Surviving Every Year of Giant Clue Game

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our bet was just murder they were giving our dog a checkup where's Blackjack Blackjack black ja Blackjack Blackjack Blackjack it's got to be around here somewhere Blackjack where you hey Matt I found him he's okay he must have hit from whoever did this you need to look at this you took my freedom when you put me in jail so I'm taking something from you they're coming for you next it must be someone from clue that means I need to survive a 100 Years of clue to figure out who it is before they strike again I made a list of all of the suspects from our clue games and I'm going to narrow it down until I figure out who the Killer is starting with who's that is that the killer it's just your dog walker hey hi I'm here for blackjack here he is he's ready to go bye see you soon back to figuring out who the Killer is I need to solve this before I get even more freaked out and this first case is one of my favorites matx no I'm sorry he's dead no no my husband Matt was just murdered and these are the suspects 24 hours ago Matt gave each suspect an envelope with their decade on it but one of them said killer and if I don't solve the murder in five guesses I will have to do an extreme punishment luckily I have surveillance footage of the murder to help me find the killer starting with this [Music] clip the killer had a notepad for taking orders they must be a waiter or a waitress I I have the perfect challenge to catch them this is the 1950s we all be putting the suspects through the ultimate Diner challenge for round one each of the suspects will race to grab the food before it touches the floor and whoever grabs the most food wins ew what year are you supposed to be 10 like 191 1810 no 10 on Your Mark get set [Music] go oh 10 C of burger which means he's moving on for the next round T is an animal he's obviously the killer you might not want to eat that it's not exactly fresh need like me next up is the 1920s versus the 1990s wait Sam fam did you see that did Maddie put something in Javier's pocket isn't this just the cat's pajamas you're in a good mood considering a murder just happened on your marks get set [Music] go what the heck was that she pushed me cry about it '90s I'm sorry but 20 moves on and 20's kind of sus Ready set [Music] go St groovy Cowboy the 1970s slipped do you think someone sabotaged him guess I'm not staying alive in this competition staying alive staying alive you're right because 60s is moving on 40s versus 80s look at that hot mama oh a soldier someone who's been around death before interesting enough talking and more catching and [Music] go why kind of dramatic it's just a burger and fries 80s is moving on that was totally rad I can't believe I actually caught it she said she was surprised she caught that but the killer would it be these are the final two suspects and whoever wins this will move on with the rest of the winners to the next round I'm just excited to have food the great depression's been so hard on me you sound desperate desperate enough to kill Matt for his money no Ready set [Music] go 50s is the winner 50 you're not get eat it are you oh kick rocks before I beat the pulp out of you what's going up what' you say take it take it thank you this is the Lincoln Log challenge each of you will have 3 minutes to recreate this 1950s Lincoln Log model time starts now okay Zam fam part of being a good waiter or waitress means you have great presentation so let's see how they do oh what's wrong I can't do this what innocent trees are being killed to make these toys refusing to do the challenge that Su tree killer okay just hang right there you're not supposed to rub them together you're supposed to build them wish I had an apron to put these logs in mine seem to keep going missing an apron like an apron a waitress would wear darling does it look like my dress comes with pocket shorts honestly I have a feeling we're all going to be wicked good at this maybe you can share your tips with me later on the moist fetuccini date e I said you oh my gosh spider spider SP okay that is not the challenge start over that caveman is clearly not that smart but he figured out fire you think he's smart enough to figure figure out how to kill someone all right you guys you have 30 seconds left this is so easy I'm almost done let's combine hom to be Mr and Mrs Lincoln look no hey you should watch him he keeps stealing your block hey that's why you rag [Music] muffin oh 20 more seconds you guys better hurry up and build oh are you okay let me help you this was my last piece all of these suspects could be the killer but I need to figure out which one I want to accuse and five Four 3 2 and one time is up let's see your Lincoln log cabins I'm sorry 1960s but you didn't build which means you're out save the trees you know you wrote that sign on paper which is from a tree and 1980s you don't have a linol log cabin which means you are eliminated too but that's not fair he pushed me everyone else I guess you all passed me win no no you just move on how did he even do that this is don't choose the wrong milkshake sh each of you must choose a straw that is linked to one of these milkshakes two are good one is bad everyone choose your straws let's see if these suspects have a waiter's intuition and pick the right shake you should uh drink this one I think it's chocolate we love chocolate I hate chocolate get ready to drink from your straws but before you do whoever does not finish their milkshake will be eliminated drink up [Music] buttercup oh my God it's banana it's worse than chocolate delicious strawberry you two got the good milkshake 10 got the bad flavor and that flavor was me finished drink we love chocolate that wasn't chocolate that was dirt we love dirt done finished me don't feel so good what oh [Music] no he's dead zamfam 10 just died which means one of these two suspects is definitely the killer you you switched places with him you knew it was poison poison wasn't prohibited in the 20s kill her don't even try to blame it on me when both of you are sus so we're doing another challenge this is rock paper scissors if you win you get to pick a key that will hopefully unlock this box the first person to pick the right key not only wins but gets whatever inside this box good [Music] luck it's not the right key guilty an experienced waiter or waitress knows how to lock up a restaurant so let's see who's good with keys he did it and I get whatever's inside oh you did just feel like that come to Papa immunity you can't vote for me lucky considering you're the killer you get immunity but only this round and it doesn't matter because I'm ready to make my accusation and it's not you it was you 1920 Mones me yes because earlier I saw how mad you got when 10 stole your blocks and he conveniently died during the milkshake round and I also saw you slip a note in 1940s pocket in the first challenge you're making a mistake or am I get ready Sam fam I am about to win this on my first try you're not the killer I told you then what was the note I saw you put a note empty your pocket relax no what does this little note say don't need to read it I miss you I miss us heart he hasn't been answering any on my call okay okay you know what you're not the killer you can go everyone else upstairs whatever decade you are I can't believe I was wrong about 20's being the killer but I still have more security footage to look at and four more guesses that salad was expired Matt was supposed to throw that away last week killer must like eating expired food which gives me an idea for the next 40s challenge this is the 1940s musical chairs food challenge When the Music Stops you have to eat whatever is in front of you no problem any food is good food we'll see music Starts Now [Music] and stop now it's time for you to eat the food in front of you I'm so glad we left this food in the' 40s it's like I'm tasting food from the future really not that bad I'm glad you said that because I forgot to mention that all of this 1940s food is expired oh well I didn't see you touch your food oh it's not part of my disco diet then you are eliminated yeah I don't think I'd eat that either I will no no no these are M foods meal's ready to eat each of you will get to pick which bag to open but remember you have to eat it if you want to move on who wants to pick okay wo excuse me um I don't believe in violence so please move out of my spot that F all right now that you all have your bags open them to find out which food you're eating beef ravioli beef chunks H chicken noodle ew shredded beef cake Chicken Chunks pound cake this is so good keep your breath to yourself okay 1990s how is yours can't do it you have you have to do it me neither this chicken looks raw moldy if you guys don't eat it you're eliminated I'll be coming back to check on you and yum can I see yeah oh mine's gone what so good okay I guess I'll take that and you it's so good it's the best thing I've ever had okay and what do you have it kind of tastes like Ma's meatloaf so good or bad mystery me for sure well let's check on you three have you guys ate your food looks worse than we got at the front 1940s 2 000s and 9s you were all eliminated I'll take their food he likes that expired food way too much just like the killer these are 1940s canned foods and I actually found this in my grandma's basement so I'm pretty sure they're from the 40s here draw a number to decide what you [Music] eat now go to the number that matches the can here okay we'll start over here with can number four oh what is this canned beef maybe it wasn't one point that's all you're getting for me I'd come back for seconds okay no all right tough guy go ahead and eat your canned food nothing's going to taste worse than that oh yours [Music] is your's not so bad I'm next oo 1930s were bad oo no mhm okay hey you like it mhm okay this is the best food I've ever had okay number two youth pass number one take a scoop of that canned food oh wait no I don't think that can was a good idea oh no w w w w he's dead it must have been the expired food at least he doesn't have to eat more of it and neither do you guys because I'm ready to make my next accusation I think he was poisoned by you 1960s me you conveniently stood by him during the entire Challenge and you ate all of your food just like the killer so show me your envelope fine but you're wrong this might be my best game ever 1960 that doesn't make sense you ate all the food she didn't though she kept giving it to 1930s now you only have three accusations left peace out let's see if this security footage will help me Stam did you see that in the mirror there was a birth mark on the Killer's left arm okay so all I need to do is figure out a challenge to get them to remove some clothing I think I've done one of these challenges before this is the 2000 dish the dech challenge all of you pick up a flip phone this is a razor how do you shave with this thing it's a phone not a razor if this a telephone WIS the cord I'm not doing witchcraft okay I promise you that this is a phone and you're going to need it for this challenge because we are playing the who's most likely to challenge I'll ask you a question and you'll type into your phone who in the group you think would do that whoever gets the most votes will appear up here and have to remove a layer of clothing I'm not wearing anything under these pants dude you're going commando question number one who here is most likely to kiss a stranger the results are in and the person who got the most is 1950s I kiss myself but I already know me remove a layer of clothing gladly was that jacket to hide your lack of arm muscle question number two which suspect is most likely to dye their hair a crazy color the person with the most votes is it's a t '90s and 2000s you guys haded which means you both have to remove a layer of clothing two for the price of won moving on to the next question who is most likely to sneak out of their parents' house at night results are in and 1970s remove a layer of clothes this is the only layer I can afford to lose moving on who here is most likely to be a tattletail Sam bam who do you think they're going to vote for and it looks like 19 1980s you are the tattletail remove a layer of clothing let's vote 1980s for the rest of this challenge am I right that's not how this works who here is most likely to cheat cheating like in card games cheating on your boyfriend or girlfriend Zam this challenge is working out perfectly now I just need to check everyone's left arm so I can see if they have a birth mark it looks like it's a try again 50s and 80s remove a layer of clothing oh guess it's the dress can you help me with the zipper it's stuck I'm looking straight ahead I could L the hand I'm good 1940s is acting sus so I need to get him to remove a layer of clothing and I know just the question to do it who here is most likely to survive a war you know I'm a soldier right what oh well that was fast and it looks like 194s you got to remove a layer and it's getting hot here so just take off that jacket I guess the Hat will go we'll keep playing who's most likely to start a [Music] rumor 2000's removal layer could have just taken off your hat I didn't wash my hair today same girl same who here is most likely to wear a uniform year round I'm literally wearing one time to vote and wo it's the 1940s guess you're removing that jacket nope you have to remove the jacket that's the game you have to remove a layer of clothing they all voted for you this is not clothing this is a uniform I am proud to wear it not coming off okay fine you've made it really easy for me I accuse you I think that you are the killer especially now that you w remove your jacket so give me your envelope this game is about to be over oh 1940s is the killer you're not the killer nope you can go then you can take me out of the game but never my honor or my jacket okay everyone hey get over there for the next challenge samfam I don't get it how could I have been wrong I didn't see a birth mark on any of their left arms did you guys I guess I'm going to have to go back and look at more surveillance footage and I'm running out of guesses I only have two guesses left otherwise I have to do an extreme punishment I really hope the security footage helps me let's [Music] see hey the killer just still a family heirloom that thing is expensive that person is not only a killer they are a thief and I need to catch them red-handed by going back to the 8S this is a 1980s Rad or bad challenge I will show you guys an item and if you think it's from the 1980s you'll hold up Rad but if you think it's from another decade you'll hold up bad item number one a cassette player what they don't know is the only reason I'm having them do this challenges so I can get them in another room when they lose and see if they'll steal my money and if they do there's an ink bomb in it and I can set that off at any point reveal your answers okay looks like most of you said rat except you 2000 that's definitely not from the 8S well unfortunately you are wrong you are eliminated head upstairs oh and I forgot to mention I left my cash up there so just make sure no one touches it okay all right and then there were four next item is a Rubik's Cube okay is it Rad or bad so you guys don't think it's from the but you do that has the 8S written all over it actually it had the 70s you are eliminated head upstairs and then there are three and voila a slinky choose your answers this is tricky because you're from the 80s and you said rad and you two said bad if she gets this right she is officially the winner but a slinky is from the 40s not the 8S what I totally thought I was born in the'80s well you didn't study your decade hard enough head upstairs can't believe you two are the last and final ones now we have nerds candies are those from the80s or another decade you both think it's from the 80s you guys are right this is the last and final one Smurf Berry Crunch cereal one of you could be the winner the berries are good and you're bad you are wrong they are from the80s congratulations 1970s you are the winner groovy what do I win peace love and happiness H you know what go ahead upstairs both of you I'm going to use the bathroom real quick head upstairs okay zamfam I don't actually have to go to the bathroom I just want to get them all in the room to see who steals the money and if they do all know who the Killer is sorry for the delay are you guys ready for the next challenge let's do it absolutely wait someone took my money where's my my money I had in here who took it I didn't think no money one of you guys took my money I would show you my pocket okay fine if you guys don't want to tell me who stole my money I'll find out this way oh she peed her pants she didn't pee her pants I put an anti- theft bomb on the money and I activate it with this so that means you you are the one who stole my money I didn't steal the money I've never stolen anything in my life oh really 2000s yet it was in your pocket I have two accusations left but I don't need to because right now I am accusing you you had the envelope with killer in it show me your envelope okay Zam fam we did it in less than five guesses we found out it wasn't you I don't know how the money got there okay everyone head out 2000s you can go home oh man damam the killer must be one step ahead of me you must have frame the 2000s and I only have one guest left otherwise I have to do an extreme punishment I need to make this next challenge really count comment below who you think it is samam fam I only have one guest left which means I really need to make it count okay zamfam the killer obviously has great precision and I know the perfect challenge for that we're getting fresh in the '90s in West Philadelphia bone and Rise well we're in the '90s and we're going to play the '90s game Operation you got to get the body part out and if it buzzes you're eliminated why don't you go up first [Music] 80s done it's usually a lot harder than that for the record all right 7s okay yeah no definitely not close you're eliminated all right tough guy I think it's time for my operation nurse okay put the piece there '90s you're up all right it's my deade I got this not bad 90s D I say you're fresh now we're on to round two we play until there's a [Music] winner ladies are dominating this challenge oh remove my hot necks it's already yours you're so annoying and you knocked my headband off [Music] go still time to help out the doctor oh my God '90s you are [Music] up oh hey wo wo wo wo wo wo wo is she dead someone killed her that doesn't make sense that wasn't part of the game she's 1990 which means one of you is the killer he got out first he's obviously the killer obviously it wasn't me what about this guy he keeps making weird comments and she won't take me on a date there's obviously something wrong with that okay okay listen I have one more guess but I'm not quite ready to make it so go over there samam I have only one guest left I'm really hoping that this last piece of surveillance footage will help me because if I don't make the right decision that's not an option I can do this so that's how Matt was killed and did you see all of those toys the killer obviously has great body control and balance things are about to get groovy welcome to the 70s we're going to be doing three 7s activities and I'm going to decide your best move starting with the classic hula hoo [Music] begin okay not bad aren't you from the 70s uh okay okay okay I think I've seen enough now I'm going to give you each a70s dance move and if you get it wrong you are out let's see the elbow pull okay the next 70s dance move is the double arm swing easy you like that no wonder you don't get a date it's actually like this head over there cuz you are out what I did time to get my groove on all right all right let's see your lawn [Music] mower oh yeah okay you pass we'll take it next let's see your classic 1970s snack oh yeah you're moving on keep going all right 70s let's see your disco [Music] finger yeah you know what it's this one this is it oh that's the Disco finger you are out okay a8s if you get this right you are the official winner of this round it is called the bump oh easy let's do it [Music] oh okay okay all right boys looks like the lady is the winner a girl with moves killer moves not so fast I'm not ready to make my accusation I have one last game here you're all going to get a little messy this is twister with paint whatever it lands on you have to do but if you fall it's going to be messy that's why they call me flexible 50s I can stretch across this whole board everyone get ready it is right foot yellow left hand green left foot red I'm pretty comfortable right foot blue oh you guys lost but it was the perfect time because I am ready to make my final accusation 1950s you won the first Challenge and then you tricked 10 into drinking The Poisoned milkshake and you are by far the most flexible you've been acting sus all day and I now know that you are the killer show me your envelope what what how wait is this a joke that doesn't make sense he has to be the killer he's not you've run out of accusations Rebecca you lose if he wasn't the killer then who did it I'm the killer what but how I only lost in the Lincoln Log challenge because my model got knocked over and then I put poison on 1950's hands to poison his milkshake but then he gave his milkshake to 10 exactly and then during the food challenge I poisoned 1930's food what I swap places with 1960s she wanted to be by him so she could cheat wait but you didn't have the birth mark you were checking people's left arms my birth marks on my right arm when I saw the reflection it was the mirror I flip-flopped it I purposely lost r or bad so I could frame the 2000s and that's why the money exploded in our pocket then how did 1990s die when my headband fell off I purposely cut the wire and electrocuted her and then you use the syringe during this game which is why he died Zim I can't believe I missed those Clues did you see them well they're not going to miss your extreme punishment it zamfam go back did you see any of the clues that I miss quit stalling 1980s was our first suspect she killed in decades but would she kill now Blackjack 30 back Black Jack Black Jack how'd you get loose where's you oh the killer struck again first the vet and now the dog walker what message is the killer trying to send I need to narrow this down and I need to figure out who it is f i need to solve this before anyone else gets hurt and this next case is even bigger than the last today the royalty family invited me to a Mas grade ball at their house and I am so excited this is their old house it's so cool look at everyone's masks oh wait where's Andrea Fon royalty family [Music] she looks like a princess thank you all for coming to my masquerade ball to celebrate my marriage to the prince she's getting married I hope you [Music] all that person just shot her with a bow and arrow the princess is dead who killed my fiance it was obviously your mother The Duchess she never liked the princess well I heard it was the musician that he was mad at the princess for not paying him for the party maybe was fate I had a vision she'd meet her doomed tonight I'm just glad it wasn't me this time Matt what are you doing here don't call me Mt I'm going by purple Veron gave us all rolls what's yours I don't have one there has been a murder here and everyone is a suspect Z fam one of these suspects killed the princess and I need your help figuring out which one it is this is the bullseye challenge whoever gets their Arrow closest to the Target wins everyone grab your arrow I'll go first with the princess gone someone has to take charge around here that would have been the princess's father-in-law he kind of seemed happy that she's gone silver go ahead and shoot your arrow sorry silver you didn't hit the bullseye next they think I'm testing them for accuracy but really I put an outlet on the princess on the back of this board the princess was hit in the shoulder so whoever repeats that shot could be the killer a game of sport I like it of course The Bodyguard is excited to use weapons he probably used one to kill my fiance you better take that back I heard that The Bodyguard was mad at the princess for not promoting him why don't you mind your own business not bad didn't quite hit the target though maybe you should think twice before saying I shouldn't be promoted The Bodyguard is threatening me prin save me back off his Beyonce just died don't think you have a chance take it easy why are you yelling at her why are you wearing purple I'm purple are you even supposed to be here there's many shades of purple okay enough enough Chef you're up I'll imagine this arrows going right through the heart of whoever killed our [Music] princess not bad chef but definitely not too good the only one avenging my fiance's death is me well the prince did pretty good but do you think he'd kill his own fiance all you're doing is making a mess and I'm I'm going to be the one that has to clean everything up this the princess a mess you had to clean up wow that might have been the worst shot I've seen Matt you're up purple fine purple he is taking this rule way too seriously thanks a lot for on that one's going to be an easy one to follow that musician's head is way too big I guess he's not that good I thought the maid would be the worst but not anymore looks like I'm up next she hit exactly where the killer did okay I thought The Bodyguard was the most sus but now do you think she could be the killer I'm not Green With Envy on that shot fortune teller you are up I can feel universe is helping me she is so annoying looks like the universe didn't help her win but it made her more sus Gold's a really good color on you thank you you know that mask really brings out your eyes [Music] really that was back di did you see that did anything go wrong better luck next time dancer now it's time to head inside and show them what this challenge was really about oh we need the board now that all of you have shot your arrows I have something to show you it looks like I will be the winner in your dreams Meathead okay hold on you ready what's that you guys thought that you were hitting a bull day but really I wanted to see who would repeat the exact same shot that killed the princess look it it's the Pink Arrow that was your arrow it looks like it was you it makes sense you were the Clos to her you were her assistant after all I didn't kill her tell him Prince yeah quit picking on the lady oh youry oh my God that's W stop fighting okay Zam fam orange seems the most sus but Pink's arrow is the one that hit the target I think I'm ready to make my first accusation and I'm going to use this meth she's dead oh my God one of you guys is is the Killer and I am ready to make my first accusation it's you orange that is preposterous I'm a man of Honor I feel it the Killer is getting stronger shut up none of us believe in that stuff well we're about to find out who the Killer is this is the mask of Truth and when the killer puts it on their face it will turn red so come on up orange this is ridiculous face reveal Zam famam get ready to see some red I told you that doesn't make sense though you were the last one figh with her whatever I'm out of here you know what I don't want to clean up the dead body so two crushes in one day wait that doesn't make sense samam what am I supposed to do her Arrow was the only one that hit where the princess was shot and orange didn't do it either I don't have any more evidence to solve this case what is that a video message from Fon hey Rebecca good luck solving your murder and to help you out there's security camera footage in my old room that can give you a clue good luck so there's security footage Fon set this up isn't he like 13 I've got to solve this case F's room is up here heyam I think I remember where Fan's room was I think it's this room right here turn off cell phone who shon's room looks so different okay well let's take a look at the security footage and see if we find any clues there's a killer it just knocked down a ton of Cups which means they aren't very stealthy okay zamfam I might have got my first accusation wrong but I have the perfect challenge to figure out who the Killer is this is the stealth challenge round one is FL as lava if you make it to the end without making a sound you move on let's shout with the dancer I'll show you how it's done oh oh wow not bad and not bad floor is lava I've been doing this challenge since 20 17 watch how it's done I got Matt you're out I'm purple not Matt come on fine whatever now I have to reset all those cups I got I'll get out I'll get out he might be the killer let me show you why I'll be [Music] king that jacket looks kind of small on him am I right it's not the jacket it's me you're small that didn't even make sense I'm large I guess he is kind of stealthy the fortune teller's up let's see if we can trust her spirits guide me she did that with her eyes closed maybe she could have done more things with her eyes closed never mind eliminated silver you're up next my wife will be accompany me fine darling you know I'm allergic to cheap plastic what's wrong with Solo cups I've got you oh yes perfect stay with it yes it's beautiful they work together do you think they could kill [Music] together okay I have you you two are eliminated that did not look safe at all they everywhere okay everywhere maybe I shouldn't have had parents do this challenge looks like it's time for the chef to go I've been prepping for this my whole life we haven't heard much from the chef that's kind of sus nice yeah I don't know why but I don't trust him it looks like the maid is the last one up in this round don't do this challenge only Doom AWA to I'm not worried about it I'm going to sweep the competition get it sweep cuz she's aaz okay almost there two easy she probably just didn't want to clean up the mess round two is the Glass Room you need to get across without breaking anything I hope I don't have to clean all this up this glass room is basically impossible so we're going to see who's eliminated hey you did really well in that last room I'm really glad you noticed I've always been a graceful dancer you're hitting on him his fiance just died I'm not hitting on him who Whoa stop fighting you guys yeah right dude your manners are as bad as your cooking stop no [Music] oh does that mean I'm out you both are out and only two are moving on round three is the Laser Maze challenge you have to try to get through without making a sound this is a lot harder than you think saman because those lasers also have bells so far so good who do you think is going to win this challenge oh Chef I am sorry but you made noise you are eliminated yes which means if the maid can make it through this Laser Maze she is the winner of this challenge yes halfway through what happened what happened did you do this no a syringe the only way someone could do that as if they got out early I'm ready to make my next accusation head inside I have some unfortunate news the maid has been murdered it was the cook he was the only one with her it wasn't me I knew it was her Destiny I saw wind chimes in my dream it was definitely the cook listen it was someone here but it wasn't the cook after watching this challenge I know that the Killer is you fortune teller the ma never liked you I'm sure you wanted revenge and right before the floor is lava challenge you gave her a warning not to keep going and I told you that the maid was killed but I didn't mention how she got killed yet you knew the Windchimes she must have known the future she knew it because she did it so fortune teller put on this mask and once it turns red we know you are the killer your go samam how is she not the killer that doesn't make sense okay fortune teller go ahead and leave good luck finding the killer might be a stretch can't believe she's not the killer where's your husband at he's in the bathroom the bathroom he's not here I'll be back you can't fool me cook I know it was you I'm a chef not a cook I think it's your husband you know I wish you weren't here the funny thing he's not silver wasn't there when I made the accusation which is super sus but his wife said he's in the bathroom so I am going to confront him wait fortune tell her what are you doing here I just needed to use the bathroom before you left oh wait wait wait uh do you think you could stick around I I might need your help for something I knew you would say that okay zamfam I need to figure out who this killer is before more people die let's look at the security footage what is the killer doing that looks like a freezer they're getting out quickly which means they don't like the cold okay Zam fam it looks like it's time to do another challenge and things are going to get icy this is the ice block challenge inside each of these ice blocks are a mask whichever team is last to get their mask out of the ice is eliminated well I get frostbitten easily stop being so dramatic time starts now the killer hates the CT so I can narrow down who the Killer is by which team loses this challenge your wife said you were in the bathroom I was I don't trust you fun you were gone while someone died why do you have that it's for self-defense listen do you want to win or not wow you're really good at this I'm comfortable with sharp objects we have to win here I have an idea let's use our body heat what's going on here what's happening is we'll do whatever it takes to [Music] win this is your ice put your hand on it this is not my ice this is your ice to melt so put your hands on it and melt it right after you go I'll go second absolutely not put my hand on there I FR you don't melt the eyes you're going to be eliminated fine oh that's what I was feing it's so cold so dramatic and now You' ruined my dress put your hands on that ice I will not we're almost done we almost got it it looks like you've done this before my dad used to take me hunting I see a couple people getting close we got it so do we which means you two lose this challenge mainly her she did not touch the ice I was never going to neither of you guys touched the ice just like the killer because we know the killer hates the cold so now both of you must do the mask of truth you're accusing both of us thanks a lot one of you is the killer I just don't know which one it is so you first I didn't kill the princess you can leave there's only one left which means Matt purple purple you are the killer use the mask of Truth K Zam fam we did it we found the killer foron I just won your game face reveal we all knew it was you it's me you kind of look weird with your glasses just put on the mask you ready for this I know the answer but I don't know why I'm so nervous because it's about to be red and I'm about to beat Fan's game wait it's not red it's yellow yeah it's not red though why is it yellow oh W oh my go do not tell for what I did this that was funny but it's time to get serious I need to find out who the Killer is so you guys follow me I did not see my first time this is the fortune teller challenge what is she doing here what she is doing is helping me with this challenge all of you are keeping secrets and I am going to find out what they are spirits guide me everybody pick a card from the top of each pile it's only fitting I take the emperor well actually that's not what this card is going to do please take the top of the card and place it under the light the Duke is secretly broke Dad we're broke how are we supposed to pay back the princess well she's dead wait so you could have killed the princess so you didn't have to pay back your debt take your C purple the lovers I've always been a romantic the dancer has been cheating with the prince for months the prince is des serve better I have nothing to do with her it's a lie I mean it wasn't exactly a secret he's the one who wanted to keep it a secret not me she's making this all up so you could have killed the princess because you were cheating with someone else or you could have wanted to be with the prin which is why you killed the princess this is all misunderstanding these cards are a liive exactly Chef why don't you go lusia okay I don't know what that is but your card says justice put it under there it's time to reveal what you know what do you know nothing it's all good this is DB we should move on you obviously know something just say it no I I shouldn't say don't anger the spirits boy you must listen to the card it's not safe just say it I knew the dancer was cheating with the prince there's more he's not telling us I overheard them talking I heard the prince wanted to I knew this was a bad idea what was that the chef the prince killed him no it was you no you were right next to him yeah I couldn't have been my son it must have been you it was a setup it had to be you did the chef tried to kill your son enough one of you is the killer but I'm not ready to make an accusation so all of you head to the kitchen okay zamfam all of them could be the killer but only one of them is do you think it could could be the Duke he was broke and he owed money to the princess which could have been why he killed her what if he had more debts to pay the dancer in purple has been cheating with the prince could she have killed the princess so she could be with him and finally the prince he's clearly cheating and still denying it what other things is he lying about I need to head upstairs and see if there's any more clues on the surveillance the killer stopping to eat a sandwich they're literally trying to kill someone how can they be hungry but they don't like pickles okay zamfam I just need to set up a challenge to figure out which one of the suspects don't like pickles and I have the perfect Tik Tok challenge for this one this is the roll it eat it challenge each of you must roll your Oreo and then you must eat it in whatever it lands in looks like Silver's up first it's about time we get some food come around to find out what you got take it out oh pickle juice I hate pickles [Music] okay that's all that's all I needed to know you can you can just it's not that bad it's that bad dancer roll away oh this could not have worked out more perfectly right next to the bugs oh you dropped it in there I'm sorry you have to no no no it landed in the pickles I will drink the no no no there see good enough for you right I guess yeah next Sam drink the pickle juice but she did not like it she freaked out all right gold give us your best shot it was my fiance this is ridiculous finally something good happens okay you know what I am done with this Oreo challenge head over there I think I know who the Killer is as the detective I am now ready to make my accusation and the person I believe is the Killer is you no it wasn't me you see when the princess was killed you were the closest one to an exit that could easily get you upstairs to shoot her in the back when we went outside you missed on the bow and arrow but that wasn't because you didn't have good aim it was because you saw the prince flirting with another girl I'm not a murderer this still doesn't prove anything you got out in the glassroom because the chef pushed you which also gave you enough time to put a syringe on the Chim which you hop he would fall into not the maid no it it wasn't me during the ice challenge you never actually put your hand on the ice you had him do it and finally I thought the killer wasn't stealthy but actually you were just scared of bums and you confirmed that in the Oreo challenge so now dancer in purple I want you to wear this mask put it on I did it I was right I figured out who the killer was I'll take care of this I'll take care of this we'll take care of this the dancer was mad I ruined her chances with the prince but is she mad enough to kill for love speaking of love this next case why is Blackjack barking Blackjack hey hey that's my that is my black ja Blackjack Black Jack hey Blackjack must have bit them on the shoulder good job Blackjack wait it was blackjack's vet then the dog walker and now this before the Killer goes after me they're going after Blackjack I need to solve this before he gets taken okay Blackjack for this next case you're staying with me and I hear wedding bells you may kiss the [Music] bride man well that's not the normal reaction man help help is he okay he's dead my brother never look so peaceful he was murdered with poisoned lipstick you doomed the groom I love Matt I would never kill him I'm sure Rebecca has a very logical explanation for this yes besides the lipstick wasn't even mine it was a gift from my maid of honor Something Borrowed what are you talking about Rebecca I didn't give you any lipstick that's super sus and why wouldn't the lipstick kill you you knew was poison and took the antidote no I had no choice but to call the police they will be here in 30 minutes to arrest you for murder no someone here is framing me and I can prove it to find the killer we are first going to play the pucker up kissing challenge each of you will be paired up and you will pass this paper using only your lips I think everyone might be confused on the rules maybe you and I should do it and we can show them how it's done actually you can go first and be paired up with my made of honor okay I'm ready let's do this wo wo wo not so fast we need your lip marks which means Puck her up you're putting on some lipstick yep yep you just got to go oh I think blue looks actually perfect on you this kind of goes with your outfit oh yeah you like it uh yeah it looks great and done we'll start with Matt's best man here you go okay now you just got to slurp it up like it's a big ramen noodle yeah up okay oh W oh [Music] oh okay okay okay that was a good enough kiss wow you really smeared his lipstick they're a little bit smudged but it could be a match a match for what for this right here the killer left me the lipstick along with this note and kiss marks so whoever kiss marks match the prince on here is definitely the killer I think the ma of Honor lips look like the killers and everyone knows she hated Matt I just thought Rebecca could do better I'm a good friend and you're his business partner if Matt died who would get the business Rebecca I would never do that to you or Matt okay listen before I make any accusations I need to get everyone's kiss marks get on forward I don't understand how I'm a suspect this clearly has nothing to do with me someone who cooks for a living would know the recipe for poison I don't even know you people Puck her up buttercup no I brought my own you know your brother hated when you were black and I hated him suck on up [Music] oh okay next now for the final pair what about you Rebecca your kiss killed Matt I already have my lipstick marks on my teacup that the best man gave me earlier I don't know if we can trust that my husband just died I'm not going to go around kissing someone else already so this is just going to have to do sus oh wow red is really your color it's my mom's favorite and suck the paper and kiss her I I I I really don't think I can do this what are you talking about I've never kissed anyone before but you're a wedding officiate yes I know and I marry people who have found their true love every day but I have never found my true love so I've never kissed anyone well there's a first time for everything that's pathetic I love it you should at least try you've got this it's easy see M okay I I I guess I I can yeah oh I'm a good kisser oh yes oh my God I feel like I'm in love there's no way you could have been the killer uh you're free to go oh thank God now let's see which of the lips matches with the lips of the killer you know that kiss earlier wasn't so bad we could do it again sometimes seriously Rebecca's husband just died and you're already thinking about yourself that's coldhearted always about Rebecca a lot of these are similar but one of them needs to be the exact match which one do you think it is the mam I mean it's obviously not that one Matt's sister is totally obsessed with death that sus not obsessed with death death is obsessed with me wait I think I have something I have evidence the photographer I know who the Killer is and I have the evidence to prove it it's right here in my camera the proof is [Music] right she's dead two murders in one day Best Day Ever the killer must have killed her to avoid getting caught you were the last one to touch her Rebecca she handed me her camera because she wanted to show me evidence whatever's on this camera must be a clue let's take a look at what's on this camera roll okay looks like the first picture the picture of Matt looking at his abs you're whispering to the chef what were you talking about I was asking for the cake recipe and I told you it's a family secret I think I found a clue how is that a clue it's a wedding dress you know what you guys head over there Zam did you see that not the wedding dress but in the back someone is hanging on the coat rack which means the photographer must have come in when the killer was putting the poison and they had to hide so let's see which one of them is good at hanging around this is the coat hanger challenge each of you will hang on coat hangers above a slime pull last to fall win are you guys ready I got this I work out there's no way I want to fall on slime we're starting with 50 coat hangers and hang [Music] now shoot it must be my muscles they're so heavy looks like the best man has been eliminated round two is the chef versus Matt's [Music] sister so how'd that slime feel it's cold like my heart I haven't had to do that since never mind and then there were two whoever wins this could be the killer wait you're a suspect too yeah and running out of time to convince us you're innocent the police are going to be here you know what if plane means I'll clear my name I'll do it so I guess I'm in this challenge now and we're taking it down to 40 hangers everyone hang on 3 2 1 go shf fell is that Gooseberry cinnamon uh don't eat that it's down to me and you made of honor and you're looking pretty suspicious did you kill Matt because you didn't like him you're the one going to jail any minute I'm not going to jail and I'm going to prove that I didn't do it and someone is framing me grab the hangers 3 2 [Music] 1 I can hang [Music] Forever This is worse than the dress you picked out for me what that was such a cute dress right Sam fam she could totally wear it again get me back into that terrible dress best man you are the first one eliminated in that challenge which means you are not the Killer and you are free to go I mean I I could stay and help you find the killer if you won it's okay I got this you won so you're the killer what no you married Matt for the money what money she probably just killed him for the thrill of it I'm not projecting or anything she killed him with a poison lipstick which you conveniently didn't get poisoned by none of this is true except I didn't get poisoned you're right you refused to play on the first challenge I didn't want to do a kissing game after what happened on my last kiss and you were the last person to touch the photographer before she died and you want this challenge I did not kill Matt we're not buying it the police are on their way and you're going to jail for a long time you're supposed to be my best friend that was before I knew you're a murderer there must be a clue I'm missing I'm going to my Bridal Suite where is she going let her go there's nowhere to run I cannot believe everyone thinks I am the killer do you guys think I'm the killer I just need to look for Clues okay when the photographer took the photo my dress was here and this was in the back and there were the hands and this was the poison lipstick that I put on and this was the not I never read the note maybe there's a clue in the note dearest Rebecca I have been your biggest fan since you were a professional cheerleader many years ago please wear this lipstick on your big day that means that the killer has known me for a very long time maybe there's a challenge that I can do with this oh was that hey who's in there hey what's going on I'm going to pull this off in three two oh a DJ disco says thank you he was locked in there for hours wait you look really familiar DJ disco doesn't know what you're talking about wait Bob you've been obsessed with me since sixth grade science class just because DJ disco sent you 37 Valentine's cause doesn't mean DJ disco's obsessed it does if you send them every year are you even actually a DJ DJ disco realized you never fought for a boring guy like Bob so DJ disco reinvented himself okay that still doesn't explain why you were tied up in my Bridal sweet DJ disco was going to serenade you but then he heard somebody walking up behind him and it was super easy to hear cuz it was offbeat that must have been the killer killer Matt's dead DJ disco is really sorry okay listen you need to tell me who was in here with you DJ disco didn't see nothing he was knocked out and he woke up in your closet or you tied yourself up to throw me off your track you know me better than anyone you know what I'm adding you to my pool of suspects come on out DJ zamfam I was not expecting DJ disco to be one of the suspects but he's been obsessed with me since sixth grade what if he killed Matt so he can marry me instead for this next challenge I'll be asking you YouTuber trivia how's this going to find the killer who cares we just have to stall until the cops get here for example I got caught by the police in which YouTuber's hide and seek game Mr Beast is the only YouTuber I know Mr Beast huh incorrect it was Preston clay and as you can see if you get it wrong you get your face smashed with cake actually this cake is pretty good DJ disco knows that Rebecca played that game of hideand-seek one month after she gave Bert to Zade wait Bob from the sixth grade what are you doing here DJ disco more like DJ stalker who I'm the DJ for Rebecca's wedding and a new murder suspect okay I don't care that much okay listen time is running out and I need to figure out who the Killer is so we're going to do this investigation style all right Bob DJ disco what YouTuber family last Christmas snuck into my house as the Grinch so they could steal my YouTube play button DJ disco watches all your videos and knows it was the royalty family got it right Matt sister what character from Netflix did I adopt earlier this year that's easy my role model Wednesday Adams fine they both like death a little too much all right what YouTubers how did I go to to sell them Girl Scout cookies um Jordan matters family oh wait wait wait what it's not fair unless I to ask you a question okay fine I'm innocent I know my YouTube trivia okay I'm going to ask you YouTuber trivia about your husband I got this he's my husband this is going to be easy whose Warehouse did Matt sneak into uh uh it's on the tip of my tongue it was that the I think it was it was Ben AAR wrong Darman oh it's kind of sus that you didn't know that super sus I knew it I just really wanted this cake DJ disco sees a little something on your face okay look we're running out of time and I need to find out who the Killer is so next question what YouTuber pretended to be frozen on a FaceTime call when I called him to help me with an aquarium Ben asert correct you look really great the other day in that video as a mermaid okay next he knows way too much about this what YouTuber snuck into a suitcase at VidCon in one of my videos Mr Beast is still the only YouTuber I [Music] know what YouTuber did I challenge to an arm wrestling contest as well as gymnastics Salish matter how did you know that looks like Matt's sister watches my videos what YouTubers toilet did I do a last seve challenge in Bren Vera how did you know that ah I guess she is my best friend which means she knows everything about me I don't understand why I have to play this game I'm innocent what animal controlled Matt's life for 24 hours it was a rat and I'm not sure why he had him do that correct definitely a better animal than a puppy they're so cute they make me want to throw up okay Chef whose candy store did I open up here in my warehouse I don't know anyone but Mr Beast anyone but Mr Beast it was actually Mr Beast which means Chef you know absolutely nothing about me and the killer did so you can leave you are not the killer thank goodness but Matt did leave her a bad review there are three suspects left who do you think it is the DJ who would kill to be with me the sister-in-law who was obsessed with death and making me miserable or my maid of honor who never approved of Matt I think we know who the most guilty is what I didn't do it and the police will be her any second so I need to come up with with another challenge fast when DJ disco feels stuck he dances his way out of it why do you keep talking like that aren't you DJ disco it's called a Persona they teach you in DJ school that's it I know the next challenge the DJ said when the killer broke in he was offbeat which means he had no rhythm and he can't dance so we're going to see which of them can't dance in this next challenge you have to join us too I mean we know you're guilty of two things not being able to dance and killing Matt what I can definitely dance hit that beat DJ anything for you lady woo Baby It's You sorry that was a song that I was going to serenate you with maybe not that one hit it 1 2 [Music] 3 Sam fam they're all actually pretty good I need to switch things up all right you guys follow along with me everybody clap your hands now jump to the front jump to the back now spin around do a jumping jack now put your hands up if you killed Matt that doesn't even rhyme yeah you're really clever Rebecca just keep dancing got to figure this out Zam bam who do you think did it DJ disco in the house what are you doing dancing with a newly single girl okay no no just get off of [Music] me you killed another one your dancing was so bad he literally died no you guys I didn't do it I don't know what happened no more challenges no more hiding you killed Matt and you're not getting away with it I love Matt there must be a clue I missed no no we're not letting you get away with murder if it have been anyone but Matt I'd be cheering you on let me go we got to call for a triple homicide yeah she's right here no I didn't do it take her from here no no no I didn't do it please don't arrest me like we don't hear that 10 times a day wait you have to release her she didn't kill Matt yes he has something do you have any evidence to prove this no I have something better words from my heart oh no this is from my best man speech Matt you are the luckiest man on Earth getting to marry Rebecca she is smart and kind she is always going out of her way to do the right thing plus she can do a ton of back flips in a row like 20 congratulations on Landing such a wonderful wife love best man that was sweet and all I just I would have preferred some evidence I meant every word which is why I'd like to make a formal accusation this ought to be good there is only one person here that I don't have one nice word to say about and you know who that is the maid of honor she's been bringing Rebecca down all day and it's because she's jealous that was a lovely speech but the evidence points to Rebecca what no let me go I didn't do it I didn't kill him please I didn't do it I promised if him I did not kill me wait I want to make a formal accusation I haven't got to make one yet what is with these people please hey everyone come on in we have to have one last look at this thank you I would like to formally accuse the best man what that's crazy I've been helping you all day you've been helping me just like you gave me the antidote what you poisoned the lipstick but to make sure I wouldn't die you gave me the antidote in a cup of tea I just know you like chamomile the photographer had the evidence on her camera which is why you use that same poison to kill her before she could show us the camera roll but he lost the hanger challenge which I thought was a little bit weird until I walked by and I saw those rocks you use those rocks so you couldn't hang on the hangers and I wouldn't look at you as a suspect you were in love with me which is why you killed mat and then when DJ disco came into the picture you realized you had to get rid of him too to be fair no one really cared about DJ disco you cut the wires when we were dancing so when he fell into the table it electrocuted him I me this is circumstantial at best you know I didn't really quite piece it together until I realize this note that was left for me was the exact handwriting as the best man speech that you showed us when you tried to fight for me so I wouldn't be arrested you don't actually believe her do you yeah I do she's pretty convincing I did it because I love you you okay Rebecca I love you my love for you is a Burning Flame and it'll never die let's get you out of here Romeo I love you how romantic the best man killed for me but since I turned him down would he kill me too I think he's a strong suspect but for this next case I'm going to have to help a princess Rebecca hey Snow White I'm so glad you're here I have something to talk to you about oh in private sorry I just need someplace a little more private get back to work I think someone here is trying to p poison me like the evil queen no I think it's someone in my inner circle really well who do you think it is then oh no snow white you guys seven do I think Snow White was poisoned oh no great now we got to deal with this we were having such a good day did I miss something we've got to get her on the table oh no snow white was poison she thought it was someone in our Inner Circle which means it has to be one of the seven dwarfs what if the Apple was the one with the golden stem where'd it go I need to figure out who did this poor Snow White what are we going to do find out what happened to her you were the last one with her you killed her I would never kill Snow White you know what doc I think it was you you don't like when she tells us what to do no I would never do this we should do the challenges that she set up in her honor yes that's a great idea my you guys look there's a note it says the killer has the antidote this was probably what she was going to tell me before she died okay I need to figure out which of these Seven Dwarfs did this to her so I can get the apple with the golden stem all right I'm the leader so I will read the challenge it look like a slice of cheese listen all leave the challenge and we can do this fairly okay this is the empty your pocket or spill the tea challenge you have to either empty your pockets or you have to reveal a secret it looks like Snow White has secrets on all of us happy why don't you go first okay well I don't have any secrets happy overheard Snow White say that Dopey always made her happy and giggle you've always been jealous of Dopey that would be a reason to kill her but happy dwarves don't kill princesses okay listen we need more information angry why don't you go next's grumpy I'm emptying my pockets cuz I don't got nothing in my pockets that's a picture of Snow White with x's on her eyes yeah well that ain't mine why would it be in your pocket then well cuz you probably put it in there you killer I didn't kill Snow White you're holding the picture with their eyes crossed nowy why don't you go next I'm emptying my pockets emptying your sinuses okay yep no one touched that hey your phone your search history says how to poison an apple no no no I did no did that after she died what maybe he's sneezing cuz he's guilty or have allergies doy why don't you go I see my pocket that's Snow White slipstick that's why she wasn't wearing any earlier she didn't did what maybe she's not smart enough well she didn't die till you got here so why don't you go I will cuz I have no secrets hey those are my secrets I don't got none fine Rebecca was the only one to be with Snow White before she died I told you all she did it we all already knew that and no I didn't kill her I just got here all right all right let's move on who's next doc why don't you go secret secrets are no fun secret Secrets hurt someone I'm going to empty my pockets I don't think I have anything wait one of Snow White's ribbons a diamond did you steal this from her it was for safekeeping from now on everything we find goes on the table not the tissues Cy okay bashful it's your turn don't be shy now I'll read it Snow White embarrassed bashful in front of her Crush once she's always quiet she might have done it sleepy you're the last one sleepy wake up wake up reveal a secret or empty your pocket reveal a secret sleepy once tried to sleep Cloud Snow White together her to stop singing her singing made it hard for me to sleep just like you would have her eat a poison apple so she'd go to sleep permanently okay everyone is gone maybe we move on to the next challenge get off me choking me wait he was choking her he was trying to kill me choked what where's happy and sneezing they're dead someone here must have done it I think we need to go on to the next challenge okay Zam bam who do you think it is this is the ping pong cup challenge whatever cup your ping pong ball lands in you have to do whatever is in that envelope I'm going to go first don't blow it that wasn't that good hot sauce Apple eat up buttercup hopefully it's not poisoned just dying it's not not poison I did not poison got you angry you're going next all right mystery pie better not be a cow one looks like it's a pie with bugs angry I ain't angry I'm grumpy all right let's get it over [Music] with I'm watching you duck and I'm going to get cleaned up I can't read it it upside down there you go oh wax lip it's not funny bashful I thought wax was only for C [Music] no at least you don't have any more hair up there okay bashful I hope you have to Candle your face too it's wax not candle she got a diamond a diamond I've been mining all year and I didn't get a diamond how did you get a diamond come on oh Mayo soup Mayo soup okay so here is your Mayo soup sleepy [Music] what all right doc you're up you are the last and final one all right here we go go through someone's camera roll grumpy that guy's hiding something where is grumpy he went to the bathroom well I'm getting that camera roll all right grumpy we're coming in his hat another dwarf's been eliminated you know what it's time to head to the next challenge Doc and grumpy were fighting earlier do you think Doc is the one that killed Snow White I got to figure this out this is don't pull the wrong string everyone here has to pull a string but no string can be pulled twice everyone draw to see what order you get one number two four five okay dopy you're up first I heard somewhere that the shortest string brings the best luck so I'm going to do this one that's an anvil this challeng is more extreme than I thought okay who's up next me as the leader I can tell that under here is some gold make me Rich oh no you should have let me gone first oh are you okay dopy do you guys mind if I just grab some water yeah yeah of course okay who's up third bashful okay choose your string you barely got wet so maybe some of these are good two ropes left which one should I choose I'm going to go with this one please don't be an anvil Fe okay there's only one string left sleepy sleepy wake up you got to pull that string oh glitter what's that says you're eliminated eleminated I guess you're not doing the next challenge it's in the kitchen let's go got nothing better to do so I guess I'll just go too this is Don't Spill the cup challenge wait we're sleepy she was right behind me you were the last to see sleepy no you do I didn't do anything what you do doy you did something to sleepy I was in the bathroom bashful why are you laughing all right forget this let's just do the challenge you can start bashful if you spill you are eliminated wo this isn't that hard oh oh okay oh fast PS down why are you laughing what's that you she's gone which means it's down to the three of us one of you two did it you probably did it you probably did it I didn't do it all all right all right let's go to the next challenge there's no more challenges left doc now what do we do we need to figure out who did this and I'm looking at you right now the guilty girl I didn't do it I didn't kill snow wait wa wait wait when Snow White died I found a note in her hand it said the killer has the antidote what's that what's what your shoe the antidote doy you're the one that poison snow white yes okay yes I did it I was so sick of Snow White making everyone think I was stupid I'm not stupid and now I'm the only one who can save her I knew it was you Dopey you're alive I faked my death and set this whole thing up to figure out who did it and it was you I didn't eat the real Poison Apple is the poison apple the apple with the golden stem I can't believe you would do this to me dopey you always make me feel stupid but I was going to save you Dopey was the person we least expected but could she be sneaky enough to try to steal Blackjack before I make my final accusation there's one more suspect I need to find samam I'm in the 1920s you must be Rebecca I'm Emma Gatsby's girlfriend please enjoy the party thank you she's even more annoying in person isn't she I just met her do you know I designed this house you're An Architect no I'm mytle Gatsby's ex-wife welcome welcome to Gatsby's party where he will be making his big announcement on who will be inheriting his fortune no get me the love of my life gets me Myrtle you did this didn't you if I was going to do it I was done years ago interesting timing isn't it Tom it was my business partner I would never don't worry I've got you Nick How come every time there's money up for Grand you show your face what am I going to do I need this job to support my son everyone to the foyer well looks like things have changed not only is Gatsby dead but before he died he had me lock all the doors we're trapped in here it's Lo it's lock what do we do now the only way to escape is to complete challenges each challenge will unlock one door whoever wins most challenges wins Gatsby's Fortune you guys I have done this before the butler is the killer the butler let me check his pulse he's dead looks like it wasn't the butler after all was it you Rebecca I'm not the killer but someone here is we need to split up and search for a clear why is this Dusty clean it you always flirt with everyone how can you eat at a time like this I always eat when I'm nervous kid I wouldn't eat those if I were you Emma might have poisoned them so how do you know Gatsby I'm his neighbor so do you know who did this it could be anyone here they're all after his money it's a map you guys it's a map to the different challenges why would we worry about challenges when there's a killer among us because he said if we complete the challenges we can escape I'm in where's the first challenge it looks like challenge number one is in that room candle challenge everyone takes turns blowing candles and whatever it lands on you have to do everyone has to do their punishment to pass this Challenge and unlock a door someone can win gasby $10,000 watch oh go first it's my house I should your house please you're just the girlfriend dying hair blue who dyes their hair blue actually in the future it's kind of popular what uh never mind welcome to the future with blue hair high five what's that never mind watch the original owner of this house do it Reveal Your Secrets Gatsby has secrets on all of us I have nothing to hide mytle had an affair with Nick while she was married to Gatsby you cheated on your husband I would never do that to Gatsby I'm going to get that watch smash hand I can't do it I can't smash my hand how could you sorry doll we've got to find out who the Killer is ow I'll show you how it's done Miss mystery Jello-O cake what's inside that Jello oh no a hot dog yeah e who's next I need that watch for my son definitely not the watch L celery do it okay who's next reveal a secret Daisy saw Tom and Mr Gatsby fighting before the party started I knew it was you what were you fighting about we're just Hing over the bill at lunch it's all it was by the way what is in that briefcase you have that's private Missy open up come on who's next come on spicy wings in a white shirt not again oh my God back on she's dead CRA cookie Crums the killer might have been eating cookies you were eating cookies earlier never mind that a door just unlocked let's go right I'm going first my you go look you guys this is Challenge number two no no forget this we got to get out of here come on come on we have to complete the challenges if we want to escape why don't you just kill us all I'm not the killer you were sitting right next to days and you hated her you guys let's just do this next challenge it says don't choose the wrong food everyone eats the food items in front of them and each round one person will be eliminated winner wins gas ring and a clue about who the Killer is eat up how do we know who's eliminated blood you must be the one eliminated well now we know how each person gets eliminated and no one has died looks like the Killer's killing someone every round and they're always by you you're the killer no no no I mean I hated her guts but I never kill her you were next to her you guys fought how could I have killed her obviously poison or something something do we keep going on with this challenge don't we know who the Killer is Le not me let's go okay everyone squeeze your sponge just water no no no no no no looks like you're eliminated everyone grab a Twinkie this is a food of the future what are you talking about it's kind of weird she's got BL y you are eliminated I had to go to the bathroom anyway it looks like it's just you and I Tom the winning balloon has a cool inside and the other has I don't know oh I got the clue stay here I'm going to go over here it says the killer arrived early to the party samam do you guys remember that Daisy saw Tom arguing with Gatsby that means that Tom was probably the first one to the party oh no the killer amongst us and nobody is saying did you hear that door unlocked that must be Challenge number three we need to complete these challenges otherwise we're going to be stuck in here This Is War everyone goes up to the table to 2 x two each person grabs the card whoever is the lowest has to do a punishment whoever wins the most round gets $11,000 ooh I'm winning that $1,000 all you care about is his money and having good manners ladies first 3 2 1 no fire an no no it's worse than the 1920 is 3 2 1 drink up to the good years oh I are you dying thought you got poisoned looks like you might have to burn your hair never 3 2 1 don't you're going to look great in the no I'm not going to burn my hair burn it burn it burn it oh my gosh I burned it okay no is it going to stay like this in the real world real world never mind whoever loses bites an onion one 2 three no eat up it's like an apple but an onion oh at least it's not as bad as burning your hair or Happ to sit next to this guy watch yourself I am watching myself let's just finish the challenge you guys we all want to get out of here and we don't want anyone else dying 3 2 1 look at that 3 2 1 how 3 2 1 Welcome to the world you're shaving your leg cause him pain cause him pain it won't hurt at all 3 2 me a more just play happens when you don't take my love you probably have not experienced this before but in my world I have what's up buttercup I win 1,000 bucks let's go oh no oh my gosh thank God the light no Nick you did it I didn't do it what is this no that's this was the $1,000 he won you're the killer hey hey got to do the next challenge let's go you don't even know where to go he's right it is that way wait you guys guys look this is Challenge number four whoever finds the Golden Goblet first wins and gets to make an accusation about who they think the Killer is let's go in here oh my God it's okay it's okay the Golden Goblet must be somewhere in here first to find it wins let's go look at what we have here very interesting I'm going to go to the other room oh have you seen it yet no I haven't found it I don't know what he h is and I'm really scared of Tom we'll be fine we just have to find the Golden Goblet before he does I'm going to keep looking where do you think it is I don't want to be near either I did it I found the Golden Goblet I have the Golden Goblet and now it's time for me to solve this mystery and make an accusation I believe that the Killer is the maid when Daisy died everyone saw the cookie crumbs but what they didn't see is a feather a feather that comes from your duster and when he was getting electrocuted on the fence I noticed you touching the donut that killed Myrtle and finally you were one of the ones eliminated when Emma mysteriously got killed and fell into the pool I had to get rid of them so you are the killer clearly yes and for the record I was trying to get kill Emma with Donna but then they switch places but you still got rid of her in the pool yeah clear I had to get creative congratulations you solved the mystery now that I know it's been made I have all five of my suspects and it's time to make my final accusation one of you Killers is trying to take my dog and I'm going to figure out who it is by playing don't pull the wrong rope it wasn't me Rebecca I love you still creepy Rebecca you have to trust me I didn't mean to kill Snow White enough one of you is guilty and I'm going to find out who it is right now wait I don't want to get cake in my hair yeah it'll ruin my complexion I forgot to mention if I pull your rope you also have to remove a layer of clothing I'll do anything you say it shouldn't matter if you didn't steal her dog time for me to pull the first rope I'm going to pull this one okay I'm pulling this one you guys are lucky but you're not going to be lucky for long let's do this [Music] one oh looks like Liz got cake in the face also Liz you have to remove a layer of clothing wait how many like three no just one done thank God they stopped her one killer down four more to go let's try this drink let's try this TR oh looks like aanda got a cake in the face remove a layer of clothes let's see if this one gets anyone no three 2 what that didn't work are you Killers getting nervous I'll take that as a yes I think this is the string I'm going to pull 3 2 1 I think I have enough information I don't need to pull any more ropes we got kicked why can't they because I now know who the Killer is it wasn't me you're right it wasn't you I just did that for fun but back to business you see one of you guys has been trying to take Blackjack and you almost succeeded and that person is you dancer no it wasn't me yes you were jealous that I ruined your chances with the prince and you wanted Revenge you wanted to take something from me and that was my dog I would never take a dog you didn't know one thing my dog bites especially when he's scared and you got bit all right fine it was me you ruined my happily ever after with the prince so I wanted to take something from you you guys take her away no over here you're not taking my job we did s him we saved Blackjack so make sure to comment if you think Blackjack needs another puppy friend
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 5,204,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surviving, 100, years, clue, game, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: vd9XqHxmcIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 3sec (5403 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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