I Survived 50 Hours Running From Cops

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this bag has $50,000 in it and if one of those cops catch me they can have it boys let's go let's go go go go they are they're right there they're right there they around go back around all of these cops that are chasing us are real cops as you can see these are all our cop cars let's go go go okay we going the cops are running around right now these are all their cars this right here is the last car in the driveway all the cars are lined up they're going to kill us for real now let's go let's go I got a car waiting for us we're going to the airport boys they're never going to catch us we're off we're off we're off I have every single thing planned out and the cops have no idea what's going on but they do have trackers in this bag so they're going to know exactly where the money is at all times I have a quick announcement for you guys on July 16th we're going to the Toyota Center and we're having a live show and if you can't make it you can buy tickets online to see the live stream we're going to split up in this video so I'm going to give you guys some cash take this if you need to buy something just take some cash bubble 25 dispatch in pursuit of a black Mercedes so boys I got us two things I got y'all a helicopter and I got m a car I'm giving y'all the cash okay all right let's go let's go that's the helicopter right there go go go go you gave us cash cash all why' you give him cash back give me the back you take back seat okay so we got a freaking McLaren the boys got a helicopter we just got a tip that they were spotted at the airport the boys are about to take off bro we need to hurry ready ready they're going they're gone got a helicopter pulling out looks like it might be a little bit too late all right all right time to go we got to get out of here okay our location is an hour and 6 minutes away wao what do we got here oh there's the cops right there oh no no no no no no they're behind me bro they're right behind me oh my gosh they're all here okay that was a g closing the they're all here bro luckily we're in a freaking mlar they headed out towards the main road but we're right behind them trying to catch up we to up oh my go bro I think we're losing him yeah boy let's go we lost them with the traffic at this point cuz there's just way too much traffic and we had to cut back a little bit but uh we're going to we're going to figure out where they are and we are going to get that $50,000 before the end of the day but side note the darn gate at the airport took out my mirror on my car I guess it's just part of the day oh yo yo yo we have a problem we have a problem bro I have 10 miles till empty do you see that I have no gas oh okay we're going to have to we're going to have to pick a gas station quick bro let see him James oh there they are that's sick dude we're racing a helicopter in the sky right now fuel level low bro the fuel lights on bro I have 5 miles till empty okay we got to we got to find a gas station we're exiting there's fuel to the left I see it I see it I see it we're saved it's a gas station yes boys bro how did you not fill up before this video bro shut up all right simple mistakes but yo the cops don't know where we are cuz we don't have the money bag on us it's tracking the helicopter wait the helicopter's hovering above us tell them in the helicopter to go somewhere else you stay here I'm going to grab some snacks apparently there was a tracker on the helicopter we just chimed in it's game on all right bro we're good gas is done I got water and I got these nuts here you go dude I'm allergic to nuts yeah I know that's why I bought them for you we're about to hop back on the highway 41 Mi away from our next destination you want a nut bro I'm challenge if we lose the 50 Grand you have to eat a nut so you're telling me if we lose 50 Grand I die you're not going to die you'll just swell up and we'll take you to the hospital no I'm good all right fine we're getting close we're within miles I can smell that money all right bro property's right up here on the [Music] left okay we're here I got this property just for this video this is our Escape Plan okay perfect perfect I hope this tracker is right we are in the middle of nowhere come on S hurry oh it's a horse uh I don't have time to stop no no no no no the boat the boat the boat no how do I get it I can hear the cops come on baby yes all right bro let's go Hop On Hop On Hop on they're here they're here they're here all right we're good we're good what are you going to do in the water we're out right there good thing is is I know exactly where to go I got the next step planned out I got a car waiting for us a getaway car he's got exit somewhere I think this place only has two different boat ramps and they're both on those ends let's go let's do it let's regroup all right here we go we're coming in hot right here baby we're going on the land there's our getaway car let's go let's go go go woo keys are here bro you couldn't get another McLaren bro shut up how I have so many McLarens all right let's go seat belts on what is this thing doing here bro bro I can't see bro they think we're still on the boat okay all right we landed uh we at the right place this is where I told me to drop you guys well uh thank you uh Lum the ride we'll get out of your way don't step on the poooo we're going to have to figure something out it's getting complicated but we're going to get them the boys should be somewhere up here this is where the helicopter landed where they at yo yo yo yo are they here do you see them where there by the tree oh they're right there oh dude it's Nathan dude I saw his bald head hop in yo whose car is that hop in the back hop in the back quick come on come on let's go let's go let's go all right boys hold on on I didn't even close the door what's going on okay boys so our next location is right across this field just watch out for a cow poop when we flew in over here it was there was a lot of poop wait wait wait boys is my map back there my map no I don't see [Applause] anything good thing we weren't in that car oh oh snap okay boys come on let's go go go go come on come on come on hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry C hurry up down go go go go go all right we got to dip come on you okay mate there's a bunch of horses over here are those our rides no that's not our ride you got to carry on the stick bro yo car's on fire cars on fire get low get low all the cops are over there on that street you guys ready let's go you guys see anything nope it had to be a distraction dispatch can you get fire department rolling we have a car fire explosion that went off hello donkeys o o fresh poop look at that donkey we got another car waiting on the other side y look at all that smoke we might be on foot now but they ain't stopping us I feel like we're playing a video game at this point where's our checkpoint bro I need to that's what I'm saying thank you random person that owns this property our next ride white truck right across the street at a church no one's questioning it wait for the send all right we're good all right go go go go go go dip on driving unlocked where's my phone our next location we have a hotel I booked five different rooms okay five I'll give you the address hold on give me a sec all right let's go let's go go go go go go go I'm floing it go go go go go there they are there's a cop right there there's aop right there he's behind us he's behind us we're red lightning baby I've never been a police chase before this is legit oh he's catching up I'm on him I'm on I am right on their tail they are not getting away oh he on bro this car's in my way go go go go go go go turn snake Trail baby snake Trail think you're going to get away you can lose them on these turns bro or do you think you're going you are not going anywhere no you're getting you're getting away from him you're getting away from him yeah they're trying to mess with me they're trying to mess with me he's on us bro he's on us bro how is he keep catching us all right hold on boys we might roll this might be like a go-kart video bro they're turning around no way lost them I don't see them in the rearview we have to get there and lose this vehicle they have us tracked right now we have five hotel rooms and I have a very special surprise for when we get there [Music] is this it this is it bro this how it's all right there yes all right oh what's the plan so we need to go up to one of these rooms right now boys room 107 98 should be this next one we are now Maids for this hotel we need to put on these outfits we have a maintenance fan that's parked out there cops are going to be here any second so we need to throw these on is that his truck over there yep it is all right let's go see guys we got the truck parked in front of Room 112 I don't think they'll ever suspect a maintenance fan we did park the truck on the other side of the building so I know they're going to find the truck but by the time they find the truck we'll already be gone [Music] naan Cedric let's get in here all right we're about to go you ready no all clear clear let's go around other side you know he's around here somewhere y I think it worked James you seen any cops yeah they just went into our room they just went into our room no way here's one n all right boys I think we might have did it final location is 2 hours away we still have the tracker with us so they're going to be on our tail but this will give us some time your pl's working pretty good I think we're good boys let's freaking go holy cow they're about 10 miles from here already back to car guys let's go what the heck are they doing down here in Corpus Cal this shows them on the tracker that they're here I don't know but I'll tell you what I got 50,000 reasons to figure it out I think we have made it to the ocean still no sign of police it's been great honestly okay and James doesn't know how to drive this van oh you want to watch James not know how to drive a van I will flip this W chill bro I Ain got a SE Bel back here so what are we doing what's the plan I planned everything up to this point now we're at the ocean and I really don't know what to do next so we're going to have to figure this out crap it's a dead end let's go back what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that oh stop stop stop stop stop stop stop there's a cop right there turn around turn around chill I'm turning oh no he's turning around bro how do you even notice us I mean we do have a Tracker in the money bag gab you still got the money bag back there yep right here okay uh so there's an aircraft [Music] carrier bro there's literally an entire aircraft carrier right here should we should we go on it is that a good idea there's the van there's the van there's the van bro bro bro bro bro they're coming going up going going Bel go they're cominging running they're slow they're dog water freaking cops pass me up bro I'm going to take their car this one oh my gosh feeling cars like it's a video game baby oh this person thinks I'm pulling him over obey the law sir go go go go go go go go where do we go where do we go where do we go oh [Music] no
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 24,775,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, 50 hours, survived, survival, bounty hunter, hunter
Id: SncBjyo6cUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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