ER Doctor REACTS to Red Dead Redemption 2 | Experts React

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[Music] oh my gosh that guy just got stabbed in the back you're not gonna die that fast from that obviously there's tuberculosis potentially in it at this error if you're coughing in somebody's face it really takes actually a small amount of virus to actually infect another human being with it when you basically have decreased blood flow to any tissue it becomes necrotic the decaying process occurs minutes after somebody dies [Applause] hey dr jordan wagner here board certified emergency medicine physician today we're going to check out red dead redemption 2 video game that takes place in 1899 there's going to be some tuberculosis in there some people getting killed some decaying bodies let's check it out all right well this video game is taking place in the late 1800s right so there were vaccines that were already made at that point kind of smallpox was one of them there are some medicines like aspirin was found as well as cocaine and anesthetic but that's pretty much about it and now this guy's punching the other person blood flying everywhere they didn't know at this point in history about chemical disease of like how it's transmitted that sort of thing they pretty much would just do bloodletting as treatment for everything because they just didn't have anything so if they just got rid of somebody's blood then somehow they got better or reduced fevers because they just didn't have any way to respond so to speak a lot of this video game there's tuberculosis potentially in it at this error and the guy's coughing in his face and what we'll talk about is that tuberculosis or tb is airborne and so you can get your droplets but it's it's an airborne disease so if you're coughing in somebody's face it really takes actually a small amount of virus to actually infect another human being with it what's wrong i mean oh sweet is that a doctor's office with an eye chart oh he's been coughing coughing up some blood that's not good breathe listening with an old school stethoscope at least we have better ones now he looks kind of in bad shape he's sweating a lot probably got a fever i don't know if they had tongue depressors like that back then but he's looking at the back of his throat make sure it doesn't have any pus or redness in the back of the throat to diagnose tuberculosis basically it's clinically or like symptomatic so if somebody has fever night sweats basically sweating in the middle of the night dry cough and then also weight loss typically symptoms actually take a long time to come out because the virus has to replicate more sometimes we can do chest x-rays later phase and c obviously back in this time they don't have chest x-rays back then if this guy got tuberculosis and it's active there's a high mortality rate because there's not much treatment so not sure what he's injecting with this syringe but the typical treatment is actually four antibiotics isoniazide ethane butyl iron cinnamide we don't use these very often and streptomycin which isn't used as much so they're not wearing masks not wearing gloves these things didn't occur until mid 20th century at most they found doctors would be smoking in the amphitheater basically that's where they would do surgeries with everybody in the room watching very minimally protecting themselves not until later that they understand how infections worked to realize oh no we're actually causing infection to these individuals masks and gloves are typically worn to protect the patient not necessarily protect the doctor because we're bouncing from patient to patient and we don't want to keep spreading whatever another person has to a healthy individual and vice versa [Music] the guy looks pretty sick and he's probably spreading his virus everywhere having this conversation with this guy and obviously here he's having trouble breathing in the end most of the time about 85 percent tuberculosis affects your lungs but it can manifest anywhere your eyes skin a lot of different places so obviously this guy's skin looks a little jacked up so he has a little bit of what's called cutaneous manifestations of tuberculosis but you also have to realize active tuberculosis could take a long time to actually kill you but that gives you a lot of time to spread the virus as well [Music] it's a lung infection almost like a pneumonia it forms these complexes in your lungs called gone complexes and they're these caseiating granulomas basically a ball of encapsulated infection and bacteria that then becomes necrotic and like liquidy on the inside and so it's kind of eating away your lung tissue and making holes in it with him he just had trouble breathing eventually go down and die from this oh nice shot to the neck that's actually pretty realistic you can get shot in the neck and obviously you're bleeding out because it probably hit one of the major vessels of the neck but you're still going and it's smart for this guy to try to get away not exactly sure why he fell to the ground he's scared but this is kind of more realistic than a lot of the other video games i've seen in the sense of it takes a little bit of struggle and uncomfortability as this guy looked really uncomfortable getting shot and bleeding out you're too old to be this drunk nice same with this guy getting shot in the front of his neck it looks like and bleeding out you got a pool of blood coming out underneath but the interesting thing is this is our most likely if you're going to bleed out and die it's going to be arterial blood right so that's bright red blood versus venous blood blood from your veins which is actually just a darker red we're always taught like oxygenated blood in our arteries is red and deoxygenated blood and our veins is blue in reality it's just a different tinge of redness so it takes a little bit for these guys to to die after getting a single shot to the neck and back then these bullets were just these round bullets but they caused the same type of damage that our current bullets have these individuals will take a little bit of time to die after getting shot and obviously we saw that with these examples oh okay a nice knife attack sliced up on that right side of his carotid artery and bleeding out same with this guy he's got another slice at least he knows to kill somebody to hit him in the jugular right hit him in the carotid artery so for these individuals dies super fast he's definitely getting the artery and you can see the big spirit of blood that comes out obviously it's going to spray and it's going to continue to spray until the heart actually stops it's not going to just spray once and be done the heart continues to pump until you actually die so it's going to be pumping out a pretty good distance too if it's open versus compressed down i think i just got stabbed in the back you're not going to die that fast from that obviously you're going to cause a pneumothorax or something called a hemothorax where you can have a pneumohemothorax basically a pneumothorax is when there's air outside the lung that's compressing it down due to a puncture so the air is leaking out of your lung or obviously hemothorax is when you have blood that's pouring out into that space that is now created because of the injury and the combo of the two it's called the hemo pneumothorax old-school treatment of tuberculosis at one point was actually to cause a pneumothorax to collapse the lung that has that disgusting gross gone complex that i talked about before to be able to let that lung kind of try to heal itself obviously now we don't do that we have antibiotics that can treat it but that was one of the ways that they thought might be helpful and at some point the lung would potentially heal itself and then re-expand oh okay shot in the back of the head shot in the face so those are two different type of wounds right there obviously right so one straight to the back of the head small entrance food you can have a big exit wound i've seen a lot of people get a single shot to the head and if you're a healthy individual your body's still living and you're potentially depending on where you got shot you could still survive sometimes you can die instantaneously depending on what's hit basically if it's the middle of the brain versus like any side tissue and then the other individual took a shot below the jaw and up and i've seen a lot of people survive that as well it all depends where the bullet ends up not necessarily the entrance but where where it's traveling to same idea okay so we got cracked in the head concussion skull fracture facial fractures and then basically taking one to two shots in the face i've seen people where their whole faces are coming apart but their brains are fine and they're still alive and after multiple plastic surgeries and control things they live a normal life with some scarring ouch so close range bullets obviously you're going to get burns from the gun powder going into the person's face as well but obviously this person doesn't need to worry about that because they're dead same idea this character is shooting up into the face broken jaws different muscles blood vessels underneath and then there's more bones going up so you actually have the basal skull basically on the bottom of where your brain is so it's protecting on the underside too so there's kind of bone surrounding the whole part of your brain gosh okay uh close range of an impaled object right into the guy's face again just like a bullet it's hitting a track with a bow and an arrow basically you're gonna have a direct path right it doesn't bend inside somebody and this guy's using it as a impaling object right to the upper back there going down into the lungs this individual hemo pneumothorax but you also have a lot of blood vessels high up that are protected by your clavicle and your your ribs up high your subclavian arteries so if you get hit those you can bleed out pretty impressively too on that side we actually use that blood vessel as one of the big iv central lines if somebody is potentially dying and needs a lot of blood or at least a lot of medications oh man so these point-blank arrow shots right to the face will cause very similar damage as a bullet the bullet obviously has more velocity typically so it's going to kind of expand more the injuries that occur are very similar in the sense of the what you're destroying is within that path so bullets can bounce around versus an arrow going straight through getting trauma by the butt end of a rifle if you have enough force obviously you can cause internal bleeding in your brain those can cause death it wouldn't happen as fast if you can snap somebody's neck same thing decrease their ability to breathe or stop their ability to breathe so again that's how you kill somebody more trauma so they're just using this huge rifle shotgun to just cause a ton of trauma and it's more likely with this type of object than say your fist right because it's harder and you can potentially have more momentum to be able to cause more injuries when somebody gets hit on the temple so you're actually saying the side of the head there's a blood vessel on the side of your head called your middle meningeal artery if that ruptures or breaks it causes what's called an epidural hematoma and so it's a specific type of bleeding on the side of your head that's a lens and actually can cause you to pass out and then you wake up you feel fine and then hours later somebody finds you dead and it's just because you're getting so much pressure onto the brain it causes herniation oh okay the stundum and then an injury to the abdomen and obviously you're gonna blow up the organs you're gonna kind of rupture it through this looks like a shotgun so it's gonna kind of spread out obviously that close range is not gonna spread out that far so it's gonna cause more of a massive hole so it depends on what organ is hit and you always worry about your big aorta with your blood vessels because you'd have death this quickly but you destroy the intestines now you've got fecal matter all in the inside of your abdomen which then will cause infection and back in the day there's no antibiotics you get an infection from e coli which is in our intestines you're gonna die but you're not gonna die until a couple weeks later shotgun to the head ton of force that's just messed up hitting that low causes explosion just because the amount of force the amount of pellets gunpowder all that stuff so these guys are just getting destroyed getting hit by shotguns at point-blank range and so it doesn't even get a chance to disperse it just comes all out at once oh my gosh so taking off this guy's head that's horrible i've never seen someone's head exploded off from a shotgun or any type of bullet injury but at this close range i can imagine with that amount of gunpowder and bullets in there you could potentially cause this type of horrible damage oh so okay we got a dead body on the ground not sure exactly how long the body has been there dried blood there's a couple bullet holes you don't see like seeping blood out so it's probably been here for a little while but not so long right so a decaying body when you die you basically get something called lividity basically where there's pooling of blood to the dependent parts of your body to the ground so you can also have this lacy appearance to the skin and then over time you have all this bacteria in our bodies that then start forming gas it's going to get huge and bloat and then all of a sudden the body is just going to release it on its own through a hole versus you know basically the body being eaten through and it just pops out so you can see here all this looks like rotting tissue on the outside so when you basically have decreased blood flow to any tissue it becomes necrotic and it starts to turn from you know normal pink tissue to black basically and just rotting tissue same if you ever left meat out same idea it just rots away so obviously there's some birds eating this dead tissue and you're just going to eat it until it becomes even worse and not edible liquid because they don't want to eat the bacteria either i don't know sure if the bird died from eating the dead person or somebody shot the bird but you can see here look even the the hand has turned a different color it's green it's dark versus the kind of more pinkish red tissue these are bloated people so these people recently died the decaying process occurs minutes after somebody dies oh good god quickly bring him in here all right we're at the doctor's inn this looks like just got to roll up the sleeves obviously i don't know if they have gloves or not hopefully maybe some rubber gloves or cloths or stuff but this guy's got a bad arm injury just saw you fall out of the saddle don't worry you're at the doctor when in doubt you're okay you're at the doctor's office so obviously he's not wearing any gloves and he's got blood everywhere the biggest thing we always worry about is communicable blood diseases and like hiv didn't occur or wasn't around at this point in history we didn't know there's a lot of things we didn't know at this point i have to amputate what what did you say try to breathe so the guy's in a lot of pain who's got the meds for injection at this point in history you have anesthesia with the coca plant cocaine right and cocaine is an anesthetic so you can numb it up it doesn't have antibiotics sorry it's come to this and now he's using a saw to chop off his arm so as i thought there's not much treatment back in the day and this is pretty brutal and grotesque with that amount of injection of anesthesia this guy's going to feel this there are multiple nerves that are going into this area oh my gosh this is horrible to be able to to numb this area there's major nerves coming through the brachial plexus all the way down the arm and a little injection into the bicep area wouldn't cause anesthesia for this whole arm i mean he's using a decent saw it's probably not the sharpest in the world but it looks like he made a perfect cut so obviously it's going to be a little bit more jagged and rough the major issue when you actually do an amputation is bleeding out so he put a small tourniquet on the arm which could decrease the flow of blood but you actually need to either cauterize or tie off the blood vessels so you can do that with any type of string back then you have a higher risk of infection in this era where do you put the severed limb trash can is what happened in this office some people probably want to bury it you don't want to put it in a jar to preserve it that's kind of weird but you see it in movies all the time where things are preserved in jars nowadays it actually goes into a biohazard waste container and then taken to kind of be destroyed in the biohazard tissue kind of blood area i don't get to see that area of the hospital hanging upside down yep upside down hanging by his feet a lot of blood rushing to the head can be a little disorienting your head's not going to pop if you're hanging upside down for an extended period of time because your body's pumping blood all right oh okay that's uh to fall no problem it's going gonna cause a little bit of pain but nothing long standing and now he's basically burning the blade or the knife that he's using which is basically sterilizing it right so we use we have alcohol we have betadine we have all these other things but you can burn off all the bacteria and viral particles stabbing himself kind of non specifically into the shoulder obviously i'm not exactly sure what he's trying to fix but i actually seen this in rainbow too right where he put some gun powder in a wound you're going to light it so it basically makes a small fire and basically the reason why you're doing this is you're cauterizing your blood vessels and kind of sealing off the wounds probably hurts like hell wow a lot of cool things in this game to unpack i love the fact that they discussed tuberculosis and different types of treatments and what they had to do back in 1899 also the way that the bodies decayed and people were killed very interesting to watch check out more react videos on gameology youtube and facebook space is pretty jacked up already for just getting a couple punches you can have some bruising like that but you wouldn't necessarily get much to get a nice little laceration to his nose trying to make it out of nothing
Channel: Gamology
Views: 1,934,746
Rating: 4.947866 out of 5
Keywords: experts react, er doctor reacts, red dead redemption 2, arthur contract tb, arthur gets diagnosed with tb, red dead redemption 2 neck shots, knife attacks red dead redemption 2, shotgun and rifle, rdr 2 pistol, arm amputation rdr2, red dead redemption 2 decaying npc body, cowboy video games, playstation 5, wild west games, video game injuries doctor, third person video games, rockstar games, saddest scene in video games, self healing, pc gaming, arthur morgan, GAMEXRS3E057
Id: jMa85O-8Zes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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