200 Days - [Minecraft with Tors]

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well it's actually day 101 but it's been so long it might as well be day one the original backup is totally gone and we lost about 10 days of footage when we started recording this months ago we moved got two new computers had a baby and built another highway that's all speaking of if you hear any babies in the background yeah that's that's holly she's enrolled in the very exclusive notable daycare let go of the mic no chop chop we got a town to build and cats to find let's get to it we're doing a lot of digging right now working on expanding our town even farther luke together we could move a mountain oh that's cute we mined through the night but yeah pretty much moved a mountain today but look at all this new land so much room for profits and our town will look beautiful too and yes i think granite's beautiful guys he'd still be using cobblestone if it wasn't for me and we had a lot of granite oh yeah that trim is looking real nice torz is quite the foreman we're not really sure what's gonna go in this new partition but having the space is important once we get an idea we can put it there we were able to get a few lights up we had to zombies kept spawning oh but i handled it before construction begins on anything you know i gotta build a wall again with the walls it's gonna be big and not made out of cobblestone leave me alone meanwhile i was me-proofing this nearby chasm i knew i would fall in eventually i tried to show her there was no real danger i jumped in did a 360 and only took three hearts i like it up here better still walling here it's tough i want it at least to look a little bit natural but i guess it's going to be a little tough to make it look natural with such a sheer carve right there i'll do my best this ain't my first wall it's definitely not done but it's got a shape and i think a door could go perfectly in the middle and i think i might flex my redstone knowledge and make a piston door totally easy didn't struggle in the slightest he didn't tell me what he was doing and i didn't ask so i made myself busy oh look a house well you did help keep the phantoms off my back at night and now we've got a piston door oh what but with that piston door now the wall isn't really a wall anymore because monsters can run through it so today i installed a lock it didn't take very long i've built one of these before there's even an emergency button so if you end up locked out you can get in with the press of a button luke was pretty proud to show me what he made but i don't have the heart to tell him that i'll never use it it's pretty likely that even i won't use this door all that often we really don't leave the town why leave there's so much to do and this trader's about to sell me some beats and there's still a lot more wall work it looks fantastic but skeletons still spawn on top i'm not able to show the rest of this clip for fear of it being demonetized but i want you to know that this skeleton died a painful and very gruesome death this this is a wall good job honey you know i live to serve you so uh we're done with the walls now if it is your will we've had quite a lot of lag walking around town and i think i know what the problem may be well i don't know any problem that can't be solved with multiple explosions blah blah black sheep have you any wool no sir no sir i've been murdered so now the lag is fixed and we've got a nice new hole filled with sheep for our next project it's going to be an auto sheep farm should provide plenty of profits but not much lag i built one of these in the super flat video put one in my creative house this is not my first time you gotta remember it's been a long time since tours and i played on this world both of our minecraft skill has gone up supremely even though today tors was afk in the town and some zombies attacked her i took control of her character saved her she's lucky she has me day 112 a traitor showed up but he didn't have anything good so i ordered my bodyguard to kill him then it was back to profits and beautification for both of us i moved the auto smelter today was just in a bad spot had to make room for this thing which we totally have a plan for i mean it after putting our heads together a little bit day 113 we present to you a v thanks oh it's a vault all right a vault for you we started on some offices mine is quite cozy i still didn't know what building i was in apparently hey why does your office have a cauldron yours doesn't about done here and lava trap day 114 i fixed towards his bow i keep telling her that mending is the way and i keep telling him to mind his own business other than that i'm still hard at work on the sheep farm i think 10 should be enough and day 115 i got the 10th sheep in it's done well it's not done but the depressing part's done i'll be changing our town's entire sheep infrastructure by the time this is over and this shepherd will definitely have to go rest in peace sheep i didn't know he would go this far on a happier note it's just me on day 116 because luke wasn't recording surprise surprise and today i was cleaning up after my husband as always but later when i was admiring my cats i was attacked by a horde of zombies luckily i was able to escape to the bank vault vault bank whatever it is it came in handy day 117 i found a villager hiding underneath our floorboards and evicted him with lava you haven't seen what i've been doing for a day and that's probably a good thing because it's quite the mess i'm trying to get the auto sheep farm to output wool to our storage room i've done this before in creative but never like this well that sounds boring let's see what torz is doing i'm on a dangerous quest for the only things that really matter in life cats and flowers so i found a few but none were new got attacked and lost a cat on to the next village time to pillage took me the rest of the day to get back this is what i get for rhyming i've been living inside of the walls for like three days now and right as i got the whole system working the game crashed that was pretty disheartening but didn't take too much more time to fix now i'm expanding the storage honestly this is all a very inefficient way to keep storage but eventually we want to make a whole new house entirely so for now we can go with this and i'm not sure how this happened but today one of the villagers got infected he's got lights his door is shut beats me well one positive for all of this is now we have a cured weaponsmith that'll sell us some nice deals and with the auto sheep farm done and tons of money on the way i'm working on a new project i'm making a really good axe for taurus she has to euthanize so many cats she needs a good one meanwhile i was making my own present for luke dominique but this this was just for fun day 121 i'm going back to the villager breeder for more atrocities i'm trying to get a shepherd to buy both white and black wool for maximum profit potential got em didn't take too long that's a pretty common trade had more time in the day so dug this menacing looking pit for villager infection most of the inner workings will be underground tours would never let me build something this ugly meanwhile i was wrapping up some loose ends at our first house i could talk about what i'm doing today but it's honestly pretty boring and you probably wouldn't be interested good thing i was doing something interesting what a great day to exist so i decided to collect my first cat from the cauldron this [ __ ] straight from hell i see i've come back too early next time i'll send a chat first don't worry i was productive that day just had to wait till night to work on the breeder luke's doing very important things but boring things want to come on an adventure with me of course i'm looking for flowers and felines but first i need fish at first i thought the day would include more than just fishing but once i got started on snuffing out their tiny little lives i found it hard to stop something about the ease of putting them down with one single swing was just so satisfying so anyway where'd the day go i made my way back home hey she used the door my door i'm still deep underground working on the villager infector but hopefully this should be the last day of construction and right here is the finished output tunnel when a villager gets infected i can put it right back in the breeder of course i'm still on the road looking for cats really towns because that's where the cats are when i came back luke claimed he was catching zombies this can't be good for the villagers horrible for the villagers but great for our prophets here i'm infecting a shepherd that buys black and white wool thor's watched the whole thing she's an accomplice i was never here i saw nothing i swear kind of weird how i have some footage of you curing the villager yeah cured after you infected them no matter what gets said in court i'm going to be in the infector for a few days this is a long process don't want anything to despawn on my adventure i found a prairie town with great potential and i'll clean up anything for cats a barn on top of a leather worker inside of a mountain this will do and i never thought i'd say this but there's a lot of monsters i need a wall i'm still working on boring infrastructure day 127 but taurus wasn't recording so this is what you gotta watch sorry anyway i got a shepherd today held by black and white wool for one emerald each and with the otto wolf arm that's a lot of money you know i don't know what happened to the other guy he probably just left on his own getting the shepherd in there i had to hit him several times so now the price is at two but it'll come back down and this is only the beginning with that villager infector i'm gonna make some real changes around here villager trades especially infected ones are pretty op you get tons of emeralds and experience points for better gear i also worked on a new light design today things keep spawning and it's just annoying yeah i had to stay in town for the profits so i fixed up a lot of things we've been neglecting intours was doing fine thanks for asking now that money's really starting to roll in we can afford lanterns and i can get rid of these birthday candles you can always tell someone's starting to get rich when they eat golden carrots torza's axe is coming along good too efficiency five unbreaking three and mending but there's still more to do it needs sharpness five like i said she kills a lot of cats and i don't want him to feel pain but at this point i just need levels to make the act so i worked on maintaining the sheep farm it's the backbone of our economy finally a cat i don't have to kill let me add him to the collection i think i'm up to eight now uh another night sleeping without tours i wonder if she misses me what a great day time to cuddle with my new cat i hope luke is doing good i miss taurus but she's far away in her cat town so if she's gonna visit she's gotta do it by force after doing the journey to the cat town myself i don't really blame her anymore it's about 1500 blocks through some dense terrain though eventually you do hit a prairie and then you can't miss it wow a lot of zombies here really use a wall hello toys you're here i'm here hello oh luke's gonna be so surprised and i can't wait for him to meet snowball huh luke's gone that's not very notable of him guess it's time for me to become a crazy cat lady once i realized she wasn't here i set up the portal and got to digging 1500 blocks in the nether really doesn't take that long when we finally reunited she gave me a flower aren't i lucky bright and early the next morning i went to work on a new portal the first one i made was pretty sloppy she's really not too far for another portal this should only take about a day until i realize that i'm off by like two blocks the quick fix is a staircase but my girl deserves better damn right i'm the tours with this new nether highway now i can visit my wife on her quest for more cats which makes me happy though we may have to figure out something here she tried to bring a cat home and broke the whole auto sheep farm seems like a flaw in your design my cats are perfect oh and meet my new spade david spade and when i finally got to my cat town i found a banks he only cost two fish easy to please he's home he's named he's official and luke's already taking out the rest just embezzled some cobblestone time to build a wall luke would be so proud of me when i heard tours was building a wall i rushed over as fast as i could with lanterns i just had to see it just so you know i'm very proud of you she's got a lot of land out here when the wall's done it's going to be pretty awesome time for more profit villagers i need money today i'm making a stone cutter and soon we'll be able to turn rocks into emeralds add this to the wool profit and maybe it won't take a whole month to make a perfect axe you feeling okay down there a little shaky or something you need some water now that he's done every piece of smooth stone that we produce makes one emerald oh yeah our enchanting ability is about to take off please don't talk to your family it'll only make the separation harder i had to take most of day 138 just setting up tracks to get him in he's pretty far from the breeder several cats were harmed in the process don't tell tours at least he went in willingly i didn't have to hit him once it's gonna cost me 39 levels but finally towards his axe is done the axe is so powerful it actually can't be renamed i got a flower in return for it fair deal hit me babe hit me hard spunk huh i thought that would do a little more [ __ ] okay you've used the axe it definitely works now i gotta heal it's safe to say she likes the axe but i'm gonna leave before she kills me i did a lot day 140 and started by kidnapping a farmer the dividends are already insane with the villagers i have but the farmer will just add to him and the whole point of this was to make some insanely op gear with all of the xp that i get from the traits here i'm making tours a new pickaxe then i let the infection set in the virus has been great for my profits while the working class suffers i've only gotten richer next i go to space that farmer's looking good it's almost time to stop the torture farmers buy pumpkins for insanely good prices so i'm gonna put an auto pumpkin farm below his hut it won't be too big but it doesn't need to be if i'm working with a cured farmer cat town construction is going well rent's about to go up way up sir this is a gated community we do not allow the undead here i'm still working on my auto pumpkin farm built underground to look nice and avoid taxes it works i've already made one pumpkin but i've got to get them up to the surface it shouldn't take too long i've got a lot better at redstone since my creative video and after a very productive day i found the perfect spot to watch the sunset if only luke were here well taurus forgot to record for the next few days so it looks like you're gonna be watching me make a pumpkin farm i should say a pumpkin delivery system the farm's complete this is just where the pumpkins will spit out pumpkins are made underground shot up to the surface and sold right in the same spot oh yeah it's real ugly but that's why it lives in the basement like your mom i'm trying to make it as pretty as possible there will be no industrial vibes in our town i keep thinking how great it would be to have some melons i could literally double my profit down here but hey at least i got everything working today even if it does look pretty ugly well buddy it's sad to see you go but i have to say i feel almost nothing doing this i want to point out technically i didn't murder him he caught on fire and then burned to death which was not my fault welcome home jebediah you feel a ghostly presence you say i'm sure it's nothing every pumpkin that's produced makes one emerald and if i ever get melons that's even more plus golden carrots just a great upgrade you know for now i think i'm done on money-making methods i'm already pretty rich and i think i need new armor and with all my money villagers and xp it didn't take very long to get some nice protection mending diamond armor later i checked on tours at the cat town i wanted to see how she was doing she finally found a spot for us both to sleep in the cat town which made me feel a lot more at home get out villager this is our land now i thought we should go with a loft bed design keeps the floor plant open and keeps villagers from sleeping in our bed we had to move a little bit of roof but working together this didn't take too long so comfortable my neck gets twisted in all the right ways we didn't get to sleep in the loft bed the first night but i think that's solid construction a job well done bright and early day 147 i had tours test out my new protection armor and then i had a great idea well half of a great idea there's absolutely nothing on this side of town and i'm putting down some netherrack foundation as placeholders we still have no idea what's gonna go here but getting rid of that netherrack is gonna be good motivation to think of an idea wow honey it's really ugly this is motivating i hate it i was just farming day 148 when taurus viciously attacked me i had my reasons later i made a map not a big one but who doesn't love maps it's nice but you can really see those netherrack boxes we gotta think of something quick taurus feels very similarly i think we have an idea for at least something to go over by the netherrack boxes a cartographer the town's got a hut for every single type of villager except a cartographer i can't believe we didn't think of this before you're just so insignificant and useless you didn't even cross our minds and with some light physical violence the town is complete we've got one of every villager oh the town will never be complete we're immortal on this world i guarantee eventually you'll see tours one thousand days so as the town becomes more final i'm doing a little bit more work on finalizing those roads oh no a sick villager and there's no doctor i'm sort of a doctor i walked her through making a potion from start to finish because every girl loves to be mansplained well i guess the infected villager died time to do what i do best kill cats you may not believe this but on day 151 i'm tearing down some wall of course it was for new better wall gotta protect those bees now you may have seen this structure at certain points during this video and we're wondering what it was it's the observatory it was built during those 10 days or so that we lost forever and tonight we're burning it down i have a bit of a history with fire so i'm just gonna sit this one out and observe yes burn the observatory was mostly my idea anyway so it's probably fair that taurus just got to watch and honestly you don't really need an observatory the view from up here is already pretty notable of course some things cannot burn so day 152 was spent cleaning up the last little bits i worked on more roads today they're actually starting to look decent meanwhile i went on an adventure and found some flowers and got lala lost don't get me wrong i had a map i just got lost in the flowers well tor's has been gone for three minutes time to start ripping out the walls we're in desperate need of some sort of disposal system we have tons of trash and i built one today of course i mansplained it to tours when she got home and that night we got a woodland explorer map from the cartographer for a new adventure together it's probably gonna take a while to get there but we're hoping to find a jungle on the way for some jungle wood and melons we're trying to stay as close as possible but as you can see this terrain was pretty rough even so i wasted no opportunity to show off in front of my wife cool though once night hit we met a hilly forest and somehow got separated tors would like me to inform you that she doesn't want to talk about what happens next so i'll do the honor like i said we got separated and in that commotion tours forgot to eat and in the forest she was surprised by a witch who poisoned her now the poison wouldn't kill her she was left on half a heart but a skeleton a skeleton might when it happened i was nowhere near like i said we got totally lost and i looked until morning for items but they were just gone so day 155 is about a week real time from the incident and tours will not be joining us for a few days i don't blame her she was real upset about losing that axe i gave her and david spade i knew she'd respawn in our bedroom in town so i put a little chest in there and filled it with some good items for when she returned i have a plan that'll surely get her to come back i'm gonna go to the end i'm gonna be honest she never really liked the end anyway so this is probably our best opportunity to get the loot oh she'd come back no matter what but with some elytras that'd be even better you may have seen my video of surviving 100 days in the end so it's safe to say i'm an expert now and after bridging over to the outer end islands i'm ready to find me some loot i very quickly found one small end city and conquered it almost immediately i've done this without armor weapons or even tools so when you're fully kitted it's really nothing hard all of day 158 i found no elytras but plenty of shulkers so at least there's that after a few days of nothing i went back to the end island and decided to use one of the end gateways really should have started with that it teleported me right to an end city with an elytra like i said before i'm hecka strong so it didn't take too long to get the good stuff i'm also hecka smart and brought rockets so i was able to get another nearby elytra actually i got three elytras i don't even need that many just lucky i think most conveniently when i flew back to the portal and jumped in i was teleported right back home i then put mending on the elytras made some shulker boxes and even replaced towards his fishing rod and soon this rainy day of not playing with tours will end i can't wait well thanks i died again borrowed one of your lives get well soon that doesn't even make sense at least his heart was in the right place well back to the grind i guess oh hey i missed you i missed the axe you gave me and so will the cats so i wasn't recording for this but i smacked the heck out of banks and had to heal him day 161 most of the day i just followed around towards i hope she doesn't mind i just missed her it had been so long since we slept in a bed together it was just all around a good day and i just got a really good idea but i'm gonna have to facilitate some breeding first don't mind me i'll just be in the corner here watching i've also got to replace this cartographer taurus killed the first one because he sold us the map justice yeah i think this one's a little better anyway he sells item frames which is always convenient sorry i didn't do much i'm still figuring out what to do with my life day 163 the netherrack is being removed i've got an idea while i worked on the frame of this new building torz worked on the facade of the wall yeah i'm just doing my best to make it look as pretty as i can luke had the idea to build a library here and i love it it felt great to finally put something in this area and when we're done i think the village will be more or less complete ah no minecraft build is ever complete but at least the village won't have any dead space in the library of course we'll have a bunch of really awesome librarians with some really great enchantments and this one has silk touch so maybe in the future if one of us ever dies and loses all our items we can replace them very quickly for the record i do not appreciate this shade one bit so now begins the incredibly riveting process of trying to get the best enchantments i got two of them in today but one isn't working and the other only sells one enchantment so i might have to cleanse these guys but i got one that sells infinity tors is gonna like that using these librarians i was able to make a replacement bow for tor she lost it when she died and she's been sad ever since wow thank you so much you're so sweet and kind and handsome and with every new day i get better and better librarians for better and better enchantments the first one i put in there still refuses to work but soon unemployment will run out and then he'll die this whole town is becoming quite the machine to produce some of the best gear in minecraft and it's really gonna help us in the future gotta have good gear with all these cats offsetting my efficiency no i didn't touch any of the cats today why would you say that if anyone's wondering how i'm doing i've just been mining it's what i do after i die today i'm farming up some dark oak trees we got some saplings from wandering trader but weren't recording it took all day because i did it sustainably but you gotta love that dark oak by the end of the day i had enough saplings for a permanent dark oak tree and it was a big and must have been a long day tours and binks were waiting for me in bed it's day 169 so i gave luke some sugar and i gave tore some milk i decided to follow her into the mine today see what she was up to i helped my pickaxe has silk touch so i can fill in her holes nicely i also helped her deal with a little bit of lava you know how she feels about that stuff all in all it was a great day 169 we went to bed early and day 170 all i did was look at luke what a great day it was a great day lots of profits and i'm finally getting pretty close to finishing out the librarians however before bed i stopped for a little interior decorating i'm not sure how long these corn flowers have been sitting on the ground yeah that looks a little nicer i don't think tors even noticed more librarianing is that even a word well anyway that's what i'm doing day 171 got one to sell me efficiency for so now i can make awesome tools i'm almost done but my progress is slowing down it can take quite a bit of money to get these guys upgraded and i don't even know what day it is where did this go what happened and then luke wasn't recording so now we're all on tour's time and here's luke now with gifts oh i feel so loved tours is thorny tims terrific now luke you can show yourself out i have to mine i made sure the other librarians were watching when i took out this one for being lazy other than that i did some trim work around the farm we deleted i have no idea when we got rid of this i have none of the footage i just don't know things can happen when you go on tours time today is a good day this villager right here he's gonna sell me sharpness five which means now i can finally remake taurez's perfect axe and this time i even got to name it then i put it in a nice little package i was so glad she was gonna get it back back from the line oh what's this open it tours this terrible tomahawk thanks hey how you liking that new axe just need a test funk if you really want to test bonk hit me naked i think i can take it wow hon that's a real strong x there you better be careful with that thing it was in that moment she realized how strong she had become no longer would she live under his thumb no now it will be torah's time all the time thank you taurus it was an honor to be killed by you being on tour's time really messed us up the library is now done and i started on a basement down here i'm going to put a cozy enchanting room a one-stop shop for all your enchanting needs though i did get distracted by all of the awesome gear we can make now new armor and tools for both of us the library's done but construction left quite a mess so i'm gonna be cleaning that up on day one seventy seven i'm also gonna be changing the doors from oak to dark oak i think they just look nicer really not sure when this happened but now there's a witch where the weaponsmith should be i'll fix it later for now we'll just try not to go in there i've been working on so much industry i didn't have any time to make anything look pretty so i did a lot of that today and when i came home my big happy family was already in bed waiting for me again i spent another day beautifying adding lanterns instead of torches for a premium feel i did a lot of little things on top of the well there were torches and i've been meaning to slab it for forever and did it today i also watched tours make some profits i was just excited to see her use the library luke said we would be fighting the wither soon so i'm just getting prepared oh yeah you can definitely tell by the amount of milk in my inventory we'll be fighting the wither well first we'll have to take out some wither skeletons and somehow i convinced taurus to come with me no no no no you're coming with me all right today's the day here's three fire potions just to be safe the way there is incredibly crude this is something left to fix in the future i think this is fine luke has little faith in me today we took it slow killed skeletons together she'd never done it before it's really not that hard this game is for children we took on a bunch of skeletons day 181 but of course got no skulls it's pretty rare even with our looting three swords however we kept at it and i got the first of the three skulls on day 182. luke put on the skull and i hit him then back to nothing on day 183 but you're gonna have some dry days when you're going for wither skeletons day 184 i got mobbed by three of them and came very close to dying i didn't tors is the only thing that can kill me on this playthrough more nothing day 185 but as you can see i'm clearing out this area for spawning more wither skeletons we can use this in the future day 186 i got the second skull and i didn't even realize it and on the very next day i got the last skull aren't i lucky what's crazy is i built a whole rail system and killed twice the wither skeletons but she got more skulls than me now that we're back and there isn't much time left we should focus on some more important builds like bees this is one of the original villager farms and it's always been a little ugly so i think we can get rid of it oh yeah demo day is the best day we went with a simple design little more open concept i think the bees will be happier here i made so many bee babies i just couldn't help myself no my children hmm we're gonna have to figure something out here this is a problem i put in some campfires that should keep the bees from stinging us plus a touch of acacia wood these bees are looking snazzy day 190 i'm still working on projects that will go hand in hand with our success today i'm renovating the fountain hey taurus do you think this looks too evil oh good for now we can change it when we get jungle wood right that's a good idea that night we got gunpowder the hard way it was awful i don't know what he's talking about i have so much more gunpowder than him yeah looking back my footage is pretty reckless it's no surprise she got more inside of the enchanting room i'm trying to slap together an auto sugarcane farm to make paper i guarantee it won't produce any meaningful profits in this video but it will be useful yeah it's not my best work but i did say i was slapping this bad boy together and i still have to complete my catalogue so i hit the high seas no new cats but i killed tons of creepers sugarcane farm is fine i broke it off camera but now it's working again all right taurus today's the day you're learning to fly i don't wanna the flying is actually pretty clean even though we're on multiplayer because we're playing on a lan world the only other time we flew together was on the notable craft server and that was just terrible like a baby bird flung from my nest i broke my neck luke says i used too many rockets but i killed most of the creepers so he can shove it in other news we finally got melon seeds thanks traitor that i definitely killed right after this now that taurus can fly it's adventure time we're mostly looking for a place to fight the wither and cats of course there's a lot of stuff we haven't done in this play through jungles ocean monuments there's tons we could still do speaking of jungles we didn't find one but we did find a ship made out of it so that's some free jungle wood die jungle wood i will smite thee we're gonna stop by this tundra i've got silk touch and can pick up some ice nice landing and after a long day of travel we stole a villagers home and slept quite comfortably tours went on this journey for cats but didn't bring any fish so we had to kill some day 194. knowing i only had two cats left to collect i saw one that i didn't have nothing will come between me and this cat get over here hey taurus you need a black cat right well one just crossed my path yes well what now and what's this empty feeling inside i just want you to know i'm very proud of you and all your cats time to celebrate with some feline fornication we're still hoping to find a jungle couple other biomes too that'd be nice however we're getting fairly low on rockets and don't want to get stranded out here for day 200 so we'll go back tomorrow for tonight we'll settle in this spruce town we're going straight back home now it should only take about a day and i really hope taurus is behind me well i'm way lost i don't think he realizes his computer is way better than mine hey that's our first house it's pretty beautiful from the sky never seen it this way where am i and why does the ocean have holes in it hey tourists you gotta come check out this sunset it's beautiful luke i'm lost i'm staying in a villager motel here's my coordinates come get me you left me next time i'm driving yeah that was my bed i just got excited here's some rockets after getting home one of the first things i did was add melons to the auto pumpkin farm for double the profits other than that we're really just trying to prepare for the weather fight getting all the xp and gear we can day 198 will be our last day in town and i was working on some potions and i was working on increasing our milk supply all right cow family you stay in there otherwise your steak no one can threaten livestock like you all right banks wish us luck mom and dad are leaving we kind of figured we'd adventure at the same time we're going in a new direction we'll fight the wither anywhere and it was a good thing we did we found tons of loot on our journey there's a huge badlands biome right by where we spawn that'll be really fun to explore in 300 days we found a nice little desert town right by the ocean which will be a great spot to fight the wither the weather will likely be distracted by all the helpless civilians that night we slept well in a tower underneath the stars all right tours well it's day 200 how do you feel nervous well like i said there's quite a bit of bystanders so the wither should be pretty distracted all right let's get this wither spawned make yourself a tea for tours all right remember it's gonna be very frightening but you'll be fine drink your milk if it hits you all right it'll be fine i don't need it right tell you the truth i had no idea what was gonna happen when she spawned that wither but i knew i'd probably be okay give them all you got tar shoot those arrows oh is i supposed to bring arrows i don't have any arrows all right we'll just take things and start shooting huh this is really easy it's not that bad it's not even bothering me it's a frightening fight but we're very well prepared so he really didn't do that much damage to us we got him down to one hit here and i very heroically stabbed the wither in the back drink that mulk you deserve it and stop trying to fill the holes these people don't matter then we got back home and tours placed the beacon well that's it we survived 200 days even though one of us died one time anyway we'll definitely be continuing this series so thank you all for watching see you in another 100 days stay notable you're so good at saying that
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 4,789,124
Rating: 4.9432111 out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, luke, the, notable, 200 Days, 100 Days, 100, 200, minecraft hardcore, 100 days hardcore, 100 Days Luke TheNotable, Tors, 200 Days Tors, 200 Days - [Minecraft with Tors], 100 Days Tors, luke thenotable meme, 100 drops, 100 games, luke thenotable minecraft, 1000 days, 2000 days, 3000 days, 100 days minecraft
Id: w5gHvonef7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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