the advantage of having you know ammunition the fact that you're out hunting at least you can very quickly get game that otherwise while you have a snares or just your bare hands and trying to make deadfalls really tough I think we're finished with we can either keep cooking it up and actually chew on the bones and just get everything out of the bones of calcium or put the bones in hot water make ourselves a little bit of a stupe smell the wintergreen oh you can too isn't that something it's just amazing actually a wintergreen stuffed in the squirrel yeah that piece of your room coming out of that is beautiful I'd be surviving doesn't mean you can't be enjoying the food [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is our celebration squirrel hunt celebration song man she turned cold last night yeah this guy cleared out and we're left with a beautiful blueSky day but as soon as you see those stars come out at night and you're wondering whether or not it's gonna be warm or cold that's gonna be cold see that Thanks so I got frosty no matter what I'm just gonna get frost again tonight we better take a little better care when we stop for the night unless search and rescue finds us all right one camera here bobble stamp right now keep his gun handy my gun strapped on here but loaded ready in case we spot something as it'll be with anybody in this kind of situation keep moving keep going I think I just got to be a way out of here gotta be able to find that highway gotta be able to make it to the lake very dangerous situation is the more you move you get something I see I'm pretty wet here there's rock and everything over there see the rock and I cut in there see we just go around since we want to keep heading in this direction behind us here to get away from the water down there if while you're walking just keep you know where the Sun is now face the direction when go think of it where the Sun hits your head and keep the Sun and that's part of your head they'll keep going straight at least for an hour so and then you know you know the sun's moved a bit you'll out for that but for now turn the right direction keep that Sun that's why just keep walking missed a strap howdy is here we keep it nice little rock ridges but at the same time this Spagna moss little depressions in between them pretty wet and pretty hard walking Marsh after life Bob and I look for a leg with a clear opening to set off the signal the search and rescue has begun we have two missing hunters been gone for a week the initial task will be to try to locate the ATV and for that we'll use a helicopter and just start from here and work the trails out launch the boat at the landing over here and just the patrol shorelines of the lake and once we find the ATV we'll get you on ground Bob and I finally made it across the swamp what's gonna slow down search and rescue and trying to find us if indeed we're walking in the wrong direction away from them I'm the one claw that's a survivor man they got a camera crew following that that's over in the to this bush is thick and a search and rescue crew must think of their own safety first the last thing they want to have happen is to have a couple of rescuers out there with a snapped ankle or slashed open I or something like that so they've got to take it steady but safely [Music] you hear that chopper we got a chopper in the air Bob and I are both in the thick of it here [Music] you look up there's no way that Bob and I can be seen down in this thick bush I mean we've been walking and pushing through tiny little rock outcrops mostly the most part it's just thick thick Steve's down here we can hear the chopper the best thing would be to get a smoke signal going I'm prepared for that also I just keep moving her besides choppers been all around but it has not come close to us yet okay no I'm suggesting yeah it hasn't come within probably 5 kilometers of this yeah he's way way over there that's the trick nears survival situation like Bob and I are in you uh you see tinder good tinder you grab it while you go you don't wait till you get to the spot where you're gonna survive because you could get there not seaport Street for miles the search and rescue squad is certainly taking this seriously for them not finding us by nightfall would be considered a failure and these guys don't fail all right so Bob and I have actually come upon a trail this trail could take us right out of here or it could go a long way it could be a simple hunting trail miners claim who knows and we're hit up right on the middle we've hit it right in the middle so which way do we go you want to try north we're gonna try north a first without even realizing it we're putting even more distance between us and the rescuers see more flagging up there [Music] the search-and-rescue men and women are among the best in the world they have to be to work in some of the thickest forest on the planet they're highly trained specialists and whether trying to find a lost hunter a lost child or an escaped convict they take pride in their efforts [Music] Bobby just took a shot what yeah yeah no way let's see your body look at that that's melee isn't that something if we got a dinner now okay therein lies the difference bob was up front and he was ready had the gun ready the whole time the only reason I don't for one is he's in front of me which is dangerous you want to be real careful the other ones I'm running the camera and grabbed ourselves hey Bob you bagged another one Oh baby another dinner this is gonna be so good on a spit this is gonna make the whole deal right there now let me tell you something Oh always said the fact that when you go out hunting and golf fishing reality is that's not a big deal you get skunked or whatever well you've been surviving on six days now without food or at least we've had a snake and a frog and that little squirrel they don't cut it this is all right that ass is amazing bob is doing a quick feathering why don't we want to keep moving keep following this trail take you know gutter and we got our meal for tonight figure you want to eat it up quick you know I've got some pretty good energy here I'm all right those good going while I'm going we'll have a time when we stop all right yeah unless search and rescue finds us first yeah I hope yes it's elexander and t4 we located the ATV the ATV becomes an appoint lysine I'm going to just grid 360 degrees to a couple boxes around it [Music] [Applause] well the search-and-rescue team the first piece of the puzzle has fallen into place now that they've found our ATV [Music] that's a needle in a haystack trying to find us down here choppers up in the air looking for us I feel sorry for him because there's no way you can spot us down here in this thick and we cannot find a clearing it's just thick bush all the way and as it is we found a nice little trail here that we're taking children just nope yeah and that's sweet the big shelter rock to make a shelter here it's one of the things about making a shelter you do it in the thick of the bush you're making a shelter out of bush you're the most camouflage you could possibly be and never be spotted so if we can get ourselves out in the open hang up our orange hunter vests or even wave them if somebody goes by get a fire going the smoke we're much better off and that's what Bob and I are attempting to do right now is to get to the open to get to the big lake do that while the choppers still in the air not too many hours into the search and rescue efforts the squad continues to find evidence of our trail and their confidence and efforts are cranked up a notch Billy and I found a piece of crumpled up paper not too weathered can the edge of this dry swamp all right these hole searches it's just like a big a crime investigation or a big puzzle helicopters guy call them off stuff going we've lost her trailer they had a trailer lost something we didn't realize was that there was a team behind us on foot the entire time while we were walking fast and pushing hard to find a clearing by a lake they were trying to catch up to us so we were effectively putting distance between us which made the search-and-rescue turn into something that looked more like a manhunt and pulled them back send a k-9 unit in had the chopper overhead and between the two learner leapfrog one for one week to the next choppers been able to pick up some footprints and swampy areas and then directly k9 into there at this point right now it seems like Bob had dropped a couple of his arrows and the SAR team had amazingly found them in the middle of the thick bush we can't get to a clearing flash him or wave Norns flag park is here looks to be completely plots there's all the feathers on the ground carcass miss finally come to helping get a lake here lake of snow starts chopper hopefully he'll come back he was following us top of us [Music] Bob let's let's set up a spot in the open here we'll get a fire going you can cook up the bird and it'll be a signal hopefully for playing the same time cost me a footprint right there in the moss a fresh one right there one beside it oh yeah okay make sure we don't burn those other trees let's smoke goin chopper in the air I got my orange vest Mountain the open finally can't believe we found this spot we can keep the fire going just with sticks razor sticks underneath some evergreen boughs when we throw on that Spagna moss it really makes a lot of smoke comes he's looking the wrong way see you can tell where the choppers looking because he's angling towards the areas trying to spot come we're here that smokes guy go go up in the air sooner or later they got to see it's moment many lost individuals have helplessly watched as Rescue planes have flown away without spotting them so making ourselves as visible as possible the only thing that we can do topless all right now that there's some great search-and-rescue unbelievable how they can find us in this thick I don't know if they're using heat sensors I don't know what but those guys were dogged man they just did not stop Lawson and all we're trying to do is to get to a clearing and our timing was right they could have done this quadrant and gone off and left it for the other day can just imagine how hard it is to search for someone in a situation like this they don't know if we're not down in the middle of the forest with a broken leg immobile can't get out on our own speed they circle it around we've got people on the ground and that is one tough job like someone in push like this 14 individual search and rescue members were able to find two men hidden amongst the thousands of hectares of trees in the northern forest in only three-quarters of a day it's a story that repeats itself every hunting season often the greatest issue facing people who love to hunt fish an adventure in the wilderness is overconfidence many times hunters are found after three days being lost in the woods and the first thing they'll say to the rescuers is I'm not lost the same pride that might have caused them to believe that their compass was wrong or that they can keep walking through the night to get out lasts right until the end and there's no admission that they were indeed lost as one pushes the other to keep on moving when in fact the best thing to do may be to stop build a shelter and spend the night all that said the pros of having someone with you survive a lost ordeal in the wilderness and greatly outweigh the cons survival alone is still by far the toughest survival experience to injure [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 1,040,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Survivorman, Survivorman TV, 'Les, Survivorman TV Series, Stroud', Survivorman TV Show, Les Stroud, Outdoor Survival, Survivorman Les Stroud, Survivorman - Season 3 - Episode 4 - Temagami Hunting, Todd Standing, Logan Stroud, Sam Omik, Uzimann, Joseph McConnell, Bob Wilson, survivorman full episodes, les stroud survivorman
Id: -EgDN_rjB88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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