I Spent 24 Hours Overnight In Among Us

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everybody be quick what did I get who's my overnighter with me I'm your overnight Jason we have broken in to the airship in among us we are going to pester this place and hopefully by the end we are gonna blow up the entire Airship as you guys know we have to protect this Airship we have to secure we have to keep it no one has ever snuck up onto the Airship on our watch I'll go sector seven I'm gonna expect there two five six three four nine I don't I don't know what she's saying do me a favor before we start this uh 24 hours on the Airship you have 24 hours from this moment to hit the like button and if you don't hit the like button in 24 hours Gary's Gonna Get You yep I'm gonna poop also hit the Subscribe button leave us more comments with some more mod ideas and uh let's do this all right Gary listen we have a to-do list we broke into Airship uh make your own meal and do a food review that's easy that's easy or in the kitchen already okay but Gary we have to be careful there are guards walking around if they if they tase us three different times or four I forgot we're dead come on dad I'm making food I want to die I'm making a burger that tasted like uh chicken it was baloney it was the favorite of baloney it was bologna burger did we at least do it we did it hey okay so we have all of these to-do lists to do for us to complete this troll on the Airship okay what's next play a round of Fruit Ninja Fruit Ninja before we do that before we do that remember this is the Armory of Airship this is the classic uh look at this this is our BB gun if we run into the guards this is one of our only defenses against them and tasing us when we shoot them with the BB gun they cannot use their taser until they go heal at the doctor's office oh my God that's perfect yeah let's do it we're trying to survive 24 hours in this Airship okay do this here we go Fruit Ninja oh gosh don't hit the bombs don't hit the bomb scare I'm hitting all the bombs oh don't hit the bombs don't hit the bombs here I'm hitting the bombs don't hit the bombs Gary oh what's up okay whoever gets the most sliced win tell me if you slice I have eight oh I hit a bomb I've lost did you hit a bomb I I sorry I wasn't paying attention I got 27. you hit a ball what did you even complete it no I hit a bomb dude I told you it was an accident run for backup we gotta go okay let's hide over here right over here oh Gary top left we have like one of these guns can I hear something what's going on down here this is not a time for selfies Gary I know but these are cool guns dude you know what I'll drink some I'll drink some I'll drink some coffee to that oh that's gonna make you go poop no oh my gosh now we're gonna okay Gary listen listen listen oh what's that change the Airship flight path operate the crane wait there's a crane on here open okay Gary in the top left we have maybe half of the daytime left after that it becomes nighttime if we don't have our night vision goggles we won't see anything but we need to do it dare follow me yes sir here's the navigation we have to divert navigation do it we're diverting it to the death Sun we are messed up people huh we are we are ruining this ship okay terrify flight okay which flight path now we have to operate the crane are we gonna destroy the Airship with the dude [Music] stop it get out of here yeah yeah look at you now you're limping your nerd why are you living ah he can't use his taser when he's hurt like oh here's the crane okay we're gonna use it oh oh pick me up pick me up okay I got you okay I got you here I got you I don't know what this does oh I destroyed it I think okay Gary you got to use the crane now come on use the crane oh Gary yeah we're breaking this thing honestly this is not working Gary yeah it's night time Gary it's night time we did operate the crane now we need to find the night vision goggles come on Gary where would there be night vision goggles right here they can't see unless they're using their flashlights so if we hide behind their flashlights we should be good I need to heal I gotta I gotta get on the bed oh oh oh I feel so much better flashlight out I'm ready to hunt again where would guys that I know they're around here oh it's clear it's clear all right then let's move out all right we've locked it down all right all right I think it's our temperature go they just said they cleared all the rooms they didn't clear our room goggles let me put on the knife fishing goggles that's scary we can see everything that is nice okay hold on we did that open the treasure chest I think I saw one back there yeah right up here Treasure Chest hold on open it oh Gary we need to get three different coins look in the top left we have the copper coin I assume we're gonna need this she can't see us because she didn't put the flashlight up here oh my gosh it's dude look how dark it is it's terrifying oh I'm gonna take a picture I'm gonna take a selfie with this perfect all right yeah nice nice all right what's next and where are these nerds wait I hear someone hello punch they won't know word in here why did you do dude psycho okay we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we get the first okay he's next page cosplay show up show off runway strut what does that mean I don't know oh is that in that area where you put remember the task and Airship where you go put on clothes set up this way is that this way up here is that that way it's up here it's up here okay hold on a quick I gotta take a selfie what okay I gotta take another selfie are you yeah oh can we steal this no we can't see gold oh gosh oh what was that check it out oh baby you like what you see Gary what is wrong we have access to disguise now do we got a new obesity hold on hold on before we use that I'm gonna go into gold hold on this is over here swim in a pool of gold there's one right here I'm swimming no goggles oh I got silver from gold that makes no sense at all but I'll take it Gary get your gold get your silver Gary ready I don't want to lose my goggles in there okay you ready yeah go ahead yeah how did you get silver from gold too I don't understand the logic it doesn't Gary here take a selfie with me okay Sophie thank you okay so now we can disguise what's that do okay stop lying down on the job what are you doing I'm having a rave Biffle have a rave with me all right Gary come down here if they come this way we have to use the disguise what if I disguise as you and you disguises me okay ready well [Music] well going on me Pebble that's a fake me chase him I don't know which one it is what's going on what get ready to use your gun they're coming five minutes five minutes it's okay this is perfect right here they have to come down this hallway it is nighttime still so they can't really see that good leg take a bullet for me no how did you hit that okay I'm gonna disguise and I'm gonna go wait what's the next to-do list press the emergency button okay it's gonna give our position away instantly okay here's what we do we go press the button we press the skies and then we run okay knock on okay ready ready ready go I'm gonna leave I'm gonna stay just think in case they try to taste okay ready ready go oh that that was easy okay okay let's go disguise disguise disguise go going yes perfect each other hey have you seen anything oh my butt cheeks oh God but first let me take a selfie as soon as I cure my butt it's over for you uh oh no he's still chasing wait we have coffee spill from doing the button oh let me no don't drink off the floor Gary put to put a coffee here put coffee here right here oh perfect okay now we have to knock all the record books off the shelf take a shower oh Gary go take a shower with me ew oh gosh wait a second hold up oh here let me take a selfie hey did you slip on some coffee yeah [Music] hey your hip is still broken is an idiot oh now he's a missing butt cheek in his face hey Gary listen uh 24 hours we got to take a shower we've been here for like 14 hours we gotta at least take a shower huh yeah we've been here for a while all right you want to go first uh let's go ahead and wait how do I take a shower oh there we go okay oh perfect gosh oh Gary you don't no dude no it's it's scary it's not what it looks like I was just turning my phone I was checking uh my uh let's go to the next task come on oh gosh that's you're weird okay oh wait it's night time and yeah oh bookshelves knock all the record books off the shelves oh that's easy it's right here four hours this is not what you do when you stay somewhere for 24 hours it's almost daytime too oh this would be we won't have to use our night vision but then they can see us we gotta I did it all okay so we gotta be careful okay we have another list play pool wait where did we do that at the showers hey we can make a pool of water wait in the shower how it works oh pool it's right here pool okay here you go first I'm going first I'm going first watch this okay oh yeah oh yeah you didn't even do anything wait hold on I'm gonna do it professional [Music] oh no Gary was just tased three times he's dead oh no ah it's daytime again there's no way I'm gonna do this by myself there's no [Music] there's no dead don't get tased again Gary we can we have to do this together okay what's next build cardboard box Fort oh that's right I'm a professional this is not what criminals do wait we're not criminals Gary you need to go Gary we need to use the coffee right here patrolling where are they have you seen it before that's terrible who there's only one Biffle and once you untransform I will tase you in your face you phone no you not watched dude what is this it oh build a cardboard box hey loser oh dude look at me building a cardboard box hey why aren't you why aren't you doing anything to us I don't why aren't you doing oh gosh oh look at me from the cardboard box and oh Gary we have a cardboard box over here now oh we going we're invisible oh no Gary everything in here looks secure hopefully they haven't gotten into our fault Bibble have you protected the Vault I haven't looked at the Vault I'm gonna go look at the Vault what you have like one job Biffle interact oh fault here's the fault we're breaking the save one job fun I'll do everything Gary I shot him okay we gotta disguise now come down here come down here come down here okay so we did that we got the we got all three coins we need to sabotage the wiring and broadcast that you are in security and you weren't caught okay okay I have one life so we have to be very careful they're gonna be over there because I think that's where the infirmary is I know okay listen before we finish these last two and the 24 hours is almost up boys if you're still watching hit the like button hit the Subscribe button tell Gary foot in the comments what put me no let's go this way one last selfie okay one last selfie okay one last selfie you can't you said one last last one last okay let's see maybe they'll pass soon if they pass then we can go that way because we have to go we're stopping it wasn't for all of us down come on flashlight oh no Gary I have a firm leg Infirmary infirmary that's oh my gosh if we shoot one that's where they have to go oh hold on this is it this is where we destroy those little wires oh we are not good people all right this is bad beer bad beer okay all right okay they won't need these wires okay what's next broadcaster you were insecurity you weren't caught security okay okay I'm gonna use this oh no what is that what is that they're in the security system you have to do this too oh no this is bad guys Gary no [Music] that was so close gold scary run run run we're up here this way no this way this way this way did we do it all down here we got everything done yep we got everything [Applause] centrals oh yes now they can't use their tasers just one one quick selfie for the road yeah [Applause] let's go hey 24 hours in the Airship come on Gary let's go oh gosh hey Gary look at us flying oh we just the Airship is crashing Gary we didn't we blow up the air ship oh gosh
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,373,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: otkX5fjHMF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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