Surviving 100 Hours Hunted by Cops

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[Music] this bag has a hundred thousand dollars in it and if you guys can catch me and james then you can have the money that's it that's it go to the airport right now we can't let him get too far i guess it's begun all right it's that one right there with the blue tail this is how you escape the cost you leave the country i know we're kind of in a restaurant should we do a photo shoot this is cool let's go [Music] bro i'm shaking this is so sick oh this is amazing oh i can feel the ac on my bald head i've been holding one in for so long i never thought running from the cops would be so much fun where are we going i can't tell you where we're going madagascar even better james wake up bro guess where we are playing mexico baby this is what mexico looks like mexico city boys i give it four hours before the bounty hunter gets here let's get to our hotel tell you what man we just flew all the way to mexico yeah we did i'm telling you this gps tracker had better be accurate because it's saying that they are in this hotel oh that's a lot of floors that's a lot of floors this is sick bro look at this yo this is the nicest hotel i've ever been this is so nice dude there's two bald heads where yo so one two three four fifth full no way no way they're already here let them yeah oh okay that's not easy that can't be still gonna be wait are they coming up here yo they're going straight to the elevators go come on come on click that button down baby these things are slower than my grandma and she passed away that's pretty slow where's the stairs right here come on if they're right there waiting for us i'm punching they were on this side right yeah they're down there they're down there down below yep they're oh my gosh they're on the bottom they went towards the front door so they're in the street somewhere probably hurry up i got stuck in this spinny boy go go go go go bro it's a crosswalk you can't go you can't go you're gonna go you're going you're going you're going you're going you're going you're going are they behind us where do they go yeah they're right there nathan you're so fast oh they are they're back there i see him i see him i see him excuse excuse us oh i heard sirens i heard sirens oh they're right there oh they're across there go faster cedric i need you to run quicker they're gaining on us we need a way to get out of here yo i got an idea that way oh gosh we're going across the street let's go let's go yep yep i see him getting on these bikes excuse me sir hey you let's go let's go bye sandra go hide somewhere i guess i'll just watch the gps oh this is sketch oh hello going oh we're moving baby this is crazy he's right behind us oh no oh no oh no oh is it that in a descendant oh no we're in a freaking police chase in another country we're just weaving through go go go go oh my god behind us [Music] we losing them i think we lost them i think we're good oh snap let's go bro you went through a front stick excuse me excuse me bro where do you keep finding all these places i don't know bro i'm just running okay let's go all the way down here come on gabe get here i need some reinforcement oh here we go i got some backup i just found him on the gps it looks like he's about 300 meters up this direction let's go get him [Music] there they are there they are under there they're ahead of us yeah i see him we're right behind you boys this way how much is cars going well i don't think they're going to keep running they're probably going to hide right i don't think they're in any better shape than we are we should go somewhere else oh yeah 100 go oh snap is this train oh here we go that's james there's james yo i just got spotted i just got no way yeah he's all the way at the end though over here he went that way somewhere i don't see anyone i see five of them they're like right where we cut through the buildings over there oh i see them down there they're down there they're coming straight towards us oh gosh there they go [Applause] hey nathan you're not losing us drop the fence what you mean yeah no that's not a good idea no it's not just us anymore we got the state police here open i'm gonna jump on the back of the team we look you we better keep moving oh snap go this way closer come on come on all right there's a door right here we can get out let's go bro let's split up you go that way all right meet me at the subway oh about time i get that bag off my shoulders ah they're splitting up yeah they're splitting up i guess we do the same i'll take a left okay gotta keep going let's hop on this truck right here come on sister come on bro this is way better than sprinting oh yes yes yes i can steal cop car again no keys um the trunk i'll go to the truck this is gonna be bad this sucks oh no oh gosh okay okay i successfully where are they i don't know you let him get away he ran away i didn't let him gps shows them about a mile and a half from here let's go i'm questioning whether this is worth a hundred thousand dollars or not [Music] [Music] go go go run run run gotta get to the subway that's where nathan told me to meet him [Music] we've made it to this castle i know they're coming for me i'm gonna go to the top of the castle it's the entire mexico city [Music] wow views on views on views on views says this place is four times the size of central park in new york city but the gps says he's right here somewhere whoa is he up there is that him oh that's him high bounty hunters how's it going hi bounty hunters here we go he's here somewhere this is where he was standing oh my gosh you gotta be kidding hi bald man all right let's go we gotta go meet up with james he's killing me i give you a nut oh all right let's get back down i guess all right gps is working again got a little ways away from here already man he is fast see if we can catch up with him could be right up here on this corner there he's just james james oh yo what's that little brother take this bag give me this taco all right i need to go in there go underground you're gonna lose service for the tracker okay okay all right meet me at the uh the boat oh that's a fire taco they're probably taking a subway oh my gosh more steps all right here we go made it out of the train we're back on street we got to go to the canal now we got to get on the boats here we go all right which way which way which way this way ah here we are boys james jump yeah go oh you ain't gonna jump you're gonna jump off you actually did it holy crap they are jumping how are you doing where are you going we're doing oh we can't go across these boats you're going that way yep all right we'll lose them on the boats they couldn't have gone too far yeah buddy's dog water okay yo i called uber black all right come on we gotta find it yo we need the skies as well wait i wanna i wanna hello thank you gracias i have a good one this is our uber go go go go get injured we're going to the uh to the airport we need to go back to america all right hey no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not right now right now right now i don't see them i don't see them well [Music] we made it we did it i mean we haven't escaped yet uh the plane still has to take off yeah just wake me up when we get there bro [Music] bro so i told the pilot we're going to dubai no way they're never going to catch us across the entire world bro i'm gonna need a new outfit then we're about to be in a saudi arabia boys [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 4,674,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: RFnxvMzXukw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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