14 Tricks to Survive a Life-Or-Death Situation

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[Music] 14 tricks that will help you survive a life-or-death situation we hope you will never run into a rabid dog or a venomous snake get lost on the high seas or wander through the hot desert but if you ever find yourself in any of those situations it is better to know what you should do after all you only have a less than 10 percent chance to survive Brightside will share some tricks to be ready for literally anything are you ready for a survival course and give us a thumbs up and let's start number 14 if you are in the open sea imagine this you are in a lifeboat in the open sea the waves are raging all around you and there is no rescue crew to be seen just yet what should you do three things will help you survive in this huge basin of salt water food water and the right body temperature 1 there is food in the ocean but you will have to hunt after it in 1942 an English sailor managed to survive at sea for 133 days because he built a fishing rod from flashlight wires if you have any suitable materials do the same if you don't have anything at hand make an act from a piece of clothing dip it in the water to catch plankton and algae - to get water make a distiller it consists of two containers large and small and a piece of polyethylene water from the large container will evaporate stay on the polyethylene and accumulate in the small container 3 you are more likely to die from a heat stroke than from hunger moreover the Sun reflects from the water and harms the retina of your I use some of your clothes to cover your head and eyes number 13 if you get lost in a desert a desert is not nearly as romantic as it is shown in adventure movies when you get lost there try to move around at night when it gets dark the temperature can drop from 120 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit if you move around at night you greatly reduce the risk of dehydration and heatstroke these tactics will help you to save up to a gallon of water per day many people believe that cacti can be a source of water in fact there is a toxic alkaline liquid inside the cacti and it could poison you a good source of drinking water in the desert is underground Springs number 12 if you are trapped under a building or in a cave if you get trapped in debris the air becomes your most valuable resource that's why it is very important to know how not to waste it inhale deeply exhale slowly do not like matches or a lighter it will take away priceless oxygen do not shout screaming will make you panic even worse quicken your breathing and heartbeat and speed the air flow you don't want to lose any extra oxygen remember take off your shirt or t-shirt and tie it around your head it will protect you from suffocation when dust and dirt get in your face number 11 if you run into a wolf or a stray dog wolves often attack those who trespass on their territory if the wolf noticed you slowly step back maintaining eye contact do not turn your back on it and do not run a lone wolf will not attack you from the front if you start running away you will only provoke him to chase you to scare off a wild beast as much noise as possible and get aggressive shout if you happen to run into a pack of wolves or stray dogs do not let them surround you lean against a tree or try to climb it number 10 make waterproof matches fire is essential to survive in any weather and any climate your matches or lighter can get wet so it's a good idea to make them waterproof beforehand to do this simply cover the match with a thin layer of clear nail polish and dry it wax will also do it number 9 if you are bitten by a venomous snake a bite of a venomous snake is easy to identify the affected area of your body will start to hurt a lot immediately after the bite the blood color can change to maroon or even blue there will also be severe swelling and other symptoms a headache blurred vision stuttering nausea fever what you should do doctors do not recommend trying to suck out the poison since you might have little wounds in your mouth and the poison can get into your blood through them however if you are far away from the hospital that's the only thing you can do suck out the poison 1 to 2 seconds after the bite constantly spitting and rinsing your mouth do not make a tourniquet or press onto the bite if the poison is concentrated in one place it will cause tissue necrosis let the blood flow out a good part of the poison will go with it number eight how to tell if you were bitten by a rabid animal if you were bitten immediately wash the wound with warm water and soap even if the animal did not have rabies bites could easily give you an infection that animal who has rabies will leave a wound that will bleed for a long time then it will turn red and swell then you will feel a strong itch get a fever and feel very annoyed rabies runs for four to seven days and leads to death that's why it is so important to see a doctor and get the vaccine during the incubation period which lasts one to three days number seven how to properly signal SOS [Music] SOS is more than a Rihanna song if you are in trouble and with no communication tools it will be very useful to know how to properly signal SOS a distress signal over a long distance SOS signal looks and sounds like this three short light flashes or sounds then three long ones and three short ones again wait for three seconds after the signal then repeat it if you receive three light flashes or three whistles in response it means the rescue team is on its way to you number six learn how to stitch up all kinds of wounds stitching up wounds is a practical skill you should learn to become someone Savior one day if you do it properly it will help to stop the bleeding close a large wound prevent infection from spreading and thus to save someone's life therefore it is one of the most useful skills in an emergency situation number five a rescue capsule that will save your life the rescue capsule contains the most necessary items that will help you warm up find yourself some food and water and provide first aid and it takes very little space take a small jar for example an empty pill bottle and fill it with the following items some matches an adhesive plaster a piece of foil a blade a fishing hook an antibiotic pill a small candle a string or a fishing line a piece of adhesive tape and then antiseptic napkin this capsule could save your life one day number four stay afloat with bound or damaged hands retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson described a staying flow technique in his book here is what you should do to not drown if you find yourself underwater or in the raging sea with bound or damaged hands the most important thing is to control your breathing do not panic and try to breathe normally inhale deeply exhale rapidly if you are not very deep underwater try diving and jumping moving to the shore if you are swimming on your stomach bend your back so that you can lift your head above the water if you are in a stormy sea turn your body over to take a deep breath and continue swimming to the shore number three how to set a wet tree on fire this technique of starting a fire is called a Swedish fire log set the log vertically make a star-shaped incision as deep as possible put some splinters and dry grass inside the log and set it on fire if you set the log on fire in this way it will start burning quickly and last from two to five hours regardless of size dryness and wood type by the way you can find another technique of starting a fire when you are in trouble in another video we shared here is a link to it number two how to shoot properly right side is strongly against the use of weapons however in some life-threatening situations you just have to protect yourself that's why it is important to know how to properly aim and pull on the trigger if you got a weapon in your hands when you are pulling the trigger it must be exactly in the middle of the index finger pad before you shoot breathe slowly and evenly number one fish trap at night fish come close to the shore or in shallow water in search of food if you are lost it is useful to know how to build a fish trap to get yourself some food the funnel trap is built from stones and poles during the night a lot of fish swim in the funnel and it is difficult to get out of it to remove the fish completely cover the outlet and shake the water you can even fish with your bare hands with such a trap if you found this video useful let us know by hitting the like button if it gets 50,000 likes we'll share some more videos with survival tips everyone should know subscribe to our channel to be the first to see our updates join us on the bright side
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Keywords: tips that could save life, life hacks, dangerous situations, survival rules, how to survive, survival tactics, survival hacks, safety video, how to save a life, extreme conditions, safety hacks, safety tips, first aid kit, open sea, lost in a desert, venomous snake, snake attack, wild animal attack, wolf attack, stray dog, dog attack, wounds, start a fire, bright side, brightside, bright side videos
Id: xT5YXIiHN40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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