WROL Rules: What to Do in Societal Collapse

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are you really ready for this video I do have my doubts I think you think you're ready but I may surprise you on the heaviness of the subject matter at hand the title of the video as you've seen is rules for without rule of law we are in the TMP bunker thanks for joining me thanks for being part of TMP patreon and I'm thinking this will be a limited release video perhaps I'm not positive only to TMP patreon those are the ones supporting the project making it worthwhile to do there you go so join up it's not that much keeps me motivated blah blah blah rules for without rule of law are you ready whoa yes no no I got my megaphone yes not fancy we've been ready for about a decade for this video thank you thanks for finally getting around to it okay I apologize dudes there's a reason I've drugged my feet on this and I have mentioned it in other videos reviews philosophy videos I have to do some heavy lifting in this video and I dread it I don't like it I have not relished the subject I don't like addressing it but we're going to address it thoroughly in this video perhaps well over an hour I'm not doing two parts this is gonna be what it is and you're basically gonna be watching me in the TMP bunker cool sign by the way right there is it yeah right there uh-huh talk about this rules for without rule of law basically a guideline and I'm saying though the term rules it really isn't rules I have to do that for the title because people understand that I only have so many characters I can put in a title to explain what the video is about what we are talking about our guidelines if we go into a without rule-of-law situation a very serious situation what do you do what do you do now if we look at the Internet as a whole especially YouTube gun tubers of all sorts and descriptions tactical guys all sorts of the script in descriptions websites of every variety with a tactical mindset with a gun mindset by the way I'm not a gun tuber I'm in a bigger adventure 10th channel I do use guns as core content always have always will as far as I can do so but I'm not a gun tuber but let's go back to those guys generally what they focus on is the self-defense aspect without rule of law and that's my term I'm I made up rule without rule of law WRO l many years ago 40 MP for this exact situation so we can discuss with some common understanding of what can happen in society how bad things can get and I didn't really want to use the term [ __ ] hits the fan I just wasn't a I just never liked that term and so as I I need something more descriptive more accurate to wake people up on what that really means and so we have rol and without rule of law are they perfect terms absolutely not but they're my terms they're wisely understood at least among amongst my audience members and actually well outside the TMP community and it's been that way for a long time and I welcome it I think that's great I think it's a very descriptive term what are you gonna do if you go into without rule of law the internet says that oh it's time to get serious I'll come the weapons I'm gonna defend my own I'm gonna get serious man this is what I prepared for you know I've got guns I got ammunition I got my food saved up you get the drift right I'm not saying by the way that that mentality is necessarily wrong I will make a point here probably many times that there will be a in place where you will have to pretty much do that but we're going to back up and we're gonna lay a foundation of understanding we're gonna be methodical we're gonna be organizational and we're gonna be common sense about what we do and without rule of law a couple weeks ago we had a live cast with our patreon members and I did delve into the subject in live format you can join patreon well actually right if I release its the patron already you're already here thank you anyways go look at that sorry for the bad video quality on that is because I was in the bunker here it was awful I should I know videotaping them posted it separately but the audio is awesome you can hear what we're saying it was missus nutnfancy and i and we're talking about this I am doing the talking and I've just thrown out a couple ideas because someone in the life heat said hey what do we do I mean you mentioned checkpoints you mentioned what to do and without rule of law but we need some more guidance all right thank you that you would look to me for a source of guidelines and that's all this is guidelines I'm not an expert I'm not the end-all authority on this I don't think anyone is I don't think anyone has experienced as alive today to the level that has happened in past decades okay I may make mention of that as I did in 2008 don't hasten the day did you see that video so thanks for looking to me but I'll do my best I can't guarantee you I'll have all the answers I can't guarantee you I will be complete and I surely can't and will not guarantee you that I am the gospel when it comes to this stuff okay and that means oh this is the rule we have to do it this way what I'm going to share with you right now in the bunker and long-form format which I prefer is a YouTube viewer myself is my thoughts on the subject and how I will approach it okay so this isn't gospel its guidelines okay maybe it's just recreational entertainment viewing you decide we're going to get into some specific I'm gonna give you a couple steps on where I think you should go okay we're gonna get there just a minute let's back up a little bit let's go back to uh scene about maybe other topical channels focus the focus of whatever topical website you want it's about this what's in the background and again I'm not saying it's bad it's been part of my content flow forever its weapons its guns ammunition load-bearing equipment it's all that that is the fantasy part the sexy part without rule of law that people gravitate towards and it's I won't say it's wrong but it's misleading that's the proper term for it it's misleading it's not wrong to have weapons I'm not saying it isn't it's actually going to be core to what I'm going to tell you here but what is misleading is that you would think that just by having some weapons ammunition maybe a little bit of training that you're good to go and you're set for without rule of law and that is wrong you are not by my own admission I'm not set for it either think about that I don't think any of us are and there's that soberness that I refer to it's we're gonna hit some heavy stuff one of the heavy things I would really want to hammer home is again what I said and don't hasten the date we don't know how bad without wool of law is because we have not really experienced it if we did it was so brief and regular services came back and they flourished again we didn't really have a chance to suffer and that's what will happen in widespread without rule of law I can guarantee it and the reason I can guarantee it not because I'm an expert not that because I've lived through long term without rule of law is because to some certain level I am a student of history I do have some understanding of what has transpired before I was born hopefully you do too Revolutionary War Civil War I'm talking about wars law because there was a lot of instances and without rule of law in the wartime environments of those Wars World War 1 World War 2 like that I've studied that and I have empathy and that's all I can really have is empathy on what those folks went through the suffering they endured it's awful so while it's sexy to look at I don't know GP 240 in the background and say oh man if I had that I could really defend my castle I got it made yeah I don't know if that should be your focus we're gonna talk about some other things that you need to consider before well before you would ever think of employing any type of weapon in defense of yourself in defense of your home your resources your loved ones and perhaps even your neighborhood without rule of law first thing I'm going to do before we get to the specific points this is also foundational to this video and again I'm not apologizing for the length who knows three hours okay not three but we got stuff to talk about when we look at without rule of law I'm gonna give you a situation okay and it's just gonna be abstract and it's gonna be generic I don't want to get into specifics cuz we don't want to get sidetracked with specifics what I want you to do is just consider that things are really sucking here's your scenario for the entire video okay it's a widespread economic collapse in the United States of America we have experienced a cessation of all important services to include delivery of food delivery of fuel transportation services rail Airlines let's say the road systems are sporadic and they are sometimes intercepted by roving bands that are robbing we don't have law enforcement services that are reliable we don't have medical services that are reliable maybe they're sporadic and localized but overall things are bad let's make it worse there's no electricity and there's no delivery of water okay so and by the way it's wintertime in most of the United States and your average temperature is 35 degrees Fahrenheit there's your scenario just just kind of chew on that a little bit because we're gonna kind of maybe use that as a backdrop on what we're going to talk about but foundational and this is where I was going as you mull over that without rule of law situation is what is your value system dude okay and I have mentioned this before this should not be new before you ever employ a weapon I have always said you need to have a value system mine is Christian I have a Christian value system I believe life is sacred I believe you never ever use a weapon to take another person's life unless you absolutely have no other alternative I believe that I will stand before my god and have to answer for my actions whether we have rule of law or we don't have rule of law it don't matter that's just mankind I still have to stand before my Heavenly Father and answer for what I did on this earth do you believe that maybe you have that common belief system I don't fault you if you don't I'm just sharing with you my thoughts and I'm sharing with you my value system and I make no apologies for it I won't change it I don't give a crap at the Internet likes it or not I don't it is what it is I believe in it I know it I know that my god lives I know that Jesus Christ lives it forms how I look at life how I approach my interactions with my fellow men you know and that's really really important because that gives you a rudder and gives you something to steer your ship bike if you don't really have a strong value system and maybe it's not Christian maybe it's something else but generally in this country is going to be judeo-christian values it's on our currency in god we trust' it's all through our fathers writings it's in our Constitution this is a God formed government thank heavens no pun intended but maybe you have a different value system and I'm ok with that but it needs to steer your actions on the employment of potentially lethal force and without rule of law it is very serious it is not to be taken lightly and it's not to be taken lightly in rule of law like in operating society it's always a big big deal I've always been super consistent on this message I've always felt I'm one of the few voices reigning everyone else in on this and it got so out of hand the messaging that I saw in YouTube from my 2010 to mm I don't man I just wanted to check out because there's so many whack jobs saying so much stupid crap I just wanted to distance myself from those voices what's your value system well I don't have one ok then brother I say good luck good luck because what's going to guide your actions what's what's gonna guide the formation of the stuff I'm gonna talk about I mean what where do you fall I mean it's really difficult to do it I'm gonna make my own value system good luck with that you know where do you draw the line of evil and good where do you draw the line of helping some someone and maybe taking care of your own first where do you draw the line of you know preserving your resources and giving them away you know where do you draw the line of you know use a force whether it's non-lethal or less than lethal or lethal force these are big questions and guess what you are going to have to have an answer for those questions I recommend you believe in God and just steer your boat according to his principles Ten Commandments Golden Rule treat others the way you would want to be treated it's pretty simple well-established proven country founded on it if you live by those principles whether it's rule of law without Louisville you're gonna be happy serve others think about others be empathetic be kind those are the principles I think you should steer your ship even in without rule of law when all hell is potentially breaking loose that foundational system will give you guidance I think along with that you should be humble you should be on bended knee as our founding fathers were asking for inspiration from God what do I do how do I approach this difficult situation how do i repair my neighborhood how do I protect my family what what's the right way to do this I need answers your foundational system should be your value system and I hope right now you have one usually and I'm broad-stroke in the source all these exceptions but people I meet in life that do not have a very strong value system on whatever they they want to base it on they're not happy people they're pretty miserable and they blame everything but they don't look inside and go oh my value system and you know and my whether it's a lack of belief in a supreme being which again idea I believe in God the Father for sure maybe they don't but that's my violation and that's what I've seen I recommend you square away at your value system right now I recommend you square away and strengthen your relationship with your Heavenly Father right now because hard times are a comin and you're gonna lean on that and I've heard it all I've been on this earth a long time and I've heard it all I've met so-called atheists but I never meet a atheist an earthquake I doubt there were very many atheists on Omaha Beach you know June 6 1944 d-day I don't think there are too many atheists out there the bombs start dropping the shells start blowing up bullets start whizzing past your head all heck starts breaking loose a lot of people gonna be believing in God now is the time to strengthen your relationship ok-ran complete you can for that part if you don't like it but I don't apologize for it it is foundational to everything else that we're going to talk about ok next thing foundational you need to decide in rules for without rule of law are you going to operate as your own entity as a loner or are you willing to be part of a community again if we go back to what the interweb says what a lot of YouTube videos apparently preach that you should be a loner have your food stored up have your bomb shelter stocked up have a 50 Cal mounted on some type of watch tower which is armor plated and bulletproof have you a moat I'm exaggerating for effect of course have your whole place mind you know have cameras all around your place and dude you're set you don't need nobody everybody's your enemy that's a big lie without rule of law everybody is not your enemy in fact the high percentage of people you will meet will be just like you they'll be fearful they won't know exactly what to do they'll be looking for help assistance bonding community and I talked about this before in another videos like without rule of law sense of community is what I said and I I mentioned this so go look at that video I don't wanna hit it too hard but you need to decide right now if indeed you're gonna be by yourself or just with your family or part of a community let me tell you this said if you decide to be the lone wolf the lone wolf prepper I've got it made man I've got all types of ammo I got my air 15 set up I got spare parts I got optics I got lots of magazines I'm ready to go um I'll just be honest with you and this is a heavy lifting I was referring to some of it lots more to go you're gonna fail ok if you're a loner it's a matter of time before you fail if someone knows where you are and they're motivated to overtake your place and I really don't care what types type of preparations you think you have if they know where you are I'll give you 24 hours for a motivational attack force 24 hours it's armed and knows what they're doing 24 hours and they'll be in your place guaranteed look at history now look at all the so-called impenetrable fortresses over time it does work out so good in warfare the castle is just always stormed almost always not always but almost always but you're not a castle you don't have unlimited funds you have maybe a house maybe a cabin out the middle of nowhere it's a static defensive location and if you think you're gonna be impenetrable if you think you can just weather the storm you might get lucky I won't say you can't but if someone finds out that you have these resources or whatever can they overwhelm you yeah I would say again and then I'm just ballparking this what do I do I'm just you know some doof on YouTube I'll give you 24 hours I don't care what kind of weapons you have I don't care if you've got 10 people in your compound I'll give you 24 hours to a motivated organized attack force and as what's going on they'll find a way to get you up easy back to community your long-term survival will be enhanced will be prolonged if you decide to be mature and be part of a community and that my friends is really the message of this video is you need to re-establish here comes another actor acronym and I freaking love it I just came up with it for this video and it's MC it's micro community you're going to establish a micro community in without rule of law and that's where we're gonna focus this video right now a micro community if you want to be a lone wolf I'm not judging you dude I am NOT so don't think that I'm like oh you can't be oh I understand a lot of different perspectives on this preparedness thing on without real law thing I get it I get them a lot of it is they don't try other people they like well I did this once and I got burned I feel like if I open up my my trust level to these people I'll just get exploited and I'll get overwhelmed I understand that all I'm trying to deliver to you now is the reality of how I think we'll go again based on my imperfect understanding of history okay there you go let's go back to our scenario cessation of basically all services total and serious economic collapse in the United States of America and that's where we're gonna focus where I'm going to focus on worldwide I don't care what's happening in Israel right now I don't care what's happening in France Canada Mexico England no United States in your state so winter time boom the music stops everybody's got to grab a chair and they're basically going to deal with what they've got here's job one says nutnfancy stabilize your own situation okay and that's not saying you're gonna be a lone wolf I'm saying you do what I would do if I eject it from my combat aircraft after being shot down the survival instructor sit down with you and they really drill it in your head listen if you get blown out of the sky you get a good shoot you go down behind enemy lines and I flew t-38s little time in f-15s and you have this situation and you survive you're on the ground slow down just take a breath get that water pack out from your survival vest and stabilize and do some good thinking don't just go truck it off doing something stupid bad decision-making lease to basically death or getting captured slow your roll and let's plan and that's what you're going to do and without loss step one is take care of your own and stabilize your situation okay you can't help someone else or you can't help establish this micro community when your whole household your whole homestead is in disarray you've got to feed your family you've got to figure out what resources you do have and you're always going to be faulting I should say lacking resources you will and you take inventory just like I did as a downed pilot what do I have with me okay I got my you know my m17 I've got this many rounds I'm at some food I've got you know some cobs that I can call some help in with I've got some camo resources take inventory and then plan on a micro-level and assume you're not gonna get community assistance like hey I can't I can't guarantee I'm gonna have MC helping me so if I have to go it alone how long can we live us down here you know use your wife use your husband use your kids your grandma whoever's in your household to help you take inventory on what you do have take a deep breath pump the brakes just a little bit and figure out what's going on part of that stabilizing your own system is you will need to secure your property so maybe your micro community is going to take some time to develop during that time you have an obligation to secure your own property your own resources to protect your life the lives of your loved ones okay and that's gonna happen on a very localized situation okay so part one when I stabilize I take inventory I've said this in reviews of LBE I've said it and gun reviews and a couple philosophy videos I myself and that's all I'm talking about I'll go to like a level two armament system immediately okay trust me I'm gonna get to the community thing but I'm telling you we're still gonna be smart about I said just don't go to the gun right you don't but part of stabilizing your own situation is protecting your own situation because while you're trying to get your council's gathered in your micro community you might be under assault you might have to say you know what we're going to do all this we're gonna do our micro community stuff but I don't have I'm I'm getting attacked right now we're gonna assume worst case so level two comes up and what do I mean by level two honestly I forget exactly what I said specifically but basically I'm gonna have at least epistle on me when I have at least three mags on me I'm probably going to be wearing some type of body armor soft it gives me a second chance if I screw up but if I take a hit at least in this portion and I will be ready to have a show force and I will have that on my person at all times probably a tactical blade light not necessarily med kit because I'm just at the homestead stabilizer situations secure your own property arm up probably to level two assigned duties in the household hey you do this I'll do this there's a lot to be done you may not think so if there's a lot to be done I went into an out of electricity situation in Spokane Washington for about two weeks and that was during ice storm back in the 90s it knocked down all the power lines we don't have electricity for two weeks and man was out an eye-opener wasn't really without rule of law because a lot of the town had it we still had services but is still i opening on all the things I had to do to keep my young family the boys were very young fed warm happy not scared dad you're gonna be busy stabilize your own situation that's step one I could do a whole ad on that do it nothing fancy now that's good enough you get the gist right okay so we've stabilized our situation we've armed up just for self-protection self-defense oh let me stop right there for a second because this is another foundational thing that we're gonna roll into trust me so I'm armed up what up what of that you know cuz you have people nowadays go well if you own a gun you're insane why would you okay you know for what reason well we're gonna get into some of those reasons and I don't really need to tell you because you already know this you wouldn't be watching this video if you didn't but you have a natural right to defend yourself made a whole video on that natural rights wasn't watched very much by the YouTube community they didn't want to hear it but a natural right is a god-given right it's not bestowed upon you by a government by a local council of any that means God said to you as a free man which you were born to be you have a right to defend yourself it doesn't matter what's going on with the government doesn't matter what's going on with rule of law without rule while you still have a right to defend yourself no one can just roll up on you and take your life they can't just roll up on you and take your property they can't just attack you and hurt you and they cannot just take your wife and rape her okay no a natural right for self-defense back to step one I'm armed up least level two - maybe level three that's like with a tak carbine maybe five mags on me at all times body armor and that's the way I walk around that's me that means that the propensity of bad things come into my area are pretty hot if I'm wearing that and going through the hassle of wearing that daily that means in my own judgment as a free man we have some bad things coming our way and I'm going to be ready thank you that's another foundational principle the natural right to self-defense now step two you've got your property secured you have your family working on the things they need to work on to help you in your homestead in your household step two is communicate with your neighbors don't hole up don't close the doors and you know just be fearful of everyone thinking they're your enemy again going back to what I said they're going to be just like you communicate with them go across the street and hopefully you have a relationship with these people already and say hey this is what I was talking about sorry I was right you know here we are without role law talk with your neighbors assess their interest level of where they are assess their needs maybe you can do something to help again that's a foundational principle a Christian principle we're not just out there to take care of our own maybe we're looking for opportunities to the best we can maybe we can maybe we can't maybe we can ease suffering somehow medically we can ease suffering with our preparation stuff our first date materials our knowledge of first aid we're doing good to people okay we're being good sheepdogs something I've always preached about in TMP you're not going to do this in your basement with boarded up windows shaking like a leaf naked with a bandanna wrapped around your head the dam m1 carbine hope and the balloon comes to your house I know it's a ridiculous example some comedic relief assess their commitment levels what are your neighbors thoughts on establishing a micro community okay what are their interest levels their levels of helping out establishing a micro community of rule of walk hmm interesting and they may have never thought of that and that is really a core principle of my philosophy so something really bad happens in our abstract example we're talking about widespread economic collapse what we're going to do is we're going to create a micro community it's gonna be people who maybe are like-minded maybe not but they will be bonded together and it really doesn't matter what their political beliefs are it doesn't matter what their gun stances are because all that PC [ __ ] is gonna go out the window just like it always has in history all the PC crap you hear day in day out all that stuff is gone people are going to be looking to survive they're gonna be scared they're gonna be looking for leadership they're going to be looking to you as the calm voice of reason as a person who actually put some thought into this happening one day it might have a thing or two to help out I'm not gonna say you're gonna be the the community leader you may not be you may not be but you can be a mature voice a voice of reason as you discuss calmly and in a friendly way with your neighbors trying to figure out where they're at where their heads at I think what you will find I can't guarantee it I think you'll find they are very interested in establishing a micro community okay in establishing on a micro level a restoration of rule of law and guess what you can do that on a micro level you can do it you can just go hey you know what I will ret we've got 10 houses everybody's on board we've talked to them this is our micro community step 3 by the way is establishing where your borders are basically building a country that's what we're doing we're just building a tiny little country we have citizens and we're gonna work share huh what do you know that's kind of way it's always been it's not rocket science but it's a lesson lost on a lot of people and that's why I'm making this video you're an established micro community when you do so my friend you need to be hopeful with these scared individuals give them hope listen I know things are bad now this is what you're gonna say they're awful we don't have food we don't have gas we don't have police services we know medical services but these things are going to come back eventually this is a temporary situation what we want to do is make our lives better as this micro community is this MC you can help you have these skill sets maybe you're I don't know a doctor maybe you're a welder maybe you have some resources that none of us have maybe you have a bunch of diesel fuel stored up that we can use that we can barter with there's all types of things that people have or may have in your neighborhood or skills that have that can assist welcome to being a community you're going to paint a picture maybe of not happiness but stability that we can establish on a small scale a stable community that's what you're going to try to do with these people and you watch what happens they're gonna be on board and I say dude I like what you're saying cuz I don't like what I'm seeing in that community or in that neighborhood three miles away I hear some bad things are going down cool that's you're gonna do step four you've communicated with your neighbors you've assessed needs you figured out who has what resources by the way under that step you've given a vision of what it's going to be like to have an establishment of rule of law on a micro level in your micro community and then number four so you're going to establish a council for your micro community now when you hear that does that make sense I bet you it does I bet something inside you right now goes Bing that makes sense nutnfancy yes it's because it's always the way things have been done let's go back to my intro and I said hey you need to choose if you're going to be part of a community or you're going to be a loner and without rule-of-law if we go back into history and we look at how people have fared alone again there's lots of fails think about it there's a reason for that because that means you have to do everything on your own gather food you're in charge of security prepare the food clean up sanitation you know fix things build things it's all you there's no work sharing going on so what's to say while you're building a needed structure that you get overtaken by some on a marauding mob it's hard to be a loner being part of a community is being part of work sharing of a common interest a common good a common need for security peace and some level of happiness that's the way mankind has always done it it will not change in the future the smart people will look to re-establish their micro communities as quickly as possible with or without this video it's just gonna happen it's cuz that's why man I've always done it there's going to be part of that council your best thinkers in your micro community you've already assessed their way of thinking you've assessed their prep early preparation levels you've assessed their capabilities their health state you're gonna have to decide that and it's probably not just up to you probably everyone has a vote and you're gonna vote in a leader you're gonna vote in a backup leader because that leader could get killed he could just get sick and pass away you'd have a plan B a Plan C and maybe even a plan D in your micro community but I recommend strongly that you get some sort of government in place even if it's just ten houses in our random example even if it's just ten houses yeah say hey man we need a leader and I highly recommend you break it up if you have enough people this is important if you have enough people in your micro community to break it up into individual councils or individual whatever you want to call it sub councils because think a bit about it it's really common sense what we're talking about and I mentioned them already there's a lot of needs of your micro community and to answer this you just look at your daily needs food water sanitation shelter security hmm sub councils someone should be put in charge of each of those who's best qualified to do it and we're not expecting perfect performance out of these individuals they may or may not be ideally suited for the job probably they won't be suited at all but someone should fill them because these are tasks that have to be done and if we're organized about it we make a council on it we meet every week maybe twice a week we go hey how do we progress how do we progress in this sanitation area house-to-house I mean give us a report and we go down house by house this is where we're at with sanitation organized but that's just one person's micro job is that he's a sanitation expert you have a security expert maybe that's you because you're watching this video how do we secure our borders you give your thoughts and by the way let's go back and I again I glossed over it what are the borders well maybe it's the border of a church or an ecclesiastical authority some sort that you already have maybe should just adopt those borders hey within these confines that defines our micro community and we're saying so we're going to put signs out that says it this is our community and this these are the rules of our community as a security expert the security's councilperson or whatever you should have a plan on how to secure that border and you're gonna have legal authority to do it on a micro scale because why because you have a council hmm makes sense doesn't it it's not just you it's not just you going out there and telling everybody what - I got my m1 grand and I want to do this no you don't do that you roll in you go hey listen and I'm just part of this community here this is what I have to offer I want to be helped in any way possible your humble you're competent you're ready you're confident but you're humble when you go to the council and everybody has a say your voice is no more important than anybody else's and you're gonna have a leader at the end of that meeting and he's gonna be supported and maybe you should have bylaws and how and when that leader gets removed I mean you'd have to have a legal system you have to have an orderly system I'm gonna go into all the specifics and the nitty-gritty and how to do it freak and read the Constitution read the Bill of Rights it's right there you should have those on hand by the way just do what's been done already and go listen you know this is how we do it the council needs to well I'm jumping ahead I'm gonna get to another thing Council to us but that's kind of other sub consuls you can have and this is not a complete list it's just off the top of my head is maybe one on communications how do we establish communications with nearby communities or micro communities how do we maintain them how do we get communications to the outside world do we have any ham radio operators that kind of stuff that could be its own sub council how about a civil engineering sub console I'd probably call the Seabees the CB so this is a guy that can head up any community-based construction process projects that need to be done with community resources in your micro community that there's a vote that takes place yeah we need a water system well let's build a community water gathering system that we can all have equal shares into we need a tank we need a way to gather rainwater maybe distill water some solar distillers and there's a construction project that has to happen we need to have donation tears or barter with nearby micro communities to get them and that's going to be the job of the civil engineering dude the CB dude he's gonna say hey I came up with a plan and this is what I proposed maybe it's not the perfect plan you talk about and you Institute it another micro community can be not community but organization could be provisions and you have to discuss that and I'm not going to tell you this video how to do it but how much food is there amongst all the households I mean apparently we're not getting food delivered how does that how is that shared is their right to share and that's a complex subject I mean you may have some households that have really good preparations you may have some people that didn't prepare at all and so you'll have to address the issue of you know what do we do now I don't have food for ten people have food for four people and I think the community your council should pass a bylaw saying listen whatever you had that is your legal property and the council cannot take it from you under any circumstances this is a free community you can come and go from our community as you wish you're not locked in here and your property is your property your provisions are your provisions you do have the right to barter you do have the right to donate them for community good in exchange for perhaps some other goods or services voilá just what we've done in the past of our grain community the council is uber important though and so it is the backbone of everything that's going to give you legal authority in your micro community and just says me this isn't law this is just a guideline but this is what I'm gonna do I also think you should have a medical sub canceled for your micro community your MC and maybe the person who has that up is the person with the most medical experience the most medical expertise it makes sense doesn't it maybe she's an RN local hospital loss of experience maybe she's a delivery nurse perfect she has medical experience that we need in this micro community ask her she'll head up the community maybe she says yes maybe he's a paramedic maybe she's an EMT maybe he's a doctor voila you have someone filling that very important role and some of their duties might include not will but might include assessing the health status of everybody in your micro community where's everybody yet do we have a headcount of everybody that's in our border and by the way it doesn't really matter again I already said this but I'm really going to hammer this home it doesn't matter what your religion is it doesn't matter what your political beliefs are doesn't matter what your sexual preference is if you're in the borders of your micro community you're our brother you're our sister we're going to function as a micro community to get rule-of-law back and get a level of security and happiness there okay so I'm saying that because now as we assess the health states the medical states of people like friends if you use religious borders for the designation of your micro community or Church for instance people who are members of that church shouldn't feel like oh I'm not in your community you tell them otherwise like no we know you're not a member of our church and we don't really care you're our brother your sister you're our neighbor and we're here to help you and we want you to help us to you want we want you to work share with us it's not just a one-way street of us put a spoon in your mouth and feeding you you're gonna help and hopefully everybody in your micro community is to that level they're willing to help but the medical sub castle the medical chairperson if you will they should deliver to the council maybe it's once week maybe it's twice a week where's everybody yet we had this many deaths this this many people are sick we need to following drugs if we can get them barter for them these people are doing great you give a report because this is a system of caring it's a system of work sharing to the best of your abilities and again there's probably a lot of things you won't have and will never have interesting huh micro community having a council and having sub councils or chair people within that that help work share now this one's really interesting because we are progressing towards security the guns the sexy subject security number five having that counsel is so uber important and I did kind of jump ahead mention it because I feel and this is just my opinion doesn't count for anything I feel that is the basis for you to have legal authority to do what you might have to do to secure your micro community because the members of your security details attempting to secure your micro community borders they have to make some very tough decisions in doing that job some regrettable but necessary decisions to do that job much better they do it with the approval and legal authority of your micro Community Council because guess what rule of law is going to come back sooner or later regular rule of law will reestablish and maybe better than before and again I operate because I'm accountable to my god but I also think we'll be accountable to that reestablishment of rule of law and if you've had to do some implementations of force maybe they're lethal maybe they're less than lethal it's much better to say listen we did it with a legal authority that we had and a legal authority that we were able to establish as a community I don't think anyone's gonna roll up on you and give judgment if they do they're insane because that's a reasonable man concept we're gonna listen this micro community did the best they could they operated reasonably they established community protection standards by the way another acronym Institute CPS that your council comes together and go what are our CPS what are our standards what are we willing to do to protect our micro community that's a council decision it's probably gonna be a debate there's gonna be differences of opinion and you're gonna have to reach some type of community consensus and that consensus will form your micro micro legal authority temporary as it may be says me so and it should be in writing and you should carry documents that say it maybe you should not badges or whatever for your micro community because you need to have legal authority make it organized make it reasonable make it straightforward and common sense and that emerges from your micro Community Council and it will address community protection standards what are we willing to do to secure this community to what levels of force are we willing to engage up to and including lethal force that should be openly discussed and probably you'll find that it's not that difficult to it to discuss if down the road there's interactions of violence going on you know right near you maybe there's roving bands taking resources and doing other bad things you might might find your community council is very motivated to get there cps and order and get you patrolling i say you but maybe it's not you maybe you're the medical officer I don't know super important that's your legal authority I think you need it for you so force and I much rather do it with the backing of a council with a vote of the council then just go out there again John Wayne and on my own now if it happens on your own homestead before you're able to go through all these steps that's different you don't have time for council you don't have time for debate and implementation and development and you know the writing of CPS you don't you gotta do what you gotta do and if you got to defend yourself you got to defend yourself it's a natural right but I'm saying if we're orderly if we have time to do all these things that's my preference yeah again PC will die in the environment I wouldn't worry about political correctness all that is by the wayside and when you do these CPS's the community protection standards keep it simple don't get too complex don't get wordy don't get verbose keep it very simple you should have these whatever they call bylaws or CPS is written down don't make too many of them just make them very clear easy to understand everybody in it that might be tasked to the security protection detail they should understand them they should be on board you know do you swear people to know Thor something like that I don't know I don't know if you have that legal authority to do that you have I think a micro authority to protect your very small community I think you do again this is a legal advice it's just me dudes all right next point and this kind of dovetails into what I was just talking about your CPS is you and this is where the rubber hits road okay let me back up because I need to kind of show you where we are at this point okay we have we've stabilized our own situation we've taken a inventory of our own resources our family members are good our own micro household is good then we communicate with our neighbors we assess their states of where they're at are they willing to help assist where you know what resources would they be willing to community to contribute to a micro community we establish a microbe Community Council and MC Council we have leaders we have sub councils like we talked about we have a talk and a debate about what we're willing to do to secure our borders and we have a Security Council to then who's in charge of that we develop community protection standards part of that is when to use lethal force now let's step back and look how long it's taken us to get to this point do you understand the nature of what I'm talking about why I approach this so seriously and I always haven't in be always I never am cavalier about this and never just yeah I mean I can't wait to use my air 15 man it's like half them away now that's stupid [ __ ] okay it's stupid what look at all the points we've done to get to this point and it really isn't up to you again it's a CPS it's listen when are we willing as a micro community at temporary as it may be willing to use lethal force under what circumstances will we do this under what circumstances are we willing to use these guns behind me okay you know under what circumstances am I going to use this mini Drako this AR 240 RP k just you know just for decoration that's a CPS you know and my thinking don't hold me to it this is just off the top of my head this is all subject to support from the council and its members but anything that directly threatens life then lethal force is justified in defending that loss of life and what do you know that's just like it is in roll all right so that's not that cosmic but if someone comes through our borders ignoring our signage because we have it posted ignoring our security detail that they can see that are at least level two preferably level three armed up as a patrol and secure our borders and there has to be a whole system to that when do you patrol how do you patrol who's gonna cover what borders how many are in a team how many people do you have that are you know able-bodied to be part of the security patrols is it important that we secure our borders maybe your counsel says no we're not going to have that and they say no we're not going to do it but if someone comes in our borders we'll address it then that's totally legit it's up to them how they do it a lot of variances on how this could play out but maybe someone comes in and they have a baseball bat they're threatening someone they have a knife you'll have to discuss if and when that justifies the use of lethal force let's go back to the foundation of this video judeo-christian life is sacred we don't take it unless we absolutely have no other option I would say that still plays and without rule of law you use you know reasoning discussion threats if you will less than lethal beating a dude up better than killing them and use that lethal option it's a very very very very very last thing that we have no other option in it's very dire I think you guys understand that but I want to be very sober in this and this is just my approach that's all it is just my approach I'm not saying I'm the expert once again maybe the theft of a life sustaining asset means that we can implement lethal force let's go back to one of my civil engineering examples in our micro community I said we're going to build water tower so way we could capture water and we could distribute it to the ten households in our random example cool we have our CB build that community helps it's actually functioning it produces a certain amount of water it's being evenly distributed between all households there's no disagreements and then lo and behold someone decides to come in our border and they either want to steal that resource water or they decide to destroy it does that justify use of lethal force I'm not going to answer it you need to determine that in your council what determines are what constitutes a life-sustaining asset chickens do cows any livestock food does water does you can see this is kind of a complex subject but it needs to be addressed and you need to put it down to writing rules of engagement that's we called it in the military what's our rules of engagement when do I use my hair well it's not just willy-nilly when the people are out there patrolling the wire the wire they should have an idea what the roee is and they should be well versed in it and they should be you know practiced up on it what constitute how about rape some comes in and they start raping someone within the micro community does that constitute use of lethal force I don't know arson they decide to burn down when your structures when you're half Souls and again remember we're function is a community we're not functioning as individuals so an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us get that so we've already come to an agreement we have a council we have CPS and then someone decides to go catch one of our dudes houses on fire which could be interpreted as a life taking action couldn't it fire kills people all the time how do you address that does that deserve a reaction up to an including lethal force there's a life sustaining thing the structure by the way is Right a house is a life sustaining asset what you'll find in history is when and this is just a broad stroke but what you have in history is when there's a without rule of law situation in other words just surviving is very very difficult what mankind has done is they just don't fool around they don't fool around you'll find that the implementation lethal force comes much more quickly because they really don't have an alternative because they're fighting for survival if you go take a man's cow for instance in some countries that's considered like death penalty again I'm not the expert but something along those lines it's like bad without real wha you don't do that you know steal a chicken you know steal his horse you know set us things on fire you know steal his property you know break in and steal his food storage all those things probably in modern day without rule of law will be interpreted as very severe and they will be met with swift action and this is irregardless of this video I'm just talking about how mankind is operated they won't put up with much [ __ ] you come into the micro community you start stealing stuff you're gonna get Newt I'm just saying it's not up to me it's just how things have gone because people are there on the edge of survival it's like they don't have a lot and so for you to come and steal from them you're basically giving them a death sentence and there's two purposes for that one you'll stop the perpetrator from taking that life-giving asset and secondarily you're sending a message to any other thief any other rapist any other murderer any other arsonist hey you come here and we're gonna light you up okay we have lets you know we have a key micro community council you know we've got CPS we got dudes patrolling the wire of they're armed I mean go somewhere else show force yeah so determine what your rv's and get ready to enforce it force it because it's not gonna be Purdy how about a planned assault on your micro community I've been kind of wishy-washy on these other things if they other than the direct threat of life but on this one if I saw and accurately determined that there is a planned assault on our micro community to overtake us and take our resources and to do harm to our individuals or to enslave our individuals to take their assets and then I would say without a doubt that's a call for lethal force that's just me because that's an organizing and you can see an armed force coming to you and so there should be a whole rule of I'm sorry rules of engagement what happened so you've got two guys on the wire they see an armed force coming to your mind community hopefully you have some system of intelligence you have someone with optics always guarding all four corners I'm saying four corners of your border because Intel and heads-up is critical to that and then you have to have a way to rally the troops you have to have a way to not be fooled because this could be like a you know a false attack on this quote on this flank and the real force is coming from the south flank for instance since you have to have a way to address all that and hopefully you have enough bodies in your micro community to respond and to protect your families protect your assets but if there's a planned assault then that's just me I would say assuming your information is right then and without rule of law then these guys work they don't mean you well they're coming to hurt you and take what you have that's not right again it's natural law it's not my law it's God's law you know so as we talk about this implementation of lethal force this this is when your weaponry preparations come into play and they will be important I mean because you'll find that other members of your micro community probably aren't as prepared as you they don't have Glocks you know have ammunition they don't have guns and haven't thought about it they're not proficient with firearms and there's gonna have to be a training protocol implemented it's probably going to be you dude you're probably going to be the sub console person on security can you figure that out already right then you're a teacher and you're in a dry fire you're gonna train them up as best you know how and that's all you can do is the best you know how if you have military members especially with combat experience awesome you can use them and they can be part of your your security details and you can distribute that knowledge and experience as best you can distribute the resources remember we're in this example functioning as a micro community so it behooves you to distribute those armament resources you not protecting just your house you're protecting the mCP and so it doesn't do you any good to have I'm just giving this example 15 Glocks in your basement and you're hoarding them up when they can be distributed out to your security details and they're trained how to use them in it you increase the entire community's security by doing so you get it I think pressing on told you this to be feature-length and deep deep heavy lifting in the bunker today holy crap all right number eight I think I'm at number eight I'm not sure okay so we talked about lethal force are we not everything's gonna be lethal force and your council will determine this and they'll say okay well if this happens or if that happens no lethal force is not justified well guess what just like any other government you have to figure out what to do then do we take the take them as prisoners do we hold them if so how long if so where if so how do we feed these people when do we liberate them do we liberate them should we bar with other communities for their release you have to have kind of a court you have to have a judge and you have to have basically a legal system in your micro community it doesn't have to be complex it can be simple me based on history and what we've done up to this point hopefully summoning your MC has a knowledge of these things and they can implement and hopefully you have books have written down again keep it simple don't get complex but what happens when these people are held when are they released what are the punishments what what is a punishment for such and such I don't know crime against our micro community all that has to be decided upon and it won't be pleasant but it will be necessary and also it will have to address infractions within your MC because what do you know anytime you get a group of people sooner or later someone wants to steal for someone else one of these individuals could be a member of your micro community then went over and tried to steal something with something else doesn't justify lethal force of course but there needs to be a punishment what is that punishment maybe Italy's rations maybe they're combined for a week I don't know you know your City Council council your micro community council leader chairperson whatever you want to call that individual has a big say in it and has to be orderly and fair and just because again we're going to apply that golden rule but that's necessary because you want to maintain rule of law and to maintain rule that means you have to have threat and actual actually the actual implementation of force at times just like in our rule while right now I mean if the police force is one way what do you think would happen to crime if they know that there's no way that I'd ever be prosecuted that federal state county city law enforcement goes kaput do you think crime would rise oh yeah oh yeah so that's what's gonna happen without real wha and so in your micro community you have to have you know put out a force like listen if you steal if you do this do that do that you're gonna be punished and likewise any intruder coming into our MC creating problems will have the same thing by the way number nine we're coming to the end I'm not going to look where we are timewise cuz I don't really care we have a micro community let's pretend and it's a big pretending because so many things can go wrong there's so many unknowns but let's pretend our micro community of 10 homes is working well remember it's a collapse economic collapse United States let's say again it was 35 degrees in my example I gave you so there's some coldness going on but as ten households we came together we found out several households had a lot of warm clothing extra warm clothing we were able to redistribute that through a bargaining system so there's a fair exchange of these goods between households and what ends up happening is everyone's warm ok we don't have electricity but we have firewood that we've been able to barter around or some way find a distribution for it we have some propane in the neighborhood that will work for short tot for short term we have a functioning security detail we have CPS in order we have a council in order we have sub councils doing their job as best they can we have some sick people in there we're doing the best we can we have some drugs oh wait a minute we need some drugs we don't have any I don't know penicillin amoxicillin this is very important this is step 9 by the way you need to give this Council on communications the task of establishing and maintaining friendly communications with other micro communities if they are established maybe they're big communities I don't know but you send an emissary probably armed well not openly armed but plan B type thing and they go to this micro community and they go listen this is what we're going we come here in peace we don't mean any harm we don't need your resources we would like to barter with you though we need penicillin we need amoxicillin we have these assets we're willing to trade with you what do you have seek to establish agreements with other communities that are nearby welcome to the history of mankind that's how it works that's how it works in provinces states cities countries it be not to be a warm words destructive it's wasteful it wastes resources and waste lives it's miserable it creates lots and lots of suffering anytime shooting starts we need to get to stop shooting as soon as possible and re-establish complete peace and harmony and productive trade with other micro communities and within our own community that makes sense doesn't it I told you this isn't mostly common sense it's at least the way I look at it so let's say we go we send an you know emissary there and there they're open for it like yeah we have some amoxicillin we'll trade you for this for that we understand your CPS we're respectful of them we're not going to come into your area if we ever need to contact you this procedure will go through and we appreciate contact and we're hoping for the best and reestablishment of widespread rule of law awesome that's what one so seek agreements with other micro communities and you will benefit from it because just like in our own MC if we expand our horizon and go outward into other communities we expand our quality of life our lifestyle our standard of living is going to improve because those communities over here that have more things than we do you have more expertise than we do and so we should create goods and services that they're interested in with what we have in the confines of our and then just like society has done forever and ever and ever and ever lifestyles will be improved standards of living will improve as we expand seek agreements with our MCS number 10 and coming to the end this makes so much sense I shouldn't have to say it but we're gonna end with this one Sikh establishment of complete rule of law when I made the video do not hasten the day when without rule was established this is what I was talking about I mentioned it at the outside this at the outset of this video that people often don't have a true understanding of what it is to suffer we're comfortable in our modern-day life we're spoiled in our modern-day life we have internet we have good food we have clean water we don't have all these sicknesses they used to have in years past would have plagues you know we don't have draw droughts it's just a blessing to live in the modern era when all this comes crashing down in our fictitious hopefully fictitious example eyes will be opened and people the whole leak out I didn't know how good we had it this really sucks even if everything's working right in my example here in my example everything's working just so-so micro-communities operating or training we're firing more or less people's needs are being met we have some levels of security there are roving bands that are trying to steal rape pillage kill other emcees but because we are so organized and we got our crap together they're not coming over here we got it pretty good even in that situation that's still gonna suck any like what we got now is gonna suck so everything should be aimed towards reestablishment of city local state government implementation of the constitution of the United States that's what it should be aim towards and anything you can do to accelerate that process maybe you hear hey they're trying to get state government going they need some people your council means who can we send it may mean that maybe you give up someone to help help get society back on its feet whatever that is maybe it's a construction product hey we're trying to get the power plant going we need some people to help this is our plan for it and this is our security for that we're going to do we have these resources to run it can you help council meets you discuss everything should be focused towards role hua as an officer of military I'm a I'm sworn to uphold even to the stay of the Constitution United States and you know by association rule of law and that's what I do I think without rule voff will be temporary it'll be painful it will cost lives there'll be lots of suffering they'll open people's life or in a lot of ways reset our society and the understanding of what least a young people have of what it is to have the good life I mean they're so spoiled I've been spoiled too but I've studied history like I said and I'm empathetic of what has come before me and I think anyone can do that anyone can click around the internet in one hour and figure out holy crap without rule of law really super sucks yeah heavy lifting in the bunker tonight ladies and gentlemen of TMP patreon patreon thanks for being patreon so we talked about a lot of stuff dudes basically 10 steps of what to do as rules of without rules law guidelines pretty much you know we talked about securing your own situation taking inventory of what you have communicating with your neighbors establishing micro community putting a council in effect and that micro community sub councils to address specific needs for that we talked about the implementation of CPS community protection standards that will be by your council again talked about how that council in my opinion and that's all it is would give you more legal authority to do what you may have to do secure your micro community again that's by consensus and I hope you do have community consensus wherever you live if you don't I think your life is going to super suck and I think your days will be numbered because communities where it's at I talked about that at the outset you have you'll have some leadership you'll be organized you reports may you have at least once a week meetings probably twice a week for reports you'll have a bartering system in effect you won't have everything they won't have everything maybe you can produce goods and services with the resources you have within the confines of your MC and hopefully you talk to other micro communities you establish agreements maybe even trading with them just like mankind is always done improving your standard of living you use your CPS for the implementation hopefully never of lethal force what constitutes a use of lethal force how should it be done again that is done by the legal authority of the council and I think it will withstand any scrutiny of post without rule of law if there is any in other words rule of law comes back maybe they conduct some investigations of what was done implementation of lethal force in your MC and if they are reasonable they would say you know what it's a-okay they did it with the legal authority of their council reasonable man concept I think you'd be much better off in that situation than just going out again doing it solo no talked about the necessity of having some type of legal system within your MC court proceedings you know do we imprison people when are they released you have to have a whole guideline on this punishments make it simple make it fair make it equitable applying the golden rule if you can and then we talked about re-establishing regular role blah holy cow that actually went much better than I thought it would much better so again your whole foundation for this just me is your value system really is and these are just guidelines dude guidelines I'm no expert this is not gospel I know this is subject you change subject to being completely wrong but for me and my own we are going to seek to be a part of our local community establish our micro community and do everything in our power to establish micro rule of law and the time between regular rule law comes back I wish you all the best you're my prayers if and when this happen I hope it never does and I hope this gives you some type of guidance in that awful situation signing off from the bunker this is nutnfancy thanks so much
Channel: nutnfancy
Views: 318,007
Rating: 4.7610765 out of 5
Keywords: bug out kit, how to build survival kit, disaster preparedness, best bugout vehicle, volcanic eruptions, prepare natural disasters, dayhike, camping, wrol, shtf scenarios, best bugout gun, economic collapse, bushcrafting, survival skills, how to build fire, tsunami, 72 hour kit build, how to survive wrol, shtf preparation, societal collapse, gold standard, don't hasten the day, neighborhood patrols, tactically squared away
Id: Eg0clg2-kZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 49sec (4549 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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