Crazy Craft Hardcore Challenge

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oh my gosh le chatelier's today I'm taking on a crazy challenge crazy craft haad car yes what's wrong with me I don't know so before we start this there are two things you need to know number one hardcore minecraft is extreme if you die your entire world is deleted you literally don't respawn another two crazy craft is insane there is a very real possibility that I will spawn into this world and die immediately but that's just part challenge I'm going to try and survive for as long as I can in a crazy craft world so let's create a new world in hardcore mode and let's see what happens [Music] hello ok we're in the world it looks like there is no immediate danger I'm scared to move though I won't lie to you so I guess the first thing I need to do would be oh what's that what is that oh it's just a chipmunk it's fine I guess let's play this like normal minecraft let's get myself some tools and let's just try to forget the fact bit it's fine unless just try to ignore the fact that death is looming I'm gonna make a wooden sword just in case oh oh no a zombie he has 85 house ah she's dying oh there are more oh ok let's get out of here this place is not as safe as I thought how are they still alive what the heck I'm very scared to go down in a cave now because I don't think I'll be able to kill a zombie oh my gosh I'm so gonna die there's a building over there she'll be risk it this could be dangerous oh wait it's a Hobgoblin I don't think this is safe who's not in that one sibling power what the heck is sibling power hello well he looks friendly hi don't mind me I'm just gonna you got nothing you got nothing I'm just gonna leave you to it perhaps one of these other huts has something helpful in it instead oh my gosh no that's gonna be death that's gonna be death it is a very good job I did not get close enough to that because that would have almost certainly killed me let's just get political I can get out of here oh yay quartz not very helpful I almost died like five minutes in I don't even want to go near these huts anymore but I also desperately need whatever might be inside hi bags please don't explode into a bunch of squid oh okay these people are useless and their loot is pathetic oh no a mantis is on the loose we've got to run away from the Mantis cuz they are absolutely deadly oh this could save us a giant statue what treasures just skydoesminecraft hold oh no all the chests are popped please give me something good these kind of stuff isn't gonna keep me alive Oh some armor and a sword and a six damaged but I'll take it okay did not really manage to get anything from this youtuber statue that is gonna keep me alive a night time is soon upon us I'm a little bit scared for that and I don't have a bed oh I should make a bed I'll just steal some of skydoesminecraft legs that'll do nicely okay well now at least we can sleep away tonight and it's inevitable dangers ah these might help keep me alive Golden Apple cows they drop golden apples I'm just gonna eat one just in case just before bedtime and now we sleep we sleep please let me sleep oh well we made it one day without dying that's such an achievement so those temples up there that is a lucky block temple and I know that that's probably gonna be something good because it's in this angelic looking temple so let's hope oh goodness oh this is what I needed twelve diamonds sixteen emeralds oh I can make a diamond sword so the current side we have just six attack damage but a diamond sword will do seven quite the upgrade actually can I make an emerald sword that does ten attack damage oh I forgot how strong the emeralds are in this game that means we could also make emerald now I look like I have no fashion sense minecraft emulates reality oh I just realized I have a portal gun so we could get around a lot easier like watch this and a portal over here and boom I just teleported oh my gosh it's popular in those house whoa they've got an enchanting table in here I couldn't shut my stuff now can no my gosh they've got so much stuff I'm totally gonna steal from them thank you this is gonna help me survive so mommy Bonnie what what what is Bonnie that doesn't sound good Bobby's probably gonna bring death let's get out of here I'm taking the emergency exit so we're coming to the end of another day and it looks like I haven't died yet how is that possible I don't know but I think I should build myself a little Shack out of the materials I have which is honestly not much oh yes we have run out of blocks now this is not the safest Shack I have ever lived in maybe I should just moved into one of the youtubers houses that would be smart we've done enough exploring now I think I need to settle down and build myself a home let's find somewhere pretty Oh what's that it was me it was me falling down it's fine everything's fine wait there was something in the woods there's something deadly in the woods I'm not going to live in there Oh No aah I could live up on the island I could destroy whatever castle is already there and I could live there instead oh wait we don't have to build up there we could just teleport up there hopefully okay Pat Jenna here too and so is a zombie it's a horrible horrible maze of zombies all that fighting in they can keep me safe this place is covered in youtubers this might be the safest place to live in crazy craft I just need to get rid of this ugly castle and build my own so I'm gonna try to eat ah haha I've hacked into the mainframe and I've turned on the cheese two hours later there we go that is much better now so I gave this place a little makeover because a crazy crap video wouldn't be complete without a creative mode makeover and inside my new home I have set out the goals for this challenge so in order to complete crazy craft I feel that there are four things we need to do we need to collect five backpacks by pets five girlfriends and five inventory pets only then will I be able to say I beat crazy crafts on hardcore mode and a dragon who so let's try and go out and find our first inventory pets they will spawn on little cloud islands in the sky no but then blazes spawn with them so that's too dangerous so instead of going to the dangerous islands I'm gonna make a diamond axe I'm gonna leave a parcel here at home and then we're going down to the ground oh yeah during the building of my new house Jen kind of fell off the island don't know how to get her back up there so sometimes inventory pet chests will spawn in trees like this so I see just start chopping them down hopefully your chests will present itself to me one utility later ok so I have chopped out all these trees and not a single one had an inventory pet inside so maybe this isn't the fastest way to get an inventory pet okay so that was a fail who the heck are you Oh No I'll give you my sword oh I want it back oh my gosh I'll trade you ah wait did he just did he just duplicate it a glitch in the matrix I think instead we need to try and craft an inventory pet and I think that might actually be easier than trying to find one randomly so each one has a different recipe which one would be the easiest to get I think the cow one looks kind of easy and might already have the stuff for the Carol inventory pet a diamond their gold their wheat and some minis so let's craft the car one and we have our first inventory pair oh my gosh I might actually finish this challenge okay now are there any other easy ones to craft the anvil pet that's 2pz we have two pets already I mean the most boring pets in the game but still two pets any other easy crafters let's see wait I could get the sheep one if I go and scavenge from some of these statues let's just set my portal over there and see if we could take a cheeky shortcut oh we're now perfect no it's just scavenged from this wall and let's get out here okay now we've got a sheep one as well we still need to get two more and mates be tricky oh wait we can make the jukebox pet with all this wood that I collected for no reason oh that's our fourth pet just one more to go I think we should try and get the Ocelot pad all we need is a fish now this might be the most dangerous fishing trip I've ever been on but we can do this yes caught a fish already oh no I haven't got any diamonds to craft it out of though okay I have a plan this might be dangerous but we're it very desperate I'm gonna open some Pandora's boxes and hope that one of them happens to spawn a bunch of diamonds but we're gonna go far away from my beautiful island so that I don't completely ruin it Oh a lucky block it might be death but it might be worth it okay it wasn't worth it that was almost death I'm never opening a lucky block ever again okay I've decided to open the Pandora's box in the middle of this mountain it just feels like this is the right place to unleash potential hell upon the earth so let's do it and hope it is not death oh my gosh what was that I what's Lotus doll oh no oh no oh my gosh I think being inside the mountain just saved my life there but that was just a load of TNT that was not very helpful to my mission so I'm just gonna do it again just gonna risk it all okay that has turned everything to my celly man dirt oh dear it's spreading ah so this is now a giant mushroom biome again not very helpful to my mission let's try the last Pandora's box and hope this is a dimension of diamonds and good things oh my what is that what on earth ah I mean it's cool but not particularly helpful so it looks like we're gonna have to find diamonds some other way oh wait I'm pretty sure this weird creature spawns a diamond when you kill it yes this is just what we needed okay I'm finally back what was I gonna craft again I don't you remember I was gonna craft now docile up oh yeah and then we have our last inventory pet the inventory pets part of the challenge is complete next I think the next easy one would be to get the five girlfriends cuz all you need is a flower so all I have to do is collect some roses and find some girlfriends simple simple simple anyone could do it ah Oh some roses and now we just got to go into the forest in search of women I really hope I don't die on this stupid girlfriend quest oh wait there's a lucky block I know I don't have a girlfriend in it but I'm kind of having it just to see what isn't it probably death so I'm just gonna break it and run oh it's a fish it's fine where are all the girlfriends flea days later guys I'm really struggling to find a girlfriend but I found this lady she's not quite the girlfriend I was looking for ah you do not interest me okay well that's fine lady I'm off on my way to find a girl that is interested in me then what is that what on earth is that who lives in a TNT house I don't not want to go near that person they probably gonna explode it I'm gonna give that a wide berth can't be taking risks like that why am i struggling so hard to find a girlfriend oh my gosh what was that oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what what what you think just happened there oh that's crazy crap oh yeah I guess the only option I have is to delete the world way I can respond i [Music] feel like crazy crash just told me one last time so I kind of failed the crazy craft challenge and back so after reviewing the footage I discovered the moment of my death occurred just after killing a chicken suspicious and upon further inspection I realized that it was no chicken it was something called clucky and clucky spawned all the mobster killed me sabotaging my crazy craft hardcore challenge I'm very disappointed so if you guys want me to try this challenge again please let me know by leaving a comment on this video leave a thumbs up as well so that I know that you enjoyed it subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 4,158,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough
Id: 8EsdSdwq1Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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