First time on the water with Kyosho Hurricane

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all right here we are with a kyosho hurricane uh this is like a boat from the 80s probably 90s dual motor we're gonna put it into the water it's not that choppy i've never ran it i just upgraded a bunch of parts yeah what'd you upgrade a lot uh traxxas remote obviously let's see what we got under the hood 5000 mah to le mans tracks tqi um lw 20 watt 20 weight it's a servo over there castle sidewinder 3. it's all on 2s obviously so that's what we did a lot of weight has come off of it big prop in the back now there's no way to fully waterproof this but everything that i have in here the castle 3 is waterproof the esc has been waterproof servo is already waterproof uh yeah i'm good to go so it should be as easy as just dropping the water and go so i originally i wanted to miss geico the really big boat but as jen knows me you can never go with what everybody else has or anything new this is vintage it's supposed to be white like the antenna you know it looks it looks really cool so let's see what happens what do we think jen oh she'll go you think he'll go i think she'll go all right i'm gonna take off my shoes too a little bit rocky oh it's not that these are my work shoes so is the water calm jen it's not bad yeah it's not calm but it's not bad yeah i mean got a little bit of a current going to it okay how's the water i don't know yet about down there a little bit rocky watch it for the dog poop watch it for the dog poop where right over there come this way okay okay actually it's really nice so apparently this water here you can walk like miles and miles or miles and miles a mile you can walk at least 50 feet before it gets deep 50 feet you're nervous now aren't you i am boy does ever look good underwater huh i'm not full pin obviously [Applause] she turns good let's see pulls in that's pulled in that's nice i like that ding ding ding ding [Applause] look at that that is awesome i have a track to summit at home i want to do the same paint job on it are you able to get a screenshot of it oh yeah get out of the sun trying to yeah you want her in the sign though this guy got reversed okay good hold on took with my freaking camera there it is take a picture yeah i got picture back on video yeah alright so this actually has reverse so my next upgrade is probably two um two tracks 12 turn motors drives really nicely oh i gotta fix my trim my steering is a bit off it keeps coming towards the left [Applause] actually got me there i don't want to set it out too far here is her fact that thanks honey she's not the fastest girl on the water yet that is so cool the previous so owner previous owner it was when he was a child he never really ran it from what i heard i just want to check the props and make sure props so good oh yeah we're so good um yes we built it as a child i bought it for 150 bucks and i dropped with 300 bucks into it a little bit more than that yeah yeah but are you gonna see these on the water no [Applause] yeah i think i need a bit more uh speed the esc is three escapable i do have three yes the motors are not let's have your first upgrade after this i'm trying to make it run straight thanks yeah i got sprayed too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what do you think jen not bad [Applause] i don't know the range is as far as you are willing to walk out or swim out to get it well we all know how bad of a swimmer i am [Music] right let me do a video for another day i was kind of getting close to the uh even in slow like just going quarter throttle it's still nice but i think i see a definite uh upgrade later on hey walk closer there's no rock oh whoops i kinda went out there originally it was white uh it had two servos mechanical servos i'm just i'm just enjoying the the drive right now come down to you again [Applause] little rooster tail so now the thing is on the back there is two pieces of aluminum that i don't know how to set them but apparently if you set them a different way or a proper way or whatever it depends on how high and stuff like that you can go you see them yeah right there those two things yeah all right so i gotta leave without too much water there we go [Music] um all the weight on this was in the back so it was able to like lift the nose right out of the water now unfortunately i have the 5000 mah 2s lipo in the in the middle i got the castle slime wire 3 in the middle all that's in the back is a servo and the uh receiver so that's why she's able to glide real smooth on the water and like turn on a dime it caners fake newers so the previous owner tried to waterproof it with um just like regular glue i don't want to go too close to shore because obviously we might break a prop roll's pretty good so now this if water gets into it there's no way of evacuating it unless i physically take it out of the water and open the cab and take the water unlike new ones where they will have a spot for it newer boats will have a self writing this does not newer boats that i've seen do not have reverse and a lot of people don't understand why not so she's got reverse it's not fast but she's got reverse so if you're coming in too hot we'll say at least you can you know hold the brake and go even just trolling what it's nice so apparently the beach is over there on the other side yep don't recommend the beach yeah why it's not the cleanest which beats were you talking about you wanted to go petawawa there's a beach in federal there's two of them technically there's three of them one of them is on base oh no it's only military people huh uh the one yeah if you have to go through the gates how do we work on runtime 10 minutes so far all right so we're gonna stop it there i should come right in so again this is the kyosho hurricane inboard outdrive system cool boat that i like thanks
Channel: Patsrcchannel
Views: 5,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kyosho Hurricane, kyosho, rc, rc boat, boat, remote control boat, vintage boat, vintage Kyosho
Id: KIQMpvCkAz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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