Surviving Your Family Dynamic - Matt Kahn

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so as a way of teaching tonight's teaching with with the intention being that tonight's teaching is about giving a voice to the parts of us that have been silenced now in order to process our pain it doesn't necessarily have to be big it can just be feeling just feeling what comes up and I want to introduce this teaching by just sharing some something about my life because a lot of you who see me at these events are on YouTube you seen the byproduct of my life but a lot of people don't know the journey that brought me here and I would just preface this by saying most of my life has been a graceful blessing but I want to share with you also what has been my life so my name is Matt kaan and throughout my life on more than one occasion I as a result of maybe four maybe five different people in my life so not to be specific but just to let you know throughout my life at least five different occasions I have been the victim of emotional and psychological abuse the strangest thing is to be the victim of abuse and not now it so when I was younger I was a very empathic child I would feel other people's emotions and I would believe that their feelings in their body was their opinion of me so I went from a very early age who counseled my friends on the schoolyard hoping to cheer them up because I thought if they were happier they would like me as if their emotional state was their opinion of me I remember counseling my friends at like but I was like seven I don't think I was doing repeat after me at that time and what was very interesting and it's a it's a very it's a very common thing for a lot of us as energetically sensitive Souls to had to have lived a life where you feel out of place you feel alone and isolated because you're so energetically sensitive your awareness is so naturally heightened and expanded that when your awareness turns inward onto yourself it amplifies the sensation of feeling alone so when you're when you're in aware of being you know and it sounds good I'm like a website bio they were born awake that sounds cool right but when you're born with an expanded awareness and you don't have the maturity to really guide it it really can be used against you in some rather cruel ways where it makes you feel very alone out of place out of touch maybe you live in a family you don't feel like you belong in you know this was my experience from a very early age I was my parents marriage counselor because I would come out of my room when my parents would yell at each other yelling was their way of communicating and I couldn't take the energy in my body of them yelling so I would go out of my room I'd break up their fights I'd end their arguments and then I go back in my room and I was my parents marriage counselor from the battle Lebanon I had a very wonderful mother she was a very fierce an audacious person for those that knew her she was very funny and very just no-holds-barred she would do anything for you but you may not know that the rule or agreement was I'll do anything for you and when I want you to do something for me I'll back you into a corner I'll mention all the things I do for you and manipulate you until you do what I want I had the inconsistent feedback of being told I was brighter than I'll ever know and special and unique and then made to feel very bad when wanting to act upon the individuality of my uniqueness if it didn't fit into her criteria if my mom got triggered and was on a warpath you learned to run out of the way so not to get caught most likely it was my dad who got it and then my dad who had most likely cower to her would often build up this anger and fight back against her and then we had King Kong vs. Godzilla which is where I would come in to break up the fight because I couldn't stand watching my parents fight and I couldn't bear the idea of my parents being separate because I felt like my parents being alone they would just die of broken hearts so it was like I had the pressure of my parents marriage on my shoulders and I would help them repair their misunderstandings and at a moment's notice it can all get turned on me so manipulated my mom mm-hmm god bless her soul in her latter years started going through awakenings of consciousness at the pace that was right for her soul but for a lot of my upbringing she did she she didn't know the kind of pathological liar that she had become because her father was that and so she just took on the pattern my mom would often rewrite history and would often twist facts until it simply got her her way and it caused me to doubt my instincts because I would say no this is what I was seeing and sensing no you're totally wrong and that was very hard hurtful and then when my mom was in her lows she would lean on me as her rescuer so to be someone's victim to be someone's victim of manipulation and then to be the one they leaned on for help when they're low all that together creates a very interesting energetic dynamic all leading to the creation of a rescuer archetype or I would spend a lot of my life manifesting friends who would be in deep turmoil I'd be the one that would rescue them I had helped them I'd have lift them I transformed them and then when it came time for reciprocity or to receive what I gave back they would turn their back and disappoint me and after years and years and I don't mean to make this undramatic and be sharing my story after years and years and years of being constantly disappointed by helping those and then not ever receiving it back as a young adult I decided that instead of being disappointed by people I'll just live a life serving people that if people are gonna come around and use me for all that I have to share I'm just gonna call it service instead of being hurt by it and so was my heart brokenness and disappointment from people that joined me to selfless service and serving people and serving humanity I couldn't take the disappointment I was too aware of people's pain to turn my back on them so I just served them deeper than ever before and I turned towards service and I served people until the pain of disappointment went away and for a while that worked and I didn't realize that it numbed me out and it created this inner wall within me a protective barrier that manifested over years as excess body weight to protect me from those who on some level I'd created a belief that thought I can connect deep with people but I'm afraid to connect too deep because I'm going to help them and then they're gonna turn their back on me and it's gonna be a disappointment and I didn't know that was occurring in me and I've had various relationships where the manipulation pattern that I experienced with my mother repeated and repeated and repeated with the inconsistent feedback of being someone's Savior and victim at the same time and I was too busy being someone's healer to realize how badly I was being mistreated and I'd grown up in a family of such emotional turmoil and fire where I didn't have an escape from the emotional pain I didn't have a way of hiding from it because I could go in my room and close my door but still feel it so I learned to be fully awake and fully present in the fire of adversity I learned to be comfortable in the fire I befriended the flames and I let it burn me until I stopped feeling the heat but then what that did is it then made it totally manageable and normal to be treated that way and when it came time for me to recognize that I deserve to be treated with greater respect I didn't know how to stand up for myself and being individual because I was too busy being someone's healer I was too comfortable in the pain and adversity and too comfortable and being able to transcend it in the presence of it not knowing that the very environment I put myself in is gross way out of balance and so throughout my life of various awakenings there came another awakening not a spiritual awakening but a personal awakening and the personal awakening was I am someone who energetically can transmute emotional fire to the depths of unimaginable intensity but why am i choosing to put myself in this environment what am i proving and who am i helping because the person I'm trying to heal is only manifesting more strength and energy using it to take me down and it took me a while to realize throughout my entire life that I've have been in many instances a victim of abuse I don't label myself as that it's not certainly how I introduced myself if I made someone on the street hi my name is Matt Kahn you may know me from the YouTube I am also a victim of abuse in case that interests you and I don't talk of the fact I've never really talked about it like this I've talked about I've hinted at it and other soul gatherings because we've all been victims of abuse so when I'm sharing this I'm just making it okay for us to share our abuse obviously no comparisons needed because there's no reason for us to compare our stories to it to others because we all have endured for ourselves unimaginable pain and each of us obviously have way different thresholds for what that means so I save this all with great respect for the pain that we're all in and the dialog such as the one we do at last session or done with such skillful humility not just because of their information and energy I'm channeling but because of the journey that life has given me to bring me to you right now I'm not just someone who sits on the chair and channels wisdom from higher dimensions without a clue as to what's going on because it's my own personal journey that initiated me into Who I am at the same time there's a certain point where you can use each moment of disempowerment to polish your inner diamond and there's a point where the diamond cache shine any brighter there's a point where you have to say enough enough there's a point where we don't use ourselves as pawns to accept what is if you really want to accept what is and get the hell out of abusive situations and stop giving people who aren't ready to see their own shadow any indication that the way they're behaving is just and meaningful abuse is not something you heal with some sort of spiritual modality it's something that you almost have to cut out of your body and sometimes in life you have to look at the people who have the best of intentions and I'm saying this with respect to my mother and you have to be able to say it's time for me to turn towards the light of my highest destiny and turn the other direction and keep walking I'm not personally angry about anything that happened to me i forgiving everything that has ever happened to me all characters involved throughout my entire life of all ages have been forgiven and yet I came to a part of my life where I thought I'd become so well-adjusted and had healed all those wounds and it wasn't until I met a special person that I wanted to let Foley into my heart that I realized the prison I was in because I open my heart to let her in and there was unworthiness afraid to receive her there was unworthiness afraid of being hurt there was unworthiness waiting for the next hit there was unworthiness assuming this would lead to betrayal and that's the moment I realized in all honesty how completely fucked up I was and I had no idea it was easy to look when I was everyone's Savior but it was hard to miss when I stepped forward to be someone's lover and that's when I met myself not as a spiritual being but as amid the innocence of a person and I had the opportunity as a spiritual being to hover above this personal turmoil or to return to the body and deal with it and over the last couple months in year that's what I did is I returned to my body and dealt with us and healed the layers of abuse and pain and hurt that I didn't know I was carrying inside of me that created a block and a barrier to having personal connections that I didn't know was there because I was too busy serving the world bless you on an esoteric and existential level and so over the last couple of months not just eating healthy and exercising of those stairs helped and hurt what has caused me to lose weight is healing the emotional pain and layers that I had built it was a wall inside of myself and instead of looking at this and feeling ashamed and going oh my god I'm supposed to be the spiritual being and oh my god blabbity blabbity I became the most willing participant in my own healing journey knowing that as willing as I am to teach and lead you the greatest teachers know how to be even better students when the time calls so the last couple of months I had to learn how to be an even greater student and I had to dig deep and I had to face and feel every emotion throughout my entire life and childhood all over again just to let the innocence inside of me feel seen and justified by my consciousness and I felt everything from my current awareness which gave me not only more of an intensity of these emotions bless you but I just didn't realize how much I had energetically and emotionally endured because when you're in the thick of things you almost are not aware of how much you're going through and in retrospect you can see from your adult awareness oh wow that was a lot and I spent most of my life energetically assaulted by people's emotions and is baking and baking in the fire of other people's conditions and so I had to face layer of terror and pain and fear and I loved myself by feeling it by letting each and every difficult emotion be like a love letter from my heart to my innocence that says I respect and love you enough to feel and face what you've never had the chance to share with anyone but the fears be irrational let the pain be insufferable light me on fire and please let no one stop the bleeding it was time to go to hell and that's where I went my own personal hell and I went to my personal hell to turn myself inside out to light a forest fire of personal Redemption just so I could burn out infinite space for the love of my beloved to reside I had been freed from the human condition and I have now come back to be free within the human condition which is why a lot of you are noticing how different I'm teaching now it's now in fully in the body I've made and completed the karmic return now this body is safe in my presence now I'm worthy to love and be loved and boy does that feel good and along my journey because for those of you that don't know me personally or get little glimmers one thing I'm really into his music one of the things that I love it's just how music and sometimes encapsulate our journeys that just really be a a narrator for some of the things you've gone through and as I came to terms with my healing journey over the last many months that no one most no one knew I was even on there was a song that I found that took me about 20 listens before I could listen without crying because it had put into words my journey and so I thought it would be just appropriate just as I do in my personal life where my friends gather in my home and we just play music and listen I wanted to play you the song that really helped me understand what had happened to me and I hadn't done I hadn't taken the time to know how deeply I have been hurt and taken advantage of because I was too busy serving the world thank you and now I can serve the world better than I ever have before but it's been a very deep journey and I just in making my work as personal as possible I wanted to share this with you and where the dialogues went in the last segment it just seemed like this was just the next logical step the song is called broken road sniffs it's kind of an acoustic II song it's by some musician by the name of Sully Erna who is also the lead singer of a band called Godsmack which is a heavy metal band which I'm a big fan of having that puff of hardrock music I like to drive around the city blasting music like that I find it relaxing when you've been through emotional fire most your life and being assaulted energetically it's funny the things you find relaxing but his voice is so melodic and emotional and this is not a heavy metal song yes I mean you know our nervous systems you know but this is from his solo album which is more stripped-down and it's just I've never had a song just speak what I've gone through and I just thought it would be an interesting thing to share that with you as a way of giving a voice to the pain within us that just wants to be heard acknowledged and recognized and when we give it that type of respect we'll heal and allow us to step into the confidence and courage that we already have within us the attacks in my own way for me were merciless unconscionable and relentless and I did the only thing I knew how to do before I had the sense to walk away and that is use every single attack that came my way and to carve myself into Who I am that says before you right now and that's why I'm with you helping you do the same thing but now more personal than ever before thank you thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it and thank you all for being so willing to allow this work to be done thank you and to receive what I'm here to share with you for your benefit thank you for receiving me I'll tell you the gods on this words from my heart thank you for receiving me and thank you for not hurting me I love you too because as sad as it is for us all to face and admit that some of us are used to being hurt we get quite good at dealing with that and there becomes a point in your life where enough is enough where you stop being your own psychological laboratory experiment where you stop blaming yourself for the indiscretions of others anywhere you have to get real with yourself and make the kind of changes that might at first look like it's flipping your life upside down but only so you can begin looking right-side up so if we transition this into an inquiry about your life there are many levels in which abuse can occur classically abuse can be family members that may not know the pain they cause and sometimes we're too afraid of the backlash of what will happen if we walk away than to just keep them around only to continuously be victimized by their patterns and unconsciousness so maybe you have people in your life who don't treat you with the same respect you offer them but for some reason you still offer them a space within your reality maybe there are those that mistreat you and you hold space in your reality for them thinking that you're helping in their healing journey not knowing that when people mistreat you you help them heal only when you walk away so not to give them another thing to be distracted by whether it's a friend co-workers family members for some of us maybe our partners I just say it to let you decide what is true for you sometimes the abuser lives within yourself in the way in which you demoralize and denigrate your own innocence and what you sin which you set yourself up for failure by being the most disrespectful source of feedback within your own consciousness and sometimes the abuse that lives within us is due to all the unprocessed pain from our experiences and the choices we make and we put things into our body that is more like a subtle form of poisoning than it is filling our body with nutrition and nourishment where is the abuse if there is any in your reality and where is it that you need to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough is that a conversation to have with someone in your life is that a conversation to have with your own ego is it a conversation to be had with your own choices what choices do you need to make right now in your life to end the cycle of abuse I've cut abuse out of my life I invite you to do the same and there's nothing unloving about it because by cutting abuse out of your life he'll set you and anyone else free what needs to change then can you be the one that transforms an icy-cold broken road into a highway to heaven tonight I remind you that you have the power in your own consciousness and free will to single-handedly bring abuse in your own life to an end I just want you to take a moment in pinpoint where the hell that is throughout my upbringing I didn't know that I was just continuing to talk to myself the way other people had talked to me I wasn't trying to be mean to myself I was just trained really well and I was trained really well to be relentless and cruel and about myself and they've had something good what happened I would imagine the most fearful possibility or how it would fall apart or be taken from me and early on in my journey I had to confront that part of myself and the one that it hurt me the most became the one that deserved the greatest amount of my love so whether it is you loving the one who's been through so much from others or it is you loving the inner victimizer within you who was trained well by your assailants or just a low self-esteem that lurks within you because you don't know how to feel more worthy than the things you survived tonight we have the opportunity to pinpoint where we can stop abuse in our lives and what choices we need to make to bring that abuse to an end and building up the courage strength and conviction to make those kind of choices when we leave this event by loving the parts of ourselves that still hide and wait for the next blow to be dealt the light is here to transform the darkness but not by turning your home into an orphanage for drifting shadows or anyone can come around and take a piece of your innocence and leave you behind this is where we draw a line in the sand and we start saying I love myself enough to say no and to not allow space in my life where there are those who can disrespect me and mistreat me and whether that is true in your life whether that's something you wish you had the courage to do in the past or I promise you make to yourself right now for the foreseeable future we can take a moment and tune into the innocence of our hearts and love the part of us that if it have endured that maybe in the house car hearts what is the decision or decisions you need me to start making to make you feel safe how can I serve you asking your heart what do you need me to start doing differently in order for you to feel more served honored and protected so instead of the innocence of your heart being a haven for narcissist it can be a space of Solace where you become the one that rescues your heart for the unconsciousness you've put up with and justified know what no one would logically agree to being abused so if you look at your life right now what has to change an odor for you to maintain that agreement to yourself or are there areas of your life where you're agreeing to be abused and putting up with far less than what you deserve what needs to change and how fast are you willing to change it because if you know the kind of decision I'm talking about and you're willing to make it swiftly your healing will be immediate before we can start looking at what we need to invite into our lives first we have to ask ourselves the question what needs to go is there anything of the old paradigm that lingers in your life what doesn't belong is there anything you have in your life where the only connection is history what doesn't belong what's gotta go do you feel how the energy of the room isn't such a vast transcendent state of peace some of us are aware of the decisions that I'm talking about and you're looking at it instead of putting it behind you but the truth is a hundred percent of us are not in any kind of denial right now and even if in your life there's nothing that needs to be cut out of your life I'm talking this way so that a hundred percent of us are not in any kind of denial and when you are not in any kind of denial you are in transcendent peace as your natural state of being so I'm not saying these words because I'm assuming each and every one of you has something to cut out I'm saying it to bring us all out of denial so that whatever needs to be healed can be healed whatever needs to be changed can be changed whatever decisions you need to make can be seen but whatever guard --less of how that is in your personal life the common denominator is there is no denial vibration in this room right now which is why you can feel safe at ease and relaxed right now and on a spiritual journey we must find this level of safety and add easiness and peace and that's the first moment we start to spiritually explore ourselves because spiritual exploration only occurs beyond the threshold of problems spiritual exploration is not a means of solving problems it is what you start to explore in yourself be a step beyond the dimension of problems and so I have energetically highlighted a lot of things too energetically bring and to radiate a vibration to canvass this arena of souls with such an energy that everyone is out of denial and in that pout of denial we are now in the natural state of transcendent peace which is the first moment of authentically exploring who we are as divinity inform and we got we started tonight session with a very deep gut-wrenching personal story and now we are in a dimension exploring ourselves as the light within and beyond it if you dare to go totally personal it becomes the doorway that takes you beyond it if you try to go beyond the personal you'll be pulled right back into the person there's a certain way we have to do this because I'm not assuming each and every one of us has someone and we have to say goodbye to in our lives I'm just saying in case you have that in your life you may want to look at that if that's the case in your holding space for people that mistreat you it might be time to do some social surgery so take a moment and feel this energy this is the natural state of your vibrational essence transcendence peace stillness but can you feel that there's an aliveness and the stillness it's not empty and bleak and flat there is an aliveness to it it's a spiritual aliveness that comes awake within you after surviving and enduring but no one ever deserved to face unikz turns about people who are like like they're you know whether it's a you know walking down the street and they're bonked on the head by self-realization or they just have some the clouds partners have some experience of higher consciousness do you feel this there's what they're talking about zip your honor one of the times I had the most unexpected realization of this consciousness it was by being manipulated and taken advantage of by someone or they're being so cruel and unfair to me it completely transcended my human mind and psyche I was being so mistreated and it was so one-sided unfair and I was being blamed I was being blamed for the very shit someone was doing to me as they were doing it it was the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life and it was so one-sided unfair and so upside down house backwards that it completely broke my mind open to this and I thought to myself thank you lunatic for escorting me beyond my concept of reality and it was when I touched this consciousness which I'm so humbled that I have the ability to transmit energetically and awaken in you or I didn't let go of fear I just entered a dimension or a fear had no existence I didn't go beyond pain I entered a dimension where hurt ceased to exist just feel you can feel within yourself an innocence and a purity like a newborn but with the intelligence of your adult mind all together as one and feel into this energy it's almost like there's no even recorded moment of your history as if everything that came before this moment is gone as the energy intensify they give kind of smoking here as the energy field gets just dense with light no sense of time no issue of time no sense of past gah that's what the word enlightenment really means gone and this is the gun that it's talking about at in a moment whether from the intensity and pressure of insurmountable abuse turmoil or just slipping on a magic banana peel even the one that goes what just happened that one's gone to that I than that not even the comparer of how it used to be and now it's gone to have something in you that can compare the way you used to be in now that's a half-baked awakening that's pulling the cookies out of the oven way too early and just eating hot dough not even a comparison about how it was before just it's like the beginning of a movie and I'm just here like a brand new beginning like a reset like that reset completely redone reborn new fresh out of the box new car smell feel the newness of you're reborn self because it literally just came alive in this room a few minutes ago it was like and I felt everyone feel and it's not the kind of thing that goes away it's just something you harmonize with and you get to know like a new friend and isn't it interesting at the beginning of this section tonight it was all about sharing a personal story and being willing to go into the pain and face it where did that lead us right now we've gone so into the pain that we are now experiencing a reality beyond it the only way out is in so take a moment and just feel the freshness of this reborn moment feel the renewal of your freshly awakened self and sometimes it doesn't actually come with a parting of the clouds enlightenment the musical situation sometimes doesn't come with oh my god I now know the truth because there's so many degrees of truth there's infinite revelations of truth each one from a different dimension each one leading to the next one and if you don't go to the next one the one that freed you becomes the next prison eventually especially if you think there's one truth you think there's one revelation of truth you realize that truth and it's amazing in the moment but if you stay too long that becomes your next prison cell it's weird how something that liberation she becomes your new reference point it's a very strange level of consciousness I call being conditioned by your wisdom they're very strange one of the side effects have been conditioned by your wisdom is that you have a realization of truth and then you look around at the world and you think the reason the worlds and the place is in because it hasn't had your realization oh it's because we haven't realized we're all one well hilariously enough if the world could realize its one you would go that's nice and back to my phone oh that's neat Ron one cool but this kind of a revelation that I'm transmitting energetically this is not like a revelation this is like a what the hell just happened I think I feel different it's like life presses a cosmic reset button and your nervous system is new it's like not knowing your conditioning was like one of those dandelions and life just blew it out and your struggle your survival your micromanaging your control is done and you just sit there and go fuck I think that's true and you just deal with the fact we're out of nowhere you're now different the irony is we went into the personal journey I used I spoke of a very deep painful past of abuse in my life it stirred up some things and every in every one in different ways we talked about abuse and the witness of this is always going like we're talking about abuse I feel the abuse now we're gonna get to that place where we kind of get beyond the abuse and then what happens is you take like a sharp hairpin turn and you wind up strangely in a dimension where there's no sense of abuse at all then almost kind of goes away that's awakening and it's yours to receive and it's the existential safety that allows us to come out of hiding and fully be ourselves emotionally physically mentally intimately to come out of hiding to not know it to not just know yourself as the light but to not be under any impression that there's anything else but the light there is only darkness to those who don't know the light to those who know the light there's nothing else so this is what it's like when you enter a domain where there's nothing but light take a moment and feel it's not a state anyone can bump you out of it read one of those experiences where all of a sudden you find yourself in some amazing it altered state and you're like oh my god no one bumped me out of this I'm not gonna breathe too heavy oh my god this is so awesome never had one of those states you thought you're balancing a basket on your head this is different this is what's called abiding awakening which means awakening that sticks and it's the gift you receive by going so full-on with a personal journey and tonight together you're willing to go there with me you're willing to receive the bitter truth of a journey I've survived and in return energetically by the auspicious nature and grace of this gathering we have together I transmit to you a doorway into the reality of your timeless nature you went with me into my personal journey and I escorted you out of yours seems like a pretty good arrangement oh I love you too and then the new way I teach I like to take a moment so we feel and we get to know glad to let the teaching breathe let it be absorbed chew it taste it you know not just like Bam Bam Bam Bam because when we're together it's like we're exploring this together and when it comes to the deepest spiritual experiences like Awakening and stuff like that those flashes can come so often throughout the day are you willing to be present with that receiver are you going to receive them actually stop what you're doing and pay attention to it you're actually gonna stop and actually receive it and give it your full attention and it's the kind of intelligence that will teach you silently feel this energy it's not saying anything I mean I am but you know it's not saying anything it informs you silently and it will inform you silently the more you get to know it and you get to know it by giving your attention to it just feeling and being it this is not meditation this is what it's like to be meditated true meditation is something that happens to you that's something you do right meditation is whatever arises after this happens that's meditation just why an emptiness that is so silent and empty the silence is almost deafening an emptiness that is so empty it's almost brimming and overflowing with its own emptiness and while some of the spiritual journey is about how to move out of ego and into the soul and all that stuff somewhere along the journey auspiciously this happens to you Awakening and the real spiritual journey is learning how to function like this because in the beginning it can kind of feel like the weirdness of being on a drug that you hope no one else knows you're on tonight a brownie or something in that brownie is everyone else like this Emily I like this am I being weird right now can everyone hear me maybe they all hear me but they think I'm weird so they're ignoring me oh my god you get all weird it's kind of like that awakening life's most natural form of weirdness nothing puts you more in your head than having your head blasted apart weird how that works but when the intention of the receiver such as yourself is this pure and when the intention of the giver is this pure look how well adjusted to this the awakening energy came through me to blam gone and all of a sudden look how quickly we integrated that on contact and it's not the sign of the spiritual times 360 some odd people all experiencing awakened consciousness the same awakened consciousness of the same exact moment and a fall 360 some-odd you can all experience the same awakened consciousness in the same split second how do we actually know there's actually 300 some out of us maybe just one maybe just one experiencing it in several different ways at the same time maybe there is only one awakening experience than 360 some are different varieties of ways and if all of us are experiencing the same awakening at the same moment we're all feeling each other feeling the same thing how do we know are actually separate ones what if we're out the same one but just like various fingers of one day hand are various petals of one big flower I'll connect it to the same eternal stem or different people sure but how you know we're different ones love is the one that you are tasting in this transmission of awakening and when you are receiving the love of one such has been transmitted you are now understanding what it means to become the beloved it's to become one with the love that you are and this that your feeling is what love is this energy that manifests itself in so many different ways when I was eight years old and I left my body and I visited heaven this is exactly what heaven felt like to me although the colors were brighter but this is what it felt like this is heaven and now you know and you have verifiable proof of your own living testimony to know that you don't have to die to taste heaven you don't have to die in order to live you just have to wake up and sometimes it's in such an auspicious way awakening has just tossed you away and all you have to do is catch it it's a good catch this is what's awakening and all beings sooner or later and you will assist the entire world and getting to know this consciousness by letting it into you I'm not being afraid of it I'm saying please come on in use me as your vessel of consciousness light and love take all that you want and the only thing that will cause you the fear of not being able to say come on in make me your vessel of love light and consciousness as if you still have something to lose have you still of something to lose more adversities to follow so isn't that the reason adversity comes into our lives to take and take and take so that once you have nothing to lose awakening has the room to move into you and to wake up an entire universe within the space of your body an entire universe wants to wake up within your consciousness an adversity is only robbing you of what needs to go to make enough space for that to occur so inevitably when you're in a state like this a state that only deepens it doesn't go away how can you ever think anything's been taken from you when everything is given in a moment like this in the beginning things were taken only to make enough space for this to be given and now that this is being received no longer are you a victim of anyone or anything but the receiver benefactor and beneficiary of newly awakened consciousness you
Channel: Matt Kahn All For Love
Views: 168,765
Rating: 4.8678589 out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, yoga, meditation, Matt, Kahn, chakra, starseed, Pleiadian, Buddha, Consciousness, Lightworker, Energy, Healer, Enlighten, Spiritual, Awake, Cosmic, Angels, Eckhart, Tolle, Mooji, Adyashanti, mystic, spiritual, teacher, sound, true, awakened, consciousness, inspirational, Wayne, Dyer, Deepak, Chopra, oprah, winfrey, Hay, House
Id: 26oP5VXEyHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 49sec (4309 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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