Survivorman | Costa Rica | Season 1 | Episode 3 | Les Stroud

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everything on the line it's horrible I did a fire boat tomorrow night everything that moves everything's one crawling I think of the army ants on the trees it's a stunt and they get bitten all over and it wasn't as Tito Santana and scorpions tarantulas this big [Music] [Music] Costa Rica lies on the Pacific coast of Central America a region known for its radical dictators beach resorts and dense jungle few places in the world exist with such incredible biological variety 285 species of birds 139 mammals 116 reptiles and amphibians and more than 6,000 species of insects it was minus 40 degrees Celsius with 4 feet of snow when I left my Ontario home and boarded a plane for Central America and it was plus 40 degrees Celsius when I landed there are still many miles of uninhabited coastline and many thousand hectares of deep impenetrable jungle I've got seven days to survive here and this time I have to find my own way to safety the crew isn't coming for me but first I have to find a good source of fresh water or I could collapse of dehydration in the heat there is a fine line between a land of paradise and a land of nightmares and so it happens and so easily too you borrow our kayak from a beach resort for the day head out a little unprepared maybe the ocean pushes your father than you thought it would he's popping the beach to explore a nice cold when you're not watching the tide takes away your only link to survival so that's it then my camera crew will leave me behind with just my gear I'm alone for seven days of survival alright let's get a grip on my situation here on many many miles from the resort that I paddled from I've got dense thick jungle in behind me thousands of miles and ocean in front of me trapping me in here the beach is it's a nice beach it's you know by all standards it's a little tropical paradise not necessarily so when you don't have food or water let's see what the camera crew left me with this time along my long pair of pants she's gonna help me at night my swimming goggles they were actually on me as i kayaked in and three pens for whatever write down my sorrows or something and I always carry with me good multi-tool [Music] first I want to have a look around I'm a frostbitten Canadian boy and this is all very new to me right now it's get high tide but I can see that as the water goes down a whole set of tidal pools here drop position well I found a a number of things just scrounging along the beach man-made and natural things I can use it's a good big piece of bamboo and there's a bit more of this around there's a lot of these four by fours that are worn down found this little broom handle and just now toilet float I don't know what I can use that for I've also been able to find a number of these green coconuts it is a tropic so these are gonna come in handy let me show you right now and I mean these coconuts are great way to quench your thirst you want to just cut in maybe somewhere around the top pure fresh it's clean coconut milk oh that's good that was tough to get through these are lying around all over the place off he still quench my thirst for a while and you still need to find some fresh water [Music] in this heat I'm not thinking about shelter at all but I know that weather can turn ugly on me very fast well that's about all I can do for tonight make this platform keep me up off the sand sand is a real irritant it gets into everything including this infected toe that I have the week before this I did a lot of hiking and I've got a badly infected toe and the worst thing for it is to get sand in it it'll get more infected and more irritated top of that of course these hundreds of these little hermit crabs crawling around on the sand and don't want them nibbling at my toes all night either maybe tomorrow I'll try to increase my food supply find a better source for water as possible and try to make a fire [Music] the coves and beaches of Costa Rica are an idyllic paradise but like a massive green wall the thick crawling jungle has me trapped between it and the ocean I'm alone here for seven days without matches water food or equipment and I've got a feeling that my version of Gilligan's Island is going to be far more difficult to survive that was a rough night not only was this wood a little back-breaking just try and sleep on hermit crabs pretty much left me alone but there was a whole host of crawling things and sand fleas and cockroaches and creepy crawlies I wanted to expect me all night inspect me all night long I need some water [Music] well there's a little bit of trickling in behind me in amongst this bracket case they're just amazing crabs running all over the place more tide pools with fish I must have walked right over this I didn't even notice it the first time this is promising water there's like a stream coming just right out of the sand at the bottom in so I'm going to see what comes there's anything coming out at the top and it looks like a substantial amount should be freshwater yeah yeah perfect excellent it's fresh water all right and I would love to just gorge on it right now but jungle water makes me nervous it can be full of the meanest of parasites so really I should take this back and find a way to get a fire and boil it so I can kill any parasites what a lot of people don't know is it on the inside of these sprouted coconuts there's a nice edible treat the coconut is a lifesaver in all of its stages even after it's sprouted this inside of the sprouted coconut shell I guess it's the liquid solidified anyway hmm there's a juicy delectable treat mmm flavorful and you know what trust me mmm home I actually don't really like coconut nice place for me to be I don't like coconut at this it's delicious and you can almost and sometimes a little bit even drink the oils that drip out of this all the pure pure coconut oil Wow that's delicious this is energy I need I better take the time to make my shelter better in case bad weather comes in quick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've gathered a few things from the beach this curled stick picked up baseboards along the beach and I've already cut my notch into it so that you know all the ash can fall out there into into my tinder bundle which is just a bit of dried grass and I'm gonna use that broom handle makes a perfect spindle and it's very cool rock I found on the beach has got perfect holes in it give me my bearing block now all I can do is give this a shot what smoke that's good good good good let's close this in I figure I can find a big enough shell to boil water in there's a lot of conch shells along the ocean floor and this one is just the right size there we go and that beautiful something I can boil water in now with its beautiful fire behind me I've got the opportunity now that I a little bit of sand that I've got this conch shell and the water then it brought back from the stream over there now I've been drinking coconut water all day maybe five or six of them and so I'm still extremely thirsty that's not enough in this heat so I can there we go so I can boil this up bring it to a boil and kill any parasites that are in there I can find all kinds of food in a tide pool narrates are edible snails that cling to the rocks but they're only edible if the water that comes out of them is clear if it's a green liquid eating just one of these little guys could kill me these guys open Wow pretty strong pull out the snail not a moment too late I should add because the Sun setting pretty quickly here thing is I could only go in and get these tide pool critters once the tide went down because the water was up high I just couldn't couldn't get in there to get them just hard little bone on there I'm gonna pop that in and let it boil for a while let me cook [Music] it boiled up pretty quick for me which means that from here on in I can keep gathering water from that stream and just boil it let it cool boy that let it cool then I'll have purified water oh I'm smoking my face here they don't taste all that great but guys I pulled out of the tide pool but it's meat it's gonna give me a little bit of food strength anyway good to get fresh water man you don't sleep much you know they tied the waves they come to within like three feet of this platform and it really freaks you out at night thundering in like a big monster I don't know what's worse that fear or or the fact that you've got sand fleas and the skills I just bite you all night long really sleeping I've got my long pants on to protect my legs the crabs crawl up on me every once in a while too but they don't do this tomorrow still they keep you awake yeah it's great to have the fire but you know it's 80 degrees at night 85 at night waves of humidity coming in and going 90 95 during the day and the only way to quench my thirst other than the odd coconut is to boil it up a little bit of water in that conch shell and drink it down lukewarm the crabs of the tide pools are elusive and moves very fast but this part of the ocean is full of fish so it's simple really find a way to catch them I'm laying all my stuff out and I'm just standing back and trying to figure out what else I could make or do with the clothing that I've got when I still got laces from my boots if I need them my pants Maya scooby-doo underwear and shirt check this out I would grab it grab the stick I'm up in the jungle and just starting to thinking about like sort of projectile take the elastic band from Scooby Doo let's try this haha that could be a fish [Music] [Music] [Music] it seems so likely that I could spear a fish right from the rocks edge but I've never done this before and the timing of it is tricky I think I stand a much better chance of getting a fish if I get right in the water with them all right my underwater camera and I got some cameras set up to try and show you where I'm gonna be fishing with any luck I'll come out victorious I'm keeping my clothes on I'm gonna sacrifice getting them wet and they're soaked all the time anyway because it'll help to protect me from jellyfish and if I get thrashed up against any rough core a little help protect wish me luck I'm really nervous about this I've already spotted sharks big ones coming in for the same fish I was going after it's going to take patience and effort to be successful at this the whole school of fish right below me here lay that baby not sure what it's called I think it's called some kind of Porgy or something like that I'm gonna clean this guy I was taking a bit of a chance going out spearfishing but hey I don't have a fishing line and huh it's certainly paid off being out the pier fishing like that on and and you know the blood that happens when you catch a fish it tracks a lot of sharks so taking a little bit of a chance but oh that was worth it I have myself a real good dinner oh man that's good a full moon to eat by two this is gonna bring back a lot of food energy to me after three days without food you really you really start to lose your energy level I mean I've had tidbits here and there the coconuts been amazing that's actually what's kept me going but having good fresh fish like this is rattleball perfect [Music] more people have been stung by scorpions by simply not checking their boots in the morning then just about any other way the little critters like to crawl up inside there even when you leave them hanging upside down like this on a stick they still can get in there you got to give them a good whomp and check them and make sure because man old man slip in your foot into a boot and having a scorpion down at the toes that's not good I have two options this week wait for the crew to come and get me or dare to find my own way back to civilization through the jungle understand this many if not most survival victims ignore common sense and out of desperation even refuse to believe their compasses and in so doing try to self rescue often placing themselves in even more peril the smartest thing in a case like this would be to stay on the beach but then we wouldn't have a survival show jungles there but maybe there's a road maybe there's a trail just up in behind me here I mean I could be literally hours maybe food from being rescued that's what I'm gonna do head into the jungle and see if I can find a trail out if I'm gonna take off and leave this Beach I'm gonna need to somehow bring the fire with me I'm certainly gonna bring my fire boat materials and I can maybe cut this down to size a bit to reduce the weight because uh you know it's heavy heavy wood but I can also make kind of a fire bundle if I take a coconut one of these hollow coconut slots and line around and there's tons of all this coconut fiber and this stuff is will is really good it'll hold an ember and fill up the cup make a little indentation in there and simply find myself a coal I can break off oh and put it in there and all I have to do is just keep that sort of smoldering while I walk and the hope is that I won't have to try to it won't have to resort to the fire bow again tonight I can just blow this into flame in the jungle so we will see [Music] if I take the chance of road finding in the jungle I could be lost a lot longer than seven days and I still have to haul all my camera gear with me [Music] [Music] anyway that's a good thing if you stop sweating they're dangerously close to surgeries you're basically in the stages of dehydration so it leads for the moment the flooding the temperature in the jungle can go well over a hundred degrees and the humidity is stifling [Music] well this fine looks familiar it's just like the grapevine from back home you know all habitats have their plants that store water the Costa Rican jungle is no exception this is called water vine oh the monkeys right above me here oh damn just sliced my finger open and it wasn't even worth it his lines too thin to drip for me so that was just plain stupid look it up to a couple of silly monkeys throwing things at me and I end up I hit the bone with the knife I could feel conker like that that's just that feeling of going in deep it stopped bleeding I just kept it pressed for a while and just my mouth just kept it held tight but man that hurt that was stupid and there was no even not even any pay off there's no water in the vine for goodness sakes so I just make a bandage out of my scooby-doo underwear trying to keep the dirt out of this thing infection in jungle is one of the most insidious circumstances to deal with you can just leave you in agony after a day of trudging through the jungle I'm exhausted and I really don't know where I'm going and now it's getting dark too dark to do anything else and you know there's no reason for me to make one of those one of my sort of famous Canadian shelters that make a big nice a-frame and call it underneath 80 to 90 degrees every night I don't need to stay warm I am I need to stay dry that chance me catching hypothermia here and it's already getting way to dirt Oh calling on me I'm nervous as anything about snakes and peccaries and Jaguars monster tranch less calling on me today so this is the best I can do to get up off the ground is just big falling over the tree as my fire I had packed it inside was gonna keep smouldering and I had it anyway it's gone out I do not have the energy or the will just to start a fire would make me feel a lot more safe and secure massive colonies of leafcutter ants all around think they're harmless the leafcutter ants don't do anything that's kind of funny to make their own highways you drop something in front of it they'll all band together and they'll move it out of the way we'll leave for a stick or something so they can have their trail back they're two more of these let's hope I find some sort of jungle streams you know at night the forest just comes alive the whole ground begins to move crabs and spiders snakes and everything comes alive [Music] this is horrible and do the fireworks Martin I prefer everything at fuse everything's one crawling I think there's an army ants on the tree this is starting to get bitten all over and it wasn't mosquitoes and any of that much and scorpions tarantulas this big sitting away like a sitting duck [Music] picture this you're in a business suit done up tight you step into a hot sauna you begin to exercise vigorously that's travel through the jungle there's no break from the humidity and the oppressive heat and just breathing makes you sweat because I thought the mosquitoes would terrorize me it was the creepy crawlies it was everything on the ground and some spiders as big as my hands and just never ending never ending it's land crab even you can feel the fourth floor or here the fourth floor I'm moving [Applause] Thank You sex I want to have another night in the jungle the monkeys are throwing stuff at me again [Applause] I've got the bandage off it so that it can dry in the breeze I walked for hours yesterday and hours and hours again today I'm using the Sun to keep my directions try to keep some sort of a straight direction but it has to go around the problem areas crazy part about walking through a thick jungle like this if you actually have to watch where you put every single step one palm Piper one foot long one Bushmaster plunges out of here I'd be in a big mess a couple yeah come to Costa Rica for a survival thing since seven-day survival acosta Rica that would be a good place have a word with my producers when I get home let me tell you now it's day five and I'm still trying to find my way out I'm really not sure where I am I don't feel hungry at all he's just taking my appetite right away on the beach was a lot easier to say the least and had all those coconuts to eat here I just don't feel like eating at all [Music] I've been walking in the jungle for almost two days now I don't see any sign of trails or roads I'm starting to think I'll be here for another night and I'm second-guessing my decision to come into the jungle at all so along the way I just took a thinner branch than my walking stick using it like a switch and quack quack and was able to get myself a meal for tonight got myself a little lizard to eat tonight I hate the thought of killing anything it's the last thing I would advise but as a matter of survival all creatures are fair game all right here he is I'm not actually staying put and setting up a bunch of traps this is what you would do because I'm trying to find a path at least I know I can eat a few little small critters along the way this little four striped whiptail well at least give me a little bit of food energy Oh [Music] not bad just I'm not going to eat the head don't ask me why just don't want any dad better than nothing that's my coconut two nights now in the jungle I need to be able to find my way out in the next two days where I come from there's poison ivy and that's it as far as problem plants here you got to be really careful about what you brush up against something I haven't had to do since for at least about four days now go to the washroom before I do I'm going to test out a couple of leaves the way I can do this is break it open rub it on my skin in one spot on my arm here break open this other type of leaf do the same thing right here let the juice get on there and this one pigley the same thing with it rub it on this arm and I know which leaf I was putting in what spot that on there and basically wait about oh I don't know wait about a couple hours or an hour or something like that and if if I find that I'll break out in a bad rash and that's not the leak I'm gonna be using anything else at least one of the good things about the jungle is that in spite of this intense heat there's very little sunny areas like what I'm standing in right now mostly it's just all shade which at least helps a bit last one from here on in jungle water only [Music] yeah it's a long ways down but there's definitely a river down there I'm here instead of a rain wash them coming down I can hear both the ocean and I can hear a river flowing you know what the rivers got to lead to the ocean I'm gonna follow it and hope that it takes me the heck out of here yeah it's cold I'm still taking my chances drinking from a stream like this that's good the blastocysts turning amoebas and take the parasites that can happen in these waters and let you up for months in the hospital so I'm definitely taking my chances but dehydration is a lot more immediate at them oh well the humidity is wreaking havoc on my my camera gear ruining different components and microphones and stuff I was already in once but I'm gonna go right back in again this is the only way of bringing your body core temperature down completely immerse yourself because I am Way overheated I'm too dangerously close to heatstroke and the water is wonderfully cold that's good oh yeah well that's much better it brings life right back into you long as something doesn't bite you after walking around without a real idea of direction filming myself and hauling heavy camera gear I'm getting completely discouraged I'm supposed to be a survival expert making a film at this point all I feel is very very down yet it's funny how fast my circumstances can change down the river paradise time I'm back to the ocean two nights in the jungle is enough for me I'm just gonna follow the shore from now on make my way to hopefully a little fishing village or something but I'm not going back in the jungle nothing man there don't try to find your way out by going through the jungle this is a lot easier I got to keep an eye out as well on the tides as I go along here if I'm gonna stay anywhere at night on the beach because here in the Pacific in this part the Pacific there's sort of what's called a mixed tide you get very high tides and very low tides moderately high tides and moderately low tides point being that tides change so you got to be got to be careful where you lie down for the night you could be swimming before morning [Music] but at least now I can't get lost you always know which way you're going when you follow the coastline I had looked forward to surviving on a beach but I hadn't counted on the intense heat bugs and humidity of the jungle hey right now I'm even looking forward to seeing some snow on the list of things I have found paradise yeah in fact there's one big beautiful beach okay there's a couple of boats could've been better timing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Survivorman - Les Stroud
Views: 904,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stroud', 'Les, Outdoor Survival, Survivorman, Survivorman TV, Survivorman Les Stroud, Les Stroud, Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman TV Series, Survivorman - Season 1 - Episode 3 - Costa Rica, Todd Standing, Logan Stroud, Sam Omik, Uzimann, Joseph McConnell, Bob Wilson
Id: ZEXpg-eghPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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