Survivorman | Season 2 | Episode 2 | Amazon | Les Stroud

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watched him for a while he watched me like yelled I boost my whistle and fortunately to me the flesh [Music] [Music] [Music] this time on Survivor man I'm being sent to wet stories of these dark wet jungles misty valleys and sneaking rivers have haunted my imagination I'm heading deep into the Amazon Chuck the Amazon begins on the eastern flanks of Ecuadorian Andes and stretches to the east hundred thousand there are no roads my place down a small grass airstrip from here I'll be taken in and dropped off alone into the jungle to survive the Amazon jungle is an intense place you've got no business coming here if you're claustrophobic there are more dangers in the darkness than just snakes and as I head out the river by dugout canoe the mysteries and unknowns of the Amazon jungle Deveney firmed uncontacted tribes in the Amazon basin and all of them are considered hostile anyone who's ever attempted to go in has never made it out alive and I'm on the edge of the territory of one of those tribes Iwatani God's taking me further upriver from their tiny jungle village camera crew may be with me now so once we're deep enough into the jungle they'll leave me on the side of this river completely alone for the next seven days I'll have to survive in this jungle make my way back to the village and film it all myself after a long day of pulling up River a small sandbar is chosen [Music] this body painting is their cultural way of wishing me good luck [Music] now that the sendoff painting is just dinah confident believe me alone [Music] somehow before night long all need to go up from the river into the dark wet jungles to build a shelter almost immediately into my jungle shelter exploration I have run across one of the tiny yet potent dangers of this jungle with the Huaorani natives call the money I'm wondering if maybe there's a nest closeby now they only nest in numbers of sixty to a hundred but that's plenty five or six stings from a money ant will put a full-grown man to the ground know what I was gonna Club him there's no point could probably laugh it off I'm gonna go get the machete he's still around try chopping him in half that sort of stops them I've chopped him in half and he's still trying hard to bite me I've got his bum over on a leaf there and it inflicts one of the most painful stings in the jungle it's been described as taking a pair of red-hot pliers jamming them into your skin squeezing hard twisting and holding for five hours and I took one step into the jungle and there he was this apparently is one of my gravest dangers to watch out for night falls fast in the jungle it's light in the blink of an eye as a pitch-black dark let's all have little time to build a shelter while honey natives left me with a dugout canoe for safety and tonight it'll have to do if I can make a cover and would shed any rain but everything I've tried so far just snap something how's that working out so well completely exposed lying in a dugout canoe in the middle of the Amazon jungle is not a good way here we go again [Music] make the river rise dramatically as much as ten or more feet in just 20 hours so I'll have to remain vigilant in my watch the water level me my canoe could easily be swamped in the middle of the night wait it's not dark yet but it's getting there and in the middle of the Amazon jungle my concerns tonight are going to be the rising of the river if there's rains further upstream also Jaguar its four big cats out here the Ocelot and the Margate cat aren't any concern of mine there's also the Puma also known as the cougar or mountain lion and a Jaguar I'll feel better sleeping in the canoe on the water but without a fire it's got me pretty nervous in the middle of the jungle there we go Knight number one in the jungle well this was my night how very exposed all night long at least I wasn't too cold I'm not sure what was worse Thea mods trying to land on me all night long mods were trying to land on my face or something I forgot to mention vampire bats there are bats here that they land on you at night and you can't even feel them their teeth are so sharp and their saliva numbs you so that they can suck your blood and people get bitten in the nose and on the toes and places like that and they were checking me out last night so I gotta get I gotta set myself up today try and be less exposed keeping high-tech equipment like video cameras running in this heat and humidity is becoming quite a challenge one camera has already shut down due to the condensation [Applause] some of these palm trees and plants are hard enough to use as an axe themselves others are quite soft and the machete makes short work of gathering the supplies I need to make a good shelter it's time to get busy [Music] I'm told that there are some caterpillars that if they're smooth probably like this one that I might be able to eat them but I'm also told there are caterpillars here that can pretty much kill you if you touch them once I don't think I'm gonna take the chance I can use the same knowledge here that comes from thousands of miles away just let these branches it's the method used in North America by the Ojibwe to split spruce roots the edges of these are razor sharp so you've got to be really careful when you split them I'm just gonna put all of these palm leaves on here just like shingles all right this is home a shelter will help keep the rain off but it's the humidity that threatens to shut down my camera survival training tells me it's time to assess my situation take an inventory of my supplies so let's go through what I've got a blowgun let's just see what kind of luck I have with it they gave me an actual spear the real reason they gave this to me was to protect myself from the minion the Jaguar I've got simply a little bit of damp tissue paper about three feet of tangled up fishing line can of pop and I like to go into the stores then grab those last-minute survival items you know it just says general survival Isle and just to test them out so I grabbed some stuff that is some kind of it they well they call a fire dust we'll see what that's like to go with it I've got for seven days in the jungle where pours rain almost every single day non-stop one match which means if I do get a fire going I've got to keep it going lastly of course a trusty multi-tool and my harmonica which goes with me everywhere [Music] oh it's midway through day two in the middle of the Ecuadorian Amazon far up the Amazon River tributary I've got my jungle shelter built to change homilies it may help to keep off the rain but sleeping on the ground is a last option out here there are more poisonous creatures than I can count or mention but a short list is scorpions stinging ants and snakes including palm Vipers bushmasters and the deadly fur to loss so I've got a tough judgement call to make getting a fire going or getting myself off the ground for the night well looks like I made the right decision as far as platform versus trying to get a fire going here comes the rain again [Music] the other night in the jungle I'm probably about eighty feet or so from the edge of the river it's good that I didn't have to go too far to find a flat area to make the shelter I don't have to worry about vampire bats tonight but I do have to oh just a big cockroach he's okay but I do have to worry about spiders very much so snakes scorpions biting stinging ants and a horde of army ants so this platform well that's no guarantee I believe that's gonna help of course it kind of has me laid out on a platter for any Jaguar might come by we put my boots on tonight great the bats are coupling under the shelter petal of the night and it's raining again [Music] just pouring down morning of day three in the Amazon jungle 60-plus hours without food but the biggest problem is the ceaseless rain yes that's why they call this the rainforest the condensation is wreaking havoc on my cameras and they are shutting down constantly there's an abandoned Huaorani hot halfway between me and the village I don't know what's there there's probably no supplies but even if it's just a little bit of leftover dry firewood that would be helpful one by one my camera's are succumbing to the humidity I think I'm gonna make an executive decision and maybe move on see if I can make it down to that the abandoned Hut it'll be bigger give me more room chance to drive the cameras I'm down to one camera now the other three are are useless now from condensation so I stay out here much longer I don't even have a film to make what's the point of that day three and I've decided to move downriver essentially on my way back to the village but for now to simply find the abandoned Hut I was told about drying out there maybe the only answer to saving my cameras and making it possible to even shoot this film knowing I'll need the energy boost it's time to drink down the one can of pop and give myself the sugar rush music that should be it I'm told the caiman a creature a lot like the crocodile has not much to worry about instead they said fear the giant river otters extremely aggressive and territorial and weighing up to 100 miles while maneuvering this big hunk of mahogany downstream it takes all my concentration to remember to look up and watch out for the deadly poisonous snakes overhanging trees [Music] with miles of river to travel I've got to pay close attention to twists and bends of the riverbanks I could easily blink and miss the trail for the abandoned Hut or worse go too far miss the village altogether after that the river winds deeper into the jungle and hostile native territory where few people who come out alive [Music] whole column of bats [Music] this looks like climbing up steep river banks is one of the most dangerous maneuvers you can do in a jungle your Faceman face the prime snake habitat the hut is somewhere a few hundred yards off the river and paying attention to where I am walking is critical getting completely lost in the jungle could be a death sentence here we are [Applause] Hecate all these guys are everywhere apart from the hordes of army ants it's certainly big enough herd of snakes on the plain this is ants on the camera today I'm starting to feel the energy loss of having not eaten now for three days so I guess the deal now is I'll try to get my camera gear organized see if I can dry that out and to thing get a fire going this is where I'm going to take my wood from just some of the posts and poles that are holding up this rickety old shelter keeping my boots off to try and protect from foot fungus having them wet all day and this heat is not a good thing got a dry mount whenever you can that's my magic fire song well I'm gonna give this a shot the Survival shelves and stores are full of fire-starting gimmicks some work some don't most of the Tinder's will have a chemical or two that should take a flame quick keep it going just like a candle okay the other thing I'm gonna do is I took some of that damp tissue paper that I had and just in case as dust fails on me if it seems like it'll be easy with a match it's not remember I have only this one and it along with everything else is damp there's little to no dry tinder available to take this flame and hold it for a fire I almost lose it here which would spell disaster for my weak Hey so far so good with this dust [Music] whoo-hoo there's big big bugs here that are crawling away from this fire and that's what I like to see we have fire folks I'm gonna sleep well tonight I hope mind you I'm still on the ground that's a problem he'll probably bring the scorpions around that was a good judgment call to come downstream and to opt for a better shelter over top of going for some food trying to catch fish I'm glad I'm here now I can spread out and try to dry out of it this fires fantastic it doesn't guarantee any problem going away like Jaguar but it sure helps it should keep the bats down I'm sharing this hut with bats and a horde of ants and a lot of spiders but tomorrow I better built Oh smokes going to my lungs here tomorrow I better build up a platform and get up off the ground because I'm sure there's still a lot of scorpions and snakes around okay that's good together [Music] punky wood keeps going all night it's great like keep the ashes up over top of it it'll actually last longer got this Hut now it's time to get some food [Music] alright I've walked this far upstream because there's a feeder stream just over there that's hopefully dropping food into the water for fish in this area now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the backwash areas and I'm gonna be shoving my hand in underneath and into the holes trying to catch the catfish that might be in there now the dangers are many first of all there's getting the wrong kind of catfish spiny catfish if I grab one of those by accident extremely painful secondly the electric eel they like to live in the same place that catfish do so that can be very painful and lastly is the freshwater stingray the Huaorani fear it equally to any snake in the jungle its sting is so painful and powerful and it instantly infects fortunately they like to stay where the water is calm and they're all through this river but that's why I'm coming here to where the water is moving quite a bit at least minimize the risk as much as possible you know in truth I've never done this before fish for catfish like this it just shows you it's one of those things where you can't just figure in a survival situation you can just do it oh yeah I'm just going off catch some catfish some of these things take practice and take time books can be very misleading when they suggest certain survival tactics ouch this is what I like to do shove my pan in my arm way deep inside a muddy murky hole and overhang in a an Amazon jungle River as is just what I like to do [Music] that was spooky I keep doing this can't do it the traditional way I'll do it my way there we go got you up here got you down there time to rip apart that pop can and see what I can make why do these guys like my shirt so much I've got some friends today's show is brought to you by the number three [Music] now I need some bait surviving four days in the jungle without removing my boots is beginning to take its toll on my feet infection has begun okay that's the infected toe there are some little frogs here but you leap frogs alone in the Amazon jungle there are frogs here that touch them once touch your mouth and you can die they are highly highly toxic so I'm just staying away from any and all frogs no matter what size just to be sure bet that this guy's going down oh good I chopped in half that is now v money ant that I've come across and I mean that's the decapitated version he has no head and as I touched him with the stick he can see that he was stood still trying to sting even though it's been decapitated just like its head keeps trying to bite even though it has no body left these guys are mean there we go hate to do it because it is a butterfly but I've got to eat there we go this area's I can't get to it's too deep too strong you check further downstream Adventure Racing is one of my passions but a recent race has left me with a bad hip injury and the jungle dampness is really affecting it making survival harder than it should be but you can't choose your times of peril you can see how being sick or having an injury can really take its toll on trying to survive I've got enough daylight left but it's gonna hurt upstream little guys minnows [Music] okay I'm at that spot where I tried fishing by hand with a freshwater stream comes in I only have enough energy to try here for a bit and then [Music] I've been fishing for almost five hours I've tried hand fishing hey now with the foot nothing's working that's disappointing I was actually really hoping to catch something in this really hot pan look I've given it a good shot it's just not as easy as I had hoped yet another day without food I'm going back to drama' clothes it's been four days with nothing to eat but at the very least I can keep my fire going and get myself up off the ground tonight the platform in this Hut is infested with ants and spiders but the wood itself in spite of the many leaks has a few dry spots which will provide me with some much-needed firewood you know until now I've just been drinking water fresh from the river and trust me I've been paying for it and then it occurred to me that I can do something else with this bob can go I know thankfully that's something to boil water in Wow nicely boiled water oh my god that makes you feel human again great way to kill fungus is to smoke your feet using this punky wood [Music] [Applause] she's all fogging up again Wow the fish aren't gonna come to me I'm gonna go to them remember that mosquito screen well as luck would have it in this part of the Amazon jungle or at least this area of this river there's no mosquitoes but that means I don't really need this net mosquitoes now do I so I don't know about you but me that looks like perfect fish trap there you go a little grip handle here I got myself a fishing net these are my friends I know they're my friends because they're with me through thick and thin every day all day [Applause] [Music] unfortunately going to the fish mean heading into the thickest part of the jungle [Music] this was a spot I wanted to try fishing but apparently the area is blocked by a zillion I gotta cut my way through them yeah the rain stopped then they continued then they stopped and then they continue again survival in a rainforest there we go a little freshwater shrimp and you know what hey if I can get a few handfuls of these guys why not whoo that tasted good it tasted really good [Music] shrimp number two my last one kind of bit my tongue one going in I don't think I didn't think they could do that but last one did so you're getting chewed right away yes you that's great Wow okay can't believe on that happy Chinese little meal yeah this is my lucky day check this out this guy here some jungle fruit and if I can remember the name of it I would tell you but I can't so the narrator will do that for you it's a Kakuna group also known as that boa yes and it's perfectly ripe [Music] it's actually a member of the tomato family and it is claimed to go down so good now this is a little bit tricky to get to because palm vipers like to curl up in these little spots here some more delectable jungle fruit this is going to be so amazing I mean they're super nice but this is gonna be a flavor explosion oh yeah mmm this is out of this world but da Boca fruit tastes like a cross between a lemon and a tomato oh my gosh it's amazing oh I'll tell you that fruit was a fantastic boost to my energy the tomato fruit and a liquid and the shrimp just right to the bloodstream you know I've got the shirt dry and I'm drying my pants over the fire but the worst thing right now is the fact that I'm dealing with some pretty bad foot fungus it's right across five toes on my right foot and I don't know I'll have to see how that goes if I end up getting real bad tomorrow with it it's not worth losing any toes over that's for sure so I might have to I might have to call it if that's the case right now I got the feed fungus blue [Laughter] [Music] while I wait for the morning shower to subside I hope I figured out how to get into this fruit all you have to do is carve away the top and it's just like a green coconut just open that up a little bit and inside of that little hole is liquid fresh rejuvenating breakfast liquid you've got to come check this out going to go out into the jungle a bit here and in the last five minutes thanks to the rain the river has risen about three feet it's a good thing that I'm I'm terraced up up there and that abandoned Hut because if I was down by the water I wouldn't be Wow this really is a fast flash flood so I'm just gonna really hope that my canoe stays died on it looks to me like the river is still coming up and fast so while I have the chance I'm gonna wait upstream against the current and just retie that canoe up a little higher tied up the canoe about another four or five feet higher and the water's still rising so let's do that a whole that was fun ah socha I left my shirt lying on the ground I just went to put it on something must have been in it oh it's stung in the back really good amen testing Oh suppose what I should mention that in reality as I get stung out here the best thing to do is not to swat them because you can shove the stinger down deeper into your skin of course that's pretty hard not to do when they're on your back and they're stinging away the best thing to do is to pick them away that way you avoid possibly them even biting or stinging you and you avoid shoving their pincers or their stinger down into your skin let's go hunting finally a chance to put my traditional blowgun to the test so there it just goes in in the end like this you spin it as you get close and it's ready to go let me show you what blowgun hunting actually consists of of course first of all blowgun itself this is made out of having a chunk of palm binding it together with a vine bark lashing and then they actually clear out the center with sand and becomes a fine fine through way for the dart this is the package that comes with it little carrying case inside it the darts now very straight got to be straight as an arrow they straighten them out in the field all the time usually taking a knife and just shaving bending until they get a perfectly sharpened and straight Dart this one here is finished in fact it already has the poison on it got poison on this end and the next thing they would do is take this Little Rock Flint notcher here and notch it around in one spot that way if the monkey pulls the dart out the tip breaks off in the skin keeping the poison in that the monkey the last thing of course is the kapok fluff this I pull out and wrap around on to the dark dirt until it looks like that now what I'm going to do is I'll pick a spot on the tree and a high up and I'll aim the camera on it and I'll see if I can hit it just to show you just to show you what I can do hey yeah let me see if that got on camera oh it did that's only about Oh that's barely in an inch away from what I was actually trying for so that's how well it works [Music] I think this battle do just fine the Amazon jungle is the most biodiverse place on the planet more variety of species here than anywhere else the jungle that although dangerous still is intensely beautiful you know many of the shots after game in the tree whether it be monkey or birds or whatever are taken almost completely straight up and you have to be very careful that you don't look up to watch the dart coming back down you can't see it and many of the wild honey natives have lost an eye to the dart coming down in fact one man actually lost both his eyes because he did it again on another occasion this involves hours of waiting I can't head out on a long hunt looking for monkey so I'm hoping to get a passing bird there are many but none the land close enough for me to even get a shot away I haven't eaten more than a few shrimp and a couple of pieces of fruit all week on top of that my feet are deteriorating quickly from foot fungus and in the jungle if you can't walk you can't survive I was told that there was an old trail leading from my my abandoned Hut to the wild honey village and it's here and I found it so that's good I'm going to walk it and see if I can find some termite nests if I can smoke the termite nests I can put my feet over top of that smoke and it'll help to cure the foot fungus that I'm dealing with there's something that I haven't mentioned yet I did off the top of the show and that's that I'm positioned on the edge of one of the 70 uncontacted hostile tribes in the Amazon basin and that's very true attack ad they live only three days travel downriver they're a splinter group off of the Huaorani the people who've been teaching me and his reason is six months ago the Huaorani went down and performed a spearing raid with a speared and killed a number of the tribal members these raids still go on people still live here with an escape route in mind whenever they go to sleep they think if I get attacked at night how can I get out and it it is no stretch to say that it would have been entirely possible for the tech 80 to perform perform a revenge raid on the village that we're in now now there are a couple of other smaller villages between us and them but not many and it really keeps you on edge when you're out here that's for sure there we go that's what I'm looking for the good thing about termites they don't bite not these ones anyway so uh take that home see if I can help my feet out a bit man a week solid of being muddy and wet Oh yes the smoke from this termite nest is said to ward off Jaguars said to help keep away the bugs and help to cure foot fungus in addition you can use it like a fire carrier because it'll take that and hold that Ember for a good long time as I practiced this traditional medicine on myself one said to ward off Jaguar I couldn't have known that moving in on me was a danger far greater than the foot fungus a quick trip out of the hut just a few yards to relieve myself before calling it a night revealed the reason for the fear I've had all week these next few moments are frantic but real and possibly the most danger I have ever been in in a survival situation for a pea and not very far from what was a Jaguar watched him for a while he watched me like yelled and me the flesh so it's getting dark really fast I know this probably skews a little contrived but ah trust me it ain't I brought my spear with me in my pack that's all I could really grab I left all the camera gear there I just threw my pack on I figure well maybe a spirits better than a machete I can't see a single thing I just got the screen flipped around so I can see where I'm going out of it what bothers me about it is that it didn't run away when I tried to scare up I mean I spent a lot of time in black bear and wolf territory never wouldn't even worry a bit and one night the bear doesn't scare easily then you have to be concerned I've done my timings Risley territory there's just something about a big cat who's interested in you that makes me nervous I think I left it behind in the jungle after far too many hours I have finally made it to the fenced-in village fenced in to protect from Jaguars when they hear of my run from the jungle the Huaorani immediately began to the gal me with stories of Jaguar attacks the elders are looking after my progressively worsening foot fungus with ancient traditional medicine cleared up in a day or two once I got into camp my what well honey guys told me that it's absolutely certain that the Jaguar would have followed me all the way into camp on the trail and not only that but there was some women that were also out on another trail coming in and they had a Jaguar following them they didn't have a flashlight and they made double-time to get here in here as quickly as possible right now we've got a Jaguar just on the other side of this reed wall and he's pacing the village and we can hear him one of the crew member woke up and said listen you could hear a low I came here [Music]
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 397,059
Rating: 4.8745918 out of 5
Keywords: 'Les, Outdoor Survival, Survivorman Les Stroud, Stroud', Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman TV, Les Stroud, Survivorman, Survivorman TV Series, Survivorman - Season 2 - Episode 2 - Amazon, Todd Standing, Logan Stroud, Sam Omik, Uzimann, Joseph McConnell, Bob Wilson
Id: jzhUBqapT64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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