I Exposed the Worst Mean Girls

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today I'm going undercover at of beauty pageant to save my friend after she was attacked why are you even here if you're not going to pay attention I'm just here to support my best friend there she is let's go [Music] captain Cy are you okay no no my leg it might be broken can I get some help this is the vulture I'm giving you your first and last warning cancel the Miss Liberty pageant next week or else more people will get hurt who is the vulture and why are they doing this I don't know are you okay to stand up I don't think so it's going to be okay Kathy I'll get there as soon as I can you'll be okay I'm not letting the vulture get away with this I can't believe Kathy got attacked who would want to hurt her Miss s that's me is she okay Kathy's lucky to be alive right now okay can I see her yes she's ready to see people right this way Kathy you're okay I'll give you two a minute thank you I'll take sorry I can't believe you got attacked who is this vulture person I don't know any more than you do you know what would make you feel better a date with a hot prince and a million dollars I was thinking chocolate I'll get you some from the vending machine thanks Rebecca of course I forgot my wallet you said no one would get hurt we were close to a suspect but we didn't think the vulture would strike again this early how did they get past our agents still trying to fig that out something weird is going on I need to get a closer look we need closer to finding them after the attack unfortunately no but the evidence has been sent to a lab and we're analyzing the video stream I've been undercover in the high school and pageant scene for months and now this happens you knew being an FBI agent would come with some risk FBI my best friend's a secret agent turn around keep your hands where I can see him what uh turn around try Stevens what are you doing I am taking her downtown oh my gosh leave her alone she's harmless literally fine but don't try anything you've been undercover at the school this whole time and I just need to keep it a little bit longer until we catch the vulture you can't even walk I will be fine ow so Kathy what are we going to do now it's too late to transfer another agent into the school wait what if I take her place what I want to get revenge on whoever did this to you and if anyone can solve a crime it's me I have read so many mystery books absolutely not no offense but you were neither tough enough to be an agent or glamorous enough to be a beauty queen I'll prove to you that I can be a secret agent just meet me after school after the last bell and I'll show you I need to show the FBI that I'm tough enough to catch the vulture luckily I have a plan so are you going to tell me what your big plan is I'm going to prove to you that I can help the FBI by stopping the biggest bully in school this is a a bad idea you don't even know how to fight how hard can it be in the books I read all you have to do is get the bad guy to start talking and then when they look away you just sweep the leg that doesn't happen in real life now no wait no don't what you think you're going hey leave the kid alone stay out of this loser the name is zamolo Rebecca zamolo get out of here not until you let the kid go you and what army just me fine but I was going to beat up someone so I guess it'll just be you what what don't make this more difficult than it has to be don't sweep the leg don't sweep the leg uh look over there she swep the [Music] leg what is going on in here she started it what I'm literally covered in smooth and you think I started it that's enough you two head to detention excuse me janer could you please clean this up sure thing with that Rebecca's shirt can't po up a fight huh anyone can take a punch up there in front of a fist look I pulled her file and it says that she is the smartest kid at the entire school this isn't about being smart it's about catching a criminal mastermind we have 3 days until the final Pion and there's no way you're recovering in time we are literally out of options and if she fails the mission it'll be a national disaster well I thought my chances of solving this case were over but then this happened wait wait hey let me go help help what is your name I'm not supposed to talk to strangers this isn't a game little girl you're in serious trouble here I didn't do anything wrong there's a secret agent hiding in your school who are they I don't know what you're talking about we have been tell that you are close personal friends with the agent tell us who they are and we'll let you go I don't like most people let alone people like you you want to play it like that huh what are you doing with my book if you don't tell me who the agent is the book Burns no I haven't even gone through half of that thanks not talking you are about to destroy one of the greatest murder mysteries because I am not giving you any information you passed the test Welcome to the the FBI Kathy I'm in the FBI just like you your training starts first thing in the morning oh am a captain okay we have 3 Days To the final pageant and zero time to waste I'll train you in combat and I will give you a beauty queen makeover go high knees high knees high knees high knees high knees high knees high knees a beauty queen needs posture and balance how are you supposed to balance in these practice makes perfect here you go okay I think I think I got [Music] it that was like a hurt it did again easy enough again again again again highes hes hes yes I yes I I'm doing it hey oh oh my I did it I did it oh my God yes okay now we just need to make you look the part because this is this has got to go what's this this all of it I'm confused this isn't going to hurt right not too bad holy moly you've never done that before have [Music] you now presenting Rebecca beauty queen [Music] Edition nice work Kathy hope she's ready oh I am next the FBI filled me in with all their key suspects now since they refuse to cancel the Miss Liberty Pion we have to catch the vulture there so I'll be running point on all the agent stuff while Kathy runs point on all things pageant related we only have a few days to catch the vulture before he strikes again and the lab caught a partial DNA sample from the side of the first attack so collecting DNA will be your number one goal the vulture could be anyone so everyone is a suspect let's talk about the pageant there's three major Parts the welcome breakfast the rehearsals and finally the Miss Liberty pageant it's going to seem casual but it's like walking into a lion's den so you're going to need to make a good first impression especially with the host Alex sorry this California our late edition welcome to the Miss Liberty pageant and leave your bags here we'll be serving breakfast in the hall okay thank you keep an eye out for Suzanne last year's graceful pageant winner she's the example you want to follow because she's the best there is then you'll meet the other contestants like tough as Nails Miss New Jersey the sweet but brilliant farm girl from Ohio or the silly naive kind Miss Florida but whatever you do do not under any circumstances get on the wrong side of Miss George it's hard to come back from Britney's bad side once you're on it she doesn't like new competition you don't want that Target on your back I am so mad right now my outfit is ruined I'm sorry maybe you could get it dry clean that's not the point I have to go change that one well after that your main goal is to get some DNA and whatever you do Rebecca do not get distracted I'm basically impossible to distract hey uh hey I uh noticed you from across the room you did yeah cuz your sash is on backwards oh I knew that you you'd be surprised at how often that happens really no I'm just trying to make you feel better I'm Rebecca I'm Mr production assistant or Eric oh so you work here yeah it's a family business Alex the host is my mom oh that's fun so do you like working at a beauty pageant well it's never really been an option but I'll say I'm having more fun this year why the Golden State Golden State golden wait California is the Golden State but if you do get distracted just take a deep breath and remember you're on a mission get the DNA symol I'm on a mission AO California over here hey what's going on we're about to start a game of Jango questions do you want to join us of course you write a question on the brick and then whoever pulls that brick has to answer the question honestly okay get the DNA samples oh can I borrow your pen oh yeah yeah okay thank you first I got Miss Ohio's pen cap one down the contestants seem nice but I can't forget that one of them is the vulture looks like it's ready to go dibs on first if you could be any flavor of ice next it's Miss New Jersey's go I think I'd be rocky road cuz I'm a little bumpy but when you put all those bumps together it's delicious what is your favorite word m probably Lily because it's my name but it's also my favorite flower your turn oh you know what I still don't really understand the game so maybe you should go okay if you were going to murder someone who would it be how can I answer that you have to it's on the brick Oh I I mean those are the rules right then I would probably say my sister because she's always stealing my shoes and then wearing them to the beach do you know how hard it is to get sand out of ugs your turn what is your favorite Jelly Bean flavor ooh definitely strawberry because it's the most popular flavor and I can relate to that great answer I'm more of a licorice Le reg girly myself I'm more of a bean boozled cuz you never know when you're going to get dog [Laughter] poop Rebecca do you think you understand the rules now yeah yeah I I think I I think I got it now [Music] oh no I'm so sorry I'm pretty sure that wasn't an accident a God bless your heart don't worry about Britney she doesn't like new competition that's the host she's talking to right yep not for long what do you mean I heard they're firing her because she's too old how did she take it she threw a chair out the window sounds angry interesting and the last DNA sample I could get was from Miss Flor why does it always happen well we should go get settled indoor rooms I'll be right there I'm just going to clean this up okay zamfam that's the most DNA I could get now I need to take this to Kathy and agent Stevens those pageant girls have no idea what I have planned freeze that's cute you guys don't knock uh we're the FBI Kathy sent over the DNA samples you gave us to the lab so we'll see if there's a match in the meantime we need some updates on possible motives from this morning of course okay get ready for this the contestant said that the host of The Pageant is being fired this year and she did not take it well that's actually a great motive definitely a suspect did any other contestants reveal possible motives like maybe devil girl there oh Britney yeah I don't like that girl but that's that's not a motive what about Miss Ohio Lily she's Harless no her file says she took an advanced chemistry class huh she might know how to blow me up come to think of it she said licorice jelly beans were her favorite that is super sus sus short for suspect nice work Z Zillow zamolo okay so now that we have two suspects what do we do next well I did see you talking to Alex's son in the lobby Eric I believe yeah he seemed nice well maybe you can talk to him about getting information about Alex that's actually a great idea see what the kid will tell you but what about Lily she doesn't have a son I can talk to oh you just need girl talk fine I'll do this but you two should study this board you can really learn something girl talk here I come no what [Music] jacket why do pageant girls always like Silk hey hey I thought we could have a sleepover oh I was about to go to sleep I brought cookies I mean I already put in my mouth guard but they do look good they are come it's been a while since I've had a sleepover pageant life keeps me so busy same girl same do you braid hair sure oh my gosh I love it when someone else braids my hair it is so soothing do you mind can I ask you a question I feel like you know a lot about boys uh yeah yeah really yeah yeah I've had like so many boyfriends no way yeah I mean like Tom Don Ron F do you want to cook thank you well for me there's really only ever been one boy Todd oh is that your boyfriend no I wish he's really handsome oh is he a good kisser what no we've never even touched I just sit behind him in chemistry class oh so is that your favorite class only because of him I'm horrible at chemistry but it gives me a reason to talk to him have you ever done anything bad in chemistry class I won't tell like what I don't know like make slime invisible blow something up no I don't like fire or loud noises so how's the hair looking oh it is great see this is why I love the pageant girls coming together to help each other seems like everyone's in it for themselves especially that Britney girl well she's mean to everyone at first look at these DMS she sent me she said she hopes I get stuck in a tanning bed I don't even spray tan okay well she just probably said that to get inside your head it almost worked it's almost like she doesn't want anyone else to compete sounds like a motive to me you know what I'm going to go get some rest you can keep the cookies I'm just going to take a few okay what about the sleepover sorry I'm I'm I like sleeping in my own bed good night good night that explains the advanced chemistry class Lily can't be the vulture as I was leeping I got a text from agent Stevens and I need to tell him about Britney samam I just got a text from agent Stevens to meet me here I bet he has figured out who the vulture is and I think that is definitely Britney what is this let me go this is for [Music] Kathy you shouldn't have come to this pageant and you call yourself an FBI agent no no you don't belong here get off of me Rebecca what's going on where are you on the ground the vulture tried to attack me what where he went that way well the vter was here they're long gone what are you even doing down here anyway you text me to meet you here uh no I didn't the vultra must have hacked my phone just like they did when Kathy got hurt well let's get you back to your room you're lucky you didn't get yourself killed time's running out really a donut yeah enjoy your carrot Bugs Bunny oh Sherlock Holmes yeah he's great but he's no I get the chrisy can I have a seat please so I hear your mom's getting fired that's a sharp turn in conversation oh uh sorry no I I don't mind when people are direct oh she's not getting fired she's she's just uh taking an unplan retirement oh man I would be mad I mean I'd be mad enough to kill like you think she'd be mad enough to tell honestly I don't know she hasn't said much about it but this has been her entire life so I'm sure it's pretty tough and how do you feel about it honestly I'm excited not to have to do this every year so there's nothing you're going to miss about it well maybe a little bit after this year why this year I don't know I guess the new people did you already finish your donut uh yeah speed eating is a talent it's too bad you can't do that for the pageant or you definitely take first place yeah or tripping I'd be really good at that one but really what are you going to do for your to I don't know what do you mean you don't know the rehearsal is in an hour what I got to go I realized I didn't have a talent and I needed to find one so apparently have to find a talent in less than an hour and speed eating doeses not count I am one step ahead of you do you play any instruments oh okay that's that's that's enough that is enough can you twirl batons okay I think I got okay also a big no um what about pulling a rabbit out of a hat no but I do know a car trick I think we have a winner yes now we just need an outfit no yes that is the one it's so cute serious yes oh Romeo hoys and I see have been his Timeless end then I'll be brief this new jerseyy is doing Shakespeare samfam I am nervous I've done this card trick but I haven't done it since fourth grade all right and next in our practice rehearsal we have Miss California oh that's me that's me okay just need thank you of course okay it's right here Perfect all right welcome to Rebecca's magic show to do my first magic trick I will need a contestant I mean a person [Music] anyone anyone I'll do it come on up stranger I have never met pick a card any card now show it to the audience I will not look put it back in the pile now I will Shuffle the card Abra Debra sorry don't worry just just bear with me I bet that the next card I turn over will be your card maybe we should try again no no no trust me okay voila is the 10 of clubs your card this was my card boom now that I got that out of the way I am going to attempt to juggle up next we have Miss Ohio oh great job Rebecca thank you so much good luck thank you I will be doing an interpretive dance as a butterfly I am so glad that is over that was amazing really you don't think it was lame not at all he's wrong it was lame why are you so rude this is a competition honey we are not here to make friends yeah looks like you'll do anything to win yeah and I'll destroy [Music] anyone oh I guess the butterfly has left the Cocoon and next is Miss Georgia looks like I'm up oh no she has a knife she's going to take out your [Music] M get off of me I caught you knife handed get off of me before I'll make you regret it what on Earth are you doing let her go she had a knife yeah because KN thr own is my hat oh sorry about that actually actually I was just showing another talent that I have and now my arms hurt let's get you to medical and I'll take that oh no Zam fam I thought she was a vulture but I don't think she is now and I'm definitely going to get in trouble for this look I know this looks bad but she had a knife as part of her act and she wasn't even a suspect okay but Lily told me last night that she was sending threatening DMS to the other contestants and why didn't you bring this up because I wanted to get more information and the next thing I know she was pulling a knife on someone so you just decideed that someone else was a suspect and then acted on your own that's not how this works all of my favorite detectives are lone wolves other people slow them down hey if you can't learn to be a team player you will blow this case or even worse get yourself or someone else hurt the only person getting hurt is the vulture when I catch them did you get the DNA results back yet not yet which is why we need to stay focused on finding a motive together whoever that is send them away because this is not over okay jacket jacket [Music] Jack hey Lily uh now it's not really a good time oh well some of the girls and I were going to go to a white out tea party did you want to go actually I would love to go because I'm a team player perfect but you might want to put on some clothes white oh yeah of course at least the Top's white my plan is falling into place what is she doing here I was invited does anyone want you here wait what is the most important thing to all of us World Peace exactly and that starts with us enough talking can we please enjoy our tea or we could have some fun [Music] and then I was walking back on stage in my evening gown and it was unzipped in the back so it fell completely off I know we weren't supposed to talk about this but what if Eric's the vulture are you girls scared about the vulture yeah they threatened another pageant girl we all may not like Kathy but we're still worried okay look I'm going to shut that down because Kathy is great but do any of your girls know self-defense do you know self-defense I think everyone should know how to defend themselves why don't we all get cleaned up and I'm going to teach you some self-defense moves okay yay I have the signature one it's called sweep the leg I don't think Eric is a suspect but the girls think he's sus I have to try to clear his name before I talk to agent Stevens Where Have You Been agent Stevens has been freaking out just went out with the girls it's not a big deal to do what my job get Intel okay just be careful you can't trust any of them why would you say that okay back when I was in the pageant scene they were horrible to me they were so jealous because I was really good at it that's so weird besides Britney they were all so welcoming they just probably don't view you as a threat yet I mean they gave me food poisoning they they would rip my dress they've done this to me I mean one of them is the vulture they'll come for you trust me okay I do why did you put a question by Eric is he a suspect I don't think he is but some of the girls think he sus I have to try to clear his name well do you have any other leads not right now but I feel like I'm getting close it's a gut feeling okay well until then we need to keep you in this pageant have you been able to practice any of the Q&A questions for tomorrow no I haven't had a chance to look at any of the cards you gave me it's okay you'll be fine just say something that'll make you stand out okay like what you can talk about your Murder Mysteries and say all the gruesome details okay you don't think that'll make me sound like a nerd no they'll eat it up trust me okay thanks Kathy bring all the questions cuz this girl's got answers what are you talking about Q&A I'm going to crush it yeah that's coming up but first is the dance rehearsal dance rehearsal Kathy never mentioned that amateur she doesn't belong here right ladies it's time for rehearsal let's go samam did you hear that Britney said I don't belong here that's exactly what the vulture said what if she's the vulture after all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 you're off 6 7 8 1 2 Califoria what are you doing s eight wrong side okay enough enough we're going to start from the beginning put your hands on your hips and step right one two and back right and off of me sorry I lost my Valance out stop this girl clearly isn't taking this seriously you know what honestly she is right your head is somewhere in the clouds no I I am I just I need some water I'm really thirsty and laded you guys should be practicing this really Britney what I'm just saying what we're all thinking she's not a serious competitor she's going to make us all look like a joke she's trying her best it's better than having Kathy here all right girls let's take it from the top samam did you see that she left the rehearsal and put something in her [Music] bag samf fam I recognize this can I saw a can like this by the stairs the other night Rebecca what what are you doing what is this sh don't let anyone see that put that away no why do you have this I sweat a lot so I I need a special deodorant this deodorant please don't tell anyone Britney would never let it go I saw a can like this by the stairs the other night yeah I throw my cans away in the dumpster out there I can't risk the girls seeing it in my trash can how many cans of this do you go through I told you I sweat like a lot okay so let's go we have a dance to do okay Zam do you believe her do you think it's actually deodorant there's only one way to find out I really hope this is an explosive device or something that could knock you out okay 3 2 1 oh okay yeah oh that's definitely deodorant man's strong [Music] deodorant glad you could join us miss California I hope that you'll be ready for our group dance tomorrow because we are now moving on to our practice Q&A okay this should be easy all I have to do is do what Kathy said be myself stand out talk about my murder mysteries so I can show that I'm different as you can see we have an audience for you this evening live audience you know what this will just give me practice for the real pageant first up tonight miss Georgia your question is what makes you happy thank you for asking Alex what makes me most happy is winning beauty pageants of course next up Miss Ohio your question is what is your platform well that is a wonderful question Alex I don't normally wear platform shoes but when I do I try to keep them under 2 in moving on to Miss New Jersey if you had the choice would you rather be president or first lady that's easy Alex first lady president yes yes Miss Florida if you could have dinner with anyone Dead or Alive who would it be I would have to say alive Alex dead bodies freak me out hey Miss California what are you currently listening to well that is easy because my favorite podcast that I'm listening to right now is murder spree and the recent episode is so cool because they found this dead body and they're trying to solve the murder but it was like eaten Away by all of the rats ew gross no no no no it it's actually really cool I mean the way they found the dead B is they started smelling something that came through the pipes but it actually was the dead body get off the stage freak oh I think I'm going to be sick well on that note that will be the end of our practice Q&A thank you so much audience and thank you contestants Rebecca don't take it so hard you heard them I'm a freak they want beauty queens like you not someone like me they laughed at me too it's not the same I did terribly that's why we have practice to warm up for the real competition tomorrow tomorrow I don't know I thought she did pretty bad no one wants to hear about gross murders I was just being myself maybe who you are is weird and unable Britney no it's it's fine oh no are you going to start crying now that's so embarrassing no I I'm just I need to talk to my friend come on Britney what we don't need more competition if that's what you want to call that she's trying her hardest and has been nothing but nice to you don't you remember how scary it was when we first started out that's not the point this is a competition we're not here to make friends but a true Miss Liberty would know the value of Sisterhood and friendship fine I'll go apologize [Music] okay Kathy where have you been I've been taking you and looking for you everywhere what are you doing in my room hey [Music] Rebecca what's going on Kathy was just showing me your suspect board I can't believe that you thought that me or my mom could be the vulture I don't I wouldn't hurt anybody and neither would my mom I don't know why Kathy would say that all I did was tell him the truth you got close to him to get dirt on his mom and while doing that you became suspicious of him that's not true then why is my picture on your board I did that to clear your name were you using me to get information on my mom yes at first but then I got to know you I thought you were different but you're just like the rest of the girls fake and full of lies Eric please believe me why should I believe you because I care about you keep this cuz you won't be seeing me [Music] anymore why would you blow my cover you said you didn't have any suspects I needed this investigation to speed up so I brought him in I never said he was a suspect you know that we are running out of time the pageant is tomorrow and we aren't any closer to finding out who the vulture is when we were when we got here this is my case and now Eric is mad at me sometimes to get the mission done you don't get to be nice maybe you aren't cut out for this I did this mission to get Justice for you did you or did you take it to pretend to be in one of your little murder mysteries I thought you were my friend we aren't friends you're just my cover why are you saying this I wanted to be friends with the biggest loser in school so no one would suspect I was a secret agent there's no bigger loser than you I don't have to do this I'm leaving this mission was way out of your league it's time I take it over it's for your own good trust me I couldn't believe what Kathy said and I was ready to quit until this happened Rebecca wait where are you going I'm leaving I don't belong here girl what are you doing Rebecca's trying to leave she doesn't think she belongs here you might not belong here but that doesn't mean you don't deserve to be here I'm sorry for what I said and and what I did look you guys are beauty queens I'm just a nerd from California come here what where are you taking me look anyone can be a beauty queen I'm just a small town girl who takes science classes because of cute boys and I'm just a big city girl with dreams of being the first female president and I'm a beautiful beach girl who's dreamt of killing your sister ever since we played JGA anyone else look you guys are all beauty queens people like you nobody likes me we like you aren't we somebody I mean I didn't like you at first and then you kind of grew on me we're all competitors but we're also all friends okay yeah that's a little tight hey girls I just wanted to say to have a good night tonight good night looks like she's off to enjoy her last night as reigning Queen why is she dying no a new Queen is getting crowned tomorrow and word on the stages she's not too happy about giving up her title what do you mean she tried to postpone in the pageant so she could be Queen a little longer and when they said no she tried to run again this year she must really want to be Queen I guess it's hard for some people to let go she'll make tomorrow interesting that's for sure I wonder in what way does that mean you're going to stay I mean someone has to protect you from the vulture and I guess I can keep some eyes on [Applause] Suzanne okay Zam F Suzanne is in her car right now I need to see what she's up to okay zamfam I think Suzanne might be the vulture and I need to get evidence before tomorrow's show or someone might get [Music] hurt okay there might be something in her car that's a clue or evidence look there's a key another key but that's not evidence the glove box a knife why is there a knife in our glove box okay I need to get this agent Steven so he can send it to the the lab I might have just found the vulture the pageant's tomorrow which means it's time to catch the vulture once and for all you're still in bed you're late oh no I must have overslept where is Kathy I don't know we had a fight we got the DNA results back from the lab well her DNA sample you got match's DNA found by the first attack this can't be true well it is so we need to go arrest Miss Ohio before the show starts wait you need to give me more time I have reason to believe that Suzanne is a suspect fine but if you don't get get hard evidence on Suzanne before the crowning ceremony I'm arresting Lily because we cannot risk another attack now if you can excuse me I have to get ready for a [Music] patet you're out of time Rebecca I'll see you at the packin I'm here Rebecca Where Have You Been we all thought you decided to leave no I mean I am here to compete I just overslept well we're on a 10 you better hurry up okay yeah I just need to figure out which one's my lip gloss s why don't I help you with that what no no no I can do it no you can't you don't have to remember what I said we're all in this together now sit down are you guys sure thank you guys my friend Kathy usually does my makeup yeah I saw you with Kathy the other day and was kind of surprised you're friends with someone like that why because she's pretty and cool and I'm not no because she's super sketch how last year she invited me for smoothies and I went to the bathroom and came back and my drink tasted funny I was throwing up all night I could just be coin well 2 years ago at Regional she tried to trip me on my way to the stage to get the crown at Junior Miss did you see her do it no but I know it was her you could have just stumbled no way now I know I've been known to send a mean DM or two but that Cathy is down right hostile I swear she put Vaseline on my heels I almost slid right off the front of the stage okay you guys that's not the Cathy I know [Music] and I think we're done wow things really are better when you don't do them yourself clearly okay now get dressed we'll meet you on the side of the stage okay thank you guys I'm dressed and ready to go and now all I need to do is focus on stopping Suzanne it's time for this beauty queen to catch the vulture Kathy what are you doing here I should ask you the same thing thing I told you this is my mission now go home I can't stop until we catch the vulture and I I think I know who did it hold on we need to send this to get a DNA analysis this is suzan's it's the same knife that was used when the vulture tried to attack me she probably only keeps it for self-defense wait you were attacked by the vulture and you didn't tell me I didn't want you to worry where did you even get this Suzanne's car it was you what you were there when the vulture first attacked and you've always hated beauty pageants you probably rigged Lily's DNA sample to say it was guilty and you probably planted this knife in her car what no no I wanted to protect you I'm an innocent an innocent person goes home when ordered by their superiors Kathy you have TOA Rebecca come on we got to go on oh Kathy Danny FBI huh makes sense you'd be good at being undercover you've always been a bit of a snake break a leg Kathy wait we need to talk whatever she said to you just shake it off okay we got a show to do samam I cannot believe that Kathy thinks I'm the vulture I'm innocent I didn't do it but right now I just need to focus on keeping the girls safe and keeping an eye on Susie Lily I need to tell you something sh it's starting welcome to the Miss Liberty pageant what's suan doing Rebecca we have to go and now give a round of applause for this year's Miss Liberty [Music] contested I couldn't keep my eye on Suzanne the whole time but I knew she was doing something backstage [Music] [Applause] weren't they wonderful everyone thank you ladies wait where' Suzanne go let's go Rebecca we only have 2 minutes to get ready for the talent [Music] show hey where are the rest of my cards how should I know I saw you messing around at the table you must have done something to sabotage me I have no idea what you're talking about great now what am I going to do as a talent you being talentless is not my problem this is exactly why we train our girls to be well rounded like Miss Liberty here so you're prepared for [Music] [Applause] anything okay I just need to use my training and now for the magic of Miss California think I have an [Music] idea for my talent I would first like to bring up our reigning beauty queen Miss Liberty come on let's give it up for [Applause] her what are you up to my talent so I thought I would teach some young women self-defense now let's say you are walking home from a sleepover and you have cookies in your hand and your attacker tries to take you out I am going to show you what to do miss Liberty will you grab my hand what absolutely not does everyone want to see her grab me I love you Miss Liberty Okay just grab my hands right here now if your attacker grabs you like this ladies all you need to do is to distract them hey look over [Music] [Applause] there and then you swi sweep the leg and voila you've taken down your attacker and if you mess with my friends it'll be so much worse vulture thank you thank you so much Miss California [Applause] everyone so the Q&A is next and I just need to keep Suzanne in my sight so she doesn't try anything Eric hey been hiding in the tech room hoping I wouldn't bump in you well I'm glad you came out Lily was insistent I don't know what Kathy told you but the only reason I put your photo on that board was so I could clear your name well was a lot to take in you being an undercover agent and me being a suspect I know but apparently Kathy can't be trusted which I just found out from the other girls well she said that you're keeping a lot of Secrets from everyone the secret agent thing was classified and everything else I kept to myself because I thought I had to do everything alone but now I know I can ask for help oh my gosh Eric I haven't seen you all night show night's a busy night I'm do on stage but let's catch up after the show sure Eric I have to tell you something Suzanne is the vulture what Suzanne it's true not only did she sabotage my magic trick but I found the vulture's knife in her car 104 they need me to go grab something from the supply room I got to run but best of luck with your Q&A don't worry about Suzanne she's harmless I promise Eric you have to trust me that's weird what my key card for the supply room it's always on my lanyard but it's missing what's in the supply room supplies supplies in the crown the vulture must want the crown what do we do okay look I have to do a Q&A you need to search for the crown I'll keep an eye on suzan and make sure she doesn't do anything and what if it's not Suzanne then we need to figure out who it is before the crowning ceremony Miss Florida what is the first thing that you will do with your title if you win tonight the very first thing I would do with my title is add it to my updated Tik Tok profile but then with my new found Fame I would be a strong role model for all girls in local communities Miss California why are female friendship so important to you that is a great question Alex before this I didn't think I needed female friend friends I didn't really have any female friends at all but after meeting these girls I have so much love and respect for them they have made my life so much better but I have this other person that I thought was a friend but they weren't in fact she wanted me to quit the pageant and the whole time she was just using me so people didn't find out who she really [Music] was the piece is fit and I just want World Peace a moving sentiment and and moving on to miss Ohio it was Crow's missing what sorry you first okay it was Kathy Kathy has been trying to get me to quit the pageant because she was worried I would solve the case and that's why she said you were a suspect to throw me off she must have stoen the key card from me last night and she must be planning on doing something with the crown I need to figure out what Cathy is doing so we can stop her and you need to make sure that no one puts on that Crown but don't you have to be on stage oh no agent Stevens is here to arrest Lily I need more time what do we do I have an idea what's taking Rebecca so long there you are it's time for the crowning [Music] ceremony okay Z Mo time's up all right is now the most exciting part of the evening it is time to Crown this year's Miss Liberty where is she I'm running out of time what's that cathine and in third place Miss Georgia I can't believe I got third so you figured it out huh guess all those detective books paid off but you're too late Kathy you don't have to do this just give me the Detonator no and I'll just have to take it myself been a highly trained agent for years you don't stand a chance I guess that leg injury was fake almost getting killed by the vulture another perfect cover wait come back and our runner up this evening is Miss California she took second I mean I I I took second well done Miss California Kathy why are you doing this those girls they're monsters they bullied me non-stop when I started doing the pageants funny they said the same thing about you when I got older and more confident I put them in their place I thought of all people you would understand hating bratty beauty queens those bratty beauty queens are my friends stop I was only ever trying to help you I tried to get you to leave so you would to get caught up in this if you want to die with the rest of them so be it and this year's Miss Liberty [Music] is Miss Ohio woohoo oh my gosh this is the best day of my life the crown give me that my crown should I say fure I got it can't me my leg it's over Rebecca besides will the world really miss a few self- centered spoiled Divas you were right about them those are some of the most amazing women I know no wonder you never got along they're too good for you so you've had a change of heart to be honest I was not expecting that you know what else you weren't expecting for me to sweep the [Music] leg [Music] mcraft that's our show thanks for joining us all right let me go you can't trust Rebecca she's barely even an agent okay likely story Rebecca you know I'm not dangerous right you have to help me you're my friend I thought I was just your cover yeah when Kathy applied for the bureau I never would have thought it was because she wanted to take down the whole pageant scene from the inside let's get going nice job simolo you okay Miss runner up thanks I can't believe you got the bad guy and still got second place it was a group effort which part both of them agent simolo come quick there's an emergency what what what's going on hey what's going on what happened the emergency was we forgot to thank you you saved us and the pageant and inspired us to be ourselves we know you were undercover but to us you'll always be Miss California and most importantly our friend that's why this year we voted you Miss Congeniality it was unanimous thank you guys this means so much so did I get the job [Music] I did it I stopped the vulture and I became a beauty cream what is going on quit looking at Eric's photo come on ready
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 1,845,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ugly, nerd, transforms, beauty, queen, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: m9jqA5b4vno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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