Surviving 100 Experiments in Among Us

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boys I'm the experiment I have been here for eight years just sitting here and I can't get out somebody playing guys welcome to the experiment we're gonna take uh we're gonna take you on a story so be sure to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button can somebody let me out please I've been stuck here for literally nine years somebody all I see is Bubbles I've been experimented on I've been poked I've been prodded hello oh good you're awake yes it's working I've I've woken you up successfully from your hyper sleep please just get me out of here already under security oh no what's this I will figure out who has done this to me I have been in this tube for 10 years I will figure out who has done this to me and if it's the last thing I do I will find them and I will eat their face [Music] that's not um uh that's not what this experiment Works who's experimenting on me why am I a dog now he has he has a name that you can't say kind of like you know Lord Voldemort or something it's too powerful okay well both of our noses are bleeding what do we do now any ideas come with me this is a state-of-the-art medical facility okay you've been experimented on book but there's also healing come with me we have a nurse all right I'm following you where are we going I'm gonna help you trust me trust me listen I'm your guide I'm setting you free I'm rescuing you first of all experiment doesn't ruin what how can I trust you I just set you free how can I trust you why is any out okay has anyone else set you free recently huh it's been 11 years no you have a calendar in there how do you know how long it's been I'm gonna howl I'll do it hurts you again I'm sorry oh this is okay got it so where's the where's the doctor oh my God Listen Hold on I don't trust sigils ah I woke up my nose is bleeding from beautiful these six feet apart please can you make us better please can you make us better please no free medical services please unclog my toilet I kind of made a number two and it's really big please come with me come on you want free medical services it's in here unclog that toilet for me thank you I need to unclog your toilet for you to make me fat do you want to be healed or not what did you have for pets [Applause] how can I trust you though what if you were running these but this is like clue I will figure out who did this to me I'm a nurse I'm a nice person I heal people spelled did it okay hold on I'm going to sleep on the bed I'll be watching you just sit on the bed pull out your catheter no I'm Dreaming I'm dreaming about my experiment I've been experimenting on for 12 years I've only been working here for two years going up I'm confused like two years oh gosh I don't even have a doctorate I'm gonna be honest with you yeah you're immersed yeah oh Gary Gary what's wrong there's I I know it's bleeding I see that what happened are you okay what are you what's up oh God are you okay I I have a package for you okay it's pretty important I gotta get it too but I gotta get my nose all patched up listen I was at the security all right and let's just come get your package okay okay is that secure okay it's the medical supplies what so you're a mailman oh package wait is this for me or sigils no it's for you son I didn't want to get blood all over but I was insane yeah package let me open this okay I'm gonna open holding on uh open box Listen Hold on before I ask you what happened and before you continue can I at least enjoy my sandwich okay you've been there for 14 years don't eat it I just delivered the mailman all right I just I anyways I was insecurity next thing you know I was talking to someone and then they came and I swear to you it was exactly who I thought it was I couldn't believe no listen listen Gary Gary Gary so you're saying that the person that attacked you is the person that also experimented on me are you sure of that I don't know I don't even I just deliver the mail all I know that the person who was it Biffle he died on your watch what kind of a doctor are you I'm not even a doctor I'm immersed like I said I've only been working here for two years I've been saying things here I'm trying to figure out who's experimenting on me if he got punched I was with sigils and you so you guys are clear wait no he could have been punched before I got woken up from my 14-year experiment toilet and colostomy bags it can't beat me oh gosh don't say that what did you subject 12. I mean like gloss to be back or catheter oh gosh I don't trust either of you listen you should trust me come here I'm following you I'm following you who are we doing what is this is he supposed to be here before do we trust him of course I don't trust schedules get away get out of here get out of here get away from me listen I've been seeing a lot of weird things coming and going and I got this weird little note get out of here get out of here you weird little scientist I don't trust anybody okay and I don't like what things have been done to you okay hypocratic oath oh no not a hit don't tell anyone what if I gave this to you I always wanted waiting for my mail to be delivered the mailman's dead they're watching I kind of trust you but I still don't this is our first clue oh and look in the bottom left I just got a GP I got a GPS from the mailman that's that was that's what was in the the sandwich current coordinates destination I'm getting coordinates what does that coordinates lead to look at my coordinates I'm always so this clue is pointing me to who the killer was and maybe we're the killer or where the Imposter does their experiments we gotta keep this secret thanks nurse thanks Biffle for all your help listen if you want more information on who might have experimented on you talk to the general where's he at I think he's over at weapons I mean where else would you be if you're a general that's a good point thank you three four two three four hey YouTube get inside right now come here why did you smell like dog poop or drop down give me get me down drop down sir listen I told you sir listen I have been locked up in that little tube for 15 years I'm here to figure out who experimented on me I'm asking the questions not you ah yes so you're the patient zero I'm stupid hmm interesting I'm crying you hear those sounds I told you he's crazy do you hear those sounds I hear them all day he's losing his mind isn't he okay well stop I'm telling you know I said stop don't give me 20. all right so listen General Zod I am looking for who experimented on me I do you have any information do you have any clues do you have do you have any way to clear yourself I do have information study Essentials drop down give me 21 why are you just standing there I will give you information Sunday I will give her okay what's your information but I need you to do something for me first I hear the voices do you hear the voices because I definitely hear them I need you to take them out I need you to take out the asteroid and steal weapons for me and I will give oh some information oh wow okay that's so good man thanks come over here give me 20. no I don't have life insurance I was literally locked up for like 16 years I don't think 17 years give me something right now if you hit me one more time I don't know what will happen sometimes things happen when I get hit don't talk back to me Sunday what just happened subject 12 can you control yourself I have a voice of literally experimented on for 18 years listen I can fix this follow me just follow me General General Zod if I if I take my ground on the schedules will you trust me how are you come on boys let's get you all fixed up I'm ready wait you're gonna recruit you know what weight are you are you the experimenter hello no I've been trapped there hey are you always intake Biffle oh yeah oh is this where did you drag the body here Biffle yeah I literally dragged it over here what I'm working on the dead body trying to figure out more clues of what maybe I have okay listen generals come over here lay in the bed heal yourselves there you go get in there you guys need some catheters no I don't need a catheter bags there you go listen sorry I was I was literally experimented on for 19 years I I can't help it sometimes you need to kiss me 19. oh my God I don't like being here I don't like being here all right General said you said you had a clue for me what is it my clue is at the computer where you did the weapons come on follow me come on buddy let me just grab this for you really quick there we go all right here you go you did work for me and you actually gave me 20 give me more twenty give me twenty dollars I am in charge here okay so the first clue I'm always waiting for my mail to be delivered second clue my job can vary day by day so I'm trying to figure out who it is it's either the nurse who is waiting for mail or the general who's always waiting for mail and the job can vary day to day these two Clues give me nothing oh wait and I'm also getting GPS coordinates so it looks like I need a few more numbers two and point two we're gonna get this boys we're gonna figure this out all right General Zod I still don't trust you but why I need more information where do I go next I do have one more piece of information we drop down give me one just one this time though you've been good you've been questioned me again see what happens I met an astronaut earlier and they're at the drop ship so uh just leave me alone please the voices I hope you get run over by a parked car hey oh hey Dr sizzles it's been an urgent issue and you're needed in your lab immediately come on with me oh no not again okay oh gosh wait I gotta go up here by myself I'm all alone um okay wait up here is that is there an astronaut even up here oh hey hello hey okay listen I am trying to figure out who experimented on me where were you on the 9th of October well it was my first day it on my trip to the moon and it was so beautiful and then there's like no girls like the moon landing was a fake I'm sorry sorry listen why sometimes when I get worked up I apparently get angry listen I can make this better follow me follow me I'm sorry my nose is bleeding I'm sorry what is wrong with you wait uh did you no no no no that wasn't me wait that means I know no no no that means I know you're clear I know you're clear you are clear off the list follow me here I'll make you better come here follow me you my nose is still bleeding wait a minute was that supposed to help us yeah and also yeah don't dick follow me there you go jump on the bed there you go there you go okay now you're all better okay listen I know you're clear but I'm gonna need some help here all right I need a clue now I made you better what's the clue okay okay okay so apparently you know that I'm clear but I don't know part of course I know that you're clear so I know if I can or cannot help you because there's a lot I literally have been experimented on for the past 20 years in a tube literally made my nose bleed you you went to the lab right that's the only place you went yeah of course right there was an emergency you heard the security guard I had to go and uh settle down the the right right right okay okay chart course where do I try course right here yeah okay okay right here right here here okay successfully charted success okay do you have a clue for me okay that I could tell you that you have [ __ ] I know that's all I know oh you don't wanna see me when I'm angry I'm sorry sorry sorry it happens all the time hey I'm sorry 12 is very impulsive what the heck happened Pat okay come here come here come here right you guys were walking to the lab yeah and then the giant monster just spawned and it just knocked me out the next thing I knew it was all black okay listen so that means sigils is clear obviously I'm not so sure because I was doing me I'm a security guard so I was walking ahead of course I got to see the danger and then I turned around oh did you just kill the security guard I didn't mean to sometimes maybe you were the sauce one I get angry and stuff happens and I don't mean to he was gonna tell us what happened how do I know I can trust you I should never let you out of that cage you're not ready listen he said you stopped in the office and then a giant monster came out hit him in the back of the head you could be that giant monster why were you in the office I had to get my my butt ointment from my butt rash okay man all right that's cool uh oh you want to see no I'm good uh hold on let me inspect this body uh okay oh wait hold on my face is hidden that's the third clue okay hold on I gotta figure out this clue I gotta figure this out hold on let me look at the thingy I have a location sigils I need you to follow me and ask no questions I am doing the talking now follow me astronaut follow me General Zod I gotta get to 12. and negative two I'm at negative two that lines up so it's on this level right here now I need to find the x coordinate oh it's counting up look at it so I gotta get to the red wait wait wait negative two 12.4 right here right here hold on oh no son follow me boys we will figure out who's been experimenting on me if it's the last thing I do oh no we're in his lab we found everybody over here this could be dangerous everybody over here look at the other experiments all right listen hello astronaut come over here get on my side I know you're safe all right I'm always waiting for my mail to be delivered my job can vary day to day that is a general and a scientist my face is hidden my face is very much here sometimes scientists wear face Shields sometimes they wear gas masks when they have to go out into gassy places General Zod come over here it is Essentials we figured it out do you have any final words before I eat your face final words Sunday you fool I woke you up because I finished my experiments on you I wanted to see how they worked before I made myself even stronger oh gosh oh gosh he's a psycho is that all you got is that all you got my transformation begins now I don't like this stop oh look at his elf you guys gotta run run stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it I'm gonna point you back I'm gonna punch you back I'm coming and spit time how could this happen my science you are far too weak now change me back make me who I meant to be I want to be a real boy but you're ungrateful yay hey guys listen I know your nose is bleeding but it's fine come on here let me go ahead and I'm gonna grab this key can you lock this guy up I'm gonna grab the key there we go come on sigil come on put me down put me down go ahead and open up this one there we go and then uh come on no no I would have gotten away for it boys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,102,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pKlLXdFgvm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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