Survival Tips That Could Save Your Life

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[Music] we like to think that we are masters over our world after all think of all the impressive advances and knowledge that we have accumulated over the years nonetheless the world can be a dangerous place at times from the power of Mother Nature to dangerous situations created by ourselves knowing even a few survival tips can come in handy should certain situations ever arise these following tips aren't guaranteed to save your life but they will definitely improve your odds of pulling through should you face an array of life-threatening situations of course what would a survival tip video be without a related quiz to test your knowledge be prepared to answer because we'll ask you during the video until then pack your first-aid kit plan your escape route and let us know you're ready by hitting that subscribe button and activating the notifications hypothermia we learned from a very young age to be careful around water we know you shouldn't go swimming alone head out in a boat without life preservers or operate a boat while intoxicated it's all actually pretty straightforward that said every year people have accidents and lose their lives in water related incidents yet from the kids swimming in that pond to those passengers on the ill-fated Titanic there are tips that can increase your odds of survival if you find yourself in the middle of a vast ocean or lake with no land in sight it's best to stay put in 50 degree water experts give you in the neighborhood of two hours to survive this starts to drop if you decide to go full on Michael Phelps and swim for safety you see by swimming you're not only exerting precious energy but moving the blood around your body which cools it quickly to double your life expectancy in this situation tuck your body up with your knees and arms pulled in this will conserve heat and slow the onset of hypothermia if you're in a group huddle together as there is definitely strength in numbers Universal edibility test nature provides a bounty of delicious foods that we eat every day from bananas to apples to potatoes there's a lot of good stuff that grows in nature unfortunately if you ever find yourself lost in the wilderness nature doesn't tend to have random apple orchards or carrot patches growing all over the place instead you'll find yourself eyeing up those strange red berries and wondering if you should eat them or not the solution to this dilemma is the universal edibility test developed by survival experts this involves a rather slow process but it can be the difference between life and death first break the plant down into its various parts including stem leaves roots and berries give it a smell because a bad odor can be a warning sign then touch the plant to your wrist or elbow for a few minutes if there's no rash irritation or burning then move on to the next phase this involves touching a small piece of it to your lips if it burns or itches obviously stop if not put it in your mouth chew it a little and wait for about 15 minutes again if it tastes bad then spit it out otherwise swallow and wait for several hours yes several hours once that time passes with no ill effects then you know that that plant is safe to eat we told you it was a long process bears every day people all over the world have run-ins with bears after all just look around the internet you find all sorts of videos and stories about these furry beasts swimming in people's pools and rummaging about through their trash but on a serious note actually having a confrontation with a bear out in the wild can be a terrifying and dangerous experience people do lose their lives or get horribly injured when they suffer a bad encounter there are ways to survive these encounters first if it's a polar bear - good luck these guys are expert hunters and track their meals relentlessly however if we're talking about a grizzly bear or a black bear your odds are significantly better be sure to travel in groups make noise as you hike and keep an eye out for any bears in the area should you stumble across an angry bear that approaches don't panic if it's a grizzly bear make sure you don't run because that fires up their prey instinct if the bear approaches this is when you should play dead and cover your neck and face if it's a black bear on the other hand don't play dead experts say to make a lot of noise and make yourself look big if the bear attacks don't run but stand and fight using anything and everything as a weapon plane crash you've likely heard the often cited line that air travel is safer than driving in a car we won't bore you with statistics on that but you should just know that this is true nonetheless when a plane crashes we hear about it and because it often involves any fatalities and injuries after all a massive metal tube filled with people and crashing at high speed is hardly an environment for survival yet there are things you can do to improve your chances of surviving first don't just know that there are emergency doors a few rows up from your seat know exactly how many rows away the emergency exits are because in the dark or a smoke-filled cabin your sense of touch can be a huge help second and related to our first point try to sit within six rows of an exit studies have shown that people in these areas have higher survival rates than those sitting farther away finally don't fly first-class studies show that the first several rows on a jetliner have incredibly low rates of survival in a crash the safest place statistically you are more likely to live if you're seated in the tail car in water anyone who has ever lost control of their car knows that the feeling of helplessness can be terrifying this can be made even worse if the car ends up going into deep water despite being well built modern cars were not meant to stay floating on water for any length of time this means you have a short period to act quickly and get yourself out before potentially drowning don't bother trying to open the door because the pressure will be too much experts say the very first thing you should do is unbuckle yourself and try to get the windows open if this is impossible look to break or dislodge the window many cars have removable headrests and the metal supports are handy for popping the glass out of the sill or even breaking it if this is impossible then you could also wait for the car to fill which then makes opening the doors possible this is rather dangerous because it will require you to hold your breath while the interior fills of course through all of this you must try to stay as calm and composed as possible as that will only improve your odds of thinking straight and getting out alive alright time for our survival quiz Mount Everest is considered the standard when it comes to climbing mountains do you know approximately how many people have lost their lives trying to conquer this legendary peak will tell you at the end of our video tornado every year tornadoes ripped through the United States affecting dozens if not hundreds of people with high winds and ominous funnel cloud and sounding like a freight train it's incredible anyone can survive being in its path yet tornado researchers say that there are some rather easy tips you can follow to improve your chances for survival if you're in a house go to the basement or get to an interior room that puts as much space as possible between you and the outside this will increase your survival against the deadliest aspect of any tornado flying debris in fact if you have one handy put on a hard hat or helmet to protect your head also don't open the windows because this can actually make it easier for a tornado to rip the roof off of your house if you're in a car and can't get out of the way get out of your car and seek shelter in a nearby building or even a ditch never hide under a highway overpass as it actually turns into a bit of a wind tunnel increasing your chances of getting injured of course the tornado you are facing is full of sharks then what you have there is a full-on sharknado unfortunately we have no survival tips for you there sorry armed confrontation thankfully many of us will never be involved in an armed confrontation such as a robbery that said it does happen from time to time and if you ever find yourself on the wrong end of a gun there are ways to improve your chances of getting out alive if you're ever robbed at gunpoint authorities have some general tips that can improve your odds of survival first try to stay calm talk to the robber in a calm voice and keep from making direct eye contact because this can be seen as a threat while facing a gun can be intimidating you need to remember that if the robber was going to harm you that they would have done that right off the bat that said be sure to talk out what you are doing to the robber like I'm just reaching for my wallet in my back pocket this will help keep an already nervous gunman calm and lessen the chance of you getting shot finally experts say to not try to be a hero in these situations watches jewelry and money can be replaced you can't naturally since every confrontation is a little different these survival tips won't always apply in every instance riptides who doesn't love heading down to the beach on a warm sunny day to do a little swimming and catch some rays as we've already mentioned water can be very dangerous if you aren't smart about how you approach it but this is a beach with lifeguards and lots of people and a gradual slope into the water what could possibly go wrong well rip tides could ruin your day these powerful and fast-moving currents have been known to pull people far out in the water and resulted in the drowning of more than a few tired swimmers even expert swimmers report having nearly drowned in a Riptide so how can you survive one first off if you find yourself getting pulled away from the shore don't try and swim against the current in most cases it's pointless some studies have suggested that you should just ride out the current because it could actually end up bringing you back into Shore if you don't fight it ultimately however most studies agree that the best thing to do if you think you're caught in a Riptide is to swim parallel to the shore line until you escape its grip let's hope you never need to try this zip tie escape today when police or Special Forces apprehend someone they usually bind their hands together with zip ties sure handcuffs still get used but more often than not these plastic or vinyl strips are used as restraints because they are lighter and you can carry quite a few at once this also means that the bad guys tend to use zip ties if they're abducting someone or taking hostages if you're the son or daughter of some high-ranking VIP and you've been abducted and held for ransom we do have one zip tie trick that could help you out a bit while your hands are tied together keep in mind this simple trick for breaking your bonds raise your hands above your head and bring them down forcefully in front of you as your elbows swing past your hips the zip ties will break sorry we don't have any tips on how to escape that hidden layer though on a more serious note this method of breaking free only works for some types of ties as there are no doubt thicker and sturdier brands in use here's hoping the bad guys picked up the standard zip ties from Home Depot zombies when we said we had survival tips for all situations we meant all situations for those of you who think a zombie outbreak is unlikely that's fine while the zombies eat you it'll give the rest of us time to get away in terms of survival there are two main methods sit tight or stay on the move for option 1 refer to our videos on zombie proof homes as these will provide some of the most secure home fortresses when it comes to waiting out the hordes of walkers for the rest of you the tips are actually pretty simple first there's strength in numbers so never go anywhere alone because you'll have no one to help you out of a sticky situation second keep tabs on logistics this means everything from food and ammunition to medical supplies and communications equipment running short on any of these can lessen your chances as you travel through the country finally never get complacent always know potential escape routes and rallying points should your group get separated from one another oh and if you ever cross paths with anyone who calls themselves the governor maybe just head in the opposite direction okay so do you know approximately how many people have paid the ultimate price trying to conquer Mount Everest the answer nearly 290 that's right since the 1920s around 290 climbers and guides have failed to make it to the peak and back alive no wonder this mountain has the reputation that it does so that's the end of our Survival Guide video as you can see it's a pretty dangerous place out there perhaps you should just stay inside and maybe take in a few more videos from the richest we've got a lot more when it comes to people surviving incredible situations well you check those out we'll check the house for bears and zombies until next time bye bye for now
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 2,000,864
Rating: 4.8303723 out of 5
Keywords: tips, tricks, survival, life hacks, lifehacks, save your life
Id: DIRnaDwrA7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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