10 Things I Hate About India! 🇮🇳

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jaybo Leakey from Varanasi all right so I think it comes across well in my videos that I love India but today I want to talk about the things that annoy me about India the things that I dislike about India so all right as I take this river boat down the river Ganges I'm going to discuss with you the ten things i hate about India let's do it okay the first thing number ten that I dislike about India is a thing that every tourist has to do before they even come to India and that is fill in the online visa application form for the e-visa India is famous for its tech for its IT for people who who understand computers so well programmers they work all over the world and yet the Indian a visa online system is the most convoluted the most complicated the most user unfriendly system I've ever used online it doesn't work half the time you try to upload your passport page it doesn't work it rejects it it doesn't work on an Safari only works on Chrome you try and pay it says your payment was rejected it's so frustrating that I can imagine a lot of tourists who come for the first time or who want to come to the first time just think you know what forget it I'll go somewhere else the Indian government the tourist Authority or whoever is in charge of the Eevee's online processing system has to sort out it is farcical is the most frustrating website I've ever used so number 10 worst thing about India things I hate about India is the online a visa website it is terrible number nine on things I hate about India is people who don't respect beauty spots you'll be driving up somewhere in Himachal Pradesh up in the mountains and people will just be throwing their litter everywhere you know they'll finish a carton of cigarettes or a packet of cigarettes I'll throw it on the floor now drink a bottle they'll throw it on the floor litter is kind of the government's problem here but at least in a you see spots like take it with you you know like you come you travel all this way to a mountain pass and Himachal Pradesh or in the dark or in Kashmir and you just litter you throw your litter there people have to respect the country a little bit more so yeah the litter at beauty spots is number 9 of things I hate about India number 8 on things I hate about India is tourists touts now you only really get them in cities like Varanasi or in pushkar or inner in places where tourists go maybe in Goa and what they do is this the reason why I hate them is because they come up to you in a fake way and they'll say hey where you from oh wow do you like my city what do you think about India and you think that they're a genuine person they're interested in you interest in your opinion about their country and so you stop and you talk to them and you engage them in conversation and then they hit you at the hey come to my shop and you like our man that's why you stopped me not because you were interested in me in any way or my what I think about India but you just want to get me into your shop to buy some bloody Kashmir a pashmina or something so tourists house people who are fake and come up to you and only want to chat to you to get what they can out of you that's number eight number seven of things I hate about India is Vodafone I got a SIM card my first arrived and every two bloody minutes Vodafone send me a SMS message from some company or something I mean I'm trying to do something on my phone and one SMS will come and then I'll switch it off and thirty seconds late or another one and thirty seconds later another one it's like come on guys are you serious sometimes I can't use my phone because there are a number of SMS messages that I receiving from Vodafone also their internet is terrible if you're coming to India don't get a Vodafone SIM card do some other one because their 4G hardly ever works it'll come on for a minute disappear for half an hour so Vodafone SIM cards things I hate about India number six on things I hate about India people spitting on me yesterday here in Varanasi iris pass on three times twice on my shoes and once on my arm people don't look they just it's so natural for them just to spit in the street either they're spitting out some palm juice or just spitting and he like it hits you and they normally say oh sorry but it's like too late man you just put your spit on me you know so people who is specie if you want to spit bloody do it like with some decorum do it like in the gutter or something I'll have a look first and make sure that no one's walking past you you'll be walking past the entranceway to a shop and someone's thinking their shop and they'll spits out and it'll hit you it's disgusting so spitting list of things I hate about India okay number five things I hate about India the mosques and what I mean by that is the call to prayer at five o'clock in the morning I'll be lying asleep in my guest house and suddenly I'm woken up by Allah Akbar and I'm like dude it's five o'clock in the morning so when you get hotel in India never get one anywhere near a mosque because you will be woken up it seems to me as it would be inconsiderate that everyone has to suffer just because some people need a reminder to go to the mosque I mean it's like me knocking on someone's door at 4:00 in the morning and saying I come to the church you'd be like what the hell dude so yeah the mosques and their call to prayer at 5:00 in the morning on things I hate about India number four on things I hate about India other tourists I don't know what it is with tourists who come to India but India such an amazing place it's so interesting so fascinate it so colorful the people are so friendly now going and yet tourists when you see them ninety-nine percent of them they don't talk to the locals they keep their heads down they stay in groups you know the Israelis stick together the French stick together you know the the Germans stick together and it's like people why you here what I mean what are you doing you're just sitting in your cafes eating your banana pancakes you know terrified to go out terrify to talk to Indian people it's like you're the most miserable bunch of people India spectacular dive in it's not a battle it's an adventure dive into it and enjoy it meet people laugh smile when you walk around but the amount of tourists I see who have face like smacked asses you know as I do why are you here you seem to be having such a shitty time but you go somewhere else so yes our number four is are the tourists smile people number three on things I hate about India people who have some power ie people with uniforms whether that be people like immigration officers at the airport policemen security guards whoever it is it seems once you put a man in a uniform in India they seem to become very proud and what I like treat you like you're a piece of dirt basically you know they don't know how to act professionally now not all people of course I'm exaggerating but the only ever time I have like some problems in India with people is when you have a uniform on and for some reason as soon as they get a uniform they feel like they can talk to you like you're nothing you know policeman shouts at you if they don't want you to film somewhere instead of saying excuse me no filming they start screaming at you don't feel me no filled with hate and you're like whoa just asked me nicely you know in the airport the same thing happened to me Airport staff running out and screaming at me because I haven't had my camera in my hands you know instead of saying are you filming and I wasn't they start screaming at me you know like hey what you doing how dare you filming I'm like mice are better I'm see yeah I'm not filming yeah problem Hannah so yeah people in uniforms here seem to love the power and seem to like to use that power over other people so yeah so people in uniforms things I hate about India number two on things I hate about India is this noise now there's a certain noise that I don't like here and you hear it everywhere you'll be having a nice meal in a nice restaurant or you'll be walking down the street or sitting in a cafe and suddenly you're here I can't even do it but basically people get inflamed of their throat I don't know why it's such a common sound in England I never hear it anywhere else in Russia where I traveled I never hear it but here in India and they get this phlegm and they spit it out or they don't spit it out yesterday I was in a cafe here in a restaurant rather and the waiter he was waiting for me to take my order and suddenly his room and got all this phlegm out of his throat and I might my sob you yeah I mean have a little bit respect dude you know but that is the sound of India people clearing their throats so that is number two it's such a disgusting sound by hearing all the time that is number two on things I hate about India okay finally number one the thing I hate most about India it's so bloody addictive it's such a fascinating place you meet more interesting people in an hour in India than you meet in a lifetime in England you know there's such open people that there's so um they're so out there they're not afraid to show their personalities you know and that means the reason I hate that is because I just want to keep coming back and back and back and spending all my money on flights and visas and coming to India it's such a big world there are so many places I should be exploring but because India is so addictive I keep coming back here so yeah that's the number one thing about India that I dislike it's so amazing I wish it was less amazing and then maybe I'd have time or you know a desire to go to other places I'm always coming to India so that's it guys those are the ten things that I hate about India share your views in the comments and tell me what you hate about India all right guys Jai Balaji from Varanasi theater Mulenga
Channel: bald and bankrupt
Views: 2,549,729
Rating: 4.6059451 out of 5
Keywords: india, ten things i hate, top ten, karl rock, hindi
Id: 79QlmltqDyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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