Daughter Survives Every Bully At School

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my daughter and I have some very exciting news to tell you guys give it back it's mine stop being such a loser oh no they we right here hey you are a bully and you shouldn't play here my daughter plays here you mean that daughter with a teddy bear oh no zie zie we got to get out of here there's bullies everywhere that was me yesterday I realized that I have a fear of my daughter getting bullied and I think I need to protect her but my husband Matt thinks that she needs to figure it out for herself so today Rebecca's completing a program to see how zie would survive a bully in every grade and once zie learns how to protect herself you'll see that there's nothing to wor about first you'll be a preschool teacher and you have to get all the kids to share their toys share their toys that'll be easy this is not going to be easy why have you worked with 2-year-olds okay so I'm a preschool teacher and I have to get the kids to share their toys this should be easy ow did you do that okay girls and zie I was thinking that we could all share our toys no she just knocked over that kid's Tower no not the block no do you guys want to play together hey those are her raisins Z come on over here why don't you play with this girl okay you two if you agree to share your toys I'm going to give you this fruit snack here we hey that's for the girls that is not cool just put here I'm going to take care of this other one she's taking people's food knocking things down and destroying everything in here I did not know a 3-year-old could be a bully I need to make sure she does not mess was a look kid you are being a bully you need to give those fruit snacks back I'm the teacher you are not the teacher oh wo wo wo wo wo okay stop this boy is destroying everything you know what she's a kid I just need to talk to her the right way please put that back now why don't you just share toys with the other kids no she's taunting me why am I falling for it I am the adult I can handle this oh hey Z is my daughter and that was cool ow ah okay ow ow this is going to be harder than I thought ow get me out of here Rebecca that did not go well you intervene you have to give z a chance to see how she reacts did you see that bully well let's see how you do in elementary school okay well I going to do great because if anyone messes with zie this teacher is going to give her a detention who said she's going to be a teacher this is going to be messy okay class I'm not a teacher I'm a lunch lady if I'm not a teacher how am I supposed to protect zie speaking of zie where is she [Music] hi lunch lady you must be zie yes would you like some spaghetti yes please it's my favorite no way they got spaghetti I could eat that every day oh okay well anything else you'd like can I have some cookies you know what I'm going to give you two cuz it's your lucky day thank you I love cookies take some bread zie hello ew spaghetti is so gross would you like some ew no okay there you go would you like some steak no some asparagus can I have two cookies oh I'm sorry but un unfortunately it's only one cookie per student but Z got two oh uh hers must have been stuck together sure they were what did you say zie are you okay hey you need to apologize to her it's fine it was probably an accident yeah I slipped oops are you sure you're okay yeah I'm fine I'm just going to go eat my lunch now Z that girl is clearly blame zie and even though I'm not her mom I need to protect her hey zie the lunch lady said she meant to give me that extra cookie no she didn't she totally did I'm the most popular girl in school if anyone should have it it should be me maybe you'll get an extra cookie tomorrow look I'll give you $5 for those two cookies and you can get anything from the vending machine really why'd that girl go under the table she probably dropped a meatball thanks Shelby oh I take your food with you you don't want some bully coming up and stealing it [Music] okay oh poor s come on oh no hey zie are you okay what is going on here what are you talking about what am I talking about zie is covered in spaghetti what did these girls do to you we didn't do anything go ahead zie tell her it wasn't us zie tell the truth uh I I tripped yeah she tripped now go ahead and be useful and get them all I am a cafeteria lady not a janitor I know you're lying you did this because you are a bully we're not bullies me and Victoria only came over here to help clean up here's a I got you soda to help you feel better thanks Victoria you you got did this no the vending machine must have shooken it up when I can prove that you two did this you're going to be in big trouble no we wouldn't hurt a friend friend yeah we're totally besties okay we'll see you later Zade look you can tell the truth those two girls are bullies and you need to stand up to them what do you know you're just a lunch [Music] lady did you guys see what happened Z didn't tell me she doesn't want to be a tattletail Maddie why did you create such mean bullies in this program I didn't exactly create this program she did mad said she could use some help Monique she used to be a hacker but not anymore those days are behind me I am going to beat your program and make those bullies apologize remember Rebecca let zi handle it yeah yeah yeah just as long as there's no spaghetti spaghetti again M wants me to leave Z alone so as long as I don't see that Shelby girl I'll be fine my cookie Shelby yes uh here there you go there's your found me I guess there's enough for both of you enjoy that's not fair what oh my God dumb old lady old lady you're just a a kid bully spaghetti is definitely down my shirt right now I just need to find zie and make sure that she doesn't get spaghetti on her too hey guys we made her some cookies a that's so nice lady she's friends with the bullies I know how it was unfair for me to get two cookies yesterday so here you go that's so nice thanks zie the girls are being nice to zie maybe Rebecca's stepping in really helped I don't know something seems fishy zie killed them with kindness and now they're friends I guess I don't have to get involved after all I'm trying to pull Rebecca out but it's not working what do you mean hold on what's going on let me try something hold on Monique this is your first program you can't get a tra program forever oh there's only one cookie left I'll take it oh that was going to be mine but you're supposed to share with your friends and z Oh and tomorrow we're going to need more cookies oh I guess I do like baking and the day after that and the day after that so 3 days of cookies now that I think of it just sping cookies every day forever forever is that a problem siee no I guess not of course not a real friend wouldn't mind getting us cookies thanks [Music] bestie what's wrong nothing you're going to go to middle school and be a teacher let's do this and beat the bullies you can never tell her that happened ever okay so I'm a middle school teacher and it looks like I'm teaching science not my best subject look that must be Zade Says Z I was thinking that maybe after school you can come over to my house Monique why are the boys in here Maddie said there had to be what MADD are you guys kid that's my daughter Ted you're going out with Shelby she's my friend I can't do that to her she's friends with Shelby now Shelby was the most popular girl which means Z's popular and she's a good friend come on you know you're not really friends what does that mean what does that mean look I have a lot of homework to do I can't come over that's Shelby hey babe babe is that her boyfriend oh zie how's the homework going yeah zie I've been up all night it's almost done well it better be done soon it will thanks bestie she's even calling her bestie samam this is great there might not be a bully in this level hey well it looks like it's time for me to start class hello class Welcome To Earth Science can someone tell me what the Earth is zie zie zie wake up are you asleep Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only planet known to support life that is right least she's still smart uh Z Zade she's asleep Zade I'm sorry Mrs Z why do you keep falling asleep in class I've been up really late doing homework and studying I'm so sorry I guess that's okay just try to stay awake okay that was a short class uh there's a pop Quin tomorrow don't forget s let's go pick up our geometry homework and math zadee seems to have so much more homework than the other students this doesn't make sense and she's been missing her extracurricular activities I need to get to the bottom of this Sadie SAE what's s doing in the teacher's lounge looks like she's making coffee oh no she's coming she can't see me zamfam something is sus with z and I'm going to find out what that is these are all test answers that Z's been making copies of this looks like homework but the homework says Shelby's name on it Victoria's name on it and zes this is a lot of people's homework zie what are you doing here giving my textbook what are you doing in my locker well actually Z what is this it's not what it looks like it looks like you're helping people cheat and doing their homework I'm just trying to be a good friend if you have to bake people cookies and do their homework they're not your real friends but if I don't do it they'll be mean to me again and Shelby is the coolest girl in school she's the cheer captain and can do her splits all three ways I'm just a loser that's not true I'm going to help you stand up up to them and then they won't mess with you anymore thanks m z but this pop quiz is going to get a little interesting what she going to do it better not involve that [Music] boy hello class today we are having a pop quiz hey nerd did you get us the copies for the answer key but instead of a written test each of you will come up here and I'll ask you a question if you get it wrong I will dump a mystery food on your head you can't do that it's not fair I'm not good at speaking in front of people I'm sure you'll do fine in fact why don't you come up First Victoria what is the largest body of water um they should be easy I mean you got it right on your homework last week the Atlantic it's the Pacific and it looks like we have some delicious ice cream please don't DP ice cream on me this hair cost $200 to get oh man well maybe you'll study a little bit more next [Music] time oh that girl just got Sun you like that touch added to the program Rebecca should not have intervened though head on back Zade why don't you come up next oh mg okay zadee what causes the ocean tights the moon correct and since you got it right why don't you help me with the next question Shelby why don't you come up don't do this Z you have to help me Shelby what causes earthquakes tell me the answer z we're friends please I can't uh it's tsunamis really it's tectonic plates looks like it's applesauce zie would you like to do the honors no I'm I'm the cheer captain I don't have time to do this dumb science stuff wait we should give her a second chance zie what are you doing this is part of the plan I don't know it just feels mean dump it dump it seriously Ted listen if you want them to stop bullying you you have to stand up to them after this they won't mess with you again I mean if you say so you are the teacher Zade dump it oh oh how you like them apples what is wrong with you this is crazy I'm telling the principal and I will be telling the principal that you and your friend have been cheating on the test yes zie told me everything you will have detention for the rest of the year please just don't tell my parents class is dismissed hold up and I won't be baking you cookies anymore or doing your homework great job Z well looks like you guys aren't besties anymore do you want want to come to my house after all I love to it worked we showed those bullies who is boss you should have let stie react on her own though are you kidding me those kids got what they deserve now let's go to high school and I will show you that Z is now doing great if you say so you'll be her cheerleading coach is it going to get worse I'm a cheerleading coach and there's zie she's a popular cheerleader things are working out zie can you grab that for me that must be head from middle school yeah watch [Music] this zie already got back at Shelby for bullying her why would she do that uh Shelby I think the towels are supposed to be for us not the dirty floor nice one babe babe zade's dating Ted now Z dating the boy Maddie said I had another thing did you guys see what she just did you know I have to keep her in her place don't ever do it okay I'm the cheer captain now I know how to run my team all right ladies huddle up for practice come on Shelby I'm just the backup you mean the water girl cheerleading is a team sport and this team is ready to win Nationals tomorrow you three why don't you start practice 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 nice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and jump 2 3 4 and split 6 7 eight and then I do the splits okay well Z I need you to go full out I need to see your splits um I'm saving it for Nationals tomorrow you don't want to tire out your star cheerleader do you okay can anyone else do the split no I'm the cheer captain and I deserve to be in the front besides what do you know about cheering you're too old to do even half of these moves I am your coach and if you want to be on this team you cannot disrespect me whatever Let's Go Girls Z seems to be acting a lot different this is why Rebecca should not be intervening well hopefully everything will be fine samfam what is going on I wanted Z to be popular and not be bullied but now she's turned into a monster I need to have a talk with her zum Shelby was the bully and she was one of the best cheerleaders and now she's the water girl this doesn't make sense zie I really need to talk to you about something you know what Shelby Nationals are coming up and the only thing I want to talk about is doing the splits I've done all your exercises and it's still not working so zi doesn't have her split Shelby was the best at splitz why isn't she doing the routine please this is important you really need to hear it stop I know you're just trying to distract me but you better remember if I don't win Nationals I'm telling everyone your dirty little secret zadee please you can't I did everything that you said then I better win or else zade's black Wheeling Shelby Shelby was the bully not anymore what do you think Shelby was trying to tell her and what do you think this secret is coach Rebecca oh I was just the smell of these bags do you know what brand this is it really hides the the scent I'll find out later what took you so long stop complaining you're my boyfriend it's your job to walk me home what's gotten in you you've been so bossul and the way youve been treating Shelby not even her boyfriend likes her attitude oh my God you're taking her side you know how terrible she was to me in middle school that was a long time ago and I'll make sure that she's never mean to me again she's still holding a grudge against Shelby from middle school otherwise I'll tell everyone her secret seriously that's messed up samf fam her diary that has the secret I need to figure out what that secret is she needs to let zie handle this herself are you on her side or my side whatever you say Z but actually uh I got to go who was that my mom well you still have to walk me home I should have got that you guys Z's a bully what am I going to do told you this would happen please help me I have an idea what are you doing I'm giving you another chance to get that diary yes yes thank you Monique come in what am I going to be it's a substitute teacher okay zamfam I'm in the classroom but where's zie hey Victoria got look at Nationals tonight thanks I'm glad you'll be there of course I'll be R for you and me babe right yeah there's zie her and Ted are still together something feels a little off where's Miss Johnson actually Miss Johnson is sick today so I will be your substitute teacher good you're here now we don't have to do homework after winning Nationals tonight actually you will have to do whatever you do not finish in class today for chapter 9 we can't work we have to rest then it looks like you guys will all be doing chapter 10 as well you can't do that we have Nationals zie stop you're just going to make it worse shut up Shelby you're only the water girl you don't have to worry about winning enough I would suggest working on your class work or you will have a very long night s's diary I need to get that so I can figure out the secret I need to figure out a way to cause a dist come okay Sam fam don't judge me for this who did this someone put gum in my hair sounds like something Shelby would do it wasn't any of us you know what everyone empty your backpacks let me see this I know one of you guys did this it's not anyone zie are you lying to me no are you sure about about that yes she got the diary what do you think it says that Rebecca should not be doing this that's not mine oh really I don't choose feing gum it's the same gum that is in my hair right now zadee Shelby probably put it there I will be confiscating this and this don't get any ideas you can't open it without the key it's locked I bet you she wishes she had a key just like the one you can buy with these Diaries at Rebeccas moo.com link is right here and you can get merch that's the Bell I'll be taking my diary back unless you want me to report this incident to the principal thought so good luck at Nationals I needed that diary so I could figure out what the secret is and stop zie from bullying now I'm not going to be able to beat the program coach Rebecca yes can I talk to you for a second um yeah sure so what's up Shelby I just wanted to ask if you could lay off zie Nationals are really important to her that's what you wanted to tell me if she doesn't win I don't know what will happen happen what do you mean I shouldn't say listen I know you have a secret you know about that yes and I know zade's blackmailing you and that's not okay I'm not going to tell anyone I promise you can trust me well growing up my parents were always really arguing and it was really difficult to be around they were really hard on me and that's why you are a bully so what's the secret my parents just got divorced oh her parents got divorc Rebecca's parents got divorced when she was that age too and my dad's already seeing someone new the chemistry teacher zadee threatened to embarrass me in front of the whole school if I didn't make her cheer captain Shelby that is not okay Zade doesn't have the right to tell anyone about that and what happened between your parents isn't your fault I know but I don't want things to get any worse I'm not going to tell anyone but I can't let zadee get away with this she needs to learn that she can't treat people this way this is worse than I thought Z is the biggest bully ever and if I want to beat this program that means I have to stop every bully including zie well good luck coach it's time for Nationals I know what I need to do I hope Rebecca beats this program because we have another one planned as a pregnant cheerleader Rebecca's pregnant okay so I'm here at Nationals and what I am about to do is not going to be easy okay girls we're up next we can win this thing yes don't worry coach I got this we do everything just like we practice and walk home with the gold then we celebrate with a giant rager at my house oh so you're throwing parties at your house da yeah my parents are out of town Shelby hydration you know what enough I have an announcement to make I already gave the pep talk I'm making a change I want Shelby to do the routine she bets Z this is not good she's the water girl I'm the captain then do the split zie I can do a different move I am doing what's best for the team and show can do the splits if you put Shelby in will'll lose Nationals it's better than having a captain on the team that bullied their way there and doesn't deserve it you're just jealous that I'm popular and talented and that you're a nobody I'm doing what's best for you you're not my mom okay girls huddle up I know there have been a few changes but you guys are good enough to win Nationals let Shelby lead and you guys can do this okay you're up we got this girl you got this let let's go girls samam I hope I did the right thing even if s hates me [Music] now it all comes down to this Sam fam do you think they can do [Music] it they are working really well as a team this is it can she do the [Music] splits yeah W great job girl congratulations you win first place they won they won what about zi great job you guys ah I'll be right back W I'm so glad you're back [Music] besy zie I need to talk to you I don't want to talk to you I want to talk to my boyriend Ted where is he zie come back zie Ted Victoria what's going on oh uh Ted's been cheating on zadee with Victoria what put me in you said no intervening put me in right now put me in right now I'm going in that was just congratulating me by making out with you I can't believe you're cheating on me I'm going to go come on everybody knows I didn't know even Shelby zamfam wasn't Shelby trying to talk to her maybe she was trying to warn her she put you up to this didn't she I knew she's been wanting to get back at me oh my God you're on about Shelby again you're obsessed shut up T she's blaming all this on Shelby and She Wants Revenge she ruined Nationals for me and now she's ruining my relationship I can't let her get away with this what are you talking about I'm going to do something I've been talking about doing for a long time Zade you can't I have to try to stop her zamfam Zade went into Shelby's house but I don't know the code to get in I wish I could see what is going on hopefully they're talking and working it out because I do not want stie to be a bully anymore I hear something is that a hose something spraying maybe Z's trying to apologize she's spray painting her car do not tell her but we have to back I said do not tell her she's going to intervene again I have to pull her out Zade Shelby I hear a door did you see that you guys Z's at Shelby's house I think they might be working things out where's she going next Monique she's attending college oh okay get back in there okay I'm so glad Z's not going to be a bully anymore do not tell her I'm in college and it looks like I'm in Z's dorm room hey zie hey roomy hey uh what's wrong remember how I told you I have a date tonight with that Nathan guy I really like uh yeah totally look anytime I post anything online this troll makes fun of me and they threaten to ruin my date tonight why would anyone do this to you there's this one girl from high school who goes here she bullied me my entire life you mean Shelby you think Shelby is your cyber bully it has to be it's like stealing cheerleading Nationals from me wasn't enough Z's getting Cyber Bullied by Shelby maybe we should have told rebe about the spray paint I'm sure it's going to work out why don't I go with you on your date then you'll feel better and I'll make sure that Shelby doesn't get anywhere near you thanks I'm going to go um use the bathroom okay zamfam I have a plan it looks like Shelby is a bully again but Zade has been a bully too if I can get them in a room together to talk and work things out both of them won't be bullies anymore this is perfect okay Zam fam I am Undercover on Z's date and I have to keep an eye out for when Shelby comes but first I need to see how this date's going sugar someone already took our cups but could we get tog go boxes oh yes uh speaking of to go wouldn't you like to go on another Daye with this beautiful girl I'm assuming it's a first date how's it going good really need to go we're kind of in a rush oh yeah yeah of course let me know if you need anything else thank you okay Zam fam I actually don't know where the boxes are wait that's Ted Ted from high school Z used to date Ted and Ted knows Shelby maybe he can help me um Ted uh yeah hey uh you don't know me but I'm actually helping Zade oh I want to school with her yes I was wondering if you could help me I guess what do you need help with you see Shelby never stopped bullying Z and I'm worried she's going to do something to her today so so if you see her can you let me know of course thank you I know I entrance in the back I'll go St it out thanks Ted we are going to get this troll okay zamfam this is perfect Ted's going to help me and before you know it Shelby and Zade are going to apologize and both be getting along so would you want to go to a movie with me right now yeah I'm having a lot of fun let's do it okay let's go oh no wait is that you uh yeah weird I can't sit you know I really hate pre hold on I I want to watch this oh no no no no no no no no no what happened to my car Dad it's just a joke I'll clean it up I swear I have to take this car to work what is my boss going of thing I knew this was a mistake I knew you should have gone and live with your mom but Dad no no I have enough going on I can't deal with this and I can't deal with you I guess I'll just walk to school you really are a loser Jesus you know I think I'm going to skip the movie after all no but I I can explain Ted you did this Ted everybody deserves to know who the real Zade is you were terrible to me when we were dating things you did to Shelby your parents were already hard enough as it was you didn't have to make it worse I didn't know her dad would yell at her like that maybe Shelby was a bully but you were Next Level you're a bully zie that that's not who you are you can fix this how sometimes in order to save the future you have to go back and heal the past I have to go there's something I have to do zie zie what are you doing here listen I need to tell you something right now oh no zade's in Shelby Storm well whatever it is I didn't do it oh no is zadee going to yell at her again I'm here to tell you this is not going to end well zamfam that I wanted to apologize for the way I acted I was was completely wrong and you didn't deserve any of it no I did I was horrible growing up and you didn't deserve any of the stuff I did to you I'm so sorry wait you're apologizing to me I was the one that destroyed your car well technically it was my dad's car but look you apologizing really means a lot to me and no apology is complete without a gift so I made you these oh you sure no that's so sweet you're my favorite chocolate chip chocolate chip cookies sorry who are you uh I'm her roommate and you work at Starbucks it's a long story anyways I am just so glad that you both aren't bullies anymore and I'm especially proud of you zie I love you daughter we're room your mom works at Starbucks she's not my mom I did it and as much as I want to TCH Z I'm really glad she figured it out for herself told you I'm glad you finished that one cuz you have another one to do what where you're going to be shamed as a pregnant cheerleader welcome to the Liberty chickens cheerleading auditions Rebecca you're up first what me her stomach looks really big totally see might have to make this cheerleading team but I'm pregnant I hope this works as captain of the cheerleading team I get to decide who's on the team or not do you see this white bow that means I'm captain and next year if you guys play your cards right maybe one of you will'll get to where the white 5 6 [Music] 78 ew what's up with her belly I think she may be pregnant go team did she just pee if she's pregnant did her water just break oh no I be my pants no this can't be happening look at her run away no I have to get out out here bathroom I need to find a bathroom and let's Dam I can't believe I just peed my pants at my cheerleading audition this is all because I'm pregnant I because you peed your pants oh she's probably crying because she's pregnant pregnant cheer will never make cheer captain I will make cheer captain I can't believe I'm being shamed as a pregnant cheerleader if you want to beat this program you have to make the team and become cheer captain it looks like I can reset the program so you have one more chance at this audition you need to make the team so no more pee in your pants okay welcome to the cheerleader auditions 2 minutes to get stretched and then the auditions are going to start good luck you're going to need it oh no Zam fam there's five of us but only two are going to make the team and one's going to be alternate I have to make that team aren't you a little bit young to be trying out for this cheerleading squad no my sister's on the cheer team and I'm probably better than your weak Strawberry Shortcake look butt well this week strawberry looking Shortcake eating butt just ate three middle schoolers for breakfast and I'm ready for lunch you're pregnant and you're auditioning for a cheerleading squad looking like that yeah oh no audition start now Mad Dog it's mad dog oh okay uh Mad Dog you're up next she's actually not that bad she's just very intense can SC and there's plenty more where that came from wouldn't want to get in a fight with her thank you mad dog all right up next we have strawberry short cake must be you ready okay this hot B is hot to go ho t t o g o let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go H did she just spell dad bod I don't think that chair's in our repertoire and up next is little sister ready okay let's go chickens you got this looks like last we have Rebecca okay I got this ready okay we're the Liberty chickens and we're here to play I said okay okay okay okay watch me turn do a leap and a kick you can't compete cuz we're the Liberty chickens wo didn't to beat my pant woo go chickens bye she's really not that bad I don't know how she'll fit in our uniforms though she's fat she can't make the team but she's good okay well thank you all so much for coming you all did an adequate job we'll get back to you soon with the results all right girls we're having trouble narrowing down the team so I'm going to need to see a couple more things the two girls on the end step forward I need to see a cartwheel thank you so much finally Rebecca I need to see a backand spring back tuck back layout step out could I just do a cartwheel like the others I mean I can do that it's just I'm not allowed to do that pregnant so that pregnancy is going to be an issue I see no no it's not an issue at all I just I just can't do cartwheel back tuck back layout step out but in a few more months I will be able to again okay fine just show me a cartwheel okay oh I missed it sorry can you do that again sure yeah oh sorry one more time okay yeah oh yeah oh did you go what one more time yep yep cool thank you all right guys thank you so much that really helped make the decision everyone line up in front of the judge's table p and fam this is it do you think it was enough I mean I did like 25 car wheels when you hear your name step forward the first girl to make the team is your little sister I'm so proud the little sister made the team that means there's only one more spot to be on the cheerleading team I have to to make it and the second girl to make the team is M Dog no I didn't make the team that's the whole point of me being in this program what am I going to do Sam fam that's not fair that little sister should not have made the team but you can't complain about Mad Dog she was the best one there Rebecca's only hope is to be named the alternate let's see if she gets it and our alternate due to lack of options and talent is Rebecca okay so there's still hope I'm not officially on the team but I'm an alternate which means I get to be with them and who knows what could happen right I just hope I can handle it everyone else can leave are you kidding me my okay what's just happened ladies I'll be right back oh my gosh that was crazy wait hold on look I know you're upset but I might have a role for you on this team really I got this what just happened this is unacceptable what are you doing with that I'm just the alternate how am I supposed to make cheer captain break someone's leg and take their place on the squad I can't do that next you'll be training with the Squad do whatever it takes to get out of that ultimate position like break a leg I'm not doing that samam I have a cheerleading outfit on I'm a Cheerleader now that you're all officially a liberty chicken cheerleader I need to make sure you can all fit into your uniforms I don't want anyone looking fat or pregnant so grab a dumbbell and start working out okay all right getting closer to being on this team Rebecca not that dumbbell that dumbbell but that's 55 lb I'm glad you can read well the doctor said I can't lift that much weight that's not my problem do it I said I can't oh no she didn't I'm not allowed to like I said guys working out time is over head over there we're going to start learning the routine Rebecca a word I'm sorry I just can't lift heavy things right now I'm in my third trimester of pregnancy I'm not allowed to if you ever talk back to me in front of my squad again there will be consequences come on S how am I supposed to make the team I'm still an alternate plus I have to be team captain to beat this program I'm not even on the team yet oh man all right ladies let's get into formation okay Rebecca you're in the last line right behind me okay but I'm behind you I'm not going to be seen don't worry you're wide enough you'll be seen okay will you go over the routine with them I want to go around and watch you guys ready 5 6 7 I need you to smile show some more teeth yeah and don't look like you're in pain we'll work on it I need you to suck in I'm trying and this is why you're the alternate can't suck in I'm praying pregnant looking good I learned this routine when I was four that's my girl all right you guys remember the big basketball game is tomorrow so let's go 5 6 7 8 I'm in the back how am I supposed to be cheer captain if they can't even see me perform you can always no I'm not breaking someone's leg I was going to say work really hard and show them that you're the best cheerleader for the job yeah right but now it's time for your first performance show them much you got let's go [Music] Go Chicken Go Liberty chickens oh my gosh my first home game zamfam as a cheerleader I mean an alternate but you never know go Team all right ladies are you ready 5 6 [Music] 7 I feel good you guys I'm dancing for two that mascot is moving so majestically that must be Matilda let's go CH all right ladies the crowd is amped up now it's time to do a stunt you two on the floor in the SLI you two you do the hand stand what about me stand there okay go to I think I twisted my ankle are you okay do you think you can cheer on it I need to go to the hospital can you try to stand up on it okay come on Mad Dog be careful be careful be careful so how did that feel help listen she needs to go to a hospital she's not okay right now she just broke her ankle she needs to do the cheer here here guys help me get her in don't put weight on it oh no don't worry mad you're going to be okay just keep smiling you don't have to smile right now actually oh no yes this is perfect what do you mean mad dog just got hurt she was the heart and soul of this team but now Rebecca has her opportunity to show everyone why she should be your captain that's what happened what are we going to do we need to finish this cheer it's a disaster Rebecca you're going to have to fill in what so I'm not going to behind you people are going to actually see me during this yes yes they're going to see you samam did you hear that I am actually performing at the halftime basketball game as a cheerleader and people are going to be able to see me this is my chance I'm actually making the cheerleading team I can't mess this up okay go team I need to get that team captain okay ladies it's the halftime show let's [Music] go oh no 7 8 1 2 Rebecca you ruined everything everyone's laughing at [Applause] us enough no more fighting everyone in my office now oh no is that the principal your fault this is bad they're all going to get in trouble for this one ladies this behavior is unacceptable I'm thinking of cutting the entire cheerleading program all together what does that mean that means no more Liberty chicken cheerleaders no I do quiet no no no no you can't cut the team as team captain I take full responsibility for their actions what you're the one that started it you you you one at a time like I said I apologize for their actions what they did was totally unacceptable in fact I'm planning on having a team bonding sleepover to make sure this doesn't happen again and Rebecca I'd really like it if you could make it oh some team building could be good for the squad if you get together I won't cut the cheerleading program really this is my chance at the sleepover the team captain will get to know me and realize that I deserve to be a part of the team and that you deserve to be team captain Oh yeah can we trust the head cheerleader of course I mean she invited me to the sleepover maybe she's actually really nice oh I'm in pajamas the slumber party and I'm in my house wait I'm not in my house I'm in the cheer Captain's House okay obviously things didn't go as planned at the basketball game but now is my chance this sleepover to become team captain just have to figure out a way to do this they sound like they're having fun though okay zamfam I'm about to have fun at this slumber party guys guys was the pilot the whole time it's like I don't hey guys I don't even care I said hey guys I'm here for the sleepover did you actually think you were invited yeah she was just saying that because the principal was listening I thought everyone on the cheerleading team was invited to the sleepover speaking of that actually you're not even on the team anymore after that whole Fiasco what and because you're pregnant and really big what just because she's pregnant so uh you can leave my house now byebye really mad dog sorry I didn't know I zamfam they just kicked me out of the sleepover what am I supposed to do wait zamfam did you see that who are those people they're wearing masks Rebecca turn around you have to stop them I'm supposed to be team captain so I can beat this program but at this case they don't even want me on the team anymore what was I thinking that I could be a pregnant cheerleading Captain that's just crazy what are you doing to us we're tying you up oh I don't want to I'm just not going to be able to beat this program Rebecca help there's robers help us what oh no that's mad dog divian what do I do I have to do something there's robbers in the house let me go this one in huh if anybody goes anywhere we're blowing this house to Kingdom where are they I think they're here come on tie it up let's go all right all right all right I'll tie it up don't mind move who knows they're tying up the cheerleaders what do I do I have to do something get their gems and precious metals yeah all good out they're coming they're coming got to get back all right they're taking care all right let's find some more stuff to roll I want to find some to eat first that gave me a workout oh you're right I'm starving Pizza huh what about Pizza Boys Pizza slum samam did you hear that they want pizza Rebecca needs your help Monique can you do anything to the program I don't know that's a pretty Advanced Technique we have to try maybe a disguise like a a pizza delivery person or some pranks to get the robbers out of the house okay I'm going to do a supply drop at the front for Rebecca did you hear that samam this is perfect samam I can dress up as a delivery person they also sent some baby supplies are you thinking what I'm thinking Zam famam it's time to do some home alone pranks on these robbers even have soda there's nothing here the only good stuff is chocolate sauce what are you supposed to do with that wait don't let's go see it might be robbers where are the robbers come on what pizza let's go let's go let's go get what hello hello did someone order a pizza yeah thank you don't worry about the tip this one's on me good day guys we got pizza let's go eat my gosh it's like feeding candy to a baby now let's just double check that they're eating the pizza you Savages use napkin they're really devouring that pizza oh well it gives me more time to set up the pranks i h Jers love pizza let's not get too distracted yet finish this pizza brings R in the house all right I'm using slippery oil on the wood and then I put a little glue on these diers and it's going to stick to them when they fall hopefully these Baby Alives over the railing keep them from coming up the stairs but if they don't this Beast is ready and by Beast I mean unicorn beast and for the grand finale I set up a trip wire which is connected to this baby gender reveal which is obviously a girl okay samam fam the Home Alone pranks are all set up now it's time to call these robbers and save the cheerleaders hey robbers come get me I got out of the movie theater and I'm just a poor helpless cheerleader man wait one of them we call which way you going out of oh Sam fam that had to hurt a you babies look so cute I want to take you home to Mommy goooo gag get [Music] her oh that's got to hurt you look like a fool right now hope they're ready for this one oh no my babies are falling falling that's T oh direct hit on all three babies now hopefully they just leave and they don't come upstairs but just in case they don't let's go suppos to take care of let's go get out of here I'm going to bir my baby on you it's a f unicorn [Music] is it worked I did it you guys now I just need to untie those cheerleaders I can't believe I saved them and I did it all while I'm bre it guys it's just me back come on get this off I got the robbers out of your house come on you guys it's okay everything's good I can't believe you came back for us even after we kicked you out of our slumber party and for calling you fat well I guess pregnant women are a lot stronger than you think we are we should have never ashamed you this is yours really thank you for rescuing us this means I get to be cheer captain even if you are pregnant what all right let's have some more snacks [Music] ladies I did it I beat the program hey what was that go you do that I do that back on wait where's Monique I don't know Maddie can we trust her
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 3,039,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daughter, survives, every, bully, grade, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: WGFc2meGaec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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