The Alaskan Coastal Sasquatch - Part One: Bigfoot Beyond the Trail

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2022 🗫︎ replies

I gotta look at this later

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mkmeathead83 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2022 🗫︎ replies

I really liked this documentary, the scenery alone was just gorgeous. Excited for the second part.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mrsynthpants 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Hands down (in my opinion) this team is making the best Bigfoot shows/entertainment today.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bigfoots_buddy 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2022 🗫︎ replies

Enjoyed this, great scenery and interesting locale (although I feel Small Town Monsters has diluted its content with all these unofficial docs).

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Tarmac_Chris 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Alaska is one of those places that carries an almost mythical reputation nature and its most intact state with very little impact by us humans unlike much of the world the place where something like Sasquatch existing wouldn't be a contradiction but would rather seem to make sense we are about to take you on a journey with us to Alaska to one of the most remote places I've ever been an incredible adventure of epic proportions this is the story of code name area a or as we've refer to it more commonly the Alaska cabin [Music] [Music] in May of 2021 I received a rather interesting email it was from a man in Alaska with an extraordinary story my name is Scott we have not met before I have a remote property in Alaska that is over an hour from the nearest town it's on the ocean and is essentially inaccessible for most we have things happen at this property that are unexplainable David Ellis of the Olympic project has analyzed a lot of the audio we have captured some of them crazy and some of them very reminiscent of the Sierra sounds we have had giant rocks thrown rocks hitting the cabin all the time and other things that are just too numerous to mention if you ever find yourself in Alaska you're more than welcome to come to the property anytime you want to talk about what I have experienced and at least 20 other people who have been to the property during the construction of the cabin I'm happy to discuss I have received plenty of messages from people telling me about their encounters from across North America or activity they have had happening in certain areas this email seemed different I was intrigued but of course skeptical at first as I usually am I gave Scott a call we talked for a long time and he seemed extremely credible he was a serious professional and former member of the military with little to gain it seemed from being involved with the topic of Sasquatch he seemed curious while not a Believer but was looking for answers aren't we all he sent me a number of sound files after we spoke they were all recorded on his property in the surrounding area [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that really caught my interest these sounds are some of the most interesting alleged sounds I've ever heard when it comes to this topic well the story actually started right here pretty much um we're out here on our first trip um and we set that Mooring out there and then we uh spent some time looking for the rear we knew where the front property markers were and we wanted to spend time trying to figure out where the rear ones were so we did that it was late in the day next morning we got up and we grabbed chainsaws and gas and oil and everything we needed to work on the saws and I'd staged them right where the beach ends and uh because behind you was just thick altar I mean we didn't we knew where the cabinet was going to sit we had a general idea and we wanted to start blazing the trail to get up there so we'd probably been running the size that morning for maybe an hour and a half you know you'd run the saw set the saw down clear brush you know he's trying to you know just keep moving me and one other person it was Lou anyway we uh had running the saws for about an hour and a half when we came back here to the the beach to service the the chainsaws essentially and and I don't I don't think it was within a minute or two that we started servicing the saws and and on the other side of the bay it would be somewhere probably just the left where those seagulls are we heard a howl and it was nothing I'd ever I grew up Hunting Fishing um and all I hunted fish in Alaska and it was something I didn't recognize and my friend Lou said what was it I said I have no idea that was the first thing I thought I have no idea so we kept working and and then Within I don't know 15 seconds it travels 100 yards closer in that house again and that's what was disturbing to me is and I think I told Lou at that point I said they're coming it just didn't make sense to me I couldn't process why you know as when I and as an Outdoorsman when I make man noises the animals move away they don't move towards me so but we're both armed so we we're not too concerned about it 30 seconds after that a minute we heard a Roar and it sounded it sounded like a lion or like a T-Rex it was it was just epic and you can imagine the this Bay is like a little Amphitheater so we just sort of just counted that you know what I mean kept working and uh we uh had just finished up the chainsaw so we've probably been working for about 15-20 minutes on the saws and Lewis standing behind me and I happened to be standing right there and I was looking I literally looked out at my Mooring Buoy Louis picked up his side just turned around to walk in and I saw the I'm just guessing probably the last between 15 and 25 feet of flight of a rock that was it was the size of a football but I could see its trajectory it in impacted the water it Lou said what the hell was that that was the first thing he was because he was facing away and I said Lou it was a giant rock you know that really kind of disturbed me a little bit but so we kept working and we're blazing this Trail up here and clearing brush and Lou walked up to me at one point said hey did you hear the whistle and I said no and he said I've heard it a couple times so far and at the end of the day we went up on that point over there just to relax before we got in the skiff and went back out to the big boat we heard what sounded like that hollow baseball bat up on the hill and we only heard one and I tried to I just picked up a log that hit a tree and it didn't it just sounded like a thump after we had that first experience when we're steaming back into uh Port I reached out to somebody that had taken a group of guys out here I reached out to him and I said hey I knew that he'd drop these guys off to look at the property to buy it and I said when you picked them up were they scared he goes he goes yeah as a matter of fact they were and I said why he said they had something walking around their camps every night and they when one of them finally got fed up and he wanted you know they thought it was a bear he unzipped his tent and he said it sounded like a bulldozer going off through the Alders now a bear can do that you know what I mean so and he said why do you ask and I told him about what we had experienced and uh the first thing he says Oh you mean like Sasquatch that was the first trip out and that's how it started so far off my radar until now I mean and now I'm intrigued by it I'm still I'm not a believer I'm an agnostic I'm not until I see one of these things that's just I'm not gonna I'm not just gonna accept it I can't the first two years it was every trip that we come out and it was I mean we had we've had 20 different people come out here in everybody's has experiences so I come out here it was June early June and I had pretty pretty high expectations I was pretty excited but I was trying to stay calm and focused you know I'm not everything's not Bigfoot to me I was and I'm skeptical I'm kind of skeptical I'm thinking well let's I'll go out there and see so the first night I came out here there were four of us um I decided to stay up late the other three guys went to bed early and I stayed out here on the deck for for an hour and it was just quiet it was just quiet 10 30 11 30 I started getting a little braver um being that I'm not hearing anything and I just so I walked down the stairs kind of got on the beach still nothing 11 45 12 o'clock I work my day on my way down to the beach right behind me there and I stood there I had I had a thermal camera in this hand I had my Canon SLR around my neck about 12 30 rolls around and I'm standing down on the beach about where the dock is and I was facing the woods up there and I was just starting to think ah I'm tired I should probably go to bed and it wasn't maybe two seconds after that I heard the biggest like the biggest dude you know smacked a tree with not I mean it had it had to be this big around you know the swinging part and solid strike and that first whack it got my attention and I was facing it too I I didn't have to move sideways you know it was right in front of me and that's what startled me it was maybe 30 feet in the woods and here I am with the thermal and then and then it whack again and it stunned me it just stunned me I was not expecting that at all and I know what I'm hearing it's not like a tree fell it was it someone like the biggest dude I know smacking a tree and then again and the second time it did it the fear came over me it's hard to explain it was it was you know and again I'm holding a thermal and you think okay I've been into this big I've been drawn I've been wanting to see one this and that you think I'd be ready right and I did not even raise the thermal camera I didn't raise my camera the second knot when after it slammed the Primal Fear kicked in and all I could do I looked over at the cabin which was probably 100 feet away dark ominous you know the trail next just look I just and I just booked it because I just felt almost like in danger almost um you know my human instinct and I came around here running I ran up the stairs and I didn't know if Scott had come out on the deck and he was relieving himself off the deck and I came up and that's when I saw him I'm like did you hear that oh my god did you hear that holy crap and he's like dude that's that's nothing so we sat there on the railing I still had the thermal in my hand we were so jacked up so excited we didn't even think about it we didn't think about raising the thermal and my mind was still processing what I heard I just couldn't believe it well it was a bunch was I think five or six guys that time and they were now turn up there was three was left and I think three of them left on the boat to find some satellite you know connection what not what they were doing and it was far going on front of the cabin and I was kind of faced in the cabin so far was on front of me and the two guys I wouldn't recall their names at this point I know one of them I think Josh uh staying basically with the years to the cabin and all of a sudden you know Baltimore turned at the same time and they like look at each other funny ways and they're like did you hear that I'm like I didn't hear absolutely nothing you know so they started saying that they heard some rock came to the cabin and I couldn't hear it over the fire and that evening same evening um everybody went to to bed already was pretty late you know we didn't hear anything and it was me and that guy that was one of the guys from the morning but at that point we were sitting opposite so I'm sitting now to the cabin and Scott has a trail going into the woods and now I'm sitting you know and also Scott has motion lights so if anybody moves in the cabin you'll be able to tell somebody's moving soon the moves light goes on so none of this was happening uh when I heard the rock landed next to me small rock I don't even know where it would be up there you know it's only like master and that's about it and ask Josh I think that's guy's name I'm like did you hear it and he's like heard what I'm like dude there's a rock right here you know he just came from above and he didn't hurt at that time about within five minutes Balto was like heard the rock Landing next to us and that's pretty much strangest thing I heard the thing is the first summer was the most active the first my first three visits uh you know I heard the tree knocks the first time and then we left I came back and there were seven of us this time and uh that was a big one that was really active that's when we heard of my first whoop and that was loud too and a Gentleman and I were walking down the trail having a conversation as loud as we are and we hear this whoo just we couldn't tell where it came from and we stopped talking and we both looked at each other and said did you hear that and then Scott was on the deck working and uh Scotty goes hey did you guys hear that and I said yeah was it you he goes nope uh and then it was I think the day afterwards and there was a big bare footprint this is interesting this is right next to the toilet that could be one of us I guess but is it me or does that look like it now there's my foot track here oh man I hope this works obviously didn't bring enough plaster but we did get the whole foot it's odd it's right by the bathroom nobody else saw it I was up here going to the bathroom and looked down I couldn't believe it and then going that way there's other footprints that are about the same size in the Moss they just don't you can't see the detail like you can on this one it's bigger than all of ours and it has toes okay so um when we when we pulled the cast we did not see this detail that we noticed after we kind of cleaned it a little bit but what the first thing that stuck out to us was in the toes what we saw was this texture and we immediately there were seven of us guys out there and you can see it really well there it looks it's right there let's see there you can kind of see that those lines going we all thought the same thing my God what is that that's that looks like dermal ridges in the toes and you can see them even slightly in the little toes you can see the one two three little toes right here and you can see the dermal ridges right in the bottom of them but really prominently in the big toe in the other little big toe really see that and we looked at everybody's boot nobody had any texture like that um so that we were really excited about but then we saw this we noticed if you can see these which would be like the palm of his foot this part of the foot you can see that texture that looks like kind of like washboards Smooth running kind of this way in that way almost like a wrinkly looking texture and we didn't notice that either until we cleaned it up and it it looks like wrinkles and so what we were told is only three species uh have this humans great apes and primates bears and wolves have pads they're different than this this is like our foot and I guess it makes sense because these look like little wrinkles right there you can kind of see if I hold the phone up you can see the toes it's once you see it these are the three small toes and so what you got here is the mud like squeezing up between the toes these are the last three toes the big toes right here second big toe would be light about there but you can see you know and then it comes around here the heel and then back around in in here to the little toe so the first year I kept a journal and I made an entry while loading materials on the beach heard what sounded like a baby crying in the woods and I just wrote weird and I called somebody up and uh and he said did you have women at the cabin and I said I don't think so I said I only had women out there one one trip that first year and uh but I knew that it was my wife and two of her best friends and it was uh her best friend's uh one of the girls it was her birthday so I asked my wife I was like hey what you know what's uh what's what's this girl's birthday what day is it she told me the date it was June 25th and that's the date on the entry of the journal my wife and her best friend now they know about the baby crying and they want to discount it so they're in the woods and they uh um independent each other one was using the outhouse the only other one was when they were berry picking they heard the baby crying in the woods and they didn't say anything to each other because they didn't want to freak each other out what I'm going to take it anymore so they spilled their guts to the other one and uh my wife's friend comes in she goes Scott we got to tell you something and so I walked out and and I said what she goes we heard the baby crying in the woods and I said well if you heard it I I recorded it because I put the recorder out there it's only one Wimmer out here it's never we've we haven't heard it it's only when women around here it's it's just a strange thing this strange baby crying story stood out in particular in the culture of the tlinket people of Southeast Alaska there is a story of the kushtika or otter man which is described as a hairy man-like creature the kushtika was described as emitting a crying sound in order to lure women towards them thinking about that further made me wonder about the stories of the kushtika actually being a Sasquatch swimming as there have been reported sightings of these creatures swimming between channels on Vancouver Island British Columbia and even in Southeast Alaska overall this made me beg the question of what was really going on at area a with these countless stories I was hearing the desire to visit in person and investigate it for myself were quite tempting almost exactly a year after initially making contact with Scott in May of 2022 we headed for Alaska to spend a week at the cabin joining me as usual was Eli Watson but also our companion Ron Reed Ron is a hardcore Backpacker and Avid Bigfoot researcher somebody that has been along with us on previous expeditions to Northern California and Oregon Ron isn't afraid to get out there and get his hands dirty that's exactly the kind of person I wanted Along on a task as big as this one we would also be joined by Rob Roy given his many previous trips out to the cabin it would be great to have him along with us for part of the trip crew assembled we landed in Anchorage Alaska and were headed to the rugged Kenai Peninsula [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's pretty epic huh it's at home for the next week is that gonna get that view gonna get old probably not unless it you know this is the chair this is the famous Rusty chair I believe it was here with the property but we have found uh several things we found a rock on it one time that we know nobody left when nobody leaves anything on this thing one of those fishnet rocks that you'll find laying around here that were used as weights and then we found that South American percussion instrument we have up on the cabin one time we arrived and it was sitting on this chair last year the first trip when we arrived we showed up tree I want to say it might have been that one that's pretty new I may have been missile that was bigger around but anyway it was alive but it was bent over and sitting here Crossing this path from the beach we normally when we arrive would come up this way so that was a little unusual although you know snowfall it was like snowfall this tree was bigger around than this it was about eight inches diameter it was just like snow had fallen on it was bent totally over it was still alive it wasn't broken we tried to you know we pick it up and it would just fall back down and we're like huh I don't know it's kind of weird no other trees were were falling which is the strange thing the uh the old-timers would make um and use as weights to weight their Nets down to go fishing but yeah this is The Rock he found on his boat um that one I think it was him and Eon not this one particular but um these things are just all over this is a pile of them they're under here there's hundreds of them under here so what do you think somebody was putting them together here you know like an old old timer set or just made hundreds of them in the spare time yeah and you'll see them on the beach too you'll see them spread out hanging just sitting in the beach but Scott and I think it was Ian was out there and they cleaned up the boat it's when we anchored it out there before the dock and they cleaned the entire deck of the boat I was spotless they said they woke up the next morning and one of these rocks was sitting in the right there on the deck of the boat and they know it wasn't there when they went to bed so you know we I joke around call them squat rocks but it's it's the rock squatches preferred yeah yeah so this is where you found a possible track right here um no we we did spot something that looked like a track and we ended up um we thought we'd just cast it and it turned out to be a boot right but we we thought it's good practice but the the other track that we have found that's legitimate is it was up there yeah the infamous bathroom is over there I see it I think I'm gonna Venture let's venture over to it see if anything has walked here you've got the General Air of the trail here wow look at this oh this environment is nuts all right we made it to the bathroom so you do not like the bathroom he uh so see the hand see the girl's hand mirror oh yeah nothing really I mean so you've had that out here this has been out here this was out here the last the first time we came out here we it's been here all winter but there were two yeah so the other one is just gone huh so I've looked around I haven't found it I've been keeping my eyes out um the first time we ever left a jar of peanut butter on this um we came back two weeks and the jar peanut butter was laying down there jar top was gone and only about a quarter much peanut butter was in it um there were Mouse turds in it yeah and like little bitey marks but you know it was night time we're all looking at it with our headlamps on and the the first thing we all noticed was there was this gigantic leaf that was smashed into the peanut butter huh you know like really you really had to smash it and we all thought it we all went I wonder if they were using it to scoop you know because that's what it looked like all right but it was interesting and we never found the top we never found the top to it the second time we left two jars not sure it was somewhere over here I think it might have been over there about 30 feet in the woods both jars of peanut butter were laying on the ground next to each other just sitting there not opened just sitting there um no scratch marks no indications it was a bear it's just weird this environment I mean it's got you got all this Moss you see how hard it is to see a footprint yeah it's just it's gonna rise up in a few here is where we found that's where we found the footprint this was about dirt we had just moved the toilet over so this was all fresh dirt wow and we found that one and you could it wasn't just one you could see another one here but you just couldn't make detail out but yeah this is this seems to be we have sensors that have gone off repeatedly around here tell me about there's one story what this guy saw something well this gentleman came out to help Scott and uh came out he had to use the bathroom it was like nine o'clock at night so it's pretty dark Scott told him to you know grab a gun and a flashlight oh I don't need that you know so he grabs his iPhone he comes up here with his flashlight on his iPhone he's using the restroom and he said the whole time he felt like he was being watched and this is the guy that just stated he's not afraid of anything he's a big manly Alaskan guy right so he says he felt he felt like he was being watched so he does his business and he walks this wood and the trail was this way he walked about right here no it was right up here he looked to his left and see that stump right there about four feet above the stump he saw a pair of red eyes at that point he tripped over this stump and he fell and he landed and he looked back and the eyes were about 10 feet over that way and he took off he just ran right straight to the cabin I guess so and so Scott the next day walked around there and it was more in the summer so there's more bushes on that but Scotty had to climb up and reach like this high he said was it this high he said yeah they were about that high the eyes and you know what I'm thinking was it an owl was it it could have been you know what what could it be besides a Sasquatch I don't know but this guy scared this guy you know so this way up here you have I did put a motion sensor up here right there I gotta put new batteries and there's one but this whole area and I tell you what when we put the sensors I moved two sensors way over to that part of the forest and we put little pieces of thread about seven feet high across oh hello go ahead as I fall through the uh no rocks really hard to find rocks around what do you got there Eli again I don't know it looks like it's been snapped you know but this is okay so this is the upper fire wow um Glacier View fire pit it was about this is about where I heard I think it may have been a little to the right there but this is about where I heard the my first two tree knocks come from right this area and I was standing right right down there on the beach so you can see you know you can see me or you if I was standing there so you could see the person standing there sure um but it came from here it was there were two loud Knocks um this is also where we found a huge tree you heard uh Victor talk about this but this tree the tree upside down no it was like a it was about an eight inch diameter tree maybe 10 feet long and it was shoved into that hole you can still see the hole it was shoved clear into there and it made no sense because we're looking okay there's no broken down tree it had to fall this way to wedge itself but there was no tree you know no broken no half a tree laying down there it was just like something stuck it in there oh am I being weird about this rock no I don't you know what look it was like this I didn't put that there right it looks placed right yeah maybe Scott in there I'll tell you what I put is that mirror that you're almost at right there right there now twice I've come up here in that mirror and it was last last time I was here that mirror was over there about 15 feet the first time it happened was two summers ago I think two or three oh so one but same thing I had this this mirror was sitting like this and I came up here it was gone and I found it over there about 15 feet away and it was just you know I didn't see any like fingerprints sounding weird on it so that's two weeks ago I came out here again it's gone and I'm like you've got to be kidding me so I found it again over there but this time I found these little teeth marks on it see and I thought oh no way maybe it's a um a mountain or you know some kind of a little animal grabbing it or something that's attracted to the shiny thing and dragged it away but foreign [Music] [Music] our first night on location we opted to play it cool and just do a fire down by the cabin a lot of times they've had incidents happen here was when people were just sort of hanging out so our approach was to keep it simple at first especially as we were all quite tired from the traveling the evening was uneventful and one by one we peeled off to head to sleep but the overnight audio we deployed outside the cabin told a different story foreign [Applause] both of those vocals and the splashing sound was very likely either a seal or a sea lion given both were present in the area although it was still intriguing to hear the night went on without any further incident [Music] all right [Music] we got found this old cabin that's up at the creek or the river a little ways up there's a lot of snow up there kind of going down towards it right now but we're probably going to try and go find that in another cabin this area had a few people living here about 100 years ago before it was all abandoned but definitely really cool to see something like that structure and that's something you'd expect looks like it's in pretty good shape it is I was shocked where's that at over there nobody's been there for probably 20 years so yeah we're about to go do some exploring we're gonna go find that old cabin that we found on the Drone supposedly there's another cabin across the bay over here we're gonna go try and find that too obviously it's pretty serious out here so we've got some protection we've got radio back up in case we need to talk to people but we're gonna have to get it's It's Tricky looks deceptively close but we're gonna have to actually deploy a boat across to get to the other side of the bay there so should be definitely uh intro you guys ready for this I think so you think Rob Roy I think I'm ready Eli you ready all right I just threw that off this off the top of the boat so I'm trying to get him to take you right outside of the morning buoy which is where we used to live before we started the cabin was full you guys would Camp over on that side no we're here on the Booth oh this is where the original stuff happened and this is also where the original stuff like the would go to the go to the boat right and within five to ten minutes we can hear that hollow baseball bat right there on top of that Hill it'll be followed by the other one within five seconds okay it was always here first yeah always that hill without fail whenever we ventured out from the relative safety of the cabin the risks multiplied given just how remote we were a simple fall or slip could become a life-threatening injury far from any sort of rescue thus traveling in numbers was wisest the threat from known Wildlife here is probably the greatest of anywhere in North America the forests around this area are populated with large mammals like wolves black bears Lynx mountain goat and two of the most dangerous animals on the continent the Alaskan moose and the Alaskan Peninsula brown bear [Music] to run a slug so foreign [Music] probably yeah it looks like it fell over [Music] the Rocks placed on the roof that must be this new storage whoa it's a little slippery boarded up the windows yeah nobody's been here for so long I got another little truck back here not a little shed or something yep well I don't know I think that might be like a food storage thing it looks like it's built up for Bears yep or there could have been an old staircase up there look at the wood they're using for the for the roof there it's they're just like logs it's old but this looks scratched up or not mashed up um I'm guessing they just kind of haven't been up here in like 10 years or more and maybe they come every other year or something Scotty's never seen them well we checked out the cabin not a lot going on very thick snow all around here so we were kind of hoping to see if maybe there were Footprints or anything around it doesn't look like anything has been in the area no Bear Mountain Goat tracks nothing so we're gonna keep going down to the Bay try and find this Old Trail supposedly another old abandoned cabin up that way maybe we'll try to find that as well it looks like a post hole yeah yeah it looks like look it looks like a deer deer and the dirt track too here whoa yeah he's saying he's saying oh god oh there it goes yeah it was something there roll up dude this is where the seals are yeah what a hiking spot there huh yep homie definitely not a view that'll get old but we're back in the in the bay right now it's just amazing knowing how much Wildlife is here you have moose brown bear black bear mountain goat links wolves uh Martins all kinds of stuff and that's just the terrestrial creatures and in the ocean you have a lot of these uh you know of course fish we have the salmon we got the Halibut incredible you got orcas whales seals sea lions this place truly is so biodiverse it's actually unbelievable and then you have of course stories of you know something Sasquatch like to me if there were a place for something like that to exist this is pretty pretty ideal with just the amount of food sources and the different things you have how remote it is to get out here that's just for me it just seems to make sense if they're replaced this would absolutely be it but uh what do you think Eli I think it it's honestly a pretty incredible place I I don't know how to describe it really it's very rugged very rough to Traverse you know um I think Rob Roy was saying earlier I don't think we filmed them it's kind of a pain to get anywhere it's like really like even just to get to this spot you have to take like an hour-long boat ride this really is super remote like it's gonna be somewhere it's gonna be here back to that food food source conversation you got muscles all kinds of stuff helps heals obviously a lot of high protein sources that's the thing that gets me here is the amount of protein sources from there to there you have just an insane amount you have fish you have kelp seaweed and then you have your deer your berries small creatures large creatures everything in between yeah needles have them at a good quality to them as well [Music] we thought about it no okay no no no no somebody shot a box somebody shot a gun right behind you guys yeah when y'all were getting in the Zodiac yeah there was a no knock up there but here to growl as well I thought y'all shot the gun and I looked over it CL working I told him I didn't think he would have so as we were out exploring the area behind me there two of the guys were still here in the cabin one was sleeping and the other one heard what he thought was a gunshot he thought we had one of us had actually shot a gun over there we didn't shoot any guns we were crashing through the trees we were kind of doing our thing um I don't think we got it on audio but he thought that one of us shot a gun apparently so I don't know if that was a knock or something like that but unfortunately we have no way of telling without the audio hopefully we can get the next incident or anything like that that happens we might be able to record it nice job it was that's the second okay [Music] so we're gonna go over to the upper fire pit and from what I understand there's a history of weird stuff going on when people are up there yeah it's a little bit further away from from this main yes it is I'm a little nervous about it but here's here's we want to try some interesting stuff so we've got the singing Bowl right we're gonna play with that during the night and leave it out there when we're done and maybe have an audio recorder out there we're not gonna I wanna we have thermal units but I don't want to use the IR from the cameras use it to a minimum so if we're on the fire let's if we are filming with these with the handycams just run non-night Vision no IR just for the moment I mean you know maybe there's a possibility IR they can sense it or something I don't know I'm not saying that's a fact there's nothing no basis for that but let's just keep our impact kind of to a minimum aside from creating noise and some sort of an attractive right kind of event or something unusual that's just that's all I wanted to say so if anyone else has any thoughts or anything or ideas I mean down here at the cabin so yeah we're gonna have everybody be monitoring down here and if we hear something we can at least go hey did you hear that or if you do not hear yes so we will be in radio communication with uh with the main site here will be site B up there sorry sure so so then do we at any point during the night want to attempt doing any wood Knocks that's a question absolutely only with what he has okay sure with the Gaff and that because I told you about the flat and they block them into the block yeah so yeah we'll try that as well so uh we have the wooden handle Gap and if you hit the handles together it sort of makes a different sound I don't know what's different about it but whatever's different about it seems to make them more reactive the whole point of that singing bowl is we're just playing with it tonight we leave it out there during the night and leave an audio recorder see if something maybe wants to play with it or try I mean they seem to want to imitate every audio Yeah you know like any audio based interaction you know yeah let's let's do it just we're throwing stuff against the wall stuff against the wall and see what happens never know yeah got it yeah right there that rock right there I haven't put that there did you really I didn't I thought you put it there that's why yeah I don't I did not put that there without me you know that all right yeah I know I know Scott didn't I didn't film this hey look at that it's been placed here I bet you or Charlie no Charlie wouldn't have done that because they were they were with me here but I don't remember him doing that nope so no one remembers placing this rock here perhaps is just yeah so Alex we had a trackway coming up this hill if you look over that edge we're that's that's not easy no that is 100 foot drop to uh to the ocean Bigfoot Bushcraft sent us this awesome little Fire Starter Kit so these are basically Fire Starter plugs striking with a Ferro Rod which we've got in here and uh Burns pretty easy we tried them out works great but you're supposed to says Bend plug in half back and forth like this right do that so you got what you're trying to do is expose a lot of that fibrous kind of stuff and rip it in half I can just use this one half now there we go order now that's good nice job it's going that's it that's a good one be quiet [Music] oh yeah saw it they say they call it the saw wet because with a it sounds like a wet saw blade getting pulled through a tree which sort of makes sense but normally if you're on this side of the Bay so we should be happy that they're over there because they're you can imagine that thing you know being 400 yards away or three yeah how loud it would be that's such a small owl but they're they're it's tiny it's scary I've never seen one I've only heard them yo you see something what am I looking at you got something hold on record hit record hey guys yeah Ron he sees something [Music] yep you see something I don't see anything get behind Ron scanning yeah it's just a little bit of white heat on my thing well I get yeah there's a tree right in front of it too you're probably seeing that tree I'm Gonna Shine a Light in that direction see if it does anything you guys see any eye shine or anything nope it could be nothing but I don't know what it is but I mean even if he had 10 seconds of video right um we can say it's nothing and then we can come back in 10 minutes and look and see if it's nothing again you know it's true on this guy I'm assuming not they should have all different kinds if you can find the menu did you hear that I heard that um you heard that yeah I heard that I got it yeah it's one of those buttons wait I heard it again no that's doc that was gang [Laughter] it's almost cool [Applause] it's the idea here where we've been playing with this this thing making some racket with it now we're gonna leave it here and see if uh maybe we get something playing with it overnight uh we got a recorder over there not too far we put it closer to the recorder Maybe yeah away from the fire oh put this over yeah so I'm thinking [Music] right here we'll see okay [Music] [Music] foreign you remember we put this right I don't think it's been touched doesn't look like it to me at least yeah yeah the reporter wasn't messed with or anything like that pine needles I think we should just we should leave it and then just yeah do that make a little noise for 30 seconds and then I'd be really impressed if they came all the way down here to begin with like even that should be all the way up there yeah that gunshot gunshot that John heard that was well we were as soon as we started moving the other side of the Bay and that would have been from up around here I mean that whole hill up there I think once we get up there we leave that up there maybe move it or I don't know well we got a glacier to go explore let's go on this day we plan to head to a nearby glacier to explore the area [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey careful [Music] so we made it ashore a little chaotic coming in but we made it there's a brown bear scene going up that way like 10 minutes ago foreign like right before we came before so here's hoping we made it we're alive yeah yeah so we're now on the shore we're gonna go hike back to this Glacier look for tracks we did see a brown bear up on the hill above us and it's a I think it's an interesting time to talk about grizzly bears versus brown bears they're essentially the same thing and he was an Alaskan tonight can kind of help us with that they're the same thing but what's the difference between a Grizzly and a brown bear basically the difference is the grizzly bears are Inland Bears and the brown bears are coastal bears so you know with the coast you've got a lot more food source you've got the salmon and the fish and so they just yeah more food grizzly bears Inland they have to work a little harder for their food um not as much so they're they're smaller basically a little smaller so they're bigger just as nasty though yeah for sure cool all right well let's go look for tracks and just kind of enjoy we've got a some time to check this area out yeah just keep your eyes peeled album halibut [Music] look at all these [Music] some birds I don't know yeah that's that is Moose all right that's a big ass moose nice about seven inches yeah seven inches wide seven inches across [Music] sure still [Music] getting across get to the other side wow see all that look at that Eli right here right here it's like my whole foot yeah oh [Music] foreign as we made our way towards the glacier we realized just how far away it actually was they say everything in Alaska is bigger than anywhere else and seems further away which was certainly the case here making a phone call via satellite phone if anyone picks up I didn't tell anyone the number so they probably think it's a Spam call while paralleling the river we began seeing more bears on the hill above us given it was Springtime and they were just coming out of hibernation so we decided not to push on further due to the distance to the glacier and the unpredictability factor of this situation [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] beautiful been wanting to come here for a couple years and up on the hill we've been watching three black bears literally watching them now literally they're right there then there was the porcupine from earlier as well so you know it just adds it complements the variety of different Wildlife that we're seeing over by the cabin just adding to the Alaskan Wildlife roster everywhere we go every corner making granny each new code that we explore it's adding more animal oh you're still put in the potential range of a Sasquatch who can probably wrap around and navigate some of this rough terrain so we've got over the mountains and stuff because this is tough for us oh yeah clearly all these animals are getting through and they're so isolated yeah they usually live out here they're very annoying yeah you'd be out here completely undetected and I mean for all practical purposes there are no humans out here no maybe some moose Hunters every every season once or twice maybe some fishermen yeah and that's really it that's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of the initial reasons for branching out to explore this area was its viability for wildlife this whole region and much of the Kenai Peninsula consists of small bays and inlets nestled around the Jagged Mountains with forests lining the shores any of these areas can easily support dozens of species on land and in the water so why not something like Sasquatch it was in one of these very bays in which survivalists Les Stroud had an unusual encounter some years ago while filming Survivorman he described some sort of large creature stomping through the woods beating its chest and making gorilla noises this encounter was well before Les created his server Man Bigfoot show and Scott actually personally knows the boat captain that was contracted to drop less off in this region the captain described picking up less after his days out in the wild and the first thing Les spoke of was the possibility of Sasquatch being real curious story indeed as any of these many inlets could be where he was [Music] while this region is in a temperate rainforest when we were there rainfall was lacking so on our way back to the cabin we went to collect some water for drinking and cooking this was yet another reminder of the plentiful natural resources found here with snow melt creating this river that fed right into the ocean oh thank you [Music] one week prior to our trip out to the cabin Scott and a friend visited for a few nights one of their evenings was spent by the fire pit near the cabin and while they were filming with a pulsar thermal camera they noticed a large heat signature on the hill it remained there for quite some time but unfortunately there isn't much detail visible as the focus was not properly turned on we figured we would take it upon ourselves to recreate the footage to see if there were any similarities we first headed up to the area of where this heat signature originated to see what the area looked like in the daylight oh look at this big black bear big boot here buddy come here look at that yep I know look at something sat there I was blown away well look at this right you've got uh right here it's like something slid down here and you've got two you've got Impressions right in the ground right man has anyone sit sat in this no we haven't touched it it sat here and watched us something was sitting here the fire pit is directly down there see if I can zoom in on it have you seen any yep I can see the fire pit so the thermal you guys are sitting there directly at the fire pit and then this was this area was kind of lighting up just stand over here I'm telling you there's one channel that goes right to the fire pit you can see that orange flag yeah yeah the two flags yet I see them from here yeah but if you land up the orange Flags you can see the peanut butter jelly too see the toilet over there that's weird man right here and some of these trees are just worn yeah on this [ __ ] you know and it could be bear deer or something here but um yeah I mean that is interesting well look at this oh see that yeah yeah that is a see that some did that wow yeah I mean there could be a bear it could be yeah you know but that was done yeah I mean I could do that if I was to you know look at that well I just did that now but yeah all right okay so I'm gonna put the chair right where he was sitting right here okay and I don't know if you can see those flags now oh we'll see it's right up that channel we'll find them I think I can see there you go the first one is on that first boost right there I see it yeah okay so come right here so this is where he was sitting right here okay and literally angle I was right here and I couldn't see anything and the thermal was taken by a guy who's literally uh legally blind but he can and when he when Charlie looks around I think he's looking through a tunnel like if I walk in his peripheral you and I would go oh you're gonna move out of the way you can't see that but he was sitting right here I was two feet away three feet away right here and he kept seeing something on the throne it was a hot signature whatever it was and he handed me the thermal I couldn't see anything I just it was nothing there and I thought I really didn't think he was seeing anything so that's why I didn't get up and move around and look you know from his perspective so but that's pretty much it so that was where he's sitting he's looking up through a channel you'll see a channel between the trees during daylight and uh we flagged that trail just so that we had because when we were sitting here the next morning there was a snow field that was up there you know where it hadn't melted off yet and what we did was we flagged a line to that snow field and uh so that we would have a perspective for you guys so what we'll do is we'll try to recreate it I mean as best we can yeah these two guys you three guys all go up there set up and then whoever wants to be the The Sitter the other two guys can either Crouch down behind the log or behind a tree just so you're not getting giving a thermal hit and the one person sitting there if you were to sit there you can look straight at the fire pit you can see we've seen that it's just crazy yeah it's weird all right let me grab the walking so you guys we've got a fire going I'm I can see the guys up in the woods I'm just getting in position to line this up we know we've got a couple features that we can tell there's some some little flags hanging in the trees up there that line up the position so from their position they should be able to see the fire pretty well we are in position yeah okay yep okay so Rob Roy is still in position right now I'm trying to kind of lean close to you know I've got this big tree in front of me and I can block them if I want to really yeah I'm trying to swing out and give like a real thin profile because that thing is looks like a snake stuck to the tree yeah what if it's just like the side of the arm could be yeah I mean I mean this tree right in front of me you see that I don't I mean I do yeah it's right there so I can literally hide myself from them and just peek around it while I'm sitting here it's perfect spot for spying now I'm still getting that humanoid Circle or with the focus humanoid shape okay it doesn't look like a straight line [Music] oh God process okay I'm standing now yeah there's I see the tree and now when I do it it's it's a it's a circle with a little streak going out all right well I mean it's similar but I don't think it's still he looks bigger to me it does and the focus to me is what's tricky on that one it was like a straight up Red Line all right guys well uh we're pretty much satisfied with that Recreation so when you guys are all set just come on back and uh we'll discuss it if there's something sat there for a while that Moss is it is so comfortable Too Perfect I mean I will say that yeah because we we haven't sat on were your legs extended or you're bent at the knees or I think my legs are barely touching I think I want to say your feet yeah Brown okay but I was sitting comfortably all I had to do is just look right down and I could just go whoop like that and disappear behind that tree I don't know if you guys picked that up well I mean I could see it the thing is you were an orange ball yeah you're an orange ball with the focus off so I was trying to do the geek thing a little bit just to maybe show a sliver because I could I could go left I could go right of the tree unfortunately we were not able to transfer the recreation footage from the thermal unit for the sake of the comparison for what it's worth as the one using the thermal from what I could tell Rob Roy appeared quite a bit more round like an orange ball of light even with the thermal out of focus overall the original thermal video was quite inconclusive so there isn't a lot of further information we can glean from it we felt it was still worth the recreation attempt however for the rest of the night we hung around the fire and then moved into the woods for a little bit to sit and observe in silence but it was eerily quiet we left one overnight audio recorder in the forest and out of the whole night of almost complete silence there was very little aside from these possible knocks around 3 A.M all three of these percussives happened within a 24 second span laughs [Music] we've seen some humpback whales in the bay so we've deployed out here see if we can film any of them see them you can see them uh spouting [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] wow that's close [Music] it was day four off to such an exciting start with the humpback whales we decided to use the day to fully explore the forests around the cabin as we were still unfamiliar with what lay Beyond given we were just about halfway through the trip it felt wise to fully learn the lay of the land here today we're going to head up on the hill above the cabin kind of this whole area we've flown the Drone up there pretty desolate I don't know there's some snow up at a higher elevation but we'll see how high we can get up I mean it's going to be pretty interesting we were up there me and Scott were making our way up there and he says that there's going to be a lot of different wildlife sign up there once you start getting up closer we'll expect some some more deer sign we've seen plenty of that down here but then also there's some good sign of porcupine yeah and some different types of animals so we'll have a a roster of new wildlife in their corresponding sign to be on the lookout for yeah I should say that Scott has mentioned he thinks at least and the people at the cabinet have experienced stuff seem to say that a lot of the sounds emanate from up on that Hill whether it be knocks or whoops or some of these screams up over there and on this other side of this this draw over there so these two areas obviously up there are probably more interesting but we'll check them both out but we're going to head up primarily there right now so [Music] thank you yeah this was uh this is like the feed bucket for Allure for um a bear snare and if you look over on this tree over here is the old cable that used to be [Music] hide yeah bear with your trap Scott said that you know typically if they catch a bear that's when they'll cut right cable and haul the bear out so he seems to think that this was cut then you know they got a bear and they just left everything else up here yeah back then that type of hunting was legal you know yeah paid it up and just yeah come right here and get them survival first you know nature how many rules back then I mean still not a lot now but there's more than we saw the other day at that Glacier you know the amount of black bear up there brown bear yeah healthy populations even today oh yeah [Applause] yeah so where we are now I mean this is above the upper fire pit which is down there somewhere we were down at the fire pit you can have someone up here just looking right down at us the whole time I mean this Trail isn't that bad I'd say we go all the way to the point yeah I'm down to come back up kind of the confusing part I mean we're walking along this Trail so you can imagine if something is walking maybe Nicks its shoulder or something along one of these branches the problem we're having though is so much of what's on here maybe slightly looks like hair but it's all old man's beard or Moss so it's virtually this whole tree is covered in hair looking fibers which misleading is it's got all different colorations exactly so it's been it's been green which we know isn't there there's green you got the brown you've got lighter you've got even black yeah I've seen black yep so but look at this I mean you can see it's clearly it's been this has been used whether it's Humans game other things something is using this Trail and it gives us that perfect view up over down where the cabin is and where the upper fire pit is so um you have just a high ground High Ground is where strategically where it's at hold on I want to see the one two three right here this has been worn out well like to the General Health we're starting to see I started to see a few more mushrooms and stuff I wonder if there's some fungal Decay going on over here I mean it could be that this is a wind alley oh the bricks go all the way down you see them well kind of the possible bedding area here it's very compressed looking there's a trail that comes in very worn it follows up Alex went up that way but this this is a trail that shot off of the main trail that we were just following and Ron found that whatever that is yeah let's go up this way I thought this was a small just like an out Outpost you know place you can observe things from the rest of it is up there but no you could just hang out here this this would okay so this is a secondary observational point it's a little bit more outermost so where you can see outside of the Cove a little bit and then it's also um just a highway for animal traffic so if that's two reasons that something could come down from the Big Mountain to hunt into glass something could be out here let's say an hour before we came up here we start making our way up this thing goes down the other side we never even have a chance to see it considering how slow moving we are up here when I say something I mean anything could be moose could be a a goat mountain goat it doesn't have to see us at all this is not a skinny little point this is really wide if you can consider down there to the other side and how much there is to hide behind I mean I could something could be hiding right there we wouldn't even know well yeah and there's there's all these little coves and inlets and it could essentially Cove hop and what are the you know it's so remote out here what's the statistical probability that the two coves side by side will be inhabited at the same time yeah so all you got to do is jump over the saddle and you're you're alone again yeah we're Beyond disadvantaged in a place like this I need something step right there because look at that Branch see that see that little right there oh yeah it means and then you got this kind of General shape so this thing came down like that and we stepped on thank you know I'm over there I mean I I don't know it's [Music] fog type thing this is the end you got the two fingers you got the one down there and this one it's gonna be a windy spot though oh a piece of wood maybe a former property line or something up here naturally something could have brought up here somebody [Music] we've made it to the point we're just stopping to take a little break Eli's got the Drone up just basically we're surrounded by ocean it's a good spot to maybe look out on the bay you can see incoming boats or whatever the case may be animal sign all the way up even cutting sign we found a possible little piece of wood there with a nail on it I don't know if the property marker or whatever it was but you don't really know the history here fully we know there was some kind of settlement here obviously in the past but uh other than that we don't know a whole lot yeah he's watching us here it goes so that right there is a bald eagle's nest what struck me about this area was just how Mossy it truly was the entire ground level was covered in a thick layer of spongy and deep Moss making any sorts of distinct Impressions tough to find we then headed out from the point towards higher on the hill above the cabin the other location where people have frequently described hearing the hollow baseball bat type sounds from foreign [Music] [Music] okay going all the way up here man someone's been walking up this way going right here there's foot this thing is [Music] I don't know what that was this is [Music] hey Alex to Scott did you guys just make any noises any vocalizations or anything like that I mean I don't know I think we're too high up to hear you guys because we can't really hear that boat much anymore so you have a perspective yeah sounds good perfect just let me know before you're about to do it yeah we heard that loud and clear what we heard was definitely a lot lower sounding but it sounded like it came from beneath us somewhere I don't know could you have him maybe just laugh in his normal sort of laugh and see if we can hear that it's gonna laugh in a normal cats and couch or a normal Cadence volume in three one yeah we can just faintly hear that that may be something like what we were hearing hard to tell we were kind of in the middle of climbing so we weren't really paying too much attention but thank you but despite how high up we are we're still finding game trails with obvious foot slides foot impressions all throughout here going kind of parallel to the to the steepness which makes sense maybe mountain goat I don't know the trees keep getting bigger and bigger they came up this way following this game Trail all the way up keeps going up into the snow line You'll see Across The Cove here that view all right onwards we're up pretty high up here it's been a hall I mean we are a few thousand feet above the cabin at least open up these ridges this is where I got my drone to earlier you got a lot of snow a lot of animal sign going straight up this way with the snow getting deeper and more difficult the higher we got we decided to save that hike up the mountain for another day overall we felt we had scouted the area pretty well and really had a sense of how vast this ecosystem around the cabin was this was made even more impressive just thinking about how this was only one of dozens of similar areas surrounding this massive Bay what we didn't realize at the time was that our night was about to get pretty interesting foreign Splash coming from over this direction I'm assuming it was a seal so we're trying to set up some trip wire now the idea is if something were to come by we'd obviously know setting it like seven foot height um so let's see this one right here looks good I think so put this out down for a second okay just take a little bit right here and what I'll do I'll run it up here at the branch yeah all it has to do is be in here okay that's pretty good and just go like and use me since I'm so tall is that good is that too tall I don't think so okay we got it deployed we'll pull one maybe up towards the camp there's the fire Jesus she's an artist he's starting at red light because it looks cool our approach that night was simple sitting around the fire and conversing and playing it cool everything was seemingly normal as we joked around and chatted on until suddenly it wasn't yeah whoa whoa oh Proclamation you are no longer speaking to Eli Watson I will only answer to Lord Watson you may be wondering about the change in my name but I was deeded the title and this fancy certificate by established titles a fun and novel way of preserving the natural Woodlands of Scotland while helping Global reforestation efforts which may help our barefooted friends you see established titles is based on the historic custom of referring to land owners as Lords and Ladies in English see that says Lord zoom in on that Lord Eli Watson let's give you at least one square foot of dedicated land on a private estate in edelston Scotland as well as this fancy certificate why does this matter well being a bigfooter a lot of the times I witness firsthand a lot of the deforestation going on and I can tell you that it is a big issue if these things are real animals they need a place to live and like most things that live in the woods they need trees and with every order established titles plants one tree and they work with global Charities once replanted and trees for the future to help Global reforestation efforts fun fact you can officially include the name Lord or lady on your credit card plane tickets dating profile people are attracted to status don't be afraid to flex it speaking of flexing it's that time of the year we gotta start looking for gifts and stuff for your friends and your family well you're in luck because established titles is running a massive Black Friday sale right now and if you use the code monsters you get an additional 10 off your order Go to monsters to get a gift as well as support this channel the first 200 people to purchase a title pack using our link will effectively be next to my plot that's right you can be my neighbor and together we can build our small town monsters Kingdom Lord Watson out
Channel: Small Town Monsters
Views: 1,932,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bigfoot Alaska, Sasquatch Alaska, Alaskan Coastal Sasquatch, Kenai Peninsula Bigfoot, Kenai Peninsula Sasquatch, Bigfoot sightings Alaska, Alaskan Bigfoot, Alaskan Sasquatch, Small Town Monsters Alaska, Bigfoot Beyond the Trail, Bigfoot Beyond the Trail Alaska
Id: kjLLHL7GouQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 32sec (5672 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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