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I’ve wanted to do something like this for years I would love to tuck across a small country

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AhuraMitra 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
sometimes we come up with ideas and ask ourselves why and when one of us suggested walking across an entire country in Europe my first question was indeed I thought that it just sounded exhausting and pointless but then Matt brought up a good point that the most exciting adventures happen when we're unsure of whether we'll be able to succeed or not and when we have absolutely no idea what the outcome might be and by walking across an entire country will not only get to explore a place we might have never otherwise visited we'll also get to see it in a way that few others ever have with that in mind Matt and I grabbed the first flight to a country small enough to walk in a day but big enough to make it a challenge Luxembourg and to bring back the edge that traveling used to have before we had phones and maps telling us where to go we decided to turn our phones off and solely rely on directions from strangers find our way across the country the shortest possible distance across Luxembourg is 40 kilometers - without a plan studded our journey in the town of Stein for me currently at the border of Luxembourg and Belgium I'm going to walk across to get to the border of Luxembourg in Germany why we're doing this if we clearly go straight that's about ten hours we're going to suffer do every local we've told them that worried about this they're like oh well there's a lot of fields let it begin let the games begin baby if we were to walk without stopping for even for lunch we would get there 6 p.m. wow it's kind of scary once we do get to the border we don't have a hotel or anything so if we get there like midnight I don't know where the heck we're staying how many people live in like summer 3 million what well I totally made that up it's definitely not 3 milli 18 kilometers Luxembourg 15 kilometers I mean we've only walked three kilometers this hour that's not a good sign straight into the right that Luxembourg - and this is listen cuz these are pretty see if we can find someone attack in kilometers weights you're looking at me like actually walking what are you doing what do you mean everybody don't you've an umbrella with her son gonna get burned gonna get wrinkles not this guy knock on wood well we've only walked six look who decided to join the umbrella party what was our plan exactly it was like let's walk across the country and then the rest of us will agree and now we're in this situation as bad as a genius what is Bill Gates a again like always hire a lazy person because they'll find the best way to get a job this is how lazy I am I don't even want to hold this umbrella it's kind of working I have a positive mindset you know you think positive things will be positive and you're just whipping a super-good believe it two hours ago like ten more hours of this come on be [ __ ] Jay this way we've arrived at an intersection there's here and then this looks like it's taking us in the middle of fields it can't be right we asked my vote is here that's cool who do you want to ask rest it's Paul Luxembourg is that direction look like you were wanting to go in the totally opposite direction without asking anybody are you out of your mind oh that is Luxembourg City oh my god but we've reached our first milestone Luxembourg city's right there we see it oh my god humans it's amazing right so I believe that this is when the adventure starts first of all we have no idea which direction to go to is always like a sign pointing towards Luxembourg City now we're just going towards the border we need to go west one thing we came through peace did we just walk straight into this so did we turn at some point god this is gonna be miserable but it's getting there umbrellas out bracing themselves what do we even ask do I pledge it have no idea where's the West Side border where's Germany the most local person we can find is who should ask if this guy right here like you would know we need to go west we're trying to walk to Germany Germany yeah I think we came from there [Music] [ __ ] you about this well now it's freaking pouring everybody in hiding I just realized I've been saying we need to go west we need to go east yeah I think you're the only one at the same West I don't know what you can say list I thought you said wrist all right well a lot of options here gonna take a wild guess looks like we kind of need to go yeah waka Chairman I guess this is how you govern he's no idea you got me you know you really gonna walk to Germany yeah all right good luck - it's a long way how many looking for school Remagen not REMIC Remagen but it's about six kilometers from Ramage oh okay going up here then you need to follow the signs for son wilder than Rhenish it's about twenty four kilometers walk from dear [Music] we're added six kilometers to what we initially thought when you need to walk Oh God but I think this is East yeah you think that is East they're kind of like that way all right Christopher Columbus all the tea boogies directions let's see where this goes have no idea where the hell we're going to tired my back's hurting feet feel like mashed potatoes like about half way [Applause] [Music] nobody knows directions anymore this is like a modern-day crisis 20 kilometers oh let's go I think this is the best part about travelling ditching the guidebook where you just get completely lost and have to find your way do you appreciate the smallest thing about a friggin sign we're so far away but it feels like we're all right let's go to Germany not only we're going directly towards the rain ravishes it's all on a highway this is worse than the highway we got from where we started there's probably not like a pedestrian way to get to this place his Ramos where we came from mama would be proud this is safe yeah there's another person on the highway this is the most random thing ever go ahead push Oh Danny we're walking to Germany oh we have no idea this way I don't know wait Walker are we gambling are we going this way you're the one that wants to go that way I'm pretty sure this is south that's East then this is South so this might take us to where he was talking about problem is this is like a gamble we just go down here and we don't end up even crossing the country and here we have a guaranteed gamble it is we're gone the gambler also kind of walking into the woods here let's see what takes us [Music] we have like four more hours my back is killing me my feet are screaming I mean we've even looked up at their hotels or hostels and just kind of hurt and who knows maybe get there at midnight and everything will be closed and then what after twelve hours of walking can you sleep on the side of the road Thomas positive mindset you know she think positive things will be positive the haters gonna hate but my umbrella is on my stomach cuz that attitude come on dude what are we gonna sleep on the streets [Music] paddle Schengen visa Lucifer this way and everything is okay thank you so much so probably [ __ ] you know so Thomas may have gotten this whole thing wrong fool we got to go this way we asked a few people were walking [Music] [Music] we're almost there Germany here we come we're almost there dude you're gonna make it we're gonna make it cool for kilometres this it you're arriving in Germany my beautiful favorite let's get into the town will be much there all right Thomas's left leg is giving up on him big-time we're doing it [Music] [Music] looking back at our 14 hours of walking we realized that there were so many moments we were ready to give up our legs and feet started to feel numb our brains weren't thinking clearly in half the time we didn't even know if we were walking in the right direction what we learned is that in moments of uncertainty and physical challenges like this one the key is to always stay in motion but the secret to making it all the way however is to always do it with a friend and before we end this video I just want to take a second to thank our sponsor honey for making this experience happen honey is a free web browser extension that automatically finds the absolute best coupons on the internet so you always find the best prices on everything you buy online it works on thousands of websites and I use it whenever we travel on websites like booking.com the best part is that it only takes you two clicks to install it and I literally end up saving dozens sometimes hundreds of dollars on some purchases just go to join honey calm /yes theory and after that it's super easy to use any time you'll make any purchases from now on honey automatically searches the web for all the best coupon codes to make sure that you get the best prices for whatever you buy there's no reason not to add honey to your browser today it's free and will save you tons of money so click the link in the description and we'll see you next week we're gonna see what there is in Ramah SHhhh after all this hype right this may be the most random place that we have ever started to be how did I have you turn up in cyber command is what Rogers result well how did you guys end up in stuff anyway I think they did something [Music]
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 2,974,309
Rating: 4.9646764 out of 5
Keywords: luxembourg day trip, luxembourg city, luxembourg travel, walking across a country, walking challenge, running challenge, yes theory, seek discomfort, yes theory running, europe travels, yes theory europe, yes theory will smith, yes theory heli bungee, yes theory strangers, meeting strangers, kindness of strangers, directions without maps, no phones challenge, finding direction without phones, lost in europe, abandoned in europe, no money in europe, cheap travels, hacks
Id: gupvbiaP5pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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