The Last Frontier: On the Trail of Bigfoot - FULL MOVIE (Alaskan Sasquatch evidence and encounters)

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hey dude it's Alex uh hopefully you can hear me okay this is by the stat phone just uh check in see what you guys are up to I know you're probably busy going around but I think tomorrow is our last full day so we're out on the 15th so we'll see you guys up in uh de Art Gallery like um yeah it's been pretty pretty awesome out here some weird activity for sure like last night we had running around our camp and throwing stuff and into the water it was it was definitely weird uh definitely some crazy stuff out here but um yeah man we'll tell you all about it when when we're back just let check in see you soon I brought you guys out here and the location's a mile mile mile and a half in but if we wouldn't have made that left in the road up here and we would have continued going straight through that gate that goes out to um gas lease property now before you get in there there's some Trails I've been stocked by bears out here and you don't know they're [Music] there never smelled them if the wind direction is right you can smell something and it's usually musty smell if you go down here it veers off but there's a trail that goes to the right and um it just go along and it leads to there's some Lakes down there and there's Believe It or Not somebody's got a cabin way down there this is probably the least traveled path that veers off to the right if you go to the left there's a lot of people who go that way but going to the right it's kind of crappy we were moose hunting and I was probably going two three miles an hour and we see this big bull Mose just kind of charge out in front of us and it kind of speeds up but it just kind of was doing its own thing and it crosses and he literally ran through there and went into the tree line kind of like right here and just stopped the Moose is basically to the left hand side I hear something off the right hand side and it sounded like a branch breaking or leaves didn't pay attention to it what got me was the Moose paid more attention to that noise or from the direction that noise came from than us turned its whole body so it could look towards it and I'm like thinking bear maybe another moose you know something and he was no longer interested in the two of us that are probably 60 80 ft away from him and literally to the right it was probably another 60 to 80 maybe 90 ft tops into this tree line where this noise came from and I turn the gun and look over there thinking it's some type of Predator expecting to see a bear generally you can generally you smell the Bears if the wind Direction's right we didn't smell anything and literally I I took in AIM the aim the rifle and I'm looking at kind of a dark silhouette can't really tell what it is I asked my brother-in-law for a he had brought out a spotlight I take the flashlight shine it over here and when I find lit up what I can only assume is the face and I got just these big eyes and then like the top of the nose part and that was it but it was a bright orange to a red in color and it was it kind of freaked me out because I'm going what can it be I'm all these animals that I know of in the area and the eye color is what got me and I have the scope aimed at this thing right between the eyes I want to take a second to thank rocket money for for sponsoring today's video you see up until recently I was being charged $30 a month for a subscription I didn't even know I had and that's when rocket money comes into the picture you see rocket money is the app you need to save and manage your money better I love rocket money because I'm able to cancel unwanted subscriptions you see rocket money goes in and safely and securely identifies recurring charges and from there it can cancel unwanted subscrip criptions for me saving me time and money on top of that it analyzes your spending habits and can create custom budgets that match your lifestyle even going so far as to notify you when you've exceeded your budgetary limit to save more and spend less join the 5 million other members using rocket money today just go to Rocket smalltown monsters or click the link in the description to get started for free it had to been squatting down cuz it was like one fluid motion where it just literally rose up like just kind of kind of took and just raised like straight up when it rose up it went up I don't know it had to go up at least another 3 ft so the 9 10t area had to bend I don't even remember thinking about it I just followed it up with the rifle and I'm still got it between the eyes and I'm thinking about P pulling the trigger but it's I hesitated because I don't know what it is and I go Jesse did you see that and he goes yeah he whispers but he was to the left of me I look left he's not there look to the right he's halfway back to the pickup truck I took and backed up till I hit my tailgate at my pickup truck and then I turned around but I never saw this thing come out of the woods I didn't hear any noises after that I didn't hear any noises when it raised up but I've I've seen Bears probably half a dozen bears raise up on their back quarters and it's a very awkward motion and this thing was fluid so that's Bigfoot's the only thing that I really can ever relate it to I never would have known it was there if that moose didn't do anything and you said you haven't really gone back out since then right no no I've um this is the second time I've even been out here since 2009 I brought my wife in 2016 and drove out there in a pickup truck to where the location was but I haven't been I haven't been hunting since I mean granted part of it's my schedule but I also I don't know I'm not going by myself I'll go with a buddy if you know but it was awkward because it's like admitting that it's real you know and that's that's the only thing it could have been it's a I don't know it was kind of a game [Music] changer [Music] [Music] [Music] where do you go when you want to be alone it's a common thing for human beings to need time away from it all away from the grind of their day jobs or away from their ordinary but chaotic lives people need an escape each year around 250 million people choose to escape into our national parks they head to Yellowstone or yuse or they backpack their way around Zion in short they go into the woods and mountains just like John Mir once did but even in the back country of our nation the odds of ever being really truly alone or slim there are a few truly remote places you can Trek to the 100 mile Wilderness in Maine or the ho rainforest in the Olympic National Park there's even a town in Montana called Glasgow that sits over 4 hours in any direction from a major city journey into the mountains of the Adera and Upstate New York and you'll still see planes overhead bump into numerous hikers and encounter your fair share of roads to cross likewise with most places I've been while exploring the subject of Bigfoot but then there's Alaska it's 6633 M of isolation 663 th300 square miles of mountains and rivers Hills and Valleys forests and Fields it is the Wilderness of America it's here that the search for Sasquatch becomes incredibly complicated a land overflowing with wildlife and abundant Beauty a place that calls to millions of Travelers each year they come to explore to gawk to eat drink and maybe to get a sense of what life was once like before mankind inherited the Earth the real reason they come here though is quite simple it's to [Music] [Applause] [Music] escape [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a land with over 200 million Acres of nationally protected Wilderness is the perfect place to stay hidden for an unknown creature that seems to enjoy its Solitude it seems like Alaska might be the perfect place to finally put an end to the Bigfoot mystery to bring the myth out of darkness and into the light but in a place where there are expanses of uninhabited land that runs for hundreds of miles in any direction aren't we just searching for a slightly larger than average needle in the world's largest hay stack what is it about that environment and and the geography and everything there that might be conducive to something like a big Alaska is unlike anything we find in the lower 48s it is huge people just do not realize the expans of wilderness that is up there I mean uh you you can of course juxtapose the state of Alaska over the United States and see how big it is but you just don't really get the feel for it until you put your boots on the ground up there it is just [Music] ridiculous the Last Frontier is the least explored it's really it's like the American dream I guess it's the it's the last blank space on the map it's the proximity of the Wilderness to civilization there is kind of mind-blowing you you go 10 minutes outside of Anchorage and you're out there you're seeing moose on the side of the road you know you're I mean there's moose in Downtown Anchorage sometimes it's just it's not conquered if you will it hasn't been dominated by human technology and civilization yet and maybe it'll stay that way I don't know [Music] I've always like I've always wanted to come to Alaska uh and so I just had a sighting last year so I'm kind of fully in the camp of their realness so now I just want to learn more about them and especially like in a place like this how they live and exist and learn about encounters yeah yeah Alaska is interesting because it has all sorts of climates and bioc climbs environments this particular area is boreal forest but it's bordering on excuse me it's bordering on Tundra um boreal forest has white spruce black Spruce they're all pretty stunty a big tree here is maybe 50 ft the ground tends to be very Mossy very soft so it doesn't show distinct tracks very often the climate is mild in the summer 72° is a really hot day here Winters are hard and that's why this this Enigma is so baffling you can get minus 20 and below for 2 or 3 weeks at a time um something that's just depending on hair it's it's a tough environment um we do have wolves here as a predator that stays out in the winter but the bears hibernate of course as far as um food we've got berries we've got doll sheep we've got [Music] moose we've got Caribou hairs different types of grous and Tagan in the summer it's not so hard to explain Sasquatch here but it is hard to explain it in the winter also there's snow everywhere so where are the tracks you know we casually get reports of tracks but it's pretty rare the Bigfoot subject is one that I can't get out of my head it's just something that I've I've been up here for so long now uh and I've seen a lot of big animals a lot of big creatures big Grizzlies big eagles everything and they're powerful and up close they're just incredibly phenomenal but when you see something big and incredible that you can't explain and you can't get out of your mind and it raises all the fear flight and flight senses and uh when I first seen mine I almost hit the brakes at 75 mil hour and it was all in a matter of seconds cuz I was traveling heading East on the highway on the right hand side and this creature was all the way over the lane over into the ditch now I when I first seen it it was broad like I said it's about 7:00 in the evening so we had plenty of light during summer I seen it off the distance and I thought it was a large Shetland type Pony with a long hair and then I figured it must have been an Icelandic like an Icelandic Pony and it was like real dread locked just long streamy hair this ochre real dark red ochre now this thing was built you could just see the Pumped belly on it the arms and the length of the arms I could see through underneath the belly of this creature where the hair still had plenty of distance between that and the ground this is all I seen as I was driving by at 75 mil hour I immediately looked into the rearview mirror and to see if I could get a clear picture of what I just seen and it was right in the middle of the highway it had jumped in less than a half about second and a half it had jumped all the way from about I'd say 40 ft down into a ditch up onto the center line and was completely profile looking down the highway when I first seen this thing it was looking down towards the ground and away from the road and I could not see the head where the horses head was supposed to be was not it was just bulky and thick and looking down I said well I never thought for a second it was a bear was too big then I looked back into the mirror and I was watching it for that very second it was perfectly profiled there was there must have been at least 24 Ines between the dread of the hairs and the space of the road because I could see clearly down the road and it was looking down the highway from where we came there's no traffic on the road either way forward or backwards soon as I se it in the highway that's when I reached up and grabbed my foot and I was ready to and I break I busted broke pedals before stopping fast and and I took my foot off and looked back again and this thing was just sending down the bank on the other side it's rump raised up in the air its back legs up high and it lower legs down this way and never at any time did I see it on four legs and I didn't see the face but this was this was real so how do you get something like that out of your mind I was ready to chase it down I was young enough to do it I'd been guiding and Commercial Fishing and just running in the muck with horses and animals all my life I was ready to chase this thing down and I know the trail if you could if you could relive that moment what would you do different I would have hit the brakes and turned it around and chased it down so but this was a creature and it was like I said I've been up here for 49 years and I spent most my time around what life there is up here and I don't expect to ever see something like that again but who knows in terms of pluses and minuses of something like Sasquatch being discovered in in Alaska I think it's just just makes sense I think most people probably wouldn't be surprised because Alaska has that reputation that Mystique as that final frontier it's a place where so many people especially from the lower 48 go up there and it has like a special place in their in their in their minds people go there to escape it's that kind of it's the last stop on the on the road sort of thing so I think people wouldn't be surprised by something like Sasquatch being in a place like Alaska many people I've talked to that are you know not into the topic of Sasquatch oh yeah Alaska that's where they'd be sort of thing Sasquatches being omnivores have their pick of what they want to eat essentially the salmon runs are still largely unspoiled up there so like literally Upstream there's going to be dead salmon laying on the side of streams the grizzly bears of course are catching them and Sasquatches may very well do that as well look at the diet of the big brown bears the diets of those bears are sure largely fish dependent and things but they have a huge variety of plants that they eat as well from the Kenai Peninsula even Kodiak islands that whole area down up into Canada Southeast Alaska the some of the richest environments in the world in terms of temperate rainforest absolutely perfect places for something like a Sasquatch to live and then parts of the Interior there are great habitats as well areas like Fairbanks interior Alaska it gets incredibly cold incredibly cold 40 50 below it's really hard to imagine anything surviving out there let alone a Sasquatch Southeast Juno ketan even um where my buddy's cabin is outside of Seward the environment is a lot more rain foresty you'll recognize right away when you go into these areas wow this and they're secluded the temperatures are more mild you know and we're not talking like interior Fairbanks weather Juno is definitely more mild so I think that plays a lot lot to do with it it seems and like I said these places seem to you know the fish are available it's kind of like a a grizzly bear versus a brown bear a s kind of an analogy between grizzly bears and brown bears so brown bears live very close to the coast so their diet is is very rich because they have terrestrial food sources and Aquatic food sources right so they have access to salmon fish we know fish oil and that sort of stuff is extremely healthy for for Animals especially carnivores so brown bears grow bigger than grizzly bears grizzly bears live inland they have to fight a little bit more for their food sources so that's why they they're called Grizzly I think it's kind of like that I think it is similar to they would I could see how they would hang out in a more mild area versus up north or um you know Barrel or something that's just Frozen all the time um although I've heard stories from there so I thought well maybe is it a similar case with a Sasquatch you know if you lived in a peninsula like the keenai peninsula essentially one of these Coes you don't have to go anywhere you can stay there the whole time and you've got all your food sources in the water and on land whereas Inland you know you may have to move a little you may have to follow the Caribou herds or you may have to you know follow the other food sources a little bit more just seemed like a more difficult existence if you look at other Predator Behavior I have no reason to believe Sasquatch would not follow those same types of behavior I do believe that Bigfoot are omnivorous so they probably are opportunistic eaters most of the accounts that I am aware of both historically and in more recent times are around September and August which is when berries are out and Caribou are migrating especially in the far north above the Arctic Circle so I definitely believe that Sasquatch tend to follow Caribou herds for food and I think they're also in those same areas because that's also where there's a lot of berries blueberries highbush cranberries uh things that are going to be highly new nutritious and um fattening up just like bears wood uh that time of year for for winter when things are lean I mean obviously Alaska is not a it's not a friendly environment um for anything for anyone for anything it's it's very it's very cruel and could be very cruel and so there have been sightings that I've discovered in my research um as far north as Barrow and then there's others in the interior uh farther up around Fairbanks but it seems to me they're more they move more in the interior in in better in better weather one thing I've kind of been examining that I've talked to other researchers about is we' discussed like you know the possibility of hibernation or modified hibernation that's one thing I really looked into and matter of fact the University of Alaska Fairbanks had a program they were working on with trying to figure out induced hibernation for like deep space travel they were actively working on that up there I think they still are to some extent would it be so farfetched to believe that maybe a a being like this could have developed the ability through necessity especially in inter interior regions to do that you know that modified hibernation not full-blown hibernation but maybe a modified where they get up and move around limited areas do what they need to do gather food sources and stuff like that just this past March my wife and and me and another older gentlemen but uh we were looking for uh new places to ice fish because you know that's what you do here is you go ice fishing and my wife is ungodly slow on a snow machine like crazy crazy crazy slow so it's it's common to have to sit and wait and that's what what what I do I was just chilling having a smoke and uh just I'm looking down the trail hoping I get to see her you know cuz then I get to go and uh I seen I couldn't believe what I was it was it was a uh it was a Bigfoot and then a junior right next to him and it was like he was helping him across the road and I I I I'm by myself and just a birch for and about that time two more come out and they're a little bigger than the kid that the first two was they must have heard me I don't understand but one of them stood up and like kind of like a bear started kind of bird dogging you know trying to look down the trail I had this like instant fear like I was about to die and yeah it was crazy did they walk off or what happened with them the one that that stood up on me followed me but he was like following me like it was weird did there come a point where it just quit following you or yeah when I started talking to my old lady about it I'm sorry sweetie what did they look like what did the little ones look like he didn't look like Harry and the Henderson he didn't have hair on his face it was more of a leathery big Palm almost look to it how big do you think he was it was the big one I don't think he was no 10ft tall or anything he you know he just like a big man the little fella he probably was the little little guy no bigger than that right there so the big guy might have been just normal human now the other two was they looked like they were teenagers like they were romping around getting in trouble is I don't know like he he seemed young but not Young [Music] okay so I'm not crazy I'm a normal okay so I had a flat nose uh it wasn't like you know you didn't it wasn't like a big will pronounced nose you know I didn't believe in Bigfoot never really thought twice about believe and and and here I am now describing what Bigfoot looks like so I'm feeling humiliated don't feel [Music] humili despite spending count countless hours reading books and watching documentaries on the state of Alaska as a kid I'd somehow never realized that Alaska has broken up into five distinct [Music] regions the uniting factor between all these regions are the native peoples who have lived here for centuries the Inside passage is the Southeastern portion of the coastal area of the state and is home to the city of Juno [Music] the far north of Alaska is also better known as the Arctic sparsely populated and wild the Arctic is more acquainted with Caribou than it is human beings gnome is the only major city in this region of the state to its South lies interior Alaska the centerpiece of the state is Denali formerly known as Mount McKinley Denali is North America's tallest mountain interior Alaska is a nature Lover's Dream millions of Acres of nationally protected Wild Land to find what is arguably the most beautiful part of the state to the north of Inside passage lies the South Central Region which is where the state capital of Anchorage is [Music] housed to the west of Anchorage ize the southwest region this is one of the most rugged portions of Alaska a region with sprawling coastlines rugged mountains and almost innumerable moose brown bear and salmon the southwestern region is also known for the uian islands a chain of 14 volcanic and 55 smaller Islands which form the northernmost part of the Pacific Ring of Fire undergrowth can be thick in some places but the uans are largely known for their Rocky Jagged Peaks and their Tundras here in the unfriendly environments of Western Alaska the altto tribes settled and hunted sea mammals from skin covered boats today many tribes still call the Region home it's far from Prime Bigfoot habitat yet despite its appearance it is here that one of the most believable and incredible eyewitness stories I came across during our Alaska trip originated Elizabeth was a young wife and mother in 1969 when she came face to face with a creature late one night while staying at a friend's house I want to tell her before I get too old and forget you know I don't think I'll ever forget that though yeah cuz it froze me oh okay we when we moved down there it it was in on Alaska okay you know where that down on the Chain okay there's no trees around there or anything and uh this lady she always left food out for for it cuz it would come at night and look for food I guess and uh but I guess she seen it before nobody would go out berry picking cuz they're afraid of seeing that thing cuz it was around town several people seen it looking down at them when they took the garbage out to the dump the dogs always it's got scared of it but I'll never forget that you said berries there the people were scared to go out berry picking berry picking there's a lot of berries wild berries down there no one would go out berry picking because they knew that um that outside man they call him was around and he they always said he was over 8 fo tall and he was probably eight and few inches May and all the kids were all we went up to her place to spend the night cuz our husbands went out crab fishing and uh but that night we when we heard that noise out there looked out and just and I didn't even sit down in my chair yet and I was about 6 feet away from it and I I looked up something made me look up and it was above the window cuz the windows were high it was windy down there and they had uh you know protect uh High windows so the window break and I looked up and that thing was above the window and looking down like this at me and his eyes was big and his skin was um dark brown and shiny weather beaten and so was his eyes his eyes were all red you know from being in the weather hear any sound was there any sound even though it was on the other side of the wall did you did it make any noise yeah that's what Drew us to look outside it made some kind of noise and it was all quiet outside because everybody was sleeping and the bar was closed we could see the bar lights from where she lived and everybody was gone from there and was very quiet and then we heard this um sound like there was a baby out there and it did make a loud enough for us to hear through the walls when he was standing and leaning down was he did it were no hand just his big wide chest Jes that big on top and a big head I mean a little bigger than ours and hairy dark hair but the skin was so dark weather beaten you could end it shine you know and this eyes those are the reddest bloodshot eyes I ever seen in my life and it stood there and looked at us for for a while looked at her and then looked at me and I just couldn't get my eyes away from it I was and she she was wondering what I was looking at cuz my face I mean and she looked up and she was right under it and she made out of blood curling scream that's what brought me too oh my goodness that thing and there was all kinds of Windows in that front window and we were afraid it would break in and so we had to move all the kids she had four and I had four into the bed bedroom where there was no window so it wouldn't uh break through and we knocked on the wall to have our friend come over to help us see what that was and he was too scared he knew what it was and he wouldn't go out the door for nothing he went and hid himself and uh and it didn't do anything very very it was very calm we thought would' be breaking in and everything the door and it just looked at us and then backed off and walked off into the mountains again that's the last we've seen of it was the face that you saw was the face would you say it was like like a primate like a gorilla or an ape or L like that but more or less more humaniz and an ape you know you knew it wasn't an ape and the Apes aren't that tall anyway cuz he had been over looking on this but I never ever ever want to see it again in my whole life it's so real it's just horrifying you said that like natives see this stuff all the time and really pay any attention to it yeah like all the time really you talk to my cousin Elizabeth right I mean her occurrence happened in 1967 on Alaska and I I oh jeez imagine one of these things mimicking a baby to draw out a woman praying against her Natural Instincts is just cunning on a level I just can't that what you think it was doing that it was like they didn't it didn't offer her any berries or anything what was that's the unknown what was the purpose of that you know what would be the point of luring them out especially mimicking a baby they know that's is there historical precedence for that like like these things trying to well yeah our oral history like in cigic there's a part of their oral history is they caught konics had three villages the first one they is where this happened um they had to move it because of a ice dam on the river so before that happened what are we talking like 10 and something years ago supposedly they caught a Hayman dug a big pit it was a smaller hairyman a younger one put it in the pit and we're feeding it for 4 days and on the morning of like the fifth day they heard a help I'm cold in upic and they look into the pit and it's a woman that have been missing for a couple years so what do you do with that you know what I mean like and it's their oral history you know you can't just go and sit there and disrespect and say nah that didn't happen like that you know what I mean so you got to kind of take it with a grain of salt and maybe there's a life lesson in it but I don't I don't know my personal opinion is I think as far as uh Native Legends and lore across the Spectrum not just here in Alaska but I I really think that the key to recognition of of this being species whatever you might want to call it is through the native tribes and affiliations I think that's the key because they recognize these beings as part of their culture and in many of the cultures they recognize it as being a part of their even even religious aspects of their culture it but the problem is is trying to get them to um talk to people about it because historically we've what you know the Bigfoot thing question historically has been met with a lot of ridicule sarcasm whatever you want to call it mainstream science will never in my opinion admit to it not in our lifetimes but the Native Americans even here in Alaska you can look across all of their cultures and they have stories and they have history you know something that we have seemed to neglect uh on the topic I've had some natives Alaskan natives come in uh one lady in particular she's come in here a couple times with her son and she's from up North and she told me that when she was a little girl in the bush she said their grand Grandma used to tell them when they go berry picking not to go to the whistles I don't know if that's a a luring it seems like a luring Behavior or why the gr the the elders say don't go to it there's a reason why you don't go to it but I've heard that from several natives from up North so I think it's interesting I think it I think that tells tells a little bit you know I I wouldn't trust them myself I wouldn't were there were there warnings or anything about going out in the W oh yeah don't don't don't whistle in the woods don't turn your back on the woods don't go out alone behave or otherwise they'll snatch you and eat you you know but it always involved snatching you and eating you there was never any Oh They'll they'll make you one of them or you know this kind of thing it was all all bad and when I was a little kid I used to chalk it up to oh they're trying to keep us out of the woods I was a smart boy you know I have not had much opportunity to interact with the indigenous people up further north North and Alaska but I have had interactions with uh with people in Prince of Wales Island and and that general area um there's a couple different stories one is of the otter man they say kushika is the otter man but I personally kind of think that's a Bigfoot sasquatches are well known to be swimming between the islands in Southeast Alaska in Dr Robert alli's book raincoast Sasquatch he details several reports from the local fishermen seeing what they initially thought was a log floating in the water but then it went under and frog stroke away you know so we know they swim between the islands not only have they been seen doing it but they're on the islands and the islands aren't large enough to hold a breeding population I think the otter man in the local indigenous culture I think that that is actually a Sasquatch because otter swim really well Sasquatches swim really well man well sasquatches are man- shaped covered in hair why wouldn't the otter man just be a Sasquatch in the 1940s there was a gal named Emily suich who wrote to Roger Patterson about an encounter her mother had outside the village of Kuka her mother and some friends were out berry picking and they came across this tall long blackhaired figure creature and apparently some of the village men caught it and caged it and they tried to feed it fish for a while but it started to get sick and its hair started to fall out and they realized it was a female cuz it it had breasts eventually it died in captivity I found that very intriguing what what do you call Bigfoot what do they you know Harryman Harry man CH yeah um there's other words that are just too throaty you know one of the reasons I started um Coming forward to share is the lower 48 is totally different than up here obviously you know and I was hearing a lot of these fanciful things about people basically having them as friends and family groups for Dozen Years and you know ate they know all their names and stuff and I'm like I don't I I don't see that I don't I've never seen anything friendly 1995 we were walking up this meow we were looking for tarm again it's basically swampy Tundra and then you got black Spruce little little islands of it well we're walking up and it was it wasn't a marshy part but as we're coming up we hear this grunt off to the side of us and as we look over man gives me a chill this thing stood up and then ran away from us right it was about 7t tall kind of like a I would call it a like a cinnamon kind of brown brownish color not very long hair probably about 4 to 6 in had longer hair right here but as far as the face all you could make out was just kind of like a little glint from the eyes it was kind of in the shade of the tree so when it stood up up it was more silhouetted than anything and then when it cleared running away on the back side of that then you saw its coloration a little better and so initially we're like well that was weird then it started throwing stuff so we started leaving the area and as we're leaving the area all it was doing was breaking trees it was taking Birch about that big round just snapping it like that didn't seem too friendly now it's easy to you know 2020 hindsight and say it was aggressive but it could have just been running us out of its berry picking Pat [Music] nearly 30 peoples make up the native culture that has helped to Define Bigfoot and the state legends exist across tribes many of them are counting descriptions and behaviors that sound similar to the lower 48 Zone Sasquatch Legends many of them however seem to hint at something darker a more Sinister undertone overtakes many of the tales and folklore that priate this part of the country and it's something that I'll have to explore later here in Alaska the creatures have moved across the state Crossing Lines between cultural icon and a natural part of the ecosystem it all depends on your view of the world around you one thing that strikes me about Elizabeth's story of the Bigfoot is the way it made her feel even at the time when it happened Elizabeth like most Witnesses has spent most of her life in this place she was familiar with the local wildlife and yet when she encountered the Sasquatch staring at her window she was left shaken and Disturbed this is a creature that seems right at home in its native environment and yet despite being here for centuries when a person encounters one they can hardly process it almost as if the creature has altered the way in which we see the places we once considered our domain or simply our home the Bigfoot doesn't just appear and disappear without a trace it leaves behind a shattered perception of what the witness once thought they knew about their environment itself in many cases it leaves the witness feeling like an intruder in a world they no longer understand even if that world is one settled by your ancestors over hundreds if not thousands of years I'm assuming big question might have um we have something called a inukun it's like a spirit but it's it's physical it's kind of like a Bigfoot maybe it is a Bigfoot who knows but it can disappear it can take you I don't know where they take you I mean it'll leave tracks and do things and and they're big like that so the first time I saw one uh coming back from Denali where you come around this big corner and there's there's so much space in between the roads on each side where there's nothing but grass there's no Hills there's no nothing and so there's this little patch of trees and you can see through the trees so I saw this big thing come walking towards the trees and I'm thinking that is that's a inun and it didn't have time to get around the past that tree line cross that big Big Field and the it didn't have that much time to get all the way around there when I was coming around but when I went all the way around I was still looking for it and I didn't see it it was huge I mean it was way out there but I could tell there was something walking somebody walking out there like in you can can you describe it like what it physically they're big they're dark like black they are hairy but I think they're a little bit skinny year it only took me 10 years to realize the first thing that I saw was a big bot later that winter uh that same Trail but the snow is high on each side so we're coming back and it was getting late well there was a white uh I look into that Valley every time we go through there and this time when I finally looked right as we were passing I seen it sitting there watching us p it had a big shoulder a big head and another shoulder and it was sitting on this there's a big stump in one of The Valleys it's sitting on the stump and it's just sitting there watching us so I was like turn around turn around you know go back and then we go back and by the time there's nothing there there's just this big void and the snow is deep it's getting dark how big I think if it would have probably stood up it would have been 12 or 14 ft tall because it was two or three sizes bigger than the other ones that I saw and taller the shoulders and the head alone were big I have heard the Alaskan sasquatches are bigger I've heard stories of giants the Giants they don't call them Sasquatches they call them Giants and they live on the other side of Lake ilam there I've heard all kinds of weird rumors and and and in drawing and listening to different eyewitnesses it's it was very obvious to me off the bat that these things are different some are tall and skinny some are kind of more big classic you know hulking figures some are scrawny you know overall I think they're individuals I I don't know if there are different types like there are black bear you know brown bear G you know thinking maybe something similar to that depending on the environment they're in I've heard people you know describe them with with canines and without canines and and I tell you what I've heard them from from my Witnesses more no no canines just like horse teeth that's that's generally what I hear I also it makes me curious are there different kinds that have different features that Evol evolved with their environment maybe they are bigger in Alaska because there's just a plethora of food around there's this thing called bergman's Rule bergman's Rule is a rule in biology that basically states that the further away from the equator and animal lives even within the same species they get bigger but what that really translates to is animals that live in cold places are large um and that has to do with heat retention if you graph Mass versus surface area if you make a a math graph you know and and plot how Mass goes up and then compare that to how surface area goes up the mass of a mammal is what creates the body heat that body heat can only be radiated out to the environment through its surface area right makes sense so if the mass is increasing faster than the surface area is on the graph well then more heat is retained within the animal and that's why black bears for example in Alaska are bigger than the black bears in Mexico because they're Liv colder environments and Sasquatches which are already very large animals and already covered in hair they I think they tend to be a little larger up there they follow the same biological rules as all the other species do so it was let's see about the beginning of the winter MH this last winter M I was out scouting a place to cut wood I had heard about this trail behind the airport here about a mile away and I drove back probably 2 or 300 Y and uh I had actually gotten stuck there's a place where the water runs down off the mountain and crosses the trail and kind of made it a little swampy area and the snow it was the first snow so there was a little bit of snow in the ground I didn't realize that I drove out onto it the swamp and I got stuck so uh I had gotten out so I cut down some wood and was picking my truck up out of the the swamp so I could get out and actually a brown bear walked up on me walked up right behind me and it spooked me because I didn't even hear him the bear did and so I got into the truck and I was going to wait him out till he just decided to walk off um so I took a little bit of a nap I guess it was probably about an hour and a half well it was starting to get dark the sun was starting to go down the bear was still around I noticed that he looked up and looked around and took off well about 15 or 20 minutes later I'm still sitting in my truck me to make sure he went away and uh I noticed something I don't know maybe it was 20 yards away like kind of in the trees moving around at first I thought it was just a person or something but it was all white I just decided Well I'm going to get out and try to get out again by then the sun's already going down really good and I have a couple of flashlights on and I got my headlights on and there's some trees probably about that far ahead of me and uh I noticed that now whatever it was it's kind of over behind the trees and it looks a lot bigger I would say it's like 12 ft tall maybe 14 ft because I seen the top of its head above the trees like just barely above the trees um so I'm like man this is not right so I get back in my truck by then I'm really spooked you know the hair on the back of my neck's standing and I'm kind of scared I don't have a gun with me I don't carry one and uh so I'm just sitting there for a little while it disappears I see it again and now it's off to the left kind of um it's still on the trail but behind the trees where they're kind of closing in at in I get like a better view of it because he's standing there my headlights are on him and he's definitely like 12 to 14 ft tall um he was pretty wide and he was white he had like a round looking head it wasn't long like you see pictures of him or whatever um I could see his eyes they were big and he was just staring right at me he hung out all night like ride around there he would move around behind me but mostly in front of the vehicle where I I could kind of see him but kind of not uh I don't know why he hung out there um I would take a nap for a little while and waake back up and he'd still be around I'd get out of the truck for a second and I could hear him moving um but I felt like I shouldn't be there we talked to a witness while we were there who said he'd seen a white a white Bigfoot over that way twice have you ever heard any other accounts of white Bigfoot my theory is they're marked homed kind of a thing so it's not really like pie Ball but you'll have all black with like a little patch or something like this different coloration so when I hear the stuff like the albino type or white or gray or something that really perks my interest because that's what my research it is leading to that there I call it a boreal Sasquatch because it's a northern Sasquatch still a Sasquatch but your regular Sasquatch Sasquatch is your like your Pacific Northwest they Mark tomed and I say marked because they have the different coloration and then on the chest and then their face they'll have some different a gray maybe for age and things like that and that's just my theory that's what I'm finding because of all the reports when I look comb all those things and I try to sort them out by a you know there's the age of course but then you look at the descriptors and things like this and they're coming back to me there coming back with markings and and size differences creature descriptions in Alaska run the gamut from massive towering figures nearly 12T tall to Tiny hair covered beings that clock in around 3 to 4 ft some witnesses recount seeing Sasquatch beings that are covered in a thick rough fur While others see something that has long stringy occasionally patchy hair I shine ranges from red to Yellow to Amber to Green the face is often remarked upon as being eerily similar to that of a human While others have speculated that what they encountered was a relative of the great ape Alaska's size does little to hold in check the theorizing that accompanies the Bigfoot topic instead allowing those who wish to do so nearly Limitless opportunity to let their imagination run wild races of Giants are said to roam the mountains near Denali while the Wilderness is said to be inhabited by undiscovered tribes of beings bent on the destruction of anyone it comes in contact with here the mighty yet elusive Sasquatch is just one member of a massive catalog of Mythic figures so you're you're working off the theory that there would be basically two types in this area you've got Neo Giants which are this Squatch and then the marinates which I call the bore say Squatch because they're found sub you know subarctic which is where we are MH um and they this is the kind of track that they're leaving this has got more rectangular shape to it you know straight where this had the other one this could be classified as a boreal Sasquatch too it's got the right latitude it's got the right characteristics with that swooped insole what would be the biggest difference between the two other than I mean obviously physically the the actual foot and the they're they're probably the same okay a black bear here is the same as a black bear in Oregon yeah you know they're might be a little bit difference you know a few differences here and there but they're still the same species I think or not enough as known to say it's a different species right so have you casted or or seen any casts from from Alaska that kind of fit the the Boreal shape there was one outside of Fairbanks it was kind of on the large side but it had that swooped insole so it's like that's easily a mar comined AAL Sasquatch and it you know there's your insole again yeah so yeah I see what you mean about how boxy they are you got that rectangular looking and then this is and then there's another one called a neander toid MH that's got four toes and it's supposed to be more caveman like and there's reports of that wearing clothing okay in in Alaska yes here in Alaska tool usage that kind of thing neander toid yeah like neander Sal yeah like the okay but only four toes right so the size we are you know five 5 feet to six feet where are those sightings taking place they're all over here in this area when you get up north it's more of this thing Boreal Sasquatch just because of the way the environment is in this area especially down you know next to the town you could have Sasquatch and Boreal Sasquatch and then there's one called the tacettin and tacettin is at the Baskin um there's no word for the translation but in English it means monkey people mhm and so these are kind of a four to five foot thing and they have a tail that's why it's the monkey thing um they like to live along rivers and they kind they're troublemakers there's always tales of the athabascans fighting these things for years and years but I'm just curious at the Boreal would they be able to handle different climates better like like colder climates maybe stick to the higher they're at home here yeah and at home in the valley not so much here because you know what you got for food here the food source so they're going to take advantage of you know but they're just as at home here you know on a glacier as they are in a muskeg or a bog right if native peop and eyewitnesses alike are actually describing multiple types or even species of upright hominids and shouldn't there be more for us to go off of than the odd story aside from a few random footprint castings my time in Alaska has been short of actual physical or audiovisual evidence for the presence of Sasquatch or any of the upright creature said to inhabit the Last Frontier maybe that isn't so surprising given the sheer size of the state and the minimal amount of investigators and researchers willing to spend time in the Frozen Wast and Forest that make it up while there are a growing number of those willing to put the hour into looking for Sasquatch the amount of available material turned up through investigations is almost non-existent however I've been hearing for quite some time about a place not that far from Homer that seems to be our best bet for evidence of the creature's presence in the 49 State and it happens to be geographically located fairly close to Port chatam which is one of the most infamous locations in the animals of Bigfoot research while Port chadam has been explored in-depth already in numerous television and film projects area a has not so while my crew and I are out talking to Witnesses and exploring the vast regions of Alaska Alexander pikov and Eli Watson head to area a area a is the name given to a remote area of coastal Alaska with a history of very unusual activity area a is located on Alaska's rugged Kenai Peninsula nestled between massive mountains on either side and the Deep Blue Waters of the Gulf of Alaska with large glaciers near by area a consists of a small cabin steeped in a lush deep and dark temperate rainforest the cabin is owned by a man named Scott who has experienced everything from Rock throws and bizarre slaps on the side of his cabin walls to screams and possible visualizations of the creatures that seem to inhabit the forests this is the same area of the Kenai Peninsula where Survivor Man L stoud described an experience with what sounded like a gorilla vocalizing and Loud thumping as with most of Alaska the chances are high that this could be the ideal place to find some answers to the question of unknown creatures in North [Music] America so about a year ago April of 2021 I was contacted by a property owner in Alaska who had a remote property in the keenai peninsula about an hour from the nearest town uh and he claims to have over the years had experienced some very interesting possible Sasquatch activity never stated it was Sasquatch but it was sort of eluded so I created a relationship with him and became friends with him and was invited out to the property and essentially we went out to the keenai peninsula for 8 Days spent it entirely at this property researched it thoroughly and had some pretty interesting stuff happen I met Scott two and a half years ago so I happen to be given a big foot presentation out here at the muskox Farm uh after the presentation he came up to me and we introduced you know we hit it off he I could tell he was a real pretty serious guy he was not screwing around he was almost a little I don't want to say nervous but he was he was just bothered it bothered him and what intrigued me is he was not a Bigfoot person he did not research Bigfoot he couldn't tell you what you know tree knock not any of the activities that they're known for but yet he's he's telling me all these all these things that are happening and I'm like that's classic Bigfoot stuff you know the the rock throwing especially that's what really blew my mind see and he's witnessed the rocks being thrown we're talking you know witnessing large Boulders as the property own described to me at one point they witnessed a boulder get thrown horizontally from a wooded area where there wasn't a huge hill just right into the bay where they had their boat mored just a whole host of other things you know lots of things being slapped the cabin um wood knocks hearing knocks one of the first instances they had happened was hearing what they described as a T-Rex Roar and it was getting closer to them that the ouse at one point was the toilet was taken and thrown 30 ft into the woods probably the most dramatic one that was that I heard that was described as before the cabin was finished there their only entrance inside was basically the floorboards on the uh upper left hand kind of corner of the cabin so they would come in through that hole you know work on the inside and they would cover it with PL wood and put a Yeti cooler one of those big 60 70 lb coolers on top just to keep things from from getting in it was before they had a staircase or anything to really get up and one evening that cooler was something lifted that wood and that cooler flew 15 ft across the cabin hit the other wall they all started shouting bear there were people sleeping in that room where the cooler was and you know weapons were grabbed and essentially they described hearing something running up the hill by repy so there had been essentially every time they went out there there would be something going on whether it be wood knocks things being thrown things being moved uh one of the only visual encounters there was a gentleman going to use the ouse at night and upon coming out while inside the ouse described a very odd feeling of being watched and felt very uncomfortable walked outside and 15 20 ft in the woods saw this kind of hulking figure with glowing eyes just sort of of behind this wooden stump and through measurements they determined it was 6 or 7 ft kind of uh in that area so there's just so many incident incidents that have happened there that uh that I was told about but then we of course experienced them ourselves as well what I had heard about the cabin before going out there was that I had obviously heard some of the sounds like the baby crying I think that's the one that really stuck out to me the most but the long drawn out how as well um I hadn't heard a lot of the stories I hadn't been in contact with Scott himself so it was all kind of through Alex and um I just knew that it was way off the grid and there was a lot of stuff happening out there that the nawc had been out there David Ellis had analyzed some of the audio from out there that that's pretty much as far as I knew yeah so essentially I was given a bunch of audio files by the property owner which had been analyzed by David Ellis of the Olympic project we're talking extremely long drawn out howls that classic sort of echoing bellowing Bigfoot kind of [Music] howl uh knocks wood knock Rock knock sort of stuff and one of the creepiest ones was what sounds like a baby crying and the baby crying I should add this baby crying sound was only ever heard or recorded on or around the time women were present on the property so that then takes you back to Alaskan native stories from centuries ago of don't go into the woods when you hear [Music] crying there was sounds of things clearly hitting the cabin uh whether it be rocks or slaps or something purposefully smacking the side of cabin or the roof well Scott ended up telling me that there there had been people there who had lived uh in that Cove about a 100 years ago there's supposedly a Schoolhouse or what he thought might be a Schoolhouse was like this unknown cabin out up there somewhere yeah I guess the people moved out for whatever reason no one's really there year round anymore so the Kenai Peninsula is essentially the shore line and the forests that surround it are rainforest this a temperate rainforest so getting to this property in particular you have to take uh a boat ride and go basically around a bunch of peninsulas and archipelagos of you know 2,000t mountains basically sticking out from the sea here you're on your own you're at least a few hours from a town or hospital or anything like that so the the dangers of just getting out to a place like this can't be understated it's absolutely a risk just going out there the first summer I go out there was two years ago it was June beautiful weather out there there were four of us and the first night I decided I want I want to stay up late the other three gentlemen went to bed maybe 10:30 so 10:30 11:30 quiet nothing and and I admit my my expectations are pretty high being that I've been telling and told all these stories I've heard the recordings I'm jacked I'm like come on man and nothing it's just quiet and I'm like of course you know so I got braver as the evening war on so then I moved down to the beach every I've been out there for about 3 hours at this point just out of the blue it sounded like the biggest dude you know took a tree limb not like a baseball bat but like a I could tell it was big crack I mean right in front of me about maybe 30 ft in the tree line and it was loud it I mean just broke the just shattered the silence and I knew what I heard but I think it it was still registering and then it did it again crack so hard I could hear the stuff falling off the trees the pine needles and whatnot and after after that second one the the fear it's like I wasn't expecting that I looked over at the cabin which is about 100t to my my left and it's kind of dark nestled in the woods a little and the big creepy Trails next to it and I just had to get to safety I ran to the cabin um well I didn't run I I walked really fast and I think I walked fast because I felt if I ran I would get more scared but I walked really fast and what I didn't know is Scott had walked out on the deck of the cabin and he was relieving himself when the tree knocks happened so he heard him and I still the thermal in my hand I come walking I'm like oh my God I can't believe he's like that's that's Bush League man that's Bush League Scotts HT it all out there um so that was my first first night and first encounter there hey dude it's Alex uh hopefully you can hear me okay this is by the sa phone just uh check in and see what you guys are up to I think tomorrow's our last full day so we're out on the 15th so we'll see you guys up in uh J foot Art Gallery but um yeah it's been pretty pretty awesome out here some weird activity for sure like last night we had kind of running around our camp and throwing stuff and into the water it was it was definitely weird uh definitely some crazy stuff out here but um yeah man we'll tell you all about when when we're back just other check in and uh hope you guys are having a good time and see you [Music] soon what did what did you guys actually experience so one of the things I experienced that actually was kind of a recurring theme was hearing a mystery gunshot I happened to walk outside after waking up I hear what sounds like a gunshot come from behind me on the left of very distant and again to you'd know if someone was there I mean this is a you're on the you're on a bay you see boats coming in and very rarely do we see anyone out there upon talking to the property owner he says yeah there's nobody out here shooting this we hear this kind of stuff sort of power knock kind of thing one of the nights we camped up out on this Ridge that was just behind the cabin no one had ever camped out there before except for me Alex and Ron and we were here in all sorts of activity I mean walking around us on both sides left and right as well as KNX close and far but a bear's not going to do that you know moose is not going to do that so it I mean it what it felt like was that something was coming in and checking us out and I don't know how to explain it other than that hey what's going on man just checking in here we've had a pretty exciting couple days a very clear wood knock Rock throwing incident it's been pretty wild but we just came across what looks like a hand print on the back of the cabin uh it's not metal sighting very it's 5050 either human or something humanlike it's not misidentified Bear Mountain build or anything like that it's it's clearly got dramatic ltic those dermal ridges H the handprint I don't know what of what but the only one lik it across the cabin so just figured to let you know hopefully we getting this message loud and clear but um we'll talk more when we see you CU this is pretty exciting so hopefully we can turn something out with this's that yeah you can see it's about [Music] 8 but uh upon return returning from the woods I found a large very unusual looking handprint on the back of the cabin so we have since collected lifted the print or parts of it and collected a sample and have some folks looking at it none of us could could replicate it that's what was so interesting about it and people that have looked at it including David Ellis and others have been very intrigued by it especially the lack of the thumb something that I've been told in alleged Sasquatch hand prints is that the thumb for some reason is usually not visible so that was one of the most intriguing things we found uh is it conclusive of course not I mean will we know maybe we'll know a little bit more about it but uh it's a very very interesting property I I think at one point it was probably the most active property in North America in terms of alleged sasquad [Music] activity the handprint has since been examined by two professors of anthropology that specialize in primate Derma glyphics one concluded it was likely human with prominent dermals visible due to heavy labor like wood chopping working machinery Etc the second Professor found them intriguing first concluding it was some kind of bear but upon closer inspection said that dermatoglyphics were visible but did not comment further The Sounds recorded at area a are likewise being analyzed by audio experts so far the results are impressive so there is some sort of evidence that Sasquatch might roam the Last Frontier and I've heard more than enough intriguing eyewitness accounts to convince me that people are seeing something here I'm just not sure if the habitat and expansiveness of the region will allow for the eventual discovery of the culprit Scott's area those those beings knew they were there long before Scott and his friends knew that they were there they were curious and then they started making themselves known through vocalizations or slaps on the cabin or you know rocks being thrown or whatever the case might have been so could that have been the initiation of some type of process may maybe but I really think you'd have to commit to a long-term Expedition living you know pretty harshly in in harsh environments through all four seasons to really get some some groundbreaking new evidence I've always been firmly in that it's a great ape Camp there seems to be some sort of mode of vocal communication what I find uncanny is its ability to hide cuz I mean they were all around us out in the cabin it felt like they were all around us but where were they I'm so confused like where did they go where did they hide I don't know what they do I I just don't I mean who knows what they' do I don't think they're going to walk up and shake my hand you know I've heard that if they come to you that's bad like like what's happening out in out in Scott's cabin out there which they seem to come to us you know I've never studied one um but I I'd like to treat them like Bears I just keep a distance I'm intrigued I've heard some stuff out there that I've never heard in my life I don't know what they'll do I I I actually I just don't know what they'll do I I think they'd probably leave you alone but maybe one's having a bad day you know I don't know you hear about all these missing people I don't know makes you wonder and the question always comes up where's the body you know where's the body where's the proof where are the bones where you know okay well witness statements hair samples tracks if you took the mountains of evidence from the past several decades and compiled it all and could convince an attorney to present a case before a court could you convince a jury to return a verdict that would say this species exists I think there's enough there's just so much evidence out there I think that in my opinion I think people have been convicted of crimes with far less evidence than the evidence that's been compiled over the past several decades on this subject the subject of sasquatches is so intriguing to me because of the mystery in it because of the the quirkiness about it too I do kind of like that sasquatches are certainly in Alaska and they're certainly walking around and they certainly occasionally leave Footprints wherever they go They're going to be discovered eventually they're absolutely real animals they're absolutely real and therefore some scared Hunter will pull a trigger someday or a logging truck will run one over on the way to work but the mystery will be gone Sasquatches will still be there and the Mystery will be gone if it was as simple as knowing where to look we'd have put this whole big foot thing to rest long ago during the late 1800s an American prospector traveling along the kondik River discovered gold lining its banks thus the Gold Rush began over the next 12 years thousands of ordinary men and women came to the Yukon in search of a better life or simply the means to it they traveled into a harsh territory with brutal weather some of the largest predatory animals on Earth and a landscape not yet [Music] mapped some of them struck it rich while many more did not they found themselves constantly on the brink of a new discovery here in the Last Frontier whether the discovery was simply gold or to seek out if they had the wherewithal to survive in the land of the Midnight Sun it reminds me of the earliest Pioneers in the field of Sasquatch the question of whether or not an unknown creature like Sasquatch actually exists remains and like Alaska itself the field of Bigfoot research is the Last Frontier of its own a frontier full of charlatans and hidden agendas Frontier full of normal ordinary everyday people who have encountered something extraordinary a frontier of study for those willing to chase the great unknown [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 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Channel: Small Town Monsters
Views: 411,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aWU1ZK5hpAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 17sec (5297 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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